Previously On NeilsScienceJournal intheTVnarratorvoice
The interestingthingaboutfanof ability is thatyoucanoptimizemaximize Putina f b Pitkin linearfunctional false la and mantiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiti
me as a badminton playernow thereis somerange 0 100 ofmyeffort a measure of testing my limits can I playthebest I am currentlycapable of this alone is a tough task Butalso me considering the space of all possibleskilllevelsof me as a badmintonplayerthroughout time My allout 100 from 12go Neilprobablyonlyequatesto a 50 forpresentNeil Thereexists a space ofall possibleabilities in that I not only wonder howtogoaboutbeingthebestnow but how might I go about maximizing my abilities if I were a proathlete
That is temporarily meaningful One uses the intra skill maximizationonly fff gateway to howdo I become pro howdo I goup a skilllevel
findingthatthe Electricfield is justthederivative of a largerunderlyingstructure equationfullyknowing thatthere is an entirespace of possibilities of infinitelymanyother 4.5 mwh tnee ii i of ae D i i i
This is why Birds can sit on electrical wires
Hy EEHz no absolute sense in whichthe voltage of the wire is high
It is onlyhigh in comparison DVwire Vearth to the earth DavidTong
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In fact it was longthought that Potential inthiscase A staticpotential was merely a fictitious Mathematical toolconcept simplytoaid in the ease of calculationbutdidn'thave any real physics interpretation in reality It was onlyuntil muchlater in 1959thatthiswas founduntruebythelegendary Bohm AharanovExperiment Thatthis potential 1T space of what t.IE EEI If If a 1
Flag b thatI fitscattian
tIfsathmiinaiiire Lffff fifffff fifthff f i É f fÉ f
thinkthe changein Pricewillgoup 70 ordown 40 Youcan
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YIfffnofffnff fluff If still shhh LIP it iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
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market has become more real than the actual tangible assets that they are based on It is extent is controversial e.g iii iniit i.IEiti a
Derivatives Marketestimated worth 1 Quadrillion USD GlobatDp 105trillionsDlOxlwge
Vectorfielddiagramsnever fail to impressmewiththeirbeauty ofrevelation in uncoveringthis secretive underlying layerofreality Differential equations changedmylife I canneverseereality as it is everagain Theplotofbaserealityisalwayscoupled w thisinvisiblelayerof implicitdynamicalarrows Theyshowyounotjustwhere things are butwherethey Edb andhowthey'lltendobe like watching a beachballfloatingon a poolandseeingnotjusttheobjectitself butthewaves whirlpools andeddies whichinfluencewheretheballmightbobaroundwhere it mightgetstuck youplug in a coordinate x y intoa differential eqJf fixy anditspitsoutsomenumber the Hfslopeatthatpoint II ft fte a etc
One can plot an entireinfiniteplaneof arrowsfrom aninfinitechoice ofpossibleinputs revealing an entire landscape Allof what we interactwith is merelythederivatives ofthis hiddenembeddedstrata of reality Potential
One can see that there an infinitenumberof possible solutions that arisefrom choosingdifferentinitial conditions
There are
Bychoosingdifferentstartingpoints following where the arrows take you
3 particularly beautifuloutcomes
1 or S similar starts lead to the same end like a childhoodfriendwhosharesyour upbringing andfindsthemselves in similarcareerpathsandconvergentfatesYouareridingthesamewave
2 S Similarstartslead to differentends The Butterflyeffect Yousharesimilarupbringing butoneminiscule discrepancywasenoughtosendyouworldsapart SharedOriginstory butweremeantfordifferentdestinies
3 S Differentstartsleadto thesameend Whenworldscollide It isas iftheywerebornfrom anotheruniverseandyetsomehowyoumeet Itfeelsalmostas if thecosmicseashavedestinedtosailyouintooneanother
As I'll continue to elucidate it isextraordinarily beautiful how this concept is notrestrictedly a scientificone andhasarguably reachedthepoint ofbeing a philosophicalone ftp.afh Ypfgf Besidesfinancialderivatives OttovonBismarckhadit similarlyaboutGeopolitics Thatittoo isactuallyphilosophy wasmore socentered around Potential thanthatofbaserealityThat it ismoresothe Fnl potentialthreatsandstrategicPremovesthatdrivetheworld'seventsThistooappliesmuchmoregenerallyubiquitously Almostnothingwhichhappens ispurelyspontaneouslyreactionary butreallymostlypremeditatedanticipation Especially theoneswhichseemtotallyreactionary likesportsimpulses whicharetruthfullyalsopredicatedmostlyon anticipationalthoughsubconscious Let's go into some Neurobiology
The conductance speeds even of myelinated axons can only travel so fast as limitedbytheBiophysicsoftheactionpotential I AM
TForbrevity's sake thismeansthattheHumanreactiontimeis 100300ms depending on thetype ofStimuli Visualaudiotouchetc consideringthatittakes
250 150ms dependingonlocation forthesignaltotravel receptor Brainandadd asfastas80ms bctheyneednotbesenttothebrainprocessedatthespinalcordonly Thisalone
É f f ff ff ff yf ffffff ffÉff fff If ff.LY andfurtherthatmostof whatfeels reactionary is merely asurfaceillusionforwhatisreally
it istheirconsciousmindatwork whichalmostguarantees mediocrity anysport butatabletennisbadmintonplayerrecognizes immediatelythattheconsciousmindismerelyapassiveobserver behindtheCurtainsonlyeverinterjectingmomentarilytomake same ear anectionsandstrategicsuggestions airsentmina flowstateariseswhenanoptimalbalanceofconsciousactivityis reached Whenitsitsbackandallowssubconsciousinstinctto playbutremainsawareenoughtohoverbyandintermittentlyju intonchnownicknitorisackhandI
Oftheneuronal concertplannedandfiredbeforethe stimulus butthatthebrainknowstoaccountforthe biophysicallaybyoperating 500msaheadoftime inthe future Andthatthetwosignalsof Perception S Prediction mg yg gygyyggggyqq smashesandtheirsubsequentdefences Wesendoutthe predictiontomeetthesensesratherthanwaitingforthem
Thisnotion of error prediction actuallyeven largelyshapedthe f Strategyofstyle I developed I wasneverthebiggeststrongest
optimizeondeception Myphilosophybeingthatit wasunlikely É ÉnhÉgÉhÉf hi if hug
themnoroutrunthem that'snottheratelimiting pivotthatI ought invest in What I cando istrickthem It doesn'tmatterhowfast
IE i.I i
ountingonthemfalling andtakingadvantageofthosefewrms oflagfromerrorcorrection I wasn'tstrongenoughtooutphysicalizethem notbrilliantenough