Mantenimiento correctivo harware ing

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Maintenance correctivo Maintenance Correctivo programmed: Maintenance Correctivo Critic: Maintenance Correctivo Normal: Maintenance Correctivo Urgent: Maintenance Correctivo Emergent: Maintenance correctio of hardware If the PC reinicia to each while or hangs Some games do not work with the plate of video integrated: The modem does not work: Find the new hardware: Hard disk: It fails, the PC or does not detect the operating system: The team fails and does not reproduce the video: Flatly the PC does not light. MAINTENANCE To THE UNIT OF CD-ROM And HD. Advantages: Disadvantages:

Maintenance Correctivo It is the human activity developed in the physical resources, when to consequence of one fails have left to provide the quality deservicio expected. Likewise, we can divide to the maintenance correctivo in two subtypes, which are: The Maintenance Correctivo Contingent refers to the activities that it is necessary to do in immediate form, been due to that some team that was providing Vital Service has left to do it by any cause and have to act in shape emergent and in the best of the cases under a contingent plan. The Maintenance Correctivo Programmable refers to the activities to develop in the Teams or Machines that were providing a Trivial Service and this although necessary is better to program his attention by economic questions; of this form can paginate these works with the rest of the programs of Maintenance or Preservation, basically, the maintenance correctivo can be defined like the repair of failures that have presented without prior notice. Maintenance Correctivo programmed: it Is the one who effects when it fails it no esurgente, differing of the execution for the most timely moment and with lareparaciรณn more suitable. Maintenance Correctivo Critic: it Is the one who takes place when it fails it is urgent, of the most direct way, in the lower possible time and with the best preparation that allow the circumstances. Maintenance Correctivo Normal: This type applies to the teams that when failing do not affect the security neither the production. Therefore, his repair can be programmed and resolved with the normal resources. Maintenance Correctivo Urgent: it applies to teams that when failing have to be repaired in a reasonable lapse of time to warn a possible unemployment of any area of production or, included, of plant. Maintenance Correctivo Emergent: In this case, makes this type demantenimiento when you fail them that they have taken place in the teams put in danger the security or physical integrity of the personnel, installations, inmediaciones wave suspension of the production.

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Maintenance Correctivo of the Hardware This is the one who makes when a component of the computer damages and happens to repair it or to replace it. This is not the following step of the preventive maintenance, makes independently of the preventive, and his causes can be many, from one fails of factory, or, an oversight with a spill of a liquid or a bad use of the device damaged. This, unlike the preventive does not make partially, makes in the moment in that a piece of the computer fails. The pieces that generally present fail are the hard disks, the sources to be able to, the cards (mother, RAM, video, sound), the Mouse, keyboards and monitors.

You fail them that generally they present the hard disks are by aging or by hits, fits recalcar that the dents in a hard disk are irreparables. The sources to be able to usually present fail to heat this is caused by a bad operation in the fan of the same, this can replace in case that it can not repair. If unfortunately this burns , there is not more solution that change it. Regarding the cards, already was the card mother or a RAM, card of video or sound, present the same fail since all are electronic elements and his fail are caused by magnetisms or an accumulation of dust or a warming inside the cabinet that can damage them. These cards generally when they damage , are irreparables and the only solution is to change them. The monitors do not are used to to present fail that they need to repair, but fail them that it could present are: Excess of dust in the connector, some spill of liquid (monitors VGA), in the monitors LCD are hits or raspaduras in the same. These if they present some dent are irreparables, and some damage in his screen results irreparable, by what the serious solution change them in case of that damage . You fail them that they could to it presents the Mouse (mechanical) are caused by the accumulation of dust in his interior, the solution would be to clean them, but in case that some circuit this truly damaged, happens to change the Mouse. The keyboards are the component of the computer that is more contact withand l user, this would have to cause a number of fail caused by the user, yefectivamente does them, the constant tecleo in the, produces the acumulaciรณnexcesiva of dust in his interior, without mentioning some accident by spill of some clear can damage the keyboard. It is important to have a good use of our computer, no only to have a greater time of use of her, but because this maintenance unlike the preventive can cost more, this depending of the component that wishes replace. The manteamiento or service correctivo make to solve fail operative of hardware, already was in the change or installation of the components. This service has a length of 3 to 5 hours roughly. In which they carry out diverse checkups.

Volver a tabla de contenido 1. If the PC reinicia to each -Verify the operation of cooler microprocessor:

while or hangs

-Also it is possible that this was due to that when we disarm the PC many times force the wires, therefore it is necessary checar that any of the cablecitos find broken or peeled 2. Some games do not work with the plate of video integrated: -Incompatibility between chipset or manufacturer and the game the program wished- is not compatible with platform. Possible solution: it is necessary to add unaplaca of video with better performance 3. The modem does not work: After an electrical storm is possible that burn the modem, is not reliable the diagnose of Windows on the installed modems. 4. Find the new hardware: First it consults the manual to verify that the device estecorrectamente installed. If it is very installed do click in MY PC / PROPERTIES/ ADMINISTRATOR DEDISPOSITIVOS. It finds the device that has the problem. If it raises the flag, use PROPERTIES to see which is the problem, if it does not solve do click in REMOVING and reinicie the team. 5. Hard disk: So prompt like the PC light , have to listen as it turns the engine of the hard disk and the sound of the head reader moving. If the PC of energiza but the hard disk does not give signals of life, fear that ensure us that it is very connected the connector of current to the hard disk treats with another connector even if you have to desconectar another unit. In this case the most likely is that the source this defective 6. It fails, the PC or does not detect the operating system: It verify the BIOS detect the hard disk of his PC. 7 .The team fails and does not reproduce the video: It verify that the wire of feeding of AC (wire To) and the monitor esteencendido. It treat to situate that the wire of the monitor you know that this well. Si With the wire To the monitor does not light and with the wire B the monitor lights, then the wire To probably is opened inside, then will have to replace to the wire.

Volver a tabla de contenido 8. Flatly the PC does not light: Sometimes also the most common in these cases is that it was a problem from the BIOS, then will have to reiniciar the PC. 9. MAINTENANCE To THE UNIT OF CD-ROM And HD.

Before withdrawing and clean the components, fulfil with the following requirements: Extraction of a unit of optical disk 1. Retire The cover. 2. It withdraw the leading cover of the computer. Do pressure to separate the two index cards of the inferior part of the cover and do pressure to joint the two of the top, afterwards, withdraw the cover. 3. If his computer includes Pocket Half Drive, raise the index card of the box of Pocket Half Drive. Afterwards it extract the box of the chassis. 4. Before withdrawing the wires, take note of the orientation of each one and of each plug connected to the backside of the unit of optical disk. 5. Desconecte The wire of Feeding and afterwards the wire Of data of the backside of the unit of optical disk. It throw of the lengĂźeta of the wire of Data. It move slightly the Wire of feeding of a Side to the another to extract it. IMPORTANT: it do not bend a lot the unit while it extracts it of the marry. How go back to plant a unit of optical disk 1. It follow the procedure described to continuation: 2. It plant with care the unit of optical disk in the frontal part of the chassis. 3. It insert the screw of butterfly in the Side of the unit of optical disk. 4. It connect firmly the wires of Feeding and of data to the backside of the optical unit. Ensure that the wires are Very placed. 5. Some models of computer Can have a wire of sound. If it Is like this, connect it. Extraction and replacement of a unit of hard disk His computer includes a unit of hard disk that it can substitute or update. 6. The unit of hard disk original comes precargada Volver a tabla de contenido with the partition of restoration of the System of the computer. If it withdraws this unit of hard disk, save it in an antistatic stock exchange that was properly sealed. The unit of hard disk is a unit SATA (connection of technology advanced in series) that uses a wire of narrow data with a pestillo optional. Before beginning Before withdrawing the component, fulfil with the following requirements: CAUTION: it manipulate the units Of hard disk with care. If the Unit of hard disk falls or Strikes can lose data. 7. To remove the tray of the unit of Hard disk, throw of the eyelash of the tray of the unit. Tol withdraw the tray of the unit, Ensure that the wires of the computer do not interfere. As it was necessary, Separate them before withdrawing the tray. 8. It withdraw the four screws that attach the unit Of hard disk to the tray of the unit and Withdraw the unit of hard disk of the tray.

Advantages: Confiablidad, the teams operate in better conditions of security, since it knows his state, and his conditions of operation. Decrease of the dead time, time of stop of teams. Greater length of the teams and installations. Uniformity in the load of work for the personnel of the maintenance because of a programming of activities. Lower cost of repairs Disadvantages: The maintenance correctivo has the following consequences when making it: it Is very likely that originate alunas fail to the moment of the execution, what ocasiona that the east was more taken. The price can be very costly, which could affect to the hour to buy the spares of resources in the moment that need . We can not ensure the time that took in repaired said fail.

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