Mantenimiento preventivo de software ing

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Tatiana Andrea Mendez Perea Fabian Eduardo Oliva Amézquita Support of systems. Group 02N08


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The preventive maintenance of software is the process whereby improves and optimises the software that has installed , this maintenance makes for the prevention of possible problems that can arise to measure that uses the computer. The main reason by which makes this maintenance, in these days is the analysis in search of virus, since these; the “Viruses� are harmful programs for the computer, since they cause an unsteadiness in the system, drops in the performance of the computer, loss of productivity, courts in the systems and likely errors in the same, such that can not correct of simple way, but by means of of a formateada. To make an optimum maintenance to the software exist steps to make this eficientemente and have a greater coverage in the maintenance.

Go back to the table of content REVIEW OF INSTALLATION BY SETUP. It is a special program of the BIOS that allows to access to the information of the contained in the CMOS, to be able to modify his options. Usually, it goes in in the SETUP in the moment to light the computer pressing the key Supr (OF THE). Crtl+Alt+Esc Depending of the model. In general, all the versions of SETUP have a screen where defines the hour, the date, the units of hard disk, the unit To: of flexible disks, the unit B: of flexible disks and the quantity by heart. Besides they have pages where can define data of the ports of communications, the keyboard, the memory, sequence of start, key of access.

In case to be necessary, a memory ROM can go back to his original state with the data of factory and erase the modifications of the SETUP, this with only change of position a small bridge ("Jumper") that finds in the main card or in some cases a ("Microswitch").

DESFRAGMENTACIร N OF THE HARD DISK. Go back to the table of content Desfragmentaciรณn Is the process by means of which accommodate the archives of a disk in such a way that each one remain in an immediate area and without spaces without using between them. This process consists of to order the pieces of information distributed through all the disk, to improve the speed of access and distribute of better forms the free space of the device.

It initiates Windows in safe Way (recommended). It opens the menu Initiate and do click in Team (My PCin XP). It gives right click on the disk that wish desfragmentar and selects Properties:

It will open a window. Do click in the eyelash Tools and afterwards do click in Desfragmentar

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To finish, will see a window. It selects there the disk that wish desfragmentar and do click in the button Desfragmentar disk.

EXECUTION OF ANTIVIRUS. It is the procedure by means of the cual cleans the computer of programs of installed hardware in the teams.

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First it has to identify that antivirus wants to install in his computer, afterwards have an icon in his desk to be able to execute it.

When finding this icon, only has to give him double click with the cursor, and afterwards give click in the option analyse, the process of analysis began and at the end showed him the result of the same.

ELIMINATION OF ARCHIVES TMP. It is the expulsion of archives generated by the installed applications in the computer and that no longer use , elimination of storms, stray archives, empty folders, registros invalids and direct accesses that have a route that no longer exists, Go back to the table of content

with the purpose to free space in the Hard Disk, increase the speed and correct fail in the normal operation of the computer. RELEASE OF SPACE IN HARD DISK. The liberador of space in disk looks for in the unit and enumerates the temporary archives, archives of cachĂŠ of Internet and archives of unnecessary program that it can delete of safe form. To give him space to the hard disk. -It opens the explorer or My PC, gives a right click in the unitd onde wishes free space and chooses Properties. -Presiona The button "Free space", expects that the system do an analysis of the archives that can delete . When finishing will open a similar window to the one of the image, where shows the report: Archives that can delete. -It marks the box of which will be deleted, desmarca the one of archives that suits you keep in the system.

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BACKUP. The operating system Windows has tools, like the program Backup (backup), which when choosing it will deploy a screen informing us of the steps that it is necessary to follow. Afterwards it appears a message that informs on the research of a device of backrest (unit of strip, etc.). Once that it has identified it, it deploys a window in which it can observe the structure of directories of the hard disk, and beside them finds a small picture, through the cual select the archives and directories that wish back. The following step is to determine to which unit go to copy the archives, that is to say where go to create the backrests. When concluding with this, the backup will begin to create , deploying a window of state of advance, that will warn him when it conclude. Other options of this tool are those that restore the archives that back and the one to compare the existent archives with the ones of backrest. Scandisk. It is a software created by Symantec, serves to check in the computer so much the integrity of the physical surface of his hard disk like the integrity of the system of archives stored in him. The systems Windows based in the platform NT do not include this application, but allow to analyse the disk. 1. It goes in inthe main screen of Panda Security and do click in Backup.

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2. In the following screen will be able to choose between doing an on-line backup or do it local.

On-line backup: through this option will be able to copy and go up your archives to safe servers of Internet. Of this form will not have to fear possible losses or deteriorations of the hard disk where save the glass. To carry out it will have to access to your account through the portal Mozy. Local backup: with this option will be able to copy the information that wish and save it in a physical place inside your computer or of an external hard disk. Also you will be able to make the copy in a CD or DVD. 3. When doing click in new copy, will open an assistant in which you will have to decide the characteristics of your copy: which archives want to copy, each how much want to do the backup, if you want to program it… even gives you the option to protect your backup with a key if you want to avoid that another person access to her. 4. If you suffer some error or failure in your computer and lose the data, restore the backup is equal of simple. Only you will have to do click in the option “restore copy” and select the date of the copy that wish to go back to install.

PAPELERA OF RECYCLING This consists in storing the information that the user decides no longer use, only that some times can arrepentir of his decisions and has the possibility to recover through the papelera the information that had deleted. It is convenient to clean the papelera not to fill of rubbish that only would be him stealing space of the hard disk. With this essay finalises each one of the important maintenances for the good operation of the team of computation, as we will be able to darse this maintenance to the equal that the others are of great importance for the vital functions of a machine, since each one of them makes a cleaning or a configuration for a better form of work with each one of them. Since if we did not put him the necessary attention for each element of the team this would not work in optimum conditions since would have fail so much of the hardware as of software.

Step 1: In the desk of our computer will look for the icon that corresponds to the PAPELERA OF RECYCLING. Go back to the table of content

Step 2: With the left button of the mouse will do an only click on her. Step 3: we will select the option “VACIAR PAPELERA OF RECYCLING” as we see it in the image.

Step 4: When presionemos the previous option will appear us a poster that asks us if we are safe to make the operation, will do click in accepting as it shows it the image.

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