Manual de mantenimiento preventivo de hardware ing

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Manual of Preventive Maintenance of Hardware

Tatiana Andrea Mendez Perea Fabian Eduardo Oliva AmĂŠzquita Support of systems. Group 02N08

Table of content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Introduction Characteristics Recomendaciones Disconnection of the external wires Cleaning of interior of the PC Cleaning of the monitor Cleaning of the keyboard Maintenance of the printers Maintenance of the mouse (mouse) Cleaning of the unit of diskette Maintenance of the optical unit CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD Cleaning of the external surface of the PC and peripherals

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Preventive maintenance This maintenance also is designated “maintenance scheduled�, takes place before it occur one fails or failure, is recommended to make it each 3 months, effects under conditions controlled without the existence of some error in the system. It makes at a rate of the experience and expertise of the personnel to charge, which are the attendants to determine the necessary moment to carry out said procedure; the manufacturer also can stipulate the suitable moment through the technical manuals.

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CHARACTERISTICS: -It makes in a moment in that it is not producing, by what takes advantage of the hours ociosas of the plant. -It carries out following a previously elaborated program where details the procedure to be followed, and the activities to make, to end to have the tools and necessary spares “to the hand�. -It has a date programmed, in addition to a time of start and of termination preestablecido and approved by the directive of the company. -It is allocated to an area in particular and to some teams specifically. Although also it can carry out a maintenance generalised of all the components of the plant. -It allows to the company have a record of all the teams, besides offers the possibility to update the technical information of the teams. -It allows to have a budget approved by the directive.

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1- Before opening the cabinet/marry/carcasa desconecta the wires of current, video, devices usb, etc and touches the metallic part of the same at least 10 seg. This is to avoid that your static energy damage some component when you manipulate it 2- Before disarming, desconectar or remove is recommended to loan attention of the how and where went the piece or the wire. Although the big majority of the components fit of 1 alone form and in 1 alone place, no in all the cases is like this. 3- No desconecte or connect at all in the computer (memories, hard disk, etc) while the same is lit, could burn some piece or could suffer an electrical download. 4- When we have us to desconectar or connect some piece do not force it but goes in, could












5- If it goes to do the maintenance, treat of not touching a lot the chips of the components









6- If the pc afterwards of the maintenance does not start do not exasperate , go back to desconectar all and go back to connect loaning attention.

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Steps to carry finish the preventive maintenance

Disconnection of the external wires. The wire of entrance of electrical energy has to be desconectado of the source of the PC. All the devices that connect to the team have to be turned off. The wires that arrive of the peripherals to the PC also have to desconectarse. The manipulation of PC so much for repair or preventive maintenances has to do in the measure of the possible with insulating shoes or antistatic bangles. It is not necessary to TIGHTEN too much the connectors of the peripheral wires that join up by the rear part to the PC when reconectan, as this favourable the detachment of the screws of the connectors of the PC. The images presented correspond to a "PC", since they are the most common in the market, but basically cuentan with the same connections. The chassis is the receptor of the wires that come from of the external devices of your computer such as: the mouse, keyboard, monitor, horns, printer, scanner, external modem and others less common like the microphone and the web-cam.

Connection of the KEYBOARD. This device requires an only wire of signal that has to insert in the entrance or port indicated usb or ps2 (minidim). The connector Ps2 frequently finds beside the entrance of the mouse and can differentiate them by his symbols and colours, Purple keyboard and Green mouse (4). The connector usb can be connected in any port USB (2). Go back to the table of content

Connection of the MOUSE. This device requires of a wire of signal with a connector that has to be inserted in the computer in the entrance or port indicated.

To the equal that the keyboard, the connector of the mouse also can be of type USB, Ps2 and the most ancient models can be serial (6). To be like this insert it in the entrance (2) or (3), as it correspond. Connection of the EXTERNAL HORNS. The external horns require to connect the wire of type "plug" male to the backside of the chassis, in the entrance that indicates (green colour). It fits to clear that some teams have internal horns, which do not require connection.

Connection of the MODEM. At present the modern computers bring the integrated modem and only require of a telephone line Remembers that this device will allow you connect you to Internet, but will have to hire the services of some provider of this service.

Connection of the PRINTER. The printer requires of two wires for his operation: the wire of signal, also called "parallel" (5) or "USB" (2), which has to be inserted in the entrance indicated of the chassis, and the wire of feeding, that connects to a source of energy in the wall.

Connection of the WIRE OF NETWORK. B

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y this wire is that it arrives the so needy

internet with greater speed, is an equal wire to the of the telephone but bigger and although it is not drawn in the image from above generally finds in a place or equal form to the of the image (9).

Connection of MONITOR. To the equal that the printer, the monitor requires of two wires: the wire of signal, that goes out of the monitor and finishes in a connector type VGA, that inserts in the entrance indicated of the chassis. It is necessary to ensure the screws that has. The another wire is of feeding and goes of the backside of your monitor, to a source of energy in the wall. SOURCE TO BE ABLE TO As any electronic device, the computer needs electrical energy for his operation. For such effect, his team has a wire of current, with an extreme to connect in the source of feeding that is in the backside of the chassis (1). And the another directly to the source of energy

Cleaning of interior of the PC. To withdraw the dust recommend you use a device soplador that it was able to launch a stream of air. If you use an aspiradora have to use a paintbrush or paintbrush to help in the remociรณn of grumos (combination of dust and fat or dust and humidity) having caution in the movement of the same not to damage components or slacken wires. With the soplador injects air BY ALL THE SECTORS. The source of energy of the computer retains the greater quantity of dust by what it is necessary to blow by his rejillas and by the cavity of the extractor of the air. It opens the window of the floppy and enters air by here. It is necessary to review the internal connectors of the PC (points in where enchufan wires), to ensure that they are not toneless. The same procedure is applicable to the plates and modules by heart RAM (the bad contacts can produce BLOCKADES and RESETEO of the PC). Maintenance

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1- Begin desconectando the source of power of the basic plate and of all the other

components, and withdraw the source of the cabinet. The source




2- Afterwards take out the memories and clean the contacts (the golden zone) with the rubber to erase, this to delete the dirt that accumulates , preventing that there is good contact with the slot of the basic plate. They treat of not touching the chips and not bending thing that could damage them (in case to have cleaner of contacts clean the slot where goes the memory in the basic plate)



3- Afterwards clean all the cards of expansion : cards of sound, modem, plate of video, cards of network, or anything connected to some slot of expansion that are using, use the same technician with the draft and also with the paintbrush (do not forget to clean the rests of remain in the contacts)

4- Now to clean the fans with help of the paintbrush take out all the possible dust of the fins of both sides, afterwards use the oil and put in the axes of the coolers (only in the case that the coolers are hard when turning), the coolers of processors Intel and AMD current do not need oil.

5- The discipadores of heat also need to clean, since in them lodges the dust that launch the coolers, do it with the paintbrush and afterwards with the sopladora since the dust tends to hit in this zone

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6- The basic plate clean with the sopladora, if we do not have of a clean with the brooch on all the parts where more see dust. With a lot of care not to strike the components.

7- The first processor withdraw the cooler/disipador that goes on with a lot of care, Intel and AMD has different forms of retirar said cooler/disipador, once already withdrawn clean the edge of the zocalo with the broche and afterwards with the sopladora, now take out the processor clean it with a cloth and have care of not bending or rayar the golden zone (pines) of the processor, clean the top with a dry cloth sacando the old thermal paste, and plant a new paste (no big quantity) when planting on the disipador will expand .

Cleaning of the monitor. Can inject him air by his rejillas without opening it, as the residual energy that conserves after turned off does it dangerous. East would have to destaparse only in case to need repair.

Cleaning of the keyboard. VoltĂŠalo Face down and injects air between his keys to withdraw the dust and odd bodies. It is not necessary to withdraw cover them of the keys of the PC to wash them, his replacement generates quite a lot fail mechanical (can clean happening between them a handkerchief dampened with liquid soap).

Maintenance of the different treatments technology. The ones

printers. Go back to the table of content


Have to


of matrix of points require more attention (because of his greater percentage of mechanical work that generates

friction, heat and fine dust). To these it is necessary destaparlas to blow in his interior since they collect quite dust and particles of paper. Afterwards it is necessary to clean with varsol or dissolvent the riel or axis by where glides the head printer, to withdraw the old fat. It lubricates the axis with thick oil, as the one who uses in the engines of the cars. The cabezal of impression can withdraw to plant it face down with the filter of the needles submerged in alcohol hisopropĂ­lico to end to dissolve the ink compacted. The filter has to be lubricated underneath to minimise the friction of the needles in said area.

Maintenance of the mouse (mouse). It opens it covers it inferior of the mouse and examines the axes that go in in contact with the sphere. If they are dirty (usually with a ring of particles of dust and fat) clean them with a handkerchief (or cloth that no suelte lints) dampened in alcohol or liquid soap. Cleaning of the unit of diskette. To clean the cabezales of the FLOPPY uses a diskette of cleaning for floppy. If you suspect that an odd body has remained in his interior (like an adhesive label, staple, clip or spring of a diskette) have to open it to extract the odd body. If it treats of a Floppy that works in an environment polvoriento (to ras of the flat for example), it is necessary to open it to clean it and lubriarlo.

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Maintenance of the optical unit CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD. Usually

it does not have to open save in the cases that will mention more advance. The tray would have to clean with a cloth dampened to withdraw the dust and dirt to end to diminish the flotation of particles when it

reads or writes in a CD. If the environment of work is polvoriento (or when it does long the unit has not received maintenance), will be necessary to open it to CLEAN IT and LUBRICATE IT. The cleaning consists in: CLEAN with care the lens LASER (takes note that is sustained by a FLOATING SUPPORT very delicate). Can clean with a palillo medicinal with cotton in the tip dampened with alcohol. This operation is delicate and does not have to do if it does not have a firm pulse since an undue strength in the lens can spoil it. You shimmer them by which glides the tray have to lubricate as well as the plastic pinions that are in sight.

Cleaning of the external surface of the PC and peripherals. It recommends use a cloth dampened in liquid soap (since the teams of computation usually litter

by the

environmental dust and the contact with the hands of the operators). They do not recommend

the dissolvent or alcohol to clean

covers, carcasas or cabinets of PC and peripherals by his abrasive and dissolvent action. Go back to the table of content

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