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DesktopBSD Installation Guide

Tatiana Andrea Mendez Perea Fabian Eduardo Oliva Amezquita

Systems Support Group. 02N08.

TABLE OF CONTENTS DesktopBSD Features DesktopBSD Installation Requirements Introduction to Oracle VM VirtualBox Installing Oracle VM VirtualBox Installing DesktopBSD 1. Creating the virtual machine to DesktopBSD 2. RAM Memory Allocation 3. Creating and Configuring Virtual Hard Disk 4. Allocation Hard Drive Size 5. Presentation of the virtual machine created 6. Establishment Network 7. Access to ISO file for operating system installation 8. Start virtual machine 9. Home installation 10. Configuration graphical environment 11. Language selection 12. Installation Settings 13. General language 14. Welcome to installing DesktopBSD 15. Information about hardware device configurations 16. Install or upgrade the operating system 17. Selecting Hard Disk 18. Bootloader 19. logical geometry 20. Partition or hard disk selection 21. Installing DesktopBSD 22. installation complete 23. Restarting the operating system 24. Elimination virtual disk drive 25. Restarting the machine 26. Initial Setup Wizard 27. Additional language support 28. host name

29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

Creating user Creating password Root password User Settings completed Operating system information Join administrator Desktop graphical environment

DesktopBSD DesktopBSDis aOSfreeYgratuitous, derived fromUnixAnd based onFreeBSD. Its goal is to combine the traditional stabilityFreeBSDwith the simplicity of useKDE, hisdesktop environmentpreconfigured. There are versions forplatformsIntel(IA32) YAMD64. It works out of the box with full multimedia support and extremely easy to use. An operating system that respects your privacy. users are encouraged to send comments, your ideas will be heard. Modern, elegant and comfortable operating system that is both powerful and easy.

DesktopBSD features:      

graphical installerincludingpartitionhard drives. Allows creation of users. graphical tool for managing, installing and updating software using the ports system FreeBSD. graphical management toolNetwork Interfacesandmountingand removing devices. LiveCD / DVD(From version 1.6RC1). The current version is based onFreeBSD7.2 andKDE3.5.10.

Installation Requirements: 

 

Memory: 256 MB. free disk space: 6 GB. Internet connection(To install packages and languages other than English).

Introduction of Oracle VM VirtualBox: It is a software virtualization using this application you can install additional operating systems known as "guest systems" within another "host" operating system, each with its own virtual environment. "

Installing Oracle VM VirtualBox: To install Oracle VM VirtualBox, we will open an executable program file, which in this case is as follows:

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By giving double click the icon, as a result we will get the following window in which oprimiremos the button "run".

Pressing to run, this will open and display a screen that will give us a welcome to the program proceeds to install. As a basis help, I give the translation of the text that appears in the installation window. "The setup wizard will install Oracle VM VirtualBox 5.1.4 on your computer. Click Next to continue or Cancel to exit the Setup Wizard. " Back to Table of Contents

Pressing "Next" or next, will show another box where we ask how we want the program to be installed, usually always continue with the program references suggests therefore oprimiremos "next".

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Then he will tell us if we want to create a shortcut or shortcut on the desktop, which is the first choice, second choice we create a shortcut on the Quick Launch bar as a third option, log file associations, to which we leave all options with the chulito and continue with the installation.

In pursuing a window that indicates the temporary network disconnection and then reactivated, so ask if you can continue the installation appears.

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By giving a "Yes", the window display will indicate the following: "Click Install to begin the installation, if you want to review or change any of the installation settings, click Back or click Cancel to exit the wizard . Therefore, oprimiremos the button "Install" or install.

The subsequent announcement is "Please wait while the Setup Wizard installs Oracle VM VirtualBox 5.1.4. This process can take several minutes. "

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By waiting a few minutes, the installation is completed and from press, will be "Finish".

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With this, the installation terminates and proceeds to open the program automatically.

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Installing DesktopBSD 1. Creating the Virtual Machine for DesktopBSD: We located in the VirtualBox machine, we go to the upper left corner and we click on the box that says "New", this will allow us to create the operating system you want.

This option will open a new tab, which tells us that we must put a name to create operating system for later identification; in box "type" we will get a variety of options to choose the right display of the operating system, ie, in this case, the installation will be based on the type would DesktopBSD and BSD. As a last resort, the version is the list of operating systems that BSD has now, here, look for the option of FreeBSD (64-bit), as it will be chosen to install.

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2. Allocation of RAM: We then pressing "Next", will ask us to indicate an appropriate amount to the RAM of the new operating system, taking into account our real hardware, a proportional measurement will not adversely affect the resources of the same.

3. Creating and Configuring Virtual Hard Drive: As we continue, we will indicate whether or not we want to create a virtual hard disk or failing if we choose an existing one. It is advisable to create a virtual hard disk.

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Pressing "create" a new Ventada where we ask the file type where we want to create, in this case, we will click on the first option and "next" appears.

We then ask for storage on physical hard drive, right there, the program explains the difference between the two options and according to the most convenient capability that the user creates, the select and click again on "next".

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4. Allocation of hard disk size: So after this, it will indicate the size of hard drive you want to have for your operating system, clearly installation requirements must be taken into account in this environment and thus, when choosing the size click on "create".

5. Presentation of the created virtual machine: This is the visual presentation of our virtual machine Linux Ubuntu created, where information already chosen earlier in the additional windows and data are represented in the central bar, and on the left bar of the screen, are visualized all machines existing virtual far.

6. Establishment of Network: To continue, it is important to go to the top and click on the "Settings" option.

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We will open the following window:

It is essential to go to the "Network" tab and change the drop-down option where initially be in "NAT" and replace the "Bridge Adapter" option.

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By leaving the option to "bridge adapter", we will click on the "ok" and we will return to the interface respectively of the created virtual machine button.

7. Access to ISO file for operating system installation: Once we are located there, in the top left you will point the green button "start", it will start the execution of the virtual machine.

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When the machine starts, we the location of the ISO file for installation appear a window asking us. 8. Start virtual machine:

In the window, there will be an icon of a folder, we click there to find our installation file on our personal folders.

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9. Start installation: By having the file on hold, we click on "start" and we hope that our machine starts.

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To access the installation oprimiremos the "enter" key and wait to proceed to execute.

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10. Setting graphical environment: Followed hopefully, we find a window that tells us a message the game appropriate to reach an advanced graphical environment configuration, only if it has flaws or errors keys. Otherwise, we must press the "Enter" key or in effect, give click the "ok" button.

By continuing, BSD find an ad that ask if you can add a display settings automatically attach it to monitor correctamete we have, so we will click on "Yes".

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After that, we will provide a measure of screen and whether we agree with it we will click "yes", otherwise by pressing "no" we can verify different alternative configurations.

11. Select Language: Then we will get a screen with a list of languages available as keyboard configuration, finding the desired language give it and then click on the "OK" button.

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12. Installation Settings: After that we will have different options in which we can install fixed so the operating system or simply perform a test to know the environment without installing.

13. General Language: By clicking on the "ok" button we can get to a new window for the choice of language, there choose the language used by the user and continue by clicking on "next".

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14. Welcome to installing DesktopBSD: DesktopBSD generates a positive message thanking the completion of the installation, to continue give click on "next".

15. Information about hardware device configurations: The following summarizes the configurations DesktopBSD established or existing hardware elements to create the operating system, so we will review the information to click on "next".

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16. Installing or Up grading the operating system: Prosiguiente this, we will have the possibility of a given installation or if you perform a recovery, upgrade or improve the BSD operating system, clearly provided that the user already installed on the machine. In this case, as we will leave the selection installation in the "Installation" option and give click on "next".

17. Selecting hard disk: Depending on the amount of actual hard drives in hardware, we have a list of them giving the user the possibility to choose which recreates the installation, there we will click on the name of the disk and then give click on "next".

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18. Bootloader: Its translation is as follows: "A boot loader is a small program that starts the operating system when the computer starts. You need to have a proper boot manager installed if you want to start DesktopBSD. If you are not sure what to choose, the first option may be the best.   

I have several operating systems installed on this computer. Let me choose which one. I want to boot. This computer will have only DesktopBSD installed. I do not want to select the operating system when it starts. Now I have a different boot loader installed and do not want to replace it. Let the boot loader intact. "

Depending on the needs of the user, the item is selected and click "next".

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19. Logic Geometry: Then a window will indicate an automatic application geometry for the hard disk appears, is is an electronic organization that is made according to the actual physical number of dishes, heads, tracks and sectors. To continue leave the default value and give the system click "yes".

20. partition or hard disk selection: Then DesktopBSD tells us that we need a minimum of 12 GB (12288 MB) to partition the disk, so placing the cursor over the disk, we will click making is, is highlighted and show us that we have selected.

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In this case, we leave only one disk, so in the bottom right will have a box called "Use entire disk", press the button and see that the icon of the disc is inserted DesktopBSD logo.

Now, we will click on "install selected partition" or install on the partitioned selection, which will open us a confirming box if we are sure to continue the installation on that record, so we will click "yes".

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21. Installing DesktopBSD: After that, we'll wait to copy and transfer files installation is performed.

22. Installation completed: After the copy corresponding files for operation, DesktopBSD indicates that you must restart the machine, so we will click the "Restart" button at the bottom right.

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23. Restarting the operating system: By giving mecionado click the button, the windows prosiguientes allow us to reach the graphical environment of DesktopBSD.

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24. Elimination of the virtual disk drive: Once the initial installation window BSD, it is important to note that to terminate the installation, we must go to the panel at the top and just click on "devices" then go to "optical drives" and proceed to give click on "remove the virtual drive disk". This configuration is conducted in order to boot the operating system already installed and thus prevent the installation starts reading again.

After having removed the disc, we will go to the button "machine" located in the same row, and click on it to give us deploy a number of options which will select the field "reset".

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The window next to it prompted us to confirm if we reboot again, so we will click on the "reset" button.

25. Restarting the machine:

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26. Initial Setup Wizard: Then BSD offers a configuration wizard that will guide us to finish the corresponding process for installation.

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27. Additional language support: This option is valid only when the user has a second CD that provides the necessary for other languages other than English support, then to continue, uncheck the option to install support and give click on "next".

28. Host name: This is the name identification of our computer so we can modify it or leave it as you predetermine the system.

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29. User Creation: After giving click "next" to the previous page, we must create a user ID for the administrator on the computer.

To do this we will click over the button "add user" and will enter the desired name and our full name, then we will end this section by clicking "add".

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30. Create password: The window then prompts you to create a password to access the administrator, annexing it and confirm it, we will click "OK".

31. Root Password: Then we will return to the initial screen user data appear and need to set a root password, so we will click on the "System Password" button and provide the key.

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When entering the password we will click on the "OK" button.

32. User Configuration completed: To end this section we will install a window that will indicate the steps from it, for this we will click on the "OK" button.

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And after that, we will click on "next".

33. Information Operating System: In this window you have the following options, which the user will choose according to their needs:  Enable BSDStats, report the name of the operating system, release and architecture.  Include hardware information: report type and the number of CPUs and controllers used devide.  Include information about the installed software: sends a list of installed packages. Next to this, we will click on the button "finish".

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34. Income administrator: As a conclusion, we will write the user name and password already registered before and oprimiremos the "enter" key to access the operating system.

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35. DesktopBSD graphical environment:

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