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Project Description
I will be designing a splash page that will open for an already existing site at http://www.megaspin.net . The site is a commercial outpost for table tennis supplies.
Creative Brief (see page 3) The animation will start with a table tennis ball hit from the left of screen on a green background painted to represent the court. This will transition to the racket swinging into frame while the ball exits screen right. The racket swings then consistently quivers to reveal the highlighted link to MEGASPIN.NET on the last frame.
Research A survey was done on other table tennis sites to include : http://www.ittf.com http://www.paddlepalace.com http://www.tabletennispioneers.com
Creative Brief cont'd Flowchart for Megaspin splash page
splash page megaspin.net site
k.nelson | interactive design |project 1| splash page