Annual Meeting - November 4, 2024
Blue Hill Country Club
Welcome & Call to Order
Opening remarks
Moment of Silence for Deceased Members
Reading of the Minutes
President’s Report
State of the Section
Vice President’s Report
Financial Report
Secretary Report
Newly Elected Members
Quarter & Half Century Members
PDR Update
Executive Director Report
Fireside Chat with Ted Donato
Featured Guest Discussion
Foundation Report & Special Presentation
Installation of Newly Elected Directors
New Business & Open Forum
John J. Devine, Jr., PGA
Francis Dennehy, PGA
Thomas M. Dufresne, PGA
Michael Mullavey, PGA
David J. Pollini, PGA
Ryne W. Varney, PGA
Henry Vergi, PGA
I am happy to be addressing you as I wrap up my first year as your President, and I hope to greet and welcome many of you at Blue Hill CC for the Section’s Annual Meeting. Leadership and staff are well underway in our preparations for 2025, I am pleased to share some of the exciting things that happened during the 2024 season.
The New England Section and our PGA of America Professionals continue to impress me with an array of achievements in tournament play and growing the game.
During our 2023 Strategic Planning Session we identified three areas of focus that would serve as our beacons for 2024 and beyond. These North Stars for the NEPGA were the members, the business, and the game.
Members – We focused on sharing all the amazing things that our PGA Professionals do daily.From playing, instructing, fundraising to growing the game. We would share and promote the amazing work being done by our members through all our communication vehicles. We also focused on providing programs, education, services and events that our members requested. Through listening we will provide what our PGA Professionals need and truly want
Game – The pandemic positioned PGA Professionals to be in a unique position to engage golfers like never before by continuing to grow the game, engaging latent golfers and keeping the excitement level strong. In addition to growing the game, our focus is to also provide quality tournaments for our PGA Professionals and the golfing public.
Business – The New England PGA continues to be a thriving business, focusing on creating revenue generating programs such as the New England Series, the Junior Tour and sponsor partnerships. All of these allow us to fund member programs and provide the services our membership needs.Our goal is to create a business model that will position the Section, and future leadership and staff for many years to come.
As you will read in the PGA REACH New England Report, your Foundation is a leader not only in the New England Community, but in the National PGA as well.
We had a record year for the Junior Tour (celebrating its 30th Anniversary in 2025), PGA Junior League, and fundraising. We have impacted the largest number of Veterans since the start of our PGA Hope programs, we contributed over $100,000 to local charities, and we have distributed well over $100,000 for academic scholarships. The impact that these programs have had on golfers throughout the Section is exceptional.
A successful tournament season, which included great participation, stellar competition, and increased partnerships was a highlight of the 2024 season. We introduced new events and crowned some terrific champions. When we look at the participation of our PGA Professionals in tournaments, there are days with active chapter events where over 250 different NEPGA Professionals will be participating. Thank you to everyone for supporting these events. Additionally, I would like to thank the facilities and their Golf Professionals who provided us with such amazing venues.
On a personal note, I would like to mention that when I decided to get involved in the Section, it all came down to our section members. It was time that I gave back to the Section and Association that has given me so much. We have an outstanding group of PGA Professionals in our Section, and our dedicated staff works tirelessly on our behalf, and it is my honor to work for you and with each of them.
I look forward to conducting our Section Annual Meeting this November, and I hope that you are able to attend. Thank you for your continued support and I wish you and your family a safe and healthy holiday season!
Respectfully Submitted, Chip Johnson, PGA Head Professional, Hatherly Country Club President, New England PGA
Dear New England Section Membership,
At the New England Section Annual Meeting on November 4, 2024, I will be enjoying my 5,421st day serving as your Executive Director, and there is still no place I would rather be. I look forward to the Executive Director's Report every year because it provides me with the opportunity to highlight the remarkable accomplishments of the New England PGA over the past twelve months. It also allows me to reflect a bit on how far we have come as a Section. It’s no secret that this success is due to the amazing support of our PGA of America Professionals.
During the offseason, Section leadership and staff became very strategic in our planning for not only the upcoming season, but years into the future. Reviewing the success of the season can be done by examining participation, support, effort, engagement, commitment and demand. We identified areas of focus that we called our North Stars. These would be what we determined are very important to the Section, and these would be our areas of focus for 2024. These areas are: The Member, The Game, and The Business.
Member satisfaction and retention became our focus. Our team made the promotion of our PGA Professionals through marketing/communication a priority, we created engagement opportunities for our PGA Professionals, we targeted Associate recruitment & retention as well as listening to member feedback.
The game has always been a very important part of the NEPGA. This year we wanted to create consumer awareness of our PGA Professionals as players and experts in the game. PGA Junior League and the Junior Tour would be promoted and expanded, and we would do a complete audit on NEPGA Tournaments to increase participation, secure facilities for our events well into the future, engage lapsed Professionals and determine if anything has run its course. 6
The current state of the NEPGA is very strong, so focusing on our business to ensure long range success is very important. We reviewed all programs, reallocated investments in higher yielding, safe products, identified possible future threats, concentrated on retaining current and future staff and examined new revenue opportunities.
Going through with this North Star exercise was a wonderful process for the NEPGA to participate in, and I strongly encourage each member and facility to do something similar. It has provided us with a roadmap where the NEPGA’s future continues to be a focus, and every decision will continue to have PGA Professionals in mind.
I cannot thank our Chapter & Section leadership, committee volunteers, host PGA Professionals, event participants/supporters and of course the NEPGA Staff for all your efforts. Team goals continue to far outweigh individual accomplishments and your love and commitment to your Association and Section is so evident that the New England PGA is revered and respected nationally.
Please join me in thanking the New England PGA team for their dedicated efforts in support of the Section and Chapters. It is my pleasure to work with the following talented individuals:
Chris Clayton, Director of Tournament Operations
Hannah Corso, PGA Works Fellow
Justin Del Bianco, Tournament Operations Manager – Vermont
Max Doctoroff, PGA, Director of Rules and Competition
Chad Eades, PGA Reach New England Program Manager
Casey Litwack, Tournament Director
Brianna Sovring-Moesch, Junior Golf & Player Development Manager
Tim Murphy, Tournament Manager
Lauren Neilan, Marketing and Communications Director
Lily Oksanen, Membership and Communications Manager
Michael Packard, PGA, Director PGA Reach New England
Mike Serijan, Cape Cod Junior Tour Administrator
David Soucy, PGA, Tournament Operations Manager - Maine
Joan Stuart, Director of Accounting and Finance
Tony Zdunko, PGA, Tournament Operations Manager – New Hampshire
The New England Section continues our commitment to provide educational program offerings that emphasize personal and professional development. This is an important part of our North Stars strategic vision for the member. If we can help our PGA Professionals grow and become experts and leaders, it will help to maintain and grow our individual and collective influence in the golf industry. The Education Committee continues to focus on providing quality education in the categories of: Instruction/Merchandising/Personal Wellness/Golf Operations/Career Development.
Section Meetings and Seminars remain the solid vehicles to provide education, and the NEPGA Empower Hour continues to bring quality education right to PGA Professionals on 7
a weekly basis. Each Thursday starting in October and continuing through March, these weekly seminars bring content to our section professionals.
We are thrilled to report a slight increase in our membership through an increase in the number of Associates and new members. This growth is a testament to the excellent work done by our membership committee and the value our organization provides to golf professionals and golfers in the New England region.
The goal of the Section’s administrative staff is to provide you with outstanding customer service, while assisting you with your professional needs. No one has does it better or has done it longer than Joan Stuart. Joan has been the backbone of member services for the NEPGA for well over twenty years, and this year she will be retiring. I cannot thank Joan enough for her many years of service, her dedication to the NEPGA and her love for PGA Professionals. Joan will be missed, and I hope she will enjoy retirement!
Employment continues to be a major focus of the New England Section, and the next few months are always extremely busy. I am always impressed by working with the Employment Committee Chair, Larry Kelley, PGA and PGA of America Career Services Consultants David Wilson, PGA and Jim Remy, PGA. These dedicated PGA Professionals work extremely hard on behalf of members and are always available to help.
Our goal and focus are to provide advice and counsel to golf professionals, employers, and facilities in all employment related areas. Everyone is hopefully familiar with the Career Services section on pga.org, but the Section continues to populate our employment page on www.nepga.com. We will continue to include employment updates in our weekly Friday Forecaddie, Section Newsletter and Section employment webpage to highlight employment bulletins to our Members and Associates.
The NEPGA has set a goal to increase the visibility of the good work being done by our Section and PGA Professionals and share it to the world! We never want to forget who is most important to us, so our major focus continues to be keeping our Section Professionals informed through all means of communication, and to keep the NEPGA in the forefront for all things golf throughout New England.
The increased level of our content has brought a significant number of new followers to the NEPGA. Since January, we have reached an audience of over 320,000 viewers on Facebook and over 90,000 viewers on Instagram and we have gained another 1,000 followers since the start of the year. We have also seen a great increase in followers and interactions on our LinkedIn page as we looked for more ways to celebrate the accomplishments of our PGA Professionals this season.
The NEPGA website has contributed greatly to educating and informing the public of the
The Education Report in this packet will go into our Section education in a little more detail. 8
positive position of golf professionals within their community. I encourage those of you who have not connected to the New England PGA on social media to follow us.
The Friday Forecaddie is our weekly e-mail publication and is distributed to all Section Members and Associates. This vibrant communication tool provides up-to-the-minute news, tournament announcements, and industry information on a weekly basis I hope you are able read and enjoy my weekly article every Monday, which is my attempt to bring a bit of positivity to the beginning of each week.
The New England PGA App is a phenomenal resource that provides convenient information regarding tournaments, sales representatives as well as a detailed membership directory for our PGA Professionals and their facilities. If you have not downloaded our app, I strongly encourage you to do so for your Apple or Android device.
The New England PGA Board of Directors meet regularly to evaluate the issues before the Section. There is regular communication between the Board and Staff on a consistent basis. The Chapter leaders also work closely with the Staff and Section leaders to improve communication and programing in their chapters. The engagement of Chapter Leadership will hopefully create a feeder system of future Section leaders. I encourage any interested PGA Professional to get involved and give back through volunteering your time and service.
The New England PGA is so grateful for the support and commitment by our many partners. Their support allows our programs to be some of the strongest in the country. These relationships with our partners allow us to maintain our high-quality programs and services. I am always amazed by the number of partners who want to be associated with the NEPGA.
Our PGA Professionals have a unique ability to influence the success of these relationships, and I would like to offer my personal appreciation to those Golf Professionals who continue to aid staff with these programs. Please reach out to thank a partner for their support and please reach out to me if you feel a person or company would be a potential new partner of the NEPGA.
The New England PGA Foundation (PGA Reach New England) had a very impressive 2024. Volunteering, fundraising, and programing all saw a significant increases and I encourage you to read the Foundation Report to become inspired and see where you can become involved.
Our tournament department continues to be one of the most active in the country. The quality of the Section’s professional tournament program ranks among the elite at the Section level. Our highly skilled and motivated staff, along with the insightful and supportive leadership, have fostered an environment that allows for increased sponsor revenue and a desire for our top facilities to host major events. 9
Please enjoy the Tournament Report in this document to learn about our very successful tournament season.
The Section Finance Committee collaborates with Section leadership and staff to produce our annual budget. Monthly financial reports are distributed to the Board of Directors with an evaluation of income and expenses related to budgeted projections. The Board of Directors and staff continue to do an excellent job of managing the business and financial operation of the Section, and the New England PGA continues to be in a very healthy and secure financial position.
I cannot express how much of an honor it is to serve as the Executive Director of the New England Section. Fourteen seasons have flown by, and I still get as excited to go to work today as I did almost 30 years ago when I started as an intern. We have achieved so much this year, and I hope you are as proud of your Section as I am.
Everything we do is for the ultimate benefit of PGA Golf Professionals in New England as well as those connected to this great game.
Please accept my best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2025. Be sure to reach out to the New England PGA if we can ever be of assistance.
Respectfully Yours,
Michael J. Higgins
Executive Director
It has been an amazing first year serving the Membership as Vice President of the New England Section. Working alongside so many talented PGA of America Professionals in the Board room is truly inspiring. Overseeing the Section finances is an important role and one that I take very seriously. We have a very solid and diverse Finance Committee that helps to produce the Annual Budget for the Section and Foundation, and our Section Staff continues to impress me every day by their efforts.
It is my privilege to report on the successful 2024 season. The leadership and staff work very hard to manage expenses, create revenue and redirect funds back into member services. Year to date (9.30.24), both Section and Foundation Revenue totals are at $4,500,000 and our expenses total $3,800,000. Of the Section and Foundation totals, $586,253 in revenue and $446,150 in expenses are from the Chapters.
There are significant expenses to be settled in relation to our later-season events, such as our
large Las Vegas Pro-Am and Foundation donations. A significant portion of our revenue comes from our fundraising efforts and fund our amazing programs such as PGA Hope, Scholarships, Junior Golf and more. Even though we have some significant expenses in the last few months of the year, the Section should still turn a slight profit for 2024. I can assure you that our financial decisions are backed by a commitment to determine what is in the best interests of New England PGA Professionals.
We are very fortunate to have the continued commitment of so many Section partners. The Section staff has done a tremendous job procuring additional new partners that help continue to drive funding back to our members via our many events and programs. I certainly encourage you to take time to reach out to our many devoted partners and thank them, as this certainly goes a long way in furthering these relationships. These partnerships contribute to increased purses, amazing education, and reduced expenses for our membership.
We have now completed our second full year in the NEPGA headquarters, and it truly is a wonderful building. Owning the building outright has allowed us to understand and manage our expenses, which contributes to our solid bottom line. I have said this so many times, but if you have not had the opportunity to visit our home, I strongly encourage you to take the time to stop by 321 Cross Street and say hello. All the funds that were previously allocated to rent are now focused on saving and programing. We continue to make the most fiscally responsible decisions possible and always keep the members in mind throughout the process.
I would like to implore you as a New England Section Professional to attend our Annual Meeting at Blue Hill CC on November 4, 2024, as well as our newly formed Executive Management/Leadership Conference this Fall if you can. No matter how far along you are in your career, or how long you have worked at your current facility, it is never too late to make yourself better. There are so many unique things that you can take away from spending a day with your fellow PGA Professionals who are continually trying to further develop themselves as PGA Professionals and grow the game of golf.
In closing, I would like to thank you for your continued commitment to the game of golf, and what you do each day to make it the most enjoyable game in the world. Your efforts to continue to grow the game have lasting impacts that will be seen for generations to come. Please continue to utilize the PGA of America and the New England PGA to make you and your facility the best it can possibly be.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joanne Flynn, PGA Director of Golf, Windham CC NEPGA Vice President
Dear New England PGA Members and Associates,
As my first year as your Secretary comes to a close, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the entire membership for your unwavering support. It has been a remarkable experience to be part of a team of dedicated PGA Professionals who are deeply committed to advancing our association. Serving alongside these individuals has been both a privilege and an honor. I can assure you that each of them is passionately devoted to the well-being of the NEPGA. Furthermore, working alongside our Executive Director, Mike Higgins, and the entire NEPGA staff has been an absolute pleasure. We are truly fortunate to have such a devoted group of individuals who tirelessly serve us each day. Thank you for this incredible opportunity to serve you.
The New England section currently has 1,170 professionals, made up of 918 members and 252 associates, making us the 8th largest Section in the country. There are 781 facilities in the New England Section 414 of those facilities are staffed by a PGA Professional That is over half at 53%. Of the 252 Associates in the New England Section, 14 are suspended. There were 13 suspended Associates at the 2023 Fall Meeting. The suspended associate rate for the New England Section is slightly lower than the national average. If you know of an Associate who is struggling to become active, have them reach out to either myself or a member of the membership committee, as we are happy to help.
We are all very proud of our Associates when they complete their PGA education and are elected as Class A Members. I would like to congratulate the 20 individuals who have completed the task over the course of the past year:
Eric J. Aguiar, PGA
Thomas F. Ankiewicz, PGA
Kolten A. Bauer, PGA
Timothy J. Corrigan, PGA
Colin A. Davis, PGA
Cameron M. DiCarlo, PGA
Evan E. Guillemette, PGA
Andrew T. Johnson, PGA
Jack L. Kamsickas, PGA
Cameron D. Martin, PGA
Grace E. McKinnon, PGA
Andrew T. Miller, PGA
Carter Odegard, PGA
Tyler J. Piekarski, PGA
Samuel L. Reed, PGA
Rodney J. Soares, PGA
Ryan C. Walker, PGA
Loren J. Wiley, PGA
Kyra R. Woods, PGA
Tobias M. Young, PGA
We are also very proud of veteran PGA Professionals who have reached the milestone of being a PGA Member for 25 years and 50 years. I would like to congratulate the 5 individuals that have joined the PGA of America Half Century Club and 14 individuals that have joined the PGA of America Quarter Century Club:
Tom Hanifan, PGA
Jay Morelli, PGA
Michael Mullavey (deceased)
John Scheffler, PGA
Thomas J. Shea Jr., PGA
Brian M Bain, PGA
Allan J. Belden, PGA
Christopher R. Carter, PGA
Peter J. Collins, PGA
William D. Cunningham, PGA
Peiter K. DeVos, PGA
Thomas R. Gillis, PGA
Robert V. Hardy, PGA
Alexander K. Kirk, PGA
Anthony J. Lauro, PGA
Lee P. McGinnis, PGA
James D. Pollini, PGA
Stephen C. Ventre, PGA
Greg L. Yeomans, PGA
MSRs are now known as PDRs, the Professional Development Requirement Policy. This cycle deadline is set for June 15th, 2025. As PGA of America Golf Professionals, we are required to earn 54 credits before the deadline. 30 of those credits must come from Education and/or Specified Player Engagement Programs and six must come from Meetings and/or National Survey Submissions. 9 PDRs for Education and/or Specified Player Engagement Programs may include attending career specific education, including serving as a speaker/instructor, attending education on topics such as youth safety, diversity, equity and inclusion or mental health wellbeing (1 credit per each hour of attendance). Other examples are PGA HOPE Clinics (1 credit per hour or each hour of participation, up to six credits per PDR cycle year), PGA Junior League (6 credits per team/season, maximum of two PGA Members earning credit per team/ season, up to twelve credits per PDR cycle year), PGA Family Cup (6 credits per team/season, maximum of two PGA Members earning credit per team/season, up to 12 credits per PDR cycle year), PGA Junior Camps (2 credits per camp week, up to 6 credits per PDR cycle year), Drive Chip & Putt ‐ Host PGA Professional ‐ 4 PGA Required PDR credits.
PDRs for PGA Meeting Attendance and National Survey Completion may include attending National, Section or Chapter Meetings, including Board and Committee Meetings (1 credit per each hour of attendance). If a meeting is offered both in‐person and virtual, in‐person attendees will receive full credit, while virtual attendees will receive half (1/2) credit. Completing National Surveys (such as: Compensation Survey, Annual Operations Survey, Member Offering Survey, Career Planning Survey, Revenue Scorecard) – max 2 credits per National survey, per cycle year. Credits toward the total requirement may include serving the Section, Chapter, National PGA or Allied Association, serving as a golf coach or assistant golf coach of a high school/college golf team in a capacity not considered the Member’s primary employment. Also, participation in Section sanctioned golf tournaments or tournaments conducted by the PGA of America National Office, attending a National, Section or Allied Association Merchandise Show, and much more!
The PGA Merchandise Show will be held from January 21st to January 24th at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando Florida. Registration is open! I would like to reiterate my commitment to serving each and every member of our esteemed section. With a dedicated board of directors and a capable section staff, we are fully devoted to assisting our members whenever the need arises. Should you require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Wishing you a productive off-season.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brendan Walsh, PGA Director of Golf, The Country Club
Dear New England PGA of America Professionals,
As President of PGA REACH New England, it is my privilege to share with you the remarkable impact our foundation has made over the past year. Our commitment to positively influencing lives through the game of golf has never been stronger, and we have continued to build on our three pillars Inclusion, Veterans, and Youth Development. Thanks to your support, we have expanded access to our programs, empowered individuals across the Section, and deepened our connection with the communities we serve. Together, we are shaping the future of the game and making a lasting difference. Please know we are very fortunate to have a foundation that has continued to grow revenue, programs, and impact every year – this is not the norm but does showcase how exceptional our efforts truly are.
Youth Development Programs
Our Junior Golf programs continued to expand in 2024, with a record number of juniors participating in our tournaments, PGA Jr. League, Drive Chip & Putt as well as our scholarship program. We introduced innovative and inclusive initiatives that helped make golf accessible to kids of all backgrounds, promoting a lifelong love for the sport.
A detailed report related to our New England PGA Junior TOUR, national initiatives like Drive, Chip & Putt and PGA Junior League can be found in the official Junior Golf Report below, submitted by our Junior Golf & Player Development Director. Scholarships
15 unique Scholarship offerings available
$104,000 awarded in 2024
(3) consecutive years of providing over $100,000 in scholarships to New England families (58) Unique students (44) Unique Institutions (85) Total Awards Diversity & Inclusion
We continued to prioritize diversity and inclusion in all our programs. The creation of mentorship and volunteering opportunities for our PGA of America Professionals as well as partnerships with local organizations helped increase diversity across all D&I Pillar programs, helping to ensure that golf is an inclusive sport for everyone.
Women’s Networking Summit (3rd Annual)
125+ Female business professionals in attendance or female golfers to learn ction.
Bringing the game of golf to kid’s camps, specifically young boys and girls battling life threatening illnesses
Camps located in ME & NH (Camp Sunshine, Zebra Crossings, & Camp Pride)
2024: 150+ children, siblings and parents over three days
Special Olympics-Massachusetts Skills Competition (4th Annual)
Drive Chip & Putt event with over 35 athletes participating
Diversity and Networking Clinics with Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“Writing the Code” – 3rd Annual event targeting undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate students from diverse backgrounds
160+ students, volunteers, and guests – our largest single day foundation program to date
Our support of PGA HOPE surpassed a highwater mark in 2024, providing golf as a rehabilitative tool for Active Military and Veterans across all corners of the Section. We proudly expanded our outreach to more VA facilities, enhancing the lives of those who have served our country. PGA HOPE will remain the primary entry point into the game for some of our nation’s heroes and affords us the opportunity to create new and enhanced programming to keep their golfing journey connected to our foundation.
PGA HOPE (Helping Our Patriots Everywhere)
25 programs hosted by 22 facilities
425+ Veterans registered & participated in 2024
60+ NEPGA Professionals trained to provide recreational therapy and instruction
8 different host sites in New England Section
318 Rounds of golf, 175 unique Veterans participated 3927.5 combined years of service
Northeast HOPE Invitational
3rd Annual collaboration between New England, Northeastern New York, and Connecticut PGA Sections
24 Veterans alongside 12 PGA Professionals compete for HOPE Cup 2024 Champion- Team
HOPE Connecticut
Sets Fore Vets
All Sections have (1) victory and 2024 saw our first Playoff Victory
18 Sets of new or gently used clubs provided to Veterans to begin or continue their golfing journey
Fundraising & Partner Support
Through the dedication of our PGA of America Professionals, Host Facilities, and our community partners, we successfully raised funds to support our mission. The generosity of existing and new partners has allowed us to expand our programs and create more opportunities for our communities.
Our partners supporting efforts to positively impact lives through the game of golf:
America’s VetDogs
Avidia Bank
City of Boston – Bridge the Gap Grant
Commonwealth Collective, LLC
Dick’s Sporting Goods (Golf Galaxy)
ES Veterans Association
Fenway Sports Group
Forward Financing
Gorton & Company
Side by Side Charitable Foundation
Smuttynose Brewing Co
Tournament Solutions
Signature Fundraisers
Rounds for REACH (Spring online auction) (78 items from our professionals & facilities), $52,767 raised
Birdies 2 Benefit (52 professional & guest participants) $230,480 raised
In closing, I want to express my deepest thanks to each of you for your unwavering support and dedication to the mission of PGA REACH New England. Together, we’ve created opportunities, fostered inclusivity, and strengthened our community through the game we all love. As we look ahead, I am confident that our foundation will continue to grow and make a lasting impact, thanks to the passion and commitment of our membership. Let’s continue to inspire, serve, and lead through golf.
Thank you for your ongoing support, and here's to a successful future.
Rob Jarvis, PGA
Head Golf Professional, Bangor Municipal GC President, PGA REACH New England
2025 Important Dates
Nov. 4, 2024 - Program/Coach Registration for 2025 Opens
Dec. 2, 2024 - ADM Live & Modern Coach Training NEPGA Office
Dec 19, 2024 - Player Engagement Empower Hour
Jan.7, 2025 - Player Registration Opens
Click here to fill out the Value Tracker earns 1 PDR
FREE available PGA Coach trainings earn up to 14 PDRs Click Here
FREE Monthly Webinars on PGA.org earn up to 7 PDRs with the completion of the questionnaire Click here
2024 proved to be another successful season for junior golf and the New England PGA Junior TOUR which has been continuously offering playing opportunities for juniors across New England for 29 years, since 1995. For the second straight year, the junior membership record for overall junior members was broken! Overall participation numbers increased from 2023, and new facilities were added to the schedule. An entire breakdown of statistics from this past season is provided below.
Congratulations to our NEPGA, Maine, and Cape Cod Player of Year winners!
NEPGA Players of the Year
Boys 16-18
Girls 14-18
Boys 14-15
Boys 12-13
Boys 11 & Under
Girls 13 & Under
Girls ELITE Tour
Boys ELITE Tour
Harrison Wolfsberg (Marlborough, MA)
Alyssa Paine (Scituate, MA)
Jake Martin (Danvers, MA)
Richard Taylor (Acton, MA)
Thomas LeBlanc (Saugus, MA)
Ava Nguyen (Needham, MA)
Angie Yu (Lexington, MA)
Christopher Berry (North Hampton, NH)
Maine Players of the Year
Boys 16-18
Girls 14-18
Boys 14-15
Boys 12-13
Boys 11 & Under
Girls 13 & Under
Cape Cod Players of the Year
Boys 16-18
Girls 14-18
Boys 14-15
Boys 12-13
Boys 11 & Under
Girls 13 & Under
Dante Iannetta (Falmouth, ME)
Carley Iannetta (Falmouth, ME)
Gavin Jackson (Sidney, ME)
Sam Sirois (Falmouth, ME)
Bradley Peck (Dover, NH)
Lola McCoy-Hanson (Falmouth, ME)
Shane DeFilipi (Feeding Hills, MA)
Isabella Arone (West Newton, MA)
Oliver Smith (West Barnstable, MA)
Sawyer Hemmingway (Ludlow, MA)
Samuel Levin (Falmouth, MA)
Karina Koval (South Yarmouth, MA)
Thank you to all of our Host PGA of America Professionals, facilities, and partners for supporting growth of the game initiatives and providing playing opportunities for the next generation of players and future members.
2024 Junior Tournament Stats: NEPGA Junior TOUR (Inclusive of Maine & Cape Cod):
a. 1255 active members, vs. 1128 last year (11.3% increase)
i. NEPGA Junior Members: 1115
ii. Maine Junior Members: 80
iii. Cape Cod Junior Members: 60
b. 5635 total rounds, vs. 4969 last year (13.4% increase)
c. 135 total events, vs. 119 last year (13.5% increase)
Drive Chip and Putt
This year Drive Chip & Putt saw virtually the same number of players and sign-ups for all New England local qualifiers. Unlike last year, the weather during all scheduled events could not have been better and contributed to successful administration!
The Regional Qualifier that our New England representatives competed at was held in New Jersey at Ridgewood Country Club on Saturday, September 21st, 2024. The New England Section had two juniors earn a spot in the National DCP Finals at Augusta National which will be held in April 2025. The two advancing to Augusta National included Christian Roberts of South Hamilton, MA (Boys 7-9) and Ava Nguyen of Needham, MA (Girls 10-11).
Aarya Tsarong
(2023 DCP National Finalist and Junior Tour Member)
Ava Nguyen (2024 DCP National Finalist and Junior Tour Member)
Mackenzie Malcolm (Junior Tour Member)
2024 DCP Stats:
Drive Chip & Putt (Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont):
a. 1075 players, vs. 1079 last year (0.4% decrease)
b. 10 total events, one less than 2023 with the Regional in New Jersey
Junior golf continues to grow year after year and no other program has shown continuous growth more than PGA Jr League. Another record year for programs across New England which saw many facilities that initially hosted a program, return and capitalize on the growing interest in different formats other than typical stroke play which PGA Jr. League offers.
At the Section Championship, hosted at Stow Acres Country Club, over 29 13U all-star teams and 21 17U all-star teams (50 teams) competed. Over 358 players competed which was the 2nd largest Jr. League Section Championship field in the country! This year's champions included the 13U runner-ups Burlington and 17U runner-up Atkinson. While our 13U champions were Norwood and 17U champions went to Burlington!
2024 PGA Jr League Stats:
PGA Jr League (Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont):
a. 3874 players, vs. 3570 last year (8.5% increase)
b. 154 coaches, vs. 139 last year (14.4% increase)
c 294 total programs, vs 262 last year
The New England PGA Internship program has been running for over 20 years and historically these interns assist in all aspects of the tournament operations while mainly focusing on the booming junior programs and other relation foundation initiatives during their 3 months with the Section.
This year's class included:
Drew Barton (Westborough, MA) - St. Aquinas
Caitlin White (Rowley, MA) - Merrimack College
Jack (John) Dwyer (Norwood, MA) - Merrimack College
Alexis Bruce (Hopkinton, MA) - UMASS Amherst
Derek Foley (Braintree, MA) - UMASS Amherst
Michael McGinnis (Easton, MA) - Coastal Carolina University
Michael Bachand (Palmer, MA) - Nichols College
Joey Demarais (Norwood, MA) - University of Rhode Island
Jack Yukselen (Scituate, MA) - Providence College
Ryan Gambardella (Scarborough, ME) - James Madison University
MEDIA INTERN - Nicholas Dilibero (Uxbridge, MA) - UCONN
Respectfully Submitted,
Brianna Moesch
NEPGA Junior Golf & Player Development Director
The 2024 calendar year was yet another example of the New England Section continuing its robust education programming. New, unique offerings, coupled with year-to-year staples on the education calendar, provided ample opportunity for Section Professionals to expand their knowledge and sharpen themselves as PGA of America Professionals.
Last offseason, the New England PGA introduced the Mentoring Summit hosted at The Country Club. This first of its kind offering provided unique insights into leadership with numerous successful PGA Professionals as panelists.
With discussions led by PGA of America Vice President Don Rae, PGA, The Country Club’s Director of Golf Brendan Walsh, PGA, and District 1 Director Larry Kelley, PGA, attendees were afforded a multitude of knowledge from individuals who have had incredibly successful careers as leaders in the golf industry
The Empower Hour series had another successful season, bringing knowledge directly to Section Professional’s homes With over a dozen unique Empower Hour sessions, PGA of America Professionals were able to enhance their expertise on several different topics Sessions covered topics such as financial well-being, golf swing biomechanics, PGA Jr League, adaptive instruction, and much, much more We are excited to have another great lineup of Empower Hour topics as we enter the 2024-25 winter months
Also returning to the NEPGA Education calendar this offseason were staples such as the Teaching & Coaching Summit, the PGA Specialized Certification seminar, and the Golf Genius symposium These in-person offerings provided a great launching pad into the 2024 season Our Teaching & Coaching Summit visited the newly opened TopGolf in Canton, which provided a fantastic indoor/outdoor site for both classroom learning and hands on experience. The Certification seminar allowed our PGA of America Professionals to begin their journey to becoming a Master Professional with Golf Operations training, led by the PGA of America Education staff. Additionally, the Golf Genius symposium allowed Section Professionals to gain hands on experience with the platform that so many utilize at their own club.
In 2024, the New England Section has spent much of the season spearheading the creation of the Northeast Region Education Hub. The ‘Hub’ initially brought together the New England, Connecticut and Northeast New York Sections to share all the educational offerings amongst the three. This effort directly benefits our Section Professionals by expanding the variety of topics covered. Since the initial three Sections have aligned, additional Sections have jumped on board to be a part of this great effort. We now have 8 Sections contributing to the Education Hub and hope to continue to expand and make this a nationwide effort.
The Education Committee is excited to announce that the Mentoring Summit will return in November of 2024, with a bit of a twist. This event will be rebranded as the Executive Management Conference and will now be a two-day offering that will touch on numerous topics that will align well with all PGA of America Professional classifications and duties. In between these two great days, attendees will be afforded a great networking opportunity to meet fellow Section Professionals.
Mike Bradshaw, PGA
COO/Director of Golf - Kirkbrae CC
NEPGA Education Committee Co-Chairman
2024 showed a marked improvement over 2023 weather-wise, with only one Section tournament cancelled due to rain this year. This improved weather, combined with the Section conducting eight more tournaments than we did in 2023, has led to a huge increase of around 30% in participation numbers in our tournaments. These new/added tournaments included an extra Pro-Am in the spring, two travel ProAms at Streamsong and Liverpool UK, an Island Pro-Am in Nantucket, the Boston Common Golf Pro-Am, the newly instituted Lil’ Rhody Week, and the Fall Pro-Pro at Woodland GC. These new events, combined with the 170 rounds at the Portsmouth Pro-Am that were rained out last year, account for this increase. We’re hoping to keep it going again in 2025!
The New England Section continues to conduct one of the highest-attended Section Championships in the country, which affords us quite a few opportunities to send our Member Professionals to the PGA Professional Championship. This year’s Section Championship qualified fourteen of our players through to the National Championship, including Rich Berberian who is exempt. Our Senior and Assistant Championships’ participation numbers are still solid as well, which secured six spots from each event to qualify for their respective National Championships.
The new events for 2024 mentioned above were a big hit for our Members and their Amateur guests. The Island Pro-Am at Miacomet gave 25 Professionals the chance to enjoy a brief island vacation with their Members, and our new partnership with the Boston Common Golf team provided the opportunity for a great fundraiser at Belmont CC. All those who joined us in Florida and England for our Travel program had great times as well!
Congratulations to all of our Section Championship winners in 2024, including Eddie Kirby (Section and Senior Champion), Seul-Ki Hawley (Women’s Section Champion), and Rich Berberian (Assistant Champion) for their excellent play in our Major Events. In early October, our player of the year races came to a very exciting end, as several players were in the mix as they battled it out at Pine Brook CC for the Avidia Cup Finals In the end, Shawn Warren triumphed in both the Rolex Wogan Player of the Year and Avidia Cup season-long stroke play points race. Eddie Kirby is once again our Senior Player of the Year. Congratulations to all those who earned their spot in NEPGA history!
2024 Tournament Participation by the Numbers: NEPGA Section Tournaments
3640 total players, vs. 2761 last year (32% increase)
Section Championship: 173 players, vs. 172 last year (about flat)
Senior Championship: 81 players, vs. 87 last year (7% decrease)
Assistant Championship: 81 players, vs. 85 last year (5% decrease)
Stroke Play Series (Regular Season)
1.400 total players, vs. 407 last year (about flat)
Pro-Am’s (Local)
2106 total players, vs. 1298 last year (62% increase)
Added 6 new local Pro-Am’s for 2024, which accounted for 536 participants Portsmouth rained out in 2023, which accounts for about 170 participants
404 players vs. 330 last year (22% increase)
Pro-Assistant up 18% (26 rounds). Same venue, same time of year…
Pro-Pro Match Play about even with last year
Pro-Pro Stroke Play up 5% (4 rounds)
Sr/Jr down 33% (14 rounds).
Added new Fall Pro-Pro, adding 60 rounds
Future Tournament Outlook
We are happy to announce that we have our Section Championship sites secured for the next three years, and they are sure to provide some exciting golf and great player experiences. In 2025, we will be visiting the Bay Club at Mattapoisett and Kittansett Club beginning the day after Labor Day. In 2026 we’ll be visiting Maine and the Portland Country Club and Woodlands Club, and Vermont will host us in 2027 at the Quechee Club (Highland and Lakeland Courses) We’d like to extend a big thank you to Host Professionals Ben Egan, JP Connelly, Dan Venezio, Jan Murken, and TJ Anthoine for opening their doors for our premiere Championship in the next few years!
The NEPGA staff is working diligently to secure sites for many of our other tournaments, but we still need the help of our Section Professionals to finish up booking the 2025 schedule. While many of our perennial favorites will be returning to host events this year, we are in need of hosts for a couple Stroke Play events and Pro-Am’s, so if you might have an open Monday or Tuesday at your course, please reach out to the Section to help fill out the calendar – we need your help!
The Tournament Committee and Section Staff look forward to continuing our exploration of new events and formats for the 2025 season, and are excited to keep expanding the tournament program to offer as many quality playing opportunities to our Members and guests as possible. If you have any ideas about how to make our tournaments more exciting, please reach out to the Committee or Staff.
Thanks for participating in our tournament offerings in such great numbers, your support is a big part of the Section’s success as a whole. Have a great winter, and we’ll see you in the spring!
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeff Martin, PGA Head Golf Professional, Wollaston GC NEPGA Tournament Committee Chair
104th Section Championship
Ed Kirby, PGA
The Aquidneck Club
Women’s Championship
Seul-Ki Hawley, PGA Winchester CC
Senior Championship
Ed Kirby, PGA
The Aquidneck Club
National Car Rental Assistants Championship
Rich Berberian Jr , PGA Vesper CC
Pro-Pro Stroke Play Championship
Matt Arvanitis, PGA (SNHU) & Rich Berberian Jr , PGA (Vesper CC)
Johnnie-O Pro-Pro Match Play Championship
Jeff Martin, PGA (Wollaston GC) & Eric Barlow, PGA (Winchester CC)
Acushnet Golf Pro-Assistant Championship
Jeff Martin, PGA (Wollaston GC) & Liam Friedman, PGA (Wollaston GC)
This fall I started a weekly newsletter, Weekly Wisdom, with hopes to give at least one person a nugget that they can take to get better each week. Coming down towards the finish line of the season everyone is feeling the bumps and bruises that they picked up over the course of 2024.
As the season is coming to a close, let's not bring that schedule to a quick stop this year. Recently speaking with a leader in our area they shared with me that when the season comes to an end he maintains a schedule in the winter that he holds himself accountable for. Instead of a full schedule he works a shorter week, focused on weekdays, where he focuses equally on self improvement and fitness as well as his responsibilities at the club. With less day to day interruptions in the winter he has found the ability to use this time to implement new habits that carry over into the next golf season. He credits consistency and not skipping two days in a row to positive habit creation.
Using the idea of 1% better every day, invest time in yourself in preparation for next season. Spending as little as 15-30 min during this timeframe can help you make big leaps by this time next year, but only if you start now.
My call to action is that if you see something that speaks to you in these weekly newsletters, try putting it into action that week. Many golf professionals have an impressive eye for detail which is necessary to be successful in this industry whether that be breaking down a golf swing, setting a display in the shop or checking all the small details before the next event. That attention to detail can sometimes also be a hurdle that needs to be cleared when trying to set something new into motion.
At some point we all need to take what we are working on from the range to the golf course, the earlier we get started the better we will be.
Connecticut & New England Sections Day You Start Check In #1 April 1 Check In #2 June 1 Check In #3 October 1
Respectfully Submitted,
Dave Wilson, PGA PGA Career Consultant
22024 was another great year for the Cape Cod Chapter with excellent participation and several new events. The few events that saw significant decreases were affected by cancellations or field constraints. Full tournament participation numbers can be found below:
The Chapter had a first-time Chapter Champion in Ocean Edge’s Shayne Sakson Sakson won in dramatic fashion recording a 10-shot difference between his first and second round posting a total of 2-over (78-68 146) to beat The Bay Club’s John Paesani by three shots.
Paesani did, however, capture the Senior Chapter Championship beating out Cape Cod National’s Gregg Richbourg by three shots.
The Match Play Championship, in its third year as a bracket style tournament, rounded out to an even 32-man bracket. This tournament has continued to be a success for the Chapter and has introduced many young associates to Chapter play.
Frank Leja, representing The Club at New Seabury, defeated Zack Sweet 1 up in the final match to claim the 2024 title. Matt Baran and Dave Einstein rounded out the final four who competed at the Hyannisport Club.
The 38th Annual Cape Cod Cup was held at Woods Hole Golf Club and saw the Chapter Professionals win the Cup in a decisive 14 to 7 victory This edition of the Cup was exceptionally special as it was hosted by Glenn Kelly, PGA who will be retiring after 40 years at the club.
The Island Classic has long been a hit for the Chapter, making a yearly visit to Nantucket. For the first time this season, the Chapter ventured over to Martha’s Vineyard for a first of its kind Pro-Pro. Thank you to Edgartown GC and Vineyard GC for hosting an extremely successful event! Hopefully this will become a mainstay on the schedule.
At the time this article is being written there are two events left to be played. Matt Baran currently has the lead in the Dutch Wessner Player of the Year Race over Gregg Richbourg, Andrew Stolze, and Shayne Sakson.
The Chapter would like to thank the host sites of our Major Championships as well as all our tournaments for their generosity. In a year when your facilities were busier than ever, we cannot thank you enough for continuing to host us.
The Cape Cod Chapter would also like to thank its wonderful partners, without their help our tournaments could not be as successful as they are. Thank you to: Avidia Bank, Baxter’s Boathouse, Callaway, Cobra Puma, Five Star Golf Cars, the PGA Tour, Titleist/FootJoy, Tournament Solutions, RJ Shepherd, Vineyard Vines, Wilson, and 15th Golf Club!
I would also like to recognize our 2024 Chapter Award Winners. We are very proud of all their accomplishments!
I hope that you all have a great winter as you get to spend time with your families over the next few months. The board will be working to put together some winter gatherings/education for our Chapter… stay tuned!
Respectfully Submitted, Zack Sweet, PGA
President – Cape Cod Chapter NEPGA
The Maine Chapter had a successful Pro-Am season in 2024. Total Player Participation was up 20% including two events that were not held in 2023. The Pro Lady was revived after a two-year hiatus thanks to Webhannet offering their course for the day. The King of the Mountain at Sunday River was a new two-day event with a different format each day. The first day was out typical 1 Gross + 1 Net format, The 2nd round was 9-hole scramble and 9hole alternate shot.
After reviewing the results of the season, a somewhat surprising trend was found. Eleven different clubs either won or tied for first place in an event during the year. Old Marsh, Northport and Falmouth CC led the way with 3 wins each in our Pro-Ams.
The 2024 Player of the Year is Shawn Warren who narrowly edged out John Hickson who was going for his third straight title. Warren had a 69.7 Pro Am stroke average, and was a collective 22-under par and shot even par or better in every Pro Am. In addition to this award, Shawn also won the Wogan Player of the Year and Avidia Player of the year. Congratulations Shawn on a great season!
John Hickson, although second to Warren in the POY contest, was the Major winner this year. Hickson won the State of Maine Championship, The Chapter Championship and the Senior Chapter Championship. John shot 70-76--146 to win the State of Maine by 3 shots over 2nd place finisher, Jeff Seavey.
Hickson also won the Chapter Championship and Senior Chapter Championship held at Rockland C.C. and Samoset Resort. John won by 3 shots over Chandler
Longfellow and 4 over Shawn Warren and defending champion Eric Higgins. Hickson won the Senior Championship by an impressive 11 shots over Paul Champagne.
The Maine Chapter Super Senior Championship was won by David Grygiel shooting 74-76 to take home the honors.
The Pro Lady made a return this year and Paul Leighton’s Valhalla Team won the Gross score contest 3 shots better than Portland CC’s team. Martindale’s Chris Carrier tied for low gross but was crowned Net Champion for the better prize payout.
Brunswick Golf Club hosted The Pro-Am Championship, every pro tries to bring their best players and go low, Chris Doherty and his young guns Will Kavanaugh, Cade Charron, and Garret Olson did just that with a 2 Best Ball Score of -16. Only 2 shots behind were Jeff Seavey and his Goose River team.
The last major of the year was the Pro Senior at Waterville CC. John Hickson’s Northport team won the Gross competition by 2 strokes over Falmouth CC JJ Harris’s team. Congratulations to all of our Major Champions!
Lastly, I would like to recognize our 2024 Award Winners for their fantastic work.
I hope you all have a great winter and I look forward to a great 2025 season!
Submitted, Dan Venezio, PGA President, Maine Chapter NEPGA
2024 was a successful year for the Massachusetts Chapter tournament program with many events seeing a significant bump in participation. Below are full participation numbers for the Chapter through the Fall Meeting Pro-Pro.
The Chapter held its Championship at Charter Oak Country Club for the second consecutive year Greg Kelly (Myopia Hunt) defeated Liam Friedman (Wollaston GC) in a playoff to secure his first career Chapter Championship in dramatic fashion, congratulations Greg.
The biggest increase in participation this year was seen in the Mass Madness Match Play Bracket. In its third year of existence, the event doubled in size from 16 players to a full field of 32 players. Haverhill CC’s Todd Cook took home the title defeating Framingham CC’s Kyle Puzzo in the final match.
y of the Massachusetts Chapter Scholarship, we were able to provide 7 scholarships to the sons and daughters of our Chapter Professionals with a total of $7,000 awarded. We would like to thank Steve Field, PGA and Foxborough CC for hosting our Annual Scholarship Pro-Am which helped us raise funds for the scholarship.
We could not have had such a successful tournament season without the help of our sponsors, we would like to say a big thank you to Avidia Bank, Callaway, Cobra Puma, Five Star Golf Cars, the PGA Tour, Tournament Solutions, Wilson, and the 15th Golf Club!
At the Fall Meeting, which was held at Wellesley CC, the Chapter elected a new Board of Directors as well as a new District Director. The board now consists of:
President- Peter Hulbert, PGA
Vice President- Alex Socinski, PGA
Secretary- Bryan Kienke, PGA
Honorary President- David Sibley, PGA
District Director- Chris Carpenter, PGA
District Director- Jo-Anna Krupa, PGA
District Director- Jeff Matin, PGA
We would like to thank both Shawn Durocher, our outgoing Honorary President, and Mark Aldrich, our outgoing District Director, for their years of service to the Chapter!
We were thrilled to have all of our Massachusetts Chapter Award winners honored at the Section’s Awards Banquet Those winners were:
Thank you all for your efforts to make 2024 the successful season that it was! I wish you all the best in the off-season!
Respectfully Submitted,
Peter Hulbert, PGA President, Massachusetts Chapter NEPGA
The New Hampshire Chapter once again had a tremendous year. We held 21 events, with 19 of those being Pro-Ams and 2 being Professional only. With one event left to be played we will have over 2,400 rounds produced in our events We were lucky with the weather in 2024, as not one of our tournaments was cancelled.
Thank you to all our host Professionals and Clubs for allowing us to enjoy your facilities. We play some amazing venues all over the state from the mountains to the lakes and ocean. Our schedule for next year is almost complete with most of our events renewing.
Congratulations to our 2024 Chapter Award Winners:
These Professionals represent the best of the best of our Chapter and their awards are well deserved.
Our major championships began with our Pro Lady at the Pembroke Pines Country Club. What an incredible transformation happening at this facility. Thanks to Walter Reeves for putting this together. At the end of the day, we crowned Co – Champions as Eric Soderman’s Hoodkroft team and Josh Lacasse’s Beaver Meadow team finished deadlocked at 12-under par.
Next up was the Pro Senior held at Pease GC in Portsmouth. This has become one of our most popular events thanks to Scott Devito for making it a tradition to play this at Pease annually. Matt Arvanitis of Southern New Hampshire University led his team to this year’s championship at 12-under par.
In August we headed up to our Chapter Championship at North Conway CC. Thanks to Kevin Walker and all the staff and members at NCCC. They put on a top-notch event and make us feel incredibly welcome every year. After so many close calls, Jay Pollini won his first Championship firing 68, 69 – 137. Eric Sandstrum of Keene CC won our Senior Chapter Championship in a dramatic playoff with Greg Sandell of Golf Club of New England Both players finished with identical 71, 75 – 146 totals.
We are often asked what makes our Chapter so special, and it really has so much to do with this event. The tradition of being at North Conway every year, the families, kids, spouses and friendships made with our fellow professionals, young and experienced, often begin right here.
Finally, our Pro – Pro Championship was held at Portsmouth Country Club. Rico Riciputi and Kori Doring from Coach Club teamed up for their first win together firing a 7-under par 65. Thanks to Joe Finemore for hosting the Chapter.
Our Partners provided over $9,000 in 2024 and elevated our events to the next level. We appreciate their support and couldn’t do it without them.
Major Sponsor – Davis and Towle Insurance Group
Ball Sponsor - Titleist
New England Golf Cars
Five Star Golf Cars Callaway
Taylor Made Wilson Avidia Bank Comparion Insurance Boxto
Thanks to our 2024 Board of Directors for their service and guidance:
President – Tim Riese, Pease GC
Vice President – Phil Davis, Beaver Meadow GC Secretary – Allison Mitzel, Laconia CC
At Large – Danny Kish, The Indoor Golf Club
At Large – Joe Finemore, Portsmouth CC Honorary Past President – Cory Mansfield, Derryfield CC
We will be holding elections for 2025 at our Fall Meeting at Intervale CC on October 29. All of our officers have finished up their two-year term. I will transition to Honorary Past President We will be voting for a new President, Vice President, Secretary, and 2 (1 Year) At Large positions.
In closing, we would like to thank Tony Zdunko, PGA for a fantastic first season as our Operations Manager. Tony asked to pass along some words and said “I’d like to thank all our NH Chapter Professionals for your help, support and patience as I finish my first season as Operations Manager. It’s been a really fun experience, and I’ve enjoyed reconnecting with so many of you and getting to know some of our incredible young Associates.”
I hope you all have a wonderful off-season.
Respectfully Submitted, Tim Riese, PGA
President, New Hampshire
The Rhode Island Chapter held four events in the 2024 season. Below is a list of events along with the host professional and winners. I would like to thank all our host facilities for welcoming our Chapter this season.
Sakonnet Pro-Pro
Host Professional: Matt Alwin, PGA
Winners: Nick Jagoe & Bill Maguire
Agawam Hunt Pro-Am
Host Professional: Lou Rivers, PGA
Rhode Island Chapter Championship (Point Judith CC)
Host Professional: Dave Marcotte, PGA & Brendon Ray, PGA Winner: Ed Kirby
Winners: Scott Hickey & Brendon Ray (Individual Pro)
Agawam Hunt- John Simmons (Team)
Match Play Championship Winners: Ed Kirby
Our Chapter also played an instrumental role in creating a new event in 2024, The Battle of the Bridges. This tournament was put on in conjunction with the Cape Cod Chapter and provided a fun early season Ryder Cup style event between the two Chapters. Thank you to Lou Rivers and Agawam Hunt for hosting the inaugural event and to Jeff DiBona and Turtleson for providing the uniforms. We believe that this event will continue to grow in the coming years and look forward to crossing the bridge to compete on Cape Cod in 2025.
On the topic of tournaments, I would like to congratulate our Chapter’s own Ed Kirby on a historic year. On top of winning our Chapter and Match Play, Ed became the first player in NEPGA history to win both the Senior Championship and the Section Championship in the same season.
Our Chapter held its Fall Meeting on October 8th at Wannamoisett Country Club. During the meeting our members had a very productive discussion about reintroducing a 36-hole Chapter Championship for the 2025 season. The Chapter board will continue to discuss that over the offseason. We will also be looking to provide educational opportunities over the winter to help our members reach their PDR requirements this coming June.
We were also excited to honor our award winners at that meeting, those winners were:
As always, if there are any ideas you have for the Chapter please share them with myself or another board member. I wish you all a safe and happy off-season and look forward to seeing you again in the spring.
Submitted, Nate Adelson, PGA President-Rhode Island Chapter NEPGA
The Vermont Chapter has continued to build off the momentum of past seasons, and once again had a successful season in 2024.
I would like to thank all our host professionals and courses for welcoming our Chapter this year. We are very lucky to play at such great facilities and the Vermont Chapter would not be what it is without your support.
Complete tournament participation for the 2024 season can be found below. We are excited with the growth that we had in 2023 and look to continue that going forward.
The Vermont Chapter was thrilled to continue its relationships with our loyal tournament partners in 2023. Our Chapter had $30,000 in sponsor revenue this season and they are an instrumental part in our tournament programming. Our 2024 partners were: Avidia Bank, Boxto, Callaway, Cobra Puma, Dealer.com, Farrell Distributing, Five Star Golf Cars, Gonzo’s HD Sports, Golf Garage VT, Jim Mayo Brands, Larkin Hospitality, PGA Tour, PING, Pomerleau Real Estate, RJ Shepherd, TaylorMade, Tournament Solutions, Wilson, and W&B Golf Carts.
For the second consecutive season we held three elevated Pro-Ams which were named after their title partners. The Larkin Hospitality Pro-Am at Burlington CC, the Farrell Distributing Pro-Am at Vermont National CC, and the Pomerleau Real Estate Pro-Am each provided our Chapter members with an opportunity to play for an elevated purse right here in Vermont Chapter history.
Our Chapter’s Major Championship, the Stroke Play Championship, was hosted this season at The Quechee Club’s Highland and Lakeland Course. It was amazing to visit Quechee after the fantastic restoration that was done after last year’s Storms. We also brought back the dinner after the first day of competition which was a big success. Golf Garage VT’s David Jankowski took home the title for the third year in a row, cementing himself in Vermont Chapter history.
Our Chapter s second Major, the Match Play Championship was once again held at Ekwanok Country Club and featured the top 16 players in the Chapter. After three rounds of play, the finals featured two new faces Curtis Goldsberry and Kellen Peery. After a great run to the finals by Peery, Goldsberry ultimately prevailed to win his first Match Play title.
The 2024 Farrell Distributing Vermont Chapter Player of the Year was won by David Jankowski In addition to his Stroke Play Championship title, he finished as low professional at the Williston Pro-Am and Larkin Hospitality Pro-Am . We would like to extend a huge thank you to Farrell Distributing for coming on to be the title sponsor of our Player of the Year race and congratulations to David on his accomplishment!
Lastly, I would like to recognize our 2024 Award winners, each of these professionals listed below are very deserving winners and we proud to celebrate them this year.
Thank you again to all our members, partners, and amateur participants that made 2024 such a great season for the Vermont Chapter and we wish you all a great off-season.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dan Ruane, PGA President-Vermont Chapter NEPGA
2024 saw continued success for the New England Series program. Both membership and tournament participation continued its year-to-year increase, and host facilities received increased revenue both for course fees and golf shop revenue.
In 2024, membership dues were increased to an annual fee of $250 per person. That, coupled with an increase to over 600 NES members, resulted in record membership revenue totaling $156,600. This is up from $98,700 in 2023. Demand for membership is still very high, as we currently have 40 individuals on our membership waiting list.
New England Series members were afforded over 30 playing opportunities this year at some of the finest golf courses our Section has to offer. We received pleasant weather throughout the season, resulting in just one cancelled event. As previously mentioned, participation rose yet again this year, with our events averaging 96 players per event. NES totaled over 2,800 rounds in 2024, with many of our events on a waiting list. These numbers are up 9% from 2023.
With such active tournament participation, our New England Series program generated a record-high in entry fee revenue, reaching over $775,000. Much of this revenue was directed back to our host facilities, with $475,000 going to course fees & $47,000 to golf shops. A special thank you to all our host facilities in 2024.
The New England Series has now officially entered the travel event space, as 36 NES members are scheduled to visit Pinehurst next March This will provide another unique opportunity and experience for our membership. With the success of this initial travel event for NES members, we hope to expand these offerings and have multiple travel offerings in future years.
If you and your facility would be interested in hosting one of these events, please let the NEPGA Tournament Staff know!
Respectfully Submitted,
Chris Clayton NEPGA Director of Operations
Rhett Bishop, PGA
Renaissance GC
The Merchandiser of the Year Award recognizes a PGA Professional who has demonstrated superior skills as a merchandiser in the promotion of golf.
Rhett maintains a commitment to enhancing the golfer's experience which drives his merchandising philosophy at Renaissance.
He recognizes that golf isn't solely a sport but a lifestyle. The shop strives to curate an immersive and comprehensive range of products that cater to both the practical needs and aspirational desires of golf enthusiasts.
The shop at Renaissance has become not just a retail destination but a hub that enriches the golfing journey for enthusiasts of all kinds
John King, PGA
Poland Spring Resort
Since John has taken over the merchandising at Poland Spring Resort, sales have increased every year. His approach is centered on providing quality products, staying attuned to market dynamics, and creating an enjoyable and informative shopping experience for his customers. His merchandising philosophy revolves around three core principles:
PGA Professional who has demonstrated superior skills as a merchandiser in the
Cory works with his wife Jen in merchandising the pro shop at Derryfield CC. He prides himself on trying to provide a private club experience at a public facility. He takes member input, allows members to customize purchases, offers trunk shows, and adds demo days which provides a unique fitting experience.
Cory says the key to success is to be involved with the daily operations and know your customers’ needs and wants
Chris Twombly, PGA
Prouts Neck Country Club
The Bill Strausbaugh award recognizes PGA Professionals who by their day-to-day efforts have distinguished themselves by mentoring their fellow PGA Professionals.
Chris is always seeking ways to make the PGA of America Golf Professional and all that it means to be a member better. Whether it is through education, mentoring, or supporting other PGA Golf Professionals, he is always providing guidance and a vision.
Chris is dedicated to helping assistants work their way through the PGA program and creating their own fulfilling career. He champions the value of being a PGA Professional and helps others to improve and increase their value at their own clubs.
olved at both the Section and Chapter level in multiple capacities. Chris’s consistent ntoring PGA Professionals at all levels is greatly appreciated by his fellow Professionals, he Maine Chapter.
Bona Golf Sales - Sterling Cut Glass, RJS, and Turtleson
This is the inaugural year for the NEPGA Sales Representative of the Year. The award is presented to the salesperson who has achieved outstanding performance and success in the sales role.
Jeff represents Sterling Cut Glass, RJ Shepherd, and Turtleson He is a tremendous supporter of New England PGA of America Golf Professionals Not only does he support the Section, but he also supports the NEPGA Foundation, PGA REACH New England He is a huge supporter of Assistant Professionals through the Section as well His consistent excellent customer service over the years and his willingness to support all NEPGA Programs makes him so deserving of the first NEPGA Sales Representative of the Year Award
Jim Tobin, PGA
Patriot Golf Course
This award is designed to pay recognition to a PGA golf professional who is a leader in junior golf.
Jim is passionate about growing the game of golf and embraces the opportunity to introduce the game of golf to the youth. He oversees two youth golf programs, one at Patriot GC and one at Franklin Park GC. His program at Franklin Park is what truly separates him from others. The program is a First Tee initiative with the mission of bringing golf to Boston’s inner city youth. This is the first inner city program of its kind for golf in Boston.
The Boston program has grown in popularity over the past nine years and the results speak for themselves. Over 240 juniors participate every week in the summer and 60 more join in on Sundays in the Spring and Fall.
Matt Moison, PGA Green Hill GC
T Award is presented to a PGA Professional who personifies patriotism through the game of golf and demonstrates unwavering commitment and dedication to the men and women who have valiantly served and protected the United States of America.
As the Director of Golf at Green Hill for the last 27 years, Matt has been able to utilize the resources of the course, the City of Worcester, and the NEPGA to help promote and develop golf programs for military service members and Veterans Matt created a regional PGA HOPE enrollment campaign through Green Hill
His commitment to growing the game of Golf for those who have served our country and encouraging other PGA Professionals to get involved make him enormously deserving of the 2024 New England PGA Patriot Award
John Lawrence Tournament Solutions
The George S Wemyss Award is presented to an individual who has consistently been a friend to the NEPGA and/or its members over the years, and made a significant contribution to the game of golf
John is the Managing Director of Tournament Solutions and longtime partner of the New England PGA and PGA REACH New England, the charitable arm of the Section. Over the past two decades, John and his team have successfully established Tournament Solutions as the premiere golf gift and award company in the United States.
John and Tournament Solutions are instrumental in the success of many of the Section and Foundation events. John and Tournament Solutions also run the Fore The Foundation Program in which they donate 10 percent of all business done with NEPGA Professionals back to the Foundation.
Golf Garage VT
The Teacher of the Year Award is used to honor those who show outstanding behavior in spreading and teaching the game of golf.
David has proven himself to develop elite players and set himself apart from others by opening his own teaching facility, Golf Garage Vermont, powered by Janko Golf Coaching, in April of 2022.
He started his facility with the support of 20 clients and within eighteen months it grew to 475 students and users What separates David from others is his philosophy and vision for this facility: 100 percent teaching and coaching The use of technology, club fitting, and practice space makes him one of the leaders of golf instruction in all of New England
Thomas Fernandes, PGA
Worcester Country Club
The Assistant Golf Professional of the Year award is given based on a nominee's efforts as an assistant professional and involvement in the assistants’ association, Chapter, Section, and PGA of America activities
Thomas has been described by his peers as the consummate Professional He continually provides exceptional service to the membership at Worcester Country Club and is an excellent example of how PGA Professionals should conduct themselves both on and off the golf course
In addition to his successes at Worcester Country Club, Thomas is equally as passionate about being involved with the PGA as he sits on the National PGA Junior League Committee and the PGA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. He volunteers his time throughout the section with numerous programs.
Darren Falk, PGA
Holly Ridge GC
The Player Development Award is designed to recognize a PGA Professional for extraordinary and exemplary contributions and achievements in the area of player development.
Darren has demonstrated his dedication to teaching year after year since becoming a PGA member over 15 years ago. He continues to educate himself each day through continuing education, sharing ideas with other instructors, and studying other instructors methods
Darren stays up to date and educates himself in all areas of teaching, coaching and player development Darren’s passion for teaching carries over to fellow professionals as well As a Cape Cod Chapter Board Member, Darren has led educational opportunities for the Chapter the past two years
Tony DiGiorgio, PGA
Crystal Lake GC
The Deacon Palmer Award bestows special recognition on a PGA of America Golf Professional who displays outstanding integrity, character, and leadership in the effort to overcome a major obstacle in their life.
Tony is the long-standing head golf professional at Crystal Lake Golf Club and stands as a testament to resilience, commitment, and an unwavering passion for the sport, despite facing formidable medical challenges.
Tony has battled heart disease for many years, finally culminating in a heart transplant procedure on January 30, 2023. Despite everything that has transpired in Tony’s life he has continued to perform at a high level and has earned the respect of his peers. Tony has not only overcome adversity but has used it as a platform to inspire and uplift others.
Tony’s story is one of triumphs over adversity. With an eye to the future, Tony has a new responsibility to take on, that being the commitment to himself to take care of the wonderful gift he has received.
The 2024 Awards are headlined by Glenn Kelly, PGA (Woods Hole Golf Club) who has been named the NEPGA Golf Professional of the Year.
Kelly joined the Golf Industry as an Assistant to Andy Froude, PGA at Charles River CC in 1981. Along the way, Kelly worked for Les Kennedy at Pawtucket CC in 1982, Don Ross from 1983-1984 at Glastonbury Hills CC, and then moved to Woods Hole GC in 1985 as an assistant to Herman “Dutch” Wessner.
“I am as delighted as I am honored – and I am truly honored,” said Kelly. “You don’t start a career in golf with the goal of winning an award as prestigious as this one. It’s for notable people who have accomplished so much throughout their careers… so I find myself truly speechless.”
Kelly attained his PGA of America Professional Membership in 1988 and has excelled in many areas, specifically Golf Shop Operations and Tournament Operations.
Over the years Kelly has served the Section on the Junior Golf Committee, Awards Committee, and Finance Committee. He also served as the Cape Cod Chapter Tournament Chair in 1987 as well as the Chapter District Director from 2011-2014 and 2015-2018.
“I try to lead by example,” said Kelly. “I urge my fellow Professionals to give it a try when you are called to service You will look back as I do with pride and you will serve as an example for the next generation.”
Kelly was awarded the New England PGA Cape Cod Chapter Golf Professional of the Year Award in 2009 and 2022. In 2023 he earned the Francis Ouimet Scholarship Fund Professional of the Year Award.
Kelly has been active in the growth of the game of golf over the years. He attributes his success in the growth of the game to the professional staff at Woods Hole GC.
Kelly participated in 18 Golf Fights Cancer Marathons, raising close to $250,000. He has also participated in two Francis Ouimet Golf Marathons and hosted the Eastern Amputee Golf Association for the past 38 years.
Kelly’s peers say he is the definition of what a PGA Professional should be. He is a student of the game, a mentor to his staff, and a valuable employee to his club.
“I want to thank the Board of Governors and the Membership at Woods Hole Golf Club for their support over the past 39 years. I am so fortunate to work at the most wonderful facility in New England with the kindest, most generous group of people. I want to thank all of my coworkers, both past and present, and numerous mentors.”
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