ThemissionoftheNewEnglandPGAFoundation istopositivelyimpactthelivesofyouth, veterans,anddiversepopulationsthroughthe creationandutilizationofgolfprogramming thatsupportseducation,healthandwellness, andplayerdevelopment.
OurgoalistohaveanenduringinfluenceinNew Englandoverthenextfiftyyearsandbeyond. Opportunitiestoexpandourprogramingwithmore resourcesandfundingwillenableustobettersupport –diversepopulations,veteransandtheirfamily,as wellasyouthdevelopmentthroughgolfprograms.
“2024hasbeenanextraordinaryyearforthe foundation.Ourprogramshaveempowered communities,expandedaccesstothegameand madealastingimpactonmanyprogram beneficiaries.WeareproudofthestridesourNew EnglandPGAofAmericaGolfProfessionals madetoimpactlives,andweremaincommittedto growingthegameanditspositiveinfluence throughoutourSection.”
-RobJarvis,PGA PGAREACHNewEnglandPresident
ThankyoutoourfriendsattheNewEngland PGAFoundationfortheirincrediblesupport andinclusionofourathletes.The contributionsandprogramsthroughoutthe yeartrulyinspireandimpactlives.
SomanythankstotheNewEnglandPGA Foundationforthetremendoussupportof CampSunshine,wearelookingforwardto anothergreatyearofworkingtogether.
-StephanieFeyler CampSunshine,VPofPrograms
“CampCarefreeissogratefulforyour incrediblepartnershipandwelookforwardto workingtogethertobringthegameofgolfto morechildren.”
-AstridHendren NewEnglandAmerican DiabetesAssociation,Director
The Youth Pillar of PGA REACH New England provides opportunities for thousands of junior golfers across New England through our NEPGAJuniorTOUR,PGAJuniorLeague,andDrive,Chip&Putt.
OurInclusionSeriesfocusesonprovidingprogramsandinitiativesthat welcome anyone and everyone to the sport of golf. Your financial support helps wonderful programs that welcome juniors, females, specialathletesanddiversefamiliesfromacrossNewEngland.
PGAREACHNewEnglandiscommittedtoimprovingthelivesofVeterans and their families through the game of golf. PGA HOPE (Helping Our Patriots Everywhere) is the flagship military program of PGA REACH New England which introduces golf to Veterans with disabilities to enhance theirphysical,mental,social,andemotionalwell-being.
PGA HOPE introduces golf to Veterans with disabilities to enhance their physical, mental, social, and emotional wellbeing. Participants of PGA HOPE New England include Veterans livingwithphysicalandcognitivechallengessuchasTraumatic BrainInjury(TBI)andPost-TraumaticStressDisorder(PTSD).
A9-holesocialplayingopportunityforourVeteranstoconnect. The goal, bring together golfers along with their non-golfing brothers or sisters from all branches of the armed forces that wanttolearnorplayinarelaxedatmosphere,wherethefocusis camaraderie.
Through Sets Fore Vets, unused or gently used clubs can be put directly into the hands of a Veteran learning the game of golf or looking to continuetheirgolfingjourney.
Afterafantasticyearoffundraising,andincollaboration withourpartner,Gorton&Co.wewereabletopayforand provideapaymentfreevehicletooneofournation’s heroes,aPurpleHeartrecipientandhiswife.
Army Feb 2010 - April 2017
PurpleHeartMedal,ArmyCommendationMedalwithValor,Army CommendationMedal,OverseasServiceRibbon,CombatMedical Badge,ParachutistBadge,ArmyAchievementMetal(2),Global WaronTerrorismExpeditionaryMedal,ArmyGoodConduct Medal,Non-CommissionedOfficerProfessionalDevelopment ServiceRibbon.
Abigail L. Spector
Alexander K. Kirk
Alexander P. Ryan
Allan J. Belden
Allison L. Mitzel
Benjamin M. Egan
Benjamin T. Alexander
Blake A. Phillips
Brendan J. Bond
Brendan V. Walsh
Brian Enman
Brian M Bain
Brian S. Diamond
Bryan C. Kienke
Chad M. Spencer
Christian A. Comeau
Christopher A. Bohac
Christopher J. Hulme
Christopher M. Smith
Chuck Yaeger
Cory C. Yudkin
Cory J. Mansfield
Craig R. Smith
Eric J. Wilson
Erik C. Sorensen
Fergus J. Keane III
Gary G Cardoza Jr.
Hal L Jacobs
Harold E. Balboni
Ian T. Willikens
James B. Fairbanks
James E. Noris
James M. Chojnowski
James Tobin
Jason J. Howard
Jason M Sedan
Jim Falco
Jo-Anna R. Krupa
Joanne L Flynn
Joel C. Jenkins
John A. Lano
John A. Socinski
John J. Carey
Jon N. Ellis
Jordan F. Churchill
Joseph E. McNulty
Matthew P. Murphy
Max Doctoroff
Michael A. Packard
Michael A. Zaranek
Michael J. Bradshaw
Nathan C. Myers
Nicholas A. Kenis
Nicholas J. Maresca
Patrick A. Thornell
Patrick J. Sharron
Peter A. Harris
Peter Dupuis
Peter K. Doherty
Peyton Schaffer
Richard E. Dwelley
Richard O. Veitch
Robert E. Giusti
Robert P. Jarvis
Sean P. Barrett
Sean W. Whitelavich
Seul-Ki Park Hawley
Shawn M. Sutherland
Stephen M. Hosack
Curtis D. Goldsberry
Dan Gillis
Daniel J. Kish
Daniel Wilkins
David F. Donnellan
David L. Moore
David P Lane III
Donald F. Daley
Douglas A. Ruttle
Duncan W. Smith
Eddie K. Whalley
Justin R. Lawson
Kelli A. Kostick
Kenneth Johnson
Kevin C. Bennison
Kevin M. Fay
Kim R. O'Neil
Lawrence C. Kelley
Marc F. Spencer
Mark A. Aldrich
Mark J. Mangion
Matthew L. Moison
Steven C. Rogers
Steven Vaughn
Thomas D. Borden
Thomas E Smith
Thomas J. Rourke
Thomas S. Fernandes
Timothy A. Turbeville
Timothy P. Loch
Tyler A. Corder
Zachary M. Mahan
TheNewEnglandPGAJuniorTour,foundedin1995,establishedagoal to help develop younger golfers and provide outstanding competitionsonalocallevel.Inaddition,thisprogramstrivestofoster sportsmanshipandintegrityamongitsmembers.
1,255 135 1,255membersin2024
5,635 135eventsheldacrossNewEnglandin 2024
PGA Jr. League is the flagship youth pillar program of the PGA of America’s501(c)(3)foundation,PGAREACH.PGAJr.Leagueisshifting the way youth golf is learned and played, including the adoption of leagueplay,teamgolfandscoringwithflagsandpoints.
A complimentary nationwide junior golf development competition aimed at growing the game by focusing on the three fundamental skillsemployedingolf.Participantscompeteinallthreeskills(Drive, Chip and Putt) and hit three shots per skill for a total of nine shots. Pointsareaccumulatedpershotateachskill.
Participants who advance through local, sub-regional and regional qualifyingineachage/gendercategoryearnaplaceintheNational Finals,whichisconductedatAugustaNationalGolfClubtheSunday before the Masters Tournament and is broadcast live by Golf Channel
Ineverexpectedtolovegolfasmuchas Ido!Weenjoyseeingthefriendlystaff andplayingatdifferentgolfcourses everyweek.
Golfhastaughtmeimportantlessons aboutworkinghard,beingpatient,and cheeringformyfriendsnomatterhow wedointhetournaments.
I’msuperexcitedtovisitAugusta NationalGolfClub.Thankyousomuch totheNEPGAforgivingmesuch amazingmemoriesandopportunities!
-AvaNguyen 11yearsold
2024JuniorTourPlayeroftheYear DCPNationalFinalist
I’vemadealotofnewfriendsandhada tonoffunplayingintheJuniorTOUR tournaments. MysisterandIhavenotonlydeveloped aloveforgolfbuthavealsolearned importantlessonsaboutpatience, perseverance,andsportsmanship.
TheNEPGAJuniorTOURhastruly becomeahighlightofoursummers, andIcan’twaittoseethestaffandmy friendsagainnextyear!
-MiaNguyen 13yearsold
$$104,000 104,000
Diversity and Inclusion are core values and a focus of PGA REACH New England. Our NEPGA of America Professionals will continue to growthegamebycreatinganatmospherewhereallarewelcometo enjoythegamewelove.
PGAREACHNewEnglandandtheMITSloanSchoolofManagement continued it’s annual networking and instruction event called, "Writingthecode".
Thisthreehourprogramoffersundergraduate,graduatestudents the opportunity to explore the intersection between business and thegameofgolf,examinecountryclubculture,whilelearninghow tonavigatethegame.
to provide athletic training and competition to athletes with intellectual disabilities across the commonwealth”
The Women’s Networking Summit brings together over 125+ females to network with leading business professionals from across New England andlearnthegameofgolfinaninclusiveatmosphere.
In 2024 we were fortunate to feature Monica Cost, founder of The Core Value Company, for an interactive conversation with the attendees aboutlivingaBALANCEDlife.
The day also featured a panel with Anne Broholm (AHEAD), Melinda Barrett(Mayor,CityofHaverhill),BritneyBranch(TheBossUpAgency)& Cosmina Schulman (NESN), led by Sandy Cross (PGA of America), discussinghowtheyhavefoundbalanceintheirbusylives.
Every dollar raised helps us impact lives through the game of golf!
$230, 480 $230, 480
$$54,588 54,588
New England PGA Section Professionals raised over $230,000 for three amazing charities: PGA REACH New England, Special Olympics Massachusetts, and the Child Life Services Department of Boston Children’sHospital.
49players,incombinationsoftwosomes,threesomes,andfoursomes, set out to play 54 holes of golf at Andover Country Club with the mission to make as many birdies as possible. In total, the B2B squad rackedup760birdies!
Ouronlineauctionitemsareuniqueexperiencesbeingoffered by our New England PGA of America Golf Professionals and theirfacilities,inoneoftwocategories:
AplayingexperienceWITHtheHostGolfProfessional (plusyourthreesome)
Thank you to all of our donors!
44,000+ ,000+
$$435K+ 435K+
DOLLARS RAISED through individual donors, NEPGA Professional support & grassroot efforts
HannahCorsojoinedtheNewEngland PGASectioninJune2024astheNew EnglandPGASectionWORKSFellow.
The PGA WORKS Fellowship is designed to create an all-inclusive experience for young professionals who arereadytokickstarttheircareerinthegameofgolf. The Fellowship provides a six- to twelve-month, paid immersion in a PGA Section’s operation, designed to help foster development and a new skill set in all facetsofthegolfindustryandbeyond.It’sachanceto grow, learn and gain valuable experience in an expandingbusiness.
Through PGA
we are committed to help equip the next generation of leaders
PGAWORKSFellows in2023-2024
Fellowswhoidentifiedasnon-white 2023-2024