Student Handbook
Your Name:
Course Name:
Your Name:
Course Name:
To keep you on track with your course, you are allocated assessment dates. It is important that you keep to these dates in order for you to complete your course and enable us to claim the funding for your course.
Assessment Date 1:
Assessment Date 2:
Assessment Date 3:
Assessment Date 4:
You must contact us if you are unable to meet these dates.
If you have any questions or need any help with your course work you can contact us:
020 8394 8426
Office Hours
Monday to Thursday - 9.00am to 5.00pm
Friday - 9.00am to 4.30pm
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as: protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children’s health or development; ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances constant with the provision of safe and effective care; and taking action to enable all children to have best outcomes.
ABUSE: There are four main types of abuse: emotional, physical, sexual and neglect.
CHILD: A child is defined as under the age of 18 years.
ADULT AT RISK: An adult at risk is defined as someone 18 years of age or over who is or may need to receive community care services by reason of mental health or other disability, age or illness and who may be unable to take care of themselves or protect themselves against significant harm or exploitation.
PREVENT: The Prevent Strategy has three main objectives, responding to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat we face from those who promote it; preventing people being drawn into terrorism and ensuring they are given appropriate advice and support; working with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation.
Safeguarding includes a wide range of issues such as:
• Abuse – physical, sexual, emotional and neglect
• Criminal exploitation/county lines
• Domestic abuse
• Sexual exploitation
• Female genital mutilation
• Forced marriage
• Homelessness/missing from home
• Honour-based violence
• Mental health self-harm
• Online safety
• Peer-on-peer abuse
• Radicalisation and extremism
• Drug and alcohol misuse
• Youth produced sexual imagery
Nescot College recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk of harm in our care.
We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where students are respected and valued. We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and the Safeguarding Policy and Procedures incorporate a wide range of risks we need to safeguard against. This includes the prevention of radicalisation which is listed as a specific safeguarding issue and is addressed in the Government PREVENT strategy.
For further information on Safeguarding please refer to the Nescot Presentation
Designated members of staff with responsibility for safeguarding are:
Designated Safeguarding Lead
• Andy Cowan
Deputy Safeguarding Leads
• Amy Norris
• Lisa Moynihan
If you have a safeguarding concern about a member of staff working with students which indicates that they have:
• behaved in a way that has harmed or may harm a student
• behaved towards in student in a way that indicates they would pose a risk of harm
• Possibly committed a criminal offense against or related to a student
This must be reported immediately to Donna Patterson, Assistant Principal HR and OD,, ext. 3318.
By email
Use the dedicated email service:
By phone
Safeguarding line: 0208 394 3025
In person Room N20
Normal working hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. The Student
Wellbeing Mentors will ensure that all safeguarding referrals are responded to and will be available to talk to students.
You will be sent a link to the online portal once your enrolment has been fully processed and you have signed and returned your Learning Agreement to the College. This may take a few days.
You will need to use your Nescot email address to access your online course.
The email may go into your junk folder. Please move the email to your inbox before you open it. If you open it in your junk folder the link will not work and will need to be resent.
You will be directed to change your password when you first log into the system. If you forget your password please contact us to reset it using the information on page 4.
Your assessments must be completed on or before the deadline dates. Read all questions thoroughly before answering.
You will need to save your work as you go along. The system does not save your
work for you. The save button is either at the bottom of the screen or underneath each question.
The website address for your online portal is either: or
For Google classroom and Laser Learning you will be invited by the Distance Learning Team. The portal you use will depend on the subject you are studying.
It is important that you log in on a regular basis to support you in completing your course. This will also help you to stay on track and complete within the allocated time span.
When you are ready to send your work to your assessor to be marked press (submit to assessor). The button is at the bottom of the page.
You should also log in on a regular basis to check for feedback from your assessor.
Please ensure that you watch the student induction video before you begin.
The video is packed with lots of information to support you through your journey with us at Nescot.
If you withdraw or do not complete the course you will be charged £100.
If you do not understand any of the questions please call the Distance Learning Department at Nescot for advice.
All courses with a fee are non-refundable.
Do not wait for the feedback from your previous assessment before you send in your next assessment.
Answer all questions in full using your own words and experiences. Try to relate your answers to your job role. Do not copy word-for-word from the online workbook or from the internet as this is plagiarism
PLAGIARISM: Never copy text wordfor-word from the online workbook or from the internet; always use your own words (paraphrase). Copying will mean that your answers will need to be resubmitted as your assessor will not be able to see what you have learned.
Read your feedback fully and take note of any comments made by your tutor. This will
help you if you need to do any additional work on the assessment.
You will need to take no less than 6 weeks to complete your assessments to comply with our funding criteria.
When you have completed your course a certificate will be issued to you. Certificates can take some time to be processed and will be sent to you as soon as possible.
Once you have completed you may enrol on another course (subject to availability). Please visit our website for details of available courses.
If you receive a resubmission do not worry, they are part of the process and are not intended to be negative. Always contact the Distance Learning Department if you would like any help or are a bit unsure how to answer the questions.
If you were referred by your employer and leave the company or move away from the area you can still carry on with your course.
If there is any change to your personal details please email us as soon as possible so we can update our records and more importantly, keep in contact with you. If you change your name and address but fail to advise us a charge will be made for any replacement certificate.
These courses are government funded and require you to abide by their rules to access the free funding. In line with these requirements, it is important that you keep in contact with your Tutor on a fortnightly basis. Your tutor will be monitoring your progress and offering support throughout your time with us.
If you have any questions about your course, please contact us directly by email or phone using thedetails on page 4.
The information below will help you to answer your assessments:
In order to successfully complete your assessments and gain a unit/ module pass, you will need to show your knowledge and understanding of the relevant information and meet the criteria (learning outcomes) as set by the awarding body.
The questions in your assessments are designed to help you meet the criteria. The way that you answer the questions will decide whether you meet the learning outcome or if you need to give extra detail and resubmit some answers.
Most questions are giving you an instruction; if you follow the instruction and think about how to present your answer you will be more likely to achieve a pass first time.
To show your assessor what you have learnt you will need to think about what to include in your answer. It’s a good idea to read a couple of questions at a time so that you don’t find yourself writing information that is asked for in the next question!
Sometimes you will be given case studies or scenarios to respond to. These are opportunities for you to say what you would do if it was a real situation.
Try and describe what you would do at work and which of the policies and procedures you might follow.
If you are currently unemployed, or don’t have a job role that the situation applies to, use the learning book and your imagination/ common sense to answer! Don’t write doesn’t apply or I don’t do this etc. as you will not meet the criteria.
Most questions will begin with a verb (an action word e.g. run, walk, jump etc.) it will help to think of this word as the one telling you how to approach the question. The verb or verbs will tell you how much detail you need to include (see table overleaf)
Check your answer by looking at the table below; this will give you an idea of what to do for important verbs.
Generally found in courses at level: Verb
Levels 1 & 2 Identify
Recognise or say what something is
Levels 1 & 2 Define Give the meaning of a word or phrase
Levels 1 & 2 List Write down a number of items or names
Levels 1 & 2 Outline
Give the main points without the detail
Levels 1 & 2 Name
Give the recognized names for items, for example different laws/ regulations; conditions/ diseases etc.
Levels 1 & 2 Select Choose items from a larger group or set
Levels 1 & 2 Explain or Describe
Make something understandable or clear by including some detail
Levels 3 & above Evaluate
Talk about the strengths and weaknesses, points for and against, and then state the value of something based on the information you have given
Levels 3 & above Compare
Look for similarities and differences between items in a question. Reach a conclusion about which is better.
Levels 3 & above Analyse
Levels 3 & above Summarise
Break into parts, investigate, identify and describe the main characteristics.
Give an overview of the main points but leave out details and examples.
Distance Learning courses are for all different types of people and would suit anyone who would find it hard to attend College. Learning can take place in the home, library or anywhere that is convenient for you.
You can carry on with your job and life, and learn at a time that is suitable for you. You will need to keep to the deadline dates we have set you.
Employers look for employees who have the skills and appropriate qualifications for the vacancy they are wishing to fill. The course you have chosen will show prospective employers that you want to develop yourself.
Nescot policy reflects our belief that everyone should have an equal opportunity to study. Please advise the tutor at induction as this will enable us to assist you in any way we can.
Yes, but you can only work towards one at a time. On completion of one course you can go on to the next, subject to availability. See our website for more details.
Yes, please see the details on page 12 of this booklet.
You can contact us by email or telephone. Please use the contact details on page 4.
Below is some key information that you need to be aware of while you are a Nescot College Student. Further information about any of the subjects covered here can be obtained by contacting Nescot College Advice and Guidance directly on 020 8394 3038. Our aim is to provide you with support in a caring and professional manner in order for you to achieve success.
As a Distance Learning student we can offer you help and support in a number of different ways by specialist Tutors. This includes help and advice by telephone or email and individual or group tutorials. The most important thing for you to remember is that you are not on your own and we are here to help and support you with all aspects of your course. If you have any special difficulties which you think might put you at a disadvantage do not hesitate to let us know.
All students once enrolled may use the facilities at the college e.g. Learning Resources, Sports Facilities, etc. If you require more information you can contact the College on 020 8394 1731 or, alternatively see our website
As a Nescot student you can also apply for an NUS card which entitles you to discount at various places. Please contact us for further details.
We are a diverse college that celebrates differences in race, disability, gender, gender reassignment, age, sexual orientation, faith, background or personal circumstance.
Everyone has a responsibility to ensure that Nescot is a College where all are respected and no one experiences harassment and bullying.
We expect anyone who is upset by thoughtless comments, jokes or actions, or who experiences or witnesses any form of discrimination to tell us. You can talk to your tutor, someone from the safeguarding team, security or someone from student services or a member of the teaching or support staff. See our booklet, Safe Learner Guidance or our Bullying and Harassment policy for further information.
We endeavor to provide a safe and welcoming environment where students are respected and valued. We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and the Safeguarding Policy and Procedures incorporate a wide range of risks we need to safeguard against.
This includes the prevention of radicalization which is listed as a specific safeguarding issue and is addressed in the Government Prevent Strategy.
This charter sets out what you can expect from us and what we expect from you during your course and if you have to attend college. The charter has been put together with the help of our students and staff and represents what we believe are the college’s key values.
We will provide:
• Advice and guidance at the beginning and throughout your course
• An induction to the college and your course
• Excellent teaching and personal tutoring
• Support in your learning
• Opportunities to comment on your course and college facilities
• Good career progression advice
• Access to financial, personal and career advice
• Respect for the rights of all members of the college community
• A clear system to deal with any behaviour which is interfering with your learning
We expect you to:
• Show respect at all times for your fellow students and all college staff regardless of race, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion, belief, marital/ parental or social status.
• Tell us if you experience or see bullying, discrimination or harassment
• Behave calmly and politely at all times, avoiding words and actions that could be seen as abusive or threatening
• Follow instructions from all staff during lessons and on college premises and help create a safe environment where everyone can learn
• Observe and meet all deadlines for handing in of your work
• Follow all health and safety rules as stated in the college health and safety policy explained during induction
• Tell us about your learning support needs and keep to any support agreements made
• Follow the student code of conduct
Nescot is committed to achieving excellence in the delivery of education and training services. We set high standards for ourselves and seek to meet them. We therefore welcome and encourage feedback from students and members of the public. Your feedback helps us to make improvements to our services.
If you wish to comment on the service you have received or suggest how it can be improved please complete the feedback form available at Reception, Advice & Guidance Department, LRC, etc. and return it to the Quality Office or to the Advice & Guidance suggestion box.
The Complaints Procedure covers complaints about the services we provide and the treatment you receive whilst in the college. It does not cover complaints about academic assessment, e.g. grades and marks. These are covered by the Academic Appeals procedure (which is available from curriculum staff or Student Services
All complaints will be taken seriously and dealt with quickly. If you need assistance in presenting your complaint you can ask your Tutor, or the student counsellor for support. They cannot make the complaint for you but can help you to make the complaint yourself.
If you are dissatisfied with the service or treatment you receive it is always best to raise the matter immediately with the member of staff you are dealing with or alternatively you may contact the Adult Skills & Development Manager. Tell them exactly what you are unhappy about and ask for their help in putting it right.
Many problems can be resolved quickly and informally in this way. You can contact them by email on: by telephone on 020 8394 8426 or by letter to the address on page 4 of this booklet.
When making a formal complaint this should be made by letter to the Quality Department or you can complete the College’s complaint form which is available from Student Services, Reception, Departmental Administrators and the Learning Resource Centre
The completed complaint form should be forwarded to the Quality Department or handed to the Receptionist at the main Reception desk.
The complaint will be acknowledged within 5 working days of receipt by the Quality Department.
A member of our management team who is independent of the service of which you are complaining will fully investigate and report back to the Head of Quality.
Within 20 working days (where possible) of your original complaint a reply will be sent to you detailing the outcome of the investigation. The reply will state whether or not the complaint has been upheld and how the college will deal with the matter if your complaint is upheld.
If you are unhappy with the result of the investigation you have the right to appeal to the Deputy Principal within 5 working days of the date of our reply.
Appeals must be sent in writing.
The Deputy Principal will review the complaint, and may interview the manager investigating the complaint and/ or the complainant before reaching a decision. Within 10 working days from the date of your written appeal a reply from the Deputy Principal will be sent to you detailing the outcome.