Employer Pro Forma
Company Name: Companies House Registration Number: Address: Postcode:
Work telephone:
Key contact name: Email address: Key contact number:
Contract signatory: Contact number: I
Email address:
Sector/Industry: I
Number of employees:
Copy of Liability insurance certificate provided? (please tick)
Do you pay the apprenticeship levy? (please tick)
Have you set up your Digital Apprenticeship Service (DAS) account? (please tick)
Have you registered your apprentice on your DAS account? (please tick)
Bank Details for ESFA incentive payment (if eligible) Name of Bank:
Account holder’s name:
Sort Code:
Account Number:
For more information on the Government Apprentice Incentive Scheme, please read our Apprenticeships for Business factsheet.
Apprenticeship Costing Information Payment – Please refer to one of the following 5 options depending on age of apprentice and type of employer. 1. 16-18 for non-levy employers with fewer than 50 employees This will be fully funded by the ESFA. No co-investment is required from the employer. 2. 16-18 for non-levy employers with more than 50 employees 5% co-investment is required from the employer as noted in the contract. The invoice for this will be issued following the enrolment of the apprentice. 3. 19+ for non-levy employers 5% co-investment is required from the employer as noted in the contract. The invoice for this will be issued following the enrolment of the apprentice. 4. 16-18 & 19+ levy employers Payment to the college will be made through the transfer of funds from the employer’s Digital Apprenticeship Service (DAS) account to Nescot. 5. Incentive payments for apprentices under the age of 19 at the start of the course. Qualifying employers will receive an incentive payment of £1000.00, this will be paid via the college as follows: • 50% 90 days after the official start date of the course. • 50% 365 days after the official start date of the course. 6. Other information The college makes no contribution towards the apprentice’s travel and accommodation. The apprentice is entitled to additional learning support where the need is formally identified. I acknowledge that I have received information on apprenticeship costing.
Completed by
EBS Code EDRS / ERN number:
020 8394 8593 businesscentre@nescot.ac.uk Reigate Road, Ewell, Epsom, Surrey, KT17 3DS
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