1 minute read

Cultivate responsible, mature relationships. Family dynamics change as unconditional love supports and empowers us. Financially a more successful year. More becoming plantbased. Be open and be aware in 2022.
Linda Willow Roberts 2022 will be a period of deep transformation as we awaken to the reality of what it takes to live and lead consciously.
Artemis Evangelidi

2022, your year for personal power, will be enhanced daily with Holistic Bliss Magazine insights and teachings.
Trish Rock
It can be easier to feel the divine in happier events more than the challenges. How much heart break can we bear in order to grow our heart into a vehicle of divine compassion?
Rebecca-Lee I started a spiritual journey many years ago and have discovered many spiritual gifts. My motto is; “Love forever, hurt never”
Love and light Les Feast
Creating community, showing our vulnerability, connecting with nature, Holistic Bliss shines a light on these qualities to help guide us into the future.
Michell Mercer
In changing times, remaining positive in our lives asks us to trust our intuitive selves more than ever. The directions, choices thereafter we make are much easier.
Clint Smith

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