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DEFORMATION The deformed base surface provides the necessary instructions and positions for forming the parts. The deformation is done by moving the points that compose it vertically. TRIANGULATION The script is based on a division of the surface into planar polygons. It can be operated with any polygon, but the topology of the triangle provides the necessary planarity for working with boards.
INPUT The base surface applied to the project in order to be deformed while ensuring stable dimensions of the parts. This prototype is based on a square of 1.2m by 1.2m

OUTPUT Once the model is finished, it is possible to draw the sections that will serve as a guide for the machine that will execute the plans. All that remains is to assemble the whole.
PATTERN — FORM-FINDING Based on the polygon defined just before, the script draws the reciprocal pattern so that all the lines are correctly in contact and only pass through two «polygons». The optimization extends the lines and finds their respective intersections, which allows the entire system to be connected.
CONTACT OPTIMISATION In order to allow the system to increase in volume, it is necessary to ensure that the volumes do not conflict and that the resulting model is nestable. The script searches for intersections and evaluates the minimum distance to be removed in order not to touch its neighboring parts.
JOINT OPTIMISATION The script draws the addition and subtraction of material to allow the system to be attached. The objective is first to find all the surfaces requiring a joint and then all the intersections of the latter with the body of the parts to generate the openings in which the joints slide. This operation is applied in a similar way for part joints and roof joints.
NESTING & NUMÉROTATION There are still two last steps before manufacturing: Arrange and name. In order to optimize the quantity of material to be processed, it is important to use software to optimize the positions of the elements on the boards. This optimization mixes all the parts and it is therefore necessary to name the parts with numbers to be able to find them later.