Horizontally Opposed - Spring 2021

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PERFORMANCE TIRE Q&A Q: How do t h e ch ar act er ist ics of a Por sch e t ir e dif f er f r om ot h er s? A: Part of what makes a Porsche ?a Porsche? is the combination of characteristics that are designed and engineered into the concept of the vehicle. Michelin works in very close collaboration with Porsche to develop tires to deliver the performance, feel and features established by Porsche. The specifics of each tire depend on the vehicle and its use. It is a matter of focus and priority. The development process includes extensive data exchanges, simulations, and on road or proving ground evaluations until the final selection is made. Q: In evalu at in g dif f er en t t ir es, w h at sh ou ld I be look in g t o com par e? A: Essential performance characteristics typically include handling, braking, turn-in, acceleration, wet and dry braking, range, noise, energy efficiency and tread life. On track, the lap times, consistency, confidence, predictability, and tread life are all considered. Q: How does M ich elin w or k w it h Por sch e t o develop a specif ic r ace t ir e? A: Obviously race tires and road tires have different purposes and priorities. For example, the new MICHELIN Pilot Sport Cup N3 combines superior grip and consistency with longer life and is the fruit of a joint development process that saw Michelin and Porsche test at five different circuits to cover a wide variety of track configurations. Q: I like t o r u n m y car on t r ack days an d Clu b even t s. Ar e t h e M ich elin slick s an d t r eaded w et s

u sed in IM SA an d Por sch e Car r er a Cu p com pet it ion available t o PCA m em ber s? A:Yes. The MICHELIN® Pilot® Sport GT racing slick and wet tires used in the IMSA WeatherTech GT Daytona class and MICHELIN Pilot Challenge competition are available through Jackson Motorsports. Michelin race slicks are the only race tire that carry the N designation. The newest generation N3 tires for Carrera Cup North America are currently limited to 2021 Carrera Cup entrants. Q: Can I pu r ch ase t h e sam e t ir es u sed by t h e Por sch e GTLM t eam ? A: No. The Michelin tires used in the GT Le Mans class are highly proprietary and are never made available for purchase. Q: I do n ot pu t ver y m an y m iles on m y car an d st ill h ave good t r ead lef t on m y t ir es. How do I k n ow w h en t h ey h ave aged ou t ? A: It is not simply a matter of miles, as you noted, but itisa question of aging. Over time, the chemicals used in the construction and tread compounds break down. Michelin guidelines follow the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association guidelines and are always established in collaboration with the respective vehicle manufacturers. Michelin guidelines are that after five years, all tires should be inspected by a qualified tire specialist on an annual basis. After 10 years, it is recommended they are replaced with new tires as a simple precaution, even if such tires appear serviceable. For Michelin Racing slicks, the age limit is three years.

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Q: How sh ou ld I st or e m y t ir es? A:Before storing, inspect the tires for cuts and remove any oil or wheel grease from the wheels. Tires should be stored in a cool, dry area, away from direct sunlight or any heat sources. If tires are stored on a rack, note that the edges of the rack?s square tubing can damage the tires. For mounted tires on a stored vehicle, having the car raised on blocks will avoid flat spotting. Mounted tires can be stacked up to four high in a clean area with nothing stored atop the stack. Unmounted tires can be stacked up to six high. Q: I like t o dr ive m y Por sch e year ar ou n d. Wh at ar e t h e best

all-season opt ion s? A: The new MICHELIN® Pilot® Sport All Season 4 (PSAS4) offers year-round performance thanks to advanced tread compounds, tread design, and construction. PSAS4 is offered in speed ratings up to (Y) which indicates the top levels of performance available from Porsche vehicles. There are more than 60 tire sizes offered in 16-22? rim dimensions.

Jackson Motorsports, Marketing in Greenville, S.C. works closely with Michelin on tire sales, race tire operations, logistics, marketing, training, and communications. Through their knowledge, experience, and insights, they are an invaluable resource to PCA members.

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