Artist Profile: Barry Southgate
April 2011
Fr ee mo n thly magazi ne
Artist Profile:
food review
movie review
Great Investment Opportunity for Your Marriage!
WOMEN UNDERSTAND MORE... about the importance of relationships than men. Fiat 500 Tributo Ferrari
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Printed by: mpd – printing the news everyday Unit E1, 46-62 Maddox Street Alexandria NSW 2015 2011
- Brothers kebab - Hurricane
Tell me..., “What in the world is happening?” Floods, bushfires, earthquakes, tsunamis...., what next? Maybe meteorites falling down from the sky? Just when we thought it couldn’t get worse in Japan, then came the news of the nuclear reactor leaking, spreading harmful radiations all over Japan and who knows... maybe the wind has the potential to carry it to other nations as well.
NEW CITY Magazine march 2011 edition
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The Insiders Guide To Melbourne
To my beloved NEW CITY Magazine readers,
Dealing with Disaster
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- A 7 Year Old’s Life Torn Apart - CONTINUE TO BE POSITIVE
Letter from the Editor
Saving time, money and energy in the kitchen!
Editor: Ben Irawan Account Executive: Joshua Yanto Art Director: Herlina Widjaja Local Writer: Miguel Ribeiro Office Manager: Yvonne Widjaja Contributors: Clare Heath Cisca Irawan Warwick Marsh Samuel Yanto Paul Rattray Dea Gunning Samantha Farm Proofreading: Riani Rattray
Saving time, money and energy in the kitchen!
Barry Southgate What in the world is happening?
The Fable of Fame: Why celebrity influence can’t be taken for granted
There are so many uncertainties in this life. I hope a few of the articles covered in this month’s edition would be able to bring some encouragement and hope to you. We never know what life brings us, we are not in control of these things, but we ARE in control of how we respond to them. REACT or RESPOND... your choice! As you know, NEW CITY Magazine is also available online at and also in Facebook at but what you might not realise is that it is INTERACTIVE as well. You can post your comments and opinions on these pages. You can also share your stories and ideas to me as well by sending an email to Who knows if I find it interesting enough, I might decide to publish it! Enjoy reading April 2011 Edition of NEW CITY Magazine. Oh, by the way... Happy Easter!!! Cheers, Ben Irawan Editor of NEW CITY Magazine
The winners of the NEW CITY Magazine Kitchen Accessories Giveaway Competition are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
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Congratulations guys!
We will contact all winners through email.
city 4
What in the world is happening?
March 11, 2011: After a day of mind numbing meetings, I flopped on the couch, flicked on the telly and expected to see some “tenant from hell” or “welfare cheat” rehash on a news program. What I saw made my jaw drop and my heart sink. It was the news of the devastating Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan. Fire burned on water. Three thousand homes were flooded and 130 were burned. Predictions say 10,000 could have lost their lives to say nothing of those suffering radiation poisoning. We are a global community now. It isn’t just the Japanese who mourn. We all do. That earthquake literally changed the world. Our days are shorter now because the 8.9 magnitude quake shifted Earth’s mass and made our planet spin faster. It isn’t the first tectonic upheaval to shorten our days either. Chile suffered an 8.8 magnitude quake last year and it had the same effect. The world was heartbroken for Japan. But the thing that spiked my curiosity was not that this disaster happened but the global events that lead up to it. We witnessed the devastation of the Chile and Christchurch mine collapses followed by the Christchurch earthquake, the Queensland and Victorian floods and bushfires in those areas of Australia that didn’t flood. Nostradamus and the ancient Mayan calendar both alluded to 2012 being the end of the world as we know it. According to their predictions we should still have a year and a bit to prepare. But someone forgot to send Mother Nature that memo and Mamma is bringing the fury. To be honest I am a bit annoyed. We haven’t got those hover-boards they promised us in “Back to the Future” yet. Fashion doesn’t solely consist of metallic silver. Therefore the world mustn’t be done! Climate change has been the trendy topic for a few years now but I am not sure a carbon price and recycling revival is going to help Mother Earth find her equilibrium now. We can try and blame it on climate change if we want. But in recent times we have also seen the Global Financial Crisis rock the world and witnessed violent political stoushes in countries such as Egypt
and Libya. Here’s one you mightn’t have heard. It just so happens that in 2011 and 2012, an increase in solar activity will result in solar flares sending charged particles crashing into the outer reaches of Earth’s atmosphere at high velocity. They have the potential to cause sudden, extreme heat blasts and interrupt GPS navigation systems, aircraft navigation and emergency location systems that rely on satellite data. It seems that even the sun is joining the shakedown. In light of all of this we have some questions we need to ask ourselves. Environmentally, economically, cosmically and politically, the reality of life on planet earth is changing. Surely it begs the question “What in the world is happening?” Perhaps we have raped the planet by digging into her epidermis, removing precious metals and minerals and this is her retribution. Perhaps we suffocated her with pollution causing her temperature to rise to fever point. Can we in all honesty overlook the possibility that this is the beginning of judgement from a greater power who has watched mankind build according to his own greed for centuries and often crushed his fellow man on the way to personal gain? Maybe Nostradamus was onto something. Perhaps the Mayan calendar was right. Maybe they were tuning into the same frequency that Matthew the
Apostle was listening to when he wrote “You will hear of wars and rumours of wars but see that you are not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet. Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.”
Last time planet earth faced this kind of meltdown, both environmental and societal, Noah’s ark was the place to be. You can find it at the top of Mount Ararat now so I hear. But that is useless to all concerned. I have been trawling the neighbourhood looking for crazy looking guys building absurdly large boats and there just aren’t any. (Apart from the one that my Uncle Jack is building. He is a little bit crazy. Too crazy to actually measure the boat and make sure he can get it outside of his shed. I don’t suggest you try to hitch a ride on that one.) So how do you keep it together when the world falls apart? It’s time to really think about it. Queensland had to think when the unexpected happened and the insurance companies weren’t being the corporate superhero we hoped them to be. We can look to government as our knight in shining armour but let’s be realistic. Government is an administrator, a control mechanism, not a modern day Braveheart. Though government must be prepared to look outside the box for answers in turbulent times, it is leadership not just legislation that is required. King George VI may not have had a momentous impact on policy during World War II but his voice and leadership were a symbol of the resistance. He was the voice that symbolised a nation’s ability to band together and remain steadfast as evil and uncertainty knocked on the door of the Western World. We were forever scarred. We will forever remember the evils of war and sacrifices those who fell in it. But we bounced back then and we will do so now though our foe is different this time around. But there is still ground to prepare on a personal level. The Australian spirit is not easily crushed but we must be careful to ensure that our tank is full in the good times so that there is water for the bad times. Do I mean the literal rainwater tank? No. I mean that when infrastructure fails, government stalls, economies crash and uncertainty hits, it’s what is on the inside of the human heart that counts. The time to build strength on the inside of you is not after the crisis but before it. The other day, I ran into an Indigenous Elder whose family is facing the peril of illness. He was clearly tired and worn from worry. Yet when I asked him about how he was doing, he talked about how it’s what is in his spirit that keeps him strong. Though our creeds differ completely, he does have a point on which we both agree emphatically. We must look after the spirit. How well are you looking after yours? It is authentic leadership that will inspire, bring people together and create positive change. But don’t wait for someone to show you the way. You could be the key person who can motivate change both in yourself and others. You can take initiative and make sure your spirit is strong. You can look outside your box to find the answers you need.
Though the Australian spirit has buoyed us through tragedies past, it is time to ask “What in the world is happening? How do I stay together when the world falls apart?” It was easy enough for old Matthew to tell us not to be troubled. He saw the future and he was prepared for it. Now it’s time for us to prepare. Let the powers that be worry about flood levies and fire breaks. Our task is to make sure we are internally prepared for whatever comes and that’s something each of us can get going on today. How well are you looking after your spirit? (CH)
Uh Matthew, it’s pretty hard not to be a bit troubled! I’m not trying to paint a pessimistic picture of our future but I do want to ask some questions. Where do you go when the world falls apart? Where is your place of safety?
The first prod uct to ever be scann ed with a bar cod e was Wrigley’s gum on June 26, 1 974.
Henry Ford produced all the model-T only in black. Because black paint at the time was the fastest to dry. In some area s, like New G uinea, the shells of s ea snails were used as curre ncy.
When the slot machine area of a Las Vegas casino was infused heavily with a pleasant scent, revenues shot up by 53%
When lemon oil was diffused throu ghout a Japanese o ffice building, prod uctivity among data entry operators inc reased by 54%!
Created in 1990 by artist Jannot Derid, The Icehotel in the village of Jukkasjärvi (17km from Kiruna, Sweden) was the world’s 1st ice hotel. It only exists from Dec. April.
In 1915 Willia m Wrigley Jr. Sent chewing gum to every one in the ph one book.
city 6
The Fable of Fame: Why celebrity influence can’t be taken for granted “Dear Charlie Sheen, enough about tiger blood and winning already. You aren’t winning. Get help. Sincerely, The World.”
Ithen days gone by, entertainers were minstrels and court jesters hired to entertain those who could afford to purchase their talents. They were really members of the service sector. But somehow the entertainment industry and its stars have clawed their way up the ladder of importance and become lesser gods revered by the younger generations. As youth are looking for role models and answering the questions of ‘who/what am I going to be when I grow up,’ don’t assume they are looking in the right places.
This year Charlie Sheen fell spectacularly. Lindsay Lohan rejected a plea bargain over that jewellery theft thing and is possibly looking at more jail time. The scandal involving members of the St. Kilda football club and a certain teenage girl shone the light of the nation on the negative aspects of football culture that isn’t limited to the AFL code. Matthew Newton is trying to claw his way back from domestic violence induced oblivion. Christina Aguilera is pretty much drunk all the time. I think we can feel confident that Britney Spears will grace magazine covers with another meltdown before the year is out. Billy Ray Cyrus thinks that Hannah Montana is to blame for his marriage breakdown. Don’t worry though, Miley. We are sure he doesn’t mean that your success ruined your family. Studies show that role modelling has a big impact on aspirations and well being. Little girls look to mummy or a significant female figure to see what womanhood is meant to be. They look to their dads or significant male figures and learn how a lady is to be treated. Likewise, little boys look to the big boys (and men) and fall into their footsteps. Where parent input is lacking, the community sector pulls out all the stops to provide mentoring to the state’s disadvantaged youth. Why? Because role modelling happens both accidentally and on purpose. We learn
So you just have to ask yourself, how hard is this celebrity culture hitting the younger generation? I reckon it’s time for a few reality checks. Remember that song “When will I, will I be famous?” Ironically I can’t remember who sang it. Fame should never be the measure of our success nor the sum of our aspirations. Yet so many youngsters, when asked what they want to be when they grow up, will answer “famous.” So if you are in the fortunate position of being a significant person in the life of someone young, here are a few things you might want to keep in mind next time the topic of celeb gossip comes up. from what we see and thanks to media fascination with scandal, we see it all. In our patch of the world, there is another trend happening. We call them “latchkey kids.” The parents are working hard to bring home the cash and provide for the family. The global financial crisis packed a punch and the hours are getting longer. The commute to work takes time too. So little Johnny and Suzie are getting themselves off to school in the morning and letting themselves back in to an empty home at night. The parents are great people. They love their kids and are doing the best they can. But because of the tyranny of time, such kids can actually develop more life insight from Home and Away and Gossip Girl than they are from the people who are trying to raise and nurture them. Children and young people love their music, film and sports heroes. They want to be just like them. But because celebrity is becoming equated with extravagance and irresponsible living, we run the risk of letting them grow up to think that the lifestyles that many of these ‘heroes’ lead are in fact healthy and happy. But at what personal cost? Remember the Rihanna/Chris Brown break-up? It was soon followed by nude photos that the starlet had sent to her ‘trustworthy’ boyfriend. When asked whether she was ashamed of the photos, Rihanna said “every woman should have naked pictures taken. If you don’t send your boyfriend naked pictures then I feel bad for him…” Meanwhile schools across Australia are trying to drive home the message that ‘sexting’ is harmful and often illegal.
- Celebrity life is life in a fishbowl with a critical world watching. We have all heard that we can’t believe everything we read so keep in mind that what we see is the glamour and the drama not the reality of life. Charlie Sheen only took over the tabloids when he started to come apart at the seams this year. Drug binges and insanity were his claim to fame. Meltdowns, breakdowns and breakups are the top selling stories. Surely this isn’t the life we should be aspiring to. - It’s a myth that if you have riches and fame you have everything. Money still can’t buy happiness people! Why does humanity still try to prove this wrong? Even the rich can be riddled with debt. Michael Jackson was the biggest star of his day yet he struggled for cash until the day of his untimely death. The whole world questioned how happy he really was. Rich doesn’t always mean financially secure. Money can be here one day and gone the next if we live to spend. - Like it or not, if someone is in the public eye they are a role model. But not all role models are the type worth imitating. Some are best for the “what not to do” lessons. Several big names have had to learn the hard way that no one is above the law. If you make a bad choice or two in the ‘normal’ world you can turn it around and the past can be forgotten though. But I wonder how Angelina Jolie feels about her often-aired dirty laundry now. There are six pairs of little Jolie-Pitt eyes looking at the life mum used to lead and the rest of the world looks on too.
- Competing to be one of the cool kids is the kind of thing that gets really old towards the end of high school. Can you imagine having to be one of the cool kids all your life! If you aren’t, your songs don’t get downloaded. No one buys tickets for your movies. Soon no one wants you to be in their movies. You can’t be too friendly with Ronald McDonald or soon your only career prospect is ‘weight-loss spokesperson.’ No wonder so many celebrities hit the dreaded peril of depression and drugs. You can’t attain a deep sense of personal security when your entire life is based on how hot you are right now. No thanks. We mere mortals can revel in the beautiful freedom that is the right to look ugly every now and then. - It’s a hell of a lot of pressure! Is it any wonder why Miley Cyrus is cracking up Lindsay Lohan style? Both of these girls went from being talented youngsters with the world at their feet to being the family’s main breadwinner. What a load to bear at the same age where the rest of us were learning long division and trying not to get cooties in the playground! Soon Billy Ray is blaming his marriage breakdown on his daughter’s stardom and Lindsay’s parents are having a verbal slinging match on an international stage at her expense. All the while, these young stars fight to keep shining while the weight of the world bears down. - You can choose what you become. But don’t ever forget, the happiest people are not necessarily the ones smiling out of magazines. The most satisfied people aren’t always the ones on the top of Forbes rich list. Just be you. (CH)
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city 8
Artist Profile:
Barry Southgate “Don’t you think” is the catchy new single off Barry Southgate’s debut EP “Epitome.” It’s a fusion of pop and soul with an island vibe that has you caught between hitting the dance floor and reaching for a PinaColada. In a world of over-produced, synthetic music that is often autotuned within an inch of recognition, it’s refreshing to hear a pop fusion track that uses real instruments and voices in producing a world class sound.
o who is Barry Southgate? His resume is impressive for a relative newcomer. Migrating to Australia in 2003 with New Zealand dance and music group Jireh, Barry had already performed at the Parachute Festival for two consecutive years and completed a New Zealand tour. Soon after arriving in Australia the group disbanded and turned down a record deal. But the move was a positive one for its members and Barry got straight into pursuing a solo career. It seems that fate has smiled on the South African born artist ever since. You may recognise his face from the second season of Australian Idol. The singer, songwriter and former model was a judge favourite and the only non-top 12 wildcard contestant chosen to perform at the Grand Final. Since then he has performed for the Pope and an audience of half a billion at World Youth Day ’08. Barry has also worked with artists such as Guy Sebastian, Stan Walker and Delta Goodrem as well as writing music for South African Idol winner Sasha-Lee and German band Monrose. But his most notable solo career breakthrough came via Hillsong headliner, Darlene Zschech. After Jireh disbanded, Barry started singing in the Hillsong choir. “I had done modelling before and toured with Jireh so being in the choir was probably good for the pride,” laughs Barry as he recalls. “Eventually Darlene heard me and then her PA called.” This fateful phone call started a chain reaction that lead from Darlene’s tour to working with “Israel Houghton and New Breed” and eventually to a solo record opportunity in Nashville, USA. It hasn’t always been a smooth ride though. Barry grew up Cape Town, South Africa before moving to New Zealand with his family at age 12. “I was a good kid from a good, Christian family but we arrived in New Zealand and everything was different in that the exchange rate meant we had to divide everything by three.” At that point, Barry tells a story of how he fell away from the faith of his childhood and gave in to the pull of alcohol and chain smoking. But a turning point was on its way. A physical fight broke out between Barry and a friend which ended in Barry receiving burns to the face. An argument ensued and soon he found himself “Literally sitting in the gutter, in the rain. I knew something had to happen. I prayed to God to take away the scar (from the fight)
and turn my life around.” That’s where he started to get things back on track. Perhaps that’s why the mantra of the BCS movement (Bring Change Somewhere) has become a personal one for him. “There is a track on the EP, which is to be released in April, called ‘Against A Wall.’ It’s a really spiritual track for me.” So what can we expect from the rest of the EP? “People expect hip hop because of the dance vibe but it is really an eclectic fusion of what I grew up with. You know, I grew up in a musical family, playing guitar, singing and listening to Michael Jackson and Richard Marx. I didn’t want to get typecast and I know how Aussies love their live music so I have made sure there are live players and instruments in every song. I guess it has a bit of a Bruno Mars feel in that it’s a fusion of pop and soul. So it’s nice to know I am not the only one out there.” I reckon he could just go head to head with Bruno too. The EP was recorded and mastered in Nashville by producers who have worked with other famous artists. Celebrity photographer Steven Taylor, who has photographed NeYo and John Mayer recently shot the album’s artwork in Sydney. Barry himself is an experienced songwriter who has not only written for other artists but also made sure his creative finger prints where all over this project. I asked him whether he ever worried that he wouldn’t make it in music. “I did try to come up with a plan B during school,” he says sheepishly. Yeah, I don’t think he will be needing that plan B. Check him out on twitter: @barrysouthgate (CH)
We’ll begin with a box, and the plural is boxes, But the plural of ox becomes oxen, not oxes. One fowl is a goose, but two are called geese, Yet the plural of moose should never be meese. You may find a lone mouse or a nest full of mice, Yet the plural of house is houses, not hice. If the plural of man is always called men, Then shouldn’t the plural of pan be called pen? If I speak of my foot and show you my feet, And I give you a boot, would a pair be called beet? If one is a tooth and a whole set are teeth, Why shouldn’t the plural of booth be called beeth?
And why is it that writers write but fingers don’t fing, grocers don’t groce and hammers don’t ham? Doesn’t it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend. If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it? If teachers taught, why didn’t preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? Sometimes I think all the folks who grew up speaking English should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what other language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? We ship by truck but send cargo by ship. We have noses that run and feet that smell. We park in a driveway and drive in a parkway. And how can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out, and in which an alarm goes off by going on.
Then one may be that, and three would be those, Yet hat in the plural would never be hose, And the plural of cat is cats, not cose. We speak of a brother and also of brethren, But though we say mother, we never say methren. Then the masculine pronouns are he, his and him, But imagine the feminine: she, shis and shim!
Let’s face it - English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren’t invented in England .. We take English for granted, but if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square, and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.
Which reminds me of a story. There was a boy whose father was a stickler for correct English. The boy wanted a pair of mongooses as pets and wrote to his father: “Dear dad, please send me two mongooses, love, son”. It didn’t sound right so he re-wrote the letter: “Dear dad, please send me two mongeese, love, son”. It still didn’t sound right and knowing his father’s penchant for correct English, he sent this letter finally: “Dear dad, please send me a mongoose, love, son. P.S. On second thoughts, better make it two”
And, in closing, if Father is Pop, how come Mother’s not Mop?
city 10
Great Investment Opportunity for Your Marriage! Let’s admit it, we are all really busy today juggling work, children, washing, paying bills, cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping and trying to keep up with the endless meals, dishes, gardening, and mowing lawns….Of course I could go on, but I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.
t’s interesting that some people will make the time to work through investment funds, superannuation funds, stocks and bonds, or even investing into the Real Estate market yet so many either forget, don’t see the importance of, or worse – can’t be bothered investing into their marriage relationship - one of the most important investments we could ever make. When we invest in a superannuation fund we do it willingly and regularly because we want to have something to last once we stop work. If you think of this in terms of our marriages, then when the children leave home and it is just the two of us, what have we been investing into it over the years that will keep it going? Will it last and go the distance or will we look at our spouse and feel like we’re looking at a stranger?
Marriage is a journey but it is also an adventure. You and I can determine how exciting and how much fun we have along the way as we make the time to invest into the relationship. Be spontaneous and never be afraid to dare to do something different. Get a little zany or even a little corny and have some fun! Laughter truly is a wonderful way of bringing people together. Okay, so how do we invest into our marriage? Every person and every marriage is unique and individual so it is more a matter of finding what works for you, but I’m a practical kind of person so below are some tips to help get you thinking. Some of these ideas you will already know, but maybe there are some new ones there for you too. Never let it be said that everything has to cost money – everything will cost something but it isn’t always money. Some of these tips cost nothing more than a bit of planning and creativity.
• When making your husband’s lunch for work, slip in a card, love note, or a favourite chocolate bar! Or how about some of those cute little candy kisses with love messages written on them. If you want to get really creative you could make some cookies and use icing to write your own message. • Take your husband/wife out for lunch or dinner. Not to a restaurant – anyone can do that! But get creative and grab a picnic basket and fill it with your spouse’s favourites. Pack a scrumptious picnic lunch for two, a tablecloth, wine glasses, and maybe even a candle. Meet them at their work place, or head to a nearby park or river and enjoy some time together. If you want to get really out there and zany, why not grab a book of fun, soppy or romantic poetry and read a couple of them together. If you are at a park jump on the swings together after your meal. • Make up a gift certificate on the computer (or enlist the help of a computer-savvy friend) for a foot massage, back rub, night off from cooking and dishes, car wash, wax and polish or whatever else you can think of. • Pack a bag of his or her favourite cookies or lollies and hide them in their suitcase or briefcase as they head off on a trip. I also like to hide cards and notes and little gifts – especially if they are away for more than a few days. When my husband was away for a seven week period overseas with work, our children and I recorded a tape (as it was then) with each one of us telling him how
much we loved him and why and the children said lots of cute, funny things that would have made him laugh and we tucked that into his bag as well.
for a weekend to Tasmania or Melbourne or somewhere different. Some of the Tasmanian flights have recently been as low as $39.00.
• When possible make the time to greet your husband at the door when he comes home. Then make time to sit and chat even for a few minutes about his day and how it went.
• Go on a river cruise – even in an old runabout but be creative and you could even give a funny running commentary as you paddle up the river. Take an umbrella or a parasol for your wife and paddle away to a secret destination.
• Make your own version of the ‘fortune cookie’ with special notes inside not just for each other but for the kids too!
• Hire a Harley Davidson with a side car and go for a ride or a tour together.
• Go to McDonalds for coffee and a snack or a thick shake – just the two of you, and sit close together.
• Hire a horse and carriage to take you for a romantic getaway somewhere. You can also hire gypsy wagons.
• Have meat pies or a salad in the park – complete with tablecloth and candles. • Have candlelight dinners in as many different places as possible – out on the patio or veranda, out in the garden, or on the deck, in your bedroom… • Hold an ‘honour dad’ night. Get the kids involved, make some banners, a special favourite meal, get really dressed up, make or buy a card, and have everyone pamper him and wait on him. • Go to the beach with a blanket late in the afternoon after work or in the early morning and watch the sunrise or sunset. • Snuggle up on the couch together during a storm and watch the lightening flash! • Have breakfast or supper in bed. Beautifully decorate a tray and load it up with all your spouse’s favourite breakfast goodies. • Book and go on a mystery flight together!
• Put a flower or a chocolate on your spouse’s pillow before they go to bed. • Hide a chocolate or a surprise in the ironing basket for your wife to find as she works her way through the ironing pile. • Make a treasure map for your spouse to follow that gives cryptic clues and find little treats – nail polish, magazine, favourite coffee blend etc. before getting to the real ‘treasure’ at the end which could be a special romantic dinner out in the garden or a movie night together.
So, what are you waiting for? Make the investment of a lifetime and you will never regret it. The returns are amazing!!! (DG)
• Watch the internet for cheap flight deals and whisk your spouse away
! ! W NO
city 12
N atural disasters are occurring more frequently and with greater severity. Our earth, like an ageing body that has suffered too much
abuse in its younger days is in decline. If you are approaching or just past middle age, like me, you can relate to this analogy, I am sure! The unfortunate reality is we need to prepare ourselves, physically, mentally and spiritually to deal with more natural and man-made disasters. The old scouting motto ‘be prepared’ is a good one. As an avid bushman and hunter, being physically prepared for danger and disaster has become second nature to me. Before ‘going bush’ I always check (and recheck) my survival kit: torch, water, first aid, matches, lighters, overcoat and knife. Usually I have a small amount of high energy food, such as jerky, dried fruit and nuts with me as well. These items can be the difference between life and death. In a natural disaster where you could be stuck for days without power and water and possibly the ability to go out and get foodstuffs, having a survival kit (two kits is better) prepared for your family is a must. The same items in my bush survival kit are equally necessary in a home survival kit. Having two survival kits in different parts of the house, or one in the house and one in the garage if separate, means that you have one to fall back on if the other one is destroyed. Having spare matches and torch bulbs and knowing where they are in the kit is important so that you can change a bulb or get another matchbox or lighter in the dark. Knowing where your survival kit is and what’s in it is one of the keys to being prepared. There is nothing worse than blundering around, bleary-eyed and half asleep, in the dark, rain and cold trying to find a torch
that you ‘know’ is somewhere but you can’t find. Having a mental picture of your house and yard and your kit is a key part of being mentally prepared. In fact, there is almost nothing that will set you back more in a disaster situation than being mentally unprepared, because it makes you stressed or panic, making you unresponsive or overly responsive, leading to bad judgements and decisions. That is why emergency services personnel are drilled time and again to make sure that in an emergency they do not need to think about what to do, they just do it. It is the mentally rather than physically tough that last best in a disaster because they can deal with the situation better in their minds which, literally feeds the body with positive or negative feelings. Family members also need to know what to do (and agree to do it) in an emergency. I remind my wife and children on a regular basis, if there is a cyclone, go to this part of the house, if there is a fire you go to this child’s room and I’ll go to that bedroom. We agree together now so that in an emergency, we are not arguing about who should do what. I have seen in survival situations what happens when people have not agreed on emergency procedures and there is disfunction and dispute.
Dealing with Disaster
Finally, in dealing with disaster comes the reminder of our own mortality, that spiritual sense of eternity in our hearts. That we will all eventually die of something is self-evident. However in a disaster this truth comes hard because it is often so sudden, unexpected or beyond imagination. Being mentally prepared will only get you so far, the rest of the journey is spiritual in nature. That is why people who often pay no heed to God in their daily lives become more ‘spiritual’ in life and death situations, because their natural impulse is to call out to a higher power at a time when their human power cannot save. Research shows that spiritually healthy people are more at peace with themselves and each other. Our natural impulse to call out to God for help, often discounted after the fact as being nothing more than superstition or fear, may in fact be the most reliable impulse of all. Could it be that God is trying to get your attention? Being physically, mentally and spiritually prepared to deal with disaster requires preparation. Actually, understanding natural impulses, physical, mental and spiritual are vitally important in disasters. Some are reliable and others less so. Physical obstacles must be overcome, which means that pushing through the pain barrier makes you feel better on the other side. Mental barriers are less reliable and often when your mind pushes you to do something, think twice and gather your thoughts. Examples of this are people that rush into flood-swollen rivers, walk around in circles lost or run blindly with a crowd. In each case taking the time to think about what to do next, when your mind tells you there is no time to think, can help.
Here are my seven tips for dealing with disaster: 1. Prepare two survival kits and put them in different places 2. Regularly recheck and replace your kits’ contents 3. Memorise your kits’ contents and where you place them 4. Agree on a disaster response plan with other family members 5. Have a mental map of your living area 6. Push through pain but think before acting 7. Be spiritually prepared and prepared to pray Are you ready to deal with disaster? If not, be prepared as disaster can strike like a thief in the night. (PR)
city 14
Saving time, money and energy in the kitchen! Are you tired of feeling like you are always in the kitchen preparing meals? Do you wish that you could make your meals quicker but still keep them healthy? Around dinner time or late afternoon, do you wonder what you are going to cook or maybe scrounge for dinner? Don’t laugh; I used to do just that. Well, the good news is that you can and I can show you how. It’s not easy when you spend a long day running around after the kids, or all day at work to come home and cook up a meal that doesn’t come out of a box or a packet, right? I’ve been there and done that too. I could rip open a box, slap food on a tray and bung it in the oven in as little as two minutes flat. My freezer and pantry were full of that sort of stuff until I decided to make a change. Initially, it takes a bit of time to set it up but the rewards are worth the effort. * Menu and shopping list I shop fortnightly because it’s easier for me, but you can still apply this if you shop monthly or weekly. Once a fortnight I go through my recipe books and list a menu something like the one below – 1. Chicken noodle stir fry (black book) 2. American chilli (slimmers) 3. Grilled fish and salad 4. Stir fry vegetables (asian) 5. Malaysian curry (black book) 6. Porcupine meatballs (black book) 7. Vegetable lasagne (new) 8. Roast chicken and vegetables 9. Grilled chicken and veg 10. Chow mein (blue book) 11. Crockpot apricot chicken (black book) 12. Beef tortilla stack (slimmers) 13. Beef Bouignon (black book) 14. Slimmers Chicken parmigiana (2 good 2 be true) 15. Warm chicken salad. (blue book) - Honey and raisin cookies - Real fruit roll ups (microwave cookbook) Next to each of the meals I have written where to find them – so that this will save time trying to find it again when I need it. At the bottom of the list are other things that I will be making for kids lunches and snacks. Now all the food items that I need for each of these recipes is written on my shopping list. We keep a magnetic shopping list on the fridge and when I see anything getting low or I use the last of something I write it straight down on my list. So now I am ready to shop and I will know that I have everything I need to make all the recipes on my menu for a fortnight. This will save me time, energy and money running to and from the store.
Bag and tag When you bring home the groceries this is where you will need a bit of time available. You will need some large ziplock bags, a chopping board and a sharp knife. For me, I buy three bags of carrots and once I get them home I slice one bag full and put them in a ziplock bag. Then I cut another bagful into sticks and the last bagful of carrots is diced and then each lot put into ziplock bags and placed straight into the freezer. Any frozen vegetables I may have are also taken out of their packaging and placed into a ziplock bag and then into the freezer. Cauliflower, broccoli, beans, onion, peas and capsicum can all be done the same way. I also do the same thing with bacon, but put it in small ziplock bags so that it is in easy to use portion sizes. All the meat is also done the same way and labelled accordingly with sticker labels. It makes life so much easier to just go to the freezer, pull out a few ziplock bags and take out what I need. No more spilled vegetables through the freezer, and no more having to stand and chop vegetables every night. It’s all done. All you need to do is cook them and eat them. It seriously saves a lot of time in the long run and when you are tired, you will be so thankful and glad that you took the time initially to get it organised. I love to go fruit and apple picking in season and at the moment I have bags full of fresh apples in the kitchen. So I have been busy making fresh apple sauce and apple pies and stewed apple and putting them in ziplock bags and into the freezer. Now if I want apple sauce I have it. If a friend is ill or a bit down I have a yummy apple pie I can drop around with a casserole. Or if we have unexpected visitors I have dessert already done. After eating fresh apple sauce and fresh home made apple pie you will never want to go back to store bought ones again! You can also do this with peaches, pears, and blackberries.
Double, triple, or quadruple up When making a meal, a cake, or a batch of cookies, make a double, triple or quadruple batch. Eat one, freeze one or two. Yes, you guessed it, cookies can be frozen in ziplock bags too. Just pull out a bag when you need it and they only take a few minutes sitting out to defrost. The same with a cake – if you are going to freeze it just don’t ice it until you need it. When our bananas start to go black, no one in my family likes to eat them so I throw in a ziplock bag in the freezer until needed. When I have a pile I make about four banana cakes, leaving one out for the family to eat and freezing the other three. Now you are well prepared for those unexpected guests, or an evening when you just need a break. Take out a casserole or a meal, pop it in the oven perhaps with some home made garlic bread (already prepared and frozen), set the table and then relax with your feet up until dinner is ready. If a friend, one of your children, or neighbour is ill then you will also have a meal ready for them or for yourselves when needed. One last word on the subject is to try and work from the principle that if you can make it from scratch yourself, then don’t buy it pre-made. Things like cake mixes, muffin mix, chicken nuggets, crumbed fish, jam, cordial, apple sauce, lasagne, pancake mix, etc. We love to make our own cordial which has less than half the sugar of store bought varieties and tastes heaps better to. This is the same for pretty much all of this stuff – home made is delicious and costs less, lasts longer and is better for you. Enjoy! (DG)
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city 16
city 18
A 7 Year Old’s Life Torn Apart
I just heard yet another couple getting a divorce. Looking at the 7 year old boy, a child whose life is about to be torn apart, I deeply sympathize with him. His Father’s day and Mother’s day will never be the same again. He will struggle when his teacher ask him about his family. He will probably have to celebrate his birthday twice every year, not because of luxury, but because his parents will now “compete” for his love through organizing birthday parties, presents & holidays. He will go to sleep at night dreaming of what it would be like to have a mum & dad in the same house, to have picnics together, having them cheering him together at a school performance, having meals together as a family. Every time he looks at his friends’ mum & dad attending school events together, he will sadly only wish that his would come together. Growing up, his weeks will be regimentally organized to be at his dad’s house from Thursday to Sunday, yet Sunday night he has to be back with Mum. Sometimes he will forget to bring his textbook to school, just because he had accidentally left it at dad’s while studying there in the weekend. He will always be
packing and unpacking week in and week out, sometimes losing track of where his things are, or where his life is. When he is at dad’s house, he will always be reminded of how bad mum is, and mum will always remind him not to be irresponsible like his dad. He will often cry when he goes to sleep at night, but he won’t even bother letting anyone know because he probably would be told to get over it anyway. The list goes on and on. I wonder, have the parents ever thought about these issues before they file for divorce, or have they been simply blinded by the fact that they just can’t get along anymore? What are they teaching the children when they quit their marriage? To be a quitter? To give up when the going gets tough? To ignore their children’s feelings as long as they can satisfy their own? Whenever I hear about couples getting a divorce, I feel for the children. While the parents can continue their lives going on separate ways, their children will be left forever heartbroken, often blaming themselves for something that they have no control of. (CI)
POSITIVE One Sunday, while everyone were busy doing a spring cleaning at our local church, my 3 year old boy went down the steep hill into the garage with his scooter, fell down and cut his lip badly. There was a lot of blood around his mouth and he was crying for what seemed like the longest time. My heart was aching as I saw how swollen his upper lip was, almost triple the size of his lower lip. After he stopped crying and calmed down, I took him to the bathroom to change his clothes. Despite his swollen lips, he looked at me, smiled and said out of the blue: “Mummy... you look beautiful!” His comment not only melted my heart, it also spoke to me, of how there are times when the going gets tough, it seems so hard for us to continue to be thankful for anything at all. Through his words, my son has taught me to continue to be positive and to be thankful despite a painful or difficult situation. (CI)
city 20
The Insiders Guide To
In February, this year The Economist released its annual “World’s Most Liveable Cities” list. Four Aussie state capitals made the top ten but it was Melbourne who claimed the number two spot in between Vancouver and Vienna. I am well aware that the rivalry between Sydney and Melbourne is almost as fierce as the one between Holden and Ford but eventually you really should go find out what the other team has going for them. Since it is only a short flight away, it is the perfect destination for a weekend getaway. Once you touch down in the Victorian State Capital, there are thousands of entertainment options available. Tourist hotspots include Federation Square, The National Gallery of Victoria, The Crown Casino and the sporting precinct which includes the historical Melbourne Cricket Ground. But just in-case you are the type of person who likes to know where the locals hang out, some proud Melbourne dwellers gave me their top tips.
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It seems Melbournians are a hungry bunch. Recreation is often synonymous with good food and good coffee. The jury is out on who makes the best brew: Atomica of Brunswick Street, Fitzroy or St. Ali’s of South Melbourne. So if you are a café connoisseur, you’ll need to try both and let me know. Mamasita’s is a hip Mexican restaurant known for its top quality food and edgy vibe. If you are in for a truly cultural experience, you simply cannot go past Lygon Street in Carlton for a little bit of Italy. It’s packed full of authentic Italian Restaurants and makes you feel like you stepped out of Oz and into Europe for a brief moment in time. For the shopper, there are two main destinations that can’t be surpassed. First off is Bridge Road in Richmond which is the bargain hunters Nirvana. But don’t go with a time budget. You could spend hours getting lost in the discount racks. Next off is Chapel Street in Toorak. If you are a boutique shopping enthusiast, then this is where you strike gold. Also, the Camberwell and Queen Victoria Markets are two favourites of locals and tourists alike.
witness the fire display from the pillars on the banks of the Yarra. This puts you back at the dining destination which is Southbank and the Crown Precinct. But if you are after a bit more culture China Town, found in Little Bourke Street, is only a short walk away. But in amongst all the sights, sounds, tastes and smells of Melbourne, make sure you take some time to really get to know the city. From the buskers who the locals know by name to the laneways that hide trendy bars and jazz clubs, it is a city packed with personality. Don’t you think it’s time you introduced yourself? (CH)
Victoria has long been known as the garden state and Melbourne’s Botanical Gardens give a few good reasons as to why. There are a number of gardens and all are great places to head on a sunny day with a picnic basket and a bottle of bubbly. When dusk approaches, Crown Casino is the place to be. You will
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city 22
Brothers kebab Kebabs, there must be over a thousand kebab shops in Sydney alone. Originally from Turkey, but a lot of the middle eastern countries make them, the doner kebab have stood the test of time, you could almost say the ‘fast food’ of the 18th century.
But now the kebab has evolved into the late night snack that everyone craves especially after having a few drinks down the pub, it’s quick and easy BUT not everyone can make them good. For me, its all about balance the right amount of sauce, lettuce, tomato, onion, tabouli and meat, then there’s the art of wrapping the large amount of ingredients onto pita bread and rolling it into a large rolling pin shape.
Brothers Kebab is one of these places that make a really good kebab, located opposite Banksia Station on Princess Highway these guys are really good at what they do and the service is clean and friendly and not rude like some places I’ve been to near the area. So if your awake late at night and know you shouldn’t be eating that late but can’t help it, then head down Brothers Kebab and you will not be disappointed! (SY)
food review Hurricane’s
RIBS RIBS RIBS that’s the reason why you go to Hurricane’s. I was walking over the darling harbour bridge after dinner one day and when I got just about halfway over I got this waft of meat and barbecue sauce and almost instantly got hungry again. There are two locations: the first store which is in Bondi Beach and the other one in Darling Harbour. Some might argue that it’s too commercial and the ribs aren’t that good but you can’t complain when there are people waiting 30-40 mivn for a table and some of those people have booked because theyr’e waiting for the other guests to finish licking the saucey and tacky goodness off their fingers. Hurricane’s also does other things than ribs but lets be honest here, you’d be silly to go to Hurricane’s to have a salad or just an appetizer, you come to Hurricane’s to devour ribs which you’ve starved most of the day for so that all you can taste at night and even sometimes in the morning are those delicious ribs.(SY)
WILL THE WORLD END IN 2012? Ancient Prophecies Foretold It... Modern Science Confirms It... What Does the Bible Say about “The End”?
JOIN US IN THIS 3-PART TEACHING SERIES. Sunday, 10th April 2011 Sunday, 17th April 2011 Easter Sunday, 26th April 2011 Services starts at 9AM LIFE CENTRE INTERNATIONAL Corner Kembla & Hirst Streets, Arncliffe NSW 2205 NEW CITY MAGAZINE . 23
city 24
MOVIE r e v i ew
Beastly - PG Beastly is a film based on a 2007 book of the same name by Alex Flinn. Directed by Daniel Barnz (Phoebe In Wonderland), it stars Vanessa Hudgens (High School Musical, Bandslam), Alex Pettyfer (Wild Child, I Am Number Four), Mary Kate Olsen (New York Minute) and Neil Patrick Harris (How I Met Your Mother) and is a modern re-telling of the fairytale, Beauty and the Beast. Pettyfer stars as Kyle Kingsley, a popular but stuck up and shallow teenage boy. His decision to humiliate and disgrace the school’s social outcast, Kendra (Olsen), is an unfortunate one as she is not one to take his behaviour lightly. She puts a curse on him, making him as ugly on the outside as he is on the inside. Kyle then has a year to find someone that will love him for his personality and who he is within rather than for his appearance or he will forever remain “beastly”. Hudgens stars as Lindy, a girl who could very well be Kyle’s saviour while Harris plays Kyle’s understanding and blind tutor. A film about inner beauty, this is sure to be a hit for those who love Beauty and the Beast, fantasy and romance genres. (SF)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules – PG Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules is the sequel to Diary of a Wimpy Kid, based on the book series of the same name by Jeff Kinney. This follow up shows Zachary Gordon reprising his role as main character Greg Heffley who is beginning the seventh grade while trying to deal with life as a “wimpy kid”. Children and parents alike will enjoy this movie as Greg struggles to make an impression on his crush, Holly Hills who is portrayed by Peyton List (Remember Me), while his parents constantly attempt to build a stronger connection between Greg and his older brother, Rodrick (Devon Bostick – Saw IV, Saw VI). There will be laughs all around as Rodrick’s antics get Greg into trouble and cause him much humiliation and embarrassment, something every growing adolescent (and even some adults) wants to avoid. Steve Zahn (Zahara, Riding In Cars With Boys) and Rachael Harris (The Hangover) return as Greg’s well meaning and slightly clueless parents. Directed by David Bowers, who was also responsible for other family favourites like Flushed Away and Astro Boy, this film serves as a great opportunity for the fam bam to hang out and spend time together on one lazy afternoon. (SF)
Thor – M
Fast Five – M
Actor Kenneth Branagh (Much Ado About Nothing, Hamlet) puts away his script in favour of a different and more commanding role as he directs this superhero themed film based on the Marvel comics character of the same name. Australian Chris Hemsworth (Home and Away) is Thor, the god of thunder in Norse mythology. His uncontrolled and irresponsible actions resurrect an ancient war and as punishment, he is sent to live with humans on Earth. During his time on Earth, he learns about what makes a true hero when dark forces are sent to attack Earth. Tom Hiddleston (Conspiracy) stars as Loki, Thor’s adoptive brother and arch enemy, while Anthony Hopkins (Silence of the Lambs, Beowulf, The World’s Fastest Indian) plays Thor’s father. Academy Award winner, Natalie Portman (Black Swan, The Other Boleyn Girl , Closer) also features as Thor’s love interest and scientist, Jane Foster. Branagh is no stranger to the directing position and this action adventure movie will surely be an exciting watch. Also, for those who are interested, the Thor movie premiere will take place on April the 17th at George Street Cinemas, Sydney. Those walking the red carpet include Branagh, Hemsworth, Hiddleston and more. Head to for more information! (SF)
Vin Diesel (Fast & Furious, Saving Private Ryan) and Paul Walker (Eight Below, Flags of Our Fathers) reprise their roles as ex-con, Dom Toretto, and now ex-cop, Brian O’Conner in this fifth film in the Fast & Furious series. It features Dom and Brian, a pair of talented street racers, dodging authorities yet again as they attempt to execute one final job in return for their freedom. They collect their best racers in preparation for the conflict that is yet to come. Dwayne Johnson (The Scorpion King, Faster) joins the cast as Luke Hobbs, a tough and hard-headed federal agent who has been chosen to capture Dom and Brian. He gathers a team but as he carries on with his task, he finds it hard to differentiate between the good guys and the bad and needs to depend on his own instincts to apprehend his targets. Jordana Brewster (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning) returns as Mia Toretto, Dom’s sister and Brian’s love interest. Fans can expect much more burning tires and car chases in this latest instalment by director Justin Lin, who previously directed The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift and Fast & Furious. Definitely one for the guys! (SF)
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city 26
Snoop Dogg : Doggumentary
John Legend & The Roots Wake Up!
Doggumentary is the 11th album by American rapper, Snoop Dogg, released two years after his last album, Malice in Wonderland. “It’s called Doggumentary Music because this is my life and I want to share my music, and my process of making it, with the fans,” the artist stated. Snoop Dogg collaborates with other artists such as Kanye West, Wiz Khalifa, Gorillaz and T-Pain as he returns with new material for his fans. These new tracks show off Snoop Dogg’s gangsta roots and will, without a doubt, become hits on commercial radio. Wet, the first single from the album, was exclusively recorded for Prince William’s bachelor party, while Platinum features R&B singer, R. Kelly. Eyes Closed depicts a partnership with West and John Legend and is produced by West himself. Snoop Dogg also worked with Lex Luger and The Cataracs to produce Doggumentary. Snoop Dogg stays true to himself by presenting tracks that his fans are bound to enjoy and take delight in as he does not waver from his trademark style. “I want my fans to ride with me on this one and know that I am so focused on bringing good music to them,” Snoop Dogg said. Can’t wait to hear it! (SF)
Six time Grammy winner John Legend returns to the scene presenting this collaboration album with American hip hop band, The Roots. Wake Up! consists solely of covers of soul music from the 1960s and 1970s, involving themes like awareness and consciousness, with only one original song. Hip hop, reggae, gospel and rock music styles are featured in this album, providing a nice balance and sound in each cover. Wholy Holy by Marvin Gaye and I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be Free by Nina Simone are among some of the tracks that have been re-recorded by John Legend & The Roots. The title track, Wake Up Everybody, a cover of the R&B/soul song by Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes, features singer, Melanie Fiona, and rapper, Common. The only original track on the album was written by Legend and titled Shine and it rounds off the album effectively. Wake Up! has been received well by critics, some praising their “outstanding job” and describing the album as “brilliantly conceived and executed”. Soul fans will definitely appreciate this album as John Legend & The Roots have treated the songs with the utmost respect and successfully manage to keep the songs ‘real’. (SF)
CD review Foo Fighters : Wasting Light
Recording took about five months and it happened in Dave Grohl’s garage, but that does not mean that Wasting Light is not of a good quality. This is the seventh album by American rock band, Foo Fighters, and you can be sure that each band member gave their all when putting it together even going as far as to lose sleep (as said by Grohl and drummer, Taylor Hawkins) . Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace, their last album, was released in 2007 and received positive reviews from fans and critics alike. Wasting Light is jammed with alternative rock sounds and memorable beats and melodies. Dear Rosemary is a hesitant love song that guest stars American alternative and punk rock singer, Bob Mould, with a solid chorus. Arlandria bears similarities to alternative rock band, Nirvana, with its varying dynamics and guitar riffs, while Rope is comparable to the styles of British rock band, Queen. Wasting Light is said to probably be their heaviest record in their sixteen year career. Crammed with unforgettable, notable melodies and remarkable lyrics, Wasting Light should satisfy old and new Foo Fighters fans. The band is rumoured to be announcing tour dates soon, so keep an eye out for those too! (SF)
Ronan Keating : When Ronan Met Burt When Ronan Met Burt is a partnership between Irish singer-songwriter, Ronan Keating, and celebrated composer and producer, Burt Bacharach. It is Keating’s eighth album released in Australia and he spent a week with Bacharach in Los Angeles to record the album. The duo worked together to compile a list of songs that Bacharach has composed in his fifty year career and this album includes hits like What The World Needs Now Is Love and I Just Don’t Know What To Do With Myself. To guarantee that the tracks were performed and recorded to their full potential, a full orchestra band was used to conserve these masterpieces. “It has been a dream come true to work with Burt on this album,” Keating, who has been a long time admirer of Bacharach, stated about the collaboration. He also mentions how honoured he was to be recording with Bacharach, so there can be no doubt that Keating exerted all his efforts during the making of When Ronan Met Burt. The incredible orchestra band and collaboration between Keating and Bacharach will definitely allow listeners to be transported into another time as they listen to these tracks. Keating is also set to make his film debut in Australia and will be filming in Sydney in early April. (SF)
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IN ST GEORGE AREA Our newly refurbished Main Auditorium can be hired for weddings, birthdays, seminars and conferences. It is fully carpeted, fully air conditioned, dimmable lights, equipped with state of the art projection system and sound system. The Auditorium can seat up to 500 people in theatre style seating or approximately 350 people with table seating. Car parking is available for over 50 cars and a commercial kitchen is available for your use complete with gas burners and dishwasher.
For enquiries and more information including the terms and conditions of hire, please contact (02) 9567 8133 NEW CITY MAGAZINE . 27
city 28
about the importance of relationships than men.
Now that I have said it, I can’t take it back. I am going to be howled down for it by some of my friends in the men’s movement, but I really do believe it. It’s is just the truth, but let me clarify that statement a bit more. It’s not true in every case. Just like any generalisation, that statement has its exceptions, but in the majority of cases, women are more intuitive about the importance of relationships than men. In 2004 I was at a roundtable with Dr Wade Horn at the Centre for Independent studies in Sydney. Dr Wade Horn was one of the original founders of the National Fatherhood Initiative in the USA in 1996. He made a very interesting point during the roundtable. He said that to turn the tide of fatherlessness we first had to turn the tide of marriage breakdown. One of the main reasons marriage matters is because marriage welds fathers to their children like no other force on earth. Dr Horn said that women are often saying for up to two years before marriage breakdown, “We have problems, perhaps we should try to work something out, or go to a counsellor”. To most men, the problem only becomes apparent when their wife (suddenly to them) leaves. Then they are grief stricken because often it means that not only do they lose their wife, but their children as well.
Women certainly may understand more about the importance of relationships than men, but it is my contention that men feel, very deeply, grief from a broken marriage (again, a generalisation) more than women. For this reason the Dads4Kids National Marriage & Family Conference is going to be held 18-20 May 2011. If I could, I would have a men’s only conference on marriage and fatherhood, but sadly very few men would attend. Most men are too busy making money, investing money and paying bills. Many men do very, very, well at investing money and making money but wonder why they lose their family in the process? Men, it is time to learn about the importance of relationships and the need to invest in being a better dad. There is no greater investment you can make than investing in your relationship with your family. I know very few women who would object to attending a marriage and family conference. So that is why the Dads4Kids Marriage & Family Conference includes both men and women. In most cases it is the women who encourage the men to come, just as it is the women who are the biggest purchasers of fatherhood and even manhood books. What does that tell us? It tells me that women are looking for real men. Women are keen to find and encourage good fathers for their children. Dr Ken Canfield is one of the world’s foremost authorities on fatherhood and I do not exaggerate. Dr Pat Fagan is one of the best speakers in the world on marriage and family from an academic point of view. Ian and Joan Woods, home grown Aussie marriage and family speakers, would have to be the funniest and most penetrating pair of marriage and family speakers in Australia today - and again I am really serious - excuse the pun.
We know that this newsletter has readers in other countries, but even a plane flight should not stop you from investing in the single most precious possession you have - your family. Forgive me for am laying it on a bit thick, but I am only telling the truth! Your family is your most precious possession. I know you believe that. You wouldn’t be reading this newsletter if you didn’t believe it. Opportunities like attending the Dads4Kids Marriage & Family Conference often only occur once in a life time. Besides I want to be able to say that you, as a man, know more about relationships than most women. Now wouldn’t that be cool! Booking for the National Dads4Kids Marriage & Family Conference has never been so easy with our new Acuvent registration software. Just log on to You can download the conference brochure, talk it over with your better half, organise your inlaws to help with the child minding and make the investment of a life time. (WM)
Great families are built on great marriages. Great marriages produce great children. To find out more, go to: Ph: 02 4272 6677 Fax: 02 4272 6680 Email: NEW CITY MAGAZINE . 29
city 30
Fiat 500 Tributo Ferrari I’ve always wanted a Ferrari in my garage, but let’s face it, unless you’re a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, or in the higher echelons of society or maybe even a drug dealer, not many humans will be able to afford the badge of the prancing horse. But do we really want one? I mean, deep down inside we all want one, but can you live with one, they are seriously like a gold digger with a good leather interior, a mortgage on wheels if you will, that will depreciate in value faster than your plasma TV you got 6 months ago, and they cost a heap to insure. I recently drove home on the Eastern Distributor toward the off ramp at Potts Point, only to be slowed by a Ferrari 599. One of the fastest and most expensive cars you can buy. He was going 40km/h in an 80km/h zone. I was flashing him, and he let me pass… then I thought to myself, “there must be a better way to have Ferrari fun without the worry and troubles that come with it.” Ferrari fans, I have found it, they call it the Fiat 500 Tributo Ferrari. It is the Ferrari you drive around town when you are too scared to get the doors scratched when you park it near an idiot at Westfield’s. It’s the car you drive when you’re not sure if the hotel you booked has valet parking. Okay it’s not exactly a Ferrari, but it’s a good alternative at $80,000! With that money you can only buy a Ferrari Bucket seat and a couple of carbon fibre bits from the options list. This “Ferrari” will come with a powerful 1.4ltr turbo, which develops 132kw of power, tweaked suspension, and Brembo brakes. This lightweight hot hatch
Ferrari will rocket from 0-100km in seven seconds and a top speed of 225km/h through its F1 paddle shift gearbox. 25 are the number of cars that will come Down Under to a very exclusive select few. Competition? The Aston Martin Cygnet, which is 1.1ltr, is its direct competitor and I would love to see the comparison tests between the mini titans of the super sports manufacturers. (JY)
Mazda Minagi
Have you ever driven off road? I have once, in Melbourne on the way to the Yarra Valley winery with a hired Honda CRV. I took a wrong turn thinking it was a short cut, and like a typical man, I didn’t ask for directions and GPS devices at the time were only used for the Military. I ended up on a truck logger’s lane (lane meaning enough for a semi trailer with tonnes of tree logs going one way only). It was raining hard and the road was muddy by then, the sun was going down and 10 minutes into our horrific journey came a blind corner. You know what happened next... a wall of metal in the guise of a semi trailer was heading straight for my friends and me. Instead of thinking, “I hope I don’t hit the truck”, I actually thought “I wish a hired a real FWD”! I am not joking; I looked straight at death and wished we were in a Land Cruiser.
Nevertheless here comes the cool SUV’s to Australian shores, one being the Toyota FJ Cruiser, a great throwback to the original 70’s Cruiser without any of the drawbacks. It’s cheap, coming to Oz at under 45k and is no soft roader like the RAV4. Though 90 percent will only be used on suburban streets, it’s just good to know that if you take a wrong turn and end up in a sticky situation like some genius I know, that you’ll be ok. Lastly you have the SUV that the car manufacturers squarely aim at, the ones who will never ever take if off road, the Mazda Minagi that might be called the CX5 when it comes to Oz. The funny thing is though, I have to admit, the Minagi is beautifully designed, it will sell a tonne as buyers want small hatch back sized cars with good fuel economy and of course that all important road height, you know, for sticky situations like seeing over traffic. (JY)
In what I am sure is your disappointment, I came out of it okay, I took a sharp and quick right, left manoeuvre and the traction control kicked in and we missed the truck by a whisker. If something like this has ever happened to you I’d like you to write to me. Fortunately, most of us will never experience an off road incident like this, yet we buy more and more SUV’s yearly and clog our streets. Research has shown that people don’t buy SUV’s for its practical design of storage or even off road ability but rather road height! They buy them so that when they are in traffic on the M5 they can see further ahead and to go over speed humps faster, and also go off road and onto the curbs and kill pedestrians... we know it’s true.
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