new city may 2012 online edition

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Positive, Healthy and Successful Living


monthly magazine

Healthy Family

Eating On A Budget

The Golden Key of Fitness Keeping Romance In Marriage




Contents NEW CITY


P o s i t i v e , H e a l th y a n d S u c c e s s f u l L i v i n g


monthly magazine

MAY 2012 article


CD REVIEW & MOvie review




Faces & Places


Healthy Family





The Golden Key of Fitness Keeping Romance In Marriage









Why Marriage?

The Jumpsuit

Eating On A Budget

NEW CITY Magazine MAY 2012 EDITION Editor: Art Director: Local Writer: Office Manager: Contributors:

Ben Irawan Herlina Widjaja Miguel Ribeiro Yvonne Widjaja Clare Heath Anita Heath Joshua Yanto Samuel Yanto Dea Gunning Samantha Farm Katerina A Justin Pagotto

Contact Details: NEW CITY MEDIA PTY LTD ABN: 47 145 474 362 PO Box 1, Arncliffe NSW 2205 Australia Email: Website:

Healthy Family Eating on A Budget

Lamborghini Urus

What’s happening in investment markets and your superannuation?

top 3 Chocolate Destinations

The Golden Key of Fitness

bathroom ideas

Letter from the Editor SUPERHEROES I’m going to tell you a secret about me... I’m going to come out of the closet now... Are you ready??? I AM BATMAN! Just kidding... I LOVE SUPERHERO MOVIES!!! LOL. I just love everything superhero... That’s why I was so looking forward for The Avengers to come out in the cinemas. I had to wait for a whole week before I could go and see it because of my busy schedule... and of course why watch it on other days when you can watch it on Cheap Tuesdays!!! So, finally I got to watch the movie with my wife and Miguel (NEW CITY’s movie reviewer) and his wife. So, we had a double date at the movies on one of the late sessions. The film did not disappoint at all... and good triumphed over evil! Just the way we like it... ☺ I asked myself “why do I like superhero movies”? I guess, other than loving the costumes... I wouldn’t mind owning a real Batman costume, but then I would feel so silly wearing it! LOL. I like the ‘heroic’ elements and how good always win over evil. That no matter how impossible the task, we will have success when we work together, persevere together and many times we need to be selfless and place ourselves in many risky circumstances for the good of others.

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I love those concepts!!! But, my question is do we just like the concept or do we believe it enough to live it out? I’m not saying that we need to be superheroes to save the world from the attack of aliens. But sometimes we know that our personal lives, our marriage, our family lives are crumbling down... but we don’t have the guts to save them!

For editorials:

We get caught up with addictions, dysfunctionalities and self image issues that we get so disillusioned about life making us to be cranky wimps who quit easily! I like that animation movie “Mega Mind”... when the real superhero quits to be the hero, even the ‘super villain Mega Mind” had to fill in that role of a superhero.

DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in NEW CITY Magazine and its website, do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, publishers or their agents. Unauthorised reproduction of any material published in this magazine and its website is strictly prohibited.

In the words of Larry the Cucumber as Larry Boy in the very creative and funny animated series Veggie Tales... “the world needs a hero... I AM THAT HERO!” Your children need a hero..., your family needs a hero..., your society needs a hero..., your generation needs a hero... ARE YOU THAT HERO? Let good triumph over evil in your life as you take on the responsibility not to just live for yourself but to be a blessing to others and leave a legacy for generations to come. Just like the gospel according to Michael Jackson... “Heal the world, make it a better place for you and for me and the entire human race!” ☺ Cheers,


Ben Irawan Editor of NEW CITY Magazine



Looking for a pLace where fun meets friendship? every thursday night from 7-8:30pm for kids in kindergarten to Year 6 @ corner of kembla and hirst sts, arncliffe entry fee : gold coin donation appreciated for all enquiries: please contact miguel on 9567 8133 or 0421 883 463 NEW CITY MAGAZINE . 3


city 4

Why Marriage? The Marriage Equality Act currently sits before the Australian Parliament. Whilst I have to admit being a little bit sick of hearing about this particular piece of policy as it has been hogging the public debate stage for what feels like an age, I am joining in to ask a different question: “Why marriage anyway? Why doesn’t the government just wash their hands of the whole institution and hand the whole issue of marriage back to the church where it came from?

The issue of Marriage Equality is such an emotive one for many if not all Australians. The ‘vote yes’ population is shouting their message from the rooftops. The ‘vote no’ population are often branded ‘bigots’ by opposing this form of societal evolution. Am I a ‘vote yes’ or ‘vote no’ person? It doesn’t matter. I am a citizen. I will raise my yet unborn children in the great nation of Australia. I have friends of all persuasions. My children will have friends of all persuasions. The life circumstances of these friends will inevitably impact on our lives. The progress and evolution of our society matters to me, as indeed it should matter to all of us. If we are prudent, we should be worrying about what is best for our nation not simply what floats our emotional boat. I have to say that the history of the institution of marriage surprised me when I started to look into it. It hasn’t always been the way it is today. But the strength of the institution and its locus of regulation has waxed and waned over the years. Want a quick look? Read on.

- Greek and Roman Civilisation: Marriage was an essential social insti-

tution. Solon (a law-giver guy) even considered making it compulsory. Pericles made sure certain public positions included ‘Must be married. No bachelors allowed’ on the qualification list. (Imagine seeing that on a job advertisement today!) Sparta encouraged homosexual relationships but insisted men still marry and have kids. Single and childless people were looked down upon. This being the case, marriage was an important thing and once married, monogamy was an expectation. However, marriage itself was driven by social/political advantages not romance. Contracts were signed in front of witnesses. No ceremony. No fanfare. No government recognition beyond the contact itself. Usually there was a big age difference between a man and his young bride and her main function was to pop out babies. Women’s rights were low to non-existent. Men’s rights were paramount. Prostitution and various forms of sex slavery ran rife as did legal inequality between the sexes.

marriage began to make its way out of private status and into a church/state issue. Consent by both parties was now necessary. A bride had to agree and not simply be given. Divorce was made a lot harder; this creating a list of pro’s and con’s all of its own. But the rights of women were slowly on the rise.

- 16th Century. Society wasn’t doing so well under the conditions prefixing

the Protestant Reformation. Society had rejected many Catholic doctrines including those pertaining to marriage. Martin Luther declared marriage a worldly thing that belongs to the realm of government. In the 17th century, Puritans passed an Act of Parliament asserting that marriage didn’t belong to the Church but to the State. Still, marriage ceremonies were mostly religious until 1792 when a compulsory civil marriage was required. This remained so in Europe and was adopted by Germany. Eventually Bismarck diminished the influence of the Catholic Church. Marriage before a magistrate or government official was now the only valid form of marriage. Religious weddings only happened after the civil ceremony took place.

Few things have changed since then (apart from the fact that you can now marry your first cousin. I don’t advise it! But you can). As government regulation of the institution of marriage has continued to develop, so did the protection and legal status of the nation’s most vulnerable parties: women and children. Today the definition of marriage still stands as this: “The voluntary union of one man and one woman for life to the exclusion of all others.”

Early in the Roman Era, the husband held the destiny of his wife and children firmly in his hands. It was his right to punish, kill or sell them as he desired. You can imagine the abuse that occurred during this time. But as Rome approached the imperial era, the legal rights of women in marriage improved. Some experts believe this was what contributed to their emancipation. Gradually, as marriage became more regulated, women and children became more protected under the law. Abuse had legal recourse. Women and children had legal protection.

- Pre-10th century to 12th century – Forget romance! Marriage was mostly an economical affair. However if we cast our eyes back to this period of time, women didn’t have much in the way of rights or legal protection either, almost echoing the Greek/Roman era. Northern Europe and countries under Germanic law treated their women only a little better than domestic slaves. Soon, Christianity was on the rise and infiltrating Roman law. Laws penalising the single and childless were repealed (Thank God! Pardon the pun!). Marriage and divorce remained a private matter rather than state controlled one. But gradually,

The fact is that governments are concerned with law, order and the maintenance of a society that can support its citizens. They are concerned with facts, data and decision making based on the evidence. So why on earth is government so concerned with how people feel about each other? It never has been before. But if you look at the data over the years, the strength of the marriage institution and the wellbeing of society, including its women and children, correlate. Government regulation is not hampering equal rights. History shows us that rather than quell the minorities, regulation of marriage has in fact given rise to the equal rights of men and women. Divorce rates are high in today’s day and age. While parents might be able to pick up and move on from a dissolved marriage, the same cannot be said for the children. If marriage was about feelings, then picking up and walking away wouldn’t be an issue.

the quest for same sex marriage. But let me throw a spanner in the works: In Islamic countries, men can marry multiple wives. They are denied this right in Australia. There are a huge number of polygamists in the state of Utah but we wouldn’t allow it here. Why? Women don’t have the same rights as men in these situations. Marriage equality cannot happen here. If you thought that giving everyone the right to marry anybody would strengthen the institution, think again. Since Norway legalised same sex marriage nearly two decades ago, illegitimacy has risen to nearly 80%. This means that nearly 80% of children are born out of the security of wedlock. What about their rights? To have two parents and to grow up in a secure environment. Government cannot shackle two people together in ‘love’ for life. Sure. But nor is the law supposed to reflect feelings. It is supposed to protect the vulnerable. Who are the vulnerable? Kids. Always kids. The debate needs to move from us to them. How do we make Australia a better place for children and families? How do we give our kids a place to grow up secure, safe and knowing where they belong? (CH) Marriage isn’t about feelings. It never really has been. Though romantic love is undoubtedly the necessary premise of marriage, it is not the purpose of marriage. Historically, marriage has been for the procreation and protection of the generation that results from the union. It is about commitment and protection of the parties involved. Why is the debate on changing the definition of marriage rather than finding new ways of supporting the existing institution of marriage that seems to be flagging under the pressure of societal change? The big flow on effect of family breakdown is on children. Both male and female role modelling is necessary for healthy child and adolescent development. Whilst this can be provided outside the home, it springs from the right of every child to have a mother and a father. Transience of key role models can do so much damage to the child who is trying to figure out who they are, where they come from and what their place in the world is. The family is now and forever the cornerstone of society. This is what we need to be protecting and advocating for. Marriage is the vehicle that allows children to be raised in a secure environment. Some would argue that the likes of Kim Kardashian and her 72 hour marital blitz and ensuing divorce have done more to damage the institution of marriage than

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city 6



o into a department store and you will see the same things as the previous store you just left. Sameness is everywhere; sameness is a disease not just prevalent in the rag industry, but also in the food industry. Go into the countless fine dining institutions and you will see a place adorned with designer furniture, a great view, produce that is so well-travelled that they would acquire more frequent flyer points than a Japanese businessman. The wait people float around as though they are doing you a favour and of course the prices makes a man like me cry (mostly on the inside). Momofuku is pretty much none of that. It is a polite two finger solute to the concept of fine dining. As you enter, you would think you’re in the wrong place. Its dark, cold and on the corner of a dead end in the Star Casino, blasting in the background is hip hop and rock music playing as though you stepped into Supre on a Thursday night. You settle in, thinking “the food better be good!” It is! The 14 courses of mind bending, challenging but delicious food is served with unpretentious ease. The concept starts to grow on you and you slowly realise David Chang’s New York thought process. It’s what he likes, not what people or even food critic’s desire; it’s nothing but pure joy from his twisted fusion of ideas. I’d love to go into details of the food, but I don’t want to ruin your future experience. Try it out, it’s a must, if you are a true foodie and don’t mind being challenged and punched in your proverbial fine dining face, then reserve a seat for you and a friend and stick around for the last dish, it is finger licking good. (SY)

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city 8

Skrillex: Bangarang EP Judging from the excited response I have seen lately regarding Skrillex’s new EP ‘Bangarang’, which amusingly is the war cry of the lost boys from the 1991 hit film, ‘Hook’. I just had to check it out and see what all the fuss was about. Honestly speaking straight off the bat this is not ‘dubstep’ but more like dudstep with a funked up bass infused sound that is entirely bass driven and out of step with the genre all together. Not to mention the fact that it’s an album of leaked tracks that have been collaborated on, sadly instead of boosting the album’s appeal it has just become as messy and disappointing as a fumble during a game winning try at the Rugby League Grand Final! When I listened to Bangarang over and over again I just had to laugh because all it conjured up for me was a mash up of scenes of the lost boys from the movie, ‘Hook’ and Heihachi Mishima from the game, ‘Tekken’ having a huge food fight... which isn’t what you want to imagine when you’re dancing! The fact is, that this so called dubstep album has been heavily influenced by rave and electro sounds that are just downright dirty, which has led to a potentially good album being watered down, just like a badly made cordial. With 7 tracks of pain and suffering I have to say that I’m glad I didn’t buy the album. (MR)

Rebecca Ferguson: Heaven Rebecca has a wonderfully unique voice and as it seems to be the trend these days; runner-ups on X Factor seem to also make it big in the industry. I guess it’s the love the public has for the underdog to somehow come out on top, not to say that Rebecca is an underdog as she has a powerful and beautiful voice with a presence about her that can go toe to toe with the best. This is her debut album and she has an impressive production team that consist of Wayne Hector (Westlife), Eg White (Adele) and Fraser. T. Smith (James Morrison). She shares similarities with Amy Winehouse and Duffy but more so Gabrielle who was a great artist back in 1996 and entirely underrated. Rebecca sings with great conviction which makes it easy on the ears as you really hear her soulful sound come through on ‘Fairytale’s’, ‘Teach Me How to be Loved’ has a real Adele feel to it and the piano is just exquisite. If Motown’s your flavour ‘Mr. Bright Eyes’ will delight and if you love “James Bond” themes ‘Fighting Suspicions’ definitely hits the spot. This is an intelligent album with romance at its core but not the mushy dribble you would expect, but a more insightful look into relationships and the complexities that are involved. Rebecca’s voice is like freshly baked bread that you butter, smooth and satisfying with that feeling of warmth and joy left within. (MR)


Safe Well it’s safe to say that with Jason Statham at the helm of this movie you know you’re in good hands, get ready for myriads of action, suspense and lots of bullets! Safe is written and directed by Boaz Yakin (Remember the Titans), who is known as being a very thoughtful and provocative writer who really likes to make people think outside the box. Jason Statham stars as Luke Wright a former elite agent who ends up rescuing a twelveyear-old Chinese girl (Mei) who’s been abducted by the Triads (Chinese Mafia). What Luke discovers along the way is that Mei has a photographic memory and she has been given a large sequence of numbers that she

Men in Black 3

With the return of Will Smith as agent J, Tommy Lee Jones as agent K and Josh Brolin as a younger agent K, you can expect more laughs, goofball scenes and cool gadgetry on display this time round! We also have a dynamic duo of villains spicing up the mix in this long awaited third instalment, Nicole Scherzinger as Lily Poison and Jemaine Clement as Boris. The decade long wait is over and if you’re like me and love MIB you’ll definitely not be disappointed by this great movie. With crazy new aliens, time travel devices and the familiar gadgets that we all love, you’ll be drawn into the fantastical world of MIB once again and will want to take regular trips back just for the laughs. ☺ It’s fresh and fun

deciphers to be a code... a safe code perhaps? ☺ After this discovery Luke & Mei find themselves in the midst of a war between the Russian Mafia, Triads and high level corrupt New York cops and politicians. This is basically a good movie and entertaining enough but with that said, it feels all too familiar. Jason Statham seems to be typecast into the same roles over and over again? I’m beginning to wonder if he is able capable of doing a different character as he definitely played it safe in regards to his character this time. I’m hoping he will branch out into different roles in the future, this way we will get to see his versatility as an actor not just his dexterity. (MR)

to see agent J (Smith) travel back in time and meet up with the younger agent K (Brolin) who might I say impersonates Jones excellently. What’s the reason for this you may ask, well it’s because agent K apparently dies in the future and his destiny is linked to the fate of the world. So like the good agent J smith is, he travels back to 1969 only to find a younger wilder version of agent K who is being targeted for assassination by the evil Boris. If that isn’t bad enough he (Smith) only has 24 hours to do his job otherwise he will become permanently stuck in time! If you want some fun, laughs and great action look no further than MIB 3 in 3D. (MR)

Keeping Romance In Marriage Whether you have been married for five years, twenty years or fifty years, it is easy to become so familiar with one another that we forget to pay attention to the things that matter, and to pay attention to continually build and invest into our marriage.

Both men and women have said to me that they feel unvalued and unloved because there just isn’t much, if any, romance still alive or being injected into their marriage. Romance is definitely a two way thing and it costs – the cost of time, energy, effort, thought, and sometimes cash. But it is truly worth it because we are investing into our marriage and ensuring that our spouse feels loved and valued. I’ve been married for just over thirty years and I still find that I have to work at it every single day. The relationship in marriage deepens as the years go on and as we work at our marriage. To not work at it is to allow all kinds of other factors to come in and to build a barrier between you pushing you apart. Marriage is a choice, just as making a conscious decision to work at it every day is a choice. We win or lose by the way we choose. How’s this for a romantic….. I saw an older gentleman at the train station this past week, and asked him who the flowers he was carrying were for. They were for his wife. They’ve been married for 47 years. FORTY-SEVEN. Every Monday, he brings her home flowers after work. He said, ‘I’m grateful for every new week that I get to spend with the woman I have loved my entire life.’

So how can you keep romance alive in your marriage? • Go out for coffee together on a regular basis just to talk (no distractions). • Make a special picnic lunch complete with candles and tablecloth, bottle of bubbly and turn up at your spouse’s place of work to whisk them off for a quick bite to the local park or quiet place. • Have a candlelight dinner in the park or at the beach – even if it’s just a pie, or a salad but serve it on nice plates, and have real glasses. • Go for a long leisurely stroll on the beach together. • Be zany….do something totally out of the ‘normal’ for your partner. • Get involved and be interested in what your spouse is interested in. • When you know your spouse has a hectic week or day do something really nice for them to surprise them – wash their car, cook their favourite dinner, meet them at the door with a smile and carry their bag, do their chores for them that they would normally do when they get home so they can just come home and relax. • Order in pizza and have a movie and pizza night snuggled up on the couch. • Dance together – turn the lights down low, put on your favourite music, and ask your partner for the pleasure of this dance….even if you don’t know how you can learn, or you can just move a little. • Have a romantic dinner on the veranda, in the back garden, or somewhere different. You can involve the kids in this and get them to dress up as waiters and serve! • Do fun things together – it doesn’t matter how old you are. Go paintballing, go karting, to the v8 supercars….whatever just do it together and have fun. • Learn to laugh at yourselves and life. It will get you through the tough times a whole lot easier. • Never get stuck in a rut of always doing the same things the same way. Dare to be different. These are of course just a few ideas but perhaps they will inspire you to invest more into your marriage not just for now but for a life time, and not just for you but for the generations that follow. (DG)




city 10

The Jumpsuit

The Jumpsuit is a trend that is highlighted one year and in the shadows the next, it never truly goes away. As a jumpsuit advocate I am glad to say that this silhouette is being more coveted each season. This year saw Rose Byrne at the SAG Awards wearing Elie Saab Couture heavily embellished design much to my delight. This has now had a flow on effect into our local retailers. There is something about slipping on a jumpsuit that adds a little extra confidence; it makes you walk taller, stand straighter and look amazing as it suits almost all body types. Last year was more of the 70’s trend jumpsuit – the wide leg halter neck style. This is still fabulous, this year we see the transition to a more streamlined appearance making easier to transcend from office to out with a swift addition of statement platforms and arresting necklace.

Here are some guidelines to keep in mind when shopping for your jumpsuit. Remember fit is of utmost importance.

Body Shape: Apple Your Perfect Dress: Wide legs and waistbands or waist details will suit you best.

Body Shape: Hourglass Your Perfect Dress:

The jumpsuit is just another way to show off your gorgeous figure. Look for jumpsuits that encompass a belt or one that can be paired with a belt. Never hide your waist.

Body Shape: Pear Your Perfect Dress:

Choose low hipster waistbands and look for shoulder detail to balance out your shape.

Body Shape: Banana Your Perfect Dress:

Extra details that soften your shape work best for you. Look for frill detailing if you are not too heavy chested and as above work a waist.

So happy hunting and remember, if you look good you feel confident and confidence looks great on everybody. (KA)

Katerina A Personal Stylist 0410 301 444


-It’s really a thing

If you check Facebook or Twitter on a Monday morning, you are bound to see plenty of ‘Mondayitis’ jokes. Head into work on a Monday and everyone seems to be trudging to the coffee machine with a sigh and a look of resignation. The weekend is gone. We are here again.

Mondayitis is loosely defined as a ‘down’ feeling that strikes on Monday as we wake up to the realisation that a new week has started. We feel unmotivated and apathetic. Follow the trending topic on Twitter and you will find comments like “Mondayitis: Coffee won’t cure it. Is it too early for chocolate?” “Mondayitis: Whose idea was it to set a presentation time so early? Hit snooze on the alarm. Didn’t get time for a coffee. Things aren’t looking good.” I must confess to feeling a little rage when dealing with an overly perky morning person first thing on a Monday. Blame it on Mondayitis I say – Even if it is a largely fictitious disorder. But what if it is not? There are a few theories hanging around on why we get Mondayitis. Is it to do with thought processes? Is it to do with mental health? Scientists at Flinders University in Adelaide claim that it is more to do with sleep than anything else. Interesting thought! Who of us doesn’t enjoy a Saturday morning sleep in? Oh I love it! You don’t have to get up for work. You don’t have to catch a train, battle the queue at your local coffee shop for that all important personality transplant or stare mindlessly at the computer screen waiting for your brain to reboot and reach a point of functionality. (Can you tell I am not a morning person?) I just love the Saturday morning sleep-ins. So imagine my delight when I read that they aren’t actually good for you. Sleep Experts say that sleeping in on the weekend may actually carry a lot of the blame for Mondayitis. Weekend sleep-ins actually reset the body clock. Though they do help us recover a little bit of the sleep debt that we may have accrued over a stressful week, they do so at the expense of our sleep rhythm and indeed our Monday mood. The result is comparable to jet lag. You feel fatigued, fuzzyheaded and unmotivated. You see, we all have what is called a ‘circadian rhythm.’ It is the built in body clock that tells us when to rise and shine and when to slump and sleep. Plants have a circadian rhythm. Animals do. Even fungus does. It is what programs us for normal functionality and it should be a cycle of roughly 24 hours. When we wake up, we are effectively interrupting and beginning our rhythm. If we do it at the same time every day, our rhythm continues on effortlessly. When we travel across time zones, pull and all nighter or *sigh* sleep in late on the weekend, we are effectively confusing our body clock and demanding that it readjust to a new 24 hour schedule. It can adjust of course but the feeling we get is like jetlag.

Get an early night if you are feeling tired.

Rocket science: I know. But in all seriousness, studies show that an early night does more for regeneration than a late get-up in the morning. So if you have a sleep debt to recover, get into bed that little bit earlier. This does wonders. There are those of us, myself included’ who sing the praises of the powernap or the Nanna-nap but they pale in comparison to an early night. Here is a little footnote for you: There is actually a difference between a Nannanap and a powernap. Yep! Apparently, a powernap is between 15 and 26 minutes – just enough to take you into the first stages of sleep but not that deep sleep that takes you a while to wake up from. A Nanna-nap is different. It is when you fall asleep, say on a couch or the like, and simply sleep until you are woken by something other than an alarm. For example, you hear the dog bark or a child laugh and then you wake up. It is a longer nap usually and does let you sink into deeper stages of sleep. It is still shorter than a proper sleep though.

Let the sun set your clock.

This is a trick used by many people with chronic sleep issues – When you wake up, walk out into your yard and let the sun drench your brain. It might simply be going outside, looking up into the sky and having a stretch before going back inside and eating your brekky. The sun is actually a big part of a healthy circadian rhythm. I am sorry to say it, but our bodies are made to adapt to the sun and the time of year. We are not made to set our body clock by what is on TV late at night or what parties we want to go to on the weekend. The latter is what tends to give us the dreaded Mondayitis. So there it is ladies and gents – If you want to party, expect a little jet lag. If not, be kind to your body clock and live in peace. (CH)

Yes. I am a bit horrified. My Saturday late get up is giving me jet lag every week. Imagine that! How do we avoid Mondayitis then?

Don’t sleep in on the weekend.

Of course, if your weekend is your time to blow off steam, meet up with friends, get home late and the like, you might have to accept Mondayitis as the cost of an active weekend social life. But if not...

Set your alarm for the same time every day.

It might be torture to sacrifice the sleep in. You might have to make other allowances in terms of when you catch up on sleep. But this will leave you without that jet-lagged feeling that you get on a Monday. Did you know that more work related accidents happen on a Monday? It isn’t just our body clock that suffers. Our physical and emotional health can too.



city 12

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city 14


Healthy Family


Eating on A Budget

Have you ever tried to feed a family healthy meal on a tight budget? It is not easy. To buy the pre-packaged, fatty, sugary foods is much cheaper in the short term, but in the long term when you add on the extra costs of doctor’s visits, dental work and the like it can soon add up. So how do you feed a family healthily and still stay within budget and can it even be done? Yes it can – I feed a family of 4 (all adults now) for around $300.00 a month. I’ve had several so called ‘experts’ tell me that it is impossible, but it is not because I’m doing it and here’s how. • Make out a menu and shopping list for all the meals you will make over the course of however long it is between shops (for me it is monthly). Jot down everything you will need on your list. • Don’t buy anything pre-packaged unless absolutely necessary. Make it from scratch. • Buy in bulk where you can rather than small amounts. Especially of your staple foods like rice, flour, sugar…Join in with friends and head off to the market to buy large boxes of fresh produce then divide it up between you. • Utilize your freezer a whole lot more. Make meals or meal bases in bulk then freeze in individual meal size portions. I try and do a once a month cooking, where I will spend a whole day cooking in bulk quantities things like – a quadruple batch of pasta sauce done in the slow cooker, with all fresh nonpackaged ingredients; or a huge pot of soup. All my vegetables are chopped up and frozen in zip lock bags ready to be tossed straight into a stir fry or for a meal. • Make your own fruit juices and cordials because then you control the sugar content. There are heaps of good recipes on line for free. • Bake your own bread as needed – once again you control what is in it. Breadmaker’s make this a much easier task than it used to be. • Mix your own whole grain cereals. • Never shop on Thursdays and Fridays – these are the most expensive days to shop. I always shop on a Monday or a Tuesday because there are good markdowns –especially in the meat and dairy sections. • Grow your own vegetables. You don’t have to have a large backyard. Styrofoam boxes make excellent vegetable beds and they are easily transportable. • Keep your eyes open for farmer’s markets- great fresh produce at a good price that also supports local farmers. (DG)

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city 16


Top 3

Chocolate Destinations Attention chocoholics! Planning a trip? Won-

dering where to get your chocolate fix from? Well, look no further because here are some of the top chocolate destinations in the world!

1. Chocoholic Buffet – Vancouver, Canada

At the Sutton Place Hotel Fleuri Restaurant, you can find an all you can eat chocolate buffet! The chocolates, cakes, pies and pastries are all homemade. And of course, a chocolate buffet would not be complete without a fondue fountain, so you’ll be happy to know that one is provided, along with some fresh fruits. To add to the experience, a chef is on standby if you decide you want to try a freshly made crepe with various ice creams, sorbets, toppings and sauces. Be sure to try the chocolate croissant pudding, white chocolate cake, marbled cheesecake and chocolate covered shortbread, just to name a few. Try not to go too hard at the beginning, you’ll want to ensure you don’t get sick too early and miss out on anything!

2. Hot chocolate and churros – Madrid, Spain

If a chocolate buffet isn’t your thing, why not try the hot chocolate and churros in Spain? Churros are sometimes referred to as a Spanish doughnut, and are simply a fried pastry that serves as a snack. A specialty in Madrid is the “hot chocolate con churros”, which is basically churros dipped in hot chocolate. Sounds appetizing! Spanish hot chocolate is thick, dark and rich – perfect for churro dipping. Although it can be found in most cafes, a “chocolatería” would be the place to go for the best quality. This is a fun snack suitable for any time of the day, I hear the Spanish even have it for breakfast…

3. Chocolate Nemesis, River Café – London, England

This is a restaurant specialising in Italian cuisine, with one of its signature desserts being the Chocolate Nemesis cake. The ingredients are basic, yet it is made to perfection. It is full of chocolate, but not too heavy. It not quite as delicate as a mousse, but it feels like one. It’s definitely one to try if you’re there. And if you’re interested, London Chocolate Ecstasy Tours are available as a fun activity. With chocolate sampling included in the tour, you’ll be taken around the city, learning about chocolate history and have I mentioned chocolate sampling? Book a tour for yourself and some friends, and enjoy! Even if you’re not that big of a chocoholic, these destinations are still a nice place to have a break from sightseeing with your travel partner. And seriously, if these don’t get you salivating then you’ll probably have to check them out yourself ;) (SF)

Lamborghini Urus There seems to be a massive market of cashed up sugar daddy’s who’d love to buy a super-car only to be stopped by their pragmatic spouses. It’s the fact that they can’t pick up their kids in it, nor go over Sydney potholes; oh… and you can only buy a carton of milk whilst down the shop.

That’s probably the justification of many respectable companies like Porsche, Aston Martin, Ferrari and now Lamborghini creating super saloons and SUV’s. Now Lamborghini wants a piece of the pie! It is in the process of launching its very own SUV with a proposed 484kw of power. That would make it one of the most powerful SUV to ever be produced. The car will be 100 kilos lighter than the competition due to Lamborghinis carbon fibre technology which will be a massive advantage for lightness, handling and overall strength. The person who would most likely buy this car is a person who wants people to look at him and notice. An egocentric character who loves made suites, private jets, man toys and his kids just as much. You will get the same kinds of stares if you walk down Kings Cross with Miranda Kerr on your arms. They will look at you with admiration and hate all in one convoluted way, one for the looks of your car, and the second stare would be for the silly name that’s on it. (JY)

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city 18

The Golden Key of


Hello Friends. I hope you have had a wonderful and refreshing month since last we had a chat. Why? Because I am a lovely kind of gal – Sure! But also because I care about you enough to share a few points with you that will challenge you to New York and back! It might be hard but I promise you it will be worth it. Let’s look at this whole health and fitness thing a little differently than perhaps we have looked at it before. I was at work one night doing my thing when an elderly gentleman came up to me and asked me “Have you seen my keys?” This gentleman had set down his set of keys in a pigeon hole. Someone must have picked them up by accident and taken them home. He was a little annoyed because it was a remote control key and they happen to be expensive to replace. So this lovely old gent had a car sitting out in the car park -in perfectly good condition, nice, clean, shiny, well kept and quite appealing to the eyes from the outside as well as the inside - but unfortunately he couldn’t drive it anywhere. It was useless without the key. In the end, his wife found a spare key and everything was all well and good.

Let’s look at my friend Sally. She loves doing weights. Her favourite muscle group to train is legs. She loves her squats and dead lifts. She is a strong woman. To look at, she is attractive. You can tell that she is fit. She does her weekly service (car analogy again: but with Sally it’s spray tans, nails, facials etc). She clothes herself in the finest. She walks with poise and elegance. She is a spirit. She lives in a body. She has a soul (mind, will and emotions). Sally keeps this all in perspective. That is what makes her tick. Keeping in mind that she is a spiritual being, she also needs to learn how to look at her life in a spiritual sense. Every one of us needs to learn to do this. Otherwise we forget who we are. If we are only focusing on appearance, we are getting things a little bit lop-sided. We need to always remember the three parts that make up every human life – body, soul and spirit. What is the key to your life? The car has got everything. Sally has got everything. I am guessing that you are thinking that the key is the spiritual aspect that actually gets the car to move. If that is what you are thinking, you are right. We need to take care of all three parts – body

soul AND spirit.

The body is where we exercise (squats, dead lifts, bench press, lat pull down – full body workout). Nutrition is instrumental in the health of the body. It is the fuel that enables us to go. You wouldn’t put diesel in a gas tank would you? So why do we fill our bodies with junk that is useless to it and actually makes more hard work for the digestive system? The soul is something which all of us need to make sure we are keeping in balance otherwise we make our bodies sick. How many times have you seen friends or family go off on stress leave or come down with an illness due to stress, depression or the like? The area of thinking is not one that we can take lightly. Great power can come out of a mind that is well disciplined and conditioned. But great destruction can also come out of the same mind. I don’t want a destructive engine running my car. I don’t want a destructive mind running my life.

Now I am sure you are probably wondering why on earth I am going on about lost keys and nice looking cars. Well friends, it is an analogy. Maybe it’s a picture of your life. I will let you be the judge on that one. But let’s take the illustration a bit further. Say this car is us. The shiny, sturdy exterior and well kept interior is an illustration of our bodies when we are fit, healthy, muscular, lean or buff and well structured. It is strong. It is in good condition. The fuel (Petrol/Diesel/Gas – No toilet humour intended) is a picture of everything you put in your mouth. The condition of the motor is a picture of the health of your heart, lungs, digestive system etc. The body, interior, engine and fuel of the car is a picture of our physical state. This old gent had a fantastic car. He had the right fuel in it. He had taken good care of it as you would expect of someone who doted over their pride and joy. But all this is a bit useless if he didn’t have any keys. It might be easy to look at the car analogy from the fuel and conditioning side of the picture. But what is the key a symbol of? A key to what? We can obsess over fitness and health all we want but where are we going with it? This is the difference that the golden key of fitness brings.

It is the balance, the motivational force and the great focuser.

In life’s balance, the body and soul is the obvious bit. It is easier to throw the focus on. The spiritual aspect is the bit that many of us take a lifetime to master. Sadly some of us never master it at all. Why am I talking about the spiritual aspect anyway? Because it is the key that gives everything else purpose. It is the key that turns the engine over. It is the thing that brings it all together. Without looking after our spirituality, we are in fact ignoring a major part of our purpose and indeed our being. Are you looking after your spirit? You need to. I am putting it bluntly. Without it there can be no balance, no driving force and no sustainable future. Without the deep inspiration that comes from a healthy spirit, we can only exhaust our physical and mental resources. My theory is that if we are not taking steps forward in our spiritual life, we are taking steps backward. This is how, in my belief, many of us have fallen into frustration and resentment over the lives we are living when in fact we are among the most blessed people in the world. There is no more harmony in the world because there is no harmony in our own spiritual lives. This is where it all starts. Good questions to ask when it comes to this topic are these: Who are you? What are you living for? What do you want to live for? What type of person do you want to be? Heck, I saw an episode of “Everybody Loves Raymond” where even he was thinking about it. Surely if it is big enough for a comedian to touch on, it’s an issue. Seriously though, take some time to think about your spirit and take action towards looking after it. Don’t go looking here there and everywhere and delving into anything weird. Simply devote some time to the search out the answer to the question as old as time itself – the search for why we are here on earth in the first place. (AH)

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FINANCE What’s happening in investment markets and your superannuation?

city 20

Financial markets are like the below switch- on or off. There are only two trades at the moment into “risky assets: or into “safe”.

Risky assets are those which go up in value when the world is looking bright and growing. These include Australian share market and dollar, emerging market share markets, commodities particularly copper and oil. Safe assets are those that investors flee to at signs of slowing economic growth, or when black swan event like Japan earthquake or September 11. These include cash, ironically the US dollar and US bonds despite their massive problems, Japanese Yen and Swiss Franc. * Analysis by John Thomas Mad Hedge Fund Trader Secure the Future Conference Sydney Australia October 2011

Justin Pagotto is the business owner of Jireh Financial, a financial advice firm that is passionate about helping people get their financial house in order so they can be free to pursue the things that really matter.

Ramifications for your superannuation account : 1.You can invest your superannuation funds wherever you like.

For more information please call Justin on 02 93456 888 or visit General Advice warning: The advice provided on this document is General Advice Only. It has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs.

Your super fund gives you the choice to invest in cash, fixed interest, property or shares, or a mixture of these. You can invest anywhere from zero risk to the stock market by being 100% in cash or 100% risk to the stock market by being 100% in shares and property. Each option has a different level of risk and return level At present the default level of super funds is between 65%-80% in shares/property. The worst one year return from a balanced fund is negative 21.9%pa * Source IOOF.

How would you feel if your super fund lost nearly ¼ of it’s value? 2. Making decisions where to invest your super. If after reading the above report you may feel that you would like to change where your super is invested, please call Justin from Jireh Financial on 02 93456 888 or 04038 54734. (JP)




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city 22



Bathrooms are place where you don’t want clutter, its a place where you go to clean, groom and well... do some private affairs. Its a place you want to keep in pristine and spotless. The best bathrooms sometimes aren’t the ‘blingy-est’ or the most refined, they are the ones that have mixture of both clean and comforting design cues. Two things to keep in mind;

1 White painted walls, give a clean and rather sophisticated look without the pretentiousness of perfection.

2 Two tones of finish, in this picture you see a white wash floor with white paint ceilings. 3This cabin is finished in 3 types of woods, the non uniformity works to help separate dining, living and storage areas. (JY) pictures from:, Blogspot,



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