New City Magazine Dec 2011

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DEC 2011

Positive, Healthy and Successful Living

Poolside Perfection What Life Is The Attack of the Calories:

Festive Season


monthly magazine







DEC 2011

P o s i t i v e , H e a l th y a n d S u c c e s s fu l Li v i n g

Poolside Perfection What Life Is





Faces & Places










Weight Loss






The Lost Art of Imagination

What is success?

The Joys of Buying a Used Car

The Attack of the Calories:

Festive Season

DEC 2011

Four key questions to ask yourself

Poolside Perfection

Enjoy the Crystal Clear Waters of Fiji

What’s really driving your weight reduction program? home


monthly magazine

Letter from the Editor NEW CITY Magazine december 2011 EDITION Editor: Ben Irawan Art Director: Herlina Widjaja Local Writer: Miguel Ribeiro Office Manager: Yvonne Widjaja Contributors: Clare Heath Anita Heath Joshua Yanto Samuel Yanto Dea Gunning Samantha Farm Justin Pagotto Katerina A Stephen Licciardello Cisca Irawan Contact Details: NEW CITY MEDIA PTY LTD ABN: 47 145 474 362 PO Box 1, Arncliffe NSW 2205 Australia Email: Website: For advertising: Call 0416 111 201 or For editorials:

DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in NEW CITY Magazine and its website, do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, publishers or their agents. Unauthorised reproduction of any material published in this magazine and its website is strictly prohibited.


Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping on your nose, Yuletide carols being sung by a choir, And folks dressed up like Eskimos. Well, the only way to really enjoy listening to this song is if you stay in your car with air conditioning blasting at full strength, stay inside your air conditioned room or if you have a commercial cool room in your house or shop... that’s probably where you can set up your Christmas tree and dress up as Eskimos! LOL Because Australia is going to be hot as hell!!! Okay, let me take my words back... none of us has been to hell yet. If you have, you wouldn’t continue to live the way you are right now. But anyway..., let’s change the subject! LOL. I’m not a summer person. I prefer winter any day. My perfect day would be a cool and cloudy winter day. Hey, come on... everyone’s different okay! Don’t go hating me just because I’m not like you... :) So, I’m going to spend Christmas inside our commercial cool room with my family, all dressed as Eskimos. Hey... why be upset and grumpy with something that you can’t change? We can always choose to respond accurately to situations and not just react foolishly to problems in life. Though the world economy is in a critical situation at the moment, with many experts saying that we are heading into a global financial collapse... The best thing to do right now is to really think for yourself and respond wisely, so that we can be prepared with any situation that is coming our way. Be it bad or good. But for now, the weather forecast of the world’s economy is not so good that some people say it will be worse that the Great Depression in the 1930’s. My suggestion would be, plan for your future and the future of your loved ones now. Live your lives with a real plan and purpose. Not just simply existing and getting by from paycheck to paycheck. Learn how to save, invest and protect your wealth. Learn, study and research what is happening in the world so you won’t be one of those ignorant people who do not know what to do in times of crisis, but be one who is well informed. Don’t be like those foolish virgins who were too late to buy some oil for their lanterns. These people will be part of the confusion of the world. So, this Christmas season, stop spending too much on those unnecessary things and let’s come back to the basics and really find out the meaning of Christmas. Get back in your faith with God, spend more time with your family and get your life in order financially, physically and emotionally. If you are strong on the inside, no matter what storms, rain or floods may come your way, but you will be as solid as a rock! Cheers, Ben Irawan Editor of NEW CITY Magazine



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city 4

The Lost Art of imagination:

to problem solve using imagination. Grab a notebook. Write down the problem. Next, write out twenty was to solve it. It has to be twenty. Don’t stop at ten. Keep going. It can be hard to get to the magic number but it is when you make yourself think long and hard about a problem that you can harness the power of imagination to get you to a solution.


spent many of my preteen years playing ‘Make Believe’ in my best friend’s back yard. Her dad was a landscape gardener and their yard was a treasure trove of exotic plants, vegetable gardens, creeping vines, shady trees and large planter pots. Here, Phoebe and I played out our childhood fantasies. We weren’t the girly girls that our younger sisters preferred to play. We were warrior princesses who captivated the world with our ethereal beauty and vanquished our enemies with our crafty and clever schemes. Eventually, we grew up. We realised gradually that we weren’t beautiful, warrior princesses with the world at our feet. We were but mere mortal women, facing the world of ‘grown up responsibility’ armed with the knowledge that our hopes would only fly if borne on the wings of hard work, perseverance and a generous serve of good luck. Sound familiar? Imagination for most children is instinctive. From the games of make believe to the monsters in the closet, every child has a world that they create. Something jogged my thoughts the other day. It was a statement made by a friend.


The daydream: It can be a day-maker or a day-breaker. Recently, I was driving along the highway, music up loud, singing my heart out. I may aswell have been singing “Hakuna Matata” for at that moment, I had not a worry in the world. And then my train of thought turned to all the ways my up and coming meeting could go wrong. By the time I arrived at my destination, a mere twenty minutes later, my mind was full. My imagination had taken me on a wild ride down ‘not so happy’ street. Had it dampened my mood? Yes. Had it left me feeling drained and unenthusiastic? Yes. Did the meeting go as badly as I had imagined? Heck no! But my negative imaginings had given me a run for my money. The case in point is this: We can either harness the power of imagination to think outside the square, harness creativity and become the problem solver or we can let it take us to a darker place, one that leaves us drained and cranky. Which way are you going?

#3: Mental Energy actually exists. Ever heard the statement ‘that

“He has such a vivid imagination” she said of her little boy. “It’s a shame he will grow up and lose that.” Is imagination really lost in the passage from childhood to adulthood? Or is it just redirected? I would argue the latter. We don’t stop imagining. We just start imagining different things and they usually aren’t happy things. “What if I can’t pay the bills? What if the stock market crashes? What if my two year old gets out of the gate? What if my partner loses his/her job?” It is so easy to set our sights on the darker side of what could happen. Imagination doesn’t go away, does it? It’s just that in the mature, ‘grown up’ world, we no longer control it. What’s more, if we are not careful it can control us. So if you thought imagination was something reserved for children and artists: Think again! You have one too, don’t you? So maybe it’s best if you treat this article as a health check on your imagination. How healthy is yours?

#1: Thinking outside the box requires imagination.

Ever gotten in a situation where you just can’t think of a way out? It might be a business slump, a relationship rut, a health issue, a chronic busyness issue. There is so much that we can get stuck in. But often we are too busy trying not to drop the juggling balls that we don’t take the time to have a good honest think about how to find our way out. A mentor of mine taught me a great trick that helps


drained all my mental energy’? If you thought it was a figure of speech and that mental energy wasn’t an actual thing, think again. Studies show that on an ordinary day, up to 10% of our energy is taken up in the area of our mind and emotions. But don’t we feel so much more drained if we are having an argument with a partner, are cranky with the kids or out of sorts with the world. The negative brain can drain more energy than the positive brain does. We can either let our thought life energize and inspire us or we can end up feeling sluggish, cranky and under the weather. Hormones and chemicals in our bodies line up with the tone of our thinking. We are actually affecting ourselves a lot more than we know. Doesn’t this paint an interesting case for harnessing the power of your imagination?

It affects our outlook on life. Positive thinking isn’t something that comes natural to me. (There you go. I said it. *Sigh*) But due to life throwing me a few curveballs, I have decided to become a student of healthy thinking. Ever been through a day when nothing has gone right and you are pretty sure that the whole world is against you? I had one of those days recently. The last straw came when someone spilt their beetroot sandwich all over the documents I had just spent ages printing out. I decided to have myself a bubble bath to relax and calm down but five minutes later I was standing over the bath in tears because it wasn’t filling up fast enough. Turned out the bath wasn’t filling up because the plug was still in my hand. My understanding and somewhat sage-

like housemate finished running the bath and suggested I spend the next few minutes mentally filling out a gratitude diary: Only think on the good things in life. I was not allowed to brood on everything that had gone wrong. I was pretty annoyed at this suggestion but I gave it a go. The exercise served to get my imagination back on track. Instead of mentally catastrophizing all that could happen as a result of the days mishaps, I got out of the bath feeling a lot more optimistic about what had gone right. Our imagination affects our outlook. Even in adulthood we can be imagining up monsters under the bed. What is worry other than negative imagination? What is ambition, motivation and inspiration other than positive imagination. Imagination doesn’t cease in childhood. It is with you for life. Isn’t it time you took control of yours. (CH)





December 2011 GIVEAWAY

We are giving away a brand new copy of StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath. All you need to do is go to the GIVEAWAY page of NEW CITY Magazine’s website or just click here then enter your email address in the box provided. The winners and they will be notified by email.

About StrengthsFinder 2.0

“Hide not your talents. They for use were made. What’s a sundial in the shade?” -- Benjamin Franklin

Chances are, you don’t. All too often, our natural talents go untapped. From the cradle to the cubicle, we devote more time to fixing our shortcomings than to developing our strengths. To help people uncover their talents, Gallup introduced the first version of its online assessment, StrengthsFinder, in the 2001 management book Now, Discover Your Strengths. The book spent more than five years on the bestseller lists and ignited a global conversation, while StrengthsFinder helped millions to discover their top five talents. In StrengthsFinder 2.0 Gallup unveiled the new and improved version of its popular assessment, language of 34 themes, and much more. While you can read this book in one sitting, you’ll use it as a reference for decades.

Do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day?

Loaded with hundreds of strategies for applying your strengths, this Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and USA Today bestseller will change the way you look at yourself -- and the world around you -- forever.

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city 6

Netiquette 101

So in an age where so much of our communication is online or text based, surely it is prudent to pay a little more attention to how we communicate online. After all if only 7% is about the words, doesn’t that mean that our chances of being misunderstood or misconstrued would be higher? Like much higher?

Enter “Netiquette” - It’s the convenient combination of ‘Net’ and ‘Etiquette’ and it’s all about how we interact online. frained from putting physical address details down, kept their full birth date and phone numbers to themselves and hid their email addresses from view. The easiest to find where the ones who had needless detail about sports and other hobbies, location details, phone details and others. It makes you think doesn’t it! How much is too much to put online?

It is not an exact science and it would perhaps be a redundant topic if not for the fact that relationship skills, while previously caught, must now be taught. So just in case you count yourself among the less tech-savvy, here is a crash course in Netiquette.

1. If you wouldn’t say it in real life,

don’t say it online. It can be so tempting to pop out that hilarious one liner when you spot a status update that is just begging for a reply. However, if you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, don’t even go there! And NO! Putting ‘No offence’ or ‘LOL’ in your message doesn’t actually negate the nature of one’s acerbic wit. Careful tiger. Remember the communication rule: They only read the words. They don’t see your smirk.

There is a certain phenomena tied up with computerised communication. We tend to get a little more courageous from behind the screen than perhaps we would be in real life. Hence, the term “Fightbook” sprung up. Well meaning or naïve individuals have often been drawn into conflict when an online conversation has grown heated. Here is the thing though: Is it really worth losing a friendship over? One can never be sure how someone on the other end of the conversation is taking things. You could be doing more damage than you know. A little vigilance goes a long way though and needless quarrels can often be avoided through careful choice of words and punctuation.


Don’t, I repeat DON’T, ever put your bank account details or other personal and sensitive information online. The amount of times I have seen

‘Sure…my account details are XYZ’ absolutely horrifies me. Likewise, it is not a bad idea to keep your cyber-footprint free from things like postal/physical addresses or phone numbers. In a particularly poignant cyber-safety presentation from the Police to a local school, the officer had done pre-research and awarded the students who were the hardest to stalk. They were the ones who used privacy settings on their Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr accounts, re-

As identity theft increases, it is a wise thing to restrict how much of your personal information can be easily found online. Staying safe isn’t rocket science but it can easily be taken for granted. Another smart thing to do is limit your check-ins so that you aren’t so traceable. Think about it: If you are logging your every physical move online by saying ‘John Smith checked in at this address with Jane Smith’ constantly, you are making it a lot easier for someone to track you (and possibly your friends) down.

3. Rule of thumb: Do you really want the

world to know? “If in doubt, leave it out” is a helpful answer to this question. Some conversations just shouldn’t happen online. I had a bit of a laugh when doing a guest teaching spot at a local school. “Boys, never dump a girl via facebook or text message” I said in jest, having assumed this was an obvious principle. I was greeted by blank and curious looks followed by a quiet question from the front row. “Is that bad?” asked one of the boys. Yep! It is. As a rule, ‘deep and meaningful’ conversations are best conducted face to face. This way the tonal and body language elements of communication can be present in your conversation and better inform you as to the depth of its impact on the person you are talking with.

4. The Avatar Principle: Your online pro-

file is really just an avatar of you. You control it. It looks like you but it doesn’t quite have the living, breathing quality of ‘real’ life. With this in mind, remember that your friends or contacts list contains people with many varying levels of relationship. The whole of your friends list isn’t on the same, intimate friendship level as perhaps your family or your closest friends. Keep this in mind when updating status’s and sharing photographs for instance. A handy hint for you Facebooker’s is the use of the group function. You can choose which circles you put people in and from there control who sees what. Handy huh!

5. “Real people first, internet peo-

ple second.” This is simply a principle that brings balance to the force of social media. Use technology to organise your life, and maybe even to a certain degree to commentate it, but make sure have a life aswell.

Fun fact of the day:

Only 7% of communication is words! 38% is tone and a massive 55% is body language.

The Non-Exhaustive Social Media Lexicon: ”LOL” – Usually means ‘laugh out loud’ however your teenager may be using it as ‘lots of love.’ Read it in context! It should also be noted that when many people write this, they aren’t actually laughing out loud. Therefore the statement is more likely to mean “I have nothing valid left to say so I am just going to laugh at you.” “BRB” ¬– Be right back. Use this one if you have left a conversation for a few minutes. You don’t want someone pouring out their heart to you on Facebook chat only to get offended because you don’t seem to have much to say. It just so happened that you got up to answer the call of nature, got distracted by the refrigerator and made yourself the mother of all toasted sandwiches on your way back to the computer. But they don’t know this. They think you are giving them the silent treatment. *Awkward* “WTF” – Look, let’s just put it bluntly. If your kid told you it means ‘why the face?,’ they lied. It is more likely to mean “What the *CENSORED*” ”FTW” – The occurrence of the letter ‘F’ in this acronym is harmless as opposed to its appearance in most other acronyms. This one is generally thought to mean ‘For the Win.” “LMFAO” – They are a band but if not referring to the musical group, this term refers to laughing your butt off (with a swearword in the middle). “ROFL” – Rolling on the floor laughing. Ironically, no one ever is when they type this.

“Check-in” – Letting the world know, at any given time, where you are and then publishing it on any social media you use. Uses GPS technology to locate you and then publishes your whereabouts on social media. Very handy if you are a stalker. Very worrying if you are a parent. Very avoidable with the a few tweaks to the privacy settings. “Social Media” – Bigger than Facebook! Think Google+, Tumblr, Twitter, Foursquare, Technorati, LinkedIn, Flickr and many others. It is any software that allows you to interact with other users. The social media world is your oyster baby.


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city 8

Justin Bieber: Under the Mistletoe

Susan Boyle: Someone To Watch Over Me I have to say that I’m quite the fan of Susan and love her unassuming style and humble heart. Since becoming an overnight sensation after her appearance on Britain’s Got Talent and releasing 3 albums now, she is certainly coming into her own and as far as I’m concerned gained her singing cred so to speak! ☺ I enjoyed her first 2 albums (“I Dreamed a Dream”, “The Gift”) but it still felt like there was so much more to Susan that we still hadn’t heard yet. It felt as though they over orchestrated and were tentative in Susan’s recording on the earlier attempts, but it’s safe to say that the real gift that we’ve been waiting for has finally arrived neatly packaged in the form of ‘Someone to Watch Over Me’. We finally get to hear Susan’s heart on this album with minimal accompaniment. Songs like, “Autumn Leaves” (Paolo Nutini), “Mad World” (Tears for Fears), “Enjoy the Silence” (Depeche Mode) and “Both Sides Now” (Joni Mitchell). There’s also “Lilac Wine” that has a real smoky pop flavour and if you want some power packed vocals, look no further than, “You Have to Be There” (Benny Andersson and Bjorn Ulvaeus), taken from the Swedish Musical “Kristina fran Duvemala” and the original “Return”. All in all this is Susan’s finest Album to date! (MR)

Upon hearing Bieber’s newest album which is more of a holiday filler, till his next big album is to be released next year..., I was impressed with the line-up of stars and also the great collaborations that took place. “Under the Mistletoe” is a great pop album in its own right and is a fresh and sticky sweet R&B flavoured album that really brings about that holiday feel and Christmas spirit. It’s great to see that Bieber didn’t just palm this off as an interlude or commercial break but really took the time and effort to make it a wholesome and lovely sounding album. Songs like the silky smooth ‘Boyz II Men’ Collaboration, “Fa La La”, ‘Busta Rhymes’ head spinning “Drummer Boy”, “Mariah Carey’s” super festive and hugely popular “All I Want for Christmas is You” which I give props to Bieber for singing in a higher register even though the original still trumps this new addition. One of my personal favourites though has got to be “The Christmas Song” (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire) which is where we really see Justin’s maturing vocals with none other than his big bro ‘Usher’. “Home This Christmas” sees Bieber collaborate with another country band, ‘The Band Perry’ and is a catchy little tune with a smooth sound. There are 15 tracks on the deluxe edition and “Silent Night”, “All I Want is You” and “Mistletoe” also made the cut. This is definitely a Christmas album that’s fun but not what I’ll be listening to once the New Year kicks in. (MR)


Machine Gun Preacher

Well, to start with... I was drawn into the true account of Sam Childers, ex Hell’s Angels Bikie, drug addict and all round bad guy turned child saviour, orphanage builder and gun toting mercenary for God! His life is a true inspiration and a miracle to say the least. I believe the movie is a true life account of Sam Childers dramatic transformation from a hardened thug into a lover of God and children. When I heard Gerard Butler (300, The Ugly Truth) was to portray Sam in this movie I was pleasantly surprised and excited to see him in a role that he stated was one that he had been waiting for! J With the likes of his female lead Michelle Monaghan (Lynn Childers) and Michael

Happy Feet Two

When I saw Happy Feet back in 2006, I was toe-tapping and literally danced my way out of the cinemas on a natural high. That to me was one of the best family friendly and fun movies I have ever had the pleasure of watching! J It was no mean feat to try and top such an achievement and George Miller (co writer and director) and his wonderful team did their best with the 5 years that it took to complete Happy Feet Two. I would be as bold to say that there are moments in this movie that outshine the original but as a cohesive whole it drops short of the power and majesty the first film delivered. There are many cool songs this time round and musically this movie is insanely good. From a dad penguin rap-

Shannon (Revolutionary Road) as Donnie, you know that you’re in for a quality movie filled with great acting, tense moments, wild action sequences and a heart tugging storyline. Childers turnaround came when his church going wife encouraged him to go on a mission trip to Uganda to build orphanages for children. There he encountered God and chose to make it his life calling to rescue children from the LRA, (The Lord’s Resistance Army) to protect them in the hopes of giving the children a fighting chance at a normal life and bright future free of military tyranny and destruction. In what seems a paradox, Childers manages to combine the elements of Preacher and soldier of God in a do whatever it takes way and sees many children freed in the process. Truly rousing stuff! (MR)

ping LL Cool J’s Hit (Mamma Said Knock You Out) with his son to a flock of little fuzzy female penguins singing Justin Timberlake’s hit (Sexy Back), you will be laughing out loud and either tapping or bouncing to the melodic smorgasbord and visual eye candy on display here. With a host of new characters and some original favourites which include of course, Mumble (Elijah Wood), Gloria (Pink), Ramon and Lovelace (Robin Williams), Will and Bill the Krill (Brad Pitt and Matt Damon) and the Mighty Sven (Hank Azaria). You know with this much star power Happy Feet Two is certainly going to be special and you’re probably wondering if Mumble had kids, well he did, a son named Erik (Ava Acres) who doesn’t have his dad’s penchant for dancing. (MR)

The Attack of the Calories: Festive Season Edition Welcome to December! Christmas is this month. End of year work parties have started. Family celebrations are kicking off. Friends are getting together and toasting the year that has passed over a barbeque or ten.

Read between the lines baby: Food, food and more food. If your festive season is anything like mine, you eat like an absolute maniac and then spend the afternoon feeling like the human incarnation of a Dagwood Dog: bloated, overstuffed, greasy and unable to move. Come January 1st everyone’s New Year’s Resolution is to lose weight because quite frankly, we all packed it on over the holidays. Surely there is a smarter way to go about this. Surely we can enjoy the festive season without missing out on the goods.

day.” You have barely even started digesting brekky when you start to shovel in lunch. Roast cow, roast bird, roast veggies, roast pig: Pretty soon you are starting to feel like one – roast pig that is. This is what you can do instead - Leading up to Christmas and after Christmas, an increase in physical activity is a great way to even out the food guilt. Go for low intensity activities that increase your heart rate a little bit for a long time. Things like walking, skipping and cycling are the best for burning fat. You can package it all in fun too. Get a group of friends and go for a bike ride, dorky helmets included. Take the kids along. You could even do it on Christmas Day. Swap the back yard cricket for something a little more energetic like back yard footy or break in the new tennis rackets if you should be so lucky.

Here is what you may have done every other year:

Make sure you enjoy yourself over the festive sea-

son. We have to have a bit of fun, don’t we! But remember two things: Swapping and portion control. Swap the ladle for the tablespoon. Swap the cricket ball for the football. Control your portions to achieve a happier digestive system and a less strained belt around the middle.

Guess what: Your favourite fitness and nutrition writer (Me, just in case you were wondering) has a solution or two for you. It’s not rocket science either. It is swapping and portion control. My mantra is “everything in moderation.” Have your advent calendar and eat it too: Just not all in one sitting. Do not handle it like my sister does and have one whole chocolate filled cardboard calendar for every day instead of just one chocolate every day right up until December 25th. Just because it is the silly season doesn’t mean you have to be silly about what you eat.

frigerators are your friend. This is plain and simply portion control. Don’t go overboard. You still get to enjoy the fun, social part of food! You don’t have to miss out. But you also don’t have to kill your digestive system.

Then there are the lunch time tactics. Sure it’s exciting to see Mamma has pulled out the big guns and cooked up a storm, but how big do you really want to load your plate? Think about it. Don’t go for a whole ladle full of everything. Opt instead for smaller amounts. You can still get through everything, but you won’t feel like Jabba the Hut after you are done.

Perhaps the best thing to remember is that Christmas is about love, sacrifice and the giving of the greatest gift, not about comfort food and self indulgence. If we concentrate on the giving not the gorging, well isn’t that a more balanced way to live life anyway? (AH)

Try reducing the amount of alcoholic or sugary beverages that you have. Both of these can be a killer. Adding mineral water to beverages is a favourite trick of mine. It reduces the calorie and alcohol intake. What this is really doing is swapping a full glass of alcohol for a half glass. You won’t notice the difference because the mineral water has filled the void. But then again if you are drinking for the heck of it, remember they don’t call it a beer belly for nothing. Christmas Day: You wake up, look at the chocolate filled Santa stocking and guts it all. You chase it down with a Christmas brekky of bacon and eggs. You think to yourself “Hell, it’s Christmas. I am going to eat Supersize-me style because it’s only for one

Just saying… Another trick is this: Remember you don’t have to eat everything! If you do want to eat everything, pace yourself. You have all year. The Christmas pudding will last. So will the whole leg of ham. Re-



city 10

Poolside Perfection

Do you cringe at the thought of swimsuit shopping? Body not bikini ready yet? Then take the focus of your flaws (that is safe to say that only you can see) and put it into an amazing poolside wardrobe. Just like our everyday wear if we feel great in what we are wearing, we look fabulous.

Gone are the days of your poolside attire just being a towel or sarong. With the emergence of more and more Christmas and New Years Eve parties being centred around a pool (backyard or club) we need to think a little more about what we wear to keep us feeling and looking glamorous.

Day parties you only need to add a pair of flat jeweled sandals and big sunnies to create a coastal-cool look. Weekend beachside requires your amazing kaftan, retro inspired sunnies and flat sandals whilst keeping you feeling comfortable and oh so stylish. Now we are ready to look forward spending many crazy and relaxing days by the pool and on the beach in style! Hope you enjoy and remember the secret to chic is to appear as if you didn’t have to try too hard. (KA)

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Keep in mind for night events you can become beyond fabulous by adding layers of bangles, amazing hoop earrings and a fantastic wedge or platform shoe.





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Packet Versus Fresh

Can you imagine the difference it would make to make your own baby food – such as mashed pumpkin, banana, some blended home cooked meals. Or to buy the ingredients to make your own cakes and snacks – such as eggs, flour, oats, raisins, sultanas, and apples. Store bought and prepackaged and refined bread doesn’t even come close to home made and home baked breads in taste, texture, smell, or healthy benefits. So the war is on in our home. If I can make it, bake it, prepare it, or grow it rather than buy it prepackaged or genetically grown and engineered, I do. I want my family to grow up making healthier choices and to experiencing the taste of real food and I don’t want them to join the ranks of the many overweight children in Australia today. Like any war – there’s a sacrifice. It’s a sacrifice because it takes work, determination, forethought, energy, time and expense. But the rewards are immeasurable! So, how about it? Will you join the ranks as we march together for a healthier Australia by making better choices at the supermarkets? (DG)

There’s a war on! Well at least in our home there is. A war between packet and packaged goods and fresh goods. More and more Australians are taking the ‘easy’ alternative and purchasing quick fix packaged goods at the supermarket rather than the fresher option. There’s a higher cost to eat healthy, but the rewards of that are things like – lower cholesterol, less body fat, clearer skin and eyes, less weight gain, and a general wellnessplus the food tastes so much better. Some of the cheaper packages and fast foods may taste good going down, but give about an hour and it starts to do gross things to your digestive system. I stood behind a woman with her two small children in the supermarket yesterday as I did my fortnightly shop and was thoroughly amazed at what I saw her pull out of her trolley. She had chips, coke, tinned baby food, packaged chicken nuggets and sausage rolls, potatoes, refined white bread, cake mixes, sausages and a few frozen vegetables. There were no fresh vegetables. No leaner, healthier cuts of meat. No ingredients to make things from scratch herself – such as eggs, flour, oats, sultanas, raisins, pumpkin, or fresh fruit.

issue #4 2011/2012



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city 12

You could be “shot” next!

Your business can also be featured here FOR FREE. Just send an email to and we’ll be in touch soon!

Reweti, Eddie & Yazm ine @ Kogarah

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Spiderboy’s bike???

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Jay Jay @ Mie Thai, Gymea

John @ Shelly Beach Optical, Gymea

Peter @ Timecraft Jewellers, Gymea



Jackie @ C abello Salo n, Gymea


Gym @ Fit

Anh Le @ Gymea Dry Cleaners Elissa & Marie @ Jackson’s Pharmacy, Gymea

Lorraine @ Patchwork Plus, Miranda

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Karen & Kim @

Divine hair studio, Miranda

Fan @ Mir anda Convenienc e Store

Rania & Ben @ Liquo r Bank, Miranda

Adnan @ Blockbuster, Bexley

Shereen @ Bexley Eye Clinic


Tyson & John


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Marie-Ch ristine @ Afgha Interiors , Newtow n n

Emina, Sue & Maria @ Ella Bache Hurstville

ealth H a e m @ Gy re e l l e Cent Mich Jim & Nutrition



city 14


What Life Is

Life is not just about gaining much, but more importantly how much we have given through the years.

When I was a child, I was always looking forward to receiving presents from my family and friends on my birthday. But more and more today, I look around and learn to appreciate the presence of all my loved ones, including family and friends. I realise that more than celebrating one day in a year, we should be cherishing every single day of our lives, reflecting on whether we have maximised the time that we have been given.

Life is not about dwelling in regret, but deciding on your next plan of action so that you will never repeat the same mistake again. Life is not about being frustrated over petty stuff, but the ability to handle conflict with grace. Life is not about focusing on our weaknesses, but knowing our potential and working on improving our strengths. Life is not about hating your enemy, but living in the power of forgiveness that liberates us. It is when we are able to walk in total freedom that we have truly lived a life that is worth living. (CI)




NEW CITY Magazine is building a team of enthusiastic and reliable distributors to distribute NEW CITY Magazine around the commercial areas of St George & Sutherland Shire.



ABOUT RICE & NOODLE modern thai & malaysian cuisine

Kogarah…, how is it possible that you have hidden this restaurant from me for one and a half years?! I really don’t know where to start so I’ll say this is MIND BLOWING!! About Rice & Noodle (ARN) is hands down one of the best restaurants I have eaten in Sydney this year. When I got asked to review ARN, I was excited to give it a go but i wasn’t expecting to be wowed. Boy, was I wrong. ARN serve a mixture of Malaysian and Thai cuisine but you should definitely try the Malaysian dishes first. ARN is located at 1/9 Montgomery St, Kogarah. Let me get straight to it, the LAKSA… oh my goodness the laksa, I’m going to make a big call and say that it’s the best laksa in Sydney! Everything in this dish is well balanced. I don’t really want to say more than that cause there are almost no words to describe how good it is cause once you’ve tried it, you’ll know what I’m talking about. I also tried the Char Kway Teow which is fried flat rice noodle with your choice of meat, vegetables or seafood. Again, well balanced, yet such a simple dish and just enough char on the noodles, that it actually adds to the flavor of the noodle instead of over powering it from being too charred (burnt). Now, I could go on and on about all the dishes I tried and trust me I tried a lot of dishes and each one of the dishes were simply outstanding. There should be a queue every night to eat at ARN, like one of my friends said “I’d line up an hour just for the laksa” and he’s not wrong, so would I. ARN would put to shame that other Malaysian restaurant in the city MAMAK, although they do make awesome roti but that’s about it.

1/9 Montgomery St, Kogarah.

So, all that’s left for me to say is get your butts down there before it gets too busy. Enjoy! (SY)

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city 16


Enjoy the Crystal Clear Waters of Fiji

It’s December and the school holidays are coming up! So why not take the family or your friends or just yourself (but where’s the fun in going alone?) to Fiji?

We all know about the pretty awesome beaches in Fiji, but what about the shopping? The Suva Municipal Market is the largest market and its lively energy will have you relaxed as you shop. Various tropical fruits are on sale and they taste absolutely incredible. These fruits are fresh, so if you’ve had enough of processed foods and just want something natural, this market is the place to please your tastebuds. We all have friends that love souvenirs, so if you’re looking for little tokens to bring home, check out the Municipal Curio and Handicraft Centre. Handmade items and little keepsakes are available here for you to take home as a memory. The Fiji Museum will have you distracted for hours with artefacts like cannibal forks and war clubs on display. Many of these items are from the early days of the development of Fiji. Another thing to see is the Masi Cloth, which is an art exhibit. And don’t miss out on the underwater adventures you could have! Scuba diving and surfing are definite musts in the crystal clear waters of Fiji. Sunset Beach is the ideal place to chill out and relax, so don’t forget to visit.

company can be found all over Fiji. ‘Traps in Suva’ is a fun venue for you and your companions to hang out and listen to jazz music. But if that isn’t your style, Bad Dog Café is another option. It provides a beautiful view of the city and the best beer and wine are available. Popular restaurants are scattered around Fiji that serve international and local cuisines, so it’ll cater to all your needs.

If you do decide to go, don’t miss out on New Year’s Day in Fiji! The celebrations are extravagant and can go on for weeks. Dancing is a big part of the festivities, so get your dancing shoes on! Locals will be playing the guitar, mandolin and ukulele accompanied by the traditional lali drums to celebrate the New Year.

Fiji’s nightlife is just as exciting as the day. Clubs and bars are available for your And that’s Fiji. Wherever you decide to go, have a great time! See you next year! entertainment, with restaurants serving only the best. Great music and great (SF)

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MOTORING motoring Now, with that out of the way, let’s get into the article! I’m not looking for an expensive used car. I don’t want to talk about crazy new cars coming up at the moment because this is real, and this topic of shopping for a used car can be the bane of many people’s lives right now.

I want to share with you the tips and tricks if you like, about how you can shop for a used car without getting ripped off or buying a dodgy reparable write off from Queensland. I’m not one to say you shouldn’t buy from a dealer, they have their good points, one being that it’s certainly going to have no money owing on it. It’s a safer way to buy if you’re a novice, but more expensive.

The Joys of Buying a Used Car. I have had the unfortunate event of an accident, with my pride and joy; or as some will call it. My car was hit and was written-off. Before we go any further, let me clarify, that it was not my fault.

My best bet is to go for private sales. Your neighbor! Why? You can really get some bargains out there at the moment. There are some good questions you need to ask the owners before taking a spin:

• How long have you had the car for? • Do you own the car? Sounds dumb, but I’ve dealt with folks who don’t even own the car! • Why are you selling? • Do you have a full log book? • Has it ever been in a crash? • Is it garaged? After this, take if for a test drive, see if there are any leaks, creaks and if it starts, stops and steers well. After that, it’s up to your good old charm to get the price well down before you shake and bake! (JY)

POSITION VACANT: Advertising Sales Executive – Commission Only Are you passionate about SALES? Do you have the drive and commitment to SUCCEED? New City Magazine is looking for experienced sales professionals to join our sales team to seek new business opportunities around the St George & Sutherland Shire regions, with the potential to earn up to $2000 per advertising sale.

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19th December 2011. NEW CITY MAGAZINE . 17


city 18 Weight Loss Secrets -

What’s really driving your weight reduction program? How did I do that you ask? By letting go of Negative Emotions, limiting Decisions, Creating a compelling picture of the desired outcome, replacing the values and setting up boundaries that support your new choices. Interestingly, Values and Criterias drive every area of your life, Relationships, Fitness, Career, Spirituality and more. If you have set goals in these areas and not seen the results that you want, chances are that your values or criterias in that area are not congruent with your goals.

Weight loss secrets essentially consist of com-

mon sense and information put in the right context! The great news is that you can take responsibility and cause lasting change in your life by employing health and healing nlp techniques! Good Luck! (SL)

Weight Loss Secrets can mean different things to different people. The common element, however, is if they work, they are secrets worth telling!

For many years I struggled with my weight, I was on constant diets and programs, however when I reached 200kg I took drastic measures and had gastric surgery. This was going to be the answer for me, well so I thought. To say that the surgery was a total loss is not so. The only problem was that after 10 years I had regained a lot of the kilos and was at 136kg when I discovered NLP, other related modalities. One of the world’s best kept weight loss secrets is that it’s the conscious mind that is the Goal Setter, but it is your unconscious mind that it the goal getter, so what drives your unconscious mind? Every area of our life is driven by Values or Criterias. These are the things that motivate us and put us into action, they are what is important to us at an unconscious level. Chances are you have set goals in your life or perhaps even done affirmations, while these are very powerful ways to cause change at the unconscious level, if your values or criterias are not in alignment with your goals or affirmations you will take longer to achieve the desired outcome or perhaps you won’t achieve it at all. For many years, I would set goals and repeat affirmations around being lean, fit and full of energy. However, my values around food and eating, were things like COMFORT, ENJOYMENT, SOCIALISE, ESCAPEISM. It’s no wonder that I would always turn to food when something emotional was happening. One of the most important weight loss secrets that I eventually learnt was that the only way I could reduce the body fat was to replace the values in the area on food and eating to values that would support my goals, like NUTRITION, VITALITY, FUEL, ENERGY.

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city 20

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city 22

Is your home a welcoming place where you and your family love to be together? Alternatively, is it a stressful, noisy environment for all that live and enter there? With a little bit of help and a few creative ideas, our homes can be a peaceful and functional haven where each one of us will all love to be. When you are asked, ‘What do you do?’ How do you respond? Whether you are a stay-at –home mum, a full time homemaker, or in the work force part time or full time, we can always be on the lookout for ways to do what we do better and more efficiently. It wasn’t so long ago that I flitted from here to there, yet never seemed to achieve much in my day. My life was a chaotic mess filled with the stress and anxiety of trying to be all things to all people. I would literally fall into bed each night totally exhausted, yet would toss and turn as I thought of all the things that still needed doing. Getting up the next morning would leave me feeling like I hadn’t been to bed at all. I desperately wanted a change. Does this sound like you? I had many lessons to learn and I am still learning! A house really is just a house until we fill it with love and care and things that matter and make a difference. Things that make it a safe refuge and a loving environment for all that enter. A good friend of mine once said that homemaking is not an end but a beginning. This is so true. As we begin to implement change one step at a time peace comes and we begin to relax more and enjoy the changes. So, what kind of changes can make that kind of difference you ask? Good question.

•Allow each one time to relax and unwind. For example when dad

comes home from work teach the children to greet him and then to give him space for even ten minutes just to unwind. When the children come from school make time to sit with them over a drink and snack to talk about their day. It’s a kind of debriefing as it were.

•Eat together at the table rather than in front of the television. Great conversation and relationship building can really be had around the table over a meal. •Let everything have its place.

Toys put in clearly marked boxes, shoes, clothes, kitchen gear...whatever. This isn’t as hard as it sounds, but boy what a difference it can make to the feeling of being well organised and tidy rather than cluttered unorderly mess. (DG)

Image: photostock /

Here’s a few that we found have worked –

•Tone of voice. Why yell and scream? All this does is sends our blood pressure up and causes stress for everyone. The wise words of old, ‘A gentle answer turns away wrath,’ still ring true today. So make a conscious effort to speak calmly and kindly to one another. •Work as a team. Train your children to be a part of the home team. When they are young this may require occasional rewarding with some special playtime with you, or a trip to the park, etc. As they grow older you will be so glad (as we are) that you implemented this one. Everyone works together – dishes, gardens, picking up toys, vaccuming and cleaning etc. Especially if you work full time outside of the home. •Music. Choose any music you may put on carefully. Music is a powerful tool that can lift your spirit or cause you to become agitated and irritable, or cast down and feeling low. •Think about how you would like your home to look

and then set yourself to it one room at a time. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Be creative. Involve a friend if you are stuck for ideas or go and visit some display homes in your area.

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