Positive, Healthy and Successful Living
monthly magazine
UTS Graduate Fashion Show
Body Image
How to do it properly?
Contents NEW CITY
monthly magazine
JAN 2012
Positi v e , H e a l thy and S uccessful Living
Faces & Places
Weight Loss
NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION: How to Do It Properly?
A Note about Dads
UTS Graduate Fashion Show
Body Image
How to do it properly? NEW CITY Magazine JANUARY 2012 EDITION Editor: Ben Irawan Art Director: Herlina Widjaja Local Writer: Miguel Ribeiro Office Manager: Yvonne Widjaja Contributors: Clare Heath Anita Heath Joshua Yanto Samuel Yanto Dea Gunning Samantha Farm Katerina A Stephen Licciardello Cisca Irawan Contact Details: NEW CITY MEDIA PTY LTD ABN: 47 145 474 362 PO Box 1, Arncliffe NSW 2205 Australia Email: Website: For advertising: Call 0416 111 201 or For editorials:
DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in NEW CITY Magazine and its website, do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, publishers or their agents. Unauthorised reproduction of any material published in this magazine and its website is strictly prohibited.
JAN 2012
Porsche 911
Do You Live Pay to Pay? How to Get Out of the Cycle.
UTS Graduate Fashion Show
Amsterdam: A City Full of Unique Experiences
Stop the Yo-Yo Diet once and for all & CUT THE STRINGS!!! How to get the garden of your dreams... for next to nothing!
Letter from the Editor How to have a happy life?
First of all, I just want to say Happy New Year to you and wishing you the very best for 2012. We’ve had the parties, the fireworks and ALL the food I hope... LOL. Probably, you had a great year in 2011 or maybe a not so great 2011, but you want to make this year 2012 a BETTER YEAR. But, learning through experience, it is not what we acquire on the outside that will us give true satisfaction. We may have lots of material things, great connections and status, but ARE WE REALLY HAPPY? Happiness is not determined by external things but it is driven by what’s happening inside of us. We maybe at a party, but still feel lonely. We may have everything, but still feel empty. So how can we have a happy life in 2012 and beyond? Happiness is a CHOICE. One key to have happiness in your life is to CHOOSE to CREATE the life that you want. Another important key is to be THANKFUL in every situation and circumstance, especially the ones you cannot change. Create the life that you want... so that you can live out each day with a purpose. But before you go and do that, you must stop first and reflect what is it that you want in life? Without writing down your vision and plans, you are doomed to fail. Without knowing your final destination, you will be going around the desert, simply existing and taking up space and air on this earth that can be used for a better purpose. Personally, I’m asking myself what would I like to achieve by the time I hit 80 years old? Then, work my way backwards and break it down into small bite size goals of maybe 3-5 years. But I begin to learn that happiness cannot be achieved by focusing on just one area of your life. You must have visions for the different areas of your life as well, such as; physical, relationships, financial, mental, spiritual and other things. It is very important to WRITE THESE VISIONS DOWN... all of them! After you have the different visions of the different aspects of your life, VISUALISE THEM! You must see it coming to life in your mind and feel the surge of energy inside of you, giving you motivation to reach for that particular dream. Then review each vision daily and check if they still give you the same motivation and surge of energy, because your priorities can change as you mature mentally and spiritually and understand more about what is really important in life. Rewrite your visions if you must. It might take a few weeks or months or even years to really know exactly what you want in life. But I hope you don’t take that long, cause the sooner you know, the sooner you can get to your vision. So in point form: • WRITE DOWN your VISION – for finance, health, relationships, spiritual life, etc • BREAK IT DOWN into manageable bite size goals of 3-5 years • VISUALISE your VISION – imagine the vision and feel the energy and motivation inside • REVIEW your VISION – do you still feel excited about it or is it now irrelevant? • REVISE your VISION – rewrite it until you really feel confident about your direction in life Wishing you a prosperous and happy 2012! Cheers, Ben Irawan Editor of NEW CITY Magazine
Every Thursday night from 7-8:30pm for kids in Kindergarten to Year 6 @ Corner of Kembla and Hirst Sts, Arncliffe Entry fee : Gold coin donation appreciated For all enquiries: Please contact Miguel on 9567 8133 or 0421 883 463 NEW CITY MAGAZINE . 3
city 4
How to do it properly? Happy New Year! Remember the New Year’s Resolution? Yeah, barely one week in and I have forgotten mine too. Every year Australians go with the same top resolutions: Get fit, lose weight, spend more time with family, quit smoking, reduce debt etc. We get twelve months down the track and surprise, surprise! Old habits die hard and we are right back where we started: glass of wine in hand, fireworks lighting the harbour bridge and there we are saying to our friends “I am going to do it this year. I really will this time.” The problem is all in the approach my friends! Sometimes we treat change like we treat impulse shopping. It’s a decision we make in the moment. There are no plans or preparations and low and behold we never stick to it. There is a better way though! Psychologist’s back in the 1980’s (Prochaska and Diclemente if you are particular about these things) came up with a five phase model for successful change and if you are all scholarly you might even read it. But if you aren’t that type of person, or if you are a bit lazy, let me help you out with a completely unscholarly, practically geared guide to making change last the distance.
1. The motivation/contemplation station:
What is that you need to change and why? Have a good long think about it. If you rush through this stage, you never arrive in the right headspace and are more likely to get a week in and then think “Eh, does it actually matter?” You don’t have the right kind of motivation to do it and hence efforts can come off half baked. Some experts say that in the contemplation stage, it is best to not take action at all. Why? If you aren’t properly prepared than any failed attempts at change, any failures at establishing the new habit, can end with you throwing in the proverbial towel. Hold on to the towel though! You can do this. It just might mean that your new habit (Diet, budget, life without smokes, etc) can actually start on Monday! It isn’t just an excuse this time. First, you need to know the pro’s, con’s and reasons for the change. You need to know what hurdles might pop up in the road. You need to be ready to take the plunge.
2. The preparation station:
It’s all very well to promise that you are going to reduce debt this year. A lot of us do it! But if we aren’t set up with the right tools to help us budget and monitor our cash flow, it is very difficult to actually make any headway. Have you ever heard it this quote? “People don’t plan to fail. They fail to plan.” It is the same with any change resolution. We need to set ourselves up right so that we have a plan to
guide us and a way to monitor our progress. For example, a budget if you want to reduce debt or a diet plan if you want to have a looser belt by the end of the year. How much debt do you want to reduce? How much weight do you want to lose? How are you going to do it? Write a plan. Do it on paper so it is a physical tangible thing. Chat to an expert. Get all the information. Set goals that you can actually achieve. The smaller the better in the beginning. Tell a friend so there is someone to keep you honest. All these preparations make us better equipped to succeed. There is a stationary shop next door to where I work. They sell amazing pens. I used to buy a lot of them... that was until I did my budget and realised I was spending more money on pens every month than I was on my gas bill. But to decide to just not buy beautiful pens at all would be silly. I would end up binge buying (this I knew from previous experience. Yes this is a very well established pen problem). So I gave myself a stationary column in the budget and confessed to my fiancé that it wasn’t my shoe problem that needed monitoring: It was pens. He laughed, raised an eyebrow and then realised I was serious. Guess who has a savings account now. WINNER! That’s my embarrassing bad habit. You are now free to find or admit your own!
3. Action!
You know what and why you need to change. You mean it. You want it. You are all prepared. You are ready. Go! Don’t forget to reward successes but reward them wisely! Don’t celebrate a three kilo weight loss by eating a slab of cake. Maybe a new item of clothing is a better way to reward yourself. That way you see your success in the mirror, not just on the scales. Try not to beat yourself up too much about failures either. A fitness trainer once told me “If you have a bad morning, you don’t have to have a bad day. If you have a bad day, you don’t have to have a bad week. If you fall off the wagon, big deal. Just get back on it.” This advice has been helpful in more areas than fitness! So often when we fall off the wagon, we feel like it’s the end of the world. It isn’t! Just remember the successes you have had and get back on the wagon. A setback is just that: a setback. It isn’t a deal breaker or an ultimate failure.
4. Maintain:
It takes time to break a habit. Research shows anything from 21 days to six weeks as the time factor involved in breaking an old habit or setting a new one. But those who have dealt with addiction of any kind will attest that years can pass and temptation can still pull you in. It all depends on how deep the habit runs. That is why it is wise to put some strategies in place to help you maintain your success. Find ways to avoid temptation. Maybe the credit card goes in a frozen container at the back of your freezer. Maybe you don’t go shopping when
you are hungry. And it is important to factor in accountability and support. Maybe you need a fitness buddy to catch up with regularly so you know you are answering to someone. Accountability is important when you are trying to maintain positive change and create new healthy habits. Accountability, someone who knows the habit you are trying to break or create, can also give you a bit of social support when it comes to sticking to your plan.
Anyone can change. You just need to put the right systems and supports in place so that you can do it. Don’t beat yourself up about the failures. Celebrate the successes instead. Just maybe next year when the harbour bridge lights up, you won’t be making a new resolution but rather celebrating the successful year you just had. (CH)
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city 6
Have you ever heard of code switching? In the world of linguistics, it is a term used to describe when a person changes their language or patterns in their speech to fit in with people they are spending time with. Once this was pointed out to me by a speech pathologist friend of mine, it became really obvious how often people do this in a social context. For instance, when people start hanging around with my friend Corey, they start saying his favourite phrase (“I’m not gunna lie to ya…”) over and over again. Likewise, when people start hanging out with another friend of mine the phrase “Lost in the wind” comes out repeatedly. I am a word nerd. For a while people tried using bigger words than usual when I was around. But when I gently advised a friend that there was a big difference between the words ‘petulant’ and ‘flatulent,’ that practice soon stopped. Here is the thing though: Corey isn’t a code switcher. Everyone switches to his code but he stays exactly the same. My ‘lost in the wind’ friend stays exactly the same. I am not controlling my verbosity for anyone. The three of us let everyone else do the changing.
So why all the talk of code switching? Let’s throw the lens onto social situations instead of speech habits. Motivational speaker Jim Rohn is often quoted as saying that “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Growing up, the folks made sure all us kiddies knew that we had two choices at school: to follow the peer group or to lead it. We don’t think so much about peer pressure when we are all good and ‘grown up’ but perhaps Jim Rohn’s words should make us realise
Are You the Average of the People You Hang Out With? that no matter where we are, we still have a peer group who can have a lot of influence on us even if we don’t realise it. Thus we still have a choice: follow or lead. As we embark on a new year, one which is still more full of possibilities than regrets, it might be a good time to think about this: are you the average of the people you hang out with or do you stand strong on your own? Are you a social code switcher? There is no right or wrong answer here. I think I have only met maybe a dozen people who are total nonconformists. We all like to think that we are our own person, in control of our destiny. However, sometimes the reality of this is a little different than the Utopian idea in our heads. We would be our own person if it weren’t for our boss, our partner, our family, our financial commitments, etc. Even rattling the status quo of our social group is a tough place to start. We opt to keep the peace rather than rock the boat.
We all exist somewhere on the scale of ‘social code switcher to non-conformist.’ When thinking about where exactly on that scale we are, perhaps this follow up question is good to ask as well. Do you want to be the average of the people you are hanging with now? Is there someone who needs to be added to the list? Is there someone who needs to be taken away?
Once upon a time an organisation I worked for ran a financial literacy course. One part of this course was a section on “sexually transmitted debt: when romantic partners ruin you financially.” Thought provoking, huh. Those who are close to us (romantically and otherwise) can often convince us to do, try or believe things that just aren’t smart. But we love them so we end up buying the argument. They are not bad people most of the time! But just because they are dear to us doesn’t mean their ideas and habits are healthy! Every now and then I do a quick audit of things. Who am I listening to? Who is looking up to me? Is there someone in my life who challenges me to think outside the square, give something a go or to get out of my comfort zone and be a bigger person? So what do you do if there is no such person? Harness the power of the biography my friend! Therein lies the secrets of lives less ordinary. Take it with a grain of salt though. I am not sure Coco Chanel was right on the money when she said that a woman who doesn’t wear perfume has no future. I have Google’d it and I just cannot find a record of mother Theresa in the fragrance section of a department store! A bit of research can help us access the minds of those we may never meet. You might never get an audience with Richard Branson but you can hunt through his literature to find little gems of wisdom. How does he think? What makes him tick? Why does risk scare you when it seems to just excite him? In amongst all these literary gems are people who have overcome shyness, poverty, disadvantage and the negatives of the past in order to become or experience something still beyond many of our wildest dreams.
The professional circle is another good one to have a bit of a think about. If you want to be happy in your job, why do you spend time with the people whining about the boss during the lunch breaks? Surely that is going to send you back to your desk with a sense of frustration and dissatisfaction rather than motivation. Perhaps instead of sitting quietly and agreeing with the negative consensus, you could try and influWhatever you do, don’t accuse a friend of making ence the conversation in a lighter direction. Maybe your life mediocre and then stop answering their over time you could become the person people liscalls. Bad idea! But it certainly helps to have a real ten to instead. good think about who is influencing your life and how much! You might need to seek out the kind of people It’s a new year! It hasn’t been ruined or filled with you look up to and find a way to weave them into busyness yet! So think about it. Are you going to be your lives. I look for non-conformists, for go-getters a code switcher this year? Or not? Are you going to and for people who don’t fear the things I fear: things follow the pack or lead it? It’s all up to you. (CH) like failure or lack.
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city 8
Michael Bublé: Christmas
Kelly Clarkson: Stronger
With the Inspiration for this album being Bing Crosby, that Michael himself said was played over and over again in his home growing up. This is Michael at his best and you really hear not just his voice but his heart on this album in a way that you have never heard him before! ☺ Michael himself said, “This is the record that I have wanted to make my whole life... I felt that if I had done the right job on this, if I had put enough emotion and I was honest and I shared my love of this holiday that it could be the greatest record that I had ever made.
This is Kelly’s fifth studio album following her successful “All I Ever Wanted” album that was released in 2009. “Stronger has been stated by Clarkson herself as being her strongest album yet, but to be completely honest it’s not! “Mr Know It All” is the first track about a guy that thought he knew everything he needed to know about a girl but she thinks different. This was the debut single and performed poorly on iTunes and other charts, not to say this is a bad song, it’s actually quite good but another song choice would have been better.
The way we recorded it was in a way that we probably haven’t made records like that for 30 years, it was absolutely incredible and I knew when we were doing it that it would be a blast and on a lot of the tracks you can probably hear me smiling.” You can’t help but love Buble’s style and silky smooth voice that’s reminiscient of melted butter over corn, you know that sense of excitement and satisfaction you get from it especially in winter. This is a must have Christmas album that is both nostalgic and thoroughly relevant at the same time. Some great tracks include, “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas”, “Jingle Bells”, “Silent Night”, “Ave Maria” and “All I Want For Christmas is You” to name a few. This is one of the best Christmas party mixes around, enough said. (MR)
“What Doesn’t Kill You” comes next and is the most obvious pop smash song that sees Clarkson belting out the chorus will full force. “Dark Side” at first glance makes me think of Darth Vader from Star Wars LOL (Laughing Out loud), to be serious though it is one of the more true to life songs on the album and is about a girl asking a guy if he could still love her if he knew her dark side. “Honestly” is quite good and one of the better ballads too. “I Forgive You” is just that, a song about forgiveness and a change of attitude towards those that have hurt you. With that said I forgive you Kelly for making a churned out pop album that frustrates more than it elevates, even though there are moments of greatness the dark side of this album inevitably took over! (MR)
Arrietty With the plethora of 3D CGI Children’s movies out there, it’s hard to pick one that truly stands out from the rest! Sometimes it’s true that more is less and old school hand drawn 2D cartoons with the character and charm of this calibre could be the recipe for success after all. I’m in awe of how heartfelt and beautiful “Arrietty” is with lush and delicate touches to backgrounds that really make the film come alive, vibrant characters and wonderful surprises throughout. ☺ Arrietty is voiced by Saoirse Ronan (Atonement, The Lovely Bones), Shawn (Tom Holland), Arrietty’s parents (Mark Strong & Olivia Colman) & Housekeeper (Phyllida Law) to name a few. Arrietty is a tiny but tenacious 14yr old girl who lives
with her parents beneath a suburban garden home in secret, without the occupants ever knowing that Arrietty and her family even exist. Arrietty is a borrower and takes regular trips to the house by way of the floorboards to borrow items such as sugar cubes and other necessities. But the surprise comes when 12 yr old Shawn comes to stay at the house and catches Arrietty by surprise! A secret friendship then takes place that blossoms over time and elevates the two to BFF (Best Friends Forever) status. On the other hand though, if they are discovered by others too, it will threaten their way of life and could propel them into certain danger! (MR)
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island This is the sequel to the worldwide 3D hit of 2008, Journey to the Centre of the Earth. Taking the lead role this time is none other than the “Rock” (Dwayne Johnson) starring as Hank, Sean’s (Josh Hutcherson) new step father. I can’t forget the crazy and outlandish helicopter pilot and his beautiful and very strong willed daughter too, (Luis Guzman and Vanessa Hudgens). The movie begins with Sean receiving a coded distress signal from a mysterious Island that doesn’t appear on our world map! It’s a place where things seem to be in reverse, from giant insects to puppy sized elephants, mountains of gold...EUREKA! Hehehe... I couldn’t help
myself there, deadly volcanoes and many astonishing surprises and secrets too. Sean convinces his step father Hank to take the Journey along with the wacky helicopter pilot and his daughter and Journey to the mysterious Island, rescue it’s only occupant and get out of there before the whole place is destroyed by seismic shockwaves of end of the world proportions! All in all this is a fun summer (or should I say winter, judging from all the rain we’ve been having lately) ☺ blockbuster with enough funny moments, silliness, cool surprises and family values that make it easy watching and a great popcorn blast for the whole family! (MR)
Boys, Babes and
Body Image Let’s kick of the year with a tough topic. It is something we desperately need to talk about and tackle: Body image. The media is the great enemy of positive body image as it bombards us on a daily basis with images of ‘perfect people’ who are but products of hours of airbrushing. They encourage us to waste money on weight loss wonder drugs that claim to blast off the fat with no effort on our behalves. They beg us to spend our hard earned cash on beauty creams and treatments. We seem to see women as being the bigger target and we recognise them far more readily when they do make a difference to their body shape. This is good but we need to keep it all in perspective and we certainly need to step up the game with our guys.
To me it is a question of respect. In order to respect other people, you must be able to respect yourself, who you are and the body you live in. Extremism in dieting and exercise can border on dangerous and self indulgent if it is not kept in check. We can start heading down the mental illness path without even knowing it. Do we want to be encouraging a generation of self indulgent males who cannot respect themselves enough to respect their bodies? The true focus of health should be on building the person, not just shaping the body. This way body image can stay in the right perspective: health not obsession. The person not just the temple they live in. So how do we keep fitness in its right place?
What do I mean? The battle of the bulge doesn’t belong only to one gender. Australia rates high in obesity statistics for both men and women. We are quite used to seeing the likes of Ricki Lee Coulter parading her healthy size 14 frame on the front of Women’s Magazines and telling us all how much she loves her curves. Fast forward a few years and the same girl is gracing our magazine covers again, this time bragging about her new size 8 body. For readers, both male and female, it raises the question: “Was she really happy at size 14 or is weight loss congruent with happiness?” It’s just one example of the impact of the way see ourselves. It can start off as harmless and end up an obsession that is dangerous to your physical and mental health. In Australia, there are around 7 million overweight or obese adults. It is a little known fact that Australia also rates among the highest in the world for male anorexia. According to the Butterfly Foundation, one in ten cases of anorexia affect males. One in four children suffering from eating disorders are boys. The problem with our guys is that, though they are not any more immune to body image issues than what women are, often it takes a lot longer to see the problem and sufferers can be very sick by the time they are diagnosed. Why? Women are talkers as a rule. Boys, not so much. This can make the inner workings of the mind harder to spot and danger harder to recognise. In Australia, being fit is praised. So a guy who is struggling with body image is more likely to tend towards body shaping, body building, weightlifting and muscle toning to extremes which makes eating disorders or severe body image issues harder to identify until it gets dangerous.
s p i t e m o re a re s
Refocus the mind on why we are doing it and make sure that reason is healthy, not just superficial. Guys, lift weights and lift heavy ones. Why? It is fantastic for your bone strength and also your mental health as hormones and neuro-transmitters are released into the body at high concentration. If you must know, you will probably gain muscle size as well. This shouldn’t be our priority, our health should be. But it is a nice by-product of our efforts and I will agree to that. Go for a walk every day. Breathing in the fresh air and getting out amongst your surroundings can help get you in the right headspace. Getting out in the sun also provides you with Vitamin D that is absorbed through the skin. This will help with your bones as it assists your body in Calcium absorption. It is a domino effect really. Another benefit of the daily walk is that getting your heart rate up just enough and keeping it up for a long period of time happens to be great for weight loss. This is another nice by-product of a healthy lifestyle choice. Vigorous aerobic exercise has been proven to help with depression and other mental health disorders. Remember that your mind is a very large part of your body. Look after that too. Lastly, from a nutritional point of view, keep everything in moderation. Don’t go cutting out entire food groups. Don’t get rid of all carbohydrates and substituting in piles of protein. Your body needs everything in moderation in order to keep a balanced, healthy system running. Work on these tips and spread the word. Get another five friends to read this article and let’s keep the healthy body image ball rolling. These are the Personal Trainers orders! (AH) NEW CITY MAGAZINE . 9
city 10
UTS Graduate Fashion Show Recently I was lucky enough to attend the UTS Graduate Fashion Show where they showcased the talents of young up and coming designers. We witnessed collections incorporating deconstructed chenille with its soft and flowing movement from Penny Allen, bold coloured and patterned garments from Caitlin Murray were we witnessed a fun exploration of male knitwear. Shapes and silhouettes influenced by sport including an array of patterned pants were shown throughout the range showcased by Danielle Kremer that would look at home on the streets of Newtown and Paddington a very exciting collection. It was a courageous and refreshing collection. Natalie Grzybows showed us some beautiful feminine and floral pieces that floated down the runway. We witnessed amazing deconstructed structure from Patricia Kapeletis with her up-to-the-minute take on the cape and coat. Finally I would have to say one of my favourite designers was Jason Widjaja with his feminine impeccably tailored pieces that included woven crop jackets to asymmetrical leather skirts. The pieces had edgier elements deceptively expensive-looking, couturelike touches. Written by: Katerina A Photography by: Stephen Reinhardt.
Cultivating Cosiness E
very man’s home may be his castle as the saying goes, but every woman knows it takes a lot to get it and to keep it that way. For those men and women who own their own home you will know that there is always something that needs to be done. There’s painting, whipper snipping, mowing, gardening, and repairs that all demand attention. Then of course there are the inside jobs of washing, cooking, cleaning, dusting, mopping floors, sorting cupboards and removing cobwebs. On top of that though there is an inbuilt desire to cultivate cosiness. Cultivating cosiness is like an inbuilt nesting instinct that demands to create even if that creating is just to buy and throw some new scatter cushions on the lounge. When we cultivate cosiness it’s a deep urge to make what you have better, more relaxing, to blend more with you and your personality. We all need somewhere to chill and relax and unwind. I once heard it said that, ‘A house is never finished unless it is filled with books and fresh flowers.’ This would certainly be some people’s view of cultivating cosiness, but there are other ways to, some as simple as a vase of fresh flowers and books and others more complicated. We all have different tastes and desires and that’s where the cultivating of cosiness comes into its own because we can all make our homes uniquely ours where our families can feel comfortable and cosy all year round. Here’s some ideas for thought for cultivating cosiness in your home – (DG)
• Displaying collections • Make new curtains • Swap rooms around • Place a comfy chair for reading • Make your bedroom a retreat t igitalPh D e re F • De-clutter tock / photos Image: • Make a feature wall (using paints, photographs, masks, or paintings) • Surround yourself with your favourite things • Buy some new contrasting scatter cushions for the lounge • Change the entire colour scheme in your favourite room
• Add a water feature • Create a vegetable garden • Make a tree swing from strong rope + board • Plant a rose garden • Create outdoor ‘rooms’ in your garden • Place a mirror to make your garden look big
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city 14
A Note about Dads
I read this on the internet today, of what dads mean to people of certain age groups: 4 years: My Daddy can do anything! 7 years: My Dad knows a lot…a whole lot. 8 years: My dad does not know quite everything. 12 years: Oh well, naturally dad does not know that either. 14 years: Oh, dad? He is hopelessly old-fashioned. 21 years: Oh, that man-he is out of date! 25 years: He knows a little bit about it, but not much. 30 years: I must find out what Dad thinks about it. 35 years: Before we decide, we will get Dad’s idea first. 50 years: What would Dad have thought about that? 60 years: My Dad knew literally everything! 65 years: I wish I could talk it over with Dad once more.” - Anonymous
At whatever age group we are, we really need to appreciate our dads. Some of us many not necessarily have the privilege to experience what it’s like to have a good dad, but nevertheless there is always a father figure out there who has been a good role model in your life. Whatever your situation is, appreciate that person who has given you good advice and guidance in life, while you still have the chance. The way you honour you dad or “dad” will encourage him to be a better man and a better dad. The sacrifice dads continue to make for their family is the best legacy that they can give to their children and the future generations to come. (CI)
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celebrated my birthday in December with a nice dinner at Bistro Moncur with a few friends. After having a few cheeky ones in the city, we got hungry as you do, being a Monday I was sceptical as to if we could get a table at 9:30pm. But to my surprise, we got seated straight away. The decor is nice and simple with a lot of mirrors to make the restaurant seem larger than it is, kind of like the inside of a boat. The wait staff are polite and professional and are willing to help you with any request. Bistro Moncur is French styled restaurant and is quite pricey and not cheap, but they do serve really good food. Speaking about food, instead of ordering from the normal menu I thought I’d have a stab the specials. So I went for the Alaskan crab salad
and the braised tripe with chorizo and breadcrumbs. Yes, I said tripe (cow stomach), done right and it’s a tasty dish. I was surprised that a French restaurant would serve such a delicacy but I’m not complaining except for one thing... the salad. Everything in the salad was great except for the main ingredient. Now we all or most people know most seafood comes in frozen, especially if it’s coming from Alaska, but there is a wrong and right way to defrost seafood. Let’s just say the crab was “rushed” from its frozen state which made it stringy and tasteless. Despite that, I’d like to give Bistro Moncur another chance maybe from their regular menu, definitely still a worthwhile place to go to especially if you need a nice spot to take a date on a Monday. (SY)
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IN ST GEORGE AREA Our newly refurbished Main Auditorium can be hired for weddings, birthdays, seminars and conferences. It is fully carpeted, fully air conditioned, dimmable lights, equipped with state of the art projection system and sound system. The Auditorium can seat up to 500 people in theatre style seating or approximately 350 people with table seating. Car parking is available for over 50 cars and a commercial kitchen is available for your use complete with gas burners and dishwasher.
For enquiries and more information including the terms and conditions of hire, please contact (02) 9567 8133 NEW CITY MAGAZINE . 15
city 16
A City Full of Unique Experiences Amsterdam is Holland’s capital city and it is full of unique experiences and activities. From shopping to eating, you’ll be amazed at the culture of the people and the city and you’ll definitely want to go back.
Planetarium allows you to take a journey into the universe and the Zoological Museum is bound to keep you occupied with a number of exhibitions.
A visit to Amsterdam means that you must not miss out on a water tour of the Amsterdam canals. Not only a beautiful attraction, these boats will take you on an adventure of the city. For shoppers, Amsterdam is there for your retail therapy. Exclusive labels are available, as well as speciality shops that cater for all your needs. Let’s not forget the many markets! They’re open year round, and Main attractions in Amsterdam include the various museums located around the there are markets for everything, including art, fashion and food. city. Over fifty museums are available for you to check out and lose yourselves in. The most popular museums include the Rijksmuseum, the Stedelijk Museum Of course, there isn’t a trip without food. Pannekoeken (Dutch pancakes) are and the Van Gogh Museum. Modern art, film and photography museums will similar to French crepes and are traditionally served with Dutch syrup. Toppings keep you occupied for hours and there is even a museum for kids call NEMO. can vary from something sweet like cherries, ice cream and whipped cream, to NEMO is a science centre similar to Canberra’s Questacon, where it is a hands-on something more filling like cheese and bacon. Stroopwafels are Dutch cookies experience. Kids are able to make experiments and view exhibitions and are sure made of buttery waffle layers. They’re sweet and a definite must for any person to gain something from their involvement. In fact, people of all ages can enjoy with a sweet tooth. The Albert Cuypmarkt is an ideal place to find stroopwafels this one! Gadgets and technology can be fun for everyone. made in person and it’ll be sure to satisfy your nose too! Potatoes are part of a Dutch diet and a traditional dish includes the stamppot, which is made up of Vondelpark is the largest city park in Amsterdam and it is an ideal place to relax boiled potatoes with cabbage, smoked sausage and fried bacon. and hang out with whomever you are travelling with. It provides a beautiful view and during the summer, free concerts are held at this venue. The Amster- There’s definitely more to Amsterdam than meets the eye… But you’re going to dam Zoo is another fun place to go, and there’s also an aquarium section! The have to experience it for yourself! (SF)
NEW CITY Magazine is building a team of enthusiastic and reliable distributors to distribute NEW CITY Magazine around the commercial areas of St George & Sutherland Shire.
Porsche 911 has made the 3.4 liter flat six’s stance look menacing and solidly planted for the first time.
There is so many things that I don’t like about Porsche, namely its birth from a communist VW Beetle to its stubbornness to not change its OH SO wrong rear engined layout, to the most annoying, its looks. It is not a pretty car. That all said... and i don’t want to make you feel like you wasted anytime reading the first paragraph, but I take it all back. This 2012 iteration of the 911 codenamed 991 is the best 911 ever. Porsche have managed to make the 911 good looking, the lines on this car is subtly different from the last generation, but the longer wheel base and fatter front end
There is some cool technologies that have been an Achilles heel for some car makers. Technologies like Electric steering, most have no feel, terrible translation from wheel to road, not the Porsche. Its precise and tight, with a great feel. The new Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control allows the cars engine to be a stress point to the suspension, making the car more stiffer, hence drive better. There is a lot to like about this new 911, its a weird feeling I might add, its like a guy you just never liked from the first time you set eyes on him, then all of a sudden you he changes for the better. Its going to take me a while to get used to saying “911’s are fantastic”, but I am man enough to swallow that bitter pill. What a 911, what a car! (JY)
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city 18 Weight Loss Secrets:
Stop the Yo-Yo Diet once and for all & CUT THE STRINGS!!!
Weight loss secrets aren’t just about finding the right diet plan, but knowing how to get out of the vicious weight loss and weight gain cycle for good! Let me share a personal story, to help you understand this point better.
For many years this is what came out of my mouth- “I’m trying this new pill, shake, supplement, program.“ Why? Because I was on the constant lookout for the magic formula and pill that was going to melt the fat off and make me lose the weight. Once, I even went to my coach (at the time) and asked him to JUST hypnotise me, so I won’t eat!!! In his wisdom he said, “I can do that, but that’s not really going to teach you much is it?” And he was right! I was looking for a quick
fix to my problem, rather than a quick eating will be a source of comfort rather fix to change what was happening at than nutrition. an unconscious level. The truth about weight loss secrets is that The problem with most of us looking for most programs are great, but we sabotage weight loss secrets is that we end up our progress at an unconscious level as falling into the trap of looking for “quick we allow our limiting beliefs to take over. fixes”. Unfortunately, such measures So, here’s what I recommend, change create no lasting effect, unless it be- your script with the help of NLP training, comes a lifelong lifestyle change. To commit to a lifelong pursuit of feeling vitell you the truth, whether you do brant and full of energy and you will see shakes, pills, low fat, low carbs or calo- that your body will start to transform itself. rie counting, you must make sure that you don’t do it with the “TRY’ mentality, or call Sharlene at 9006 6790 as that is an excuse to give up at the first sign of difficulty.
Weight loss secrets are easy deciphered, once you have learnt how keep yourself motivated! (SL)
One of the most important weight loss secrets to remember is that maintaining a healthy body weight is a process that requires consistent efforts. This means that the most important factor in any weight loss program is working on your motivation levels. Aligning your values and goals will also assist you in maintaining a healthy body weight. For instance, if you rate comfort higher than health and fitness on your priority scale, chances are that
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city 20
Do You Live Pay to Pay? How to Get Out of the Cycle. 1. Put
a little aside each pay for an emergency fund float– because it’s the emergencies that pull us back all the time. Aim for $500 - $1,000 and never touch it unless it is a true emergency. A true emergency would be things like –washing machine replacement or repair, or the car breaks down.
2. Get all the debts you owe together and list them from the smallest to the
biggest amount of debt. Then pay the minimum amount on all the debts except the smallest – pay off the smallest as fast as you can. Once that smallest debt is paid out, whatever money you were paying off that debt with you put onto the next smallest debt while you continue paying the minimum on all the others .Keep working through this process until all the debts are gone (except your mortgage if you have one).
3. Once the bills are paid start to break up your wage into these following four categories so that when the bills come in you will have the money you need already set aside to pay them.
Do you have a pile of bills that you never seem to get to the bottom of? When your pay check comes in each week or fortnight does it all vanish on trying to keep up with some of these bills and then there’s nothing left for anything else? So, if you are in a similar place you are probably wondering how to get off this endless treadmill just like we did. There is hope and it can be done. It takes diligence, hard work and commitment, but if we serious about getting out of this endless cycle it needs to done – the sooner the better.
i) Put at least 40% (50% is better) of your wage aside in your budget for LIVING EXPENSES. This covers things like groceries, fuel, car maintenance –rego, insurance, school fees, and utilities. ii) Put at least 10% of your wage aside for SAVINGS. This could cover things like a holiday or a replacement car if needed. Have a vision and aim for it. iii) Put aside 10% of your wage for INVESTMENT. This is to try and multiply and reproduce your money and to make it work for you. Seek some financial advice on this if you are not sure what to invest in. iv) Put aside 30% of your wage for your MORTGAGE or RENT. (DG)
Healthy and Positive Focus for 2012 With every New Year come New Year’s resolutions – most of which often sadly never see completion.
Because there is no accountability and because so many people make unrealistic and too large a goal to reach.
healthy and positive New Year resolution is to break it down into small increments – for example, let’s say we want to lose 20 kilos throughout the course of the year. For most of us we would think and say with the New Year resolutions that we would lose 20 kilos this year. Great, but that’s a huge chunk and can be overwhelming when we start to look at it, and when we only lose small amounts we will easily become discouraged and can give up. So, a healthier and more positive way to look at it would be to think, right 12 months of the year divided by the 20 kilos I want to lose means that I need to lose 1.6 kilos every month. So my New Year resolution would be more positive if I said, ‘Right, I am going to lose 1.6 kilos a month.’ This still means that we can lose the desired 20 kilos, but not at an overwhelming goal but a smaller and achievable goal of 1.6 kilos a month. Once you lose the first 1.6 kilos, it will inspire and encourage you that it can be done and then you move into the next month and as your weight comes down, your encouragement and healthy, positive focus rises.
Make yourself accountable to a friend or spouse, put a colourful table up on the wardrobe door or bathroom wall and begin to work on your first 1.6kg. Mark it off on your table as you go and check in regularly with your accountability partner. It can really help to have a goal reward in mind to, like a picture of a new hairstyle you will go and get when you have reached halfway, a spa weekend, facial and manicure, car magazine you like (for guys) or a favourite women’s magazine for us girls. Whatever you like, but set regular goal rewards. After you lose every 1.6kg if you like to or at certain checkpoints such as every three months, or half way. With motivation, achievable goals, accountability, and rewards along the way we are now set for a healthy and positive 2012. (DG)
Symmetrical versus Asymmetrical There is really only one main rule for designing a room, its balance. When you walk into a showroom, a beautifully furnished home or even an art gallery, you will notice this more. Balance is what makes your eyes relax and your mind find a sense of order. Balance is like a law in society, with it, it makes things go smoothly and more orderly. On the other hand, without it (even if the place is clean) it will make a room feel cluttered, mismatched or even plain ugly. To get the balance right, you simply need to only assess the room you want to design. Determine whether the room is already symmetrical. If its boxed shaped with no weird curves or angles, it is easy to place furnishings in an equal order. If your room is offset, with one wall or two not at right angles, or maybe a door/window is offsetting a wall on the opposite side, I would suggest to use an Asymmetrical layout for your furnishings. The difference is that you can place furniture at what seems to be wrong and unbalanced angles. What you are essentially doing is placing the furniture purposely off balance to counter the rooms natural offset angles. Think of it like a balance weight, you need to add ‘weight’ to the opposite side of a room to counter the ‘weight’.This tip also works for large rooms or spaces that don’t determine a certain aspect. These are some examples of Symmetrical and Asymmetrical design. (JY)
POSITION VACANT: Advertising Sales Executive – Commission Only Are you passionate about SALES? Do you have the drive and commitment to SUCCEED? New City Magazine is looking for experienced sales professionals to join our sales team to seek new business opportunities around the St George & Sutherland Shire regions, with the potential to earn up to $2000 per advertising sale.
You need to have: • • • • •
strong written and verbal communication skill have a driver’s licence and vehicle proven track record in sales great people skills to develop relationships with new clients the ability to maintain database of clients
ONLY EXPERIENCED SALES PROFESSIONALS NEED TO APPLY. Please send your resumes to Applications close
31st January 2012 NEW CITY MAGAZINE . 21
city 22 to get the garden of your dreams... How for next to nothing!
For those of us who have been bitten by the gardening bug it’s easy to go to some of the beautiful plant nurseries and spend an absolute fortune on all kinds of things to do with the garden. Well, I for one refuse to pay such high prices for plants – the ones I’ve bought in the past often die anyway – but I have also discovered ways and means to still get what I need at a fraction of the cost. e sort of plan gardeners we still need to have som 1. Like all gooindthe the op shop and grab garden. So for starters head off to as to what
we would like e finished (or some from friends that they hav a heap of gardening magazines book that size A4 an sors, a glue stick and with). Grab yourself a pair of scis everyout cut and es through the magazin you like with a hard cover. Now, go your into all it e Glu en. to have in your gard thing that you think you would like a you give will it but n’ be a rough kind of ‘pla book however you choose. It may ur colo and ut layo and s, like, planting idea good idea of what kind of style you ing! themes. All for next to noth en was a gs that I really wanted for my gard 3. One of thel. SothinI set had built w kne I out to visit someone that
dry stone wal I spent a pleasurable hour one herself in her back garden and for myself. A friend gave me with her learning how to build one out of her garden of a new some rocks that she had pulled up ing and that she didn’t like. house that had been used as edg bed not far from home, and Other rocks came from the river the wall all came the dirt used to backfill as I built You from the duck and chook pens. k trac race a from e som get could also g alon take and ask you if for nothing rota trailer and a shovel. Good well The . add to d goo also is t pos ted com cost – next to nothing!
Lastly, how about edgin g, paving, or an old bri ck ruin wall? Many people have old bricks lying around in their ya rd they no longer want or need and will be on ly too glad to get rid of them. Ebay also sells bricks, pavers, and co ncrete garden edging for as little as ten cents The only cost to you is . the hard labour to go and get them! Then us them for your project. e With so much informati on available on the int net and in books today erthere is nothing that we cannot find out how to do ourselves. I’m teach ing myself how to lay bri cks at the moment for my next project which is an old ruin wall in the garden. When I have built it I will cover it wit h plain yogurt, then lea ve it to ‘age’ the wall. I’ve already started co llecting bricks from frie nds, family, and even strangers who I have seen had a pile laying around. The cost – ne to nothing! The biggest xt cost to you and I is jus t the hard work to do it but the rewards are we ll worth it. (DG)
Congratulations to the scott@shpro..., you will receive a new copy of StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath.
Grab your garden snips and visit friends who have some nice garde ns and ask for some cu ttings. Take the cuttings and then dip them in some hormone root powder –a vailable at some supe rm arkets for only a few dolla rs and will serve many pla nts. Then just pop them the ground or into pots into and give them a drink . I always keep a set snips in my handbag be of garden cause I have often seen a plant I like when I am around, so I will go in driving and ask the owner wh at it is and if I might possibl a cutting. Most people y have don’t mind sharing at all. For those who like – they grow wild, so if Gazinias you know where to fin d them head out with garden trowel and a bo your little x and grab a few. They look great in the garde drought resistant and n, are grow just about anywhe re –in rockeries, or as spilling over a wall. So edging, or me plants produce the ir own seeds which yo ask friends, family and u can also neighbours to share.
garden? No prob t some arches or a tunnel in your 4. Do you wan be gotten for nothing or can and arch ks great to make into an lem. Con-
creters rio wor e’s buildmetal yard or left over from someon very little expense from the scrap a few and mer know is handy with a ham ing project. If you or someone you or ararch ly pallets to make into an love nails, you can also use old wooden how the in or rnet be found freely on the inte bour for the garden. Patterns can is ng pipi er wat inch thick old galvanised iron to books of the local library. One al met p scra the – es of arches like a tunnel also a great way to make an seri mer the You’ll need about 5ft lengths - Ham . yards usually have plenty of this want you r reve whe e sides of a pathway or piping into the ground on opposit k blac e som cut then strong and stable and the arches (tunnel) so they are h piece of pipe and poly pipe to fit over the top of eac other end to the the d che push it down firmly then atta d to measure nee will you – second piece of iron piping th to ensure leng e sam the each piece of poly pipe to they are even.
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