monthly magazine
less clutter, less stress!! take control of your thoughts!
HAPPY food vs comfort food
june 2011
Positive, Healthy and Successful Living
monthly magazine
june 2011
Positive, Healthy a n d S u c c e s s f u l L i v i n g
June 2011
Faces & Places
food review
CD review
movie review
take control of your thoughts!
3 things you must do in beijing
comfort food vs happy food
less clutter, less stress!! take control of your thoughts!
HAPPY food vs
comfort food NEW CITY Magazine JUNE 2011 edition Editor: Ben Irawan Account Executive: Joshua Yanto Art Director: Herlina Widjaja Local Writer: Miguel Ribeiro Office Manager: Yvonne Widjaja Contributors: Clare Heath Anita Heath Cisca Irawan Samuel Yanto Dea Gunning Samantha Farm Justin Pagotto Warwick Marsh Contact Details: NEW CITY MEDIA PTY LTD ABN: 47 145 474 362 PO Box 1, Arncliffe NSW 2205 Australia Email: Website: For advertising: Call Josh on 041 339 1100 or For editorials:
DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in NEW CITY Magazine and its website, do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, publishers or their agents. All images and photos are copyright of NEW CITY unless specified in credits. Unauthorised use of any images and photos published in this magazine and its website is strictly prohibited.
Printed by: mpd – printing the news everyday Unit E1, 46-62 Maddox Street Alexandria NSW 2015 2011
ferrari ff
less clutter, less stress!!
- Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff! - “LIFE IS LIKE A POT OF PORRIDGE!”
- recipe : Napolitana Sauce - Mancini’s
Letter from the Editor The weather is starting to get cold here in Sydney. So make sure you keep warm! Sometimes the weather can get crazy... cold and warm, cold and warm. You better pump up your vitamin C intake so your body will be strong and healthy enough to fight the viruses that are going around. Eat well, rest well... Please take good care of yourself and those you love okay!? But most importantly please look after your insides... no, I don’t mean your organs. But your heart, mind and spirit. The weather can be cold but you must stay warm inside. Don’t let things get you down. Don’t take offence to people’s wrong doings. You can’t afford to have a war raging inside or let poison to spread throughout your system. You only have one heart, through which you love or hate. If you allow bitterness and poison to come into your heart, eventually those you love will become victim to it. So, DON”T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF! Stay warm in your heart and don’t let your relationships turn cold. Stay focused and positive in your mind, though you might be going through the “winter” or “dry” season. Make sure you watch what you eat as well, because in this cold weather we tend to eat more than usual. Choose HAPPY FOOD not COMFORT FOOD! Come on guys, together we can WIN THE WINTER WEIGHT WAR. Hahahaha... Hope you enjoy this month’s articles and please write to me and let me know your thoughts. Email me at Cheers, Ben Irawan Editor of NEW CITY Magazine
Dear Editor, I picked up your magazine at Kogarah St from a very friendly staff of yours and I enjoyed every bit of it on my way to the city. Especially the movie column, travel, earthquake safety and everything else. I couldn’t help myself but write to you to appreciate your effort. I never do this and especially I think MX is full of sh@%! So keep up the good work. Cheers: Bishal Wow Bishal, Your email was a breath of fresh air and very encouraging to all the staff here at NEW CITY Magazine. As soon as I received your email, I forward it to all the staff here and it definitely put a big smile on their faces. Thank you so much for taking the time to send the email to us. Hopefully, more and more people will see that NEW CITY Magazine is different from other magazines and feel the way you do! ☺
HI Ben, Loving the mag and its inspirational stories, keep up the good work! Cheers: Frank Hi Frank, thanks and we also feel the same way as you do... we love NEW CITY Magazine and its inspirational stories. It is all about POSTIVE, HEALTHY and SUCCESSFUL LIVING!
Bexley locals
Shop a minimum of $15 in our newly revamped produce department and get in the draw to win a Picnic Storage (esky), plus many more prizes to be won such as food hampers, sporting goods, BBQ set, etc. Latest entry by Thursday, 30th June 2011. Visit our store: 424-426 Forest Road, Bexley NSW 2207 NEW CITY MAGAZINE . 3
city 4
take control of your thoughts! The freshly fallen snow is white and thick as the skier flies down the slopes the first time. He cuts a path, zigzagging through the snow on his way down. Riding the ski lift to the top, he has a choice: to let the path already taken guide him to the bottom thus deepening the rut in the snow, or to cut a new path down. The more he takes the old path, the deeper the rut becomes and habit begins to dictate his choice. But is it the only choice? Is it the only way down the mountain?
ing was an intangible thing. But the truth is our thoughts are as much a part of our physical body as our fingers and toes. Have you ever noticed how fear starts as a thought, becomes an emotion and then ends up as a physiological response such as shaking, hyperventilation, muscular tension or heart palpitations? Fear triggers the ‘fight, fright or flight’ response but it most certainly isn’t the only thought or feeling that causes changes in our bodies on a physiological level. Love does. Anger does. Resentment does. The science of thought is advancing to a point where the link between major health issues such as digestive, nervous system and cardiac complications can all be linked to our brains and toxic patterns in our thinking. So it is important that we take an active role in developing and maintaining healthy thinking. Dr. Leaf calls it detoxing. We do it in our diet. Why not do it with our thoughts? So let me explain, in my strictly non-neuroscientific way, the anatomy of a thought. Our thoughts begin as electric impulses, neurons and dendrites, allowing us to interpret what is going on around us. Synapses are connections between these impulses. The more connections we make, the more synapses are formed in our brains. It’s a bit like a road map really: Simple at birth but growing more complex as we grow older. The more we go down a certain mental road, the stronger that road becomes. Herein lies the danger. A negative thought can go from being a little mental side street to a major neuro-highway if we aren’t careful. The more we travel on that highway, the stronger it gets and the more laneways in our brain connect to that highway. Our emotions go in that direction and the chemicals in the brain and body jump in the car and go with us. It’s a dangerous place to be. But it need not be set in stone. You are the master of the skis. Remember? You can choose not to take that path.
Obvious answer isn’t it. Of course there is another way down the mountain. You just have to take a fresh path. But sometimes that is easier said than done. We used to think that the brain was hard-wired. We couldn’t change it. Once something was learned, it was concrete. But now science is showing us that there is a thing called neuroplasticity. The brain can rewire itself, creating new connections and phasing out the old ones. The concept is that you are the skier and the master of the skis. You can create another path in the snow. But gosh darn it, it seems impossible to steer your mental ship in a new direction if you have had a life time of thinking a certain way. But here is an interesting theory for you. Dr. Caroline Leaf, author of the compelling book “Who switched off my brain,” says there is a link between mental and physical health. She tells us that thoughts are basically electrical impulses, creating connections between neurons and influencing chemicals in our bodies. We always thought that think-
So we need to create positive mental highways. Easy right? Wrong! I for one have been so sure of my opinion being truth that I was unwilling to relinquish my noxious thought. But here’s the thing: Our brains lie to us all the time. Yep. And I can prove it to you. Ever woke up from a dream so sure that it actually happened? So sure that you didn’t know whether you were waking or sleeping?
If your brain can do that to you while you sleep, what makes you think it’s being completely truthful with you while you are awake? Ladies and Gents, it’s time we take control of our thinking. It’s for our own good. But it can be easier said than done. Exercising new mental discipline can be like working out a new set of muscles at the gym. Oh the effort! Feel the burn! But it is bringing you to a state of better health, both mentally and physically. How do you start to unpack negative thought patterns? I know it’s weird: thinking about thinking. Sometimes it needs to be done otherwise our negative thinking patterns can lead us up the garden path without us even realising it. Thinking about our thinking is as important an exercise as hitting the treadmill at the gym. How do you do it though? I saw a trick in photography once that is perhaps a good metaphor for how to restructure thoughts. The photographer placed the subject in the middle of the room and the subject stayed still. The photographer then moved around the subject in order to capture all the different aspects.
You can do the same with your brain. It is all about finding other ways to view situations and choosing the best aspect instead of the first one that pops into your head. You may feel angry or hurt about someone wronging you or you can be proud that you kept your cool and acted right. Which is the better thought to dwell on? If you choose option A, anger, there will be a physiological response. You may experience increased heart rate, blood pressure and adrenaline. Your body feels the tension. In short bursts, this may not bear down on you too badly. But if you are living life with the anger monkey on your back then long term physiological changes can occur. And that’s not good. Or you can choose option B: Be proud that you kept your cool and acted right. You don’t get any of those negative physiological changes. You may even feel, however bizarrely, happy with yourself. But sometimes life throws us wilder curve balls. I spoke with an amazing lady this week. She had faced physical and psychological abuse in the past but her approach to her thinking amazed me. She said this: “I used to feel shame. I used to feel anger, hurt, disappointment and a whole range of emotions. Now I realise that I can take pride in the fact that I survived. I protected my siblings from facing the same danger. I am now beginning to know that I can tell myself how to think about things. I don’t have to just take the first thought or feeling as the only option. Yes, on a level I am wounded. But I am learning to see things differently. And I am kinda proud of myself for that.” Bravo girl! For her, it took some help to see that she could look at life differently. It took some time with a coach sitting down and looking at how else things could be viewed. So having been inspired by her, I am taking a new approach to my thoughts. It goes like this: 1) A thought enters my brain. 2) I stop it right there instead of just assuming that it is right. 3) I decide what to do with that thought: Throw it in the mental rubbish bin, file it away for further investigation or take it on board the peace train (that’s what I am calling my brain these days). It’s a new habit and it takes time to learn. But really it is a mental detox, a new discipline and approach towards more wholesome, healthy thinking. Life is complicated enough without noxious thought patterns. It’s time we got back in the driver’s seat and told our brains who’s boss! (CH)
city 6
less clutter, less stress!! Over the years I have discovered, mostly through trial and error, an increasing amount of ways to get the clutter in order (paperwork, recipes, cut outs, craft patterns, bills, plans, etc). I’m sure you all know the paperwork that we all have that can threaten to take over the bench or desk! You probably have some kind of system to get around this problem – although, I don’t count hiding it in a drawer qualifying as a system! The following ideas may help you to find that missing piece of important information, or follow up on that letter or invitation, (which you
now may not be able to find to RSVP to by the end of the week.) How about that bill that needs to be paid? You remember? The red ones that keep showing up basically saying, ‘Pay up or else!’ We spend far too much of our valuable time looking for things. Time that could be spent more productively with family and friends or doing something that we enjoy. Believe it or not, but I’m told that 85% of the stresses we face are caused by disorganisation. That’s scary! Are you like me and stressed when you can’t find
So here are a few tips and ideas to get you heading along the road to ‘unclutterdom.’ Zip lock envelopes/files! You will need to purchase some clear, zip lock plastic envelopes or folders with the label inserts on the front, and some cardboard or stiff paper for the labels. These cost only a few dollars each at a discount store. As you begin to sort through all the paperwork that you have laying around, you can file it into the appropriate envelope or file – and that includes the round file, that’s what we call the garbage bin in our home! Label your envelopes according to your own personal needs. I have listed my own envelope/file names below so that you can see and understand how this system works.
* * * * * * * * *
Drool and dream Correspondence Ideas New recipes to try Clippings to file Craft patterns and ideas Garden ideas Book and article ideas Research information
If you have been keeping magazines because there are some good articles, craft patterns, or recipes that you wish to keep, go through them and cut them out then file them in the appropriate envelope/file. The rest can go in the bin or can be shredded for mulch on the garden, pet bedding, or packing and storing items. So if it’s a craft idea, put it in the craft patterns and ideas file. If it’s recipes you want to have a go at then put it in the new recipes to try file. As your mail comes in each day, sort it into the appropriate file. Rather than an envelope for our bills,
things? Have you ever put things away in a ‘safe place’ only to forget where the safe place is? I have and I know the frustration and chaos that such disorganisation can cause. I can remember turning our home upside down looking for an important document that I had put away in a ‘safe’ place. I eventually found it, though I had made a lot more work for myself because I had to clean up all the mess I had made whilst looking for that one document.
If you are not careful to keep on top of paperwork, Then it will certainly keep on top of you!
we have a magnetic clipboard on the refrigerator which you may find more practical. Letters, once read, go straight into the correspondence file, you could also keep a ready supply of envelopes, a small address book, pretty writing paper, some stamps and funky pens in the file as well. Next time you have an appointment where you may need to wait, such as the doctor or dentist, you could take along your correspondence file and catch up on a letter or two. You will be amazed at how much can be achieved in just a short amount of time. Who wants to read those boring, outdated magazines at the doctors anyway? What about the times when you are on one of those long boring trips in the car, bus or plane flight? Why not take one or two of your files with you to read and sort through, or answer letters? I’m not ashamed to say that I am one of those grumpy travellers if I’m bored. My family knows that whenever I travel anywhere I always have a large bag of things to do and read – including one or two of these files. Often times I take my laptop and catch up on some writing assignments as well. If you still have children at school that you pick up, you could be sorting or catching up on paperwork in the car as you sit and wait for the children each afternoon. Learning to make good use of the time we have is an important key to being organised. Obviously from time to time you will need to go through your files, and either use what is in them or throw out anything you may no longer want or need: our tastes do change. Perhaps that quilting pattern you liked and were keeping just doesn’t interest you now, or the article on political awareness is out of date… so throw them out, or give them away. Try some of the recipes in your recipes to try file each week. Glue the ones that you want to keep into a scrap book or on to recipe cards. Throw out the recipes that don’t work, or that you and your family simply don’t enjoy. You’ll have lots of fun testing them all, and will also enjoy a good variety of foods at meal times! (DG)
Real Prosperity:
Are you chasing the right dreams? What does real prosperity mean to you? Is it a big house, regular holidays, or being able to afford the latest gadgets like iPhones? Or perhaps being able to retire early and play golf every day? In our discussions with clients, we ask them, what’s important about money to you? Every person has a unique answer to that question but there are common points revolving around improving relationships with the people we love and making a difference in the world. I love the definition of prosperity from an Ancient Language which can be defined as “peace, wholeness and well-being” in every area of life. With this definition money takes on a new meaning as it is important only to the extent that it allows you to enjoy peace, wholeness and well-being in every area of life. With this in mind, how would you now define real prosperity in your own life. Has it changed? Next issue we will explore the concept of creating your ideal life. (JP)
Take the first steps to getting your financial house in order by booking a one and a half hour “financial roadmap consultation” for $99, usually $250. Money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with your financial roadmap. Make sure you mention this NEW CITY Magazine offer when you book for your appointment! Justin Pagotto is the business owner of Jireh Financial, a financial advice firm that is passionate about helping people get their financial house in order so they can be free to pursue the things that really matter. For more information please see or call
04038 JIREH (54734)
General Advice warning: The advice provided on this document is General Advice Only. It has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs.
The story of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was written in 1939 for a store promotion by an advertising employee of the department store Montgomery Ward.
In 1890, Peps i-Cola was invented by C aleb Bradham and was originally called “Brad’s Drink.”
In 1873, Colgate made a toothpaste that was available in a jar.
In 1477, the first diamond engagement ring was given to Mary of Burgundy by Archduke Maximillian of Austria.
city 8
your home on a shoestring Budget!
ecorating our homes is not about having cupboards and rooms full of fancy things, expensive furnishings, or spending loads of money that most of us can’t afford. It is about making the most of what we do have, using our time, creative abilities and imagination wisely, and knowing a few simple tricks. I love to visit display homes and decorating centres to check out their ideas and colour schemes and then see what I like so that I can replicate it in some measure but with my own slant to it. For example: one exhibition home I visited had used some dried vine branches in a large vase with some contrasting flowers creatively placed throughout the vine. It was a fabulously simple yet stylish arrangement, it looked really great. I found some twisted willow while out visiting friends, so brought home a big bunch to create my own stylish display. I painted the willow black and added some small white flowers to complement my décor and placed the setting in a beautiful big black garden pot. It looked fantastic when it was all done and cost me next to nothing. The twisted willow was free and the pot was from an op shop at a cost of $4.00. I had the paint and the flowers already so it was very cheap to make. My family originally thought I was crazy when I gathered the twisted willow branches and they had asked me what I wanted with all the ‘sticks.’ Yet now that it is all done they all agree they like the finished result. Don’t you just love op shops? The thrill is definitely in the hunt. They are such a valuable resource for us if we want to be able to decorate our homes on a shoestring budget. There are many resources you can use from op shops and here are a few that I have used to help decorate our home that you may also like to consider for your home-
• Wreaths – to make up some beautiful ones • Fabric pieces – all sorts for making cush-
of your own. People get rid of them from unfin- ions or slip covers or tablecloths. ished or non starting craft projects. These cost between $1-$2 • Tablecloths – I have found some incredibly beautiful lace ones and embroidered table•Craft and home and garden kind of cloths for as little as $3.00. magazines – great for ideas and patterns. Most cost around 20c from op shops. • Candles – to be used as is or melted down and made again into new candles. •Curtains – Loads of beautiful curtains at a fraction of the price of new ones. • Vases
•Antique lace - napisan brings them up • Lamps and lampshades if you prefer to
beautifully or you can dye them with black tea make your own shades. They are very expento give them an aged effect. sive to buy new lamp shade bases. My friend picked up a beautiful old lamp with a brass base
for $10.00, polished it up, gave it a pretty new shade and added a ribbon trim and it looks fantastic.
• Baskets – large and small at very inexpen-
sive prices. These can be painted or you can make pretty fabric linings for them to match your existing décor.
These are just a few ideas to get you going. It may also surprise you to know that you probably have things already tucked away that you may not have thought of using. So many of us hide things away in our cupboards to be used only when we have guests – why not use them or display them in a pretty setting. Another simple and really fun idea for the budget conscious is a ‘junk’ swap. My girlfriends and I love to do this once or twice a year. We all put aside things that we no longer have use for, or things that we just never seem to use – they just sit around in cupboards, or the things that we decide we no longer like and then we get together and put it all in a big pile in the middle of the room. One by one the items are held up and those present have a chance to grab it if they would like it – FREE! So everyone gets rid of their stuff they no longer want or use but they also get to take home some new bits and pieces to decorate their home or use. Lamps, bedding, curtains, coffee percolators, waffle irons, pancake makers… the list is endless of the things that you
• Quilt and duvet covers – usually around
$3.00 - $5.00 and some of them are beautiful. A friend of mine recently picked up a lovely “broderie anglaise” lace quilt cover for $4.00. It looks lovely in her daughter’s room.
• Teapots and little china or silver cup and
saucer sets. These look great on display on a tray or dresser.
could get rid off or pick up. One man’s trash truly is another man’s (or woman’s) treasure! We usually make a whole afternoon of it and all take a plate of something yummy to share as well with a cuppa. We laugh lots, and anything that is left over at the end of the day goes off the op shop. We also do this with clothing (which includes belts, bags and shoes) – especially amongst the younger girls and those with children.
So what are you waiting for? Why not gather some friends together and have some fun? (DG)
Have a junk swap or an op shop crawl – you’ll be glad you did. If you have an op shop crawl why not make a day out of it and take along a picnic lunch and a prize for the person who finds the best bargain of the day. Garage sales, flea markets and fetes are also good resources. It helps to have a list of what things you are looking for so that you can remember them when the time comes and so that your friends can also watch out for you for the things you are looking for and you can watch out for the things they are looking for as well.
! ! W NO
city 10
REFLECTIONS Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff! “How dare you? What did I ever do to you to make you be so mean? After all we’ve been through together.”
Everything within me wanted to yell out. We’d been friends a long time. I was always there for her and we were close friends. Now she was accusing me of all kinds of stuff that wasn’t true. I was hurt and a bit confused, wondering where all this was coming from, but I made a decision that day and every day since to not get offended and not to take it personally. When in this kind of situation, it’s so easy to get rattled and to respond with accusations and hurtful comments like they are making towards us, but the thing is, relationship is more important. People will often hurt us, sometimes without even realizing it. We have the power to choose whether we get offended or not. We have a decision to make like I did. On this particular day, my decision to not take it personally and not get offended – even though I may have been
in the right – allowed me to move on and not hold a grudge or think ill of her. I quietly and calmly went about doing what I could to try to talk with her and sort through it because I felt our relationship was more important than who was right and who was wrong. In my relationships with others since, in my marriage, with work colleagues, other friends, family members… this principle has proved sound. If there is some truth in what they are saying, I change. If I’m not sure I get another opinion from someone I trust. ‘Hey, someone has suggested that I am ……., what do you think?’ If they confirm it, I change, not because I have to, but because I consider my relationships more important than taking it personally or getting offended and allowing it to destroy my relationship with that person. (DG)
“LIFE IS LIKE A POT OF PORRIDGE!” While preparing the ingredients to cook chicken & garlic asian rice porridge (congee) for lunch today, Rachael, my 13 year old daughter, offered to help with the cooking. So while I was chopping the chicken pieces, Rachael stood there continuously stirring the big pot for over one hour. The porridge took longer to cook this time because I had mixed some brown rice together with the normal rice. The porridge thickened and then we had to add more water several times, each time the water was added in small portions. Towards the end of it, the pot was nearly full, and as the porridge was boiling, a little porridge accidentally spilled and touched Rachael’s little finger. She quickly placed her finger under cold water to let it ease the scald. Rachael turned around and said: I have learnt 2 things today from cooking the porridge. You need to
be patient because it takes a long time to cook and you have to keep on stirring it. Then you also need to focus and not get distracted, otherwise you can burn yourself. Then everyone enjoyed the delicious porridge for lunch. By the end of the meal, the pot was nearly empty. I sat there thinking to myself: Cooking porridge is like reaching our goals in life. We need to be patient as success takes time, but you just have to keep on consistently and diligently working at it. Sometimes there are people along the way who may say negative things about what you are trying to achieve, and if we are not careful we can get burnt. But if we keep our focus on the goal, we will one day reach it and enjoy the benefits after years of hard work. (CI)
Is the slogan that really captures the heart of the “World Congress of Families”. It’s wonderful news that Sydney won the bid to host the World Congress of Families in 2013! This is the first time Australia will host this great event as well as being the first in the southern hemisphere! Firstly, Mary-Louise Fowler (Australian Family Association) opened by saying that there has been great civil support and, “One quarter of kids are not raised by both parents... all kids deserve to grow up in happy homes with both parents”. She also said that 3000 delegates are expected to attend the congress in Sydney in 2013. Greg Donnelly (an ALP member of the NSW Legislative Council) also said, “I get quite frustrated that we don’t look at the fundamental reasons why families suffer in Australia. Many kids go to bed without a kiss or hug from both parents.” Greg also stated that Greg Smith the Attorney General of New South Wales will give full support for this congress. We then had Bob McCoskrie (Family First New Zealand) state, “There have been natural disasters in New Zealand lately but there has also been a natural disaster that has been going on for the last few decades.” He was referring to breakdowns in families. Dr. Pat Fagan from America, who is a member of the World Congress of Families selection committee and management committee, shared that the reason Sydney won the bid for 2013 was due to our high level of professionalism and planning, excellent leaders and that we also have wonderful family organisations throughout Australia and in New Zealand too. He also said that this is the first time that the congress will be in an English speaking country and that the world is becoming a global village too. Dr. Fagan further stated that there are huge links between economy and healthy intact families, the role of families will really come into play for the economy over the next 5-10 yrs. He finished by saying, “The World Congress of Families are rebuilders of families, bringing back kids and parents from broken families to have a culture of deep belonging in families as opposed to rejection. The work to be done here is to rebuild the family from the bottom up... government is to protect... family is to love!” (MR)
city 12
city 14
Iand n a city so full of wonder, culture history, where do you even begin? Let me give you some hints!
1. Visit The Forbidden City! The Imperial Palace, also known as the Palace Museum because it is an imperial museum, is a magnificent palace situated in the heart of downtown Beijing. Another name for the Imperial Palace is The Forbidden City because it was forbidden for commoners to enter the palace, and it was forbidden for royals to leave. Construction began with the Mongol Yuan Dynasty, then it was rebuilt by the
Ming Dynasty Yongul Emperor and finally completed in 1420. The Imperial Palace is beautiful. There are all these little details hidden in each corner and you have to wonder how people can even come up with things like this. You can walk all around the Palace and peek into the windows of rooms that existed hundreds of years ago. There are pieces of furniture that have been preserved and are on display behind these windows, once belonging to former emperors and empresses of China. The art and architecture is absolutely amazing and really gives an insight to the Chinese culture back then. An electronic map that you can rent at the gate provides the history of each sector of the Palace. The Imperial Palace is somewhere you must visit while in Beijing. The culture is overwhelming and no words can capture the brilliance of the Palace. Be warned, if you do decide to visit the Imperial Palace, wear comfortable shoes and be prepared to walk! The Palace is huge, so you’ll definitely need your energy. I had to learn the hard way…
chef slice and carve the duck right next to your table and it will most certainly leave you salivating. The crispy skin, the juicy meat, Quanjude and Bianyifang Restaurants have the best reputation for Peking Duck, so go check them out.
2. Eat Duck! Before I left for Beijing, my friends all told me that I had to try out the Peking Duck. I’m glad I did. Sure, we have it in Australia, but it doesn’t even compare! Peking Duck is known as the tastiest dish Beijing has to offer. You have the opportunity to watch a
Gong Bao Ji Ding (Palace Chicken Cubes) is a spicy chicken dish for those chilli lovers out there. It is also served with vegetables and is quite popular with tourists. Tudou Zi is definitely for potato lovers, because it’s just shredded potato served with seasoning and green peppers. Go on, have a taste.
3. Party with the Chinese! You must check out the Chinese New Year celebrations. I went during late January/early February, so I managed to get in on the Chinese New Year action. It was incredibly cold and chilly, so be prepared for winter conditions. I hear that it sometimes snows… It was a really interesting experience to see people buying their own fireworks and setting them out in the middle of the road before lighting them up. The whole city comes alive at night, and it’ll really get you in the mood to celebrate. You can also visit some carnivals that take place during the Chinese New Year holidays.
Snack streets are also located around the streets of Beijing and gives tourists and locals alike a different taste of Beijing. Some stalls sell ‘tanghulu’, which is just fruit on a stick covered in crystallised sugar. The traditional fruit used is hawthorn, but strawberries are great too! Meat on skewer sticks are also sold and can feature different kinds of meat like beef, lamb, chicken etc. If you’re really lucky, you might even find a scorpion skewer. Yes, scorpion. I hear that the scorpions are cooked alive… I’ve tried one myself and it was interesting… I couldn’t get over how crunchy it was, but my mother said it tasted like crabs. You decide.
In 1907, for a n ad campaign, women were offered a free b ox of Kellogg’s Corn F lakes cereal for winking at the grocer. At the time, th e company was called th e Battle Creek Toaste d Corn Flake Company.
7-Eleven is the largest retail chain in the world.
In a study tha t was done by the University of Chicago in 19 07, it was conclude d that the eas iest color to spot is yellow. This is why John Hertz, w ho is the foun der of the Yellow Ca b Company p icked cabs to be ye llow.
Of all the restaurants that are opened, 90% of them fail in the first year. Of the remaining ones that survive, 90% of those fail in the second year. The Chinese really take their New Year seriously and they don’t disappoint. Shopping centres and streets are decorated in red as red is believed to drive away evil influences. Steamed rice flour dumplings, also called tikoy, are traditional to eat during the Chinese New Year. Chinese couplets are hung on doors to decorate them, most of them bearing phrases relating to happiness, wealth and long life. You should definitely book a trip during the Chinese New Year because the food is fantastic, the red themed ornaments are beautiful and the festive cheer is contagious. So there you go, 3 things to look out for in Beijing. Hope this helps! (SF)
The famous je welry store Tif fany & Co. wa s established on September 18 , 1837 in New York City. The amount of sa les that were ma de the first da y was $4.98.
Oil tycoon, John D. Rockefeller, was the world’s first billionaire.
Nintendo was first establish in 1889 and the y started out making special pla ying cards.
city 16
RECIPE A recipe is a set of instructions that describe how to prepare or make something, especially a culinary dish.
INGREDIENTS: 1/3 cup (80ml) olive oil 1 medium brown onion (150g), chopped finely 3 cloves garlic, crushed ¼ cup loosely packed fresh basil leaves 1 teaspoon sea salt 2 tablespoons tomato paste 1.5kg ripe tomatoes, chopped coarsely or crushed tin tomatoes METHOD: - Heat half of the oil in large saucepan; cook onion, garlic, basil and salt, stirring, until onion softens. - Add paste; cook, stirring, 1 minute. - Add tomato; bring to the boil then reduce heat. - Simmer, uncovered, stirring occasionally, about 45 minutes or until sauce thickens. - Stir in remaining oil; simmer, uncovered, 5 minutes.
food review
Mangia! Mangia! (Italian for Eat! Eat!) That’s what we did a few weeks ago at Mancini’s in Belfield. Now being an avid lover of Italian food, it is really hard to please someone like me, especially if I’m eating at an Italian joint. Like most Italian restaurants, Mancini’s has that family feel to it. You wouldn’t think so by looking at it from the outside but it has a lot to do with the staff that run it.
Since we had a big group, we were put on a function style menu which included garlic bread (which was really good) salads, pastas (Gnocchi Sorentina, Ravioli Sabrina, Spaghetti Marinara, Fettuccini Gabriella, Tortellini Boscaiola ), pizzas (Margherita, Supreme, Hawaiian, Meat Lovers, BBQ Chicken) and much more. Now, since we had quite a large group dining there my initial thought was “oh no, this isn’t gonna go well!” Only cause I know cooking for large groups can sometimes compromise the quality of food but I only found that to be true in a few of the dishes for instance the gnocchi was a little bit overdone and the fettuccini gabriella was lacking in salt but Manicini’s pizzas
are really good, you get that nice crispy style pizza that you can only get from cooking it in a woodfire oven. All in all the night was great and so was the service, the waitresses accommodated to all our needs and were really helpful. I wouldn’t hesitate to go back there and go a second round so grab some friends or family and get some Mancini’s into you! By the way, they also have a pizza home delivery and take away shop at Brighton-le-sands as well. Check out their website for details. (SY)
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city 18
COMFORT FOOD vs HAPPY FOOD Winning the Winter Weight War Isn’t it just a given that as the temperatures go down the numbers on the scales go up? We run to comfort foods like pastas, chocolate and rich deserts on cold nights and hide the resultant muffin top under the convenient warm trench coat. You can call it putting on the winter coat if you like but seasonal weight gain doesn’t have to be a given. But how do you avoid it? If you are like me, you are more likely to hit the snooze button on the alarm than get up and run a few kilometres in the morning. But there is good news for the exercise-phobic person. All you need is a couple of weapons in your weight-war artillery and you can avoid (or get rid of) the seasonal bulge. Now let’s get started. I know you want comfort food. It keeps you warm on cold nights; makes you happy. Blah blah blah. Food can activate the calming side of your nervous system but let’s do your body a favour. Instead of running to fatty, sugary, feel good food, run to the right kind of food in the cold months. I call the bad stuff “comfort food” and the good stuff “happy food.” One loves your body. The other bulks it up. It’s a helpful distinction to make and it isn’t rocket science either. The five food groups stay the same be it winter or summer. So let’s go back to basics and talk a bit about how much space each of these groups should take up in your diet. Keep this in mind and you can keep your waistline under control all year round! - Breads, cereals, rice, pasta’s and noodles: These babies should take up about 40% of your diet. It’s actually not a bad idea to eat your breads, cereals and common complex carbohydrates earlier on in the day when your body needs the energy to burn. This is preferable rather than eating them late at night when your body is more likely to store them as fat. - Milk, yoghurt and cheese: Try to keep these culinary delights to 11% of your daily intake. I know it’s hard. Cream, chocolate, ice cream and all the bad (yet oh so good) foods in life fall into this category. But it can be done. Just takes a trained eye and a bit of discipline. An easy way to keep these under control is to keep an eye on serving sizes or go for healthier substitutes. For example, yoghurt can be purchased in individual serving sizes. Dark chocolate with this richer antioxidant content can be subbed in for milk chocolate. The other dark chocolate advantage is that, unless you really love the stuff, you are less likely to eat the whole block! - Lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, nuts and legumes: These should make up about 10% of your daily diet. For adults, the recommended daily intake for protein in Australia is 0.75% of a gram per kilogram of bodyweight. So a 75 kilogram adult only needs about 56.25 grams per day. So much for the massive kilogram steaks! However, if you increase the amount of protein in your meals it does give you a feeling of fullness. If you want to feel fuller for longer, put more protein in your diet. It is the only macronutrient to give this affect. Instead of having a plain salad, add an egg to it to give you a serve of protein and make you feel full.
Weapon One: Know the difference between comfort food and happy food. Weapon Two: Exercises you can do in the comfort and warmth of your own home. - Fruit: It should take up 12% of your daily intake. Citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, nashi, pear, nuts, pineapple, quince and rhubarb all bloom in winter with many of them boosting the immune system with much needed vitamin C. In a season when the common cold likes to make its way around, upping your Vitamin C levels and giving your immune system a helping hand isn’t a bad idea at all. - Veggies and Legumes: No, that isn’t a typo. Legumes make it into two food groups. 27% of your daily intake can be devoted to these. Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, bok choi and wom bok) are good ones to keep in your diet as they can assist in the prevention of a number of cancers. DON’T drown them in cheese sauce though. It will add the extra calories.
Winter is the soup season and for very good reason too. A nutritious homemade soup can be knocked together in very little time but contain both veggies, legumes and maybe even a tiny bit of protein. An added benefit is that a good veggie soup using seasonal produce is cheap to make, easy to reheat and can be easily carted to work for a snack or quick meal. Okay, we have dealt with the diet side. Now to get our butts moving… literally. What exercises can you do in your own home? You would be surprised. In addition to the old favourites, push ups and sit ups, why not try these three?
Squat jumps: I know a few of you cringed just at the men-
tion, but you really shouldn’t. Squat jumps (where you literally squat, jump off the ground and then back into a squat) work the legs and get the cardio system pumping. If you need extra motivation, pump up the music to get yourself in the groove.
Skipping: This one might take you out to the garage rather than
the lounge room but don’t worry. You will get warm soon enough. Skipping is fantastic cardio and works both the arms and legs.
The Power Skip: I love this one. Remember when you were a kid and skipped instead of walking? Do this, but lift the legs up nice and high, springing off the ground as you go. Weight management isn’t rocket science. It’s just remembering the basics and working it regardless of the season.
Now, I mentioned about pumping the music while you exercise. Some people think that exercise is boring, time consuming or generally undesirable. But it’s exactly what your body craves, even in winter! You may prefer to exercise in silence and use the opportunity to clear the mind, but for the entertainment junkie a workout playlist is a great idea. Mine includes a bit of Bon Jovi, Jet, Vanessa Amorosi and my current favourite, the ABC News Theme remix by Pendulum. Whatever floats your boat and gets you psyched. Now get moving! Happy, healthy winter to you! (CH & AH)
DADDY IN JAIL At the Dads4Kids Conference from 18-20 May, we heard from Dr Ken Canfield, one of the world’s foremost authorities on fathering. Ken told an amazing story of his work in the prison systems of the USA. The USA has the largest prison population per capita in the world, with 7,225,800 people in prison, on probation or under correctional supervision (2008). That means that the USA has almost one in 30 of its population in jail. To give you some perspective, this means the USA prison population is over 6 times that of the Australian prison population on a per capita basis. Dr Ken admitted that his own nation was perhaps the most fatherless nation in the world. The prison statistics back that up as prisons are homes for fatherless men. 70% of juveniles in state operated institutions grew up in fatherless homes.
ganised to take children to visit their fathers in a jail three hours north of LA. On one of the buses they discovered two children, unknown to each other, who were going to visit the same dad on the same day. On the bus that day there was joy amongst the sadness, a young girl of seven was excited to meet her older brother who was 10, for the first time. The relational chaos caused by fatherlessness has enormous ramifications for our children.
long ago. Obviously it was more complex than that, but the emotion of the story was not lost on them either.
When the buses arrived at the jail the children lined up to see their fathers. For many, it was the first time. One of the prisoners who was due to meet his little girl for the first time was one of the prison heavies. He was six foot plus and built like a steel tank and had tattoos to match his physique. Weightlifting is a popular pastime when ‘doing time’. He paced backwards and forwards nervously as the time approached for the meeting. His daughter, who was only eleven years of age cried out ‘Daddy’ from the back of the room when she saw him. When this man heard his daughter call out daddy he fell on the floor sobbing, a blubbering mess. His fellow prisoners joked that if they had known they could reduce him to tears so simply, they would have done so
For that prisoner it was obviously a moment of great significance. It should be the same for us all, but you don’t know what you have till it’s gone. The voice of our children, speaking our name as ‘Daddy’ should be a joy to us all and we shouldn’t have to go to jail to appreciate the moment.
This same emotion wells up in a man at the birth of his children as he is presented with his new baby for the first time. Tears are not very far away, and I have heard many footballers talk about it as the greatest moment of their life.
Learn to enjoy the voice of your children crying out your name in love. Ponder the moment and enjoy the journey because, from an earthly point of view, we are on loan to each other and sooner or later the book has to go back to the library. (WM)
Ken shared the story of working with young children in LA who had a father in prison. Buses were or-
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It’s starting to get cold lately. Winter is definitely here. So, this edition NEW CITY Magazine will be giving away a total of 6 black mugs to enjoy your favourite hot beverage with, courtesy of Life Centre. Of course, only one per winner! ☺ All you need to do is go to the GIVEAWAY page of NEW CITY Magazine’s website or just click here and enter your email in the box provided.
Stacey (billandstacey2@???????.com) Congratulations Stacey, you have just won a MAKING A KILLING DVD and an AMERICAN GANGSTER (EXTENDED VERSION) DVD, with a total value of $54.95. We will be in touch with you through email and will mail the goodies to you right away.
city 20
Adele 21
Keith Urban: Get Closer
With critical acclaim and debuting at number one in over ten countries, Adele has really shown her ability as a great artist that has a talent for writing introspective tracks that really strike a chord with the masses! Her second studio album
This is Vintage Urban and even though there are only 8 tracks on the album, what it lacks in size it makes up for in heart! It’s Keith’s seventh studio album and is his most polished to date. There are some notable collaborations this time round with Richard Marx co-writing “Long Hot Summer” with Urban. Like a fine wine Keith just keeps getting better with age and fans of country will enjoy the upbeat, jovial lyrics that seem to give you that extra spring in your step. I’m not much of a country music fan but I have to admit that after listening to this album I actually felt encouraged, uplifted and refreshed. You know that feeling after a long hot day, working hard outdoors only to come back home to a nice cool shower! That’s how I would describe this album, refreshingly cool country.
“21” (which was her age at the release of the album) has already been certified eight times platinum in the UK and has gone on to break records for consecutive weeks at the number one spot. She has a real folk and Motown feel fused with elements of pop, rock, alternative, R&B and soul. Even though this is a break up album at heart, it still has the ability to uplift as it deals with a whole spectrum of emotions that go with losing that loved one; at the same time still retaining the strength and joy to go on. Her lyrics and chord progressions are sublime and is the real drawcard here. She has really grown as an artist personally and when describing her album Adele said, “21 is different from 19; it’s about the same things but in a different light. I deal with things differently now. I’m more patient, more honest, more forgiving and more aware of my own flaws, habits and principles. Something that comes with age I think. So fittingly this record is called 21. The whole reason I called my first album 19 was about cataloging what happened to me then and who I was then, like a photo album you see the progression and changes in a person throughout the years.” (MR)
Matt Bjorke from Roughstock gave it a 3½ star rating saying, “This album is all about happiness with your romantic life. Every song on this short 8 track album discusses matters of the heart with each song discussing various ways that relationships can have on a life”. Bill Friskics-Warren from The Washington Post gave it a favorable review saying, “If you’re not in the mood for love, the music here - highly burnished country-rock - affords pleasures of its own”. Rolling Stone critic Jon Dolan gave it a 3 star rating calling it, “goodnatured country rock”. (MR)
NEW CITY MAGAZINE STAND’S NEW LOCATIONS: Chemist Warehouse Westfield Hurstville Level: 1, Store #: 216/8A
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Arncliffe Community Life Centre Corner Kembla & Hirst Streets, Arncliffe NSW 2205
JMC Upholstery 709 Princess Hwy, Tempe, NSW 2044
CD review Jennifer Lopez: LOVE?
Foo Fighters: Wasting Light
The album may be called Wasting Light but the Foo Fighters are definitely not wasting a single ounce of talent with their seventh studio album, or better put “Garage” album. Yes, you heard right, they actually recorded this album in Dave Grohl’s (lead singer) garage, opposed to their previous albums that were recorded in their home studio. Frontman Dave Grohl states, “There’s poetry in being the band that can sell out Wembley (Stadium) but also makes a record in a garage.” He further adds, “with Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace we were too concerned with being musical. Now it’s time for us to be a rock band again.” Producer Butch Vig said in an interview with MTV that the album was recorded using entirely analogue equipment until post-mastering. WOW! The album debuted at the number one spot on charts around the world and sales continue to soar. I was pleasantly introduced to a much more hardcore rock compilation than their previous albums, which radiate that true rock anthem feel. You know those songs that you can’t help but scream out for the sheer joy of it, kinda like screaming out a war cry at a footy game with your friends! There are eleven tracks of rockfueled fun to enjoy and lyrically there is more substance and flair this time round. Allmusic editor Stephen Thomas Erlewine gave it four-and-a-half out of five stars and complimented its “untrammeled rock,” calling it “the fiercest album they’ve ever made... the kind of record they’ve always seemed on the verge of delivering but never have.” (MR)
So what’s the verdict? Straight up, you might ask, do I love it, like it or hate it??? Well it’s a resounding love it! ☺ This is the album we’ve been waiting for J-Lo to release and is a breath of fresh air that had seemed to have gone stale for her over the past eight years. With bumping dance tracks like, “On The Floor” featuring Pitbull, that if I might add, has debuted at the number one spot on charts around the world. This is J-Lo’s seventh studio album and is a far cry to her original Latin inspired songs. Even though “On The Floor” has a Lambada beat that will appeal to people of that generation, I also think that the reason it has appealed to the masses is because of the great dance feel it oozes, it seems most songs that talk about getting down on the dance floor sells like hotcakes from Maccas (McDonalds) on the weekend! ☺ This is Lopez’s most personal album to date and actually celebrates her journey as a new mother of twins and her experiences of love too. Other hits on the album include “I’m Into You” (featuring Lil Wayne) and bonus track “Hypnotico”. There are twelve tracks in total and this is one quality album that will not disappoint! Ian Drew from US Magazine awarded the album three out of five stars, praising Lopez for returning “To her dance-diva-from-the-block roots... All in all, when it comes to her day job, J. Lo is solidly still in business.” (MR)
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IN ST GEORGE AREA Our newly refurbished Main Auditorium can be hired for weddings, birthdays, seminars and conferences. It is fully carpeted, fully air conditioned, dimmable lights, equipped with state of the art projection system and sound system. The Auditorium can seat up to 500 people in theatre style seating or approximately 350 people with table seating. Car parking is available for over 50 cars and a commercial kitchen is available for your use complete with gas burners and dishwasher.
For enquiries and more information including the terms and conditions of hire, please contact (02) 9567 8133 NEW CITY MAGAZINE . 21
city 22
Ferrari FF
The Italians are passionate people; they build cars and name them after cities of valour and people with distinction. The Ferrari Enzo for instance, was named after the founder of the company itself, because it epitomised the best of Ferrari. What better way than to honour the man himself and name the car after him. Then there’s the Dino, which was named after his son of course. Then we have the ‘California’ that was designed and aimed for the American market and has a folding roof to take advantage of the endless summer that is L.A.
So why ‘FF’, well it stands for Ferrari Four! I think that is as humourless as a name can get and as interesting as the names on the periodic table. Actually I will go further than that, the car is not really what you would expect from an Italian Ferrari at all. The mindset that went into this was more practicality than passion, more German. Previous Ferraris didn’t have boots big enough for a golf bag and your dry cleaning. It was about the glamour, the mystique and the badge! Now you can fit in your wife and two kids and the shopping, it just feels wrong that a Ferrari is so useable. I guess I have been talking about the subjective things that we love about Ferrari, but when you talk about the facts, this car is otherworldly. Ferrari have engineered a new 4WD system that weighs just
30kg and is unique to the brand. The usability of the car is so much wider now too, not only can you drive this car around a track fast, but also you can take it to the snow, to the shops with ease and performance. It really is a great GT, a Ferrari for all seasons. No more driving your second car around, this car does it all. With its ugly duckling looks and confused disposition of being a cross between a hatch back, SUV and GT cruiser. If it were a human it would be like an ugly UFC fighter wearing an untailored, ill-fitting suite. If you can get past the emotive looks that we are so used to with Ferraris, than ‘FF’ is by far the most logical and brilliant car made by the Italian Marque. (JY)
Quick Stats: Engine - 6.3 L naturally aspirated direct injected V12 - 485 kW @ 8,000 rpm and 683 Nm of torque at 6000 rpm
Transmission - 7-speed double-clutch semi-automatic paddle shift system
Drive - Four-wheel drive system patented by Ferrari, called 4RM Price - Estimated to be over $700,000
MOVIE r e v i ew X-Men: First Class As the name suggests it’s sure not to disappoint, this is truly first class material! A lot of work has gone into making this sure fire hit prequel, that’s the fifth film in the X-Men series. Fox (production studio) envisions this film as the first in a brand new trilogy! That’s exciting news for all you X-Men fans out there as this film really brings to life the characters of the comics, even down to their costumes shown in the original comics of the same name. The story itself is loosely based on the comics and centres on the teenage years of the first team of X-Men to come out of the Xavier institute for higher learning.“Before Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) and Erik Lensherr (Michael Fassbender) took the names Professor X and Magneto, they were two young men discovering their powers for the first time. Before they were archenemies, they were closest of friends, working together, with other Mutants (some familiar, some new); to stop the greatest threat the world has ever known. In the process, a rift between them opened, which began the eternal war between Magneto’s Brotherhood and Professor X’s X-MEN.” Written by, Twentieth Century Fox . Director Matthew Vaughn said that “First Class is similar to Batman Begins, where you have the fun of introducing the characters and getting to know them, but that takes time. But with the second one you can just get on with it and have a rollicking good time. That’s the main difference between Begins and The Dark Knight”. (MR)
Super 8 We all know that were in for something special when writer/director J.J. Abrams (Lost series, Mission Impossible 3 and Cloverfield) teams up with all-star producer/director Steven Spielberg (Schindler’s List, E.T and Saving Private Ryan) to make a feature film that will blow you away! This is no exception and even from the trailer itself, there is enough suspense, tension and excitement to keep you on the edge of your seat with eager anticipation at what’s coming up next... A group of friends in the summer of 1979 witness a catastrophic train crash while making a super 8 (film predominantly used during this time) movie. Soon they come to suspect that it was no accident and unusual disappearances and inexplicable events begin to take place in town shortly after. Something more terrifying than any of them could ever imagine is released as the local deputy tries to uncover the truth behind the disappearances that have reached near epidemic proportions. A wonderfully casted film which features the likes of Elle Fanning (Daddy Day Care and Astro Boy), Amanda Michalka (The Lovely Bones and Secretariat) and Kyle Chandler (Friday Night Lights and King Kong) are a real treat to watch as they depict the times and tension of the 1970’s extremely well. This is a Sci-Fi action thriller that’s up there with Spielberg’s classic films of the same genre. A movie with BITE and it with leave you breathless and in awe as you take in the rich storyline, amazing action and pulse pounding suspense. (MR)
Love, Wedding, Marriage I like the twist in this romantic comedy which centers on Ava (Mandy Moore), who is an avid marriage counselor that has apparently met her match when her own parents approach her as her new clients seeking to get divorced! It also stars (Kellan Lutz) as Charlie who is Ava’s newlywed husband in the film. This new turn of events really throws a proverbial spanner in the works as Ava’s idea of wedded bliss, especially as newlywed’s is shattered as she comes to grips with her parents shocking decision. Sadly this is where the interest stops and the movie then declines into a fumbled mess that is both ridiculous at times and to be completely honest with you, dumb in nearly every other area! ☹ if it’s not Mandy Moore’s lame attempt at trying to be a convincing marriage counselor who comes off more like a high school wannabe, then a well balanced holder of a PhD. It then really starts to sink as James Brolin (who is usually great in his previous roles) stars as Ava’s dad with a dark past and he just comes across as annoying as he tries to push his views as a Jew on Ava and her husband. The characters come off as a bunch of twits and even Jane Seymour acts as Ava’s mum which doesn’t do her an ounce of justice either. Like I said before, this is sad as the movie had such promise but ended up as one of the worst romantic comedies ever. Definitely give this one a miss! (MR)
Cars 2 Lightning McQueen is back and boy is he cooler than ever! I really only stumbled upon this movie a few months ago and was pleasantly shocked to realise that Disney Pixar were in the final stages of completing their sequel to their previous hit Cars. You’ll be happy to know that most of the original cast return with a plethora of new additions such as, Holly Shiftwell, Raoul CaRoule (Rally car) and Francesco Bernoulli (Formula 1 car). Pixar has taken a bold step with Cars 2 as this is only their second feature to receive the sequel treatment. With that in mind you know that they have something special up their sleeves. ☺ This time round Lightning McQueen (Owen Wilson) as well as his buddy Mater (Larry the Cable Guy) go international as the stage is set for some full throttle racing. I laughed hard at the scene where Mater goes to the toilet in Japan accidentally picking the ladies room and if that wasn’t enough... he then enters the gents and is mesmerised by the high tech toilet, that comes with a great computer screen and water jet to clean the nether regions! Mater then screams hysterically from the shock of it all, that was a really nice touch, hehehe. There is so much going on visually, from explosions, intense racing and conniving cars that are out to stop Lightning from winning the race. They’ve even added a spy element in the movie that pays homage to the James Bond films of old with a cool car named Finn McMissile (Michael Caine). This is a wonderful addition to an already impressive collection of movies from Disney Pixar; I’m excited, strapped in and ready to about you? (MR)
city 24
NEW CITY magazine has now expanded its distribution areas to the St George, Sutherland Shire and the inner city suburbs of Sydney!
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