Tips for
Contents 04
local news
food review
Forget About The Joneses: How to Love the Life You Have
DEC 2010
Fr ee monthly magazine
Tips for
Summer Body Panic Anyone?
Slinky Sexy Mercedes CLS 2011
Interview KidzRock Kids
kidzrock kids interview new city editor
sunshine- a definite alternative to gold
Christmas Memories and Traditions
Letter from the Editor NEW CITY Magazine december 2010 edition Editor: Ben Irawan Account Executive: Joshua Yanto Art Director: Herlina Widjaja Local Writer: Miguel Ribeiro Office Manager: Yvonne Widjaja Contributors: Clare Heath Cisca Irawan Riani Rattray Warwick Marsh Samuel Yanto Paul Rattray Dea Gunning Carmelle Coleman Anita Heath Deb Sorenson Contact Details: NEW CITY MEDIA PTY LTD ABN: 47 145 474 362 PO Box 1, Arncliffe NSW 2205 Australia Email: Website:
Hello everyone, How have you guys been? It’s been a month since our November Edition... and we missed you! I hope you missed us too? :) Can you believe that we are already at the end of 2010? Wow man, when we were kids it seemed like time was passing sooooo slow. But now that we’re all grown up, we wish that time would just run a little slower. Guess what? Time waits for no man! This is the time to reflect and see where we have been, where we are right now and to see if we are still heading in the right direction in life. Or are we heading for DOOM right now? Well, it’s never too late to change. Well, I really hope that there is still time to change!? Remember..., TIME WAITS FOR NO MAN! I guess we really need to have a reality check once in a while... to see what are the real important and valuable things in our lives. Is it money? Is it career? Is it success? Is it family? Is it relationships? Hold on... STOP READING NOW and think for a moment what are the real important things or people in your life. Okay, got it? Because we can get so caught up with the routine and busyness of life that we lose focus of the very reason why we are doing the things we decided to do. The year 2011 is just around the corner. Let’s stop fooling ourselves with all the new year’s resolution we made but we never keep and start becoming the person we really want to be... NOW! Yes, no need to wait for next week, next month or next year. When you hear the voice inside nudging you to take control of your life... JUST DO IT! No, I’m not being sponsored by Nike here. Maybe I should? JUST DO IT! JUST DO IT! JUST DO IT! There you go... I should at least get $1000 for it! Hahaha... Hey, editorial is powerful you know... especially coming from the magazine editor himself. LOL.
For advertising: Call Josh on 041 339 1100 or
I really do wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year. I hope that you get to fix what you need to fix, to do what you need to do and restore what you need to restore. DON’T FORGET TO CALL YOUR MUM!!! :) Tell her that you care for her and love her... Or just tell her that the New City magazine editor told you to say that. Hahahaha...
For editorials:
Time to start a NEW Page, a NEW Chapter, a NEW Beginning and a NEW Life! Remember, NEW CITY magazine is here for you... So, write to me okay? Let me know your thoughts...
DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in NEW CITY Magazine and its website, do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, publishers or their agents. All images and photos are copyright of NEW CITY unless specified in credits. Unauthorised use of any images and photos published in this magazine and its website is strictly prohibited.
Ben Irawan Editor of NEW CITY Magazine
Printed by: mpd – printing the news everyday Unit E1, 46-62 Maddox Street Alexandria NSW 2015 2010
eco baby expo Winners of the Double Passes to Eco Baby Expo were: Tanni Summers, Herlina Widjaja, Abigail Liana Fitri Wong, Sayuri Charon, Sandy Wong, Darren Chen & Desianny Sutedja.
reader to editor
Hello Editor Ben, I read it. That’s a compliment on its own. Thought the magazine was very modern, very Sydney and something in it for everyone. Great work! : Mark Hellooo..., I just browsed through the New City mag... very, very niceee!!! You’ve done well! It’s been 2 months and looking forward for the next edition. I’ll give you some honest opinion okay. I think it’s different than any other free mag. It’s got quality man... and very international! It’s very interesting to read and it was great reading as well. Love the colours and images, very pleasant to look at. But overall... you guys have done amazing job... keep it up okay. ;) : Irma Dear Ben I am writing with regard to the article on Fatherlessness I read in the latest issue of your magazine. Although I found it interesting reading and the statistics astounding I could not help but think of those father’s who try like hell to have that contact with the children but unfortunately the systems i.e. legal, child support, centre link do not always work in the favor of a father who is trying to get that contact and meet his commitments financial for the children. Having supported my nephew through this exact scenario it has been an “eye opener” to the systems are still very prejudice. Yes some men don’t deserve to have contact with their children but you would be amazed at the increased number who are trying, but in most cases just give up because they don’t understand the legal/technical jargon these services put in place! : Faith Hi Ben, My original message that I was typing on my phone was both complimentary to you and the team in regards to the two most serious articles; Fatherlessness and Cyber-Bullying. But due to an incoming call..., I lost it! In short, Trish’s story showed the magazines integrity and should be an eye opener to you for the broader circumstances of others. With bullying, I hope will be covered again as it is a strong element of youth destruction and suicide. Fatherlessness article was brilliant. I related to the man recounting his baseball story and the feelings that we harbor into adulthood. It was
a very important story to understand the void it brings to the children’s lives that they try to fill in the worst of ways. The attitude story was right on the money! It was a great story. Good to see budget tips for students in the edition. I found the hunting story questionable & hard to understand the need for it. I’m concerned that a guy holding a shotgun with a smile, promoting hunting is a wrong endorsement and sends a wrong message. Overall, another powerful edition and great credit to you all! : David Hi Ben, Another great issue - well done to you and all your team. Both my husband and I were really excited to sit down and read the magazine. We also have been passing it around for friends to read. Thank you again and keep up the good work. : Dea Hello Ben I found my first copy of New City at my mother-in-law’s. I think it is a great local publication. : Carmelle Hello Ben, Loving New City Magazine! Making everyone read it and join the Facebook page! : Clare Hi Ben, I definitely did see your magazine – the layout and design of it is fantastic. What made you want to start a magazine like it? : Naomi Hi Ben, It looks good! : Mandy
David: Hi Ben, I read it and made some notes for feedback on this month’s edition of New city. Once again you and the team have done an amazing job.
Hanny : Congratulations.... !
Clare: Looks great guys! You must be pretty happy with it
Karen: Awesome work peoples... looks GREAT!
Samuel: omg that is so cool!!!
Ini: Looks great!!! Congrats!
Lisa: Amazing!
Mohit: Congratulations Ben...... :))
Sarah: I lovvvvvvvvvvve it!!
Peter : congrats man
Hi Ben, The magazine looks so good…. Impressive! Well done, you are capable of great things…!!! I believe the best is yet to come… Cheers, TS (tanni.summers)
city 4
Forget About The Joneses:
How to Love the Life You Have I recently found myself sitting in the oncology ward of a hospital with a friend. She was waiting on news as to whether her latest brain tumour was malignant or benign. This is not usually the location for a light-hearted conversation but this brave woman said something that really struck me. She said “I may not be the best-looking or richest person I know and I may be staring down the barrel of my second bout of brain cancer, but I won the lottery of life just being an Australian resident.” I stopped worrying about my petty problems right then and there.
he was talking about things we take for granted: medical services, law enforcement, a functional welfare system, education, running water and good sanitation among other things. It reminded me that we have a lot to be thankful for. No matter our birth country, ethnic background, bank balance or employment status, if we live in Australia we are already some of the luckiest people in the world. But it is sure easy to forget that sometimes! We seem to be genetically programmed to compare ourselves to other people in our lives. Since our school days we have felt the pressure to be as cool as the next kid or as good looking as that chick on the front of that magazine. Then in adulthood, we often find ourselves trying to keep up with the Joneses. You can call it jealousy or good old fashioned materialism, but it always serves to make us set our eyes on the greener grass on the other side of the fence rather than the ‘green enough’ patch we are standing on. In Australia, one in six men will struggle with depression. Statistics say the ladies are twice as likely to fall foul of the same foe. This is a true tragedy and it is reaching epidemic proportions even in the “lucky country”. Depression can come knocking at
our doors because of many reasons and all of them truly valid. However, I believe we can do something simple for ourselves to help maintain our stay on the happy wagon: Forget about the Joneses! Learn to love the life you have! How exactly do you do that though? If you Google “self help” you will get literally millions of hits sprouting different ideals of happiness and how to attain it. However, Dr. Russ Harris presented a fascinating idea in his bestselling book “The Happiness Trap.” He claimed that popular ideals of happiness are inaccurate and will make you miserable in the long term if you believe them. He went on to explain his “ACT” theory. Accept the things that are out of your personal control and commit to change that will improve your quality of life. A rather thought-provoking statement wouldn’t you say? Also rather reminiscent of the old Serenity Prayer that has graced many a refrigerator door over the years. But maybe there is some truth in it. Some things are out of our hands. If we accept them and stop trying to change what we can’t change, we are already halfway to a sunnier outlook on life! Sometimes this takes work though. I am not a morning person but every day when I stumble into the bathroom, part of my wake-up routine is finding one thing that I am truly thankful for. It keeps me focused on the things in my life that are good. Often the best thing we can do to downsize our problems is to mentally upsize our assets. Sure, sometimes you will fail. I remember a meeting with a client that went horribly wrong. Conflict is never fun but I didn’t want to let it get me down. As we left, I remarked to the trainee, “Oh well, she had nice hair.” It was all I could think to finish on a high note. The trainee laughed loudly. “No she didn’t! That was not nice hair!” he retorted. But it was worth a try, hey! For those things we can change, commitment to action goes a long way. Once in a while, life gets complicated and it can seem all too big and too difficult to do anything about. When this happens, don’t give in to gloom and drown your sorrows in a block of chocolate. Sit down with a notebook and write it all out instead. Lee Lacocca is a businessman famous for rescuing the ailing Chrysler Corporation in the 1980’s. What a job he had in front of him! But the man learned some keys to creating positive change! He once said that “the discipline of writing something down is the first step toward making it happen.” So grab that pen of
yours. Itemise everything in your ‘too hard basket.’ Cross out the things that are out of your control and prioritise the ones that you can do something about. Now decide what you are going to do for each item in your list. Soon enough you will find that the ‘too hard basket’ is shrinking and lots of things are back in your control. Next, celebrate the small victories. You might not have conquered Everest yet, but you got to base camp! Well done! Possibly the most powerful thing you can do is avoid the comparison trap. Many of us measure ourselves against the ideal portrayed in media. It can depict unrealistic expectations on everything from romantic love and family life to physical appearance. How ridiculous when even supermodels don’t gaze upon airbrushed flawlessness when they look in the mirror! I was once a Bra Fitter. During my tenure I did a fitting for a well-known model. How intimidating! But instead of meeting the human embodiment of perfection, I met a woman who was as conscious of her own lumps and bumps as the rest of us are. So perhaps it’s worth noting that the people we are comparing ourselves to haven’t necessarily won the happiness game either. So why take our cue from them?
Is it wrong to spend money? No! I plan on doing that a lot in the coming weeks. But you can’t go looking for happiness, peace or self esteem in a shopping bag. And you certainly won’t find these things while comparing yourself to the next person. So why don’t you try an alternative approach. Accept what you can’t alter. Commit to action on the things you can change. Celebrate small victories and be thankful for the good things in life. Your better life may have already arrived. (CH)
Perhaps this is something to keep in mind during the Christmas season. Santa Claus has become a red and white emblem saying “spend money here!” Commercialism can all too easily lead us to take our eyes of the real meaning of Christmas which was about love and the giving of the ultimate gift. It is so easy to buy gifts in order to impress people and do the retail therapy thing in an attempt to spend our way to happiness. But does it last? I would argue that it doesn’t. Perfume runs out. Chocolates get eaten. Clothes make you feel good until you realise the fashion train has moved on and left you at the wrong station. Material gain is, in the long run, powerless to make you any less dissatisfied with the life you have. I have heard so many people say that money can’t buy happiness. True that. I have also heard people say it is best to make do with what you have got. But there is a big difference between making do with what you have got and being genuinely thankful for what you have.
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your 2010 Christmas makeup guide for any age, follow the steps below and choose colours based on your likes and personal style. Some like peach and some like pink or some like silver and some are lovers of gold, whatever you like, work this into your makeup. Stay natural for day, be daring and vamp it up for the evening. Touch-up eye shadow, adding depth and colour to really vamp it up, add shimmery sparkles for fun if desired. After a day at the office removing and reapplying foundation rehydrates your skin. Buff on your blush and desired lip colours smothered in gloss, knowing the makeup basics take minutes not hours.
Moisturize and Sun Screen daily, choose an SPF 30+ for best results, remember to choose one for your face and one for the body. Tip: Facial sunscreens usually don’t give off that white ghostly appearance you sometimes get from regular sunscreens.
Foundations even out your complexion resulting in a flawless, clean and glowing appearance. The heavier the foundation, the more it will cover and balance imperfections. Choose foundation to match your skin colouring and texture, if you have oily skin choose oil-free foundations, for dry skin use oilbased foundation, for sensitive skin use hypoallergenic and normal skin types can wear whatever they choose. Match your skin colour exactly - we want to see you with flawless skin. Tip - try foundations on at the makeup counter, before you buy, go outside in natural daylight making sure the colour blends into your skin and is not left sitting on top of your skin.
Powders can look heavy. We like to keep skin fresh, clean and clear so powder might not be for you. If you do like a matte effect use a translucent powder to set your foundation. Tip - buff a foundation-coloured mineralised powder that will cover, add colour and give a little sheen with its mineral content for beautifully glowing skin.
Mascaras frame your eyes so try generous lashings of black mascara. Tip - If your lashes are sparse, then a thickening mascara will work best for you. For short lashes try a lengthening mascara and if your lashes are straight use a curling mascara. Tip everybody should curl their lashes, it opens up your eyes so use a heated lash curler after you apply mascara, it helps to curl the lashes by bending and holding the plastic polymers of the product in your newly curled shape. Tip - for drama add false lashes too.
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Eye shadows: To turn day into night, start by applying natural shadows that suit your eye shape, then intensify with a smokey black, purple, green or even a smoking blue where you had your darkest daytime shade. Add a blended liner for definition. Next dab a little sparkle on your inner eye for that extra effect and fabulous night time look.
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Luscious Lips: Most women today don’t wear lipstick, instead opting for a clear tinted or coloured lip gloss. The great thing about these glosses is that they are sheer, shiny and sexy and that any age can wear them, but hey its party time so be daring and try seasonal Christmas ruby reds for fun then apply your sheer gloss over the top. Get the look and have fun at any party, to break it up for different parties, change your colours giving you a brand new style. Merry Christmas!!! (CC)
city 10
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Mention this ad and your child will receive free play group attendance for one month. Blue Mountains - Springwood Area CCB subsidy available. Phone : 02 4754 4889
The lucky winner will receive a totally new look - a look you can wear daily with a modern edge, new style and more tips, tricks and techniques personalised just for you. It’s action-packed and fast paced. In the two hour consultation we’ll cover professional colouring with what colours work best for you. Eyebrow grooming shows you how to maintain the perfect brow for your face shape. Eye shapes and makeup trends to suit your eyeshape, and really make them pop. Face shapes shows you how to sculpt your face giving you skyscraper cheeks and a contoured jawline and special tricks for those special nights out, creating a fashionable and glamorous look. To enter the Online Competition and Giveaways simply go to and fill in the form and if you’re in Facebook, make sure you join our Facebook Page as well. We will tell you HOW TO WIN this competition and giveaways through email and NEW CITY Magazine Facebook Page!
Summer Body Panic Anyone? A
nita Heath is a qualified Personal Trainer and Master Trainer. She is also the owner of a Personal Training business where she does one-on-one or small group personal training. Anita has a passion for healthy lifestyles, physical fitness and good nutrition. She sees fitness not only as something that is good for your body but also good for your mind. And before you go thinking “Oh, easy for her, she has never had fitness or health challenges,” think again! She gets it. That’s where the passion comes from. So if you are up for a little straight talk about health, fitness, summer and you... read on!
live without you! You need to put your health first sometimes. And don’t wait for a health scare to make a change. Prevention is better than cure!
Start off with your feet together and your hips nice and square. Take a big step forward and drop your hips until your front knee and back knee are both at right angles. Now push up using your back leg (see picture). Do three sets of twelve to fifteen on each leg. Learn to love the burn. It means you are working those muscles of yours! Keep movements slow and controlled - 2 seconds up, 2 seconds down.
It is not just about looking good either. Just because the body might be looking in shape courtesy of this quick metabolism of yours, doesn’t mean the inside of your body is also looking great. It is all about a healthy lifestyle: strong muscles and bones, a strong and clear mind, strong heart, good lungs and a great healthy diet. That is what a healthy lifestyle is all about! Its 80% diet and 20% exercise. Now when it comes to New Year’s Eve, we all have these resolutions about getting fit and healthy. How long do they last? Not long hey! So why not start your same old “New Year’s Resolution” now and get yourself into tip top shape!
Here’s how.
Firstly, start slow. There is nothing worse than jumping right in only to have your fad end as quickly “Righto guys, summer is right around the corner as it started. now! Is your body going to feel at home at the beach in your summer tanks, dresses and shorts? Or more Second, the diet. Eat well. Eat good, healthy importantly, are you at home in your body? Do me food in small to moderate portions. Maybe try eating a favour will you? Whip the clothes off, get down to every 2 – 3 hours in order to curb snacking on rubyour underwear, stand in front of the mirror and look bish and not eating properly. Eating every couple of at yourself. Are you carrying a few extra pounds, a hours also keeps the metabolism nice and high. And lot of extra fat or are you stick thin? don’t ever think about neglecting breakfast! BreakIf your body doesn’t look good now, don’t try and find the clothes to cover what you’ve made yourself into. Ladies and Gentlemen, if you need to lose the weight, go do it! If you need to put on a bit of muscle, go do it! What’s holding you back honestly? Let’s cut the excuses and at least be honest with ourselves. Even if you don’t respect much, you need to have a bit of respect for the body you are strutting around in.
Try some lunges for the legs and toosh.
Push ups for the chest and tuck shop arms. Get on the ground with your hands just wid-
er than shoulder width apart and your toes together. Squeeze your abs and keep your hands in line with your nipples (from the side on.) Then slowly lower your body, pointing your elbows back not out. When you are pushing up, squeeze your chest and back of arms together. Squeeze your abs the whole time and keep your body straight. No bum in the air and no hips on the ground.
fast is what kick starts your metabolism for the day!
Think about the food you are putting in. Is it healthy and nutritious or does your body hate you for it and stack on a few kg’s in payback? Think about how much exercise you are doing. Or are you even exercising? Your body actually likes working out! It is your mind that doesn’t. And you sure have more Third, your cardio fitness. Go for a walk, run body than mind. So let’s go with the majority vote or bike ride. Anything that makes you puffed and sweaty at least three times a week. Aim for at least here and give your body what it wants! thirty minutes or more every time you exercise. This You have bones. Keep them strong and healthy. will give you the nice, toned appearance everyone You have muscles to keep you standing upright. You wants. Men, it will even make your muscles nice and have got a mind, too. Why not keep it healthy and ripped. You will have muscles under there. You just have to deal with the layer of fat over the top. Cardio clear by doing daily exercise? exercise is an excellent way to achieve this.
Superman’s for the back. Lie on your stomach and stretch your arms out in front of you as far as they can go. Stretch your legs out behind you then raise both your arms and legs off the ground. Go up for two seconds then come back down for two seconds. Squeeze the bum and lower back throughout the exercise. If this is too hard, go with opposite arm and leg then alternate. Three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions is the goal. Give yourself a 30-60 second breather between sets.
And guess what: You also have some fat. Maybe too much! You be the judge. But if you are over 30% in Fourthly, take care of those muscles and body fat, you are in the danger zone. If your hip to bones of yours. Try some resistance or weight waist ratio is more than 0.8, you are also in the dan- training. ger zone and at risk of diabetes. You are most likely already insulin resistant. Now if you are one of those people that is overweight, soft, caring, always running around for other people and putting them first, you are one of those people we couldn’t live without. Even you need to make time to keep healthy or we’ll have to learn to
Have at least a day’s rest between workouts but you can do cardio as much as you want. Keep this up and I guarantee you will see results and feel a whole lot better! (AH)
city 12
John and Deb sat on opposite couches, both desperately unhappy. Their relationship was in free-fall and I suspected the landing would be terminal. John and Deb had been married for 18 years, had a couple of great kids, steady jobs and a beautiful home. Sadly though they could barely tolerate being in the same room. Over the last decade John and Deb had argued often, long and nasty and the wounds they inflicted now bore deep scars. There was little left to say to each other and certainly nothing nice to say about each other to me, their counsellor. All couples disagree. Conflict is an inevitable part of every relationship – yes, even the best of them. We have this bizarre Hollywood notion that if couples argue the relationship is in crisis or doomed. Relationships are meant to make you happy, right? Happy couples don’t fight, right? Wrong! When you merge two personalities with unique histories, values and expectations, conflict is inevitable. And the absence of conflict does not equate to a healthy relationship either. I’m reminded of Lyle and Bev. They’d been married for 7 years without one single argument. They were reasonable and pleasant with each other, rather like business partners and they were utterly miserable! Whenever Lyle was upset about something, he’d bury himself in his computer or TV, along with a beer or two. Bev would have the occasional hormonal, teary episode (good ol’ PMT) but ‘got over’ it quickly. Neither of them were prepared or equipped to tackle the issues, so the issues were never addressed. As a result they retreated more and more into themselves, and the chasm between them grew. They eventually separated. You can’t have intimacy without honesty and you can’t be honest without conflict. Arguments, or lack of them, don’t determine the health of a relationship. It’s not what you fight about either. There are issues that are common to all couples in various guises: money, roles and responsibilities, kids, sex, and of course the in-laws and his or her friends! The nature of these conflicts is largely due to differing expectations and values formed primarily in our family of origin. Relationship counselling can shed light on these usually unconscious influences, and be really helpful in coming to understand ourselves and our partner. (Ah ha, that’s why they do that!) If conflict is inevitable and the issues are largely universal, what determines one couple’s survival and another’s demise? What could
John and Deb done differently? Well it’s not whether you argue, what you argue about, or even why you argue. The health of a relationship is actually determined by how you argue! If we want our relationship to flourish, we need to learn the art of fighting well! Successful couples learn to tackle the tough stuff honestly and wisely. And while emotionally difficult, it’s a skill we can all learn. Here are a few tried and true guidelines: Make time to talk when both of you are at your best. Don’t try and work through important issues when you’re tired or time-stressed or will be interrupted by hungry kids. If it’s serious enough to affect your relationship, then take it seriously and schedule “talking time” in. I read somewhere that couples should schedule in three weekly meetings. One for sorting the diary (who’s
Arguments, or lack of them, don’t determine the health of a relationship.
Call Joshua 041 339 1100 or email
taking which child where etc), one for fun (remember dating?), and one for asking “How are we doing?” I don’t know any couple that’s actually this organised, but the concept is great. It creates that space to tackle issues as they arise. Always be respectful. Attack the problem, never the person. In the heat of battle it’s tempting to use words to score points, but the wounds inflicted by harsh words take a very long time (if ever) to heal. For John and Deb, their house had become the scene and subject of many nasty verbal battles. John worked fulltime then spent his time finishing off their large new home. Deb wanted him to spend more time with her and the kids. Deb called him neglectful and uncaring. Deb liked a relaxed home and loved to have her dogs inside with the family. John called her ungrateful and slack. In their frustration, John and Deb resorted to name-calling. It solved nothing, left a bitter taste in their mouths and heaped further fuel on their simmering hurt and anger. Insults just add to injury. Learn to listen! Show you’ve heard by giving a brief summary. They’ll soon let you know if you’ve got it wrong! Don’t jump to justify or defend yourself. Acknowledge the other person’s thoughts and feelings – even if you don’t agree with their evaluation of the issue. And be disciplined! Stick to the issue at hand. Don’t drag up the past. If there are unresolved issues, schedule to deal with them another time! If you’re boiling with anger – wait. Anger is a great motivator for action but
losing your temper causes more damage than good. Bite your tongue, go for a walk, take a shower, hold your breath and count to 700… do whatever it takes to calm down. Use ‘I’ statements. Start with “I feel…” “I think…” “I need….” rather than “You....” It’s a simple technique that reduces defensive comebacks. ‘I’ statements are also much harder to dismiss. Your judgement about an issue might be misguided but your feelings or thoughts about the matter are always valid and real - as are your partner’s. Don’t settle for compromise. Compromise can often leave both parties feeling cheated and underlying issues unresolved. John and Deb disagreed about money. John would rather spend money on the house. Deb wanted money for the kids and her two Great Danes. They clearly had different priorities when it came to spending. So they split the bills between them and had separate bank accounts. The compromise worked on one level, but the mistrust and disrespect continued unabated. Finally, be the hero in your relationship. Fighting well is more than fighting fair. Fighting well requires heroes who are willingly let go of their own desires for the sake of the other. Being a hero is not being a door mat but we don’t have to get our way all the time either. If it’s more important to the other person, be prepared to do it their way. If it’s really important to you then keep working on the issue until you find a win win. So, are you ready to do battle for your relationship? Fighting well is never pleasant but it’s the key to deep intimacy and lasting success. If only John and Deb had learned the art of fighting well, what a difference it could have made. (DS)
city 14
KidzRock Kids
NEW CITY Editor It was all happening at KidzRock on the Thursday night we visited Kidzrock. They had dancing at the beginning, to some cool guessing games, then they played their favourite high impact game - Dodge Ball. Ben Irawan, the Editor of New City Magazine was making a special appearance as a Special Guest that night. He spoke to the kids about his role and involvement with the magazine, he then very cleverly did a rolereversal on the kids and asked them to interview him as though they were all budding and upcoming editors and journalists. Well..., did this cause a stir! The kids were more than happy to oblige and this is how the interview went... Fatima. M: “Do you like working for a magazine?” Ben: “I love working for magazines.” Fatima. M: “What makes you like working for magazines?” Ben: “Because I get to meet a lot of people, I get to create a magazine that is really nice and we get to go on the street and take pictures of people. We help people to be famous... like now... YOU are famous because you get to be in the magazine!” Linda: “Why do you like being the editor?” Ben: “It’s because I get to see how the magazine will look and the editor will actually say whose face is going to appear on the front cover. Is it Fatima’s or is it Linda’s face on the front cover? Or what kind of story we are going to do..., so I do all that kind of stuff and I love it” Layal: “Why did you think of doing this job?” Ben: “Because I was jobless hahaha, nah just kidding..., because I love it. I love designing, I love working on the magazine and I love creative stuff. Stephanie: “How important is your job?” Ben: “My job is very important because this magazine is going out throughout the whole St. George area, so that a lot more people can know about KidzRock and know about you guys. If there are any other people who don’t know about KidzRock, they can know because the magazine is there. So my job is very, very important!” Feras: “What’s your favourite thing?” Ben: “My favourite thing? Hmmm... That’s a good question. Let me think... My favourite thing is when I go on a holiday with my family” Farah: “Why do you like to be on the magazine?” Ben: “Not just to be famous hahaha... but I get to meet a lot of people and we get to write stories of what’s happening around the community.”
Stacee: “What picture do you like in the magazine?” Ben: “You know what... I like the cover” Nadine: “Did you design the front cover picture? Ben: “No somebody else did. We have a designer; we have an art director who designs everything.” Ben: “Ok last question and then we’re going to play a game!” Carlos: “When will you make a new one?” Ben: “We are making a new one right now, that’s why your questions will be printed and it will be out in December.”
Well there you have it..., kids say the funniest things but it’s great because it always comes from the heart. Ben then played a great game with the kids, where they broke up into 4 teams with a KidzRock leader in each team. The teams were then given the October and November editions of the magazine. Ben then asked questions and as a team we had to find the answers in the mags. The kids absolutely loved this game! ☺ It was a wonderful time for the kids and Ben to get to know one another. The kids were so excited about the prospect of appearing in the December of New City Magazine!
ery popu v a is k KidzRoc m at Arn a r g o r p lar kids ity Life n u m m o the cliffe C ted at a c lo , e st Centr bla & Hir m e K f o ecorner fe. It is b f li c n r A , Streets Thursday y r e v e ing held 0pm for 3 : 8 7 m Night fro rten age a g r e d in re kids in K . For mo 6 r a e Y e up to the centr ll a c e s a info ple 567 8133 on (02) 9
“Nothing is more important than the safety of our kids”. That statement appears in almost every Government media release relating to school zone lights. Unfortunately after 14 years of talking, only 5% of the state’s school zones have flashing lights. “Over 10,000 school zones will never have them”, stated Peter Olsen on his website: What can I say - after reading the in-depth studies, statistics and viewing the photos, one word can sum it all up... RIDICULOUS! How can this be happening? What cost can we place on a child’s life? NOTHING!!! Because a child’s life is PRICELESS! Peter Olsen is a dedicated husband, father of three and grandfather of eight. He knows the importance of protecting children’s everyday lives, particularly before and after school. He has been tirelessly working on “School Zone Safety Lights” at an amazingly low cost when compared to the RTA’s highly inflated pricing, with fewer results I might add. His website also says, “For the seven years up to 2005 we organised the Lugarno Christmas lights. Thanks to the generosity of the public we managed to raise a total of $380,000 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation to help brighten the lives of sick children.” “School zone flashing lights are at the other end of the spectrum and help reduce the number of children who need the services of organisations such as the Make-a-Wish Foundation.” “In early 2006, I heard that school zone flashing lights were being trialled by the RTA at a cost of around $12,000 per sign. I set out to prove that reliable flashing lights could be produced for a fraction of that, which I achieved.” Peter Olsen continues, “I am a private individual, not a company and have no interest in tendering for the installation of flashing lights. I have given my technology to the RTA to use for nothing.”
their reliability and effectiveness so they can justify their extremely expensive and less reliable systems! “Check this out you’ll be shocked...,” Peter goes on to say, “The RTA’s lights cost up to $75,000 each all-up and are 98.2% reliable according to a media release from the Premier. My lights cost $1,000 each and have been 100% reliable for over 2 years. I have given my technology to the RTA to use for nothing yet they still oppose the use of cheaper alternatives.” What’s going on? The safety and lives of our kids are at stake and motorists are not slowing down. We have an advocate for our children who is both extremely passionate and dedicated to seeing as many schools as possible fitted with excellent, reliable and cost effective, “LIFE-SAVING FLASHING LIGHTS”. It’s time we make a stand and show that we, as families, communities and cities are serious about the safety of our children to and from school. That we will not sit back and wait for more casualties but look to the SAFE GUARDING and PROTECTION OF OUR FUTURE = THE CHILDREN! The alarm has sounded, the lights are flashing and it’s time to take notice... doesn’t this just stir you into action? I greatly encourage you to support Peter in his heartfelt cause, you can sponsor a set of flashing lights in your local area and help to make a real difference too. If you are interested in sponsorship and want to contact Peter by phone his mobile no is: 0414-538-404 or by email at: (MR)
“I am determined to ensure that flashing lights are installed at all schools. With your support it can be achieved. Until that happens I consider that the recognition I have received for my efforts has been unwarranted.” He claims that the RTA has been undermining and campaigning against his flashing lights ever since they were first installed at Lugarno and Peakhurst in 2006. They have also allegedly increased the cost of Peter’s lights to reduce
city 16
city 18
n our monoculture gardens dominated by green lawns, without a blade of grass out of place and all weeds quickly dispatched by hand and herbicides, even suggesting the growing of fertiliser seems out place. So how do you grow fertiliser? One of the simplest ways of growing fertiliser is by using legumes. Amongst the thousands of legume varieties, the most commonly recognisable are peas and beans.
sue) legumes can significantly improve soil quality. And all this fertilising can be done by you at home.
Now, you may be thinking, “But I eat peas and beans!” Don’t worry, I am not asking you to tear up your bean or pea patch. There are thousands of far less palatable legumes that can be used as fertiliser around your yard and garden and some of these legumes, like Pigeon Peas have the added benefit of attracting birds, especially king parrots. I have them regularly visiting my garden for a feed. Traditionally, farmers grew legumes with other crops and once harvesting their crops allowed cattle to come in and graze on the stubble and legumes. With the cattle grazing on the legumes, they cannot flower and germinate. In the process, the energy normally consumed by the legumes in producing flowers and seeds is instead put back into the soil through their roots. The result is improved soil quality. How this soil improvement occurs is called nitrogen-fixing. Certain bacteria known as Rhizobia help fix nitrogen levels after becoming established inside root nodules of legumes. In case you are wondering what this fertilisation process has to do with your suburban block, small inner city backyard or pots on the balcony--stay with me. By planting legumes, then pruning them, in garden beds, vegetable gardens and pots, over time, you will improve your soil quality without the need for chemical fertilisers. Together with other methods of natural fertilisation such as mulching, composting and worm castings (see my article “Wasted waste” November is-
What I have learned about using fertilising legumes is to plant a variety of them in your garden to see which ones do best where. For example, Lablab, does quite well in cool shaded areas, whereas Pigeon Pea, Glycine and other Pea flowered legumes, especially Australian natives, do better in drier soils. For fertilising soils, I plant legume seeds in garden beds and then prune them before they flower and seed. To ensure a steady supply of seed from my legumes, for food for me and the birds--and for future plantings, I don’t prune my edible legumes. With less edible types, I plant them at the side of my vegetable garden and elsewhere, let them go to seed then harvest the seed pods. Of course all that I have described can be done faster with commercially available fertilisers. Keep in mind though that even so-called ‘natural’ fertilisers, like commercially supplied mulches, potting mixes and manures, may have chemicals in them if the original materials--plant or animal--are associated with chemicals in their production. Commercially available, man-made fertilisers certainly do the job quicker, of that there is no doubt, but you will need to keep applying them to get results, whereas natural fertilisers like legumes, whilst taking longer to establish, do as good if not better job longer-term--without the downside of your chemical residue contributing to run-off. Besides, it’s great fun to see the birds come in! A couple of weeks ago my kids and I took a video of a beautiful, scarlet red King Parrot eating Pigeon Peas not more than two meters away from us. The flowers of legumes--shades of pinks, purples and yellows--often are picked by the kids (and occasionally me) and given to mum. She loves them! Another favourite pastime of ours is peeling back or popping dry seed pods to save for future plantings. Fresh beans are a bonus. Start growing your own fertiliser--your family will thank you for it! (PR)
Speaks Louder Than
One Sunday morning, Immanuel woke up early and came into our room while we were still sleeping. Without a word, he lifted up our blanket and started massaging his daddy’s feet and hands. Then he massaged mine as well. My husband and I just looked at each other, surprised and happy that he would show his love to us in such a beautiful way. We smiled at him and he smiled back at us while rubbing his eyes as he had just woken up not long ago. I learnt something that morning, that I have to show my love to the people I care about with my actions, more than just my words. Immanuel often say that he loves me, but yet without a word, his actions that morning spoke the loudest to my heart. (CI)
Peace in the Midst of the Storm
One morning while I was getting the kids ready for school, suddenly I felt a sharp jab of pain on my right heel. I yelled spontaneously and my 5 year old Immanuel came rushing to the room. I had stepped on the sharp end of a brooch and it was stuck in my heel. When I pulled it out, blood was visibly oozing out of my heel. “Ouch...” I moaned as I held onto my foot. By this time, Immanuel saw what had happened and immediately ran downstairs. A few seconds later he came back with a box of Play School band-aids. Under my instructions, he went to the bathroom, wet some toilet tissue and gave it to me to clean the wound. Then he opened one band-aid up for me and said: “Do you want me to put it on, or do you want to do it yourself?” He was all calm about it, and I was quite surprised at the level of maturity at his young age. How many of us are able to keep calm in the midst of a crisis? When things seem to go wrong? When we are faced with unexpected circumstances? Are we able to still keep the peace in our hearts? I learnt yet another lesson that morning... to keep the peace even in the midst of a storm. So as we keep our peace, we are then more likely to think clearly and know what to do next to improve the current situation. (CI)
When Things Don’t Work Out Immanuel (5) and Ezekiel (3) decided to play hide and seek downstairs early one morning. From a distance... in my room, I was listening to what was happening downstairs. Ezekiel called out, “Koko... (big brother), where are you..? Koko...?” He went on asking for his brother but he couldn’t find him. After a few minutes of looking, he started to cry. Immanuel came out of his hiding and said, “Ezekiel, that’s just part of the game...” but little Ezekiel still wouldn’t stop crying. Then Immanuel said, “Ok... how about we play another game..?” A few seconds later, they were both happily playing together again. I was quite surprised to hear how spontaneous Immanuel’s response was to the situation that he was facing and his ability to solve a problem when things don’t work out. Lesson of the day: Don’t focus on the problem, but focus on the solution. (CI)
city 20
Making Christmas
Memories and Traditions
We may not have memories of a white Christmas, sleigh bells and such, but most of us have some memories of Christmas and the things that have made it special. So why not start your own traditions, making memories for your families that can last a lifetime? Every year we try at least one new tradition or idea, some of them have worked really well and others not so well, but we have lots of laughs and fun trying.
Here are some of our favourites –
• Our children love our old record player – remember them? We have an old Christmas record that we love to play and sing along to. Each Christmas we play the ‘golden oldies’ as we decorate the tree together and nibble special treats. If not, you can buy a CD with lots of those beautiful Christmas classics.
• Individually wrapped Candy Canes are hung on the tree for any little visitors that come to our home during the festive season. • Christmas lights and fairy lights are hung filling rooms with a soft glow and around the verandah outside to give a warm glittery welcome. • Handmade stockings are hung around the fireplace or on a fancy towel rail with each family member’s name written in scripted gold lettering with gold fabric paint on their stocking. Any others who join us for Christmas also receive their own stocking with their name scripted on it and they get to take the stocking home with them to put up in their own home. • While decorating the Christmas tree, we discuss as a family who we can invite to share Christmas dinner with us. Often this is someone who does not have family of their own to share it with for various reasons. • Since our children were tiny we have bought them a new tree ornament each year. We write the date and the child’s initial on each ornament and each child now has a shoebox full and the special memories that go with each one. Every year as they take out their box of ornaments they exclaim over each one as they lift them out ‘Oh… I remember this one. …here’s my favourite!’ When they leave home they will take their box of ornaments with them to begin, or carry on their own traditions. Our oldest son is overseas working and this will be his first Christmas away from the family so we are sending him his box of ornaments and a little Christmas tree to decorate so h e won’t feel so alone and a CD recording of our special Christmas album and all of the family giving him a special pre-recorded Christmas greeting. • On Christmas Eve we used to wrap up a set of new pajamas for each family member and then hide them in the house somewhere for them to find. The pajama hunt was always fun and as the children grew older we had to find harder hiding places. • Read a Christmas story together beginning on the 1st of December, reading just a chapter or a little bit each night. Try to finish right at an exciting bit so the children can’t wait for the following evening to find out what happens next. The local library will have lots of good Christmas books and stories to choose from. • Late Christmas Eve after everyone is in bed we put one of each person’s smaller gifts on the end of their bed or on their bedside table, so when they wake on Christmas morning, the fun and excitement has already begun as they open their first gift.
• Christmas day starts off by opening all the little gifts in our stocking and then a special Christmas breakfast together - things like fresh fruit salad and yogurt, waffles, pancakes, or savory muffins. In the business of everyday life breakfast is usually grabbed or gulped down as we run out the door to get to work or school, so to sit together and enjoy a leisurely breakfast is just lovely. • Around July, my daughter and I love to plan Christmas together. We work out a color theme, table decorations, house decorations, menu for Christmas lunch and breakfast, and we also decide on something Christmas to make. For example – a stenciled tablecloth, Christmas wall-hanging, cushion, table runner, handmade decorations, icicle doilies for the cake stands, etc then we work on that project together on the months leading up to Christmas. We really enjoy this time together and it prepares her for when she has a family of her own • In the months leading up to Christmas we take trips together as a family to do our Christmas shopping, making a whole day of it. We enjoy pizza or a picnic in the park for lunch after round one of shopping before heading back for round two. Rarely do we leave our Christmas gift buying to the last minute. If we are mindful of Christmas and those we wish to buy for throughout the year we can purchase things on special and avoid the impulse buying that often accompanies last-minute gift shopping. • When the children were young they used to like the store-bought A d v e n t Calendars with the chocolates behind each little door counting down the days to Christmas, but as they have grown we have made our own with 25 little pockets and each year we add little laminated cards with clues for the family to solve, to find, or do something fun. For example – ‘if you seek, you will find something delicious that you won’t mind. It isn’t hot, but really cold – it’s in the shed that isn’t old.’ This is some special ice creams I have put in the freezer in the shed. (DG)
It’s Beginning
To Look A Lot Like
Then again, in reality, it began looking like Christmas around 7 months ago, right after Easter! Did you notice that? No sooner had the eggs cracked, bunnies hopped away and the crucifixes buried for another year (pardon the pun) are we breaking out the tinsel and fake snow! I vaguely remember Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, oh and Halloween was thrown in there somewhere too, but Christmas... well, it’s the most wonderful time of the year... is it not? Depending on how you were raised and what your beliefs are, Christmas means a lot of different things to different people. For some, it’s just another day on the calendar, but for many, Christmas is at least one of the following: family get-togethers, Santa, decorations, time off work, presents, trees, a religious holiday, giving to the needy, the list goes on. Now, I’d like to consider myself pretty good at judging first impressions, but I dare say that there are very few people that I have met where I can instantly tell what Christmas means to them. It’s not usually something that comes up in that first conversation: “Hi, what’s your name? Are you married? Do you have any kids? Oh, and what does Christmas mean to you?” It just doesn’t happen. BUT... there are some ‘people’ I’ve met, who I know EXACTLY how they feel about Christmas... My friends ‘Westfields’, ‘Myer’, ‘DJs’, ‘Pitt St. Mall’ and friends of their friends have told me in no uncertain terms what Christmas means to them – YOUR DOLLARS!!! And because it’s so dear to their hearts, they have made it that much easier for you to part with your dollars with pre-Christmas sales, advertising on what they consider is the ‘perfect’ gift, images of happy children covered in shredded wrapping paper and presents galore! Then of course there’s all the stuff you can do to your house and lawn! Trees, tinsel, flashing lights, baubles, more lights, door wreaths and still MORE lights! And in a final effort to express their heartfelt notions on your dollars at Christmas time, they bring in a heavily padded man in a red suite to sit for hours at a time in a great big chair for your dear little children to come and tell him what they want at this special time of year. And so you have a momento of this joyous occasion, you can take home a lovely photo of them sitting on his lap, for a small price of course. Have
you ever stopped to think – WHO IS HE?!?! I don’t even have a picture of my kids with my Uncle John framed anywhere in the house!!! I’m not here to tell you how you should or shouldn’t celebrate Christmas. What I do want to point out though, is how very easily we are distracted and detracted from the essence of original intentions. Let’s take Facebook for example. I haven’t spoken to Mark Zuckerberg recently, but I’m sure the initial idea was for people all over the world to keep in touch and maintain relationships despite distance. The other day, I was “shouted” a “coffee” by one of my “friends” from their “cafe”. I’ve also been given fish, a pair of shoes and asked to help plant seeds! The same can be said about Christmas. It started off a very long time ago. A teenage girl was told she was going to give birth to The Saviour. Jesus was born in a stable and was promised to be “The One” who would bring life and hope. Shepherds and Wise Men met at the stable. They brought gifts and worshipped Him. You don’t have to be religious to see symbolism and meaning in the original story. Christmas is about love; it’s about putting others first; it’s about making an effort to show your loved ones how much they mean to you. It’s also about hope in a better tomorrow and peace in the midst of the craziness of life. The Wise Men, they brought fancy gifts to Jesus, but the shep-
herds, they just brought themselves. If at no other time during the year, Christmas is the perfect time to give of yourself. We’re not a family that has huge savings or an abundance of finances. Our ends meet (just) but we are so enriched when we give to others. Single parents, the elderly, families that are less fortunate, the homeless; there are so many needs and just as many organisations and charities that could do with your help. The K-Mart Wishing Tree is a great example of how you can make a difference to a small child. Or why not organise for your family to visit a Nursing Home? You would be amazed at the number of ‘forgotten’ ones there are, or some that have family who are too far to visit. By all means, decorate your tree, buy nice gifts and go nuts with Christmas lights! (They really are so pretty!) Just as long as the true ‘essence’ of what Christmas is all about isn’t forgotten. How will you make a difference this Christmas? (RR)
SUNSHINE city 22
What the Sunshine Coast lacks in the glitz and glamour of its gaudy cousin, the Gold Coast, it more than makes up in coastal cool and country charm. If you are looking for a large quantity of theme parks and high rises along with eateries and nightspots galore, then the Gold Coast is your city. But if you are more interested in a quality choice of the same minus the high rise eyesores and big city bustle of the Gold Coast, then come north to the Sunshine Coast. You will be pleasantly surprised. Yes, we have Australia Zoo, a great experience in itself, Underwater World, the Ginger Factory and Noosa’s Hastings Street. Equally interesting to me are the less promoted attractions. The Sunshine Coast does not promote itself like the Gold Coast. Take a drive west up into the Blackall Range to Montville, to visit the Candy Shop, where you can order custom made candy, then have a coffee and bite to eat at Poet’s Cafe. After that drive through Maleny or the more challenging and winding Obi Obi range to the country town of Kenilworth and sample its great cheeses and country atmosphere. On another day--or the same day--drive up to Noosa and take a Noosa River cruise up into the magnificent Noosa Lakes system, a truly spectacular trip
where you can see local birdlife, fish to your heart’s content and have a barbie on your own hire boat. It’s a great experience. If you are not so adventurous, then go down to Mooloolaba Spit and get some freshly caught local prawns or fish, or go to one of the local fish shops and get your order of fresh seafood cooked up with some piping hot chips. For me the Sunshine Coast is much more laid back than the Gold Coast. And that is its allure. Some people say it is the Gold Coast 30 years ago. Maybe, but the Sunshine Coast developed differently to the Gold Coast, with its major towns being hinterland country towns like Nambour, Buderim, Yandina and Eumundi, to name a few. The Aboriginal heritage on this region is in the names of these towns: B u - derim (Badderam) shrub banksia, Eumundi (Ngumundi) the name of an Aboriginal chieftain and Nambour (Naamba) the red flowering tea-tree (Callistemon viminalis). Caloundra, the only older seaside town to the south is also Aboriginal in origin (Cullawanda), meaning place of beech trees. Now the seaside towns of Noosa, Maroochydore and Mooloolaba may be better known to outsiders, but to locals, these hinterland towns remain the heart of the Sunshine Coast. Visiting Eumundi’s Wednesday and Saturday markets is an experience not to be missed for its originality, fashion and offbeat flair, but come early or be prepared to walk a ways, as parking can be hard to find. Enjoy some of the book stores and Aboriginal art exhibition on the main street. When you are done there, for a more upmarket experience get an ice cream at Massimo’s in Noosa, but don’t forget to visit Noosa National Park and its spectacular coastal walk, right next door. Further south you have the more casual Mooloolaba Esplanade with some great food and places to stay--and make sure that you ‘go’ literally at the Loowith-a-View. For me the mix of country and coastal living is second to none. Sunshine is a definite alternative to Gold next time you plan your holiday. And our newly revamped airport is better than the Gold Coast’s too. (PR)
E E FR ISTMAS R H C T R E C N O C Live Bands
Arncliffe Community Life Centre Corner of Kembla & Hirst Streets, Arncliffe NSW 2205
Friday, 24th December 2010 7PM
Dance Items
Carols Sing-Along Vocal Performances
Door Prizes
To grab free tickets please go to or call (02) 9567 8133
city 24
i everyone. I hope the past couple of reviews have been helpful to you guys. I would like to hear your thoughts or comments about the reviews or if you have tried any of the restaurants I’ve written about!! So this week, I will be talking about MEDUSA GREEK TAVERNA (MGT) situated on 2 Market Street, Sydney. This charming little Greek restaurant was quite the surprise package for me. I got taken to eat there by a friend and was instantly pleased with the place. It had that real authentic Mediterranean feel to it. As we sat down, I glanced around the place checking out the decor of the restaurant. I saw the typical pictures you would associate with a Greek restaurant, colour scheme and to top it off the wait staff were all Greek which might sound funny to you but it all helped with the MGT’s ambience. As we sat down to order, our waitress was more than happy to help us out and even pointed out which of the dishes she liked and what were the most popular dishes. We proceeded to order Meze to share so we started with Taramosalata (authentic fish roe dip - $8), Melitzanes (fried eggplant with garlic dip -$13), Halloumi (grilled Cypriot cheese on rocket with roast tomato and lemon herb oil - $15) and the Octapoditis Skaras (BBQ octopus on a roasted pepper and olive salsa -$20). All I can say is - YUM, especially the Taramasolata. I could eat that every day for breakfast, lunch, dinner and not get sick of it! Main course was huge..., well only after all those Mezes! Let’s just say our eyes were way bigger than our stomachs. I ordered the Exohiko Arni (lamb backstrap, kefalograviera cheese, tomato, mushroom, wrapped and baked in filo pastry - $28) and my friend had the Medusa’s Arni sto Fourno (whole, slow-baked traditional side of lamb, lemon potatoes, roasted vegetables - $28). Both dishes were very rich, but very tasty too. Everything was well cooked, I could not find any fault towards the food or the service. MGT’s is a must! Go with a group of friends that way you can try more of the other Mezes on offer... απολαύσει (enjoy)! (SY)
afe SUL PONTE Shop 430, Westfield Shopping Town, Hurstville, NSW. You know the one, the cafe next to subway. I woke up the other day hungry, as you do, but lethargic ‘cause of the rain that had been persistently coming down all day long. I didn’t wanna leave my bed but my hunger pangs got the better of me. So I called up my brother and actually wanted to ask him to borrow his car to go get something to eat but just like me, he had the munchies too. We decided to go to Hurstville Shopping Centre and grab a bite to eat and he suggested we try out Cafe Sul Ponte. I wasn’t expecting to be “wowed” while we were there, but I was looking for a decent feed. Cafe Sul Ponte has a very nice, clean look to it with three booths inside the cafe and a relatively large outdoor area. The staff were also really friendly. So being as hungry as we were, my brother ordered the Big Brekky $16.90 (eggs, sausage, bacon, grilled tomato, mushrooms, toast and hash) and I ordered the steak sandwich $14.50 (tomato, cheese, beetroot, onion and bbq sauce?) with a side of chips, smoked chicken and fig salad also $14.50 with a chilli vinaigrette. As we sat down waiting for our food and drinking our coffee (which was pretty good), we were listening to the waitress remember her regular customers’ orders which is a very nice touch to any place you eat at, it kinda makes you feel special as a customer. At this point we were starving and it felt like an age since we ordered, just as we were about to say something our food arrived at the table. First my brother’s Brekky - which was massive! Well worth the money I (ahem) paid for hahaha... then my steak sandwich and the chunky fries that came with it, then the salad. Our meals were very nice and filling. My sandwich was constructed well and didn’t fall apart when I ate it. The only thing that I wasn’t really impressed with was the salad. The chicken was too dry and the salad lacked dressing and “chilli” in the dressing and I thought it was a few dollars more than it should be. All in all, it was a pleasant experience at Cafe Sul Ponte and I won’t hesitate to come back and eat there again! (SY)
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city 26
MOVIE r e v i ew
The Warrior’s Way From the dramatic intro I was BLOWN AWAY by this visually charged, action-packed movie. With a classic storyline of EAST meets WEST, it’s like a mix of Shanghai Noon, the Book of Eli and Wild Wild West! Like a succulent Caesar Salad - we all know they are very common - but there are times where we are delightfully surprised by one that is well made with just the right amount of bacon, tender chicken pieces and dressing. This is what sets this movie apart from the “east meets west” inspired movies of the past. It’s a wonderful feast for the senses, has an engaging storyline, great acting by some top actors as well as action scenes that will leave you breathless. The cinematography is fantastic and kinda has that comic style/graphic novel feel to it! But wait a minute, it doesn’t stop there! It was also produced by Barrie Osborne, the Producer of “The Lord of the Rings.” Talk about star power, look no further with the likes of Academy-Award Winner Geoffrey Rush (Shine, Shakespeare in Love), Kate Bosworth (Superman Returns, 21), Danny Huston (X-Men Origins: Wolverine, The Aviator), Tony Cox (Bad Santa, Me Myself & Irene) and last but definitely not least, international action superstar Dong-Gun Jang (Brotherhood, The Promise) taking the lead role as an assassin brought up in the “Warrior’s Way” who shows incredible skill and talent for the art. He is especially favoured by the clan master who believes that he is the best warrior he has ever trained! “Yang” (Jang) is ordered by his clan leader to assassinate the last survivor of a rival clan but when he refuses, this sets in motion a chain of events that will both change his life and the life of every person he encounters forever! Can love, peace and contentment last in a small western town? Or will it be the same war fought on a different battle ground as Yang’s past catches up with him? I leave that to you to decide. ☺ (MR)
The Company Men Wow! This is a movie with a lot of heart and will have you cheering throughout, as you watch the demise of a corporate career and the rising of a full life that is victorious in the face of great odds and tremendous pressures! Corporate downsizing sees hundreds of employees retrenched which in turn greatly affects the families involved and communities at large. You will see a year in the life of “Bobby” (AcademyAward Winner Ben Affleck) who earns a six-figure salary loses his job and is offered a new job to install drywalls from his brother-inlaw “Jack” (Academy-Award Winner Kevin Costner). This is a powerhouse movie and there are great family values, true friendships and elements of redemption throughout. It also stars another two Academy-Award Winners; “Gene” (Tommy Lee Jones) and “Phil” (Chris Cooper). As you can see they have spared no expense in enlisting some of Hollywood’s greatest actors and there are so many gems in this movie that you’ll want to revisit it again for the great inspiration that it brings. John Wells (ER, Third Watch and The West Wing) is director, producer and writer of “The Company Men”, a veteran of the art and this is him at the top of this game! A beautiful, emotionally gripping film that is very accurate and relatable to the current times. (MR)
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader What a delightful gift this Christmas... and it comes wrapped in a box full of adventure, imagination and wonder! In this superb third instalment of the Narnia series we see the beloved Peter, Edmund, Susan and Lucy return as older, more mature heroes. It’s the way of their return to Narnia that really excites me. Why you may ask? Well, because I think sailing across the sea on a ship as grand as the Dawn Treader has got to be any seafaring person’s dream! Being sucked in to the world of Narnia through a painting is a nice touch and kudos for great imagery there. The author of the classic Narnia series, C. S. Lewis, is a legend in his own right. I grew up reading his books and loved what I read, now even more so. I love what I see; his passion, imagination, ingenuity, attention to detail and wonderful story-telling has really “come alive” so to speak, as we also see characters such as ASLAN The Great Lion, King Caspian and Eustace (Peter’s Cousin) making an appearance too. I have another great surprise for you all... Are you ready for it? Yes, it’s confirmed this movie will be in Digital 3D. That’s right, can you imagine seeing the lush scenery, deep oceans and fantastic characters in “eye popping” 3D? I am sooo excited! I will be one of the first to see this movie when it’s released. Michael Apted, described taking over the directing of the series as easy, “What’s fascinating about this particular franchise is how different all the stories are... there’s no element of Narnia in it at all. This is a journey that Caspian the Tenth is making into the islands, outside to the east of Narnia. So it’s interesting, it’s a whole different tone to the other things”. (MR)
Tron: Legacy There’s one word to describe this movie and that’s PHENOMENAL! It’s one of the most amazing computer-generated worlds I have ever seen on the big screen. Rich with imagination and graphic flair that sets it apart from other movies of the same genre. Avatar was a technical masterpiece in the realm of realism. Tron: Legacy is a technical masterpiece in the realm of true computergenerated worlds; as in an AI (Artificial Intelligence) world, where the program and system becomes the dominant master and the programmer and creator become pawns in an ever-evolving system that is both destructive and highly dangerous! Not unlike the Matrix, “Sam Flynn” (Garrett Hedlund) son of the creator of Tron “Kevin Flynn” (Academy-Award Winner Jeff Bridges) feels like he was, “tumbling down the rabbit hole!” Kevin disappeared 20 years ago and now Sam who is told of a mysterious call that came from the game that his dad was working on, is pulled into the very same world. This is actually a sequel to the hugely popular Tron movie from the 80’s and I’m glad that Disney took this project on because they have the right perspective and vision which complements the whole idea of Tron - a fantastic fantasy world where your imagination is the key to unlock wonders that have never existed before! You will see weapons, vehicles and structures that have never been seen before in such rich Digital 3D. And if that’s not enough to whet your appetite, the music has been written by Daft Punk who also star in the movie as cyber DJ’s within Tron itself! Now it’s no wonder that Tron: Legacy is in a league of its own. (MR)
Taylor Swift: Speak Now What a SUPERSTAR and gorgeous to say the least. Taylor Swift just keeps getting better and her Third Album “Speak Now” has already sold over 1 Million copies in the first week of its release in America, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see that this album is already on its way to becoming a guaranteed hit, as expected from such a naturally gifted and talented artist... might I dare say Multi-Platinum! In 2006, Swift decided to release her first track aptly named, “Tim McGraw” which was a brilliant move by the then 16 year old which had a real country-pop feel to it. This quickly set her apart as truly unique and not your typical Nashville styled artist, but a real contender with the ability to appeal to a global audience! Then to everyone’s surprise and delight, Swift released her second album “Fearless” in 2008 which earned her 4 Grammy-Awards at the 57th Annual Grammy Awards! She was also named Artist of the Year by Billboard Magazine in 2009. Now with the release of “Speak Now” her most powerful and engaging album to date... with such hits as “Mine” and “Speak Now”, Swift has taken a bold step in the right direction with more of a Pop infused Rock album with a slight dash of Country on the side. All in all a wonderful album with 14 tracks of pure bliss, all impressively self-written by Taylor Swift herself... WOW! ☺ This is a crowning achievement that is sure to sell beyond retailers and listeners expectations... Well done Taylor, I LOVE this album! (MR)
Jamiroquai: Rock Dust Light Star What can I say..., legend, freak, SUPERSTAR! Jamiroquai (Jay-Kay and Band) never ceases to amaze with his truly fresh and funky acid-jazz beats and sublime sounds. Would you believe that he’s been in the game for over 18 years already and he’s still GOT IT! His songs and sound is so unique and you can’t help but wanna groove and bounce to the hypnotic tunes and haunting melodies. This is Jamiroquai’s 7th album to date and they have already sold over 25 million albums worldwide with 20 hit singles from their 7 albums. This is their first album in 5 years and their first with Universal Music Group. At a time when many bands are producing electronic disco inspired tracks, which I might add Jamiroquai helped popularise..., they have moved on to a more live, organic sound and are the better for it. With such rich and diverse tracks as, “White Knuckle Ride”, “Rock Dust Light Star” and “All Good In The Hood”, you can’t help but fall in love with their genuine, revolutionary sound and wonderful live feel. As you can see Jamiroquai is BACK and at the top of their game! In singer Jay Kay’s words, “Everything on the record is live. It’s a real band record. The last album – fantastic – but the whole thing became a little sterile. This time we’ve captured the flow of our live performances.” (MR)
CD review
music John Farnham: Jack The moment I came across this album I just had to review it. It is SENSATIONAL! John Farnham’s 1986 MEGA HIT “You’re the VOICE” propelled him to instant superstar status, with the single peaking at No.1 on the Australian singles charts. His album “Whispering Jack” which featured the chart-topping single held the No.1 position for a staggering 25 weeks and is still Australia’s best-selling album to date! His album and single also hit No.1 in Sweden and was featured in the Top Ten in many countries too. Farnham has won a whole host of awards, from the coveted “Australian of the Year Award” back in 1987, to the Order of Australia in 1996. As you can see, he is such a wonderful ambassador for this country and is a True Blue Aussie icon as he has been in the music industry for over 40 years! Amazing, wonderful, soothing, electrifying are just a few words that come to mind regarding Farnham’s new album “Jack”. You will hear songs on this album such as, “Love Chooses You”, “You Took My Love” and “Love Me Like You Do”. This is a real love inspired/themed album. It would be a lovely addition to your album collection as well as great listening with the one you love! Australian rock historian, Ian Macfarlane described him as “the most successful solo artist in the history of Australian rock and pop. Farnham has retained an affable sense of humour and a simple, unpretentious ‘everyman’ charm which also makes him one of the most respected celebrities in Australian entertainment history.” (MR)
Good Charlotte: Cardiology
This Pop-Punk sensation burst onto the scene ten years ago with their first two albums, which catapulted them into the realms of royalty in a genre that was already flooded with a host of popular bands and similar sounds. Benji, Joel Madden and crew managed to strike a chord with Pop-Punk enthusiasts which made them a house-hold name comparable to Blink-182, one of the most successful and popular bands of the same genre in recent years! Sadly, there are a few remnants of their previous album that managed to sneak into a near perfect comeback album for the Madden boys & crew. Such as the pulsating synth sounds of “Let The Music Play “and “Silver Screen Romance” which has some very strange computer distorted vocals in the middle of the song. Thankfully, they were used sparingly enough so that the songs are still quite solid and tight. Still, there are wonderful songs on this album like “Counting The Days”, “There She Goes” and “Last Night”, which is a true return to form and they capture the essence of the Pop-Punk sound excellently. The Album resembles bands like Yellowcard and Simple Plan and with strutting riffs, great harmonised vocals and guitar-fuelled sounds, this is one album to look out for. (MR)
city 28
Tips for
Let me share with you Ten Tips for Dads. The tips are not all my own ideas but that just shows that there is truth to the statement, “There is nothing new under the sun.” I can assure you however, that I have practiced all these ideas with varying degrees of success. If you can put all these ideas into practice you will be a lot better father than I, which is essentially the whole point of the exercise. 7) Daddy Dates. 1) Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan In other words, set priorities on how you spend your time. I struggle with setting priorities but I assure you it is imperative to list what is most important to you. I work hard at this one and fail regularly.If your family is important, it will rise to the top. If not, it will always be at the bottom of your list.
Children spell love T-I-M-E. Wives spell love A-T-T-E-N-T-I-O-N. When we get family first, the other 9 tips will follow easily. V 2) Sit Down & Eat as a Family Once a Day. Ideally the evening meal as it is often less time-pressured. Make sure the TV is off and if necessary take the phone off the hook as well. This is a “biggy” and you neglect it at your peril. Eating together releases oxytocins, the cuddle hormone. This is one of one hundred good reasons to eat together as a family regularly. 3) Reserve One Night Each Week for Family. I first picked this one up from the author of ‘Seven Habits of Highly Successful Families’ by Stephen Covey six years ago. This tip is a must-do. For each of my 5 children (28-16 years) and their spouses, Family Night Dinner Get Together is their favourite night of the week. Make it yours too. You will not be disappointed! 4) Develop an Attitude of Gratitude. You as a father must be thankful if you want your family to be thankful. Teach your children to say, “Thank you” from a young age. Say thanks to God (Grace) at each meal. Always thank the cook and at the same time practice giving as a family. Giving and saying thank you are two sides of the same coin for happy families. 5) F-U-N is a Three Letter Word. Children understand this from a very early age. Plan fun times and family outings. Fun can be spontaneous but works well planned in advance. Fun, nine times out of ten, means activity: camping, hiking, swimming, touring, sport, dancing, bicycling, exploring, hunting, boating, surfing, fishing, sight-seeing, travelling, playing music, going to concerts, barbecues, digging a garden, working together, eating together, playing together and the list goes on. Fun is what you make it! 6) Turn Off the Television, Computer and Other Electronic Gadgetry. Having a technology-free day once a week is essential. Alternatively; ration technology. When our children were young we did without a TV for several years. It was one of the best things we did. It forced us to communicate with one another and all my children became good readers. Too much TV not only kills the brain but the heart as well.
You can’t go past this one. This is one thing I have not been as successful at as I should have been, but when I have taken time to do something special one-onone with my children, I have seen a massive return on my investment of time. Some dads do this each week with each of their children. 8) Participate in Your Children’s Activities. Help them with their interests, their hobbies, their homework, their sports, their music. Doing so brings you down to their level. Remember the song ‘Cats in the Cradle’ by Harry Chapin. Be involved in their activities when they are young and they will be with you for the rest of your life. 9) Adopt a Family Hobby or Activity. For many families this is sport, for us it was music. The family that plays together stays together is a wonderful truism. There are many activities that you can adopt. What makes your heart sing? Follow the sound you hear in the hearts of your children. What do you do well and what do you enjoy? What do each of your children do well and enjoy? Answer these questions and your family hobby or activity will be staring you in the face. 10) Pray. Famous rapper MC Hammer said, “You gotta pray just to make it today’. Or in other words, ‘The family that prays together stays together’. If your spiritual life is something you enjoy, naturally it will be contagious. Heaven will always be at home in a joyful heart. We must become the change we seek. Our children will do what we do, not what we say. Tread Softly If you have never done any of these tips before and you try to introduce them without proper consultation with the family you could end up with World War III on your hands. World Peace starts in the home. Talk to your wife and talk to your children about implementing these ideas. Ed Cole said, “The place of agreement is the place of power.” The younger your children, the easier it is to introduce change. The important thing to do is to make a start and do what you can, Dad. (WM)
The Modern Male
I’m no anthropologist or psychologist, just an observer of humanity really, I have an opinion just like everyone else, and it seems to me that there has been an amazing shift in how a modern male is perceived in today’s society. When I was a teenager, I was innocently putting on deodorant while my grandfather bluntly asked, “Are you a poof”? Now I know that wasn’t politically correct. For one, I am not homosexual and secondly, I’m not one to want to smell like blue vein cheese on a hot summer day. What struck me at the time was that he was serious! Amazingly though, in less than 20 years, the modern male has evolved; more and more is he grooming and learning style trends and emulating their famous male counterparts like David Beckham and George Clooney. More and more men want to wear something to stand out from the crowd, when 20 years ago blending in was the key to successful
With $25 OFF you first visit, there is nothing in this area that can offer what these folks can offer, it’s definitely worth the try. It’s the next step in the evolution of the modern man, what’s next after this? We will have to wait and see. male fashion. If we want to use labels, I’d be a hands down Metro-sexual; so yeah, I do my hair, I wear deodorant, I like to shop... okay I’m lying, I LOVE to shop and I have more than a bottle of Old Spice in the bathroom cabinet. In fact I have 5 bottles of nice smellies for differing moods of the week. What now? Are spas and beauty parlours still off limits? I don’t think so. NOTE TO MEN, research has shown that women like confident men, and men with clean fingernails. It’s all in the details apparently, woman want to know you look after yourself. And men, there better way than to hug your inner child and boost your confidence than feeling good after a massage
and knowing that you are suited and booted for the week, it really helps bring out the best in you. So where can you find such a place to get your massage and facial fix without going to a woman’s spa? EB spa for men in Brighton Le Sands is the place to go. It’s new, but the ladies are experienced and look after you as though it’s your last day on earth. They also use VitaMan which offers the most comprehensive Men’s Grooming products that range from: Shave, Face, Body, Hair, Sports, Travel, and over 20 products in the Professional Range developed for Spa and Salon Treatments. (JY)
looking after the
alpha male At eb spa for men, we offer you grooming and de-stressing spa solutions to help maintain balance in your hectic life, using a natural and effective range of products designed specifically for the needs of the male skin.
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city 30
Good vs. Evil In the Good Versus Evil stakes, you always know or hope that good will prevail. It happens everywhere, look at McDonald’s for instance who have recently revamped their menus to a healthier one and transformed their image into the “good guy” of the fast food world. On the other hand there are other fast food joints who seem to be going the more brutal way, by trying to eliminate humans all together via cardiac arrest, and making the planet a better place one less human being at a time. It’s a thought even car makers are evidently pushing with new electric cars, from Toyota’s hybrid, BMW’s hydrogen cars, and even a renewed love for diesels, especially from the French manufacturers. But is this realistic? Do customers really want to drive Green Peace vehicles? When asked the question in surveys, we all say we would like to drive smaller more fuel-efficient cars, yet planet-killing V8s are still Australia’s best-selling cars. Why? Cars are supposed to denote who we are; an expression of who we want to be, kind of the same way clothing or the place we live and the café you get your soy lattes from reflect our lifestyle. So theoretically we all want to drive Ferraris, Rolls Royce’s and Lamborghinis if given the chance. Cars with power and a certain sex appeal a Toyota Prius is never going to exude. Yet we all tick the “save the planet” box without actually buying one. I guess we all appreciate that McDonalds has a healthier menu to choose from, but I can tell you now, I’ve always ordered my Big Macs and Quarter-Pounders, LARGE with a serving of I-don’t-care! As long as I feel healthy and fit, I’d never order from the healthier choice menu. I know it is naïve and even ignorant, but you don’t go to McDonalds for health. What we need is a burger that tastes so sinful yet is good for us, a chip that looks like it’ll clog up our arteries but actually gives us health benefits. People! We need a planet-saving car that is so sexy that it will make Ferrari look like a Hyundai Excel! A car so powerful that it doesn’t simply go forwards but rather pushes the planet backwards, a great sounding car that’ll make a V8 sound like a two-stroke whipper snipper. Then maybe we would start buying these cars. We have the technology, the know-how, we just need to marry our human desires with the planet’s desire to survive, and maybe… just maybe the planet and humans can finally get along. (JY)
Slinky Sexy Mercedes CLS 2011 You know when you love a movie, and then the producers go and ruin it for you with their second and third versions? For example, I love The Matrix movie, the first one more so than the second or even the third instalments and it wasn’t because the latter was any less entertaining. In fact there were more action-packed scenes in the last two. But what made the first Matrix so compelling for me was the fact that it gave you a mind explosion and you walked out of the cinema saying “woooh” Keanu Reeves style. In saying that, Mercedes had a design brief to its designers, which was to design a car ‘as if it were for Jaguar’. Interestingly enough, Mercedes not only designed something better than Jaguar ever did in years, but also created the first 4-door coupe, which is the CLS. Now it is Mercedes’ second time round and if it were a motion picture it would most probably disappoint me. But the great thing about technology is that it moves forward, and Mercedes has done that and raised the bar. They’ve improved the interior style and fit by quite a margin and the exterior now fits in more to the Mercedes design language akin to the E-class ranges with the Bentley boat-like rear wheel arches. Referencing the Matrix again, after it came out, I remember all sorts of Matrix wanna-be action flicks that imitated the action scenes I loved so much. Mercedes CLS has had its share of imitators, with big name Audi and its A7, along with Volkswagen’s Passat CC, Aston Martin’s Rapide, and BMW with its CS concept. This time round the CLS has serious competitors and will fight hard for your money with its endless customisable options list and its new V8 Diesel options that sip like a V6. All in all, a great second attempt at improving an already beautiful car, and at an estimated $170,000 for the base model, they are definitely for the bold and rich. (JY)
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