Survey Reveals Developing Hygiene Crisis Within Foodservice Sector esearch carried out by ACO Building Drainage
90% understood that they were responsible for grease
has revealed a developing hygiene crisis in
disposal, the number who are taking appropriate action is
the hospitality sector, with more than half of
far less.
respondents having experienced a build-up of grease in their kitchens.
“Even amongst those who have installed grease separation systems into their kitchen, there remains
The results from a survey of 500 foodservice managers
confusion over how regularly they need to be maintained.
and owners highlights the concerning number of
This presents an issue in itself, because a poorly maintained
establishments that are not disposing of fats, oils and
system can lead to problems such as bad odours and
greases (FOG) appropriately. One in five respondents, for
example, admitted to simply relying on biological dosing
The survey also showed that 39% of those who use a
or pouring it down the sink. Industry best practice would
grease management system are not servicing it at least
advise against this as it can lead to blockages both within
once a month, drastically reducing efficiency and risking
the kitchens themselves, or further down the line in the
failure. This is a situation that has worsened during the
sewer network.
pandemic, as just one in six have carried out maintenance
In fact, 56% of those surveyed admitted to having
over lockdown. It leaves the hospitality sector at jeopardy
experienced a build-up of grease in their kitchens, with
of ‘further FOG closures – at a time when businesses are
25% suffering from bad odours as a result. Additionally,
looking to recover from a difficult 18 months.
almost half (49%) said they had to have their drains
Erik concludes: “The past couple of years have been
unblocked at least once a month due to grease blockages
extremely challenging for the foodservice sector, which
before lockdown. Not only is this likely to impact service
makes it even more vital that problems arising from poor
and ultimately a business’ bottom line, but it is also placing
FOG management are avoided. The costs associated with
establishments at risk of failing hygiene surveys.
installing and maintaining grease separators and traps are
One in eight have faced closures as a direct result
far less than potential lost earnings due to closure.
of fatbergs, which are themselves caused by poor FOG
“We carried out this survey to understand the extent
management. It is an issue that is prevalent across the UK,
of the problem, but we’re also providing content, in the
with a number of high-profile fatbergs being seen in major
form of a series of guides, to help restaurant and kitchen
cities in recent months, including Belfast, Liverpool, and
managers understand how they can implement effective
grease management and easily find the right size of unit
for their kitchen.”
Building Drainage comments: “The results of this
To download the series of guides or to find the right
survey are worrying, because they show the extent of
grease unit for your kitchen please visit: https://www.aco.
misunderstanding surrounding FOG management. While
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