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bimpe viii

the eighth biennial international miniature print exhibition


BIMPE VIII the eighth biennial international miniature print exhibition Vancouver bc, canada 2014

Front cover print: Cherry Top by Rebecca Allaigre, reduction woodcut Used with permission of the artist. Front and back cover designed by Andrea Van Schubert. The map depicted was sent to us by a BIMPE entrant who had wrapped their parcel with it. The stamps are from various BIMPE entries throughout the years. Juror photos provided by jury and used with permission. Richard Tetrault photo credit: Chris Stern. Catalogue designed by Daylen Luschinger and Andrea Van Schubert.

Published by The Society for Contemporary Works on Paper 1370 Cartwright Street Vancouver, British Columbia V6H 3R8 Canada ISBN 978-0-9782396-7-1 All copyrights to the artworks appearing are reserved by the artists. No unauthorized duplication or public exhibition is permitted. Distribution of the artworks through any means including electronic, is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from the artists and from BIMPE.

BIMPE SCWOP New Leaf Creative Solutions Federation Gallery Dundarave Print Workshop UBC Okanagan SNAP





Italian Deli & Fresh Pasta


Presented by

The Society for Contemporary Works on paper

thank you 9 introduction 10 marijke nap 11 jurors’ statements 12 prize winners 17 honourable mentions 23 selected works 27 artist index 131

Thank you

We wish to extend our gratitude to all the volunteers and supporters of BIMPE VIII. BIMPE continues to succeed because of your encouragement and contributions.

A special thank you to Gwen Donaldson and the Canadian Tourism College for sponsoring our third place prize.

The jury in action.

To Bob Nowack and Melannie Warren of Conor Pacific who were instrumental in organizing our fundraising auction and gala event back in September 2012. To our Board of Directors: John Ramsay, Hannamari Jalovaara, Peter Braune, Katie Dey, Ross Penhall, Roslaind Rorke, Jane Justice, Lesley Anderson, Marsha McCall, Jamie Evrard, and to Caron Penhall for working tirelessly to promote the event and for your dedication to its success. We are still reaping the benefits of your efforts. We are also extremely grateful to the many artists and businesses who generously donated items on which to bid.

Thank you for sharing your insights and your varied experience. We are so grateful for the excitement and passion you brought to the colossal task put before you.

Thank you to our corporate sponsors: CMHC for their unwavering support over these last 14 years. To Opus Art Supplies and Gamblin for sponsoring prizes and donations that inspire the printmaking community to continue to create the work that we are exhibiting. To Zara’s Pasta, Terra Breads, and V&J Flowers, our fellow Granville Island businesses who provide the little things that make all the difference to our board and volunteers throughout the year. Thank you also to the Granville Island Hotel which provided a delicious three-course meal for our jury panel after a long day of assessing the submissions.

To Alyssa Burt from Zenhouse media for her amazing website problem-solving skills, and to our printers West Coast Reproduction Centres for working within our tight deadlines and budget.

To our esteemed jury: K. Gwen Frank, Richard Tetrault, and Alexandra Haeseker.

Thank you to our exhibiting galleries: the Federation Gallery, Dundarave Print Workshop, the FINA Gallery at UBC Okanagan, and SNAP. To our Board of Directors: thank you for your guidance, advice, and support through transitioning staff and for being so welcoming to the newcomers.

Thank you Lesley Anderson and Katie Dey for laying all the groundwork of BIMPE’s past and leaving behind such detailed files. And to our dream team of volunteers: Irene Laudan, Gail Fromson, Marsha McCall, Rosalind Rorke, Lisa MacLean, Oonagh Berry, Andrea Taylor, Katie Dey, Daemon Baldwin, Daylen Luschinger, Jaqueline Law, Corey Mah, and Hannamari Jalovaara, we want to thank you sincerely for your time without which BIMPE would not be possible. 9


The Biennial International Miniature Print Exhibition (BIMPE) is held every two years in Vancouver, British Columbia. BIMPE’s only requirement is that a printed area be no larger than 4 by 6 inches (or 24 inches square) on paper that does not exceed 8 by 10 inches. It is open to images made using all printmaking techniques from traditional line etching to contemporary digital processes. This year, 314 artists from 48 countries entered BIMPE VIII. Each artist submitted up to three prints, and from the 835 submissions, our jury selected 425 prints for the show. The images are as varied as the places they travel from and we are ever grateful to the artists for creating the dynamic work that makes up our exhibition. Once again, BIMPE will kick off in September with an opening celebration at the Federation Gallery on Granville Island. The Federation Gallery is operated by the Federation of Canadian Artists (FCA), a not-forprofit society that offers visual arts education to the community and holds juried exhibitions of works by FCA members. They have been hosting BIMPE since 2004. One month later, the show travels down the street to Dundarave Print Workshop and Gallery. Dundarave is a cooperative artists’

BIMPE VII opening at Federation.

studio and gallery dedicated to fine art printmaking. Many of its members have consistently volunteered their time to help make BIMPE a success. For the second time in a row BIMPE will be shown at the FINA Gallery at UBC Okanagan. The gallery showcases work by Visual Arts faculty, students, and visiting artists throughout the year. We are delighted for the opportunity to once again engage with Kelowna’s creative community. Our final destination is Edmonton, Alberta at the Society of Northern Alberta Print-Artists (SNAP). SNAP is a not-for-profit artist-run centre with a gallery and a printmaking studio. Operating since 1982, the society has become increasingly important to the discussion, promotion, and innovation of print media in Canada. BIMPE is organized by the Society for Contemporary Works on Paper (SCWOP), a not-for-profit society created to support the exposure of art on paper.

SCWOP Board of Directors (clockwise from top left): Jamie Evrard, Marsha McCall, John Ramsey, Ross Penhall, Lesley Anderson, Hannamari Jalovaara, Katie Dey, Peter Braune. Not pictured: Rosalind Rorke, Jane Justice.

New Leaf Creative Solutions, the incubator of BIMPE, is a collaborative printmaking workshop, specializing in etching, relief printing, and almost anything that can be dreamt up. Peter Braune of New Leaf and Debra Yelva from Dundarave Print Workshop conceived the idea of BIMPE in 2000. During Peter’s absence from 2000 until 2002, the exhibition was nurtured and carried forward by the remarkable efforts of Katie Dey, Marijke Nap, and Debra Yelva.

Marijke nap

This catalogue and the first prize are dedicated to the constant memory of Marijke Nap (1965 – 2011)

I first met Marijke in 1998, a recent graduate from the Capilano University printmaking program. She was a very enthusiastic and intuitive printmaker to work with. Every challenge was a fun undertaking, and she really enjoyed the collaboration of working with other artists who were unfamiliar with print processes. We worked together for Stone Press in Seattle on Dale Chihuly prints and many projects at New Leaf Editions. Some of our most inventive prints were made while she worked with New Leaf. I got the opportunity to go to New York and Singapore for 2 years, working to set up the Singapore Tyler Print Institute. Just before I left, Debra Yelva and I set up BIMPE I in 2000/2001. Marijke and Katie Dey ran New Leaf and took over the creation of BIMPE. None of us thought this project would last as long as it has, but it has been a great opportunity for Vancouver artists and the world of printmaking to connect with one another. As we move forward each year there are constant reminders of Marijke’s influences, via students she worked with at the various studios and schools at which she taught.

humour and incorporate fun concepts. I have one of Marijke’s protégées working for me now and it is a great treat to realize how effective a teacher she was. Her joy in art making and print was infectious and we are the beneficiaries of it. For this reason we are dedicating the first prize of BIMPE in Marijke’s honour. It is a small thing we can do to commemorate and acknowledge her enthusiasm for what she helped create. Peter Braune 2014

Her most influential time was at the University of British Columbia as the technician/ teaching assistant. She worked with me there to create huge etchings not possible at my studio. She also worked on her own private practice which would always have a flair of 11

jurors’ statements

K. Gwen Frank K. Gwen Frank graduated with honours from ACAD (Alberta College of Art and Design) in 1983 and continued her fine art education through the University of Calgary. She holds a BFA in Printmaking from ACAD. Since the early ‘80’s she has participated in over a hundred national and international juried exhibitions, and has had a number of solo exhibitions. She participated in three artist-in-residence periods at Centrum Frans Masereel in Kasterlee, Belgium, and l’Association de la Cardabelle in Cruéjouls, Aveyron, France, and was invited to participate in Slovakia’s 1st International Printmaking Symposium and Exhibition in Bratislava. She has given intaglio workshops and lectures at Wake Forest University, North Carolina, Hollins University, Virginia, at University of Waterloo, Ontario, and throughout Alberta. She continues to work from her Calgary studio focusing on intaglio techniques, watercolour and drawing.

“On a cool and drizzling Granville Island

morning, muted light and dripping green evoked a reflective mood for our long day indoors. It would be a mood very much ‘interior’ in essence, and it set the tone for the next twelve hours as we dove into the contents of many fat binders placed nearby. Each binder was nearly bursting with 2014’s BIMPE VIII entries, all organized and perfectly protected. I could only guess at the enormous amount of devoted volunteer work that it took to get this show on the road, thus far. The trust that is placed in a juror demands an objective and fair approach to the challenge of assessing more than 800 entries. Alongside my eminent fellow jurors, Richard and Alexandra, who were equally quietly absorbed, I began with a quick overview of the works in order to get a sense of the great body of prints submitted. Soon after, I could focus my full attention upon each image with a sense of responsibility and great excitement! Before each of us lay the enormity of exploring brand new ‘inner’ territory. I felt delighted and greatly privileged to have this intimate look into many hundreds of inklings, ideas, narratives and worlds arising from both the individual and the collective creative mind. How such monumental perspective and sensibility can be conveyed through such a tiny window –– limited to the maximum image size of 4” x 6” –– often astonished me. This immersive experience was nothing short of thrilling. The very best of works were always the ones that moved me. They arrested me on the spot, and pulled me right into their intimate reality. Within each –– whether there be compelling beauty, or a stunning and colossal weirdness –– there was never enough time to wander!

I just did not want to come out again at all, until I absolutely had to. A most frustrating thing … Somehow, I had to find a way back to Earth out of the goosebump zone, in order for me to continue to assess, weigh, compare and (gulp) to eliminate entries. All works submitted were eligible for jurying, save the few that varied wildly beyond the size restriction, as well as the ones that were digitally printed photographic reproductions of paintings. There were many good submissions, often with such magic in them that worked beyond the masterful handling of formal elements and of technique. The winning pieces offered up a balance of these “technical” criteria, for me, while speaking with a unique voice and an individual viewpoint that yielded surprise.

Richard Tetrault Richard Tetrault is a Vancouver based painter, printmaker, muralist, and educator. His work has been shown in exhibitions in Mexico, the US, Cuba, Argentina, Canada, Europe, Africa, and Asia, and is in private and public collections worldwide. Tetrault studied at the Vancouver School of Art, the University of British Columbia, and the Arts Students’ League (New York). The impetus of the inner city and its sub-text of struggle and diversity have informed both his prints and his paintings. He has developed a distinct direction in printmaking practice, with a focus on large-scale woodcuts and mixed media prints. His paintings explore the inner city, urban mythologies, and the contemporary industrial landscape.

I was thankful for Richard and Alexandra’s help in addressing the challenge of jurying. After our many hours of individually scoring each and every piece submitted, the three of us engaged in several short stages of thoughtful dialogue and elimination, arriving at our final choices a half hour before midnight. Yet, the next morning, I felt more than ready to begin it all again. And for having had this delicious experience, I am so grateful. Many thanks for the invitation to be a part of this jury. Congratulations to Peter Braune and Andrea Van Schubert of New Leaf Editions. Thanks to the many artists all over the world who entered their wonderful works. And a big thank you to all of BIMPE’s dedicated volunteers for continuing to nurture the healthy development of international contemporary printmaking.” K. Gwen Frank Calgary, Alberta June 2014

“The prints submitted to BIMPE reflect the

diverse, innovative, and unpredictable nature possible within the realm of printmaking on a small scale. Being asked to be a juror was both exhilarating and daunting, and the process of choosing favourites difficult, to say the least. Many other works were strong 13

contenders and a selection of just a few to be highlighted as winners was not easy. I enjoyed working with the other jurors and seeing how our responses concurred or, only occasionally, differed. Finally, I am pleased to have been asked by SCWOP to be a part of this process and to participate in this vision that triumphs international miniature prints through BIMPE. About the selection: three jurors were given the mandate to make a selection, incorporating a point system that was tallied at the end. First impressions were balanced by second thoughts over the course of a day. The works were narrowed down to a list of ‘first picks’. In the strongest works, the balance of technique and reach in concept resonated with each of us; sometimes, they involved leaps of faith in the artist’s chosen medium. I am drawn to pieces that have immediacy of impression as well as a sustained concept and form. The specific medium is not as important as the impact and integrity of the piece, and my selections reflect this. “Souffle” by Roger Dewint, one of my favourite works, has a precociousness and spontaneity that in many respects, reflects ‘outsider art’ sensibilities in its irreverent tone. The drawing is convincing and full of character, as if the artist is present in the room, and there is little distance between the concept and the execution. The second place work, “Live”, by Tsuboi Fusano is a harmonious and poetic (and technically excellent) statement with strong overtones of protest. There is a disquieting tone in the balance of elegant execution and brutality of undertone, re: the international whaling industry, that sets up a resonance in this suite, and it was hard to choose between this artist’s three submissions. The pixilated and almost mechanistic appeal of Nicolas Poignon’s “Building 1”, a linocut in stark black and white has, as well, an overtone that echoes a dark history. It is a

past contained within miniature squares of tone that appear like a fragmented and austere veil in time. Not knowing the building and what it might contain adds to the elusive energy of this work. Gerry York’s beautiful work incorporates resin as an interference medium. The balance of control and chance is a stimulating facet of the print. It is a process of both elegance and murkiness, presented by way of contrary media. This makes “Pernicious Puddle #1” a captivating piece.” Richard Tetrault 2014

Alexandra Haeseker RCA Alexandra Haeseker RCA is Professor Emeritus at the Alberta College of Art + Design (ACAD) in Calgary. She has represented Canada in many important International Graphic Biennials, including: Krakow Poland, Alexandria Egypt, Oldenburg Germany, Seoul Korea, Liège Belgium, Novosibirsk Russia, and Bangkok Thailand. Public art projects commissioned for Calgary International Airport Air Canada Terminal, Savage Trailhead Centre Edmonton, The Danish Arts Council + ET4U, and Shawinigan Art Centre Quebec form part of her studio practice using advanced ink technologies and industrial materials. Major museum installations at the Shanghai Art Museum China, Künstlerhaus Museum Vienna, Akademija Art Research Center Belgrad and Centro de Arte Moderno in Madrid follow her research over the past decade of “swarm theory and the collective” as intended subject matter.

“The development and history of Cana-

dian Printmaking Exhibitions harkens back over five decades to Canadian Printmakers Showcase in Ottawa, The Burnaby Print Biennial, Bradford Ontario’s Graphex shows, Mount Allison New Brunswick’s Printed Matter, Calgary Graphics, the Print & Drawing Council of Canada Biennials, Canadian

Graphics Society, and the Society of PainterEtchers & Engravers Annuals based in Eastern Canada. Add to the list BIECTR Trois Rivières, EPI Edmonton, and the Okanagan Print Triennial. These, and other endeavors to promote printmaking dialogues across the country, were and are all generated by visionary individuals and their cohorts. There has been an evolution of these opportunities that have given Canadian print-artists a voice in the international context of the printmaking exhibition forum. With the above background, I have been aware for decades as well, of the opportunities that Peter Braune and his supporters have been creating for printmaking at New Leaf Editions, including organizing BIMPE with its ever-growing participation from print artists all over the world. And it was with pleasure and anticipation that I accepted Peter’s invitation to be one of three jurors for BIMPE VIII, and to visit New Leaf at last in person! What does a juror look for under these circumstances? There is the pleasure of tradition in techniques that always stirs a printartist in the way pigment applications might rise on a woodcut, the litho wash edge that reticulates like a stain, or the incision of the burin line in an engraving. There is recognition of subject matter that evolves as a reflection of contemporary politicized climate or public agendas. And there is the possibility of that moment when something that has tempted fate and steps outside expectation, catches you off guard, and you cannot help but be drawn to it graphically.

First prize: “Souffle” etching by Roger DeWint/ Belgium: The viewer is confronted by a fractured, open-mouthed visage dominating the partly broken format, printed in expressionistic mixed color. Interestingly, the translation of the title is ambiguous in English: “breath, expiration… inspiration”. Second Prize: “Live” aquatint and etching by Tsuboi Fusano/Japan: This poetic counterbalance to his country’s controversial whaling industry carries a poignant contemporary message presented with all the curvilinear beauty of famous historical Japanese Ukiyo-e. Third (Canadian Tourism College) Prize: “Building” linocut by Nicolas Poignon/ Germany: A haunting, nocturnal presence of a nightlit silhouetted building in stark black and white, monolithic but mysteriously wavering in outline… Fourth (Opus) Prize: “Pernicious Puddle #1” digital + resin by Gerri York/ Canada: Effective mixed media and inkjet combination: the warm tone and tactility of the poured resin transforms the image darkly, overflowing the borders.” Alexandra Haeseker RCA 2014

Approaching the task as a juror with all these credentials at the ready… engaged in a threeway dialogue and debate with my fellow jurors, Richard Tetrault and K. Gwen Frank, in our duties to select what works might be brought to the attention of our audience for this year’s exhibition. Here are some impressions on what we finally selected as the prize winners: 15

Prize Winners


Roger Dewint, Belgium SoufflĂŠ Etching Marijke Nap Prize (First Place)


Tsuboi Fusano, Japan Live Aquatint, Etching Second Prize


Nicolas Poignon, Germany Building I Linocut Canadian Tourism College Prize (Third Place)


Gerri York, Canada Pernicious Puddle #1 Digital, Resin The Opus Art Supplies Prize 22

Honourable Mention


Mouna Abed, Canada Zone 51- III Monotype, Chine CollĂŠ

Michele James-Emirkanian, France Animal Writings IV Etching

Maki Kinichi, Japan Time Slip 1 Digital

Robin MacFarlan, United Kingdom Jim Etching

Ana Melano, Argentina ...un Botón Basta (III) Intaglio

Luc Nadeau, Canada Happy Wife, Happy Life Etching

Jyunko Ogawa, Japan The Leaves in Early Spring, Early Morning Wood Engraving

Cara Seccafien, Canada New Year’s Dancing Woodcut, Inkjet


Robin Smith-Peck, Canada Road Trip 03 - 14 #3 Relief, Digital Ground


Yongsheng Yang, China Insect Reduction Woodcut

Selected Work


Jamal Abdul-Rahim, Bahrain Orient 1 Etching

Jamal Abdul-Rahim, Baharain Orient 2 Etching

Mouna Abed, Canada Zone 51- I Monotype, Chine Collé

Mouna Abed, Canada Zone 51- II Monotype, Chine Collé

Ajk Pierce & Tee Kho!, Ukraine Zazor Etching, Relief

Maija Albrecht, Finland Side glance Drypoint, Chine CollĂŠ

Jakabhazi Alexandru, Romania Dynamical Alternations Etching, Aquatint

Jakabhazi Alexandru, Romania Window Towards The Garden Etching, Aquatint


Rebecca Allaigre, France Cherry Top Reduction Woodcut

Rebecca Allaigre, France Continental Breakfast Reduction Woodcut

Rebecca Allaigre, France Twin Top Reduction Woodcut

Mariko Ando, Canada Bird Etching, Chine CollĂŠ, Hand Colour

Mariko Ando, Canada Bird Etching, Chine Collé, Hand Colour

German Aparicio, Espana Site 312.2 Etching

Gillian Armitage, Canada Billet-doux 1116 Intaglio, Digital, Chine Collé

Gillian Armitage, Canada Billet-doux 1914 Intaglio, Digital, Chine Collé


Gillian Armitage, Canada Billet-doux 2014 Intaglio, Digital, Chine CollĂŠ

Nastaran Asgari, Turkey Under the Istanbul Bridges, No:2 Monotype

Beverly Ashcroft-Johnson, USA Disparate Flights Mezzotint, Digital

Beverly Ashcroft-Johnson, USA Graveyard Shift Mezzotint, Digital

Beverly Ashcroft-Johnson, USA The Mind’s Studio II Mezzotint, Digital

Mari Aspola, Finland Undersea Drypoint, Relief

Patrick Aubert, France Sans Titre 2 Polymer Photogravure

Claire Auszenkier, France “Les Chanteurs” Concertiniste Etching, Aquatint


Claire Auszenkier, France “Les Chanteurs” Halidou Etching, Aquatint

Claire Auszenkier, France “Les Chanteurs” Patricia Etching, Aquatint

Frederique Badonnel, France Tocapu I Etching, Linocut

Tom Baggaley, United Kingdom Trouble Etching

Kate Baillies, Canada Small Pile of Sticks Intaglio

Daemon Baldwin, Canada Divided Paths II Etching

Daemon Baldwin, Canada Divided Paths III Etching

Betty Ball, USA En Route to Aix No. XIV Monotype


Betty Ball, USA Peak No. XX Monotype

Betty Ball, USA Vermont September No. VI Monotype

Ruth Barrett-Danes, United Kingdom First Signs of Spring Linocut, Chine Collé

Ruth Barrett-Danes, United Kingdom Into the Dark Linocut, Chine Collé

Jo Barry, United Kingdom A Little Gleam of Time Etching

Jo Barry, United Kingdom Against a setting sun Etching

Micheline Bertrand, Canada Filon Wood Engraving

Micheline Bertrand, Canada InquiĂŠtude Wood Engraving


Micheline Bertrand, Canada RĂŞverie Wood Engraving

Tonia Bonnell, USA Converge I Relief Etching

Tonia Bonnell, USA Converge II Relief Etching

CĂŠcile Boucher, Canada Plancher Digital

Peter Boyadjieff, Canada Allegories Bound Digital

Marie-Ange Brassard, Canada Autosome Relief, Collage

Leonard Brett, Canada Housewife Engraving

Patrick Bulas, Canada Regal Mezzotint


Aleksandra Bury, Poland Hops! Etching

Adriano Castro, Brazil Wave Digital

Adriano Castro, Brazil High Tide Digital

Michel Charbonnel, Canada Studies 1 Intaglio

Michel Charbonnel, Canada Studies 2 Intaglio

Michel Charbonnel, Canada Studies 3 Intaglio

Eric Cheung, Canada (Sunset) Serigraph

Akiko Chiba, Italy Forest Mezzotint


Akiko Chiba, Italy Moon Flowers Mezzotint

Akiko Chiba, Italy Plenilunio Mezzotint

Kraisak Chirachaisakul, Thailand Long Live The King Everywhere 3 Mezzotint

Kraisak Chirachaisakul, Thailand Long Live The King Everywhere 4 Mezzotint

Majella Clancy, United Kingdom Family Portrait VIII Monotype, Chine Collé

Majella Clancy, United Kingdom Family Portrait VII Monotype, Chine Collé

Majella Clancy, United Kingdom Family Portrait VI Monotype, Chine Collé

David Clifford, Canada Take a Bath Letterpress


Jane Cooper, USA Light Study V Oil Monotype

Jane Cooper, USA Over the Hudson II Oil Monotype

Jane Cooper, USA Over the Hudson I Oil Monotype

Margot Cormier Splane, Canada Bird on a Wire Serigraph

Margot Cormier Splane, Canada Ready Aim Serigraph

Alain Costaz, Canada Disappearing Drypoint

Maeve Coulter, Ireland Reparation II Silkscreen, Iron Flocking, Stitching

Maeve Coulter, Ireland Reparation III Silkscreen, Iron Flocking, Stitching


Maeve Coulter, Ireland Reparation Silkscreen, Iron Flocking, Stitching

Briar Craig, Canada Small Black Cookie UV Screenprint

Robert Creighton, Canada Brendan’s Boat Etching, Chine Collé

Lukasz Cywicki, Poland Mr. Time III Linocut

Lillianne Daigle, Canada Desert Storm Digital

Alyson Davies, Canada Deep Digital, Chine CollĂŠ, Silkscreen

Alyson Davies, Canada Nomads Digital, Chine CollĂŠ, Silkscreen

Eugeniusz Delekta, Poland Early Spring Mixed technique


Eugeniusz Delekta, Poland Lonely Ash Mixed technique

Eugeniusz Delekta, Poland Wheel of Fortune Mixed technique

Pawel Delekta, Poland Tower of Babel IX Mixed technique

Pawel Delekta, Poland Tower of Babel VII Mixed technique

Anne Desmet, England BT Tower Wood Engraving

Anne Desmet, England Kings X Lighthouse Wood Engraving

Anne Desmet, England St. Bride’s Wood Engraving

Roger Dewint, Belgium Bergère Etching


Roger Dewint, Belgium Garde Etching

Abel Dewitz, Germany A Dip in December Woodcut

Dimitar Diankov, Germany L´Homme et la Mer II Wood Engraving

Dimitar Diankov, Germany L´Homme et la Mer I Wood Engraving

Gerry Dotto, Canada Le et La Relief, Collage

Gerry Dotto, Canada MEN N WOMEN / WOMEN N MEN Linocut, Rubber Stamp

Lorraine Douglas, Canada World Etching, Chine CollĂŠ

Nicholas Dowgwillo, USA Elegy to Mike Kelley Mezzotint


Nicholas Dowgwillo, USA Nature is a Drooling Idiot (in the springtime), Etching

Holly Drewett, England Dancing with fire Solar plate, Embossing

Holly Drewett, England Workman Solar plate, Laser cut

Maria Duhteva, Bulgaria Forms II Drypoint

Maria Duhteva, Bulgaria Forms III Drypoint

Maria Duhteva, Bulgaria Forms V Drypoint

Victoria Edgarr, Canada Beside Yourself with Hope Etching

Manfred Egger, Austria Crossroads I Woodblock Print


Neige Elbaum Tariel, France Ruche X Etching

Randie Feil, Canada Victorians II Mezzotint

Aidan Flanagan, Ireland Foreshore Carborundum, Drypoint

Ian Forbes, Canada Mr. Poopy Objects Etching

Juttmarie Fricke, France Pasiphae Aquatint

Grzegorz Frydryk, Poland Relic III Linocut

Donald Furst, USA Night Curve Sandblast Mezzotint

Donald Furst, USA 421 Nights: DownUp Sandblast Mezzotint


Donald Furst, USA 421 Nights: Midnight Sandblast Mezzotint

Tsuboi Fusano, Japan Gently Snow Aquatint, Etching

Tsuboi Fusano, Japan Pulses Aquatint, Etching

Jayant Gajera, India Formations I Etching

Jayant Gajera, India Formations II Etching

Jayant Gajera, India Formations III Etching

Emily Garrison, Canada Future Forests Screenprint, Forestry flag

Emily Garrison, Canada Keep Cool Screenprint, Forestry flag


Colin Gillespie, United Kingdom End of the Line Collage, Relief

Colin Gillespie, United Kingdom Identity Crisis Collage, Relief

Colin Gillespie, United Kingdom The Pond Collage, Relief

Neala Glass, New Zealand Burden Monotype

Neala Glass, New Zealand Cognitive Dissonance Monotype

Neala Glass, New Zealand Liminal Monotype

Barbara Broff Goldman, USA Hands Photopolymer Gravure, Chine CollĂŠ

Jerzy Gorbas, Poland Portrait VIII Linocut


Laura Grossett, USA Egression Relief

Emma Grover, United Kingdom Fat Birds Can Fly Etching, Chine Collé

Emma Grover, United Kingdom Submarine Girl Etching, Chine Collé

Emma Grover, United Kingdom Submarine Man Etching, Chine Collé

Laurence Guichon, France Envol II Engraving

Laurence Guichon, France Envol III Engraving

Aditi Gupta, India Tricky Dominance X Etching

Annu Gupta, India Metropolitan Tree XII Etching


Annu Gupta, India Metropolitan Tree XIII Etching

Annu Gupta, India Tree VI Etching

Kelly Haydon, Canada Possibilities Etching

Anneli Hilli, Finland Brothers Etching, Monotype

Eleanora Hofer, South Africa Celebrating 13 Hardground, Aquatint, Solar Etching

Eleanora Hofer, South Africa The Power of 13 Hardground, Aquatint, Solar Etching

Yoon Hong, Korea CafĂŠ Etching, Collage

Yoon Hong, Korea Episode Wood Engraving


Bill Horne, Canada Banff Beetles Silkscreen

Bill Horne, Canada Canopy Silkscreen

Bill Horne, Canada Probe Silkscreen

Ursula Hulsewig, Germany Untitled II Intaglio, Monotype

Anita Hunt, USA Brush II Etching, Aquatint, Chine Collé

Anita Hunt, USA Lodge II Etching, Aquatint, Chine Collé

Eeva Huotari, Finland Tea Party Aquatint, Etching

Heather Huston, Canada Presence Etching, Chine Collé


Heather Huston, Canada Realization Etching, Chine Collé

Douglas Ibbott, Canada Michigan Creek Photopolymer Intaglio

Tomoyo Ihaya, Canada Zampa (Bridge) Etching, Chine Collé

Okana Ikuko, Japan A Firm Voice Screenprint

Okana Ikuko, Japan She speaks in a gentle voice. Screenprint

Okana Ikuko, Japan A Warm Home Screenprint

Maja Ilic, Holland Herba Lex Est II Mezzotint

Maja Ilic, Holland Herba Lex Est III Mezzotint


Takeo Ishiwata, Japan Urban Life 4 Woodcut

Suzuna Iwasa, Japan From a Line and Dots â…Ľ Monotype

Suzuna Iwasa, Japan From a Line and Dots V Monotype

Andrew Jagniecki, USA Good Morning Woodcut

Michele James-Emirkanian, France Animal Writings V Etching

Michele James-Emirkanian, France Small Writings Etching

Milos Jones, Canada Cocooned Lithograph

Milos Jones, Canada Structure Lithograph


Mariko Kakiuchi, Japan Voices echo Etching, Aquatint

Leena Kaplas, Finland Problema I Photopolymer Etching

Leena Kaplas, Finland Problema II Photopolymer Etching

Kaoru Kawasaki, Japan a Nest I Woodcut

Tomaz Kawelczyk, Poland Socrates Square II Woodcut

So Yeon Kim, USA Tigre & Watermelon Stone Lithography

Hyun-Jin Kim, Taiwan Spacetime-I Woodcut

Hyun-Jin Kim, Taiwan Spacetime-II Woodcut


Maki Kinichi, Japan Time Slip 2 Digital

Maki Kinichi, Japan Time Slip 3 Digital

Maggie Kitching, United Kingdom Coppice Embossed Relief

Maggie Kitching, United Kingdom Llys-Y Graig Embossed Relief

Maggie Kitching, United Kingdom Wood View Embossed Relief

Edith Krause, Canada Bread for the World Screenprint

Edith Krause, Canada Fruits de Mer Screenprint

Edith Krause, Canada Poison Pen Screenprint


Kari Kristensen, Canada Untitled Linocut, Monoserigraph

Nasil Kwak, Korea Interlace III Woodblock

Nasil Kwak, Korea Interstice 14 Woodblock

Nasil Kwak, Korea Interlace II Woodblock

Janne Laine, Finland Cousin XVI Etching

Janne Laine, Finland Cousin XXVI Etching

Bill Laing, Canada Memory I Etching, Aquatint

Bill Laing, Canada Memory II Etching, Aquatint


Stephen Lawlor, Ireland Drama Etching

Stephen Lawlor, Ireland South Etching

Stephen Lawlor, Ireland Vignette Etching

Heather Leier, Canada Untitled Photo Lithography, Chine CollĂŠ

Lotta Leka, Finland Heritage II Lithography

Louise Lemieux Bérubé, Canada Making Paper Collagraphy

Victor Lipkin, Israel In the Desert 3 Relief

Susan Litsios, Switzerland Hovering Etching, Drypoint


Kathleen Lochhead, Canada Childhood: Huscroft Swamp Serigraph

Kathleen Lochhead, Canada Childhood: Kootenay Lake Serigraph

Valerie Loewen, Canada S. Cervisiae Photolithography, Screenprint

Chiarina Loggia, Canada Diamond Light Photopolymer Gravure

Chiarina Loggia, Canada Sake 3 Photopolymer Gravure

Janet Lowry, Canada Prairie Ghost Etching, Chine CollĂŠ

Adriana Lucaciu, Romania Movement 3 Drypoint

Yvette Lucas, USA Weeping Bridge Photo Intaglio


Ranka Lucic Jankovic, Serbia Shadow 1 Mixed Technique

Ranka Lucic Jankovic, Serbia Shadow 2 Mixed Technique

Robin MacFarlan, United Kingdom Game Plan Etching

Robin MacFarlan, United Kingdom Odd Ball Etching

Alastair Mack, Scotland Small Infinity Digital

Alastair Mack, Scotland Bigger Infinity Digital

Alastair Mack, Scotland Biggest Infinity Digital

Laurie Mackie, Canada Bliss: The Garden Etching on Plexi


Laurie Mackie, Canada Bliss: Water Wings Etching on Plexi

Laurie Mackie, Canada Celebration Photo Etching, Monoprint, Emboss, Mixed Media

Lisa MacLean, Canada The Fire Ceremony III Digital

Lisa MacLean, Canada The Fire Ceremony II Digital

Lisa MacLean, Canada The Dream Digital

Bernadette Madden, Ireland Fire Screenprint

Bernadette Madden, Ireland Gorse Screenprint

Armelle Magnier, France Breiz Etching, Chine CollĂŠ


Armelle Magnier, France Marais I Etching, Aquatint

Armelle Magnier, France Marais IV Etching, Chine CollĂŠ

Beatriz Mahan, Spain Aquella Tarde V Etching, Drypoint

Beatriz Mahan, Spain Aquella Tarde VI Etching, Drypoint

Beatriz Mahan, Spain Aquella Tarde VII Drypoint

Joyce Majiski, Canada Rocks 1 Etching, Digital

Joyce Majiski, Canada Rocks 2 Etching, Digital

Joyce Majiski, Canada Rocks 3 Etching, Digital


Claude Malchiodi, France Pasage aux Corbeaux et a la Ligne Electrique Monotype

Claude Malchiodi, France Petite Riviere au Bouquet D’arbres Monotype

Claude Malchiodi, France Riviere et Barriere au Soleil Couchant Monotype

Brenda Malkinson, Canada March Fourteenth Woodcut

Brenda Malkinson, Canada March Twenty Eighth Woodcut

Susan Mannion, Ireland Organic Forms Wood Engraving

Susan Mannion, Ireland Stitched Lines Wood Engraving

Bernadette MarĂŠchal, Belgium Ouverture Aquatint


Knicki (Loreen) Markolf, Canada Apart But Connected Silkscreen

Ann Mccall, Canada Arbor Collagraph

Ann Mccall, Canada Coupe a Blanc Collagraph

Ann Mccall, Canada Trio Collagraph

Ana Melano, Argentina ...un Bot贸n Basta (I) Intaglio

Ana Melano, Argentina ...un Bot贸n Basta (IV) Intaglio

Richard Metzger, Canada En route Engraving

Sakae Miida, Japan Ponytail Woodcut


Sakae Miida, Japan Road Woodcut

Sakae Miida, Japan Tender Game Woodcut

David Morrish, Canada Cicada Photopolymer Gravure

David Morrish, Canada Mouse Photopolymer Gravure

David Morrish, Canada Tooth Photopolymer Gravure

Bob Morouney, Canada Healing Etching, Engraving

Marsha Morrain, Trinidad and Tobago Snow Embossed Etching

Gunn N. Morstoel, Norway Memory I Etching


Gunn N. Morstoel, Norway Memory II Etching

Nan Mulder, Holland Absence & Presence II Mezzotint

Luc Nadeau, Canada It’s Gonna Rock Tonight Aquatint

Luc Nadeau, Canada J’ai La Tete Ailleurs Etching, Chine Collé

Klara Nagy, Sweden Alone Mixed Media

Klara Nagy, Sweden Made in Hungary Mixed Media

Klara Nagy, Sweden My Village Mixed Media

Ryo Natsukari, Japan #12 (chairs) Etching, Hand Colour


Cleo Neville, Canada The Pacifica Hop Relief

Sara Norquay, Canada Guess Who? Drypoint, Woodcut

Michal Novak, Czech Republic Bird on the Wire Etching

Michal Novak, Czech Republic Something From King Lear Etching

Michal Novak, Czech Republic Wild Horses Etching, Mezzotint

Darryl Nunn, Canada Goat Walk Mezzotint, Collograph

Darryl Nunn, Canada Untitled (the lost animal series) Mezzotint

Jyunko Ogawa, Japan The Drowsy Little Tulip Wood Engraving


Jyunko Ogawa, Japan Froth is Formed and Froth is Broken, and Once More ‌ Wood Engraving

Louis Antonio Palumbo, Italy Eye Mezzotint

Galina Pavlova, Bulgaria 2 Moons Mixed technique

Natalia Pawlus, Poland 125 Linocut

Natalia Pawlus, Poland ST-120 Linocut

Natalia Pawlus, Poland “MP” Linocut

Pierre Philippe, France Roches et Météores Etching, Aquatint

Nicolas Poignon, Germany Building II Linocut


Nicolas Poignon, Germany Building III Linocut

Laurence Prévost, Canada Cantando Etching, Chine Collé

Laurence Prévost, Canada Con Allegrezza Etching, Chine Collé

Laurence Prévost, Canada Poco Lento Etching, Chine Collé

Michelle Purchase, Canada Deep Dark Woods Etching, Chine Collé

Michelle Purchase, Canada Sky’s the Limit Etching, Chine Collé

Courtenay Quist, Canada Dive Etching, Roulette

Ross Racine, Canada Sighting #4 Digital


Simonida Radonjic, Serbia Fox I Mixed Technique

Simonida Radonjic, Serbia Fox II Mixed Technique

Sally Reesman, Canada Guitarist & Acrobat Etching, Drypoint

Sally Reesman, Canada Muse in the Piano Etching, Drypoint

Kurt Ries, Germany King Linocut

Marty Ritchie, Canada Flight Over Fireweed Relief

Marty Ritchie, Canada Hunkered Down Relief

Marty Ritchie, Canada The Storyteller Relief


Julie Robinson-Southward, United Kingdom Topiary II Linocut

Sarah Rogers, Ireland Elements Etching

Sarah Rogers, Ireland Home Perfect Etching

Mary Romanuck, Canada The Burden of a Heavy Head Linocut

Iwona Rypeść-Kostović, USA Her Serene Highness The Princess of Hohenberg 1900 Digital

Reti Saks, Estonia Art in Hand Intaglio

Reti Saks, Estonia Book Faced Intaglio

Tomiyuki Sakuta, Japan Annabelle Intaglio


Tomiyuki Sakuta, Japan Ria Intaglio

Tomiyuki Sakuta, Japan Tess Intaglio

Arpad Salamon, Slovenia Scarecrow Linocut

Feliks Sarv, Estonia Midsummer Intaglio

Feliks Sarv, Estonia Opposition Intaglio

Feliks Sarv, Estonia Philosopher Intaglio

Lukman Satrio, Indonesia Scene #2 Mixed Technique

Aine Scannell, Scotland Last Book II Digital, Drypoint


Elizabeth Sigalet, Canada Blue Bowl Screenprint

Louise Simard, Canada Suite Logique I Drypoint

Louise Simard, Canada Suite Logique III Drypoint

Janis Sinclair, Canada Solstice Vessel Photocopy Transfer

Amaryllis Siniossoglou, USA no 721 Polymer Plate

Amaryllis Siniossoglou, USA no 731 Polymer Plate

Vincent Smets, Belgium Cadran Lunaire Aquatint

Robin Smith-Peck, Canada Road Trip 03 - 14 #4 Relief, Digital Ground


Robin Smith-Peck, Canada Road Trip 03 - 14 #2 Relief, Digital Ground

Angela Snieder, Canada Skein IV Etching, Chine Collé

Angela Snieder, Canada Skein V Etching, Chine Collé

Darian Goldin Stahl, Canada Dualism I Solarprint, Encaustic

Darian Goldin Stahl, Canada Dualism II Solarprint, Encaustic

William Steinberg, Canada Old Bones Etching

William Steinberg, Canada Rise over Run Etching

William Steinberg, Canada Spring Flight Etching


John Steins, Canada Bear Berries Wood Engraving

John Steins, Canada Cottonwood Wood Engraving

John Steins, Canada Lichen Wood Engraving

Kelsey Stephenson, Canada Don’t Look Back Etching, Mezzotint, Chine Collé, Digital

Kelsey Stephenson, Canada Tear Etching, Mezzotint, Chine CollĂŠ, Digital

Kelsey Stephenson, Canada Venture Etching, Mezzotint, Chine CollĂŠ, Digital

Gatoku Masanori Sugimoto, Japan a Cat With the Camera (bridge) Linocut

Gatoku Masanori Sugimoto, Japan a Cat With the Camera (ijinkan) Linocut


Gatoku Masanori Sugimoto, Japan a Cat With the Camera (roses) Linocut

Masaaki Sugita, Japan Archangel Michael Copper Engraving

Masaaki Sugita, Japan In a Small Globe Copper Engraving

Masaaki Sugita, Japan Hero is here! Wood Engraving

Ella Sun, Canada Was II Etching

Heather Swenson, USA Let’s table it for now Screenprint

Heather Swenson, USA Untitled Screenprint

Valerie Syposz, Canada External Linocut


Valerie Syposz, Canada Internal Linocut

Valerie Syposz, Canada Reciprocal Linocut

Andrea Taylor, Canada Time Jump I Oil Monoprint

Andrea Taylor, Canada Time Jump II Oil Monoprint

Andrea Taylor, Canada Time Jump III Oil Monoprint

Sylvia Taylor, USA I Just Want You To Be Happy Relief

Sylvia Taylor, USA Microcosm Relief

Lisette Thibeault, Canada Bio-fiction I Digital


Beverley Thompson, Canada Mt Muktinath Etching

Mirjana Tomaťević, Serbia Hurry Up... Aquatint

Rhonda Uppington, Canada Handpicked Spikes Collagraph

Heather Urness, Canada Bonneville Revisited I Etching, Embossing, Polaroid Transfer

Heather Urness, Canada Bonneville Revisited II Etching, Embossing, Polaroid Transfer

Heather Urness, Canada Bonneville Revisited III Etching, Embossing, Polaroid Transfer

Matthew Van Asselt, USA Climbing the Mountain II Silkscreen

Jozina van Hees, Netherlands Living your Live 1 Digital


Jozina van Hees, Netherlands Living your Live 2 Digital

Jozina van Hees, Netherlands Living your Live 3 Digital

Lise Vézina, Canada Enchainée Photopolymer, Drypoint, Etching

Lise Vézina, Canada Et si ... Aquatint, Drypoint, Chine Collé

Lise VĂŠzina, Canada Flottement Aquatint, Chine CollĂŠ

Gabriel Vieira, Brazil Autoestima (Self Esteem) Wood Engraving

M. Vilhamy, Indonesia Daily Art Intaglio

Irma Vodeva, Bulgaria Secret I Drypoint


Irma Vodeva, Bulgaria Secret II Drypoint

Irma Vodeva, Bulgaria Secret III Drypoint

Monika Wanyura-Kurosad, Poland Verges 34 Digital

Monika Wanyura-Kurosad, Poland Verges 35 Digital

Monika Wanyura-Kurosad, Poland Verges 36 Digital

Carolyn Watts, United Kingdom Break Out Digital, Mixed Media

Carolyn Watts, United Kingdom Dusk to Dawn Digital, Mixed Media

Carolyn Watts, United Kingdom Rush Digital, Mixed Media


Elaine Watts, Canada Flight of the Cicada Solar Etching

Jim Westergard, Canada Groucho’s Trade Marx Wood Engraving

Jim Westergard, Canada Open Minded Wood Engraving

Jim Westergard, Canada Pig-Headed Wood Engraving

Cleo Wilkinson, Australia Becalmed Mezzotint

Cleo Wilkinson, Australia Inception III Mezzotint

Cleo Wilkinson, Australia Whisperer Mezzotint

Laurent Wilmet, Belgium La Chica Mecanica Linocut


Katarzyna Winczek, Poland Site plan D.1 Etching, Aquatint

Katarzyna Winczek, Poland Site plan T.2 Etching, Aquatint

Katarzyna Winczek, Poland Site plan T.3 Etching, Aquatint

Elaine Winter, United Kingdom Help Mezzotint

Sylvia Wong, Canada Bleeding Love III Collagraph

Yongsheng Yang, China Bird Reduction Woodcut

Yongsheng Yang, China Moon Reduction Woodcut

Gerri York, Canada Pernicious Puddle #2 Digital, Resin


Kazuhiro Yoshioka, Japan A.D 148 Silkscreen & BluePrint

Kazuhiro Yoshioka, Japan Apple Silkscreen & BluePrint

Kazuhiro Yoshioka, Japan Wave Silkscreen & BluePrint

Piotr Ĺťaczek, Poland Trace Linocut

Piotr Ĺťaczek, Poland Trace II Linocut

Piotr Ĺťaczek, Poland Untitled Linocut

Samira Zamani, Netherlands Ear Mezzotint

Samira Zamani, Netherlands Hair Mezzotint


Samira Zamani, Netherlands Heart Mezzotint

Daniela Zekina, Canada Metamorphoses 1 Drypoint, Mix Media

Daniela Zekina, Canada Metamorphoses 2 Drypoint, Mix Media

Daniela Zekina, Canada Metamorphoses 3 Drypoint, Mix Media

Sergey Zlotnikov, USA Concerned Copper Photogravure

Sergey Zlotnikov, USA Together Copper Photogravure

Sergey Zlotnikov, USA On The Pond Photogravure

Domenico Zullo, Italy Maleficus Drypoint on Linoleum


artist index


A Abdul-Rahim, Jamal ................. 26 Abed, Mouna ....................... 22, 26 Ajk Pierce & Tee Kho! ............... 27 Albrecht, Maija .......................... 27 Alexandru, Jakabhazi ............... 27 Allaigre, Rebecca ....................... 28 Ando, Mariko ....................... 28, 29 Aparicio, German ...................... 29 Armitage, Gillian .................. 29,30 Asgari, Nastaran ........................ 30 Ashcroft-Johnson, Beverly . 30, 31 Aspola, Mari ............................... 31 Aubert, Patrick ........................... 31 Auszenkier, Claire ............... 31, 32

Delekta, Pawel ........................... 46 Desmet, Anne ............................. 47 Dewint, Roger ................ 17, 47, 48 Dewitz, Abel ............................... 48 Diankov, Dimitar ....................... 48 Dotto, Gerry ............................... 49 Douglas, Lorraine ...................... 49 Dowgwillo, Nicholas .......... 49, 50 Drewett , Holly ......................... 50 Duhteva, Maria .................... 50, 51

E Edgarr, Victoria ......................... 51 Egger, Manfred .......................... 51 Elbaum Tariel, Neige ................ 52



Badonnel, Frederique ............... 32 Baggaley, Tom ........................... 32 Baillies, Kate ............................... 33 Baldwin, Daemon ...................... 33 Ball, Betty .............................. 33, 34 Barrett-Danes, Ruth ................... 34 Barry, Jo ...................................... 35 Bertrand, Micheline ............ 35, 36 Bonnell, Tonia ............................ 36 Boucher, Cécile .......................... 36 Boyadjieff, Peter ......................... 37 Brassard, Marie-Ange ............... 37 Brett, Leonard ............................ 37 Bulas, Patrick .............................. 37 Bury, Aleksandra ....................... 38

Feil, Randie ................................. 52 Flanagan, Aidan ........................ 52 Forbes, Ian .................................. 52 Fricke, Juttmarie ........................ 53 Frydryk, Grzegorz ..................... 53 Furst, Donald ....................... 53, 54 Fusano, Tsuboi ..................... 18, 54

C Castro, Adriano ......................... 38 Charbonnel, Michel ............. 38, 39 Cheung, Eric ............................... 39 Chiba, Akiko ........................ 39, 40 Chirachaisakul, Kraisak ........... 40 Clancy, Majella .......................... 41 Clifford, David ........................... 41 Cooper, Jane ............................... 42 Cormier Splane, Margot ..... 42, 43 Costaz, Alain .............................. 43 Coulter, Maeve .................... 43, 44 Craig, Briar ................................. 44 Creighton, Robert ...................... 44 Cywicki, Lukasz ........................ 44

D Daigle, Lillianne ........................ 45 Davies, Alyson ........................... 45 Delekta, Eugeniusz ............. 45, 46

G Gajera, Jayant ....................... 54, 55 Garrison, Emily .......................... 55 Gillespie, Colin .......................... 56 Glass, Neala .......................... 56, 57 Goldman, Barbara Broff ........... 57 Gorbas, Jerzy .............................. 57 Grossett, Laura ........................... 58 Grover, Emma ............................ 58 Guichon, Laurence .................... 59 Gupta, Aditi ............................... 59 Gupta, Annu ........................ 59, 60

H Haydon, Kelly ............................ 60 Hilli, Anneli ................................ 60 Hofer, Eleanora .......................... 61 Hong, Yoon ................................. 61 Horne, Bill .................................. 62 Hulsewig, Ursula ...................... 62 Hunt, Anita ................................ 63 Huotari, Eeva ............................. 63 Huston, Heather .................. 63, 64

I Ibbott, Douglas .......................... 64 Ihaya, Tomoyo ........................... 64

Ikuko, Okana ........................ 64, 65 Ilic, Maja ..................................... 65 Ishiwata, Takeo .......................... 66 Iwasa, Suzuna ............................ 66

J Jagniecki, Andrew ..................... 66 James-Emirkanian, Michele . 22, 67 Jones, Milos ................................ 67

K Kakiuchi, Mariko ....................... 68 Kaplas, Leena ............................. 68 Kawasaki, Kaoru ....................... 68 Kawelczyk, Tomasz .................. 69 Kim, Hyun-Jin ............................ 69 Kim, So Yeon .............................. 69 Kinichi, Maki ........................ 22, 70 Kitching, Maggie ................. 70, 71 Krause, Edith ............................. 71 Kristensen, Kari ......................... 72 Kwak, Nasil ................................ 72

L Laine, Janne ................................ 73 Laing, Bill .................................... 73 Lawlor, Stephen ......................... 74 Leier, Heather ............................ 74 Leka, Lotta .................................. 75 Lemieux Bérubé, Louise ........... 75 Lipkin, Victor ............................. 75 Litsios, Susan ............................. 75 Lochhead, Kathleen .................. 76 Loewen, Valerie ......................... 76 Loggia, Chiarina .................. 76, 77 Lowry, Janet ............................... 77 Lucaciu, Adriana ....................... 77 Lucas, Yvette .............................. 77 Lucic Jankovic, Ranka ............... 78

M MacFarlan, Robin ................ 22, 78 Mack, Alastair ............................ 79 Mackie, Laurie ..................... 79, 80 MacLean, Lisa ...................... 80, 81 Madden, Bernadette .................. 81 Magnier, Armelle ................ 81, 82 Mahan, Beatriz ..................... 82, 83 Majiski, Joyce ............................. 83 Malchiodi, Claude ..................... 84 Malkinson, Brenda .............. 84, 85 Mannion, Susan ......................... 85 Maréchal, Bernadette ................ 85

Markolf, Knicki (Loreen) .......... 86 Mccall, Ann ................................ 86 Melano, Ana ......................... 23, 87 Metzger, Richard ....................... 87 Miida, Sakae ......................... 87, 88 Morouney, Bob .................... 88, 89 Morrain, Marsha ........................ 89 Morrish, David .......................... 89 Morstoel, Gunn N. .............. 89, 90 Mulder, Nan ............................... 90

N Nadeau, Luc ......................... 23, 90 Nagy, Klara ................................ 91 Natsukari, Ryo ........................... 91 Neville, Cleo ............................... 92 Norquay, Sara ............................ 92 Novak, Michal ...................... 92, 93 Nunn, Darryl .............................. 93

O Ogawa, Jyunko .............. 23, 93, 94

P Palumbo, Louis Antonio .......... 94 Pavlova, Galina .......................... 94 Pawlus, Natalia .................... 94, 95 Philippe, Pierre .......................... 95 Poignon, Nicolas ........... 19, 95, 96 Prévost, Laurence ...................... 96 Purchase, Michelle .................... 97

Q Quist, Courtenay ....................... 97

R Racine, Ross ................................ 97 Radonjic, Simonida ................... 98 Reesman, Sally ........................... 98 Ries, Kurt .................................... 99 Ritchie, Marty ............................ 99 Robinson-Southward, Julie .... 100 Rogers, Sarah ........................... 100 Romanuck, Mary ..................... 100 Rypeść-Kostović, Iwona ......... 101


Sarv, Feliks ....................... 102, 103 Satrio, Lukman ........................ 103 Scannell, Aine .......................... 103 Seccafien, Cara ................... 23, 104 Sigalet, Elizabeth ..................... 104 Simard, Louise ......................... 104 Sinclair, Janis ............................ 104 Siniossoglou, Amaryllis .......... 105 Smets, Vincent ......................... 105 Smith-Peck, Robin ..... 24, 105, 106 Snieder, Angela ........................ 106 Stahl, Darian Goldin ....... 106, 107 Steinberg, William ................... 107 Steins, John ............................... 108 Stephenson, Kelsey ......... 108, 109 Sugimoto, Gatoku Masanori ... 109 Sugita, Masaaki ........................ 110 Sun, Ella .................................... 111 Swenson, Heather ................... 111 Syposz, Valerie ................. 111, 112

Y Yang, Yongsheng ................. 24, 123 York, Gerri ........................... 20, 123 Yoshioka, Kazuhiro .................. 124

Z Żaczek, Piotr ...................... 124, 125 Zamani, Samira ................. 125, 126 Zekina, Daniela ......................... 126 Zlotnikov, Sergey ...................... 127 Zullo, Domenico ....................... 127 *page numbers apply to print version only*

T Taylor, Andrea ................. 112, 113 Taylor, Sylvia ............................ 113 Thibeault, Lisette ..................... 113 Thompson, Beverley ............... 114 Tomašević, Mirjana ................. 114

U Uppington, Rhonda ................ 114 Urness, Heather ............... 114, 115

V Van Asselt, Matthew ............... 115 van Hees, Jozina .............. 115, 116 Vézina, Lise ...................... 116, 117 Vieira, Gabriel .......................... 117 Vilhamy, M. .............................. 117 Vodeva, Irma .................... 117, 118

W Wanyura-Kurosad, Monika ... 118 Watts, Carolyn ......................... 119 Watts, Elaine ............................. 120 Westergard, Jim ....................... 120 Wilkinson, Cleo ....................... 121 Wilmet, Laurent ....................... 121 Winczek, Katarzyna ................ 122 Winter, Elaine .......................... 122 Wong, Sylvia ............................ 123

Saks, Reti ................................... 101 Sakuta, Tomiyuki ............ 101, 102 Salamon, Arpad ....................... 102



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