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thE ELEVENth BIENNIaL INtErNatIoNaL MINIaturE PrINt EXhIBItIoN VaNcouVEr Bc, caNada 2022

Front cover image: Flowers Blooming this Year, by Kayoko Moriyama, Wood engraving

Used with permission of the artist.

Front and back cover designed by Sarah Madgin. The back cover stamps that composes SCWOP logo are from various BIMPE entries.

Special thank you to Alejandra Montes

Introduction by Debra Dedyluk Juror photos provided by the jury and used with permission.

Catalogue designed by Sarah Madgin.

Published by The Society for Contemporary Works on Paper 3-1244 Cartwright Street Vancouver BC V6H 3R8 Canada


New Leaf Editions Visual Space Gallery

© All rights reserved


PrEsENtEd By thE socIEty for coNtEMPorary works oN PaPEr

thaNk you
PEtEr BrauNE’s ackNowLEdgMENts
INtroductIoN 6 Jurors’ statEMENts
PrIzE wINNErs 11 hoNouraBLE MENtIoNs
sELEctEd works
artIst INdEX

thaNk you

Henri Matisse said, “Creativity takes courage.” On behalf of the Biennial Miniprint Exhibition (BIMPE), we would like to extend our sincere thanks to all the Artists who created and submitted their amazing print works over the last 24 years. BIMPE has been a Canadian showcase for artists from 52 countries, and a regular biannual event for many of these artists. However, to this year’s 129 artists we would like to give a special thank you. You had the courage not only to create, send your works off to Vancouver, and to wait for three years for the jury and Exhibition. Thank you ALL for your creativity and understanding and patience in launching the Eleventh and final Biennial Mini Print Exhibition.

of the Exhibition’s creator, Peter Braune, Master Printer, New Leaf Editions. This Exhibition had to overcome global and personal adversities to reach fruition. While we all experienced the changes of the pandemic, Peter had to overcome personal health and business crises in the context of a lack of arts sponsorship to present this exhibition.

While Matisse was referring to the artist, he could have been referring to the creation of a mini print exhibition. The Eleventh Exhibition was unlike previous events in every way except for the exceptional quality of the print work submitted. Ultimately, it only happened because of the courage

One of the key elements of the BIMPE tradition was that works were juried and prizes were awarded to the top Printmakers. We would like to congratulate this year’s Prize winners Moriyama Kayoko (1st place), Masaaki Sugita (2nd place), and Atsushi Matsuoka (3rd place).

BIMPE has been fortunate over the years to have had the support from many of the top North American Printmakers as jurors. We would like to thank this year’s jurors. Mehdi Darvishi. Iranian/ American Printmaker Texas, USA. Aurora Ladín, Printmaker and installation artist, teaching at the Faculty of Art Langara University and Dan Starling Printmaker and Assistant Professor UBC Department of Art history Visual Arts and Theory.

BIMPE XI Opening at the Visual Space Gallery BIMPE XI Volunteers & organizers

Putting together both the exhibition and sales required the work and volunteering of several others that we would like to thank.

Alejandra Montes assisted with entries management, instructed BIMPE’S logistic and catalogue along with Daemon Baldwin for the layout. Sarah Madgin, of New Leaf Editions, organized the groundwork of BIMPE, created the Online catalogue for the Eleventh Exhibition and all social media about the event. Finally, wonderful volunteers Margaret Ariss, Marsha McCall, and Linda Thompson assisted with framing for the exhibit.

The Eleventh Exhibition opened a new venue for BIMPE XI. Warm thank you to Yukiko Onley of Visual Space Galley for her support of BIMPE and her volunteer Camrose Ducote.

of the arts have considered this exhibition a highlight that brings the world of Printmaking to their doorstep. For the Collectors of art, it has been a mind-blowing selection of fine works that will be missed.

Thank you again, Peter and all the Artists for providing the incredible experience of bring the world’s finest print art to Canada for over 24 years.

Peter Braune removing the last piece of the exhibition

Sadly, but understandably, after twenty-two years, the inspiration and excitement that BIMPE has provided to the Vancouver and Canadian art scene must come to an end. Many local artists and students of


PEtEr BrauNE’s ackNowLEdgEMENts

of Alejandra Montes who guided her through learning all the elements that go into organizing this year’s production. A special thank you to Linda Thompson and Margaret Ariss for helping along the framing process this year and for Camerose Ducote to help during the opening reception.

I wish to acknowledge the support of Yukiko Onley, who has provided her gallery (Vision Space) for this exhibition. It has been a very pleasant process to work with her and have her help in presenting the exhibition.

I would also like to thank the people that have helped to create the BIMPE XI exhibition. Marsha Mc Call, for her years of support by being on the (SCWOP, Society of Contemporary Works On Paper) Society Board, helping to frame all the prints with, and hang the exhibition. Sarah Madgin has worked under the burden of not knowing any of the history of the BIMPE exhibitions or how they have been organized. She has managed with the technical support

This will be the final presentation of BIMPE, as it has been twenty-two years of almost non-stop work to present an exhibition of the caliber that BIMPE has been. Twenty-two years ago, there were no pictures on the Internet, and we started our first version of a web site for BIMPE. The first jury of BIMPE were traveling around the world doing workshops and helped to spread the word of BIMPE I, and so it began.

BIMPE began as desire to show artists in Vancouver that Printmaking was alive and well in other parts of the world. Debra Yelva and I got together to figure out a name for the exhibition, and over some wine, we thought that BIMPE, (Biennial Mini Print Exhibition) had a fun and memorable ring to the anagram. Then we started to promote the exhibition and spread the word. Over the years the Internet has become a major component of the promotion of the exhibition. At the apex of the exhibitions popularity with artists we had entries from over 53 countries and 400 artists.


BIMPE began as desire to show artists in Vancouver that Printmaking was alive and well in other parts of the world. Debra Yelva and I got together to figure out a name for the exhibition, and over some wine, we thought that BIMPE, (Biennial Mini Print Exhibition) had a fun and memorable ring to the anagram. Then we started to promote the exhibition and spread the word. Over the years the Internet has become a major component of the promotion of the exhibition. At the apex of the exhibitions popularity with artists we had entries from over 51 countries and 400 artists.

BIMPE has never received any corporate, or government funding. This exhibition has survived on sales, entry fees, volunteers, and other venues that presented the exhibition. The Okanogan University of British Columbia, and SNAP, (Society of Norther Alberta Printmakers). The reception of our exhibition by these presenters have been a great part of what made BIMPE a unique exhibition.

The list of people that have been part of the BIMPE history is too large to identify individually but none of them have been forgotten by me as part of the creation of BIMPE. I personally wish to thank everyone that has been part of BIMPE as an artist, a presenting space, and a volunteer, this project that was dreamed up 24 years ago could not have happened with out all of the people involved.

It has been one of the great pleasures of my life to have had so much support for an idea.

Thanks everyone!



was the creation of the first BIMPE in 2000. The BIMPE exhibition is instrumental, as it gives the public and artists an opportunity to see a multitude of printmaking techniques that utilizes highly skilled applications and diverse conceptual elements within the works. The miniature print makes it possible for artists to easily mail their works from as many as 53 countries to this juried exhibition thus creating accessibility for up to 500 hundred artists per biennial year.

Through cataloging the works, BIMPE acts as an important archive, as well a means of exposure and recognition for national and international artists, who otherwise may lack financial resources or live in a remote area unable to have an opportunity to exhibit their work in a well-established venue.

As a former organizer and juror, I am deeply impressed that BIMPE (Biennial International Miniature Print Exhibition) has ran consecutively for over twenty-four years thanks to Peter Braune’s dedication, hard work and funding. As a master printer for professional artists and the owner of New Leaf Editions, Peter has assisted in showcasing national and international artists through this juried exhibition.

I met Peter Braune many years ago while working at Dundarave Print Workshop on Granville Island, where New Leaf Editions is located within Vancouver. As a fellow printmaker, I share a great passion for the original print as does Peter. Through a collaboration of ideas, numerous conversations and mutual efforts the result

Upon this occasion, it is with great honour, I commend Peter Braune and all the committed volunteers (past and present) for once again executing another fine print exhibition for 2022, BIMPE XI.


Jurors’ statEMENts

can leap into the past to re-situate present cultural, social, and political configurations; How art’s speculative fictions can open the door to an equitable future.

Dan Starling is an interdisciplinary artist who works with print media. An Assistant Professor in the Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory at UBC he holds a Meistershuler from the Städelschule, Frankfurt and has previously taught at Emily Carr University of Art + Design and NSCAD University.

Dan Starling

daN starLINg

Dan Starling is an interdisciplinary artist who works with print media. An Assistant Professor in the Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory at UBC he holds a Meistershuler from the Städelschule, Frankfurt and has previously taught at Emily Carr University of Art + Design and NSCAD University.

As a settler working on the unceded territory of the Musqueam, I dedicate my researchbased practice to the immanent critique of mainstream paradigms. My work attends to how strategies of intervention, extrapolation, repetition, and recombination of existing narratives serve to challenge the myths necessary to maintaining the status quo: How art can create friction to rupture and destabilize normative narratives; How art

Aurora Landín is a Mexican-AmericanCanadian artist whose work ranges from traditional printmaking to drawing, painting and installation. She received a Diploma of Art and Design from Red Deer College, a BFA from the University of Calgary, and an MFA from Washington State University. In addition to a long working association with galleries and other arts organizations, Aurora has taught in several institutions, including the University

aurora LaNdíN

of Manitoba, the Alberta College of Art and Design (AU Arts), and currently Langara College in Vancouver. A recipient of various grants and awards, her work has been shown and collected through numerous solo and group exhibitions in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Italy, and Poland. Always such a pleasure hanging out in the studio of New Leaf Editions and it’s so exciting to see the enthusiasm for printmaking from around the world. Choosing only a few award recipients was a truly difficult decision, and I’m honored to have been a part of the process. Congratulations to ALL the printmakers and thank you so much for sharing your work with us here in Vancouver. Exhibitions like BIMPE play such an important role in not only reaffirming the beauty and variety of the medium of print, but also the opportunity for conversations among makers, sharing ideas. And sharing ideas and images is what printmakers do best!

Mehdi Darvishi was born in the summer of 1988, coinciding with the Iran - Iraq peace resolution. In his war-stricken hometown, Mehdi grew up unexposed to art galleries and museums. In 2007 he left home to earn a BFA in Painting at the University of Tehran where he learned basic printmaking techniques such as relief and intaglio. After receiving his degree in 2011, his interest in printmaking grew into a life’s pursuit. He has since exhibited in over 30 countries and has participated in numerous global exhibitions, competitions, residencies, and as a visiting artist. His works have been widely collected by museums such as the China Printmaking Museum, the Ekaterinburg Museum of Fine Art, the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, and the US Library of Congress.

MEhdI darVIshI


Moriyama Kayoko Japan

b ox o F my
1st place F lowers blooming this year Wood engraving
iver o F time Wood engraving
dream Wood engraving

Masaaki Sugita Japan

2nd place

d anse macabre Engraved by burin

m emento mori Engraved by burin a rs moriendi Engraved by burin


Atsushi Matsuoka Japan 3rd place

w aiting F or the night Wood engraving

t he palm o F azure Wood engraving a bove the roo F Wood engraving


hoNouraBLE MENtIoNs

Yui Koike o n a bridge Mezzotint , Japan

Marie-Louise Martin v enetia Etching , Ireland

Lina Audzeviciute t he white shroud Etching, Lithuania Fei Gao t he clouds F rom town Stone lithography , Canada
Lisa Matthias b reakdown Woodcut, monotype, chine-collé , Canada Jaco Putker o n wings o F wood Photopolymer etching , Netherlands Gabriella Solti w ild F lower Drypoint, chine-collé , Canada Valerie Syposz t he way up Wood engraving , United States

Catherine Tam d ream 6

Etching, chine-collé , Canada

Anna Trojanowska r e F lections _12

Lithograph on hand made paper , Poland


sELEctEd work

Lee James Abbott Revolution Serigraph, Canada

Lee James Abbott Innervisions Serigraph, Canada

Lee James Abbott Sun Becoming Serigraph, Canada

Dworzak-Subocz Agata Space_5925 Digital art, Poland


Dworzak-Subocz Agata Space_5930 Digital art, Poland

Dworzak-Subocz Agata Space_5932 Digital art, Poland

Suzie Allen Longe côte I Etching, Canada

Suzie Allen Longe côte II Etching, Canada


Suzie Allen

Longe côte III Etching, Canada



Mind the Feather Intaglio, chine colle, Canada

Mariko Ando Mind the Egg Intaglio, chine colle, Canada

Germán Aparicio AWC 20-A Etching, Spain


Germán Aparicio

AWC 20-B Etching, Spain



AWC 20-C Etching, Spain

Beverly Ashcraft-Johnson Psyche and Conscience Mezzotint, digital, United States Beverly Ashcraft-Johnson Hanging in the Balance Mezzotint, digital, United States

Scorched Mezzotint, digital, United States

Lina Audzeviciute

Slaugterhouse I Etching, chine colle, Lithuania

Lina Audzeviciute

Slaugterhouse II Etching, Lithuania

Claire Auszenkier Anis étoilé Mezzotint, France

Beverly Ashcraft-Johnson

Claire Auszenkier Arlequin Mezzotint, France

Claire Auszenkier Cheval Noir Mezzotint, France

Kate Baillies Rumination #5006 Intaglio, Canada

Kate Baillies Rumination #8126 Intaglio, Canada


Kate Baillies

Rumination #3840 Intaglio, Canada

Louise Bariteau Los Cabos Etching, Canada

Louise Bariteau Brumaille Etching, Canada

Louise Bariteau Drift Wood Etching, Canada


Louise Bariteau Couper les liens Etching, embossing, Canada

Louise Bariteau Alzheimer Etching, Canada Margaret Becker Two Hens with Rose Etching, Ireland Margaret Becker Funny Fish Etching, Ireland

Burning world I Ink on etiquette, nonwoven paper, France

Marcelle Benhamou

Burning world II Ink on etiquette, nonwoven paper, France

Marcelle Benhamou

Burning world III Ink on etiquette, nonwoven paper, France

Alison Bigg

In Denial Solarplate, embossing, Canada

Marcelle Benhamou

Alison Bigg

How We See It/As It Is Aquatint, chine colle, debossing, Canada

Evelyn Bohn Meadowhawk Etching, Canada

Evelyn Bohn Hawkmoth Etching, Canada

Georg Bothe CNG II Line etching, reservage, aquatint, Germany


Georg Bothe

Carbona not Glue V Aquatint, soft-ground etching, Germany

Georg Bothe

Carbona not Glue XXIII Aquatint, soft-ground etching, Germany

Susan Cartwright

Tree Top

Etching, aquatint, Canada

Susan Cartwright

Raven Etching, aquatint, Canada


Nastazja Ciupa I live alone in this world Lithography, Poland

Susan Cartwright Curious Etching, aquatint, Canada Tam Catherine Dream 10 Etching, chine colle, Canada Ed Catley Malcolm Relief etching, England

Nastazja Ciupa

Where the road is long Lithography, Poland

Nastazja Ciupa

Finding You Lithography, Poland

Nastazja Ciupa

I am heading towards Lithography, Poland

Nastazja Ciupa

But I find myself in You Lithography, Poland


Margot Cormier Splane

Frig this I’m Leaving Serigraph, Canada

Margot Cormier Splane Phew it’s getting Warm Serigraph, Canada

Margot Cormier Splane Tricolored Border Collie Serigraph, Canada

Robert Creighton 3 figures Intaglio, chine colle, Canada

Łukasz Cywicki

Person of time - 44 Linocut, Poland

Łukasz Cywicki Person of time - 46 Linocut, Poland

Robert Creighton A conversation Intaglio, chine colle, Canada Robert Creighton Portrait/Sarah Intaglio, chine colle, Canada

Łukasz Cywicki Person of time - 42 Linocut, Poland

Géraldine Daniel Olga et ses chats Photoengraving, France

Géraldine Daniel Jean-Claude et son chien Photoengraving, France

Géraldine Daniel Pierre au fond du verger Photoengraving, France


Pamela De Brí Chatterboxes Etching, Ireland

Pamela De Brí Way out West Etching, Ireland

Pamela De Brí High Talk Etching, Ireland

Martine Désilets Côté jardin I Monotype, chine colle, sewing, Canada


Martine Désilets

Côté jardin II Monotype, chine colle, sewing, Canada

Martine Désilets

Côté jardin III Monotype, chine colle, sewing, Canada

Martine Désilets

Côté Jardin IV Monotype, chine colle, sewing, Canada

Peter Dolan Pique-a-Boo Etching, Canada


Canoe One, Canoe Two Etching, Canada

Lorraine Douglas Kilter

Sugar lift, aquatint, Canada

Peter Dolan A Walk in a Snow Storm Etching, Canada


Douglas Lit

Etching, chine colle, Canada

Peter Dolan

Susan Early

Slice of Georgian Dublin- III Etching, aquatint, Ireland

Susan Early Slice of Georgian Dublin- I Etching, aquatint, Ireland

Susan Early Slice of Georgian Dublin- II Etching, aquatint, Ireland

Lorraine Douglas Birdie Sugar lift, aquatint, Canada

Victoria Edgarr -A-Ok Intaglio, chine colle, stamp, Canada

Victoria Edgarr -B-Ok Intaglio, chine colle, stamp, Canada

Victoria Edgarr -D-Ok Intaglio, chine colle, stamp, Canada

Randie Feil Intuition (Raven) Mezzotint, Canada


Randie Feil

An Elemental Translation Mezzotint, Canada

Laurence Finet Abysses III

Line etching, softground, aquatint, Canada

Laurence Finet Abysses II

Line etching, softground, aquatint, Canada

Laurence Finet Abysses IV

Line etching, softground, aquatint, Canada


Grzegorz Frydryk

In clouds Linocut, Poland

Grzegorz Frydryk

Moon thoughts Linocut, Poland

Grzegorz Frydryk My tower Linocut, Poland

Tsuboi Fusano Water Planet Etching, aquatint, Japan


Tsuboi Fusano Eclipse Day Etching, aquatint, Japan

Tsuboi Fusano Hope Etching, aquatint, Japan

Fei Gao M.O.P. Stone Lithography, Canada

Patricia Gaspar Be a Dreamer Aquatint, linocut, intaglio, embossing, Canada


Patricia Gaspar

Be a Dreamer I Aquatint, linocut, intaglio, embossing, Canada

Patricia Gaspar

Pandemia 2020 Aquatint, stapms, Canada

Renée Gélinas Neguac no1

Relief woodcut, Canada

Renée Gélinas Neguac no2

Relief woodcut, Canada


Colin Gillespie Waiting to Hear Collage/Relief, England

Colin Gillespie Refugge Camp Collage/Relief, England

Renée Gélinas Neguac no3 Relief woodcut, Canada Colin Gillespie Blue House Dog Collage/Relief, England

Jerzy Gorbas Head Linocut, Poland

Jerzy Gorbas Self portrait of hand Linocut, Poland

Jerzy Gorbas Figure in shoes Linocut, Poland

Barbara Graham Homunculus I Etching, New Zealand

Barbara Graham Homunculus II Etching, New Zealand Colette Gréco-Riddle L’hirondelle Linocut, Canada Colette Gréco-Riddle Rouge-gorge Linocut, Canada Colette Gréco-Riddle Alure Etching, aquatint, Canada

Colette Gréco-Riddle

By gone days Soft ground lifth, Canada

Colette Gréco-Riddle Dance - diptych Linocut, Canada Fumi

Nightmare Etching, aquatint, Japan
Nightmare Etching, aquatint, Japan
Fumi Gyobu

Fumi Gyobu woods I Intaglio, Japan

Alicja Habisiak-Matczak Departures Salt aquatint, etching, Poland

Alicja Habisiak-Matczak


Salt aquatint, etching, Poland

Alicja Habisiak-Matczak

Urban Labirynths I

Salt aquatint, etching, Poland


Álvaro Herrera (Univalle) Genocide Museum Dry point, Colombia

Álvaro Herrera (Univalle)

Puente Ortíz - Cali

Laser print on photo paper, chemicals, Colombia

Álvaro Herrera (Univalle)

Puente Hanoi 1 Polyester lithograpy, relief, chemicals, Colombia

Sylvie Heslot Untitled Mezzotint, France


Sylvie Heslot

Untitled I Mezzotint, France

A Town in the Forest Lithograph, Japan

Sylvie Heslot

Le pli retrouvé Mezzotint, France

Noboru Hikosaka

Crossroads-3 Lithograph, Japan

Noboru Hikosaka
Noboru Hikosaka Aqua Town-9 Lithograph, Japan Bill Horne Babarrunak Raku Silk screen, Canada Bill Horne Wildfire I Silk screen, Canada Bill Horne Wildfire II Silk screen, Canada

Jeff Huckeby

Zero Balance, Page 22

Mechanitechnograph, chine colle, United States

Jeff Huckeby

In the Red, Page 38

Mechanitechnograph, chine colle, United States

Bill Horne Ore Silk screen, Canada Tara Howarth Mr. T. Nash Linocut, Canada

No Data, Page 159 Mechanitechnograph, chine colle, United States

Eeva Huotari Dancing With a Swan Photogravure, Finland

Eeva Huotari Beside You Photogravure, Finland

Eeva Huotari Shimmer Photogravure, Finland

Jeff Huckeby

Ayako Iguchi View-35 Etching, aquatint, Japan

Ayako Iguchi Sound Etching, aquatint, Japan

Michèle James Safe from ocean 1 Intaglio, polymer, France

Michèle James Safe from ocean 2 Intaglio, polymer, France


Dorotea Kemenczy Global Warming Intaglio, Canada

Dorotea Kemenczy Tangled Thoughts Lithography, Canada

Michèle James Watershed Intaglio, polymer, France Maura Keating Madonna Tulip Etching, aquatint, Ireland

Dorotea Kemenczy

Foggy Morning Image transfer, Canada

Eunice Kim Skyline (11) #1

Reclaimed Wood Monoprint, United States

Eunice Kim Sea (12) #1 Reclaimed Wood Monoprint, United States

Eunice Kim Sea (12) #2

Reclaimed Wood Monoprint, United States


Mimi King

The Order of Hypnales I Monotype, line etching, chine colle, United States

Mimi King

The Order of Hypnales II Monotype, line etching, chine colle, United States

Mimi King

The Order of Hypnales III Monotype, line etching, chine colle, United States

Maggie Kitching

Wind-up birds 1 Collagraph, England

Maggie Kitching Wind-up birds 2 Collagraph, England Maggie Kitching Wind-up birds 3 Collagraph, England Yui Koike Snow Mezzotint, Japan Yui Koike Moonlight Mezzotint, Japan

Beata Kolakowska

Bestiary Garden I

Lithographic Monoprint, Poland

Beata Kolakowska

Bestiary Garden III

Lithographic Monoprint, Poland

Beata Kolakowska

Bestiary Garden II

Lithographic Monoprint, Poland

Antoni Kowalski

Freedom II

Mezzotint, Poland


Stone on stone Mezzotint, Poland

Red List Hummingbird Drypoint, screenprint, chine colle, Canada

Antoni Kowalski Eden-birches II Mezzotint, Poland

Antoni Kowalski Edith Krause Edith Krause Red List Oystercatcher Drypoint, screenprint, chine colle, Canada

Edith Krause

Red List Owl

Drypoint, screenprint, chine colle, Canada

Claire Kujundzic Early Spring Silk screen, Canada

Katherine A. Laird La promenade Etching. Photolithograph, Canada

Katherine A. Laird Les Barbes-bleues Etching. Photolithograph, Canada


Nora Layard Here be Dragons Reduction woodblock, Canada

Françoise Legris Barn in summer Intaglio, Canada

Françoise Legris Barn in Winter Intaglio, Canada

Katherine A. Laird Là-haut et très loin Etching. Photolithograph, Canada
Françoise Legris Chez Ovide Lithography, Canada Heather Leier XL2 Photopolymer, screenprint, Canada Bernadette Madden Dublin 3 Screenprint, Ireland Bernadette Madden Distant Sea Screenprint, Ireland

Bernadette Madden Ice Screenprint, Ireland

Paule Mainguy No title (Bobolink) Etching, aquatint, Canada

Paule Mainguy No title (Hoopoe) Etching, aquatint, chine colle, Canada

Bernadette Maréchal Lamelle Aquatint, soft ground, Belgium


Bernadette Maréchal Poussière Aquatint, soft ground, Belgium

Bernadette Maréchal Torche Aquatint, soft ground, Belgium

Marie-Louise Martin Summer storm Etching, Ireland

Marie-Louise Martin Dream II Etching, Ireland


Lisa Matthias Imitate Woodcut, monotype, chine colle, Canada

Lisa Matthias Flutter Monotype, chine colle, Canada

Lily May Facing Extinction Relief Print, Canada

Lily May Smarten Up Relief Print, Canada


Lily May Mercy in Dire Times Relief Print, Canada

Mary McGrath To the Creamery Drypoint, Ireland

Mary McGrath

The Mare with the Big Knee Drypoint, Ireland

Mary McGrath Jester Galloping Etching,



Megan Mercier Jelly Etching, aquatint, Canada

Megan Mercier Frog Skin Etching, Canada

Megan Mercier Fuzzy Bumble Etching, Canada

Kay Miller Miller_Kay_WindowShopping1 Photopolymer, United States


Photopolymer, United States

Yoshiko Mino

Play fish-H Etching, aquatint, Japan

Kay Miller

Miller_Kay_WindowShopping3 Photopolymer, United States

Yoshiko Mino

Play fish-B Etching, aquatint, Japan

Kay Miller

Yoshiko Mino

Play fish-T Etching, aquatint, Japan

Movahed Mohadese

The Tree of Arash Etching, aquatint, Canada

Movahed Mohadese

The Tree of Nasrin Etching, aquatint, Canada

Movahed Mohadese

The Tree of Neda Etching, aquatint, Canada


Kayoko Moriyama

Dream Deeply Wood engraving, Japan


Photopolymer, inkjet, Canada

Kayoko Moriyama Ruminate About the Time Wood engraving, Japan

David Morrish


Photopolymer, inkjet, Canada

David Morrish
David Morrish Trio Photopolymer, inkjet, Canada Yoshiaki Murakami At the Lab Digital, Japan Yoshiaki Murakami Deform Study (by Curve) Digital, Japan Yoshiaki Murakami Flying Species Digital, Japan
Barbara Neu Queen Anne’s Lace Etching, United States Barbara Neu Baby’s Breath Etching, United States Barbara Neu Bud Etching, United States Gunnar Nilmén Window Etching, Sweden

Gunnar Nilmén Winternight Etching, drypoint, Sweden

Gunnar Nilmén Looking Out Etching, drypoint, Sweden

Kristina Norvilait_ Important meeting I Linocut, Lithuania

Kristina Norvilait_ Important meeting II Linocut, Lithuania


Kristina Norvilait_

Important meeting III Linocut, Lithuania

Elisabeth Ödmann

There were a lot of mosquitos that year Drypoint, Sweden

Elisabeth Ödmann Girl I Drypoint, Sweden

Elisabeth Ödmann Girl II Drypoint, Sweden

Audrey Pearson Cornflower Oppossum Etching, Canada Audrey Pearson Mushrooms Etching, Canada Audrey Pearson Sprigs and Bubbles Etching, Canada Rolande Pelletier Cottage Drypoint, Canada

Rolande Pelletier

Horizon Drypoint, Canada

Albert Pema

Sans titre no.87 Etching, chine colle, France

Rolande Pelletier

Volume derrière un arbre Drypoint, pencil, Canada

Albert Pema

Sans titre no.88 Etching, chine colle, France


Pierre Philippe Actors in front of ruins Etching, aquatint, France

Pierre Philippe Skaters in the city Etching, aquatint, France

Pierre Philippe Germination Etching, aquatint, France

Henry Pouillon Air Love (1) Computer Generated Design, Belgium


Henry Pouillon

Air Love (2) Computer Generated Design, Belgium

Henry Pouillon

Air Love (3) Computer Generated Design, Belgium

Jaco Putker

Interior No.80

Photopolymer etching, Netherlands

Jaco Putker

Exterior No.15

Photopolymer etching, Netherlands


Gervasio Robles Hurtado

Inner fire Aquatint, hardground, South Africa

Gervasio Robles Hurtado

It’s only giving Aquatint, hardground, South Africa

Gervasio Robles Hurtado

The first dance Aquatint, hardground, South Africa

Kurt Ries The Shaman III Linocut, carborundum, Germany

Mary Romanuck

The Cupboard Cat Linocut, watercolour, graphite, Canada

Mary Romanuck Dream Big Linocut,

watercolour, graphite, Canada

Christie Rosenberg Trilogy

Photoetching, aquatint, United States

Christie Rosenberg Openings

Photoetching, aquatint, United States

Christie Rosenberg Window Dressing Photoetching, aquatint, United States Madeleine Rousseau Le Horla Reduction linocut, Canada Madeleine Rousseau Morpho-cité Reduction linocut, Canada Madeleine Rousseau Tassés comme des... Linocut, Canada

Jolanta Rudzka

From the cycle Symmetricals Cross 1 Goffrage, perforation, Poland

Jolanta Rudzka

From the cycle Symmetricals Cross 2 Goffrage, perforation, Poland

Iwona Rype - Kostovi Finally somewhere else II Archival pigment print, Poland

Iwona Rype - Kostovi Escaping as close as possible II Archival pigment print, Poland


Iwona Rype - Kostovi

Not defeated yet II Archival pigment print, Poland

James Sadler

A walk with my line 2 Giclee, United Kingdom

James Sadler

A walk with my line Giclee, United Kingdom

James Sadler

Woman with child Giclee, United Kingdom


Janine Schroedter Dead Bird II Drypoint, Canada

Janine Schroedter Eye Spy Mini Screenprint, Canada

Anita Seltzer Manship Redux Photopolymer, intaglio, United States Anita Seltzer The Clark Photopolymer, intaglio, United States

Jessica Semenoff

Specimen 3C4 Screen print, Canada

Jessica Semenoff

Specimen 3D3 Screen print, Canada

Jessica Semenoff

Specimen 4C3 Screen print, Canada

Anita Seltzer Wharton’s Stable Photopolymer, intaglio, United States

Inkyung Seo

Seeing with your ears no.1 Drypoint , etching, South Korea

Inkyung Seo

Seeing with your ears no.2 Drypoint , etching, South Korea

Christopher Shore Ovis

Etching, relief, United States

Christopher Shore Matter

Etching, United States


Sim Winter Grass Linocut, Canada

Christopher Shore Van Etching, United States Gary Sim Dream Snake Linocut, Canada Gary Sim Koulou Linocut, Canada Gary
Dave Skilling Viewpoint Linocut, Canada Dave Skilling Side Yard Linocut, Canada Dave Skilling Pay Day Linocut, Canada Vincent Smets So kitsch Serigraph, Belgium

Angela Snieder Anemone 1 Etching, Canada

Angela Snieder Anemone 2 Etching, Canada

Vincent Smets Missing Serigraph, Belgium Vincent Smets Mars Serigraph, Belgium

Angela Snieder Anemone 3 Etching, Canada

Rossen Stanoev

Set landscape

Mixed media, digital print, Bulgaria

Rossen Stanoev Plan B

Mixed media, digital print, Bulgaria

Rossen Stanoev Sketch haute couture XV

Mixed media, digital print, Bulgaria


William Steinberg Sisyphus in the City Etching, Canada

William Steinberg Because I Could Etching, aquatint, Canada

Catherine Stewart Hommage à Gutenberg Letterpress, Canada

Linda Suffidy Geode 1 Linocut, Canada


Linda Suffidy Geode 3 Linocut, Canada

Linda Suffidy Geode 6 Linocut, Canada

Masaaki Sugita

I saw Nothing engraved by burin, Japan

Masaaki Sugita Lighthouse from the mouth engraved by burin, Japan

Roger Sutcliffe Split Personality Screenprint, woodcut, Canada Roger Sutcliffe Phantom Figure Electroetching, Canada Roger Sutcliffe Dancing in the Moonlight Electroetching, Canada Roger Sutcliffe Intersecting Spheres Electroetching, Canada

Roger Sutcliffe

Dazzling Shadows II Electroetching, Canada

Svetlana Swinimer

Goddess of Fertility Woodblock, silkscreen, Canada

Svetlana Swinimer Goddess of Destiny Silk screen, Canada

Svetlana Swinimer

Goddess of Weaving Silk screen, Canada


Syposz Self Wood engraving, United States

Valerie Syposz Sticks and Stones Wood engraving, United States

Yasufumi Takano Dots and Stripes/City View Drypoint, Japan

Yasufumi Takano Fourth Animal Drypoint, Japan

Yasufumi Takano Waterfall Drypoint, Japan Catherine Tam Dream 10 Etching, chine colle, Canada Jacqueline Tourigny Animal totem Collagraph, Canada Jacqueline Tourigny Portail Monotype, Canada
Jacqueline Tourigny Pour toujours Monotype, Canada
Trimmming Saudade Etching,
Trimmming Seuil Etching,
Jacqueline Tourigny Rose des vents Monotype, Canada
aquatint, France Véronique
aquatint, France

Véronique Trimmming Invocation Etching, aquatint, France

Anna Trojanowska REFLECTIONS_13 Lithograph on handmade paper, Poland


Lithograph on handmade paper, Poland


Colour Field Solar plate, monoprint, Canada

Anna Trojanowska Urness

Heather Urness

From Sun to Moon

Solar plate, chine colle, relief, Canada

Heather Urness Bowness Bridge Solar plate, monoprint, Canada

Yasuyuki Uzawa Downtown 1 Digital, Japan

Yasuyuki Uzawa Downtown 2 Digital, Japan

Yasuyuki Uzawa Downtown 3 Digital, Japan Marinova Vaselina Dance Linocut, Bulgaria Marinova Vaselina Romantic Linocut, Bulgaria Marinova Vaselina The Spirit of The Bottle Linocut, Bulgaria

François Vincent Appartement

Etching, aquatint, Canada

François Vincent Cour

Etching, aquatint, Canada

François Vincent


Etching, aquatint, Canada

Kseniya Vysotskaya The trap Linocut,



Kseniya Vysotskaya

The trap II Linocut, Poland

Kseniya Vysotskaya

The hunt II Linocut, Poland

Kseniya Vysotskaya The hunt Linocut, Poland

Antonia Weberling

Notre Dame I Linocut on news paper, United Kingdom


Cleo Wilkinson Then IV Mezzotint, Australia

Cleo Wilkinson Inception V Mezzotint, Australia

Cleo Wilkinson Waiting Mezzotint, Australia

Antonia Weberling Notre Dame II Linocut on news paper, United Kingdom

Roy Willingham

Dawn Pool

Wood engraving, United Kingdom

Roy Willingham Downland Wood engraving, United Kingdom

Roy Willingham


Wood engraving, United Kingdom

Sylvia Wong Hong Kong, Amplitude Linocut, chine colle, Canada


Sylvia Wong Hong Kong, Threshold Linocut, chine colle, Canada

Sylvia Wong Hong Kong, Transcendence I Linocut, chine colle, Canada

Sylvia Wong Hong Kong, Transcendence II Linocut, chine colle, Canada


artIst INdEX

Abbott, Lee James 24

Agata, Dworzak-Subocz 24,25

Allen, Suzie 25,26

Ando, Mariko 26 Aparicio , Germán 26,27

Ashcraft-Johnson, Beverly 27,28 Audzeviciute, Lina 18,28 Auszenkier, Claire 28,29


Baillies, Kate 29,30

Bariteau, Louise 30,31 Becker, Margaret 31 Benhamou, Marcelle 32 Bigg, Alison 32,33 Bohn, Evelyn 33 Bothe, Georg 33,34


Cartwright, Susan 34,35 Catley, Ed 35 Ciupa, Nastazja 35,36

Cormier Splane, Margot 37 Creighton, Robert 37,38 Cywicki, Łukasz 38,39


Daniel, Géraldine 39

De Brí, Pamela 40

Désilets, Martine 40,41 Dolan, Peter 41,42 Douglas, Lorraine 42,43


Early, Susan 43 Edgarr, Victoria 44


Feil, Randie 44,45 Finet, Laurence 45 Frydryk, Grzegorz 46 Fusano, Tsuboi 46,47


Gao, Fei 18,47 Gaspar, Patricia 47,48 Gélinas, Renée 48,49 Gillespie, Colin 49 Gorbas, Jerzy 50 Graham , Barbara 50,51 Gréco-Riddle, Colette 51,52 Gyobu, Fumi 52,53


Habisiak-Matczak, Alicja 53 Herrera (Univalle), Álvaro 54 Heslot, Sylvie 54,55 Hikosaka, Noboru 55,56 Horne, Bill 56,57 Howarth, Tara 57 Huckeby, Jeff 57 Huotari , Eeva 58 I Iguchi, Ayako 59 J James, Michèle 59,60 K

Keating, Maura 60 Kemenczy, Dorotea 60,61 Kim, Eunice 61 King, Mimi 62 Kitching, Maggie 62,63

Koike, Yui 18,63 Kolakowska, Beata 64 Kowalski, Antoni 64,65 Krause, Edith 65,66 Kujundzic, Claire 66


Laird, Katherine A. 66,67 Layard, Nora 67 Legris, Françoise 67,68 Leier, Heather 68 M

Madden, Bernadette 68,69 Mainguy, Paule 69 Maréchal, Bernadette 69,70 Martin, Marie-Louise 18,70 Matsuoka Atsushi 15 Matthias, Lisa 19,71 May, Lily 71,72 McGrath, Mary 72 Mercier, Megan 72,73 Miller, Kay 73,74 Mino, Yoshiko 74,75 Mohadese, Movahed 75 Moriyama, Kayoko 13,76 Morrish, David 76,77 Murakami, Yoshiaki 77


Neu, Barbara 78 Nilmén, Gunnar 78,79 Norvilaitė, Kristina 79,80 O Ödmann, Elisabeth 80 P Pearson, Audrey 81

114 a

Pelletier , Rolande 81,82

Pema, Albert 82 Philippe, Pierre 83 Pouillon, Henry 83,84 Putker, Jaco 19,84


Ries, Kurt 85 Robles Hurtado, Gervasio 85 Romanuck, Mary 86 Rosenberg, Christie 86,87 Rousseau, Madeleine 87 Rudzka, Jolanta 88 Rypeść-Kostović, Iwona 88,89


Sadler, James 89

Schroedter, Janine 90 Seltzer, Anita 90,91 Semenoff, Jessica 91 Seo, Inkyung 92 Shore, Christopher 92,93 Sim, Gary 93 Skilling, Dave 94 Smets, Vincent 94,95 Snieder, Angela 95,96 Solti Gabriella 19 Stanoev, Rossen 96 Steinberg, William 97 Stewart, Catherine 97 Suffidy, Linda 97,98 Sugita, Masaaki 14,98 Sutcliffe, Roger 100 Swinimer, Svetlana 100 Syposz, Valerie 19,101


Takano, Yasufumi 101,102 Tam, Catherine 20,102 Tourigny, Jacqueline 102,103

Trimmming, Véronique 103,104 Trojanowska, Anna 20,104


Urness, Heather 104,105 Uzawa, Yasuyuki 105,106


Vaselina, Marinova 106 Vincent, François 107 Vysotskaya, Kseniya 107,108


Weberling, Antonia 108,109 Wilkinson, Cleo 109 Willingham, Roy 110 Wong, Sylvia 110,111


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