Catalogue BIMPE IX 2016

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BIMPE IX the ninth biennial international miniature print exhibition Vancouver bc, canada 2016


Front cover images, from left to right Which Way? Allegories / Circumstance Moth Wasp, Fly Wasp, Death Moth By the Sea

Jennifer Portlock, wood engraving Peter Boyadjieff, digigraphie Mark Raymer, linocut Graham Scholes, moko hanga woodblock

Used with permission by the artists Front and back cover design by Val Loewen Catalogue design by Daylen Luschinger and Val Loewen Introduction written by Bill Horne The stamps are from various BIMPE IX entries Printed at West Coast Reproductions

ISBN 978-0-9782396-8-8 All rights reserved

Publisher: SCWOP The Society for Contemporary Works on Paper 1370 Cartwright Street, Vancouver, BC Canada



Presented by the society for contemporary works on paper


Thanks to our Board of Directors: Katie Dey, Raine McKay, Hannamari Jalovaara, Heidi Mo, Marsha McCall, Vanessa Hall-Patch, and Rosalind Rorke our Executive Director. You have provided positive support and a rational second look at our projects.


To our jury: Ryan O’Malley, Tom Wood, and David Thauberger. Thank you for you passion and hard work. To our corporate sponsors: CMHC Granville Island, for their continued support of our mini print show. Opus Art Supplies and Gamblin Artists Colors, for donating the prizes that support our printmaking community. The Granville Island Hotel, for providing our jury with great accommodations and a delicious meal after along day of assessing submissions.

The first BIMPE IX prints arrive at New Leaf

We would like to extend our thanks to all the volunteers, supporters, and contributors who made BIMPE IX a success.

Thanks to our fellow Granville Island businesses: Zara’s pasta, V&J Flowers, Terra Breads, and Liberty Wine Merchants, for their donations, support, and positive feedback throughout the year.

A special thank you to our volunteers who generously donated their time and expertise - without them BIMPE IX would not have been possible. Ena McInnis, Barb Snyder, and Gail Fromson who spent many hours packaging, organizing, and scanning the print submissions. Carol Kepars who came all the way from Australia to frame over 400 prints for the exhibition. Daemon Baldwin and Daylen Luchsinger, for their help in creating the catalogue.

Thanks to the exhibiting galleries and their support staff: The Federation Gallery, Dundarave Print Workshop, The Society of Northern Alberta Print-Artists (SNAP), and UBC Okanagan. And lastly, to the 295 artists who submitted over 800 prints to BIMPE IX, thank you for your participation and support of our mini print show. We are grateful for the diverse and skilful work that makes up this year’s BIMPE.

Andrea Van Schubert, for her guidance. Rosalind Rorke and Marsha McAll, for their enthusiasm and support. 5

Peter Braune’s Acknowledgements 6 Introduction 9 Jurors’ statements 11 prize winners 16 Honourable mentions 24 selected works 30 artist index 132


Peter Braune’s Acknowledgements

From left, Catherine Stewart, Shinsuke Minegishi, Gerri York, and Peter Braune at the BIMPE VIII opening. The BIMPE exhibition project started as a way to demonstrate to local printmakers and artists that printmaking is an active and diverse form of art production. It has been a surprise and pleasure over the years to see how artists around the world use the technologies and processes available. After 18 years of producing this exhibition, with the support of our local printmakers, BIMPE has become a valuable project to be involved with. I personally would like to acknowledge that we have lost some of our early supporters. I first met Marijke in 1998, a recent graduate from the Capilano University printmaking program. She was a very enthusiastic and intuitive printmaker to work with. Every challenge was a fun undertaking and she really enjoyed the collaboration of working with other artists who were unfamiliar with print processes.

projects at New Leaf Editions. Some of our most inventive prints were made while she worked with New Leaf. I had the opportunity to go to New York and Singapore for 2 years, working to set up the Singapore Tyler Print Institute. Just before I left, Debra Yelva and I set up BIMPE I in 2000/2001.

We worked together for Stone Press in Seattle on Dale Chihuly prints and many 7

Marijke Nap

Beans Justice

Marijke and Katie Dey ran New Leaf and took over the creation of BIMPE.

Beans Justice was an architect and an artist. He led a generous life imparting wisdom to young architecture students and guiding his office draftsmen. He related stories that ranged from nature worship, solar observations, and historic minutiae to fun loving anecdotes. His was a repartee that endeared him to many and gave purpose to his love for fellow man, architecture, art and especially for planet earth.

None of us thought this project would last as long as it has, but it has been a great opportunity for Vancouver artists and the world of printmaking to connect with one another. As we move forward each year there are constant reminders of Marijke’s influences, via students she worked with at the various studios and schools at which she taught. Her most influential time was at the University of British Columbia as the technician and teaching assistant. She worked with me there to create huge etchings not possible at my studio. She also worked on her own private practice, which would always have flair and a sense of humour.

Beans loved to come down to visit New Leaf and spend time in the workshop. As a self-trained artist, Beans explored the delights of pencil sketches, ink drawings, watercolours and steel point etchings by his friend Ross Penhall who brought him to New Leaf. Beans’ legacy is a simple one for those who admire or practice architecture and build: Observe life with a perceptive eye; capture the spirit of place; seek beauty and delight in all things natural or man made; let humour prevail.

For this reason we are dedicating the first prize of BIMPE in Marijke’s honour. It is a small thing we can do to commemorate and acknowledge her enthusiasm for what she helped create. 8

Noboru Sawai was an inventive printmaker and professor of printmaking at the University of Calgary. He worked with papermakers in Japan to create beautiful papers that allowed for the printing of his Mokuhanga prints and etchings. He founded his own Mokuhanga printmaking studio and produced prints with some of Canada’s prominent artists.

Noboru shared his knowledge and enthusiasm with his many students and fellow printmakers until he passed away in 2016. As BIMPE moves forward we will see many more people get involved, supporting our exhibition in many ways. We will always be grateful to our friends and community members who make BIMPE possible.

Noboru was a jurist for BIMPE I, along with Lyndel Osborn and Bill Lang, they encouraged our continued production of the BIMPE exhibitions. Their contacts around the world allowed us to get the word out about our exhibition, and their support was pivotal in getting BIMPE off the ground.

Noboru Sawai at his press 9

Making prints in most media means creating multiples of images, with the exception of monotype, which lends itself to sequential production or improvisation, as well as unique works.


As a result of its inherent social nature, a print shop rarely feels like a lonely place. Even if others aren’t at work at the same time, in the same space, or collaborating on a large or intricate project, the multiplicity of the form evokes a sense of belonging.

Written by Bill Horne

Who can feel lonely with dozens of prints drying on a rack or hanging from a line? They populate our places of work and spark conversations and insights that lead to the next image - yet another multiplier effect. If we consider the commercial, industrial and political applications of printmaking through its history, we notice the involvement of even more people who come from every walk of life and from every culture.

I’ve had the pleasure and privilege as a printmaker of showing in BIMPE several times and have enjoyed seeing it grow and evolve. Thanks to its founders, the SCWOP Board, volunteers and sponsors, it has never gone stale. This exhibition stays fresh by reinventing itself every two years. BIMPE, like the printmaking world it mirrors, originates in transformation.

Unlike some of the more rarified sectors of the art world, printmaking offers us a common room where all are welcome. BIMPE has tapped into this social spirit to build a beautiful, international common room in the form of an exhibition whose viewers expand its reach. Its accessible, portable, postcardsized format has allowed artists to participate from all over the world.

Although printmaking can be a solitary activity, many artists work in shared studios or cooperatives to save on rent or access expensive equipment that might not fit in their living space.

The show erases national borders to bring us together in our imaginary worlds as rendered on paper. 10

The sheer volume of prints, tracking shipping & receiving, storing, cataloguing, and financing that the organizers, volunteers and jurors contend with is both staggering and inspiring. The BIMPE team carries out its many tasks in a diligent, professional manner, emphasizing pride in craft and integrity. An exhibition of this nature represents a gift to the participating artists, as well as to the public at large, and for this I am grateful.

This exhibition offers a celebration of diversity of imagery, technique and origins, in every print media imaginable: intaglio, photogravure, litho, monotype, digital, serigraphy, relief, engraving, transfers, the sub-categories that exist within those processes, and various combinations of them. Concentrating all of these in the small scale of the miniature print amplifies their intricacy.

The BIMPE VII show before the opening Photo credit: Lisa MacLean


As one who teaches, makes, collects, promotes and loves all things printmaking, I was particularly moved by the selection process itself – poring over throngs of meticulously arranged binders filled with original works by 300 artists from 57 countries!

Jurors’ statements

Throughout the preliminary judging, I passed fingers over the raised ink of engraved lines, the texture of papers and the depths of relief embossments. I waded the atmospheric spaces of aquatints and mezzotints, paused over the grain of stone lithographs, and the luminosity of screenprints. The tools and techniques we use to make multiples were all on display in both enduringly familiar and extraordinary ways. The breadth of ideas and imagery represented in this year’s submissions were as vast as the oceans they spanned and as individual as each artist themselves. When making initial selections, I sought a synthesis of content, technique and craftsmanship, but also paid close attention to intuition, inspiration and awe. These last criteria in particular brought me back to favorites with even greater inquiry.

Ryan O’Malley Ryan O’Malley is an artist and educator serving as the Assistant Professor of Printmaking at Texas A&M UniversityCorpus Christi. Ryan is a member of the Outlaw Printmakers and regularly organizes or participates in events and workshops that engage with the global printmaking community. He exhibits internationally including recently showing in Estonia, Italy, France and China, and has work v included in numerous private and public collections.

Choosing the recognized artists and award winners was a much more difficult, yet enjoyable undertaking, as it included careful deliberation with fellow jurors David Thauberger and Thomas Wood. We looked to the best of the best for that extra something, an immeasurable uniqueness that spoke to each of us with resounding volume.

It was such an honor to serve as juror for BIMPE IX. In the lexicon of printmaking, we often consider miniature prints to be unique as art objects because they are made to hold, muse over, even smell. They are inclined to travel lightly across continents and cultures, landing between artifact and avant-garde, speaking a common language in many tongues. 12

I want to thank all of the artists who submitted to BIMPE IX. Never have I had the opportunity to see such a global cross-section of contemporary graphic arts, and it was a fine indicator of the diversity and health of our beloved medium.

I sincerely appreciated this opportunity to serve as a juror for the Biennial International Miniature Print Exhibition Working with Ryan and David went well and was a pleasure, though, it is fair to say, we approached the prints from very diverse perspectives.

In addition to our jurors, David and Thomas, a huge amount of thanks and praise is due to Peter Braune and Val Loewen for organizing this incredible exhibition. The experience will be unforgettable, here’s to many more successful years of BIMPE.

In my own work, I approach printmaking from a particularly traditional point of view. Hopefully, I was not blind to the new innovations that are happening in the medium and not too constrained by my personal interests. Some especially innovative works were included in the selection. We chose from an inspiring offering of small-format prints with engaging content, compelling vision, and technical accomplishment. Finally, though based on careful thought, it is good to remember that a judgment is just that. I remember entering print competitions, winning awards one year, and then rejected in the next. Thank you to Peter Braune, Val Loewen, and the many volunteers, for your dedicated work in managing this worthy event. I hope plenty of people have a chance to enjoy the exhibit and catalog; the works demonstrate a high level of commitment by many artists.

Thomas Wood

To all who went to the trouble of entering the competition, thank you for engaging in and contributing to the community of printmakers.

Since the early 70’s, Thomas has worked as an independent artist. As well as presenting gallery exhibitions of his work in the Northwest and internationally, he conducts local workshops in painting and printmaking, and has enjoyed working as a visiting instructor at Il Bisonte School of Graphic Arts in Florence, Italy. 13

I would also like to extend my appreciation to the other members of this year’s jury. I found it reassuring that we were mostly in agreement with the selection of works to be included in the exhibition and in our choices of the most outstanding works. I like to think of this as an indication that quality, like cream, does indeed rise to the top. Finally, congratulations to everyone who entered work in the competition. It takes courage to submit one’s artwork to the scrutiny of strangers. Whether your work was selected for inclusion or not I hope artists will continue to support BIMPE. The exhibition provides and opportunity for audience and artists alike to share in the energy and imagination of contemporary prints.

David Thauberger David Thauberger is known for his paintings of the vernacular architecture and cultural icons of Saskatchewan. He studied ceramics at the University of Saskatchewan, Regina Campus, where ceramic sculptor David Gilhooly served as an early mentor, inspiring Thauberger and others to create art that was rooted in their own life experience and their own geographical region. He earned his BFA in 1971 and his MA in 1972 from California State University (Sacramento). He then studied with Rudy Autio at the University of Montana in Missoula, earning his MFA in 1973. I want to thank the organizers for giving me the opportunity to jury BIMPE IX. For 18 years BIMPE has afforded the city of Vancouver and beyond a glimpse into the vitality and creativity of contemporary printmaking from across the globe. The three days I spent in Vancouver looking at over 1,500 prints submitted made me appreciate the scope of work by printmakers working in all mediums. 14


Prize Winners


Piotr Zaczek V linocut, Poland Marijke Nap Prize (First Place)


Ono Shuhei Change etching, Japan (Second Place)


Masaaki Sugita The Round Opening Behind burin engraving, Japan Third Prize


Carol Wax Sewing Wild Oats mezzotint, burin engraving, and hand colouring, USA The Gamblin Prize


Linda Suffidy I remember drinks in Chicago last year embossment and screen, Canada The Opus Prize




Honourable Mention


German Aparicio Site 312-Y aquaforte, Spain

Paul Chamard Victor etching, France

Mehdi Darvishi Outside of time III mezzotint and drypoint, Iran

Barbara Graham Fauna II etching, New Zealand


John Lambert When the Machine Forgot 004 intaglio and chine-colle, United Kingdom

Elisabeth Ă–dmann Evening drypoint, Sweden

Ioana Pioaru Cubic Maze II linocut, Romania

DeAnn Prosia Capri Harbor line etching, USA


Weronika Siupka Gate II etching, Poland

Gervasio Robles Hurtado El Pescador engraving, South Africa




Selected Work


Eman Alhashemi Spot intaglio and relief, Dubai

Eman Alhashemi Stripe intaglio and relief, Dubai

Suzie Allen Ombre et Lumiere I etching, Canada

Suzie Allen Ombre et Lumiere II etching, Canada


Mariko Ando Rose Situation intaglio and chine-collĂŠ, Japan

Mariko Ando Time Situation etching and chine-collĂŠ, Japan

German Aparicio Site 312-X aquaforte, Spain

German Aparicio Site 312-Y aquaforte, Spain


Keiko Arakawa The Water World etching, Japan

Keiko Arakawa Window etching, Japan

Keiko Arakawa Flower!! etching, Japan

Beverly Ashcraft-Johnson Destroy/build/speculate mezzotint and digital, USA


Beverly Ashcraft-Johnson Go with the flow mezzotint and digital, USA

Beverly Ashcraft-Johnson Hear this song before mezzotint and digital, USA

Frances Ashforth Inlet Study solarplate, USA

Claire Auszenkier Brocard Noir chine-collĂŠ and eau-forte, France


Claire Auszenkier Tengu chine-collĂŠ and eau-forte, France

Laura Auxier An Emotional Forest relief, Canada

Frederique Badonnel Rameau 1 linogravure, France

Frederique Badonnel Rameau 2 linogravure, France


Frederique Badonnel Rameau 3 linogravure, France

Tom Baggaley Question Nothing etching, United Kingdom

Kate Baillies An Etcher ’s Study intaglio, Canada

Elizabeth Banfield Entangled linocut, kozo tissue, thread, Australia


Jo Barry Thoughts and Dreams etching, United Kingdom

Jo Barry Snowfall etching, United Kingdom

Helene Bautista Lights linocut, France

Lene Bennike Water Music I photogravure and chine-collĂŠ, Denmark


Lene Bennike Water Music II photogravure and chine-collĂŠ, Denmark

Lene Bennike Water Music III photogravure and chine-collĂŠ, Denmark

Roger Bonnet Des Claustres Super! engraving, France

Roger Bonnet Des Claustres Les Danseurs engraving, France


Peter Boyadjieff Allegories/Circumstance digigraphie, Canada

Peter Boyadjieff Allegories/Habitat digigraphie, Canada

Peter Boyadjieff Allegories/Utopia digigraphie, Canada

Aleksandra Bury Byc Hoze Morze aquatint and etching, Poland


Aleksandra Bury POD Powierzchinia II aquatint and etching, Poland

Aleksandra Bury Toothache aquatint and etching, Poland

Silvia Casado del Rio

Eduardo Casillas Mula woodcut, Mexico

Migrantes 15 digital, Spain


Eduardo Casillas Neon woodcut, Mexico

Eduardo Casillas Tormenta Negra woodcut, Mexico

Karen Cassidy Paint No Roses Here photo-lithograph, Canada

Karen Cassidy Tangled Channels photo-lithograph, Canada


Bartosz Cebula 10 Collision with Andromeda cycle linocut, Poland

Bartosz Cebula 11 Collision with Andromeda cycle linocut, Poland

Bartosz Cebula 12 Collision with Andromeda cycle linocut, Poland

Elvira Cerda Atardecer etching and photo-polymer, Belgium


Elvira Cerda Sans Nom etching and photo-polymer, Belgium

Elvira Cerda Vaguer etching and photo-polymer, Belgium

Paul Chamard Palming etching and burin, France

Paul Chamard The Fence etching and burin, France


Deborah Chapman L’heure Extreme mezzotint, Canada

Deborah Chapman Refuge mezzotint, Canada

Deborah Chapman Surplombant le vide mezzotint, Canada

Valerie Chartrand Colony portraits 2 soft-ground intaglio, Canada


Valerie Chartrand Colony portraits 10 soft-ground intaglio, Canada

Valerie Chartrand Colony portraits 13 soft-ground intaglio, Canada

Wenjie Chen Condition â… screen print, China

Wenjie Chen Condition XV screen print, China


Wenjie Chen Condition XVI screen print, China

Haruko Cho B-cushion grade 13 screen print, Japan

Haruko Cho B-cushion grade 13b screen print, Japan

Haruko Cho B-cushion grade 16 screen print, Japan


Eun Ji Choi Blue Nature mezzotint, South Korea

Eun Ji Choi The Memory mezzotint, South Korea

Eun Ji Choi The Scenery mezzotint, South Korea

David Clifford WTF Eighty letterpress, Canada


Margot Cormier Splane Mixed Marriage serigraph, Canada

Margot Cormier Splane Out of my cold dead talons serigraph, Canada

Margot Cormier Splane Political Stripes serigraph, Canada

Briar Craig Biographie ultra-violet screen print, Canada


Ila Crawford Main Street 1964 screen print, Canada

Pa’l Csaba Inside Story 01 dry point, Hungary

Pa’l Csaba Inside Story 02 dry point, Hungary

Pa’l Csaba Inside Story 03 dry point, Hungary


Lukasz Cuwicki Person of time - 15 linocut, Poland

Lukasz Cuwicki Person of time - 16 linocut, Poland

Lukasz Cuwicki Person of time - 18 linocut, Poland

Lillianne Daigle Setting Sun II digital, Canada


Theo Damsteegt Urban Living linocut, The Netherlands

Mehdi Darvishi Outside of time I mezzotint, Iran

Mehdi Darvishi Outside of time II mezzotint, Iran

Pamela De Bri Bison El Pindal etching and chine-collĂŠ, Ireland


Maria Celia De Souza ABCD I aquatint, France

Eugeniusz Delekta My Tatry - I mixed media, Poland

Eugeniusz Delekta My Tatry - II mixed media, Poland

Pawel Delekta City of Secrets XX own technique, Poland


Pawel Delekta Mint of Ideas own technique, Poland

Pawel Delekta Wonderland own technique, Poland

Desiree Deruiter Forward mezzotint, Canada

Desiree Deruiter Personal Place I mezzotint, Canada


Michael Devito Cold Dark Morning etching and drypoint, USA

Dimitar Diankov Sacramentum I woodcut, Bulgaria

Dimitar Diankov Sacramentum II woodcut, Bulgaria

Dimitar Diankov Sacramentum III woodcut, Bulgaria


Agnieszka Dobosz Afloat 2 intaglio, Poland

Tallmadge Doyle Aquatilis intaglio, USA

Tallmadge Doyle Auctus intaglio, USA

Tallmadge Doyle Papilo Arbor intaglio, USA


Teddi Driediger The Happy Forest in the Driving Rain block print, Canada

Teddi Driediger One Tulip at Midnight block print, Canada

Teddi Driediger Starlight Tulips block print, Canada

Lisette Duquette Invisible digital, Canada


Lisette Duquette Portrait digital, Canada

Lisette Duquette Vibration digital, Canada

Mark Dutton Monday 6:53 PM screen and digital, Canada

Mark Dutton Saturday 1:05AM screen and digital, Canada


Mark Dutton Sunday 10:13AM screen and digital, Canada

Eric Euler Involution lithograph, Canada

Eric Euler Fissure lithograph, Canada

Eric Euler Tendril lithograph, Canada


Babiscia Barbara Fallini Exvoto & Moth etching and drypoint, Italy

Babiscia Barbara Fallini Midnight soft-ground etching, Italy

Babiscia Barbara Fallini Yes, It’s me! open bite, Italy

Tabitha Fedden Roll reduction linocut, United Kingdom


Tabitha Fedden Twist reduction linocut, United Kingdom

Kirsten Flaherty Portrait of a Pitbull mezzotint, USA

Kirsten Flaherty Portrait of a Otis mezzotint, USA

Kirsten Flaherty Untitled mezzotint, USA


Elefterios Flévaris Welcome Home no 1 photogravure and screen, Belgium

Elefterios Flévaris Welcome Home no 2 photogravure and screen, Belgium

Elefterios Flévaris Welcome Home no 3 photogravure and screen, Belgium

Eirini Fokas Dorian Weave I carbon transfer print, Australia


Eirini Fokas Dorian Weave 2 carbon transfer print, Australia

Eirini Fokas Dorian Weave 3 carbon transfer print, Australia

Alison Frank A Hare-raising Tale About a Snow Bunny and her Hop-timist intaglio, Canada

Alison Frank Mouse-terpice Igloo for Hidden Cheese intaglio, Canada


Alison Frank Sheepish intaglio, Canada

Grzegorz Frydryk Relic linocut, Poland

Saeko Furukata Hocus Pocus etching, France

Saeko Furukata Slumberland etching, France


Tsuboi Fusano Next etching, Japan

Tsuboi Fusano To Tomorrow etching, Japan

Tsuboi Fusano Wave etching, Japan

Jayant Gajera Machinate I lithograph, India


Jayant Gajera Machinate V lithograph, India

Jayant Gajera Machinate VI lithograph, India

Martine Gautier Trace du Temps linogravure, France

Anais Gerber Short Story I stone lithograph, Canada


Anais Gerber Short Story II stone lithograph, Canada

Colin Gillespie Going Down collage and relief, United Kingdom

Colin Gillespie Migrant collage and relief, United Kingdom

Colin Gillespie Overboard collage and relief, United Kingdom


Darian Goldin-Stahl Apex wax medium and toner transfer, Canada

Barbara Graham Fauna IV etching, New Zealand

Michael Griffiths Gap Related Incident screen print, United Kingdom

Michael Griffiths Measure That screen print, United Kingdom


Michael Griffiths Transfer screen print, United Kingdom

Laine Groeneweg The Dive mezzotint, Canada

Emma Grover Fox Woman etching and chine-collĂŠ, United Kingdom

Emma Grover Plane Woman etching and chine-collĂŠ, United Kingdom


Emma Grover Waiting for the Flood etching and chine-collĂŠ, United Kingdom

Tonia Gunstone Through the Trees linocut, United Kingdom

Aditi Gupta Passion I etching, India

Aditi Gupta The Brand etching, India


Annu Gupta Changing Skyline I etching, India

Annu Gupta Changing Skyline II etching, India

Yoon Hong Pile 1 etching, chine-collĂŠ, collage, South Korea

Bill Horne Cedar Thicket screen on laser-cut cedar, Canada


Bill Horne Interior Birch screen on birch bark, Canada

Peter Hriso Apples digital, USA

Anita Hunt Lodge VII etching, aquatint, and chine-collé, USA

Anita Hunt Lodge VIII etching, aquatint, and chine-collé, USA


Anita Hunt Roots etching and aquatint, USA

Rypesc-Kostovic Iwona Soft landing digital, USA

Hedieh Jafari Castaway mezzotint and drypoint, Iran

Alexandru Jakabhazi Alternations digital, Romania


Alexandru Jakabhazi Garden digital, Romania

Alexandru Jakabhazi Mirroring digital, Romania

Michele James Animal Writing intaglio and polymer, France

Michele James Bird Writing intaglio and polymer, France


Aboli Kadam Untitled etching, India

Mariko Kakiuchi Listen linocut, Japan

Kalli Kalde Inspiration III algraphy, Estonia

Kalli Kalde Inspiration IV algraphy, Estonia


Kalli Kalde Inspiration V algraphy, Estonia

Leena Kaplas Metamorphosis I photopolymer etching, Finland

Leena Kaplas Metamorphosis II photopolymer etching, Finland

Leena Kaplas Metamorphosis III photopolymer etching, Finland 75

Naomi Kasai Jardin I mixed media, Japan

Naomi Kasai Jardin II mixed media, Japan

Hyun-Jin Kim Run, Run, Run-I woodcut, Taiwan

Hyun-Jin Kim Run, Run, Run-II woodcut, Taiwan


Hyun-Jin Kim Run, Run, Run-III woodcut, Taiwan

Yui Koike A riverbank mezzotint, Japan

Yui Koike Cabbage mezzotint, Japan

Yui Koike The Cat mezzotint, Japan


Eveline Kolijn Marella Memory photopolymer etching, Canada

Eveline Kolijn Paisley Amoeba photopolymer etching, Canada

Antoni Kowalski Tree of life-Aurora mezzotint, Canada

Antoni Kowalski Tree of life-News mezzotint, Canada


Agnieszka Koziarz Intuition photo-lithograph, Canada

Agnieszka Koziarz Sensitivity photo-lithograph, Canada

Agnieszka Koziarz Strength photo-lithograph, Canada

Edith Krause Migrant Worker No 1 digital and screen, Canada


Edith Krause Migrant Worker No 2 digital and screen, Canada

Janne Laine Encounter etching and polymer gravure, Finland

Janne Laine The Mediator etching and polymer gravure, Finland

John Lambert When the Machine Forgot 001 intaglio and chine-collĂŠ, United Kingdom


John Lambert When the Machine Forgot 004 intaglio and chine-collĂŠ, United Kingdom

Doris Lamontagne Space Bending 1 chromogenic print, Canada

Doris Lamontagne Space Bending 2 chromogenic print, Canada

Doris Lamontagne Space Bending 3 chromogenic print, Canada


Manuel Lau Adan&Eva #1 stonecut, Canada

Manuel Lau Adan&Eva #2 stonecut, Canada

Manuel Lau Quixote stonecut, Canada

Aoife Layton Intra mezzotint, Ireland


Aoife Layton Katie mezzotint, Ireland

Aoife Layton Pearl mezzotint, Ireland

Jimin Lee JFK 1 laser-cut woodblock, South Korea

Jimin Lee Chengdu I laser-cut woodblock, South Korea


Jimin Lee Chengdu II laser-sut woodblock, South Korea

Victor Lipkin Noah’s Ark II linocut, Israel

Fu Liu Secret Land I etching, China

Fu Liu Secret Land II etching, China


Ranka Lucic Jankovic Dusk intaglio and relief, Serbia

Ranka Lucic Jankovic The Night intaglio and relief, Serbia

Robin Macfarlan Basic Instincts etching, United Kingdom

Robin Macfarlan Lucky etching, United Kingdom


Bernadette Madden Dawn screen print, Ireland

Bernadette Madden Scarlet Sun screen print, Ireland

Armelle Magnier Ha! La Routolle mezzotint and linocut, France

Beatriz Mahan Emptiness XI etching and collagraph, Spain


Nicolas Maldague Paris-Bruxelles, Spirit of Resistance, I drypoint on plexiglass, France

Nicolas Maldague Paris-Bruxelles, Spirit of Resistance, II drypoint on plexiglass, France

Nicolas Maldague Paris-Bruxelles, Spirit of Resistance, III drypoint on plexiglass, France

Bernadette Marechal Passage I aquatint on zinc, Belgium


Bernadette Marechal Passage II aquatint on zinc, Belgium

Bernadette Marechal Sans Titre aquatint on zinc, Belgium

Maryse Marpsat Errances Urbaines 3 etching, France

Weronika Marszelewska Las Dantejski 1 (Dante’s forest 1) linocut, Poland


Weronika Marszelewska Las Dantejski (Dante’s forest ) linocut, Poland

Weronika Marszelewska Miejsce (place) linocut, Poland

Monique Martine Abeille paper Engraving, Canada

Monique Martine Fading collagraph, Canada


Monique Martine Home

ink on a 1929 michelin map of france, Canada

Mario Ivan Martinez Cristobal Verde III monotype, Mexico

Gisela Martinez Sanchez Tu Y Yo II lithograph, Mexico

Ann McCall Froid-Chaude I collagraph, Canada


Morgan Melenka Expect Delays digital and screen, Canada

Morgan Melenka Expect Delays digital, Canada

David Morrish Broken Doll Faces photopolymer gravure, Canada

David Morrish Cockroach photopolymer gravure, Canada


Nan Mulder Silence mezzotint, The Netherlands

Eric Mummery Face Ghost Three monotype and chine-collé, Canada

Eric Mummery Face Ghost Four monotype and chine-collé, Canada

Eric Mummery Face Ghost Five monotype and chine-collé, Canada


Tee Kho! Mushatov 04-03-16 digital, Finland

Tee Kho! Mushatov 07-03-16 digital, Finland

Tee Kho! Mushatov 14-03-16 digital, Finland

Luc Nadeau Au Suivant, Au Suivant etching, Canada


Luc Nadeau Bonn’ Wapiti etching, Canada

Luc Nadeau Vieux Montreal 3 Prochaines Sorties etching, Canada

Marco Ivan Najera Ibarra Ipsum Peribit linocut, Mexico

Yukiko Nakamura Canon of silence etching, Japan


Yukiko Nakamura Canon of silence etching and mezzotint, Japan

Yukiko Nakamura Fugue of Forest etching, Japan

Ajk Piercc & Tee Kho Ne-Dva 01-04-16 digital, Ukraine

Barbara Neu Campanile etching, USA


Franciszek Niec Field II linocut, Poland

Michal Novak Alice in‌ etching, Czech Republic

Michal Novak Angel’s Wings (Dreaming) etching, Czech Republic

Michal Novak Einstein on the beach (P, Glass) etching, Czech Republic


Elisabeth Ödmann In Between drypoint, Sweden

Elisabeth Ödmann Under drypoint, Sweden

Jyunko Ogawa Birds Fly Between the Sky and the Earth wood engraving, Japan

Jyunko Ogawa The Nut of Birds Shadow wood engraving, Japan


Jyunko Ogawa The Sound Powder Fall From the Wing of Invisible Bird wood engraving, Japan

Katsuko Ono Leaves I etching and aquatint, Japan

Katsuko Ono Leaves II etching and aquatint, Japan

Djenane Pamplona Invisible City II aquatint and hardground, Brazil


Djenane Pamplona Invisible City III aquatint and hardground, Brazil

Olga Parfenova In the Fields linocut, Russia

Olga Parfenova Spring has come linocut, Russia

Kumara Swamy Pashikani Creator IV etching, India


Kumara Swamy Pashikani Creator V etching, India

Kumara Swamy Pashikani Creator VI etching, India

Galina Pavlolva Pentinemto, Love I computer generated design, Bulgaria

Galina Pavlolva Pentinemto, Love II computer generated design, Bulgaria


Galina Pavlolva Pentinemto, Love V computer generated design, Bulgaria

Birthe Peterson In the Nightclub etching and aquatint, Denmark

Jennifer Portlock No Time to Lose wood engraving, France

Jennifer Portlock Which Way? wood engraving, France


Jennifer Portlock The Wobbly Jelly wood engraving, France

Tatiana Potts Fish engraving, Slovakia

Tatiana Potts Lioness engraving, Slovakia

Tatiana Potts Swallowed engraving, Slovakia


Henry Pouillon Downtown 2016 1 computer generated design, Belgium

Henry Pouillon Downtown 2016 2 computer generated design, Belgium

Henry Pouillon Downtown 2016 3 computer generated design, Belgium

DeAnn Prosia Bus lane line etching, USA


DeAnn Prosia July 4th, 1920 line etching, USA

Jaco Putker The Boy and The Barrel photopolymer, The Netherlands

Jaco Putker The Girl and the Mushrooms photopolymer, The Netherlands

Jaco Putker The Girl and the Umbrella photopolymer, The Netherlands


Courtenay Quist Breach multiplate etching, Canada

Simonida Radonjic Solitude II mixed media, Serbia

Velvet Zoe Ramos Oh Horizon woodcut and linocut, The Netherlands

Mark Raymer Death Moth intaglio, New Zealand


Mark Raymer Fly Wasp intaglio, New Zealand

Mark Raymer Moth Wasp intaglio, New Zealand

Sally Reesman The Heavy Burden of the Migration of Music linocut, Canada

Sally Reesman I Cannot Swim Over linocut, Canada


Francine Renaud Earth’s Eye digital, Canada

Gervasio Robles Hurtado El Volar hardground and coloured ink, South Africa

Sheila Rocha En Puntas etching on steel, Mexico

Sheila Rocha Te Espero en Itaca etching on steel, Mexico


Sheila Rocha Tocame, no solo ne mires etching on steel, Mexico

Augustin Rolando Rojas Tight etching, Canada

Mary Romanuck Stickhandler linocut, Canada

Hermann Rommel The Strange Girl 1 etching, Germany


Hermann Rommel The Strange Girl 3 etching, Germany

Christie Rosenberg High Tide photo etch, inked a la poupee, USA

Christie Rosenberg Red Tide photo etch, inked a la poupee, USA

Raj Sahota Who did this to you screen print, United Kingdom


Yael Saranga Gladiolus Italicus linocut, Israel

Yael Saranga Mount Tabor, Galilee linocut, Israel

Roy Sargent London Pride giclee, United Kingdom

Manami Sato Blossom copperplate print, Japan


Manami Sato Plant copperplate print, Japan

Graham Scholes By the Sea moku hanga woodblock, Canada

Graham Scholes In the Dell moku hanga woodblock, Canada

Vincent Smets 3 Monkeys: Iwajaru screen print, Belgium


Vincent Smets 3 Monkeys: Kikajaru screen print, Belgium

Vincent Smets 3 Monkeys: Mijaru screen print, Belgium

Arnold Shives Howson Range Peaks linocut, Canada

Arnold Shives Monarch Mountain linocut, Canada


Ono Shuhei Change etching, Japan

Ono Shuhei Fly etching, Japan

Janis Sinclair Suitable Corridors photocopy transfer, Canada

Amaryllis Siniossoglou no 568 color relief, Greece


Amaryllis Siniossoglou no 569 color relief, Greece

Weronika Siupka Gate I etching, Poland

Weronika Siupka Gate III etching, Poland

Katrin Smith Incognito drypoint, chine-collĂŠ, and collage, Canada


Katrin Smith Popcorn drypoint, pochoir, and collage, Canada

Katrin Smith Seismic Shift drypoint, pochoir, and collage, Canada

Renata Sosinka Banded throng linocut, Poland

Renata Sosinka Her Roots linocut, Poland


William Steinberg After the circus etching, Canada

William Steinberg The Enigma of urban neural pathways etching, Canada

John Steins Eliza wood engraving, Canada

John Steins Haircut wood engraving, Canada


Kelsey Stephenson Ice Cave mezzotint, Canada

Kelsey Stephenson Iceberg I mezzotint, Canada

Catherine Stewart Distant Relations archival inkjet print, Canada

Stewart Todd Hotline Miami II screen print, Canada


Linda Suffidy Cloisonne embossment and screen, Canada

Gatoku Masanori Sugimoto Chloe and 3 Fish linocut, Japan

Gatoku Masanori Sugimoto Chloe and a Camera linocut, Japan

Gatoku Masanori Sugimoto Chloe and a Cookie Tin linocut, Japan


Masaaki Sugita Be Acrobatic, if burin, Japan

Masaaki Sugita The round opening behind burin, Japan

Sayaka Suzuki Shine etching, Japan

Valerie Syposz Deep Thoughts wood engraving and chine-collĂŠ, Canada


Valerie Syposz Hashtag wood engraving and chine-collĂŠ, Canada

Valerie Syposz The Real Deal wood engraving and chine-collĂŠ, Canada

Satomi Takahashi Metamorphosis mezzotint, Japan

Catherine Tam X3-10 etching, Canada


Catherine Tam X3-11 etching, Canada

Jaeger Tibor Approaching 2 mixed media, Finland

Jaeger Tibor Approaching 3 mixed media, Finland

Veronique Trimming Orpheus and Eurydice III etching, aquatint, and soft-ground, France


Lisa Turner Fabricated Body #1 screen print, Canada

Lisa Turner Fabricated Body #2 screen print, Canada

Lisa Turner Fabricated Body #3 screen print, Canada

Unknown Artist A New Leaf…A New Lease on Life… etching and chine-collé, Canada


Heather Urness If the Day Must Turn to Night solar plate Etching, Canada

Heather Urness Tofino solar plate Etching, Canada

Armin Valipour Dialogue mezzotint, Iran

Armin Valipour Waiting for Godott mezzotint, Iran


Pierre Vaquez 1925 mezzotint, France

Pierre Vaquez 1989 mezzotint, France

Pierre Vaquez Flappers (3) mezzotint, France

Irma Vodeva Journey IV drypoint, Bulgaria


Jim Westergard Cute as a Bug’s Ear wood engraving, Canada

Jim Westergard His Bark is Worse than His Bite wood engraving, Canada

Jim Westergard Mickey’s Nightmare wood engraving, Canada

Jeff Wetzig Lawn Sign 1 screen print, USA


Cleo Wilkinson Elsewhere mezzotint, Australia

Cleo Wilkinson Murmur II mezzotint, Australia

Cleo Wilkinson Witness II mezzotint, Australia

Laurent Wilmet L’heure ou les Chat se Couchent linocut, Belgium


Laurent Wilmet Out of Time linocut, Belgium

Judy Woodborne Ouroboros etching and chine-collĂŠ, South Africa

Piotr Zaczek T linocut, Poland

Piotr Zaczek Untitled linocut, Poland


Samira Zamani My Boudha mezzotint, Iran

Samira Zamani My Frida mezzotint, Iran

Daiviela Zekina Morpheusphoses 3 drypoint and mixed-media, Canada

Daiviela Zekina Morpheusphoses 4 drypoint and mixed-media, Canada


Sergey Zlotnikov Under the Snow photogravure, USA




Artist Index


A Eman Alhashemi Suzie Allen Mariko Ando German Aparicio Keiko Arakawa Beverly Ashcraft-Johnson Frances Ashforth Claire Auszenkier Laura Auxier

30 30 31 24,31 32 32,33 33 33,34 34

34,35 35 35 35 36 36 36,37 38 38,39

C Roger Bonnet Des Claustres Silvia Casado del Rio Eduardo Casillas Karen Cassidy Bartosz Cebula Elvira Cerda Paul Chamard Deborah Chapman Valerie Chartrand Wenjie Chen Haruko Cho Eun Ji Choi David Clifford Margot Cormier Splane Briar Craig Ila Crawford Pa’l Csaba Lukasz Cuwicki

37 39 39,40 40 41 41,42 24,42 43 43,44 44,45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49

D Lillianne Daigle Theo Damsteegt Mehdi Darvishi Pamela De Bri

51 51 51,52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55,56 56,57

49 50 24,50 50

I Rypesc-Kostovic Iwona


J Hedieh Jafari Alexandru Jakabhazi Michele James

71 71,72 72



B Frederique Badonnel Kate Baillies Tom Baggaley Elizabeth Banfield Jo Barry Helene Bautista Lene Bennike Peter Boyadjieff Aleksandra Bury

Maria Celia De Souza Eugeniusz Delekta Pawel Delekta Desiree Deruiter Michael Devito Dimitar Diankov Agnieszka Dobosz Tallmadge Doyle Teddi Driediger Lisette Duquette Mark Dutton

Eric Euler


F Babiscia Barbara Fallini Tabitha Fedden Kirsten Flaherty Elefterios FlĂŠvaris Eirini Fokas Alison Frank Saeko Furukata Grzegorz Frydryk Tsuboi Fusano

58 58,59 59 60 60,61 61,62 62 62 63

G Jayant Gajera Martine Gautier Anais Gerber Colin Gillespie Darian Goldin-Stahl Barbara Graham Michael Griffiths Laine Groeneweg Emma Grover Aditi Gupta Tonia Gunstone Annu Gupta

63,64 64 64,65 65 66 24,66 66,67 67 67,68 68 68 69

H Yoon Hong Bill Horne Peter Hriso Anita Hunt


69 69,70 70 70,71

Aboli Kadam Mariko Kakiuchi Kalli Kalde Leena Kaplas Naomi Kasai Hyun-Jin Kim Yui Koike Eveline Kolijn Antoni Kowalski Agnieszka Koziarz Edith Krause

73 73 73,74 74 75 75,76 76 77 77 78 78,79

L Janne Laine John Lambert Doris Lamontagne Manuel Lau Aoife Layton Jimin Lee Fu Liu Victor Lipkin Robin Macfarlan Ranka Lucic Jankovic

79 25,79,80 80 81 81,82 82,83 83 83 84 84

M Robin Macfarlan Bernadette Madden Armelle Magnier Beatriz Mahan Nicolas Maldague Bernadette Marechal Maryse Marpsat Weronika Marszelewska Monique Martine

84 85 85 85 86 86,87 87 87,88 88,89

Gisela Martinez Sanchez Mario Ivan Martinez Cristobal Ann McCall Morgan Melenka David Morrish Nan Mulder Eric Mummery Tee Kho! Mushatov

89 89 89 90 90 91 91 92

N Luc Nadeau 92,93 Marco Ivan Najera Ibarra 93 Yukiko Nakamura 93,94 Ajk Piercc & Tee Kho Ne-Dva 94 Yukiko Nakamura 94 Barbara Neu 94 Franciszek Niec 95 Michal Novak 95

O Elisabeth Ă–dmann Jyunko Ogawa Katsuko Ono

25,96 96,97 97

P Djenane Pamplona 97,98 Olga Parfenova 98 Kumara Swamy Pashikani 98,99 Galina Pavlolva 99,100 Birthe Peterson 100 Ioana Pioaru 25 Jennifer Portlock 100,101 Tatiana Potts 101 Henry Pouillon 102 DeAnn Prosia 25,102,103 Jaco Putker 103

Q Courtenay Quist




Velvet Zoe Ramos Simonida Radonjic Mark Raymer Sally Reesman Francine Renaud Gervasio Robles Hurtado Sheila Rocha Mary Romanuck Augustin Rolando Rojas Hermann Rommel Christie Rosenberg

104 104 104,105 105 106 26,106 106,107 107 107 107,108 108

S Raj Sahota 108 Yael Saranga 109 Roy Sargent 109 Manami Sato 109,110 Graham Scholes 110 Vincent Smets 110,111 Arnold Shives 111 Ono Shuhei 17,112 Janis Sinclair 112 Amaryllis Siniossoglou 112,113 Weronika Siupka 26,113 Katrin Smith 113,114 Renata Sosinka 114 William Steinberg 115 John Steins 115 Kelsey Stephenson 116 Catherine Stewart 116 Linda Suffidy 20,117 Gatoku Masanori Sugimoto 117 Masaaki Sugita 18,118 Sayaka Suzuki 118 Valerie Syposz 118,119

T Stewart Todd Satomi Takahashi Catherine Tam Jaeger Tibor Veronique Trimming Lisa Turner


116 119 119,120 120 120 121

Unknown Artist Heather Urness

121 122

V Armin Valipour Pierre Vaquez Irma Vodeva

122 123 123

W Carol Wax Jim Westergard Jeff Wetzig Cleo Wilkinson Laurent Wilmet Judy Woodborne


124 124 125 125,126 126

Z Piotr Zaczek Samira Zamani Daiviela Zekina Sergey Zlotnikov

16,126 127 127 128

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