New Life July 2010 issue 197

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NEW LIFE JULY 2010 • Issue 197 40p


WORLD EXCLUSIVE Brian ‘Head’ Welch talks to New Life about being hooked on crystal meth as part of heavy metal band Korn until he found Jesus and turned his life around DON’T MISS THIS AMAZING INTERVIEW ... CENTRE PAGES

10,000 take part in PLUS major prayer event T E N t housa nd people flocked to pray last month at an event that aims to be a catalyst for a 500-day prayer campaign. Crowds of Ch r ist ia ns congregated at West Ham’s Upton Park ground for the Global Day of Prayer (GDOP) in London. The capital’s mayor Boris Johnson attended the event and congratulated those who had turned up. He added: “I believe passionately that the message of the Christian faith is that you can come back if you don’t get the best possible start in life, because there a re people to he lp you. That’s what Ch ristian ity means to me and that’s what

Christian groups do all over London.” Stephen Timms MP, still recovering from surgery after being stabbed in May, chose to make GDOP his f i rst publ ic appea ra nce since the attack. He said: “I’ve been greatly helped by a very large number of people praying for me. “I’m a big fan of Global Day of Prayer. It’s a wonderful celebration and reflects the fact the Church is growing in London and is a remarkably diverse group of congregations, but one in their faith in Christ.” Leaders are planning a prayer campaign that will run from August 1 this year to December 31, 2011.

meet the Comedian Who Won’t MECHANIC CERTIFIED DEAD...THEN DOC PRAYED FOR HIM GiVe YoU the BLUes! Some of the crowd who attended the Global Day of Prayer. Inset, Stephen Timms MP. Pictures: © Antony Blondell/Blonductions Photography

man raised from death A GROUP of top docs was stunned after a surgeon told how one of his patients was raised from the dead.

MIRACLE... Jeff Markin

Dr Chauncey Crandall had signed the man’s death certificate after he collapsed with a massive heart attack. Staff at his clinic in Palm Beach, Florida, had tried in vain to save mechanic Jeff Markin after he staggered into the surgery with chest pains. But after 40 minutes he was officially declared dead

by James Hastings

from a massive heart attack by Dr Crandall and sent to the morgue. It was then the Yale educated heart specialist, who usually treats film stars and millionaires, got the prescription for a new treatment — prayer. As he was leaving the room, Dr Crandall says God ordered him to go back and pray for the dead man. Speaking at a conference in Rome, the specialist told surgeons and doctors

from around the world: “Before I crossed its threshold, however, I heard the audible voice of God telling me to turn around and pray for the dead patient. “I have learned to follow that impulse even if I was embarrassed. “I looked at the patient and said ‘Father God, I cry out for this man’s soul. If he does not know you as his Lord and Saviour, please raise him from the dead now, in Jesus’ name.’ Dr Crandall ordered startled staff to ● Continued on Page 2


Teacher forgives violent attacker A CH R IST I A N teac he r has forgiven a former pupil who brutally assaulted him. Grandfather-of-four Kieran Heakin, 58, suffered a broken nose and had to have his jaw and eye socket wired following the frenzied attack in a busy restaurant. M r Hea k i n a lso lost h is sense of smell and taste and has reduced hearing in one ear after the assault by Jermaine Bullen, 26. Friends who were with the headteacher of St John’s RC Primary School in Rochdale, feared he would be killed. But when Bullen was sentenced to three years in jail after admitting grievous bodily harm, Mr Heakin said he had already forgiven his attacker. “I am determined that I will carry on with my life. I don’t feel any need for revenge or retribution,” Mr Heakin said.



• Issue 197

Canvassing the public...


Michael Smith at the official launch of Word 4 Weapons last month

CHURCHES in Dorset are camping out — to connect with the public. More than 30 churches in the region are backing a week-long event this month, which includes worship, ministry and teaching. Called Connect, the aim is to reach out to people who don’t normally go to church.

BAGHDAD The free event takes place at Holton Lee, between Wareham and Poole from Wednesday to Sunday, July 14-18. Speakers include the Rev Canon Andrew White, best known as the vicar of Baghdad. Co-organiser Paddy Bartholomew said: “Holton Lee is a perfect setting, with 350 acres of beautiful landscape including woodland and meadows alongside Poole Harbour.”

Prayers ban bid rejected PEOPLE praying to have prayers kept at a council meeting have had their prayers answered. In the last official census, more than three quarters of the 20,000 population of the Shropshire town of Wellington, described themselves as Christians. They were angry when a single councillor launched a motion to ban the traditional opening prayers at each council meeting. But the move was overwhelmingly thrown out.

answerable Bishop Ma rk Ryla nds sa id: “Prayers remind councillors they are answerable not only to themselves but to those beyond the chamber. Those who pray remind themselves they are answerable to God.”

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Knife for Bible scheme ‘is making a difference’ KNIFE bins are making a difference and helping prevent youth crime. That ’s t he v iew of t he ma n behind a scheme that encourages young people to ditch knives for a Bible. Michael Smith was inspired to do something to stem the increas-




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Association, churches of varying denominations and others, Word 4 Weapons began by placing knife bins across London where people could dispose of their weapons. I n e xc h a nge t hey rece ive a trendy bag called All I Need which contains a Bible, an evangelistic

comic, a book of help plus much more. Mr Smith said: “They are making a difference. When I turn on the news I see people of different cultures that have been affected by knife crime. That is why this needs to reach out to all people.”



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ing numbers of stabbings and killings among young people across the UK and founded the charitable organisation Word 4 Weapons in 2007. In partnership with The Salvation Army Trading Company, Ascension Trust, Christian Police

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A top Oxbridge doctor says God is the best prescription for healing.

Dr Bill Isaacs-Sodeye is one of the world’s leading experts on blood disorders. He spearheaded a breakthrough in sickle-cell anaemia which saw him leave Oxford to work and lecture across America and Africa. Dr Bill, as he is affectionately known, has won praise from colleagues for his scientific studies and meticulous approach to medicine. Yet the 75-year-old who says he is “re-fired rather than retired” stresses that faith in God is the best medicine anyone can ever have. “I have w itnessed just about every miracle mentioned in the Bible,” said Dr Bill. “That includes the dead being raised, deaf ears open, Dr Bill Isaacs-Sodeye cripples walking and eyes grow ing where there had ship. It was 1955, and with been no eye before. the help of a few bribes, Dr “I often marvel how God Bill obtained a passport and has used me. I am not special made the long, arduous trip or better than anyone else. to a country he had only read God does not ask for big about in books. people, just people with a He enrolled at a London little faith.” college and when he was Dr Bill’s road to medical unable to get into other unigreatness was one of the versities, someone suggested first miracles in his long and he try for Oxford which he exciting life. just regarded as a dream He grew up in a remote too far. pa rt of norther n Niger ia “I had fallen many times where education a nd op- in my walk with the Lord but portunities were few and far he never rejected me. I used between. to binge drin k and sleep His family were Chris- around and practice magic, tians, although their faith yet still God loved me,” says was mixed with an unhealthy Dr Bill. blend of the occult and tradiHe then won a scholarship tional forms of magic. to the renowned Magdalene Believing he could achieve College in Oxford and was success in England, Dr Bill’s able to pay his fees through mum scraped together £58 hard work and the help of to buy him a place on a cargo family and friends.

Man raised from death ● Continued from Page 1 give Mr Markin one more jolt with the heart defibrillator – and the dead man came back to life. The mechanic, who is back at work, told how he experienced a vision of hell and was terrified at the thought of being alone for eternity. After being brought back from the dead, Jeff gave his life to Jesus and joined a local church. Now the surgeon is writing a book about the miracle and many others he has witnessed during his career. Dr Crandall (pictured below) has also revealed how the tragic death of his teenage son, Chad, drove him to believe in God’s healing. The 14-year-old bravely fought leukaemia for three years, leaving his distraught father with a simple choice. “A t C h a d ’ s deathbed, I knew I mu st de c ide, r ig ht t he n a nd there, whether to abandon Christianity completely or commit myself unreservedly to God’s service,” he said. “Before I left Chad’s hospital room, I committed the rest of my life to going wherever God led and doing whatever he asked of me.” The doctor has since spoken at conferences round the world and seen many people healed from all sorts of diseases.


Forget your differences, leaders told LEADERS of a million UK Christians have urged the leaders of the new UK government to put their differences aside. The Evangelical Alliance praised David Cameron and Nick Clegg for forming the country’s first coalition government in over 70 years. And Alliance director Steve Clifford called on the pair to put the nation’s needs first. Cameron “I hope that the comand Clegg ing weeks and months will see a co-operative approach embodied in British politics and restore trust in the political system,” said Mr Clifford. He also called on churches to work closely w it h t hei r M Ps to strengthen the political system and provide a link to the community they represent. “This is a new opportunity not just for our politicians, but for all of us to explore how working together can be more effective than going it alone,” he said.

God watches me

BIG Brother winner Alex Reid says God is still watching over him. T h e c h a m pi o n c a ge f i g hte r thanked fellow Big Brother housemate, Stephen Baldwin, for being a strong influence. The Hollywood star led A le x (left) to t he Lord during the show. Viewers were stunned as he prayed and accepted Christ into his life.

Issue 197 • NEW LIFE 3


GOOD, CLEAN FUN... Andy Kind

COMIC WON’T GIVE CROWDS THE BLUES Funny man Andy Kind is the clean winner in the smile stakes. The 29-year old has the last laugh on those who say only blue will do when it comes to raising a chuckle. Andy is a professional comic who swears his favourite ‘f’ word is funny – and the audiences agree. Already a favourite on the BBC and the Edinburgh Festival, Andy, an active Christian, is laughing all the way to the top of his profession. He is one of a new breed of comics who champion what is known as Clean Comedy described by critics as the “real edgy” stand up. “If I hear a comic using expletives just to try and shock an audience, I feel there’s no need,” says Andy. “Sadly, that kind of comedy is increasing and I suppose you could say comedy reflects society. But I prefer to do it my way and I feel there is a growing niche for what I do. “There are many top guys like Tim Vine and Milton Jones who, like myself, prefer clean comedy. You can still give an audience a great night without a barrage of swear words.” Andy moved to Manchester from his native Stoke when he married his wife, Becca. He is now a regular at top venues as well as churches and festivals up and down the country. But there was a time when Andy was more likely to cry than laugh into the bottom of his beer glass. While at university, he abandoned the Chris-

tian faith he knew as a young man and lived life as a hedonist. “Let’s get something straight. Sin is fun. Sin is enjoyable, otherwise you wouldn’t get so many people taking part,” he smiles. “I was drinking as lot. I mean a lot. I loved the Pound a Pint nights and parties, and when I got drunk, I got very argumentative.” Brought up by warm, loving Christian parents, Andy says he was glad they never forced him to believe, but were always supportive of him. “Even in my darkest moments, I never doubted God existed, I just didn’t know how to reach him and frankly I didn’t care,” adds Andy. “My life was going nowhere. One night, I opened my heart and said God I believe you are there, so I’m submitting myself to you. Please help. I can’t really describe how, but I just felt different.” After leaving uni, Andy drifted into a series of dead end jobs. Deep down, he had a desire to be a comic. Since accepting Jesus he has regularly prayed over decisions in his life. To his amazement, he started to see doors opening. Over the past five years, Andy has built an act which involves using stories from his past to point out the funnier side of human nature. “When I appear in a church, I can see hurting people, people who need Jesus and laughter in their lives.” ● Visit



4 NEW LIFE • Issue 197

SKY’S THE LIMIT FOR GROUP RAISING CASH VICAR’S wife Rachel Duff is on a wing and a prayer to help an African medical mission. Rachel will skydive out of a plane to raise funds and help set up a desperately needed clinic in poverty stricken Togo. Thousands of children and elderly people there die every year from preventable diseases. Rachel, who’s hubby is the vicar at St Jude’s Church of England in Southsea, wants to help local medical staff launch a clinic and patient care outreach. But she needs to raise £1,200 to pay for her flights and other expenses. Rachel will work with the hospital charity, Mercy Ships, which runs a floating hospital. She explained: “Jumping out of a plane will be a challenge, but the work that Mercy Ships does is so inspiring and life-changing for the people they treat, that it’s worth the challenge. I hope the jump will attract people’s attention and through it the work of Mercy Ships will get more widely known.” Meanwhile, a separate team from St Jude’s is also helping the poor by heading out to the gypsy village of Slobozia in Romania this summer. Helen Barrell, Chris Cox and Jon McCabe will help with a building project to provide washing facilities and a kitchen, and will work with local children. This project is run by the charity Soapbox.


Rebuild plea to Christians

Volunteers from St Jude’s, Southsea, help Rachel Duff get a head for heights

HAITIANS HEALED IN CRUSADE MIRACLES A mAN who had been deaf for five years was healed as more than one million people attended a three-day gospel crusade in disaster-stricken Haiti.

Students visited these Myanmar children in their school during a mission

After the earthquake, which killed hundreds of thousands in Januar y, Christian teams and aid agencies have travelled to the nation to offer support. Evangelist Mike Harris joined a group of American ministers to host this incredible, timely move of God outside the Presidential Palace. Mike had watched coverage of the disaster on TV, and had privately prayed to God, saying he’d like to help, so when the invitation came he was quick to respond. He said: “As we began to pray for people, we ministered — first to trauma and then to grief, then the miracles began to flow. Each night all 37 of the team members prayed for hours and the people kept coming.


STUDENTS ON A MISSION GRouPS of students from a uK Bible college visited various parts of the world to work among the poor. Teams from Mattersey Hall Bible College went to South Africa, Myanmar, Romania, France, Russia and the Czech Republic. Meanwhile, other teams worked closer to home, helpi ng communities in Scotland and South Yorkshire. The st ude nts ca r r ied out various work includ-

ing preaching in churches, feeding the poor, working in schools and helping newly established churches. Team leader Carol Alexander said: “Their hearts were filled with profound hope – hope i n a lov i ng God who could touch and change lives in different parts of the earth and hope that he could bring healing and transformation to the hearts and lives of his beautiful creation.”

“Thousands of people were healed. We prayed for a man who had been deaf for five years and he was healed completely in both ears,” he continued. “A nother lady who was deaf and dumb was delivered from 50 spirits before we dealt with the spirit that was causing her to be deaf and dumb. She left praising Jesus. “Lots of the voodoo priests became Christians. one guy had a broken arm which was healed instantly.” Mike believes the v isit had great impact in the spiritual realm, in a na-

Evangelist Mike Harris with a lady who was healed of blindness tion plagued with witchcraft and occult practices. He added: ”Joan Hunter [team leader] preached; it was like we felt the curse break that had hold of Haiti. The story goes that 150 years ago, the land had been given to Satan and the voodoo leaders.” As well as praying for the sick, Mike was able to help with some of the rebuilding work. “We were working with a local senior Pastor named Rene Joseph who has taken on the task of helping 500 children left orphaned because of the disaster. The foundations for the new orphanage are already being built.” Mike won’t forget what he saw in Haiti but is optimistic about the future. “Even in the darkest moments of life, when everything seems to be closing in on you and there seems to be no hope, I have seen that God can bring a light into that situation,” he added.

360,000 make big decision oRGAnISERS of an evangelistic crusade in eastern nigeria said more than 360,000 people made decisions to follow Christ during the five-day event held last month in the rural town of Takum. Christ for All nations (Cfan) evangelist Daniel Kolenda said tens of thou-

sands attended each night of the crusade he led w ith Cfan founder Rein hard Bonnke March 24-28. He said several Fulani Muslims, an ethnic and religious minority recently known for attacking Christian villages in Jos, professed faith in Christ, and hundreds were healed.

CHINA — The officially atheist Chinese government requested Christian groups and people of faith to help with the rebuilding efforts in a northwest province devastated by a massive earthquake. In an open letter posted on its official website, China’s State Administration for Religious Affairs asked the religious community to donate towards reconstruction in the Tibetan area of Yushu in Qinghai Province, which was ravaged by a 7.1-magnitude earthquake in April. According to the letter, the religious community has already donated more than 86.9 million yuan, $12.7 million, for the quake-hit area. The religious affairs department hopes religious leaders and individual believers can make further donations.

Jesus is ‘still talking’ to us USA — A majority of Americans believe Jesus speaks to them in some form or another, finds a new survey. Fifty-two per cent of Americans said Jesus speaks to them by influencing or connecting directly with their mind, emotions or feelings, according to a survey conducted by The Barna Group. Slightly more than two in five people said Jesus communicates with them through the Bible passage they read or that is read to them. And more than one-third of the population said Jesus communicates to them through signs; sermons or teach i ngs that add ress thei r immediate situation; miraculous circumstances or outcomes; and through words spoken to them by someone else.

Charity climb

AFRICA — The chief executive of charity Compassion uK is getting ready to scale Mount Kilimanjaro to raise funds for a new hospital in Haiti. Ian Hamilton will climb Africa’s tallest peak later this year with the director of humanitarian agency LemonAid, Justin Dowds. They aim to raise £250,000 to provide a new hospital for the people on the island of La Gonâve after its only medical facility, the Wesleyan Hospital, was left in ruins following the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12. Hospital staff have had to use make-shift tents to tend to the injured on the island. “Haiti is the most desperate place I visit in my role as CEo,” said Mr Hamilton.

Luke at that... JAmAICA — The launch of the Gospel of Luke in Jamaican Patois has been hailed a “quantum leap” for the language’s five million speakers in Jamaica and worldwide. The audio format of the Gospel of Luke was launched during a Pentecost Day service at Christian Life City Church in Hackney, London, ahead of its launch in Jamaica in August where it will be made available as a CD.


Issue 197







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Issue 197 •




he music world went into shock when Brian “head” Welch announced he was leaving his role as lead guitarist in the heavy metal group, Korn. And the reason was he had met someone who could give him something that all the money, drugs and fame couldn’t. That person was Jesus Christ. Now Brian, 40, wants his fans to know that being a Christian has changed his life in a way that being a rock star never could. In this exclusive New Life interview, Brian reveals how: ● The power of Christ has taken away his addiction to drugs ● He has been baptised and is now a committed Christian ● He used to mock Christians, but now reads his Bible and prays to God ● Another member of Korn has also become a Christian. Brian grew up in Bakersfield, California, and picked up a guitar at the age of 11. “I started playing each night,” he remembers. “I loved the sound of the guitar in

As lead guitarist of Grammy Award-winning heavy metal band Korn, Brian “Head” Welch saw his life spiral into a cycle of drugs and depression – until an encounter with Jesus Christ turned his life around. He spoke exclusively to New Life’s Becky Barlow heavy metal music. I would listen to guitar solos over and over. I loved Ozzy Osborne, Iron Maiden – anything heavy.” But at school things were becoming tough for a young Brian – until one day he heard about Jesus. “It was hard for me because I started to get bullied at school,” he explained. “That summer I made friends with a lad who lived near me. “His family were Christians and they smiled and they cared about me and they loved me. My friend’s mum told me about Jesus – that he was the Saviour of the world and if I asked him into my heart, he would save me. “I didn’t know if it was true but I knew I wanted to be saved so I went home, got on my knees and asked Jesus into my heart. I didn’t really know what I’d done.”

20,000 Souls to be converted and Discipled in 2010 in Great Britain

With the summer over, Brian went back to school and got heavily involved with the alternative music scene. It was then he developed the persona that would earn him millions of fans a few years down the road. He recalled: “I didn’t really see my Christian friend again. That’s when I really hit the social scene and I started wearing eye make up and growing my hair long. “My dad didn’t like it and we’d argue. I remember feeling like I hated him so I just poured all my feelings into music.”

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t the age of 16, Brian met two friends who wou ld become me mbe rs of Korn – the Grammy award-winning band which kick-started a whole new music scene known as ‘nu metal’. By 1994, the five founding members of Korn were together, headed by frontman Johnathan Davis, who had joined the band after consulting a psychic. The band quickly put out a self-titled album, which was well received and went on tour. Brian explained: “We were into hardcore metal music like Sepultura so our music was influenced by that but Johnathan brought a softer, more melodic sound to the band. We recorded a record and hit the road.” Within a year, Korn had made it and Brian’s dreams had come true. He really was living the dream – sex, drugs and rock and roll. Brian said: “When I started playing guitar, I was really into Ozzy Osborne and then when I got a record deal I was on the same stage as my hero. It was surreal. I used to dream about being a rock star as a little kid and it was crazy how the dream came true exactly how I wanted it to.” In 1996, the second album, Life is Peachy, went straight in at No3 on the US Billboard chart, followed by Follow the Leader which debuted at number one in 1998. Life became one big party. But the growing fame had its disadvantages, although Brian didn’t realise it at the time. “Th is surpassed a ll my dreams. We started getting free beer and free drugs.

Everywhere you looked there were drug dealers. We were partying every night. “They would bring the drugs, then the girls would show up. On our days off we would hit the strip clubs.” And it wasn’t long before Brian’s drug taking started to get out of control. Although he seemed to be holding it together on stage, behind the scenes he was falling apart. “We tried to get the drugs under control but just couldn’t,” he said. “Around the third record we all got married and tried to start families. Within a year all five of us were divorced. “I’d do crystal meth once in a while with my wife and then stop. But she got into a bad rut when I was on the road and ended up leaving me for a skinhead guy.” Brian was left holding the baby… and applied for full custody of his daughter Jennae. “I got custody but I was a rock star and didn’t want to look after a baby,” he said. “I loved Jennae so I tried to clean my act up and stopped the drugs. But my lifestyle wasn’t good for a baby. Then one night I got drunk and took some crystal meth and that was it. I was hooked. I became an every day drug user for the next two years.”

REHAB His drug taking was spiralling out of control and taking over his life. A strung out Brian gambled with his freedom, stashing his drugs in his luggage when the band went on tour “I was so strung out that I would even take it with me when we travelled abroad,” he said. “I could have been arrested but I just didn’t care because I needed it. I tried to go to rehab but it didn’t work.” Desperate, Brian found help from an unlikely source. He explained: “As a last resort, I had these friends who were Christians and I was doing property deals with them. I emailed them how I was feeling and they invited me to church. I just remember the guy at the front saying that Jesus was real and that if you



tune in New Life works in partnership with UCB (United Christian Broadcasters) who are now broadcasting nationally on dAB radio. For great Christian music, discussion, chat, regular news bulletins and lots of fun, UCB is great, contemporary radio for the whole family. Listen on dAB radio across the UK or online at

explore ChristiAnity We’re also working with Alpha, the course that allows people to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed setting over ten thoughtprovoking weekly sessions. The courses are free and are usually run in the evening, and include a meal or refreshments. To find a course near you, see

give him a chance, the bad things in your life will start to fall away one by one. “He said: ‘Come to him with all your problems.’ “I accepted Christ but went home and started snorting drugs because I was addicted. But I started praying. I said, ‘Jesus, if you’re real, take this from me.’ I knew I couldn’t do it on my own – I’d tried. “I felt this presence come around me that was so peaceful — it was peace like a river in my soul. The next day I felt the judgement of God. It was like I was accepted by him but I knew my life still wasn’t right. “It was then that I threw away all my drugs and put my life in order.” It was 2005 and Korn were at the pinnacle of their career. They had sold millions of records and were adored by fans all over the world, but Brian was about to walk away from it all. “My daughter was six,” he said. “I knew that I had to leave Korn to give her the life that she deserved.” Having turned his back on fame and the party lifestyle, he started to go to church. But he admits the experience was a little strange at first. “It was pretty cool but they were all waving their hands in the air,” he remembers. “I’d never seen that before but at the same time I just felt this peace.

Find A ChurCh We’re also working with Find a Church, who run a brilliant website listing the details of more than 42,000 UK Christian churches. Simply tap in your postcode for help to find a great church in your area.

the BiBle MAtters The Gideons are well known for their work distributing Bibles to schools, hospitals, hotels etc. If you want Jesus to make himself real in your life, and don’t have a Bible, The Gideons will be happy to provide you with a Testament completely free of charge.


eing a Christian means a lot of things to me. I got baptised straight away. That means laying your old self down in a grave and raising up a new person when you come up out of the water. “I’m not a perfect Christian but that’s OK because no one is. I screw up all the time but I know that I can come to Jesus and tell him I’m sorry and he’s always there. His grace covers everything. “Nothing means more to me than that one to one relationship with Jesus. That relationship is so important. That’s what he died for, so that we can know him. It’s a miracle that we can be one with God. “Religion teaches us that we have to try to please God but that’s not true – it’s all about what Jesus did on the cross. “It blows your mind when you think of how much he loves you personally – so much that he died on a cross for you. “In a way, it’s a good thing that I screw up because it brings me closer to Christ.” In 2008, Brian released his solo album Save Me From Myself. He also revealed that one of his former band mates, Reginald Fieldy Arvizuhad, also became a Christian. “I don’t understand how people can see the massive transformation in my life and Fieldy’s and not see that God is real, because I could never change so much on my own,” he mused. “I used to make fun of Christians when I was in Korn but now I know that God is real. I understand if you think it’s weird and if you make fun of it because I was right there with you. “But Jesus is real and I challenge you to give Jesus a try – ask him to come into your life and show you he’s real.”


The ABC of how you can become a Christian...

A Admit that you have done wrong that Jesus died so that you can B Believe be forgiven, and ask God to forgive you The Bible says, ‘All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God’ (Romans 3:23).

Brian in his days with Korn

‘God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life’ (John 3:16); ‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us’ (1 John 1:9).

C Commit yourself to living God’s way

Jesus said, ‘Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’ (John 8:12). Log on to for more help.

“I understand if you think it’s weird and if you make fun of it because I was right there with you. But he is real and I challenge you to give Jesus a try”


FOR eVeRY READER DAILY INSPIRATIONAL BOOK call 0845 6040401 or log on to





Issue 197 •




he music world went into shock when Brian “head” Welch announced he was leaving his role as lead guitarist in the heavy metal group, Korn. And the reason was he had met someone who could give him something that all the money, drugs and fame couldn’t. That person was Jesus Christ. Now Brian, 40, wants his fans to know that being a Christian has changed his life in a way that being a rock star never could. In this exclusive New Life interview, Brian reveals how: ● The power of Christ has taken away his addiction to drugs ● He has been baptised and is now a committed Christian ● He used to mock Christians, but now reads his Bible and prays to God ● Another member of Korn has also become a Christian. Brian grew up in Bakersfield, California, and picked up a guitar at the age of 11. “I started playing each night,” he remembers. “I loved the sound of the guitar in

As lead guitarist of Grammy Award-winning heavy metal band Korn, Brian “Head” Welch saw his life spiral into a cycle of drugs and depression – until an encounter with Jesus Christ turned his life around. He spoke exclusively to New Life’s Becky Barlow heavy metal music. I would listen to guitar solos over and over. I loved Ozzy Osborne, Iron Maiden – anything heavy.” But at school things were becoming tough for a young Brian – until one day he heard about Jesus. “It was hard for me because I started to get bullied at school,” he explained. “That summer I made friends with a lad who lived near me. “His family were Christians and they smiled and they cared about me and they loved me. My friend’s mum told me about Jesus – that he was the Saviour of the world and if I asked him into my heart, he would save me. “I didn’t know if it was true but I knew I wanted to be saved so I went home, got on my knees and asked Jesus into my heart. I didn’t really know what I’d done.”

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With the summer over, Brian went back to school and got heavily involved with the alternative music scene. It was then he developed the persona that would earn him millions of fans a few years down the road. He recalled: “I didn’t really see my Christian friend again. That’s when I really hit the social scene and I started wearing eye make up and growing my hair long. “My dad didn’t like it and we’d argue. I remember feeling like I hated him so I just poured all my feelings into music.”

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t the age of 16, Brian met two friends who wou ld become me mbe rs of Korn – the Grammy award-winning band which kick-started a whole new music scene known as ‘nu metal’. By 1994, the five founding members of Korn were together, headed by frontman Johnathan Davis, who had joined the band after consulting a psychic. The band quickly put out a self-titled album, which was well received and went on tour. Brian explained: “We were into hardcore metal music like Sepultura so our music was influenced by that but Johnathan brought a softer, more melodic sound to the band. We recorded a record and hit the road.” Within a year, Korn had made it and Brian’s dreams had come true. He really was living the dream – sex, drugs and rock and roll. Brian said: “When I started playing guitar, I was really into Ozzy Osborne and then when I got a record deal I was on the same stage as my hero. It was surreal. I used to dream about being a rock star as a little kid and it was crazy how the dream came true exactly how I wanted it to.” In 1996, the second album, Life is Peachy, went straight in at No3 on the US Billboard chart, followed by Follow the Leader which debuted at number one in 1998. Life became one big party. But the growing fame had its disadvantages, although Brian didn’t realise it at the time. “Th is surpassed a ll my dreams. We started getting free beer and free drugs.

Everywhere you looked there were drug dealers. We were partying every night. “They would bring the drugs, then the girls would show up. On our days off we would hit the strip clubs.” And it wasn’t long before Brian’s drug taking started to get out of control. Although he seemed to be holding it together on stage, behind the scenes he was falling apart. “We tried to get the drugs under control but just couldn’t,” he said. “Around the third record we all got married and tried to start families. Within a year all five of us were divorced. “I’d do crystal meth once in a while with my wife and then stop. But she got into a bad rut when I was on the road and ended up leaving me for a skinhead guy.” Brian was left holding the baby… and applied for full custody of his daughter Jennae. “I got custody but I was a rock star and didn’t want to look after a baby,” he said. “I loved Jennae so I tried to clean my act up and stopped the drugs. But my lifestyle wasn’t good for a baby. Then one night I got drunk and took some crystal meth and that was it. I was hooked. I became an every day drug user for the next two years.”

REHAB His drug taking was spiralling out of control and taking over his life. A strung out Brian gambled with his freedom, stashing his drugs in his luggage when the band went on tour “I was so strung out that I would even take it with me when we travelled abroad,” he said. “I could have been arrested but I just didn’t care because I needed it. I tried to go to rehab but it didn’t work.” Desperate, Brian found help from an unlikely source. He explained: “As a last resort, I had these friends who were Christians and I was doing property deals with them. I emailed them how I was feeling and they invited me to church. I just remember the guy at the front saying that Jesus was real and that if you



tune in New Life works in partnership with UCB (United Christian Broadcasters) who are now broadcasting nationally on dAB radio. For great Christian music, discussion, chat, regular news bulletins and lots of fun, UCB is great, contemporary radio for the whole family. Listen on dAB radio across the UK or online at

explore ChristiAnity We’re also working with Alpha, the course that allows people to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed setting over ten thoughtprovoking weekly sessions. The courses are free and are usually run in the evening, and include a meal or refreshments. To find a course near you, see

give him a chance, the bad things in your life will start to fall away one by one. “He said: ‘Come to him with all your problems.’ “I accepted Christ but went home and started snorting drugs because I was addicted. But I started praying. I said, ‘Jesus, if you’re real, take this from me.’ I knew I couldn’t do it on my own – I’d tried. “I felt this presence come around me that was so peaceful — it was peace like a river in my soul. The next day I felt the judgement of God. It was like I was accepted by him but I knew my life still wasn’t right. “It was then that I threw away all my drugs and put my life in order.” It was 2005 and Korn were at the pinnacle of their career. They had sold millions of records and were adored by fans all over the world, but Brian was about to walk away from it all. “My daughter was six,” he said. “I knew that I had to leave Korn to give her the life that she deserved.” Having turned his back on fame and the party lifestyle, he started to go to church. But he admits the experience was a little strange at first. “It was pretty cool but they were all waving their hands in the air,” he remembers. “I’d never seen that before but at the same time I just felt this peace.

Find A ChurCh We’re also working with Find a Church, who run a brilliant website listing the details of more than 42,000 UK Christian churches. Simply tap in your postcode for help to find a great church in your area.

the BiBle MAtters The Gideons are well known for their work distributing Bibles to schools, hospitals, hotels etc. If you want Jesus to make himself real in your life, and don’t have a Bible, The Gideons will be happy to provide you with a Testament completely free of charge.


eing a Christian means a lot of things to me. I got baptised straight away. That means laying your old self down in a grave and raising up a new person when you come up out of the water. “I’m not a perfect Christian but that’s OK because no one is. I screw up all the time but I know that I can come to Jesus and tell him I’m sorry and he’s always there. His grace covers everything. “Nothing means more to me than that one to one relationship with Jesus. That relationship is so important. That’s what he died for, so that we can know him. It’s a miracle that we can be one with God. “Religion teaches us that we have to try to please God but that’s not true – it’s all about what Jesus did on the cross. “It blows your mind when you think of how much he loves you personally – so much that he died on a cross for you. “In a way, it’s a good thing that I screw up because it brings me closer to Christ.” In 2008, Brian released his solo album Save Me From Myself. He also revealed that one of his former band mates, Reginald Fieldy Arvizuhad, also became a Christian. “I don’t understand how people can see the massive transformation in my life and Fieldy’s and not see that God is real, because I could never change so much on my own,” he mused. “I used to make fun of Christians when I was in Korn but now I know that God is real. I understand if you think it’s weird and if you make fun of it because I was right there with you. “But Jesus is real and I challenge you to give Jesus a try – ask him to come into your life and show you he’s real.”


The ABC of how you can become a Christian...

A Admit that you have done wrong that Jesus died so that you can B Believe be forgiven, and ask God to forgive you The Bible says, ‘All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God’ (Romans 3:23).

Brian in his days with Korn

‘God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life’ (John 3:16); ‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us’ (1 John 1:9).

C Commit yourself to living God’s way

Jesus said, ‘Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’ (John 8:12). Log on to for more help.

“I understand if you think it’s weird and if you make fun of it because I was right there with you. But he is real and I challenge you to give Jesus a try”


FOR eVeRY READER DAILY INSPIRATIONAL BOOK call 0845 6040401 or log on to


Issue 197



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Chaplain’s faith strong in war zone A British Army chaplain has spoken of his faith among the fighting in Afghanistan. Padre Benjamin Abeledo carries the same kit as soldiers except for a gun. The Spanish born padre, who is a Church of Scotland m i n iste r, is spe nd i ng si x months as Task Force Helmand senior chaplain. He uses the canteen for church services and goes on patrols to remote bases to be with the troops. Padre Abeledo, 51, carries praye r ca rds a nd c rosses wherever he goes: “The boys and girls are more than happy to come and talk and very often they ask you for things and, if you have them, they’re eternally grateful to you because it is something that they can take with them, to be with them, wherever they go.” The minister, who served with the Spanish Parachute Regiment, was in Afghanistan in 2006 and 2008 as well as stints in Northern Ireland and Bosnia. He has been ordained for 22 years, including ten as a regular Army chaplain.

Bible makes a big splash! THOUSANDS of people took part in a Bible by the Beach weekend at Eastbourne. Record numbers enjoyed worship, teaching and sunny weather at the event which attracted huge crowds. The Bishop of Lewes, Bishop Wallace Benn, said: “The Bible is not there to give us information which is theory. It’s God’s Word to us calling us to repent and believe the G ood news of t he gospe l about his son. In other words, the Bible is life-changing and we trust that the teaching of the Bible by the Holy Spirit applied to people’s hearts will change lives in all sorts of situations.” Plans are in hand for Bible by the Beach 2011 when the theme will be Resurrection People. The dates will be 29 April–2 May 2011. For more information on book i ngs v isit w w



Issue 197 • NEW LIFE 9


I had planned to All is not lost... take my own life OUT OF THE GUTTER... Billy Gilvear was desperate and had planned suicide

The silage tank seemed a suitable place for Billy Gilvear to end his life. After years of m i x ing w ith celebrities and rock stars, his life was firmly in the gutter. He once appeared at the MTV Awards and shared a stage with legendary group The Bee Gees. Now, he was hopelessly hooked on drugs, his wife had left him and he was virtually penniless and homeless. “I decided to end my life on my 30th birthday,” says Billy. “I couldn’t face another year living as Billy Gilvear. I had lost everything. I couldn’t see any reason to go on. “I would hang myself inside the silage tank. I didn’t think anyone would miss me.” Just a few years earlier, it had all been so very different for the former Sandhurst student set on a glittering military career. Billy had joined the army aged 16 to get away from his devout Christian parents in Glasgow. Picked out for officer training, he was sent to Sandhurst,

by James Hastings where he was introduced to a champagne lifestyle, involving frequent parties and the famous Henley Regatta. Then Billy met some ex-soldiers in lucrative jobs working as bodyguards for A-list celebrities. “I looked a fter people l i ke Robbie Williams, U2 and the Bee Gees. I flew to the MTV awards a nd ce lebr it y pre m ie res l i ke Planet Hollywood openings. The alcohol flowed faster and with it, I was introduced to drugs,” he explains. On the morning of 6 December 2000, Billy decided he would be dead within two weeks. He would kill himself on his 30th birthday and end all the pain and suffering that plagued him daily. “I was sitting in the kitchen of the farmhouse, calmly planning how I would hang myself. “Just then, my landlady came into the room and picked up a dirty old kettle from a shelf. I was wondering how long it would be until my body was discovered. “I was transfixed as she contin-


Crossword clues

Solutions on the right

Across 1. Banquet (5) 4. Velocity (5) 7. Golfing accessory (3) 8. Wild (7) 9. Fake (5) 10. Long narrative poem (4) 14. Fencing sword (4) 15. Temperamental (5) 18. Large imposing house (7) 20. Peculiar (3) 21. Lukewarm (5) 22. Part of the leg (5)


Down 1. Festival (4) 2. Amazing (7) 3. Second sign of the zodiac (6) 4. Location (4) 5. Type of tree (3) 6. Subtract (6) 11. Security device (7) 12. Recluse (6) 13. Part of the eye (6) 16. Discover (4) 17. Not in action (4) 19. Short sleep (3)

ued to clean the battered kettle. Suddenly, I felt God bursting into my life, even though I had rejected him decades ago. He was saying ‘Billy, this kettle is like your life. I can make it clean again.’” Billy walked out of the kitchen and ran into the fields, where he prayed for the first time since he was 16. “I said God if you’re there like the Christians say you are, help me. I have nothing left,” he explains. “I suddenly felt calm, and a peace I’d never experienced before covered me. The farmer could tell there was something different about me. “I said, ‘I’ve just met God.’ The farmer was a Christian. He said he could see it. I went around telling everyone I had met God.” Billy started re-reading the Bible he had memorised as a child. He attended chu rch a nd was baptised, with his parents in the congregation. Billy applied to a Christian college and today pastors a Baptist Church. He has led missions to the Ukraine, working with young drug addicts who live in the sewers.


IN a society that is obsessed with celebrities, rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous is something many people are desperate to do. And if you do a job that puts you in charge of big names, it must look live you’ve “made it”. As Billy Gilvear shows in the main story on this very page, that isn’t necessarily the case. At any time, that life can be snatched away, especially if drugs become part of your life. Billy was hooked on narcotics, and in the end it left him penniless and almost wrecked his life. Unable to face another day, he’d decided that his 30th birthday would be remembered forever by his family – because that would be the day he took his own life. Thankfully, something happened to help him change his mind. It was a feeling deep down in his soul that God was talking to him and telling him all was not lost. In what can often feel like a very selfish world, Billy was being shown that he wasn’t alone and that he really was loved by a great God. If you’re feeling totally depressed and can’t see any hope or light at the end of the tunnel, don’t give up. Instead, find a church. On Page 6, there’s a useful website address to help you find a church. And there’s also the Alpha Course. If you can just believe for one moment that God really loves you, use that time to find out about him. He’s waiting for you, and he wants to show you that all is not lost. Some people may tell you not to believe, but if you have no hope, then what have you got to lose in finding out about him? It really will save your life.

BIBLE QUOTE OF THE MONTH “God is with you in all that you do.” Genesis 21:22 Editor: Peter Wreford Advertising: Barry Wilson

Editorial office: New Life Publishing Co, PO Box 777, Nottingham NG11 6ZZ, UK Email: Telephone: 0115 824 0777 Website:

We welcome your letters and comments regarding any of the issues raised within these pages. Write to the Editor at the above address. Back copies: previous issues are available while stocks last, at cover price plus £1.00 handling charge, inc. p&p, per order.

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Issue 197


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KEEP THIS PAGE TO HELP YOU FIND A NEW DIRECTION IN LIFE... ALTRINCHAM The Upper Room Christian Fellowship, The Downs. Sunday services 10.45am and 6.30pm. Enquiries: 0161 282 6676. (CA09) BIRMINGHAM Bromford Bridge Church Centre (AoG), Bromford Drive. Sundays 10.45am and 6pm. Minister Ivor Davies. Tel: 0121 748 7081 Mobile 07745 100 942. (AG30) BURY ST E D MU N D S , Suffolk. The Christian Resource Centre (a Pentecostal church). Oakes Road, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 6PX. www. 01284 761000. Service times: Sunday 10.30am and 6.30pm. All the family will be made (EQ05) very welcome.

L I G H T H O U S E ( E L Y , CAMBRIDGESHIRE) A loving, growing, praying family church. Sunday celebration 10.30am & 6.00pm. Enquiries phone: 01353 662 228. Email: Web Also Christian Bookshop 01353 667 004. (DU35)

HUDDERSFIELD Elim Pentecostal Church, Grace Centre, 23 St Johns Road, Huddersfield HD1 5BW welcomes you to their Sunday services 10.30am and 6.30pm. TE: 01484 535 554 Web Site: (EB18)

New Life Community Church

CANTERBURY Trinity Community Church. Meetings Sundays 10.45am at St Stephen’s Junior School, Hales Place, Canterbury. Tel: 01227 459 785.

Main Hall

Rainham School Girl’s (between Highfield Road & Derwent Way), Rainham



Meet every Sunday 10.30am A warm welcome awaits you For information on other meetings phone Allan Smith 01634 264410



DROITWICH SPA Emmanuel Church, Blake Avenue. Tel: 01905 797110. Sunday family service 10.30am–noon. Also healing rooms available, just ask. (FT24)

LEICESTER Narborough Road Christian Fellowship. Meet at The Brite Centre, Braunstone Avenue. Services: Sunday 10.30am. Tel: 0116 2891 395 or 0116 2897 804. All welcome. (AB25)


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Radamel Falcao

Issue 197 •




tennis ace gives sunday service!

Villa chase youth club volunteer! ASTOn VILLA could be set to sign a leading youth club worker – who also happens to be one of Europe’s top strikers. Radamel Falcao is currently with Porto after Liverpool narrowly missed out on taking him to Anfield last year. now Martin O’neill’s side are said to be considering a s u m me r s woop for devout Christian, Radamel. Apart from shattering defences, the 24-year-old prefers running youth clubs to crashing nightclubs. Away from the pitch, Radamel spends his time teaching young guys football skills and shows a different side to a footballer's life. But on the pitch, the Columbian is one of Portugal's top scorers, netting 23 goals in 27 league appearances for Porto.

Why keeper won’t cheat TOP Toffees stopper Carlo nash refuses to cheat saying: “It’s net my style.” And the talented keeper says Jesus helps him keep a clean sheet – both on and off the pitch. Carlo, who joined Everton two years ago, admits players are under pressure to get results. “It’s impossible to act in a perfect way all of the time, especia l ly i n footballing circles. The pressure is huge,” he states. “I find that being a Christian helps me to deal with disappointing moments in football a lot better.” “I use my faith as a reference for help when I need it most.”

Margaret Court Dan Walker went from in action in 1971. finding church boring to Inset, infaith her new making an important job as pastor part ofahis life

Margaret Court is as much a part of Wimbledon as overpriced strawberries and pink champagne. The Australian-born star is the most successful female tennis player of all time with her 62 Grand Slams titles remaining an unbeaten record. In fact Margaret became such a major sports icon, her image appeared on her country’s postage stamps and, after her last Wimbledon triumph, she was named one of the world’s top sportswomen. Today, the 67-year-old is more at home in church, serving up the gospel rather than a double forearm smash. Margaret became a Christian in the 1970s, at the height of her fame and power. After she quit the international circuit, which included three Wimbledon titles, she decided to retire

by James Hastings to Perth in Western Australia. She is the pastor of a dynamic church which attracts nearly two thousand people every Sunday — many of them not even born when she was scooping Grand Slam titles all over the world. “I remember the day that I gave my heart to Christ, that I knew if I died that day, I’d be absent from the body and present with the Lord. That was many, many years ago, and it’s still exactly the same today,” she smiles. “I just sort of cried out and I said, ‘God, if you’re really there, where are you? There must be a greater relationship that I can have with you than what I know.’ We need spiritual food, just like we need natural food. “That day, it made such a difference to know that God had come to live inside of me, not up there in the sky somewhere.”

Born in 1942, Margaret started to play tennis aged eight using a piece of wood from the back fence of the family’s rundown home. When anyone asked the tomboy what she wanted to do when she grew up, Margaret had an immediate reply. “I’d tell them I wanted to be the first Australian woman to win Wimbledon,” she laughs. “I achieved that goal in 1963, beating Billy Jean King in the final. It was especially satisfying after losing to her in the first round the previous year.” The following few years saw her clinch Wimbledon again then the Australian, French and US titles. Her on court successes piled up as she smashed through every record there was, including winning every possible Grand Slam title – singles, same-sex doubles and mixed doubles – at all four Grand Slam events. Margaret is also the only person to have won all 12 Grand Slam events at least twice.

What makes these records all the more impressive is the fact she took temporary retirement in order to start a family after marrying her husband of 40 years, Barry, before returning to the international circuit. “I always knew my talent was from God and I always went to church on Sunday no matter where I was in the world,” she adds. “But I didn’t know God in a close way. I had money, a wonderful husband and fame and I had achieved all the tennis goals I set out to achieve. “Despite all this, there was something missing in my life. One night, a friend invited me to a meeting and I met these amazing people. I wanted what they had so I gave my life to Jesus then and there. “I had never read the Bible, but the simplicity of the message of knowing Jesus, knowing he died for us, made all the difference to me.”

Basso not worried about future Striker’s new goal HE might have just been released by his club, but goalkeeper Adriano Basso isn’t too worried. The devout Christian is keeping optimistic, despite being released by Bristol City. He said: “Life is all about making somebody’s life better, having a purpose and knowing how to achieve it. “God has given a purpose to my life. So

when I came to Bristol City I came to fulfil this purpose, to do something different, to do something better, add value to the club, the team to the supporters. “This was possible because someone believed in me. “I would also like to thank my fellow players and colleagues, who added extra value to my life.”

SUPER striker Audrey Arshavin has a new goal – to go church more often. The Arsenal star who also captains the Russian international side, says he believes in God. And the top goal scorer is set for more church appearances. Writing on his official fan site, Arshavin said: “I believe in God and it helps me. I go to church, but unfortunately, it happens very rarely – should do it more often.”

Issue 197









STORM FORCE... Higgins in his heyday

I was saved from suicide by my Bible

BARNES CONVERSION... Baggies winger Giles Barnes, who is a believer

ZOLTAN AHH... Gera celebrates a Fulham goal

FULHAM’S European hero Zoltan Gera has revealed that God rescued him from a life of drugs and crime. The midfield star, 31, helped Fulham to the Europa League final, which they narrowly lost to Atletico Madrid in Hamburg in May. But despite a phenomenal season, the Hungarian star knows that there is one thing more important than football – his faith in God. Speaking of his former life before turning to Christ, he recalls: “I was very, very skinny because I did lots of bad things. Doctors said I would never be a professional football player because my body was no longer good enough.” Dreaming about becoming “a criminal, a real godfather, feared

by all, who robs people and fights them every day,” Gera had abandoned school and football by the age of 16. After his father offered him the chance to visit a local church, he was “shocked to see people happily smiling and singing”. “On our way home I asked my father why the people were singing and clapping together. He told me that they were singing to God because they had experienced his presence. Right then, I had a good feeling,” he says. After visiting the church and turning to Christ he experienced a total transformation. “One day as I was going home from a game of football, with the ball in my hand, I started to pray. I said: ‘Help me, God, that I may become a good player.’ “I honestly told God I wanted to become a successful player, that

people may see there is a way out of the mess I was in, that there was hope for them, too. I’m happy now,” he said. Fifteen years on and a fully restored Gera has captained his national side, making 63 appearances to date and has been named Hungarian Player of the Year three times in 2002, 2004 and 2005. He was also named in the 2007–08 The Championship all-star team. “I’m a Christian and I believe God gives me lots of energy,” said Gera. “But of course, you also need to work hard. You need to do your best at your job and it will pay off. I was a bad boy but I changed. That’s why I want to be a good example. It doesn’t matter how old you are, you can turn your life to the good way. It doesn’t matter where you have been before, you can still play in a football final.”

LEGENDARY snooker star Alex Hurricane Higgins has revealed that reading the Bible saved him from suicide. The 62-year-old veteran admits he was close to calling time on his life after suffering from throat cancer. Speaking to a Sunday newspaper about contemplating suicide, he said: “I thought about it. I wanted to but I haven’t the courage to do that. Three months ago when the weather was at its worst. “I had seen the programme on TV about euthanasia and all I wanted to do was to go to that hospital in Switzerland and just end it there. “I do believe in God. and I have the Bible my mother gave me when I was 15. “I read my Bible and told myself: ‘You can fight.’ I’ve been a fighter all my life but it was that which stopped me going through with it.”

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