New Life September 2010 issue 199

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NEW LIFE SEPTEMBER 2010 • Issue 199 40p




Nayara Goncalves

Brave shop worker foils armed raider An armed robber left a store empty handed after he heard a shop assistant tell him about God. The man walked into the mobile phone shop demanding that the woman cashier give him all the money from the till. But devout Christian, nayara Goncalves, 20, who manages the store in Florida, north America, gave the would-be robber a sermon instead. She calmly told him it was wrong to steal and advised him to go to church. The man then told nayara he needed the $300 (£190) to pay his rent and admitted the gun was a harmless replica before leaving. Police investigating the robbery say they have never had a case like it and praised the cashier’s courage. During the raid, brave nayara told the would-be robber: “I’m just going to talk with you about Jesus.” He replied he BRAVE... a CCTV camera was a Ch ristian captures the moment and embarrassed at what he was doing, but that he faced eviction. nayara added: “I told him I don’t know what you’re going through, but all of us are going through a hard time right now.” When she explained that she would have to make up any shortfall in takings if he robbed the shop, the robber fled. “I felt inspired by God and told the man that I hoped he would turn to the church. He didn’t look like a criminal. It touched me.” Police say they are still hunting for the man.



Man flung himself into river and then prayed for life to be saved A MAN who changed his mind about killing himself as he plunged towards the icy waters of the Thames said God saved him. John Yuntan leapt from Westminster Bridge after deciding to end his life when he was separated from his family. But as he plummeted from the bridge, he had a change of heart and screamed: “God, don’t let me die.” John narrowly missed smashing his head open on the bridge supports and was picked up immediately by a rescue launch. John said that God not only saved his life that day – but gave him a completely new one. He added: “On the day I jumped

by James Hastings from Westminster Bridge, I was thinking, wait until dark so that people don’t have to see me smash my brains out. “As I stood there, I got scared, and I worried about how to jump. “Do I go head first, or legs first? I’d never tried to kill myself before. I know this will sound bizarre but I’ve always prided myself on being somebody who finishes what he starts. “So, when Big Ben struck four, I just decided, do it. But as soon as I jumped I was praying God, don’t let me die.” Joh n was w rapped up i n a criminal world involving drugs, violence and guns. Born in Romania, he fled to Australia where he ● Continued on Page 3

LIFE SAVED... John Yutan prayed as he fell from bridge




• Issue 199

Warm invite to revellers!

Young sleep on it to raise cash

LATE night revellers in Portsmouth have been promised a warm welcome at the city’s coolest new dropin centre. The Friday Fridge is based at St Jude’s Church in Southsea and offers free tea, coffee and snacks until 1am. The fridge also has a compartment where people can talk about God and spiritual issues. The Encounter Zone will show DVDs and films with a Christian theme. Friday Fridge staff member Jim Campbell said passersby were delighted to see the church open so late. “It’s a real privilege to be able to listen to them and hopefully help with any difficulties they are facing.”

A GRoUP of young people from a London church found out the hard way what it’s like to be homeless when they slept rough on the street to raise cash. Youth leader of River Church in Canning Town, Caitlin Coates, said: “It was difficult not to feel that it would have been better raising money to decorate a homeless night shelter in a much simpler and more comfortable way.” one member of the group, Elicia Westley, said: “It gave us an insight into what homeless people have to put up with every night of their lives. It’s been an important experience that I will not forget.” The group raised more than £1,000, and gave members an insight into homelessness, while also giving them a determination to change their communities. River Church pastor Dave Gill added: “For all of the young people involved, the experience of sleeping rough has led to a much deeper appreciation of the issue and the realisation that we should never close the door on our own communities.”

First chaplain for media city

MANCHESTER’S first purpose-built media, digital and business community now has its first chaplain. The Rev Hayley Matthews has been appointed to serve as chaplain to MediaCityUK at Salford Quays. Hayley is currently a curate at Lancaster Priory, a member of the Bishop of Blackburn’s communications group, Chaplain to the Duke’s Theatre and an honorary Chaplain to the Duke of Lancaster’s Regimental Association. Hayley said: “This will provide a distinctly Christian presence for MediaCityUK.”

Scheme grows

MoRE Street Pastors are being recruited for training to work in Nottingham city centre this autumn. The Christian volunteers work on Saturday nights and the scheme is due to extend to Friday nights.

Give your neighbours a

dedicated MaN to tweet BiBle oNe chapter a daY

Now here’s the gospel accordiNg to twitter! A DEDICATED Christian has embarked upon a task of heavenly proportions – tweeting the entire Bible.


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Chris Juby, from Durham, is condensing one Bible chapter per day into less than 140 characters — the maximum allowed for a single entry on social networking website Twitter. With the Bible containing 1,189 chapters, the project is set to take the 30-year-old more than three years to complete, with his last entry due on November 8, 2013. Mr Juby began with Genesis chapter one on Sunday, August 8, and his Twitter account, titled Bible Summary, has already attracted 72 followers. Mr Juby said: “It’s my normal habit to ready a chapter of the Bible each morning and I always read through from Genesis to Revelation. As I was coming






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Prison letter plea Say app prayer...

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to the end last time, I thought I needed a way of focusing my mind a little bit more on what I was reading. “I thought a summary would be a good way of doing this and I already use Twitter, so I thought I’d share my summaries.” Mr Juby’s Twitter Bible follows other specialist versions such as the 100-minute Bible, the SMS text message Bible and the Geordie Bible. He said: “I’m really excited

about the project. The Bible underpins so much of our culture. People like Shakespeare and Dickens made casual references to what we would now regard as obscure passages of Scripture. “But people — even Christ ia ns — don’t tend to read the whole Bible. It’s perhaps regarded as a bit of an oddball thing to do. “I hope that, in doing the summary, it will inspire people to read the Bible for themselves. My summaries are no substitute for the real thing.” Mr Juby’s tweet of Genesis chapter one reads: “God created the heavens, the earth and everything that lives. He made humankind in his image, and gave them charge over the earth.” His Twitter Bible Summary can be found at: biblesummary and an archive of his tweets can be found at:

CHRISTIANS are being invited to volunteer to take part in a prison letter writing scheme, run by Prison Fellowship England and Wales. The charity relaunched the scheme in June following a year’s break, and is looking for people to volunteer. Prison Fellowship said a letter written to a prisoner remained one of the highlights of an inmate’s daily routine. The charity is offering comprehensive training at different locations across the country in September for those who wish to volunteer. Sasha Chipperfield, communications and data officer, said that people interested in volunteering should fill out an application form. For more details, call 01621 843232.

DAILY prayers are available direct to iPhones after the Diocese of Salford joined the digital revolution by creating its own ‘app’. It will deliver daily readings and thoughts. John Flynn said the app was about making the Christian faith accessible to all. He added: “We firmly believe that in Christ everything is revealed and we want to make that a viable option for people, be that ‘Holy Joes’ or the bloke in the white van going along the M6. “I think it’s very useful for the diocese to be competent with these technologies because so many areas of public life are. “But we’re not trying to get the popularity vote, we’re just trying to give people another avenue into the church.”


Issue 199 • NEW LIFE 3


all shook up by words of song!

myself into icy waters’

by Becky Barlow Ruth Jones was certainly “all shook up” when elvis Presley’s rendition of Amazing Grace track boomed through her sound system speakers. For the drug addict was about to commit suicide when she heard the words of the famous hymn Elvis had recorded. Ruth was suffering from depression and was prepared to take her own life in June 2001 after a series of bad choices and unhappy relationships. She said: “I was so depressed. The antidepressants didn’t seem to be working and I felt like I was dying inside. All these voices were going through my head telling me to kill myself. “I knew there was a bottle of whisky in the other room, so I thought about washing some pills down with that or just going getting a razor and ending it all.” Believing that she was unloved, Ruth thought there was no other way out. She said: “To drown out the voices I decided to put a CD on. I picked up this Elvis CD. It came on at track four which was Amazing Grace.” It was at this moment when Ruth – whose father Len Garry is a member of the skiffle band The Quarrymen – began to cry out to God. She revealed: “With every ounce of my being I cried out to God. ‘If you’re real, help me! I don’t want to die.’ “These words were put into my mind and I said, ‘Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God and you died on that cross for my sins’ “A beam of light came in through the window and power went through my body from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. “I remember feeling a presence touch my mouth. My mouth opened and was under the holy anointing of God and out came this spiritual language. I was baptised in the Holy Spirit and felt so clean and pure.” From that moment, Ruth found real peace

and her addictions miraculously disappeared. She re me mbe rs: “I cou ld n’t swea r a nymore, the gambling addiction had totally gone. Smoking, getting drunk, drug ta k i n g – eve r y t h i n g had left. I was totally changed.” Ruth, now 37, was brought up in a Christian home and was dedicated as a baby, but when she hit her teenage years, she rebelled against her upbringing. At the age of 17, she hit Liverpool’s nightclubs. A year later she was introduced to the casino scene.

A Round With God by Matthew Parsons The story of one mans journey as he shares his faith in God with those around him and how it impacted their lives. A rollercoaster of a read this book evokes emotions of happiness, sadness and yet great revelation. A book full of touching stories and hilarious anecdotes.

happy “The first game I ever played was roulette and instantly I was hooked – then it was blackjack,” she said. “Soon I was out at the casino at least three nights a week. My life consisted of men, dancing and gambling.” A decade on, and Ruth is happily re-married to Stephen and attends Elim’s Liverpool City Church. But she says she will never forget what happened the night she listened to Elvis. “I could have died so many times, but I believe that God was looking out for me. I’ve been at City Church for about a year now and am really happy here.”

Church’s prayers answered to penny

WoRSHIppERS are celebrating after a surprise gift answered their prayers to the penny. The congregation of St Edburgha’s Anglican Church in Yardley, Birmingham, needed £56,700 to keep their building open. But just as it looked like their efforts were doomed, they were told a former parishioner had left them money in his will – exactly £56,700. Gilbert Roy, 62, served as an altar boy before being ordained as a vicar then emigrated to Australia. He left one-sixth of his entire estate to his old church which amounted to £56,700. Vicar of St Edburgha’s, Bill Sands was prepar-

SURRENDER... Ruth Jones (left, with dad Len Garry) heard Elvis’s version of the hymn Amazing Grace as she was about to commit suicide

ing to announce the permanent closure of the church due to escalating repair costs. That’s when he received the surprise email from a solicitor in Australia. Church warden John Seeley, who has led the two-year fundraising campaign to save the church, said: “Never has the term pennies from heaven seemed so apt. “The fact that the amount he left in his will is the exact amount we needed is too much of a coincidence.” Mr Seeley added: “I received an email from a solicitor saying they had settled Rev Gilbert’s estate and he’d left money to our church.”

● Continued from Page 1 ma r r ied a loca l woma n, Ka ren, and they had five children. He got involved with gangs and enjoyed a reputation as a tough guy. John and Karen, 46, had been separated for six years. She raised daughter Danica, 14, 22-year-old twin boys, Joshua and Lonel, after Joh n was depor ted for dea l i ng heroin. Liv ing alone in London, Joh n heard about a church called River Church in Canning Town that held a regular breakfast meeting. With nothing to lose after his failed suicide attempt, John visited the church and told members about his heartbreaking story. over the next few weeks, John gave his life to Jesus and discovered a whole new person – himself. “I am a changed man,” he told New Life. “‘I feel different. I am so glad to be alive.” He is still unable to return to Australia but hopes and prays with members of River Church, for a breakthrough. John added: “With my children getting older, maybe they’ll visit me. It’s heartbreaking when your body aches to be with people you love. “But now I know that there is another lasting love in my life – God’s love for me and God’s forgiveness. John is determined to overturn t he deportat ion orde r. H is son Joshua, 15, wrote movingly to the Australian government, saying his father was “more Australian than most” and that it was “the saddest day” of his life when he was forced to leave. Ian Rathbone, one of the leaders at River Church, said: “The church has joined John in praying for success, but we will support him whatever the result.”

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here we grow say churches in china 4 NEW LIFE • Issue 199

ThE church in China is experiencing tremendous growth like never before, says the World Council of Churches (WCC).

Mathews George Chu na ka ra, Director of WCC’s International affairs and Public Witness, said there had been a “unique and explosive growth” of Christianity among the Chinese people. “I have been visiting China for the last 15 years. I am astounded to see the tremendous growth there. their worship places are now overflowing,” Chunakara said. “It is not just the poor you see in churches; even the rich and educated are embracing Christianity. Beijing and shanghai are the proof,”

‘explosive’ increase as up to 130m decide to join faith

he added. the ecumenical leader compared freedom of religion in the country now to a decade ago, when the government kept a tight grip on the goings on in churches. he said the situation had “much improved” and that the government was now starting to “favour” religious people. In the early 1970s, there were an estimated three million Christians in China. today, the number is thought to be as high as 130 million! however, the government continues

to keep a close eye on the activities of officials churches and there has been sporadic persecution against Christians belonging to unofficial house churches.

PROMOTE “the Chinese government will not raid unless provoked. now being the fastest growing economy, they know the importance of a harmonious society. “to promote such a society, they are giving religion a special role,”

said Chunakara. For instance, the communist government amended the constitution two years ago to accommodate the role of religion. “You could not expect such a th ing to happen 15 years ago,” Chunakara said. “not only China, in many asian countries the church is expanding. More people are coming to God. “In addition, the participation of young people is absolutely remarkable in comparison with those in West. there is genuine spiritual eagerness among the grassroot level people,” added Chunakara. he said that God is using the foolish to shame the wise. “While Christianity is dying in the West, God is bringing a spiritual awakening in third World countries like India and China.”

Katy Perry


Locals throw doors open DOMINICAN REPUBLIC – Loca ls turned their homes into churches – and helped people turn their lives over to God. thousands of ordinary residents i n the Dom i n ica n republ ic a nd Puerto rico invited neighbours and work colleagues to attend meetings in their living rooms during a special outreach. as a result, nearly 70,000 people gave their lives to Jesus and have been in contact w ith local churches. Bill Conard, director of international ministries for the Billy Graham Evangelistic association, which was behind the drive said: “these faithful Christians took a bold step in inviting their friends and neighbours to their homes, and God truly worked through their efforts and prayers.”

Lohan ‘turns to God in jail’

USA – hollywood “wild child” Lindsay Lohan’s father claims the troubled actress has turned to Jesus Christ while in prison. “LiLo” served only 13 days of a sentence and is now in rehab, but the 24-year-old’s father Michael – who has had a difficult relationship with his daughter – said: “Good things have happened to her since she’s been in jail. “spiritually, there was an awakening for her. she is undergoing tremendous changes. she believes in God and Jesus.” Lohan was jailed for breaking her probation for drink driving. a pal revealed: “she’s been such a lost soul, searching for something to help her.”

Experts find apostles art

Perry talks of being raised in the faith aMErICan singer Katy Perry may be all set to marry irreverent British ‘comic’ russell Brand, but she simply can’t forget her Christian upbringing. she has been revealing all to rolling stone magazine in which she has been explain ing how and why her parents spoke in tongues. the California girl, who has “Jesus” tattooed on her left wrist, told the magazine: “speaking in tongues is as normal to me as ‘Pass the salt’. “It’s a secret, direct prayer language to God.” the 25-year-old added that her dad usually speaks in tongues while her mum interpreted, explaining: “that’s their gift.” But if Perry feels lucky to have found love with the British comic, her Christian background bars her from using the word. she explained: “I wasn’t able to say I was lucky because my mother would rather us say that we were blessed.” the Bible describes speaking in tongues as a gift to people who are baptised in the holy spirit.


A survivor of the floods wades through water in the continuing rain with what remains of his possessions

aid agencies rally after flood nightmare ChrIstIan aid has launched an emergency appeal to assist those affected by the devastating flooding in Pakistan. the international development agency said urgent humanitarian aid was needed for millions who are in dire need of water, food and shelter. “Pakistan is facing a humanitarian crisis,” said robin Greenwood, Christian aid’s head of asia and Middle East division. “thousands of people are still waiting to receive assistance. It is crucial to get humanitarian aid to the people and the places that

need it most.” at least 1,500 people have been killed and 3.2 million affected in the worst floods witnessed in several decades. Christian relief organisations tearfund, Church World service (CWs), nor weg ia n Chu rch a id and the German agency Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe have been distributi ng food packets a nd temporary shelter kits in the affected areas. CWs Pakistan team members report an increasing need for assistance and say blocked roadways and communications continue to

hamper aid workers from reaching cut-off survivors with vital food and supplies. reporti ng from sibbi, Ba loch ista n, CWs Pa k ista n sen ior Project Officer saleem Dominic, said, “Food is the initial, immediate need, with hygiene and shelter next. houses are completely destroyed and flood water remains in the houses, which poses health risks.” CWs was the first organisation to distribute food in sibbi. Dominic said flood survivors were “very grateful” for the help.

ITALY – art restorers in Italy have discovered what are believed to be the oldest paintings of some of Jesus Christ’s apostles. the faces of apostles andrew, John, Peter and Paul were uncovered using new laser technology in a catacomb in rome. the paintings date from the second half of the 4th century or the early 5th century, the restorers and Vatican officials believe. the images may have influenced later depictions of Christ’s early followers. “these are the first images that we know of the faces of these four apostles,” said Fabrizio Bisconti, head of archaeology for rome’s numerous Vatican-owned catacombs.

‘He’ll return...’ USA – Four in ten young americans believe Jesus will return by 2050. the poll by the Pew research Centre also found that 71 per cent expect cancer will be cured, while 66 per cent expect artificial limbs to be working better than real ones.

Ta-ta to Tutu!

SOUTh AFRICA – archbishop Emeritus Desmond tutu has announced his intention to retire from public life on October 7 – the day he turns 79 years of age.


Issue 199 •


Call to help BOND VILLAIN TELLS OF BATTLE WITH BOOZE scheme for homeless CHURCHES are calling on residents in the Berkshire town of Windsor to step forward to help the town’s homeless. Last year, patrick O’Leary froze to death on the steps of Windsor’s Holy Trinity Church. Since then, Churches Together in Windsor has launched its homeless project to make sure there is no repeat of the tragedy. Now the group, made up of three churches in Windsor, wants to use its own halls and buildings as shelters on different nights of the week, rather than have one permanent shelter. To do so, more volunteers are needed to run them. The Rev Ainsley Swift from St Stephen in Clewer said: “We advertised a meeting for volunteers to help our overnight shelters during the worst months of the year. Only a small number of people came to find out more. We’ve been in touch with other projects in similar-sized towns and intend to meet up with them.”

How my jaw dropped aFTer FINdING FaITH... He was the Bond star whose deadly dentures made him one of cinema’s best-known villains.

IT’S THE TOOTH... Richard Kiel, and, below, in his role as Bond villian Jaws with 007 Roger Moore

Richard Kiel’s character Jaws chomped his way through two 007 films — the only bad guy ever to tackle Britain’s top spy more than once. In the movies Moonraker and The Spy Who Loved Me, Jaws battled sharks and intergalactic enemies — using his terrifying teeth with deadly effect. Yet, while he was being feted on screen and living the first class life off-screen, Richard, 68, was secretly battling demons including alcoholism and drugs, which almost destroyed his life. Just as he was sinking into oblivion, he found himself unexpectedly returning to the Christian faith he had discovered as a youngster. “I’d appeared in a number of films and TV shows, but after Bond, I was suddenly in demand worldwide and even making Chinese films in places like Taiwan and Hong Kong,” he explained. “Unfortunately, with success came a few unexpected problems. With all the first-class flights and press parties, I found myself gradually going from a social drinker who had the occasional beer or glass of wine to a fullyfledged alcoholic.” He added: “I was actually putting vodka into beer and wine to make it stronger and whisky into my coffee in the morning. “I went cold turkey, but it didn’t work and I even tried medical hypnosis without success.” Richard’s 7ft 2ins height and distinctive features is due to a hormonal condition known as acromegaly. He was the original choice to play The Incredible Hulk and starred in popular TV series, such as I Dream Of Jeannie. As a nine-year-old, he had become a Christian, reconfirming that commitment at a youth camp at 12. He was then baptised at the age of

O, little town of Colchester

AN expedition to Bethlehem could lead to the holy town being twinned with Colchester. A group of residents from Mersea Island, near the town, and councillors hope to forge a link with the biblical birthplace of Jesus Christ and King David. The tour has been organised by peter Clements, deputy mayor of West Mersea Town Council, and author peter Inson. Mr Inson said the group is putting its money where its mouth is to try to drum up support for stronger links to north Essex. He said: “What we felt would be a good idea was to try to organise a tour for people to see what life is like there.”

Woman’s beliefs help after ordeal

A WOMAN shot by gunman Derrick Bird remained positive during her rehabilitation in hospital by clinging to her Christian faith. Fiona Moretta, 52, was one of 23 innocent bystanders either critically injured or killed during Bird’s murderous rampage on June 2. She suffered “horrific injuries”from a shotgun blast in her face and shrapnel wounds in her throat. After emerging from a “critical condition”, Ms Moretta wasn’t able to speak at first but she is now able to talk. Close friend pam Marsden, said: “Fiona’s very philosophical about it. She’s very positive and has a strong Christian faith.”

Visitors get a special tweet THIS year’s Royal Norfolk Show was a real tweet for people wanting to pray! The Church tent, which has become a feature of the popular event, invited visitors to tweet a praise or prayer. The church tent is organised by Churches Together in Norfolk and Waveney and is funded by the seven denominations which make up the group.


by James Hastings 27. But as a Christian, Richard couldn’t understand why he could still be addicted and bound to alcoholism. Then, early one morning recovering from another hangover, Richard found himself watching a program on one of the Christian TV networks. “I heard someone say the Bible said that I could join together in prayer with other Christians and God could free me from that addiction. “I prayed along with the guest on the programme and, although nothing seemed to happen like bells or flashing lights, I found that I had no more overwhelming desire for, and was no longer addicted to alcohol.” But while he knew he was free from his binge drinking, Richard faced another problem — money. After the Bond films, and with a growing family, he found work drying up and the only people who seemed to want to hire him were beer companies for commercials. With money tight and a growing family to support, Richard trusted God to provide, still refusing to do alcohol commercials or promotions. Then, out of the blue, he was offered an advert for milk. “They shot it on Hawaii and my whole family got to go and stay at the famous Mauna Kea Beach Hotel. They paid me $15,000, which wasn’t as much as I would have received for the American beer commercial, but it was a very pleasant experience for the whole family.” Soon other adverts came flooding in including one for an electronics company and another for root beer. “Not only did God deliver me from the bondage of alcoholism, he also blessed my family financially because of my commitment to honour what he had done for me and for not doing what I believed could possibly be destructive to others.” It is clear that, when it comes to his faith, Richard is in double-o heaven.

Car prayer answered for pastor New man at top A pASTOR stepped out in faith — and ended up with a £10,000 car. pastor Errol Beamish from potters Bar Community Church was left needing a new car when his stop working on the school run. With four children, Errol knew that a car was a necessity, so he got on his knees and began to pray. He said: “I’d been listening to this tape talking about how to ask God for something. “I’d seen a Honda Jazz that I liked, but it was £13,000 and I knew I couldn’t afford it. “But before I left the showroom I’d prayed, ‘Father, that is the car I would like.’ I thanked him for it and left the

JAZZ MINE... Errol Beamish showroom.” But Errol was shocked a few weeks later when he was given a

gift of £10,000 to buy a new car. “I went to a prayer meeting where I was told that one of the pastors had just passed away, so I asked about his car. “The lady who organised the meeting, told me his sister was selling the car and that it was a Honda Jazz for sale for £10,000 “Then the lady rang me back and said, ‘I’d like to bless your family with £1,500 towards the car.’ But she showed up with a cheque for £10,000 and said, ‘I really believe that God has spoken to me and I want you to have it all.’ “I’d prayed for the car but didn’t expect to get it that way.”

A FORMER top-flight executive from one of the world’s biggest global corporations is the new chairman of the Church Mission Society, one of the country’s oldest world mission agencies. John Ripley was an executive at Unilever for 35 years, finishing his career there as head of corporate development for the worldwide group. He succeeds the Rt Rev paul Butler, Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham, in January 2011. Mr Ripley said he wanted to “take risks with God and for God at a time of uncertainty and change.”






tune in New Life works in partnership with UCB (United Christian Broadcasters) who are now broadcasting nationally on dAB radio. For great Christian music, discussion, chat, regular news bulletins and lots of fun, UCB is great, contemporary radio for the whole family. Listen on dAB radio across the UK or online at

explore ChristiAnity We’re also working with Alpha, the course that allows people to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed setting over ten thoughtprovoking weekly sessions. The courses are free and are usually run in the evening, and include a meal or refreshments. To find a course near you, see

Find A ChurCh We’re also working with Find a Church, who run a brilliant website listing the details of more than 42,000 UK Christian churches. Simply tap in your postcode for help to find a great church in your area.

the BiBle MAtters The Gideons are well known for their work distributing Bibles to schools, hospitals, hotels etc. If you want Jesus to make himself real in your life, and don’t have a Bible, The Gideons will be happy to provide you with a Testament completely free of charge.

The ABC of how you can become a Christian...

A Admit that you have done wrong that Jesus died so that you can B Believe be forgiven, and ask God to forgive you The Bible says, ‘All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God’ (Romans 3:23).

‘God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life’ (John 3:16); ‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us’ (1 John 1:9).

C Commit yourself to living God’s way

Jesus said, ‘Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’ (John 8:12). Log on to for more help.


FOR EVERY READER DAILY INSPIRATIONAL BOOK call 0845 6040401 or log on to

Issue 199 •


EXCLUSIVE: EX-HAMAS DOUBLE AGENT SAYS BIBLE HELPED HIM SEE EVIL BEHIND MIDDLE EAST CONFLICT Mosab Hassan Yousef was brought up in Palestine in the midst of terrorist organisation, Hamas. Now a committed Christian, he has revealed his life as a double agent working for the Israelis and talks of his hopes that the conflict in the Middle East can be resolved in this New Life exclusive interview with Becky Barlow


LETHAL WEAPONS.... Members of Hamas

aRElY a week goes by without news of violence flaring from within the Middle East.

Countless politicians have tried to resolve the situation in Israel, without success. And with the latest events of aid ships being diverted from Gaza in June being broadcast across the globe, Israel is once again in the media spotlight. Now, someone with real insight, has stepped forward to shed light on the conflict that has raged for over a hundred years. Mosab Hassan Yousef, 32, was born into the Palestinian Hamas organisation, but by an incredible turn of events, he became a double agent working for the Israeli intelligence service, the Shin Bet, with the aim of stopping the bloodshed that had surrounded him since he was a child. Even more extraordinary is that Mosab has become a Christian and he has put his life on the line to talk about his faith and his upbringing in his new book Son of Hamas. “I am a child of Islam and the son of an accused terrorist. I am also a follower of Jesus.” These are strong words for Mosab, and they have come at a high price — he is now estranged from his family and friends. Mosab was born into one of the leading Muslim families in Palestine and his father was Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a founding member of Hamas. “I grew up in one of the villages in Palestine,” he explained. “My family was one of the leading families in the Islamic community. “It’s not the best place for a child to grow up – it’s a very tough environment. There was death on a daily basis as well as torture and abuse of power.” According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, 13,000 Israelis and Palestinians were killed in conflict between 1948 and 1997. Growing up around so much bloodshed had an understandable impact on a young Mosab. “Imagine growing up in that environment,” he says. “You begin to hate and look for someone to blame and they become your enemies. This lack of human rights motivated me to look at our problems and the reason for our suffering and try to find a solution.” But he is conscious that his life could have taken a very different route. He admits: “I remain very grateful that I

didn’t turn into a suicide bomber, and instead looked for the root of the problem.” The root of the problem in the middle of the East stretches right back to the animosity between Sarah and Hagar described in the first book of the Bible. To understand the political and cultural realities, however, you really don’t have to look much further than the aftermath of World War I. When the war ended, the Palestinian territories, national home of the Palestinian people for centuries, fell under the mandate of Great Britain. Encouraged by the British government, hundreds of thousands of Jewish immigrants, mostly from Eastern Europe, flooded into the Palestinian territories.

CLASHES Clashes between Arabs and Jews were inevitable. Israel became a state in 1948. However, the Palestinian territories remained just that — non-sovereign territories. Mosab explains: “Without a constitution to maintain some semblance of order, religious law becomes the highest authority. And when everyone is free to interpret and enforce the law as he sees fit, chaos ensues.” Mosab soon became a part of that chaos when he got involved in Hamas. “Hamas is the Islamic Resistance movement. It was established in 1987 and my father was one of the founders. It was established to destroy Israel and build a Palestinian state in its place,” he says. Hamas’s mortal enemy is the

Shin Bet, the Israeli Intelligence service. “Few Israelis and Palestinians know about the Shin Bet and how it operates and works,” says Mosab. “I was bor n i nto t he hea rt of Ha mas a nd not ma ny Pa lest i n ia ns k now about Hamas. They are both shadowy, underground organisations.”


nd Mosab was about to become involved at the heart of both organisations. “I was tortured in an Israeli prison when I was 18, and during that time they offered me to work for the Shin Bet,” he remembers. “I had so many reasons to hate them that at first this was ridiculous. “Later on I was transferred to a bigger prison and during that time I discovered that Hamas was torturing its own people within the prison. “It made me question everything. Why did I hate Israel, but not hate Hamas, who were also torturing my people? Why did I want to take revenge against Israel and not Hamas? Hamas’s torture was a lot more brutal than the Israeli torture. “The only thing that was stopping Hamas from torturing me was the connection to my father. I realised that I could end up having everyone as my enemies and I didn’t want to live like that. “At that time I started a journey to understand what was really happening, and arranged my relationship with the Shin Bet.” Not long after this, Mosab had a chance

meeting with some Christians who had an affect on what direction Mosab’s journey took. He says: “I’d had enough pain in my heart and wanted to look at our problems and find out why we were really suffering. “Later on in that journey of figuring out who were my real enemies, the enemies of yesterday, Israel, became my friends. “Once I’d met these Christians who’d given me a Bible, I was reading it and the big surprise to me was the verse when Jesus said, ‘Love your enemies.’” Mosab began to realise that his true enemy wasn’t the Israelis or the Palestinians, but the evil behind the scenes. He says: “I realised that my true enemy was not man – it’s the evil which has nothing to do with nationality or colour or race. If you want to fight, fight evil not man.

ENEMIES “I created from my enemy, a friend of man. I earned their trust and respect and we became more productive. I was working with my people, with my enemies, with my friends, against all the agents of evil.” Seen as his father’s protégé by the Hamas organisation, Mosab was able to provide the Shin Bet with information that saved innocent lives. But he admits that it was a difficult time and only one thing kept him going: “Who gets the credit? My teacher, my Lord — Jesus! He was the light during that difficult, dark time. He was the only light that kept me going on the

right track. God does miracles — I believe that. But God also gives us a choice and we have to make it. Sometimes, there’s a guidance in our lives but we don’t want to take it. “There was guidance and I felt the protection and blessings in my life but, at the same time, I’ve made mistakes and had choices to make and I made my choice.” Eventually, unable to keep up the double life he was leading, Mosab fled to America where he was granted asylum earlier this year — and his life as a double agent was revealed. He says: “Today I’ve paid a very high price, my family and my friends have all turned their backs.” Now, Mosab wants to reconcile his people in Palestine to the fact that there can be peace in Israel. “Many people would wait for a miracle to come and I tell them that we need to make and create them,” he comments. “In order to understand the problem in the Middle East, you need to understand the ideology. I don’t have a problem with Muslims. I’m trying to help my people. “The most i mporta nt th i ng I learned in all this is that it’s easy to blame each other — this nation, this city or this country — but our focus should be on evil and good, to understand how everything started. “From the bombings in London and New York to the Bali bombings, we see violence everywhere, and it’s all connected. “ G r e e d , pr i d e g u i lt , shame, ignorance — these are the real enemies that need to be destroyed. We can destroy them with the grace of God – this is the way that we can defeat these enemies that have imprisoned billions of people. “I am speaking generally to my people I want to connect with them in every possible way to try and work together and build a new generation that will be productive and share responsibility.”

❛ LIFE ON THE LINE... Mosab Hassan Yousf

I realised that my true enemy was not man – it’s the evil which has nothing to do with nationality or colour or race. If you want to fight, fight evil not man


osab’s book Son of Hamas is now on bookshelves. He says: “This is my journey. My journey started before I read the Bible, it wasn’t like I read that verse and that was it, it started long before that. It’s a story of transformation. “All the events that took place, from being very young, seeing all the death, to being in prison, seeing the torture on both sides to reading the Bible, each of them played an important role in my journey. “When Middle Eastern nations — Jews and Arabs alike — start to understand some of what I understand, only then will there be peace. “And if my Lord was rejected for saving the world from the punishment of hell, I don’t mind being a reject.”

e c a e p r o f g Fightin







tune in New Life works in partnership with UCB (United Christian Broadcasters) who are now broadcasting nationally on dAB radio. For great Christian music, discussion, chat, regular news bulletins and lots of fun, UCB is great, contemporary radio for the whole family. Listen on dAB radio across the UK or online at

explore ChristiAnity We’re also working with Alpha, the course that allows people to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed setting over ten thoughtprovoking weekly sessions. The courses are free and are usually run in the evening, and include a meal or refreshments. To find a course near you, see

Find A ChurCh We’re also working with Find a Church, who run a brilliant website listing the details of more than 42,000 UK Christian churches. Simply tap in your postcode for help to find a great church in your area.

the BiBle MAtters The Gideons are well known for their work distributing Bibles to schools, hospitals, hotels etc. If you want Jesus to make himself real in your life, and don’t have a Bible, The Gideons will be happy to provide you with a Testament completely free of charge.

The ABC of how you can become a Christian...

A Admit that you have done wrong that Jesus died so that you can B Believe be forgiven, and ask God to forgive you The Bible says, ‘All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God’ (Romans 3:23).

‘God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life’ (John 3:16); ‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us’ (1 John 1:9).

C Commit yourself to living God’s way

Jesus said, ‘Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’ (John 8:12). Log on to for more help.


FOR EVERY READER DAILY INSPIRATIONAL BOOK call 0845 6040401 or log on to

Issue 199 •


EXCLUSIVE: EX-HAMAS DOUBLE AGENT SAYS BIBLE HELPED HIM SEE EVIL BEHIND MIDDLE EAST CONFLICT Mosab Hassan Yousef was brought up in Palestine in the midst of terrorist organisation, Hamas. Now a committed Christian, he has revealed his life as a double agent working for the Israelis and talks of his hopes that the conflict in the Middle East can be resolved in this New Life exclusive interview with Becky Barlow


LETHAL WEAPONS.... Members of Hamas

aRElY a week goes by without news of violence flaring from within the Middle East.

Countless politicians have tried to resolve the situation in Israel, without success. And with the latest events of aid ships being diverted from Gaza in June being broadcast across the globe, Israel is once again in the media spotlight. Now, someone with real insight, has stepped forward to shed light on the conflict that has raged for over a hundred years. Mosab Hassan Yousef, 32, was born into the Palestinian Hamas organisation, but by an incredible turn of events, he became a double agent working for the Israeli intelligence service, the Shin Bet, with the aim of stopping the bloodshed that had surrounded him since he was a child. Even more extraordinary is that Mosab has become a Christian and he has put his life on the line to talk about his faith and his upbringing in his new book Son of Hamas. “I am a child of Islam and the son of an accused terrorist. I am also a follower of Jesus.” These are strong words for Mosab, and they have come at a high price — he is now estranged from his family and friends. Mosab was born into one of the leading Muslim families in Palestine and his father was Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a founding member of Hamas. “I grew up in one of the villages in Palestine,” he explained. “My family was one of the leading families in the Islamic community. “It’s not the best place for a child to grow up – it’s a very tough environment. There was death on a daily basis as well as torture and abuse of power.” According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, 13,000 Israelis and Palestinians were killed in conflict between 1948 and 1997. Growing up around so much bloodshed had an understandable impact on a young Mosab. “Imagine growing up in that environment,” he says. “You begin to hate and look for someone to blame and they become your enemies. This lack of human rights motivated me to look at our problems and the reason for our suffering and try to find a solution.” But he is conscious that his life could have taken a very different route. He admits: “I remain very grateful that I

didn’t turn into a suicide bomber, and instead looked for the root of the problem.” The root of the problem in the middle of the East stretches right back to the animosity between Sarah and Hagar described in the first book of the Bible. To understand the political and cultural realities, however, you really don’t have to look much further than the aftermath of World War I. When the war ended, the Palestinian territories, national home of the Palestinian people for centuries, fell under the mandate of Great Britain. Encouraged by the British government, hundreds of thousands of Jewish immigrants, mostly from Eastern Europe, flooded into the Palestinian territories.

CLASHES Clashes between Arabs and Jews were inevitable. Israel became a state in 1948. However, the Palestinian territories remained just that — non-sovereign territories. Mosab explains: “Without a constitution to maintain some semblance of order, religious law becomes the highest authority. And when everyone is free to interpret and enforce the law as he sees fit, chaos ensues.” Mosab soon became a part of that chaos when he got involved in Hamas. “Hamas is the Islamic Resistance movement. It was established in 1987 and my father was one of the founders. It was established to destroy Israel and build a Palestinian state in its place,” he says. Hamas’s mortal enemy is the

Shin Bet, the Israeli Intelligence service. “Few Israelis and Palestinians know about the Shin Bet and how it operates and works,” says Mosab. “I was bor n i nto t he hea rt of Ha mas a nd not ma ny Pa lest i n ia ns k now about Hamas. They are both shadowy, underground organisations.”


nd Mosab was about to become involved at the heart of both organisations. “I was tortured in an Israeli prison when I was 18, and during that time they offered me to work for the Shin Bet,” he remembers. “I had so many reasons to hate them that at first this was ridiculous. “Later on I was transferred to a bigger prison and during that time I discovered that Hamas was torturing its own people within the prison. “It made me question everything. Why did I hate Israel, but not hate Hamas, who were also torturing my people? Why did I want to take revenge against Israel and not Hamas? Hamas’s torture was a lot more brutal than the Israeli torture. “The only thing that was stopping Hamas from torturing me was the connection to my father. I realised that I could end up having everyone as my enemies and I didn’t want to live like that. “At that time I started a journey to understand what was really happening, and arranged my relationship with the Shin Bet.” Not long after this, Mosab had a chance

meeting with some Christians who had an affect on what direction Mosab’s journey took. He says: “I’d had enough pain in my heart and wanted to look at our problems and find out why we were really suffering. “Later on in that journey of figuring out who were my real enemies, the enemies of yesterday, Israel, became my friends. “Once I’d met these Christians who’d given me a Bible, I was reading it and the big surprise to me was the verse when Jesus said, ‘Love your enemies.’” Mosab began to realise that his true enemy wasn’t the Israelis or the Palestinians, but the evil behind the scenes. He says: “I realised that my true enemy was not man – it’s the evil which has nothing to do with nationality or colour or race. If you want to fight, fight evil not man.

ENEMIES “I created from my enemy, a friend of man. I earned their trust and respect and we became more productive. I was working with my people, with my enemies, with my friends, against all the agents of evil.” Seen as his father’s protégé by the Hamas organisation, Mosab was able to provide the Shin Bet with information that saved innocent lives. But he admits that it was a difficult time and only one thing kept him going: “Who gets the credit? My teacher, my Lord — Jesus! He was the light during that difficult, dark time. He was the only light that kept me going on the

right track. God does miracles — I believe that. But God also gives us a choice and we have to make it. Sometimes, there’s a guidance in our lives but we don’t want to take it. “There was guidance and I felt the protecprotec tion and blessings in my life but, at the same time, I’ve made mistakes and had choices to make and I made my choice.” Eventually, unable to keep up the double life he was leading, Mosab fled to America where he was granted asylum earlier this year — and his life as a double agent was revealed. He says: “Today I’ve paid a very high price, my family and my friends have all turned their backs.” Now, Mosab wants to reconcile his people in Palestine to the fact that there can be peace in Israel. “Many people would wait for a miracle to come and I tell them that we need to make and create them,” he comments. “In order to unun derstand the problem in the Middle East, you need to understand the ideology. I don’t have a problem with Muslims. I’m trying to help my people. “The most i mporta nt th i ng I learned in all this is that it’s easy to blame each other — this nation, this city or this country — but our focus should be on evil and good, to understand how everything started. “From the bombings in LonLon don and New York to the Bali bombings, we see violence everywhere, and it’s all concon nected. “ G r e e d , pr i d e g u i lt , shame, ignorance — these are the real enemies that need to be destroyed. We can destroy them with the grace of God – this is the way that we can defeat these enemies that have imprisoned billions of people. “I am speaking genergener ally to my people I want to connect with them in every possible way to try and work together and build a new gengen eration that will be productive and share responsibility.”

❛ LIFE ON THE LINE... Mosab Hassan Yousf

I realised that my true enemy was not man – it’s the evil which has nothing to do with nationality or colour or race. If you want to fight, fight evil not man


osab’s book Son of Hamas is now on bookshelves. He says: “This is my journey. My journey started before I read the Bible, it wasn’t like I read that verse and that was it, it started long before that. It’s a story of transformation. “All the events that took place, from being very young, seeing all the death, to being in prison, seeing the torture on both sides to reading the Bible, each of them played an important role in my journey. “When Middle Eastern nations — Jews and Arabs alike — start to understand some of what I understand, only then will there be peace. “And if my Lord was rejected for saving the world from the punishment of hell, I don’t mind being a reject.”

e c a e p r o f g Fightin


Issue 199



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Jailhouse’s ‘CHRISTIANS WELL PLACED TO TAKE PART’ rocked by special gift LAGS are loving a new prison treat — an ancient prayerbook. Hundreds of copies the 1662 Book of Common Prayer have been given out to inmates at HMP Winchester. The Rev John Masding from the Prayer Book Society which is behind the scheme said: “The text of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer contains all the emotions people in prison might well feel, such as anger, rage and despair, therefore it is an ideal way to offer these things to God.” One i n mate who w rote to thank the Society, said: “I have been blessed by this already and I use it on a daily basis. I find it a great start to my day.”

God saved solo sailor says father

A desperate dad believes God saved his teenage daughter after her boat sank during a world record attempt. Abby Sutherland, 16, had hoped to become the youngest person to sail solo round the world. But her boat capsized after it was battered by fierce storms in the Indian Ocean. She was later picked up 2,000 miles west of Australia by a fishing boat. A b b y ’s d ad , L au r e nc e , thanked people all over the world who had responded to his call for prayer when Abby’s yacht went missing. “I knew Abby was in God’s hands,” he said. “I knew it would take something extraordinary for her to survive. I want to thank everyone who prayed for Abby.”

Laughing matter COMIC Tim Vine says that if you believe in God then you must believe he invented laughter. The stand-up comediansaid he found it easy to reconcile his job with his faith.He said: “It seems to me it’s clear laughter is good for you, and it’s probably in everyone’s top three favourite things to do.”

Churches urged over Big Society CHRISTIANS should not pass up the chance to help others in the community under Government plans for The Big Society.

Leaders of t he Eva ngel ica l Alliance have urged believers to play a major part in the scheme, a n nou nced recently by Pri me Minister David Cameron. Mr Cameron called the plans “the biggest, most dramatic redistribution of power” from the state to individuals, saying they will enable people to feel both free and powerful enough to help themselves and their own communities. He added that funds stuck in dormant bank accounts would be used to enable charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups to take over the running of public services.

SERVING Steve Clifford, General Director of the Evangelical Alliance, said Christians are already at the heart of serving their communities, and should grasp this opportunity to get further involved. He will be writing to Evangelical Alliance churches in the initial Big Society project areas – Liverpool; Eden Valley, Cumbria; Windsor and Maiden head and the London borough of Sutton – encouraging them to get involved wherever possible. “Chu rc hes a re a l ready t he lifeblood of communities and the

PLAY A PART... Steve Clifford lifeline for many on the edge of society,” he said. “We a re del ighted that the Prime Minister has recognised the incredible work community groups are already doing, and want to enthusiastically encourage churches to accept his invitation to get stuck in.” He added that churches outside these project areas still have many opportunities to serve, particularly at this time of economic austerity and loss of public service funding. Mr Clifford expressed concern that the new Government’s cuts could hit the most vulnerable in society, and called on the church to play its part in preventing this from happening. “We must not pass by on the other side when our neighbours may suffer through funding cuts,” he said. “Churches and Christian chari-

ties can step in by approaching their local council to ask how they can best respond to the needs of those around them.” Mr Clifford also welcomed Communities and Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles’ comments recently. Mr Pickles said the new Government is committed to building on the huge amount of experience faith groups have in getting out into the community, and to valuing the role of religion and faith in public life. The Government has set up a Your Square Mile website to link people to local community groups and social enterprises. Mr Clifford added: “We hope the Govern ment also looks at the Evangelical Alliance’s Square Mile initiative, which encourages Christians to let their faith impact all of their lives – including caring for those around them.”

Thousands flock to ‘God’s Glastonbury’ THOUSANDS descended on Peterborough for healing, worship and music at a festival dubbed “God’s very own Glastonbury”. The Kingdom Faith Camp transformed the East of England Showground in Alwalton, Peterborough, into a sea of colour with its tents, marquees, food stands, stages and

stalls. Organisers said that more than 6,000 people attended during the week-long event, with worshippers coming from as far afield as Tonga in the South Pacific, several African nations and Europe to make it to the event. One of the organisers, Jonathon Dyke, said: “The Christian


Crossword clues


Solutions on the right

SCHEME.. David Cameron

Across 1. Hanker (5) 3. Lariat (5) 6. Decimal base (3) 8. Conundrums (7) 9. Garret (5) 10. Dull pain (4) 13. Long narrative poem (4) 14. Commence (5) 17. Vegetable (7) 18. Novel (3) 19. Nursemaid (5) 20. Synthetic fabric (5)

Down 1. Abominable snowman (4) 2. Serviette (6) 3. Indolent (4) 4. Choice (9) 5. Marine mollusk (6) 7. Sustenance (9) 11. Time of year (6) 12. Gentle breeze (6) 15. Untrusting (4) 16. Aquatic bird (4)

atmosphere has been so positive throughout the week. “It’s peaceful and vibrant with a strong family feel to it. It is also significant that this year we have had a lot of non-Christians attending,” he said. The event included prayer, worship and inspirational speakers.



Issue 199 • NEW LIFE 9

COMMENT You’re worth it! SUICIDE. It’s the one decision that people make that they can’t usually go back on. While some people may say it’s cowardly, or get angry about someone deciding when their life here on earth is over, you can’t say that it’s an easy decision to make. However, it happens every day. But it doesn’t need to. Most people who hit rock bottom think it’s the only way to ease the pain of a broken heart or empty a head so full of raw emotion that it feels like it will burst. Feeling unwanted, unloved, useless or unable to change anything in this world, those people decide the pain of living is more than the pain of dying. Anything can spark the turn of events: from losing a job or loved ones – like John Yuntan on Page 1 – to wanting to escape a seemingly hopeless situation, as Ruth Jones wanted to in our story on Page 3. There is one way that people can feel like there’s hope – and that’s to get down on their knees and ask God for help. He loves us all, and he wants us all to be part of his kingdom. Many say it’s all well and good, but if God exists what is he waiting for? He’s waiting for you to cry out, as John and Ruth did, and then he’ll answer. It’s a relationship like no other. If you make mistakes, God won’t give you the cold shoulder or tell your friends to ignore you. No, his love will continue and he’ll give you another chance. If you think you know someone in need, talk to them and give them hope. If you’re someone who is finding life too tough to handle, then take a look at Page 6, where you’ll find details about where to turn. The advert’s corny, but you really are ‘worth it’! Don’t despair, Jesus is waiting for you.

BIBLE QUOTE OF THE MONTH “Love your enemies and be good to everyone who hates you.” Luke 6:27 Editor: Peter Wreford Advertising: Barry Wilson

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Portsmouth turns to God says Primus ● Continued from Back Page wrongdoing then he will clear it all away before doing something great down here. I believe this club is now being established on God’s foundations — not man’s.” L i nvoy revea led t hat t he c lub now holds reg u la r praye r meetings for churches in one of the suites every Monday. He said: “It’s proving very successful — many are coming and its another sign that God’s on his throne and making all good things happen.” Linvoy is currently talking about his role at the club that will see him working with the youngsters. He said: “I will be doing what I can to help in that area because as finances tighten its important to invest in our youth. “However, it’s also about preaching the gospel to them because if we don’t who will? It has to be done.” Linvoy added that he believed God was honouring his and club chaplain Mike Mellows’ early prayer sessions where they were pictured in the national papers with heads bowed. He said: “There are now seven league clubs where players pray before matches. Mike said all the way back then he wanted to pray for the entire football industry. “I though as a young Christian that was too big but he has the nations in his hands so its tiny, tiny, tiny. He can do it and is doing it. “We all know the culture of football and we can’t change it in ourselves. But God can and is doing.”

Chance to play in Cup ‘a gift’

HONDURAS midfielder Jerry Palacios says his chance to play in the World Cup alongside his two brothers for Honduras was a gift from God. Jerry, along with brothers Jhony and Wilson, were part of the side which was playing in the tournament for the first time in 28 years. Jerry said: “To be playing for Honduras in our first World Cup in 28 years is incredible, but being able to share it with my brothers is a gift from God, and something that our children and grandchildren will never forget. “I thanked God for the chance to fulfil two dreams: playing in the World Cup, and doing so with my brothers.”

Chelsea boss in daily prayer

CHELSEA manager Carlos Ancelotti says he prays every day... but not to win the Premiership. The admired Italian coach (below) won the double for the London club in his first season. Yet, despite h is onfield success, the hu m ble A nce lot t i says he starts his day in prayer: “I believe in God, and I pray, although for personal matters, not for football. I think God has better things to do.” It’s a statement that will bring relief to Man Utd and Liverpool fans everywhere!

Issue 199 •



God is key says Ghana defender

HE’S GOT THE KEY... John Mensah

FOOTY star John Mensah says God is the key player in the Ghana team. The African ace led his squad to a record run in this year’s World Cup Finals. They got through to the last 16 after defeating a strong Serbian side, drawing with Australia, and finishing second in the table to Germany. Joh n, who capta i ns the Black Stars as they are known, said God was never left on the bench. “We pray together at the end of training, and we pray to God before we go out. We are Christians a nd we a l l k now how i mporta nt God is,” he smiles. “We all respect God. We Black Stars are used to singing. After training we sing together. Not always, but definitely on the day before the game.

“We praise God, what he has done for us. Then the next day is matchday, so we use that opportunity to give us strength and help us go on into the game.” D e fe n d e r M e n s a h , who is spending a second season at Prem iersh ip side Sunderland, insists it is the team’s religious faith that has enabled Gh a n a’s you ng sq uad to stay g rou nded a nd focused. The under-20 squad won t he World Yout h Cup in Egypt last year, and many of them were involved in the sen ior team that reached the final of the African Cup of Nations in Angola in January. Dede Ayew, Mensah and Kwadwo Asamoah all played in that Under-20 side and in the 1-1 draw with Australia.


Matt’s got sharing faith down to a tee! When preacher Matt Parsons joined his local golf club, his fellow players weren’t sure what to make of the “minister in their midst”.

But 12 years on and one book later, the guys not only accept Matt, but some of them have even become Christians too. Matt, 60, was prompted to write a book called A Round With God after a passing comment about death from a golf club member at the Merlin Golf Club in Cornwall. “The book came about because I’ve always had an incredible desire to bridge the gap between the everyday guy on the street and the good news of Jesus Christ,” Matt explained. “So when Brian, a fellow golfer, told me his three-year-old nephew had died, and asked ‘What’s that all about then?’ I really felt God prompting me to write a book to answer such questions.” At first, Matt admits, the reception of the guys at his golf club was lukewarm. “When the guys heard I was writing this book they were very inquisitive and some of them tried to wind me up,” Matt remembered. But since the first edition was published in December 2009, many of the golf club members have read Matt’s book and it has had a surprising impact on them. The book shares Matt’s insights into life in parallel with the game of golf, but can be understood on many levels by many different readers. He said: “In the process of my

Fallon: I’ll move if I get a sign

‘HOLE’ LOT OF LOVE... Matt Parsons outside the clubhouse writing the book, our Club Captain, Tom, became a Christian and others followed. “With Tom becoming a Christian a lot of the other members began to wonder what was happening. I led another man to Christ in his fish and chip shop in the middle of Newquay. “God’s definitely using the book in golf clubs, and also in other places outside of the world of golf. “Lots of people are starting on a journey of discovery about having a personal relationship with Jesus. I have never written a book before so I am excited that this is selling so well and helping so many people. “I thought we’d print about 20 copies, but on the advice of a friend 500 were printed and they have all sold.” The second edition of the book has now been published and is available through Matt’s website www. It has attracted interest from the golf professionals – Andy Gorman PGA Golf Professional said: “This wonderful, powerful account of the gospel delivers a unique and simple understanding of the love of God… “Although the book is written around Matt’s experience of the game of golf, the principles can be applied at any workplace or social venue.” Another golf club member, Dave Abbey, who read the book, said: “I am not religious, but I read the book from cover to cover and I must say it is first class and the content was totally unexpected. “In regard to becoming a Christian the door is now slightly ajar whereas before it was totally closed. “I have sent a letter and a copy of the book to Golf Monthly and Today’s Golfer and I think it’s a book that everyone should read.”

RORY FALLON intends to remain at Plymouth Argyle unless he receives a sign from God indicating otherwise. The New Zealand international (below) has a year remaining on his current contract, leading to suggestions he could leave the Pilgrims. “I am contracted here until the end of the season,” the striker, who joined from Swansea in 2007, told t h e c l u b’s official website. “I’ve had one club come in for me but I don’t feel that the Lord wants me to go. I’ve always said that the Lord is the main man and I will wait on what he says. “I don’t feel I’ve had a clear message to leave yet, so I’m staying. I’m instructed by the Lord and people might think I’m mad but I would need a clear sign from the Lord.”

Issue 199 • NEW LIFE 12 NEW LIFE


Faith helped to calm me right down! Dutch footy star Wesley Sneijder has made Jesus his man of the match – and his life. The star striker went from zero to hero with his country before the World Cup last summer, and he credits it all to finding faith in Christ. The Inter Milan star has gone into the new season with a new-found faith and a soonto-be new wife. he explained: “I always believed in God. Jesus has given me a new drive in life. Life feels a lot easier than it ever did before.” Sneijder gets married to TV presenter, Yolanthe Cabau van Kasbergen, in Tuscany next spring. She is a committed Christian and has helped him understand fame, money and happiness. The player’s infamous temper has got him into trouble in the past. He once mocked another player’s salary and hurt residents on the council estate in Utrecht where he grew up by driving through it in a top-of-the-range car. He also rowed with his teammate Robin van Persie over who should take free-kicks and subsequently criticised the Arsenal player in public. Now Sneijder says his new faith has calmed him down and made him a better player: “We have a priest at Inter Milan and a chapel at the training ground. That is where I was baptised and confirmed into the church. He added: “When I was in South Africa, we prayed over the telephone. I pray before every match in my room. It helps me. If I don’t feel good in myself, I pray and I can throw off those bad feelings.”


WHAT’S CHEERING BIG MOVES... Portsmouth’s Fratton Park. Inset, former defender and Pompey ambassador Linvoy Primus



‘CLUB TURNING TO GOD’ PEOPLE inside newly relegated Portsmouth Football Club are flooding to Christ, it has been revealed.

CALMER... Sneijder


Pompey — hit by a series of major problems since going into administration — started this season in the Championship after a troubled time last season. And they have now been plunged into further troubles following a demand from the Inland Revenue concerning various debts. But long-term Pompey defender Linvoy Primus has said people are turning to Jesus during the troubles. The devout Christain told New Life: “Amid all the troubles,

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by Hugh Southon

there’s a great move of God going on. People from across the club are becoming Christians — it’s amazing to see what’s happening. Two directors recently gave their lives to the Lord and family members of the new chief executive are born-again Christians.” Every day a new dilemma appears to hit Pompey and the latest concerns the transfer of Peter Crouch to Spurs. But unfazed Linvoy said: “We walk by faith not sight — that’s the Scripture I’m praying into and as we see more and more committing their lives we know that our God is on top of everything. “If there has been any ● Continued on Page 11

Published by New Life Publishing Company, PO Box 777, Nottingham NG11 6ZZ. Tel 0115 824 0777. Printed by Yorkshire Web, Barnsley. Tel 01226 734410. New Life Newspaper is printed on 100% recycled paper.

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