NOVEMBER 2011 • Issue 213
My faith is everything to me, says Miss USA...
The retired magistrate giving hope to prostitutes
Healing miracle left me up Tempo!
by James Hastings
TOP rap artist MC Tempo loved music so much it made him go deaf. But a miracle healing not only gave him back his hearing – it also saved him from suicide. MC – real name Mark Edwards – is one of Europe’s budding hip-hop stars. He is a regular on Radio 1 and has played alongside Judge Jules and Tim Westwood. However, the Brightonbased artist became deaf in his left ear after an illegal rave. It was the low point of a downward spiral, which began with MC’s parents splitting up when he was 11. He was thrown out ● Continued on Page 2 HEARING AFTER HEALING... MC Tempo was deaf in one ear
Clubbers are told of Lord of Dance FORMER student Beth Tash is returning to the nightclubs she used to dance in – to tell clubbers about Jesus. Beth, 27, has been appointed ‘pioneer minister to the night time economy’ by churches in Leeds. Former clubber Beth has lived in the city for nine years but scrapped boozing when she became a believer. She said: “Everyone that is out and about at night is loved by God but doesn’t know it yet. “I’ve seen the change in my life brought about by k now ing that God loves me, a nd t h at ’s what I want for other people. “I want them to know that they are loved by an
incredible God who willnever let them down. We can have a relationship with him by following Jesus – and he can turn our lives around.” Beth’s role involves talking to staff in clubs and bars, building up links with city centre churches and bringing a “message of life and a m ission of love” to revellers. Archdeacon of Leeds Peter Bu rrows, who helped create the role, sa id: “If you go into Leeds on any Friday or Saturday night and see the huge number of young people coming into the city, it is obvious that the Church isn’t engaging with the club culture.”
• Issue 213
Rap star was healed after losing hearing at rave ● Continued from Page 1 of three separate schools for unruly behaviour and, when he was 18, his sister, two years his junior, died. Mark started taking heroin and going on massive binge drinking sessions. He reached the point where he decided to kill himself. “I remember thinking if this is what life was all about, I don’t want to be alive anymore. I thought of ways to kill myself. I was sure death was the end,” he said. The only thing that kept him going was his love of music – of any kind. Mark was writing rap songs when he was 12, but was equally at home with hip-hop, reggae, rave, rock or classical. One night he was in charge of an illegal rave, where he and other hosts competed to see who could play the loudest music. “I ended up blowing my left eardrum,” he explains. “I couldn’t
Vicar’s plea on presents A VICAR is challenging shoppers to take a stand on Christmas consumerism – by making their own presents. The Rev Sheilagh Williamson, of St Columba’s Church, Darlington, has been holding weekly workshops in the run-up to the festive period. She said her attitude towards gifts changed after spending three months in Uganda last year.
challenged “Having lived with that kind of poverty, I found it very difficult to go out and spend so much money on presents. So I challenged myself to make as many gifts as possible. Those who received them really appreciated them,” she said.
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hear a thing on that side, but I still kept going to raves.” As he got more depressed and hooked on drugs, Mark looked desperately for a way out. One night lying on his bed, he thought of the old RE lessons he had had at school and started wondering if there really was a God.
cried “I cried out: ‘Lord, if you are there give me a sign,’ he said. “I wanted something real, not anything that could be classed as an illusion. I thought nothing more of it and closed my eyes.” What happened next stunned Mark. He turned on the TV and saw images of a valley in Israel where Jesus walked. But then... “I heard an audible voice call my name,” he said. “I just knew it was Jesus. He told me he loved me and had a plan
for me. If I had taken drugs, I could have put it down to that or being drunk. But I was stone cold sober. I was also very freaked out.” Mark spent the next few months reading the Bible. He didn’t understand half of it and forgot the rest. However, one phrase stuck in his mind. It was where Jesus said: ‘If you seek me with all your heart surely you will find me.’ At the time, Mark was still going to raves and getting wrecked. He was also reading the Bible and praying regularly. “I started going to a church in Brighton where I lived. People were waving their hands in the air and falling over. I thought they were all a bunch of crackheads. I grabbed this guy, thinking he was having a heart attack, but he fell to his knees praying.” Mark went on a course for people who want to know more about
Christianity, where he asked a lot of questions – and found answers. Still, the most amazing miracle was about to happen. Mark went to hear a man called Ram Baboo speaking in a nearby church. Sitting in the gallery in a packed bu i ld i ng w ith over 1,000 others, he felt happy staying in the background – but he was in for a shock. “Ram came on the stage and pointed straight up at me,” said Mark. “He said, ‘You are deaf in your left ear. Stand up, God wants to heal you.’ I thought, ‘How does he know that?!’ I didn’t have the bottle to stand up straight away. “I figured I would call his bluff and wait for him to pick on someone else. But he didn’t back down, he said, ‘Look, God’s told me and God doesn’t lie. I know it’s you,
stand up, God wants to heal you.’ I stood up, went to the front, got prayed for and I could hear again.” That was seven years ago and Mark’s hearing has remained perfect since. He’s also turned his back on drugs and now knows the God who spoke to him. His career has soared, whether hosting Christian music events or at large stadium events with 10,000 fans. Music critics have dubbed him the Christian Eminem. “If God hadn’t come into my life when I called out, I’d either be dead or in jail by now,” he says. “Inviting God into my life was the best thing I ever did. He spun me around and I haven’t stopped yet. “I tell everyone: if you don’t know Jesus, just ask him to help you. Your life will never be the same again.”
NEW JOB... Brian Morris is now a church pastor. Inset, a prison ID card once used by Brian
by Becky Barlow
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A FORMER drug dealer who was jailed for 12 years has become a full-time minister at a Welsh village church. Brian Morris, 57, was chosen for the role at Oakdale Baptist Church near Caerphilly, despite having spent time in prison for drug smuggling. Spea k i n g of how Jes u s transformed his life, he told New Life: “I was a drug dealer going nowhere, at the lowest point. I remembered God and prayed that Jesus would forgive my sins. “Since that time, it hasn’t been an easy road but I’ve stuck with it and God has been faithful and put people in my path to help and encourage me. The Lord has changed my life.” In 1995, Brian was arrested for smuggling a kilo of cocaine into Wales. A l ready a f u l ly-f ledged heroin addict, things began to change when he remembered the Ch ristian faith he was taught as a youngster. He said: “At that moment a light came on in my heart – I remembered God and God remembered me. I prayed and it felt like God was shocking me
awake saying, ‘Have I got your attention now, Brian?’ “I poured out my heart in sorrow and asked for forgiveness and told the Lord that I wou ld come clea n about everything. “So when I was called in for questioning, even though I was still suffering from cold turkey and slipping in and out of sleep, I tried to answer all their questions truthfully and told them everything.” His honesty earned him 12 years as a Category A prisoner but, determined to make the most of it, he set about learning everything about the God who had saved him. “I was sentenced to 12 years but this was a turning point in my life to get an education and learn from the Lord,” he said. “I got rid of my anger at God and realised that this time was for a purpose and that he knows better. I studied
my Bible and accepted that the Lord’s discipline is good for you.” While in prison, Brian completed a Bible course up to college level, and, after five years, he was freed on parole. He said: “I’ve since done a degree in theology starting at the Bible College of Wales and finishing at Cardiff University, alongside two years ministerial training at South Wales Baptist College. “ I d i d a p l a c e m e n t at Bethesda Baptist Church in Rogerstone, Gwent, and while I was there I was offered a parttime role as student pastor at Oakdale. “As an introduction to the congregation, I first had to preach and tell my story. Six months later, I was voted in as full-time pastor. “To get this job with my background shows that anyone can be forgiven.”
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Issue 213 • NEW LIFE 3 NEW LIFE
make no miss-take! SHE is blonde, beautiful, talented and articulate. But while those attributes may have played a part in her being crowned Miss America 2011, Teresa Scanlan knows there was one more reason why she lifted the title – faith in Christ.
Devout Christian Teresa, 18, says she has no doubt that the win was a divine appointment. “My faith is everything to me. I wouldn’t be here without God,” she said. “It is incredible to see what he has done through me. It’s not me, but God working through my life. The future is so exciting knowing I am operating in his will. “On the night I won Miss Nebraska, I knew that this is exactly where God wanted me to be, and he has a plan for each and every day of my life, not only this year, but every year. That was my prayer then, and it has been my prayer since.” Teresa is the youngest ever person to become Miss A merica, a nd her charm and intelligence have won over even the most cynical opponent of the beauty pageant circuit. One of seven children who was homeschooled before graduating at 17, she admits to a period of being rebellious and struggling to find a purpose in life. “For years, I had been searching for
by James Hastings
a place where I excelled, a place where I felt I belonged or was meant to be. As a dancer, singer, pianist, guitarist, gymnast, speaker and actress, I found that although I did well in each area, I wasn’t willing to completely dedicate myself to any one area as many others were. “When I found pageantry, I realised that God had prepared me for this competition by creating me to love diversity, and here was the place I could use the talents he had given me. “I wish to be a shining light for him, a glowing example of who he is, and a grain of salt in a tasteless world. Whether or not this is achieved through a position, crown, title or job, I ask that God places me exactly where he needs me to be an effective ambassador. “I love God so much and thank him for blessing me so tremendously, and for bestowing such an outstanding opportunity on me. My greatest wish is to exemplify his love through my words and actions in order to bring others to know the Lord.” Si nce becom i ng M iss A me r ica, Teresa has travelled throughout the USA, giving talks in schools, helping in homeless shelters and publicising the growing problem of eating disorders. “I only hope that I can make the most of the life I’ve been given and use it always to the glory of God,” she said.
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STRONG FAITH... Miss America 2011 Teresa Scanlan.
Leila Lopes
Praise of Universe winner LOV E LY Lei la Lopes has thanked God after she was crowned Miss Universe at the 60th anniversary of the beauty pageant. When asked what physical trait she would change about herself, the African said: “Thank God I’m very satisfied with the way God created me and I wouldn’t change a thing. I consider myself a woman endowed with inner beauty. I have acquired many wonderful principles from my family, and I intend to follow these for the rest of my life.” The 25-year-old Christian is from Benguela, Angola, but lives in London. She hopes that earning the crown will help her effort to eliminate war and impoverishment from her country, and stated that her knack ‘to motivate people’ helped her win.
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4 NEW LIFE • Issue 213
Missionary group sees food miracle A TEAM of missionaries in Mexico believe God miraculously multiplied food – like in Bible times – at a recent outreach. Operation Mobilisation staff had only prepared food for 70 people at a prison visit in Oaxaca. But when they arrived, more than 200 inmates turned up.
A team spokesperson said: “We prayed for God to multiply the food. I could hardly believe it, but it happened. “As we were handing the food out to the inmates, it didn’t run out. We even had enough plates and spoons for 200 men! “When we gave food to the last person in line, it finally ran out. God’s name be praised!”
Assemblies are just like sprouts – good for you!
BAPTISED... a soldier during the service. Pic: Alison Baskerville RLC
Leading clergyman Dr John Sentamu, the Archbishop of York, speaks out against the decline of school assemblies and issues a call for prayer in our education system
Baptism for war soldiers
COLLECTIVE worship in school is a chance to promote spiritual and ethical virtues and the social and cultural development of pupils.
FOUR servicemen were baptised recently at a US military base in Afghanistan. Three US personnel and one Brit were immersed in a water tank as the gathered crowd clapped, cheered and sang worship songs.
Someone this week described it as like Brussels sprouts — you don’t enjoy them at the time but you know they do you good. The Church doesn’t support this worship because of law but because it is good for children and society. School assemblies with Christian content do not have to be boring. I would challenge schools to make them interesting and fun.
tougher The soldiers took their guns to the service, as they must have their weapons with them at all times – even in church. US marine Major Harbour said: “This deployment has solidified my faith. Our faith helps us get through the tougher times.”
NEW LIFE CHRISTIANITY is booming in China – where it is illegal to preach the gospel – it has been claimed. Duan Huilai, a preacher who travels throughout the nation telling others about Jesus, says there is “dramatic growth” in the Chinese Church.
moral Whatever faith you are, assemblies based on the Bible teach moral lessons which every child can take something from. I have a recipe for Brussels sprouts. I won’t tell you it but it has exciting ingredients — and everyone seems to enjoy it. If your collective worship is boring, you either have the wrong ingredients or aren’t putting them together in the right way. Schools
If assemblies are boring you could do with more exciting ingredients
❛ You wouldn’t take your child for fast food every day ❜ a re cathedra ls of lea rn i ng. We should want to give children the best. You wouldn’t take your child to a fast-food restaurant every day, because you know it would be detrimental to their health. We should have the same attitude to our children’s spiritual and mental wellbeing — and Christian values have an integral part to play in that. Education is about drawing
out the best in young people then encouraging them to live out those values. We need schools to help children value not only others but themselves.
message The Christian message says we are loved by God, who in Jesus has shown us life in all its fullness. To worship is to affirm everything good about God and life. It is hu-
for support A CHRISTIAN charity is calling for the British public to support their appeal to improve the worldwide condition of housing. Habit for Humanity reckons housing has to be a priority for world governments following a recent report linking inadequate accommodation to serious ill health. A report published by the World Health Organisation in June showed that poor housing is responsible for more than 100,000 annual deaths in Europe alone.
I started to read the Bible but got bogged down in all the ‘thees’ and ‘thous’. Help! While the Authorised version of the Bible is the most famous, it’s also 400 years old and you will find a modern translation much easier to read. The Bible isn’t like a normal book in that you don’t necessarily read it from cover to cover in one go. Most believers read a few chapters every day. The Bible is a collection of different books, so my advice would be to start with the Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John – this is where you can find out about Jesus. Mark is particularly fast-paced and tells of what Christ said – it’s a fascinating read!
My daughter has become a born-again Christian and is telling me I need to do the same. I’ve been a churchgoer all my life, but she says that isn’t enough. What’s the truth? When we were born physically, the Spirit of God
manity at its best. At the start of the school day, it raises the game: Look at what you are and what you can be! It is a time to say: Wow! We’re fantastic! “Love thy neighbour” is something we should aspire to. Unequal societies create social problems. Worship is a chance for reflection for pupils and staff and to promote positive attitudes. Discipline is best from within.
Wilt thou help thee to read Bible? wasn’t within us. In other words, we were all born spiritually dead. God gives us the free will to decide where we want to spend eternity. If we choose to ask Jesus to forgive us for all of the sin in our lives and accept him as our personal Lord and Saviour, we become ‘born again’ or are ‘spiritually’ born – and receive the gift of eternal life. The great news is this – it’s a free gift from God for everyone! Here’s the deal: if we confess that Jesus is Lord, and believe in our hearts that God raised him from the dead, we’ll be saved. Just being a churchgoer isn’t enough to get you into heaven.
A drink driver knocked my brother down and I know the Bible says I should forgive him, but I’m finding it hard. Can you help me? I understand how you feel... holding a grudge and not being able to forgive is natural for most people. However, it’s also very unhealthy. Forgiveness is a choice, so can I encourage you to make that choice and try to move on? Each of us needs God to forgive us. None of us is perfect, but God’s grace means that forgiveness is freely available – but only for those who will forgive others. Holding on to unforgiveness robs you of joy and peace. Once you have found forgiveness, tough though it is, you will find enormous peace.
Issue 213
WORKING together to bring you the good news
tune in New Life works in partnership with UCB (United Christian Broadcasters) who are now broadcasting nationally on DAB radio. For great Christian music, discussion, chat, regular news bulletins and lots of fun, UCB is great, contemporary radio for the whole family. Listen on DAB radio across the UK or online at
explore christianity We’re also working with Alpha, the course that allows people to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed setting over ten thoughtprovoking weekly sessions. The courses are free and are usually run in the evening, and include a meal or refreshments. To find a course near you, see
Find a church We’re also working with Find a Church, who run a brilliant website listing the details of more than 42,000 UK Christian churches. Simply tap in your postcode for help to find a great church in your area.
the BIBLE MATTERS The Gideons are well known for their work distributing Bibles to schools, hospitals, hotels etc. If you want Jesus to make himself real in your life, and don’t have a Bible, The Gideons will be happy to provide you with a Testament completely free of charge.
The ABC of how you can become a Christian...
A Admit that you have done wrong that Jesus died so that you can B Believe be forgiven, and ask God to forgive you The Bible says, ‘All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God’ (Romans 3:23).
‘God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life’ (John 3:16); ‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us’ (1 John 1:9).
C Commit yourself to living God’s way
Jesus said, ‘Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’ (John 8:12). Log on to for more help.
FOR EVERY READER DAILY INSPIRATIONAL BOOK call 0845 6040401 or log on to
Issue 213 •
RETIRED MAGISTRATE HELPING PROSTITUTES ESCAPE danger of sex industry When magistrate Theresa Cumbers witnessed the plight of the prostitutes in Nor wic h, she knew she had to try to help. B e c k y B arlow me t this remarkable woman who stepped down from the bench to help them find a way out
Operation Christmas Love Last year we spent Christmas in absolute darkness. But you ca me like a light in the darkness of our lives. With your generous support, Mission Without Borders will distribute over 30,000 Operation Christmas Love boxes across Eastern Europe to some of the poorest people.
ost 71-year-olds are enjoying retirement and spend their evenings watching TV or playing with the grandkids. But not Theresa Cumbers. The pluck y pensioner works on the streets of Norwich helping hookers escape their dangerous and often tragic lifestyles. A nd Theresa, a former JP, is in no mood for stopping. “As long as I’m here I will never forsake these women, even if I can on ly help one person then that is enough,” she told New Life. “It doesn’t matter what age you are. If you heed the call of God and you yield yourself to what he has for you, then he will equip you. It’s about putting Jesus’ love into action.” Theresa, who overcame tragedy in her own life when her husband was killed in a car crash when she was 43, for med t he Magda lene Group in 1993. “At the time, I could only identify three other Christian groups in the UK who were working in this field,” she said. “We didn’t want to just support these women; we wanted to help them leave prostitution behind.
desperate “We soon realised there was only one rescuer and that was Jesus, but we could serve and do our very best to support them on their individual journey and show love in action. “So we set up a drop-in centre in a redundant church in the heart of the red light district of Norwich. We bought everything from John Lewis – nothing was second hand because we felt these girls deserved the best because they are so precious. They are God’s gems who have been taken the wrong way. “Many of the women have lost everything – homes, children and contact with family. They are alone, without hope and facing desperate situations. The physical, sexual, psychological and emotional abuse to get cash is a continual battle that could end in death.” For the next decade or so, Theresa and the team worked tirelessly to win the trust of the women and girls on the streets and saw many success stories along the way, enabling women to leave prostitution behind and seeing many experience their freedom in Christ. “God showed me so much,” Theresa said. “He gave me his love and compassion for those who are totally lost. The life of prostitution is a very, very murky world. “For most people it’s a world of dark streets, and the women are regarded with a mixture of disgust and incomprehension. But I’ve never had any thoughts like that – I can look at the women the way God does and that’s with a heart of love.” Theresa began to question the
Each box brings light into darkness; hope to the hopeless; food to the hungry; and love to the unloved. For the recipients, Operation Christmas Love will change their Christmas, and maybe their life.
This Christmas you can deliver love in a box with Mission Without Borders.
HOPE ON THE STREETS... Theresa Cumbers, above, wants to help prostitutes escape the dangerous and murky industry they work in. Left, Theresa has written of her experiences in a book, Low Cost High Price. Main pic posed by model
Each box costs £16 to pack and distribute. It contains flour, oil, rice, pasta, coffee/ tea, tinned meat and vegetables, sweets, jam and biscuits. To help everyone celebrate, there are also treats and a copy of the Christmas story.
Donate on-line, by phone, post, or text LOVE25 £2/£5/£10 to 70070 to donate now.
Love changes lives
n i e p o h g Spreadin t c i r t s i d t h the red lig meaning of life when her husband, John, died. She was left to look after two young children following the accident. She said: “I knew that I had to be mum and dad to them, bring them up and live my life like their father – teaching them to be good citizens and have integrity. “I started praying and, as I did, it took me back to when I was a child. I spent a lot of time praying and crying in my bedroom, but I felt that I was getting closer and closer to God. “Many times the Lord took me back to when I was a child and when I was first taught about him. Growing up, we weren’t a Christian family and had no Bible, but during the
time of our loss, knowing the reality of God really helped us. He never leaves us no matter what we do. I’d really gone forward in the world into business and thought that I was a good person, but now, when I look back, I think it’s awesome that the Lord has forgiven me of so much.
pray “All the time after I had lost John I was searching for Jesus but I didn’t realise what I was looking for. I had this black hole in the pit of my stomach but I didn’t know what it was. I was questioning what the purpose of life was and started to pray and read the Bible more.” After attending a Christian business dinner in Norwich with her two children, Theresa
became a believer and confessed her sins to God. After a while she became a JP on the Norwich bench. It was there that she first came into contact with the women of the red light district. “One day a girl came in front of me and she was 18 years old,” she remembered. “I realised that could have been my daughter. She was so scared. That day I realised that I’d had enough and that the Lord was calling me to go out there and see what support is available to these women and girls.” In 1991, Theresa stepped down from the bench and spent the next two years research ing, meeting likeminded people and sharing the vision for the Magdalene Group.
She said: “I will never give up. Our aim is to provide a sense of family and community where these women can be encouraged to grow in confidence and self esteem. They are then more able to make better lifestyle choices for themselves and their families, knowing they will be supported in their journey.
support “I didn’t know anything about prostitution until I sat on the Norwich bench. Back in the 90s these women would go to prison if they didn’t pay their fines – thankfully that doesn’t happen now. I’m focussing very much on routes out. To stop is easy, but it’s the next levels they need support for. Sometimes
it seems they are on elastic bands. They go out, they give up and they go out again. But we are seeing them come away from that revolving door mentality. “There’s a fight in me for justice – I want to challenge people’s perceptions of women who are working on the streets. Ninety eight per cent of them have been coerced into that lifestyle and have addictions. “I have on ly ever k now n one woman who said she had chosen to be out there.” ● Theresa has written of her experiences in a book Low Cost High Price. It is available from
Mission Without Borders Mission Without Borders 175 Tower Bridge Road, London SE1 2AG t 020 7940 1370 e w Mission Without Borders is a company limited by guarantee and registered in England no: 1065601. Registered charity no: 270659.
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WORKING together to bring you the good news
tune in New Life works in partnership with UCB (United Christian Broadcasters) who are now broadcasting nationally on DAB radio. For great Christian music, discussion, chat, regular news bulletins and lots of fun, UCB is great, contemporary radio for the whole family. Listen on DAB radio across the UK or online at
explore christianity We’re also working with Alpha, the course that allows people to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed setting over ten thoughtprovoking weekly sessions. The courses are free and are usually run in the evening, and include a meal or refreshments. To find a course near you, see
Find a church We’re also working with Find a Church, who run a brilliant website listing the details of more than 42,000 UK Christian churches. Simply tap in your postcode for help to find a great church in your area.
the BIBLE MATTERS The Gideons are well known for their work distributing Bibles to schools, hospitals, hotels etc. If you want Jesus to make himself real in your life, and don’t have a Bible, The Gideons will be happy to provide you with a Testament completely free of charge.
The ABC of how you can become a Christian...
A Admit that you have done wrong that Jesus died so that you can B Believe be forgiven, and ask God to forgive you The Bible says, ‘All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God’ (Romans 3:23).
‘God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life’ (John 3:16); ‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us’ (1 John 1:9).
C Commit yourself to living God’s way
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Issue 213 •
RETIRED MAGISTRATE HELPING PROSTITUTES ESCAPE danger of sex industry When magistrate Theresa Cumbers witnessed the plight of the prostitutes in Nor wic h, she knew she had to try to help. B e c k y B arlow me t this remarkable woman who stepped down from the bench to help them find a way out
Operation Christmas Love Last year we spent Christmas in absolute darkness. But you ca me like a light in the darkness of our lives. With your generous support, Mission Without Borders will distribute over 30,000 Operation Christmas Love boxes across Eastern Europe to some of the poorest people.
ost 71-year-olds are enjoying retirement and spend their evenings watching TV or playing with the grandkids. But not Theresa Cumbers. The pluck y pensioner works on the streets of Norwich helping hookers escape their dangerous and often tragic lifestyles. A nd Theresa, a former JP, is in no mood for stopping. “As long as I’m here I will never forsake these women, even if I can on ly help one person then that is enough,” she told New Life. “It doesn’t matter what age you are. If you heed the call of God and you yield yourself to what he has for you, then he will equip you. It’s about putting Jesus’ love into action.” Theresa, who overcame tragedy in her own life when her husband was killed in a car crash when she was 43, for med t he Magda lene Group in 1993. “At the time, I could only identify three other Christian groups in the UK who were working in this field,” she said. “We didn’t want to just support these women; we wanted to help them leave prostitution behind.
desperate “We soon realised there was only one rescuer and that was Jesus, but we could serve and do our very best to support them on their individual journey and show love in action. “So we set up a drop-in centre in a redundant church in the heart of the red light district of Norwich. We bought everything from John Lewis – nothing was second hand because we felt these girls deserved the best because they are so precious. They are God’s gems who have been taken the wrong way. “Many of the women have lost everything – homes, children and contact with family. They are alone, without hope and facing desperate situations. The physical, sexual, psychological and emotional abuse to get cash is a continual battle that could end in death.” For the next decade or so, Theresa and the team worked tirelessly to win the trust of the women and girls on the streets and saw many success stories along the way, enabling women to leave prostitution behind and seeing many experience their freedom in Christ. “God showed me so much,” Theresa said. “He gave me his love and compassion for those who are totally lost. The life of prostitution is a very, very murky world. “For most people it’s a world of dark streets, and the women are regarded with a mixture of disgust and incomprehension. But I’ve never had any thoughts like that – I can look at the women the way God does and that’s with a heart of love.” Theresa began to question the
Each box brings light into darkness; hope to the hopeless; food to the hungry; and love to the unloved. For the recipients, Operation Christmas Love will change their Christmas, and maybe their life.
This Christmas you can deliver love in a box with Mission Without Borders.
HOPE ON THE STREETS... Theresa Cumbers, above, wants to help prostitutes escape the dangerous and murky industry they work in. Left, Theresa has written of her experiences in a book, Low Cost High Price. Main pic posed by model
Each box costs £16 to pack and distribute. It contains flour, oil, rice, pasta, coffee/ tea, tinned meat and vegetables, sweets, jam and biscuits. To help everyone celebrate, there are also treats and a copy of the Christmas story.
Donate on-line, by phone, post, or text LOVE25 £2/£5/£10 to 70070 to donate now.
Love changes lives
n i e p o h g Spreadin t c i r t s i d t h the red lig meaning of life when her husband, John, died. She was left to look after two young children following the accident. She said: “I knew that I had to be mum and dad to them, bring them up and live my life like their father – teaching them to be good citizens and have integrity. “I started praying and, as I did, it took me back to when I was a child. I spent a lot of time praying and crying in my bedroom, but I felt that I was getting closer and closer to God. “Many times the Lord took me back to when I was a child and when I was first taught about him. Growing up, we weren’t a Christian family and had no Bible, but during the
time of our loss, knowing the reality of God really helped us. He never leaves us no matter what we do. I’d really gone forward in the world into business and thought that I was a good person, but now, when I look back, I think it’s awesome that the Lord has forgiven me of so much.
pray “All the time after I had lost John I was searching for Jesus but I didn’t realise what I was looking for. I had this black hole in the pit of my stomach but I didn’t know what it was. I was questioning what the purpose of life was and started to pray and read the Bible more.” After attending a Christian business dinner in Norwich with her two children, Theresa
became a believer and confessed her sins to God. After a while she became a JP on the Norwich bench. It was there that she first came into contact with the women of the red light district. “One day a girl came in front of me and she was 18 years old,” she remembered. “I realised that could have been my daughter. She was so scared. That day I realised that I’d had enough and that the Lord was calling me to go out there and see what support is available to these women and girls.” In 1991, Theresa stepped down from the bench and spent the next two years research ing, meeting likeminded people and sharing the vision for the Magdalene Group.
She said: “I will never give up. Our aim is to provide a sense of family and community where these women can be encouraged to grow in confidence and self esteem. They are then more able to make better lifestyle choices for themselves and their families, knowing they will be supported in their journey.
support “I didn’t know anything about prostitution until I sat on the Norwich bench. Back in the 90s these women would go to prison if they didn’t pay their fines – thankfully that doesn’t happen now. I’m focussing very much on routes out. To stop is easy, but it’s the next levels they need support for. Sometimes
it seems they are on elastic bands. They go out, they give up and they go out again. But we are seeing them come away from that revolving door mentality. “There’s a fight in me for justice – I want to challenge people’s perceptions of women who are working on the streets. Ninety eight per cent of them have been coerced into that lifestyle and have addictions. “I have on ly ever k now n one woman who said she had chosen to be out there.” ● Theresa has written of her experiences in a book Low Cost High Price. It is available from
Mission Without Borders Mission Without Borders 175 Tower Bridge Road, London SE1 2AG t 020 7940 1370 e w Mission Without Borders is a company limited by guarantee and registered in England no: 1065601. Registered charity no: 270659.
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A YOUTH worker who used to be hooked on drugs believes Christianity is about to boom in Britain following the summer’s riots.
Ed Ha r rap, who work s at Kensington Temple Church in London, sees almost 250 youngsters turn out to various youth clubs each week in the city. He reckons the future of the nation is bright despite recent torments. He thinks the answer is through God. Ed, 28, said: “Now is the time for the Church, especially young Christians, to be role models for this lost generation. This is the time to show people another way of life – God’s way of life.”
ADDICTED Ed is praying that youngsters in London experience the same power that turned him from a young man who was addicted to drink and drugs into a Christian preacher. “I started drinking and taking drugs,” he explained. “I still classed myself as a Christian but would think nothing of taking my mum’s car without asking, even though it was illegal. I’d even ask my friends to pray in the car when I wasn’t sure how to drive it! “The drugs and alcohol were like painkillers. But I didn’t have a problem with Christianity.”
Following the summer of riots in the UK (left) Ed Harrap (right) believes Christianity will boom It was this openness to Jesus that was to be his saving grace – along with a Christian friend of his mum. “She’d encourage my friends to sit on a chair in the front room and she’d pray for them and some of them had real encounters with God. But the missing element was how to follow that up – how to go on from that initial encounter.” At the age of 15, this same lady invited Ed and his friends to a Christian conference in London. This was the beginning of his journey back to Christ. “There were six of us who agreed to go,” Ed remembered. “When we were about to leave, three of the girls suddenly started feeling ill and didn’t want to
go. After a bit of persuasion and the assurance of sick bowls, we got into two taxis and headed towards the meeting. The instant we arrived in the venue the girls felt fine. Clearly more was happening than we thought. “I went to all three nights of the conference and one night I was sitting near my brother. The preacher came and stood near us and said that there was someone on our row with digestive problems.
EXPERIENCE “My brother had almost died a few times because of this, so it clearly applied to him. “He went forward and had a deliverance experience. After that I really wanted to know the
Jesus that sets people free.” Ed soon began to devote much of his time to prayer and reading his Bible, and after finishing university he took the position as youth leader. He said: “We call our Sunday gathering ‘The Cause’, from the Bible story of David and Goliath where David says, ‘Is there not a cause?’ ‘It’s a picture of our modern day situation, where the world is seeking to put the youth into captivity through drink, drugs and other vices that will hold them for the rest of their lives. I ask the youth, ‘Is there not a cause for this generation?’ and tell them they can be different and I show them what real, free life is like.”
Minister goes back into hosptial to become a chaplain MOST people want to come home after being in hospital – but not Arthur Shivas. The 69 -yea r - old we nt in for a few days but realised he wanted to return as a minister and hospital chaplain. The Rev Shivas now works part-ti me at Notti ngha m
City Hospital after moving to the East Midlands from London. He said: “When I was in hospital the g uys on the ward soon discovered that I was a minister and they were asking me to pray for them a nd listen to thei r problems. I found myself
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Issue 213 • NEW LIFE 9
Arthur Shivas
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just being there for people. “The work can be anything from organising funerals of babies that have died in the hospital to just answering questions that people have. “I’ve been able to help patch-up family relationships and pray with people
who are frightened. I got called to see one guy who was told he had a couple of hours to live and after praying with him he was allowed to go home a few days later. “I’m able to build relationships with people and then share the gospel.”
COMMENT Act of kindness IT would be easy to turn away from those in society who take desperate measures, and criticise them for doing what they do. But retired magistrate Theresa Chambers became the perfect example of a Good Samaritan when she refused to just walk by and allow prostitutes in Norwich to continue to live their lives without hope. Instead, she formed the Magadlene Group to reach out to those who are forced to sell their bodies for money. Rather than point the finger at them and tell those girls that they were wrong to enter the “oldest profession”, she offered help without judgment – quite an amazing act of kindness from someone who spent her working days judging court cases! We can all discuss why girls become prostitutes. A lot of them do so because they are taken in by the evil of drugs, which keep a vice-like grip on the lives of those who take them. But, ultimately, they are human beings who have usually fallen into a way of life they never imagined they’d end up in. However, they, and everyone in the world, have a clear hope – and that’s in the Lord Jesus Christ. As you’ll see by reading the story about Brian Morris on Page 2 of this issue, if you turn away from your old life and ask Jesus Christ for help, God will welcome you with open arms. There will be times when you still fail, but God still loves you. If you are currently being forced to sell your body to make ends meet, know that the One who created you loves you – and take comfort in Him. There is a way out. And even if you’re just feeling desperately low about life, then you too can accept the love of God and find hope. Page 6 of this newspaper contains some great ways of starting your journey as a follower of Jesus Christ.
BIBLE QUOTE OF THE MONTH The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary. Isaiah 40:28 Editor: Peter Wreford Advertising: Barry Wilson
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Issue 213
Humanism and godlessness beset the nations; it will take the sacrifice of intercession to move upon the Lord to turn the tide of the looming disaster ‘Awesome, present-time testimonies of the power of intercession’
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HESKEY JOINS TOP 5-A-SIDE PLAYERS Emile Heskey meets fans during the five-a-side tournament
EX-England international striker Emile Heskey attended a Christian fivea-side tournament in South Yorkshire. A team from London were the winners of the Love Life UK Champions League. Liberties beat International City Church, Doncaster, in the final, and even overcame the Love Life All Star team, which included Villa star Heskey, 6-3 to lift the trophy. Teams from throughout the UK entered the tournament, which was
held at Powerleague on Kendray Playing Fields, near Barnsley. The event also included games for children, inflatables, gospel music, food stalls and a presentation for the winners. The impressive Liberties lineup was awarded with a £250 cash prize and tickets for the Master’s Football Final later this year. Meanwhile, the Love Life All Star team was its strongest yet, with a guest appearance from Heskey, who spent a couple of hours signing autographs and chatting to fans before taking to the field to join the likes of Darren Moore
Church footy cup sees team record A RECORD number of teams entered a church football tournament in London. Seventyfive teams played in the event, held at Regent’s Park. Organised by Ambassadors in Sport, the event was attended by more than 1,000 people. It included categories for men, women and youth. Me n’s w i n ne rs we re Je sus House, who overcame St Stephen’s in the final. The Ch inese Church of London lifted the women’s title and St A nd rew’s, Sout h Ea l i ng
Saints and Church on the Farm picked up youth medals. Hope FC, from Hackney, was voted the most sporting team among the youth, and Cheam Baptist Church in the adult section. Organiser Mark Blythe said: “It was great to see so many people com i ng together to enjoy a competitive football tournament, but also to hear a gospel message and have discussions afterwards. Sport was the catalyst for the Christian message to be heard.”
(Burton Albion), Bobby Hassell (Barnsley), David Preece (Barnsley) and Clinton Morrison (Sheffield Wednesday). Retired pros Barry Miller (Doncaster Rovers) and Love Life founder and director Bruce Dyer (Crystal Palace and Watford) were also in the Love Life line-up. Dyer said: “It was an incredible event and big congratulations must go to Liberties, who were a fantastic five-a-side with quick movement and impressive skills. They thoroughly deserved their victory. “It was great to see Emile Heskey and all of the other professionals
Action from the Ambassadors in Sport tournament
turn out on the day. The fans were really blessed by their attitude and humility.” Meanwhile, Dyer said he hoped many people would be impacted by the gospel following the event. “At every Love Life event, we are praying that people’s lives will be changed and impacted by the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus said he came to give us life and life in abundance, and we believe that the love of God is going to touch people’s hea rts th rough these events.” For more i n formation, v isit
Issue 213 •
CALL... Timo Tagaloa
Ace wants players to tell of faith FORMER Samoa winger Timo Tagaloa has said he wants to see more Christian rugby players influencing others by talking about their faith. Tagaloa shot to fame when he helped the virtually unknown team reach the quarter finals of the 1991 Rugby World Cup by scoring two tries. Tagaloa leads a bi-week ly Bible study, but spends much of his time competing hard to gain athletes’ attention. “They’ve got money, cars and clothes thrown at them,” says Timo. “And almost everything they go to is mandatory, so when we come along with an optional Bible study, it gets pushed to the side.” Taga loa’s goa l is to show players how to live the Christian life and to train them in leading others to Christ, who he says is the most important person in his life. He added: “Obviously knowing Jesus in my life is one of the major highlights. “You can score those tries and you know people may remember, but that was just an event. “That was just part of history and it just fades away, but your relationship with God is always going to be there forever. “Although I was considered a good rugby player and scored those tries, I want to be remembered as a person who loved the Lord with all their heart, soul and mind.”
‘This award is the best’
WORLD number one and Wimbledon champ Novak Djokovic has revealed his faith in God. The te n n is ace was rece nt ly given the Order of Saint Sava by the Serbia n Ort hodox C hu rc h for his dedication to C h r i st ia n it y and for his generosity. The 24-yea r old (pictured right) shocked fans when he said the award was “certainly the most important” he has ever received. He said that as a religious person he struggled to find appropriate words to express his feelings of gratitude towards the Church. “Success for me has come about through hard work and self-belief, as well as belief in God,” he added.
Players who’ve got a prayer
NEW AIM... Mark Raesbeck
My goal’s to tell fans all about Jesus A BARNSLEY minister has made it his goal to win footie fans for Jesus. Mark Raesbeck and his wife Mary Sue have started a church at Barnsley Football Club on Sunday afternoons. They rent out a suite at the club’s Oakwell ground and formed Gateway Church on Easter Sunday. Mark, a Doncaster Rovers turned Barnsley fan, said: “We had over 100 people turn up to the launch and broke the regulations, which was great! Barnsley captain Bobby Hassell is a committed Christian and came to the event, and that gave us a real boost. “I had been a Methodist minister in Barnsley for five years and was due to move on, but sensed a strong calling to stay in the town. We want to join with all the other churches and win people for Jesus. “We’ve had a few curious football fans turn up. One Sunday a couple of young lads came and Bobby Hassell was in the crowd, and halfway through they went up to him and asked him for his autograph. “You could tell they had never been in church before! I hope being in the football club will make us quite appealing to men who are interested in God.” The church is involved with Street Pastors, children’s work and a drug rehabilitation and homeless project.
STUDYING... Spurs midfielder John Bostock is one of many players who read the Bible
A GROUP of Premier League footballers are meeting regularly and holding Bible studies, it has been revealed.
Nineteen-year-old Spurs midfielder John Bostock says several of the White Hart Lane side meet to pray and discuss Christianity. He said: “At West Ham, and at Tottenham where I am, there are a few young players that have been saved, and they’re actually running after God. “They really desire to know him. We meet together often and we just seek God, and just grow in him. It’s great to see young
players, who are supposed to be chasing girls, actually running after God’s heart.” Bostock, who is currently injured, has been tipped to be a star at the Lane, having made his debut for Crystal Palace when he was just 15, becoming the youngest player in the club’s history to play a first team game. His big money move to Tottenham in 2008 showed his obvious talent, and he has had loan spells at Brentford and Hull City before returning to Spurs last season. When fit, he hopes to force his way into Harry Redknapp’s first XI and become a regular in the Spurs midfield. However, football isn’t Bostock’s only priority.
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The newly married Londoner is a committed Christian and says his faith in Jesus helps him avoid the temptations that many footballers fall into. He said: “If you’re saying one thing about your faith and who God is to you, and then on the pitch you’re playing like everyone else, is there really anything different? We’re called to be salt and light. “I understand that this talent isn’t really mine, I’m just a vessel of this gift and I have to use it correctly.” The born-again believer also runs a home group for his local church and has visited prisons, telling inmates about Jesus.
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