Money …
not, the right answer. When traveling, be it on vacation or to
time of giving, try to make a gift for loved ones instead of buying one – often it will
visit family and friends, always
mean more to the person receiving
remember to pack a mask and
it and to you too. These small
wear one in public or in whatever
changes can add up and help you
fter a long year, summer
other situation it will make you
really get value out of your money,
is here. A time to relax, a
feel comfortable. Sanitize your
while still enjoying the quality time
time for family and friends,
hands frequently, more frequently
you spend with your loved ones.
celebrations, and a time for giving.
than what you might think. There
With 2020 being one of the most
are still summer precautions
care about your financial wellbeing
At Finbond Mutual Bank, we
unpredictable years in modern
to consider as well. Pack a hat,
and about your future. That is why
history, and with COVID-19 still very
remember to wear sunscreen and
we offer some of the best fixed-
much alive in South Africa, how will
stay hydrated. When traveling long
term deposit interest rates you
this affect our festive season? With
distances, stop and take a break
will find, as well as some of the
millions of South Africans making
more often. Being prepared and
best interest on normal savings
plans to travel and spend some
doing the little things that matter
accounts available. We believe that
much-needed time with their loved
will give you the freedom to still
if you spend your money wisely
ones, how do we go about making
enjoy the holidays, no matter how
and save, you should be rewarded
sure we are still being responsible
challenging the year has been.
for it with interest – that is one of
and still doing our part against the
The same is true for your
the basics of banking. Simple and
invisible enemy, COVID-19? With so
financial wellbeing. Doing the little
straightforward. With your money
much uncertainty in our daily lives,
things right today will enable you
growing, you will be able to really
what can we really rely on for a secure
to have a more secure tomorrow.
take a break this festive season and
future? With everyone’s budgets no
The festive season is a time of
focus on the things that matter.
doubt being tighter than usual during
celebration, which can also mean
the festive season, how do we go about
that spending increases and can
Get out more, take more walks,
ensuring we are still able to spend
get out of hand – but it doesn’t
enjoy the beautiful nature South
real quality time together? These are
have to. You do not need to spend
Africa has to offer. Take joy in
some of the questions that we would
all of your hard-earned savings
simple things. Laugh, have fun.
like to help you with during this festive season. Some of the answers to some of the biggest questions often come from observing
to have a good time. Instead of eating out, enjoy cooking a meal at home together as a family. And if the kitchen is not your forte, us South Africans
the smaller things and
can never braai enough,
taking the little steps.
especially in the lovely
Simplicity is not always the easy answer but is, more often than 14
summer days our country has to offer. Christmas being the
Summer is here to be enjoyed.
You are prepared for the issues at present and you are prepared for your financial future. Simple as that. God bless you all. • Contact Finbond Mutual Bank today at 086 000 4249 or SMS ‘mybank’ to 30635 and one of our consultants will phone you right back, or visit our our website at: