26 Issue 3 2021
sample prep
High purity water for your lab
atsep provides state-of-the-art lab water systems that combine the most superior purification technologies to consistently and reliably produce ultra-high purity water for many applications. Rephile’s versatile range of lab water systems produce various types of water at different flow rates, depending on your requirement, and easily integrate into any lab environment. The Genie G lab water system is a single unit which produces ultrapure water (Type I) and EDI water (Type II) directly from tap water. Genie G is easyto-use and combines an optimised sequence of water purification technologies in a compact unit. It offers desired solutions for research professionals who work with a variety of applications utilising both Type I and Type II water in the lab. It is fullyintegrated, reliable and sustainable.
Advanced features • The Genie series comprises of advanced wireless communication technologies allowing easy connection to multiple dispensers and components • Feed water conductivity monitoring and RFID tracking of consumables and accessories ensure optimal system performance • Accurate on-line TOC measurement is based on complete oxidation methods. Consistently high quality water The Genie system incorporates an IonPure EDI (electrodeionisation) module and RO membrane to consistently deliver high quality Type II water at a relatively low cost. Resistivity of the product water is above 5MΩ·cm at 25OC which meets or exceeds Type II water quality as defined by ASTM, CAP, CLSI and ISO 3696 / BS 3997, and also complies with the Purified Water requirements from the European and U.S. Pharmacopoeia. Fully automated Genie G is a fully automated system which contains pre-rinse, a RO membrane fouling to prevent flush, RO membrane life monitoring, as well as many other quality control programs for convenient operation. The pre-filtration system removes most particles, chlorine and organic compounds, providing complete protection of the RO membrane and EDI module. NATIONAL SEPARATIONS (PTY) LTD Frances Renwick Tel: (011) 553 2300 Fax: (011) 553 2400 frances.renwick@microsep.co.za
Effortless patient tissue sample management
ever loose even one of your precious samples again with the Arcos block management and ArcosSL slide management systems from Epredia. They are designed to automate the archiving and retrieval of tissue blocks and slides while providing a secure chain of custody with enhanced traceability, data security, network flexibility, smart storage, operational efficiency and reduced risk. Misplaced blocks/slides – a thing of the past • The Arcos management system aids in maintaining a proper chain of custody by retaining a complete record of all blocks in storage that can be easily accessed and searched at any time • Track and control the movement of every block/slide – who checked it
out, why it was needed and when it’s due back The Arcos system alerts you immediately when a block/slide is out of the system longer than anticipated.
Increased accuracy • The Arcos system helps avoid errors endemic to the hand-sorting process • After check-out, blocks can be returned to any tray. When scanned, the database is automatically updated.
life sciences Stunning images and smart features
Olympus DP28 and DP23 microscope cameras powerful enough for almost any life science imaging application
wo new DP series cameras from Olympus share advanced, timesaving features while enabling users to choose the most suitable model based on the level of resolution. With 4K ultrahigh-definition image quality, the DP28 camera enables users to share and discuss sample images in fine detail while the DP23 camera’s 6.4-megapixel resolution and 45 frames per second (fps) frame rate make it easy to quickly capture images with the detail needed for most life science imaging applications. Focused on image quality When showing microscope images on a monitor or large screen, the highest possible resolution and a fast frame rate are important. The DP28 camera’s 8.9-megapixel CMOS image sensor, global shutter and 4K resolution at 32 frames per second (fps) provide the outstanding image quality required. For smooth images of fast-moving samples, the camera can capture full HD live images at 64fps, matching the maximum frame rate of a standard monitor. If 4K resolution is not required, the DP23 camera balances speed and HD resolution for fast, efficient imaging and analysis. The DP28 and DP23 cameras can capture images with a field of view up to FN25, so users can see more of their sample at once with images that are in focus from the centre to the periphery for efficient imaging. And, like all
Database integrity • Redundant protection: your database is automatically updated on Flash storage within the Arcos scanner. The unit can be configured to automatically archive your database to your choice of secure storage – hard drive, external networkor cloud-based • Control individual user database access and modification permissions. Reliable retrieval • Find tissue blocks quickly and easily. Select the block needed and the Arcos system will tell you where the tray is located in your archive and the exact position of the block within the tray
cameras in the DP series, both reproduce colours accurately, so stained specimens look the way they are expected to. Easy image capture with smart features The cameras’ features make common imaging tasks easier so that users can remain focused on the screen rather than making time-consuming adjustments. Key features include Olympus smart image averaging, which suppresses noise while maintaining a high frame rate and eliminating artifacts to produce clear images, high contrast mode to capture clear images of dim samples and focus peaking to quickly identify which areas of the sample are in focus. Efficient remote collaboration All your critical data, including images, annotations and live measurements, can be displayed and shared together, locally or remotely. Network image sharing enables users to discuss samples with offsite colleagues, saving time. The camera’s control module supports NIST, GDPR and optional antivirus software for safer data sharing. With the new DP28 and DP23 microscope cameras, customers have the flexibility to choose between 4K or HD resolution with cameras that share a wide field of view, accurate colour reproduction and a suite of smart features that make life science imaging easier. WIRSAM SCIENTIFIC Marketing Department Tel: (011) 482 1060 marketing@wirsam.com www.wirsam.com
Time to return the block/slide to storage? Simply place it in the next tray to be scanned, the Arcos system will automatically update your database to reflect its new position The Arcos system has been shown to save man hours in busy laboratories – freeing up staff to focus on revenue-generating tasks.
LABOTEC (PTY) LTD JHB: (011) 315 5434 CPT: (021) 531 7660 DBN: (031) 566 4870 Fax: (011) 315 5882 sales@labotec.co.za www.labotec.co.za