Where accuracy matters, GWP certifies your equipment Good Weighing Practice (GWP) is a global standard that ensures consistent accuracy, quality and compliance in any weighing process. Established by Mettler Toledo and part of Good Measuring Practices (GMPs), GWP is a standardised methodology for the correct selection, calibration and operation of weighing equipment. The GWP program supports you in quality assurance measures in laboratory and production environments. GWP’s risk-based approach ensures that all your balances and scales meet your own accuracy requirements and adhere to quality standards such as ISO, GMP and GLP. It is applicable to new or existing weighing equipment from any manufacturer in any industry or workplace. Users who focus on stable processes, constant product quality, lean manufacturing or regulatory compliance can use GWP as the benchmark to select and calibrate their weighing equipment. In R&D, quality control, manufacturing and logistics, weighing is just one step in a whole process or analysis chain. However, weighing can strongly influence the quality of the final product. Accurate weighing is essential to ensure continuous adherence to process requirements. Out-of-specification (OOS) results, rework or disposal of batches
can be systematically avoided by following the GWP standard. Mettler Toledo offers two unique service products based on GWP: • GWP Recommendation for evaluating the appropriate balance or scale for the application. • GWP Verification proves that balances and scales are accurate and meet process quality and regulatory requirements. Furthermore, GWP Verification provides all the information needed to calibrate and test equipment efficiently. With its risk-based approach, GWP helps one make the right decisions where it really matters. For all five important stages of the instrument’s life cycle - evaluation, selection, installation, calibration and routine operation - GWP recommends simple and effective measures to maximise process security and minimise costs. MICROSEP (PTY) LTD Elisha Ramlal Tel: (011) 553 2300 Fax: (011) 553 2400
Check your pipettes with SmartCheck Rainin’s SmartCheck is a quick and easy way to check if pipettes are dispensing accurately. SmartCheck has a proprietary technology consisting of a weighing cell that automatically recognises the test volume. Based on four replicates, the device provides a quick yet reliable confirmation, showing if the pipette and its user deliver accurate volumes.
Pipette verification in seconds Verifying a pipette's performance before working with precious samples and reagents saves time and money, especially in regulated environments. SmartCheck runs a number of calculations and delivers a pass or fail result in less than 60 seconds - then
you can know that your pipette is aspirating and dispensing correctly. Verify any brand of pipette Use SmartCheck to verify the performance of any brand of pipette that dispenses volumes between 10 and 1000μL. Users can also verify individual channels of multichannel pipettes. Simply dispense deionised water into the liquid chamber and SmartCheck automatically detects the test volume and delivers a result. It is also perfect for training and improving pipetting technique. Fast and compact Not only is SmartCheck fast and compact -
Analytical Reporter | Issue 6 | 2021
MICROSEP (PTY) LTD Frances Renwick Tel: (011) 553 2300 Fax: (011) 553 2400
BluRev RDE in SA at WITS
From front Left to Right then, back left to right: Professor Nosipho Moloto, Ms Esmie Mposa, Dr Grace Ngubeni, Mr Bruno Steiner and Dr Victor Mashindi.
it is the only automatic ISO 8655-based pipette verification tool available. SmartCheck takes volumetric measurements using the gravimetric method and calculates the random and systematic error based on four measurements.
BluRev is a range of robust, versatile, rotating disk (RDE) and rotating ring-disk (RRDE) electrodes ideal for use with BioLogic Potentiostat and Galvanostat. A range of quick-fit exchangeable electrode tips (multiple materials/diameters) can be easily added. The BluRev RDE was designed to be used with EL-ELECTRO cell series. At WITS (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg), the Biologic BluRev RDE kit is being used in the water-splitting acid/alkaline electrolyser and fuel cell work. Professor Moloto’s research involves syntheses and characterisation of various types of semiconductor multidimensional nanostructures and their application in solar cells, fuel cells, electrolysers, gas sensors and as bio-labels for early diagnostics of diseases.
Composites of these semiconductor nanostructures with transition metals and some noble metals are drop casted onto the working electrode, which is the glassy carbon electrode attached to the BluRev shaft, and measurements are done in acid and basic electrolytes for hydrogen evolution, oxygen evolution and oxygen reduction reactions. The research group also focuses on dye sensitised solar cells, biomarkers, and gas sensing. BRUNO STEINER LAB CONSULTANCY 011 804 3503 078 342 3354 086 719 2778