DIY and Industrial Trade News - November 2021

Page 16



Product quality and service is critical for growth From a regional distribution company, Marshal Tools has grown into a national supplier of quality products to the hardware industry spanning three decades.


he Marshal journey began in the early 90’s with Trevor Marshall taking control of a KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) based manufacturing agency and distributor

2007 - 2016

In 2007, an opportunity arose for a partnership between Marshal Tools and a local wholesaler

called Zelroy. At the time, Zelroy, which was

named Mattken Industries led by Carl Page. Mattken

established in 1981 and led by Jimmy Mcintosh, had

supplied a complimentary range of hardware

built a solid reputation supplying internationally

including brushware, spray paints and plumbing

In May 2016, Marshal Tools secured the rights

recognised brands to KZN hardware and

products. Trevor and Allan recognised synergies

to distribute Tolsen, an internationally recognised

engineering supply sectors. The brands included

between the two companies and this led to the two

brand with distributors in over 150 countries

Record Tools, Rawlplug, Vicker Tools and Viro Locks

merging and effectively servicing the engineering

around the world. The expansive Tolsen product

to name just a few. Trevor’s son, Allan Marshall,

and industrial sectors, DIY, electrical wholesale and

range, which comprises of over a thousand

joined the business in 1991 and the company

now plumbing and paint sectors. It was at this stage

products, offers great value for money and a

showed impressive growth over the next decade.

that Trevor Marshall retired and left the two young

quality to price ratio stacked heavily in the quality

2003 - 2007

men, Allan and Carl, to lead the business into the

department. Acquiring this brand was a real feather


in the cap for Marshal Tools. Quality products at


competitive prices coupled with impressive concept

A new and stronger Marshal Tools came into being.

competitive, innovative, great looking and complete

and distribution of Blumol holesaws, drill bits and

The company continued to show impressive growth

solutions for its varied customer bases.

recognised local brands. In 2003, while at the

under its new leadership, not only expanding

international Cologne Trade fair, inspiration struck

its product offering but its market reach with

Marshal Tools – Cape Town Bound

and the idea of creating the Marshal brand was

the strengthening and upgrading of its KZN

In January 2021, Marshal Tools opened a new

born. With the addition of product categories such

operations. This included the company’s relocation

branch in Milnerton, Cape Town. The decision

as diamond blades, builder’s tools and general

to new improved premises in 2010. Coupled with

and planning to open this branch was amidst

hand tools, the Marshal product portfolio, and

the addition of a network of experienced and

the Covid-19 pandemic and all the uncertainties

service offering, was improved and expanded upon

passionate sales representatives and agents,

that came with it. The Marshal team put their

between 2003 and 2007.

Marshal Tools now distributed its product ranges

heads together to calculate risks and rewards,

Fast forward to the early 2000’s. Zelroy had expanded into the wholesale sector of the hardware industry, this resulted in the importing


nationally and to neighbouring SADC countries.

stand designs allowed Marshal Tools to provide

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