Pharmaceutical & Cosmetic Review Africa Q1 2020

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The future looks smart

for industrial manufacturing While the industrial manufacturing industry is faced with many changes, the most disruptive ones will be those that manufacturers can and should make for themselves. Antony Bourne, senior vice president of IFS Industries, predicts three key changes that will have an impact on connecting machines to networks and companies to end consumers.


any manufacturers are

In a departure from past manufacturing

already taking advantage

technology adoption cycles, the focus

of technologies like the

will not be entirely on incremental

internet of things (IoT), finding

improvement of existing processes. These

themselves early adopters of artificial

technologies will find their way to the core

intelligence (AI), 5G and 3D printing.

of innovative business models and revenue streams, which will change the very nature of industrial manufacturing.

PREDICTION ONE By the end of 2020, there will be more manufacturing devices connected by 5G than there will be people on 5G networks. Forbes contributor Bernard Marr points out the tremendous impact 5G will have when it comes to enabling other technologies. Uninterrupted streaming of music, TV shows and movies on mobile devices will indeed be easier and more affordable with 5G. But 5G will be more

AN EXAMPLE OF FULL SERVITISATION One customer of IFS is an air filter manufacturer who produces and sells filtration systems, historically through a standard business-tobusiness model. Through servitisation, it has made the transition from selling air cleaners to selling clean air. The air filter manufacturer works proactively with its customers to measure their existing air quality, establish an air quality goal and maintain the filtration system to deliver that outcome. Much of this process is automated as sensors in the equipment monitor the result and can dispatch technicians, order parts and execute on a condition-based maintenance programme. In this case, preventative maintenance is only the beginning. As big data manipulation and analytics become easier, the opportunity to garner more information about what is happening to the air quality in particular environments will increase exponentially. •

transformational for devices that drive automated industrial processes than for consumer-facing smart devices. “These advancements will enable connected cars and autonomous driving,” writes Marr. “Smart cities with connected Antony Bourne, senior vice president of IFS Industries


| QUARTER 1 2020 | P C Africa

things and smart factories; and the more extended use of augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality.” I predict 5G will make its greatest impact

logistics, transport, and infrastructure;

in industrial automation. The ultra-low

enhancement in connected healthcare

latency, ubiquitous connectivity will power

from robotics to blockchain use cases to

sensors on industrial machines, enabling

wearable telemetry; industrial internet of

them to talk to each other and generate

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