– a plumping ingredient inspired by the wheel of life LipoTrue is an international company dedicated to manufacturing and the distribution of active ingredients for the cosmetics industry. The company has been created as a central R&D engine integrating high technology platforms to discover novel active ingredients with outstanding efficacies. One of its newest offerings is Joybliss, a green active ingredient based on LipoTrue’s Greenbeat proprietary technology.
LISS IS DEFINED as an immeasurable state of complete joy. We all have our own joy list made up of different
key aspects such as travel, love-life, work
plumping. It consists of a combination of Vitis
Joybliss is a green active ingredient from
cell technology and the extract of the roots of
LipoTrue which helps to fill the wheel of
Black cohosh.
and career etc., so the journey to this state of fullness is different for each of us. According to psychologists, to reach a state of fullness, our wheel of life should be as full as possible to bring balance and happiness to our lives, ensuring the journey is as smooth as possible. To fill your joy list, try listing the things that you know make you happy. This is one way to also help you achieve your goals and become a healthier and more radiant version of yourself. In the same way, to bring skin a refreshed, awakened and younger appearance, the “wheel of plumping” should also be as full as possible. Ageing itself and internal/external factors such as hereditary components, UV, smoke, alcohol, chronic sleep deprivation and diet can lead to a decrease in antioxidant and antiinflammatory capacity, which can damage adipose tissue. Age-dependent modification of the facial subcutaneous white adipose tissue influences the mechanical stability of the skin and causes the development of signs of ageing, such as wrinkles, a loss of elasticity, fullness, luminosity etc.
vinifera extract, sourced using Greenology stem
ECOVADIS GOLD RATING FOR SUSTAINABILITY AND CSR In September 2021, LipoTrue was awarded an EcoVadis 2021 Gold rating for its sustainability management system and corporate social responsibility policy. The rating places LipoTrue among the top 5% of the companies evaluated worldwide. According to the CEO of LipoTrue, Juan Carlos Escudero: “LipoTrue is committed to innovating in the research and development of novel and ethical active ingredients with high efficacies, adding value through sustainable policies. As a company, we have set very ambitious goals to meet today consumer’s needs without compromising the future, creating a sustainable today for future generations. This will bring to customers added value to their business as part of the supply chain ensuring that the active ingredients purchased have been developed ethically and respectfully towards people and the environment.” This achievement is the consolidation of LipoTrue as a referent in sustainability.
Committed not only to reduce the footprint of the products it manufactures, but to also make a positive impact both in society and on the environment. This sets sustainable targets and provides flowcharts and tools for developing innovative products that contribute to a better future while helping secure a sustainable business growth. The company’s “Building a True Future” sustainability approach is built on three pillars: 1. sustainable innovation and production 2. people and community 3. environmental commitment. “The substantiation of these pillars and the EcoVadis recognition would not have been possible without the support and commitment of LipoTrue’s employees and partners. I truly value the passion and talent with which we work and our committment to meet our business and sustainability goals,” Escudero commented.