Encounter Newsletter - April 2019

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HOLY WEEK 2019 The Story of the Passion of Christ Each year, we travel with Jesus as He makes His way towards Jerusalem and the cross. Along the way He engages in a number of challenges, confrontations, encounters and teaching opportunities. As we journey with Jesus, we remember that each stop along the way, especially in His crucifixion and resurrection, He is doing this for us. Jesus travels this path for a broken and hurting world. He travels this path for a called and sent out church. He travels this path for us, for you and for me. This season, we will look at each stop through the lenses of… For Us!

MAUNDY THURSDAY, APRIL 18 Service in the Sanctuary: 7 p.m. As we continue the Holy Week journey, join us for a service of worship and the very moving, living display of the Stations of the Cross. Communion will be served commemorating the Last Supper. The Stations of the Cross will be depicted in living tableaux.


This week has great significance in the lives of all Christians. We hope you will join us for every one of these services so that you may experience the complete story of the Passion of Christ.

Service in the Sanctuary: 7 p.m. Experience with us a special Tenebrae worship service. This service of light into darkness lifts up the seven last words of Christ, as spoken before the crucifixion. Candles are gradually extinguished until it is dark, marking the crucifixion and death of Jesus.



Chapel Service: 7:30 a.m. Sanctuary Services: 8, 9:30 & 11 a.m. Come celebrate with us as the children parade into the Sanctuary, waving their palms and as we celebrate Jesus’ triumphal arrival in Jerusalem.

Chapel Service: 7:30 a.m. Sanctuary Services: 8, 9:30 & 11 a.m. Join us to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection.


New Life on the Prairie Page 2

Around the Church & Beyond Page 3

FUMC Prairie Campus Page 4

Calendar of Events Page 5

Children’s Ministries Page 6

Youth Ministries Page 7

Music & Arts Ministries Page 8

Around the Church & Beyond Page 9

Around the Church & Beyond Page 10

Around the Church & Beyond Page 11

Prairie Campus Easter Extravaganza Back Cover

New Life on the Prairie By Kent Ingram, Senior Pastor

Walker the chance to be the campus pastor for our new and exciting adventure out east. She has been relentless and focused on the task. She is an amazing leader and pastor, and I have every confidence that the new Prairie Campus will thrive under her leadership! Now it is time for us to stand with her, and this church, as we offer a new worshiping opportunity out east this month. It’s not too late to be a part of the launch team, a group of folks who will commit to helping start that new campus. Over the first weeks of worship, starting on April 14, Palm Sunday, you can drop in a week to worship with them. We don’t want everyone gone on a Sunday! But if there is week or two early on where you can go check things out and help them gain momentum, that is great.

I am not much of a risk taker. I consider myself more of a “smoother outer” to coin a phrase. Much of my ministry has been going to places that have been in turmoil or just drifted along for a while and smooth out the system and try to bring people back together. I’ve been pretty good at it in my career. So, no one was more surprised than I was about 15 months ago when, while preparing a regular Sunday morning sermon in We chose this time to start on purpose. I wasn’t sure that November, I felt this clear call to As we move into the Easter season, challenge our church to plant a satellite I really had the courage people are aware of their spiritual needs in the Banning Lewis Ranch area. Even and desires, and some will be looking for after I spoke about it in my sermon, I a place to reconnect. And I have to be to make it happen. wasn’t sure that I really had the courage honest with you. I need Easter this year! to make it happen. But the response After my participation in the work of the from the congregation was encouraging. But the key piece larger church, after all of the turmoil in our country, after happened on Sunday after church. long days and weeks of work, I am tired. I need to see a sign Patty Walker, who was then the Minister of Caring Ministries, of new life, a sign of hope. I need Easter. texted me and asked if I was serious about this vision, and if so, she would like to be considered as a potential campus pastor. Patty is one of the most competent and skilled pastors I have ever had the privilege to work with! I had no idea that she would even be interested in something like that! But after we talked, it became clear that she had a deep passion and drive to help plant that new worshiping community. I’ve made a lot of decisions as a Senior Minister over the past 29 years, but none better than giving Patty

Our Prairie Campus is a sign of new life, of a new future, of deep hope. When many, most, old downtown churches are struggling to keep the doors open, we are taking a risk to expand the mission of our church. Your support as a congregation has been amazing. I am confident we will see signs of new life on the Prairie. I can’t wait to see resurrection life spring forth! See you in Worship, Kent

First United Methodist Church 420 North Nevada Avenue. Colorado Springs, CO 80903 719-471-8522 • www.fumc-cs.org

Considering Membership at First UMC? If you are interested in membership at First United Methodist Church or have questions, please call 719-471-8522 ext. 270 for more information.

Sunday Worship Service Times 7:30 am Early Riser in the Chapel 8:00 am Traditional in the Sanctuary 9:30 am Contemporary in the Sanctuary 11:00 am Traditional in the Sanctuary Live broadcasts of the 11:00 am service on FOX, channel 21.2 (cable 7) and CW 57. Closed captioning available.

Encounter is printed and published once a month by First United Methodist Church, 420 N. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903. Materials for inclusion are due three weeks before publication date and are subject to approval. Not all submissions are guaranteed to be included. Articles, comments, or suggestions are welcomed by emailing, annaliec@fumc-cs.org or calling, 719-471-8522 ext. 272.

Sunday School Classes are at 9:30 & 10:45 am

2 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

Cover Photo: Holy Week 2019


JAN CAFFEY, LAY LEADER I’ve been silent publicly on the LGBTQ issues facing the church, but now I’d like to tell you how I look at this controversy. I think understanding our place in creation is very important here. God calls ministers. Any pastor you talk to can tell you a personal story of being called to ministry. I know of no one who decides, without being called, to become a minister. They certainly don’t choose this career for the fame, power and money! God calls gay people to be ministers. That’s why we have them. And that settles the question for me. I accept God’s authority in selecting clergy.

EASTER LILIES ON SALE STARTING MARCH 17! Final Day to order will be Sunday, April 14 Don’t miss the opportunity to purchase lilies “in honor of” or “in memory of” loved ones. The lilies will decorate the chancel area as we celebrate Easter Sunday, April 21. Tributes will be listed in a separate insert in the Easter bulletin. To purchase lilies, please complete the order form on the You Can Count on Me bulletin insert. You may turn in your order form and payment in the Small Conference Room, next to The Gate Bookstore. Please do not put your order in the offering plates. You may also place your order at the Welcome Desk during the week in person or by phone (719-471-8522). Cost is $20 and payment is due at time of ordering.

Anyone who thinks God doesn’t call gays to be clergy should talk to one. They are earnestly trying to do God’s will, to do the work God has called them to do. They are not here to cause controversy. Sadly, the Methodists have to serve God in the face of discrimination that was just reaffirmed and made harsher. You will not see me hold up the Book of Discipline to God and say, “God, we wrote these rules and you have to follow them. You have to stop calling gays to be clergy!” Again, I understand my place in creation. God’s authority is higher than the Bible and absolutely higher than our Book of Discipline. We have a flawed book that goes against God’s will. We need to clean up our book. According to Romans 14:13, “Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put a stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister.”


Learn more about FUMC programs and events at www.fumc-cs.org First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 3



The SWAT (Special, Willing, Available and Temporary) team are folks who are willing to give about two months to the Prairie Campus by either serving in some capacity (set-up and take-down team, ushering, greeting, coffee-hour setup, children’s ministry, etc.) or simply being a friendly presence in the pews – adding energy and momentum just by being there! Would you be willing to come to worship for some Sundays in April, May, or June to help get the new church started? If so, contact Patty Walker at 471-8522, ext. 204 or pattyw@fumc-cs.org.

Prairie Campus services begin Sunday, April 14! If you invite them…they will come...

GRAND OPENING OF FUMC PRAIRIE CAMPUS — APRIL 14 FUMC is entering an exciting adventure of planting a new church in the Eastern Colorado Springs/Falcon area. The new Prairie Campus will remain connected to FUMC as we become a multi-site congregation. The Prairie Campus will worship in the Banning Lewis Preparatory School at 9433 Vista Del Pico Blvd. and weekly worship services begin April 14 (Palm Sunday) at 10:00 a.m.

COMING IN EARLY FALL TO THE PRAIRIE CAMPUS There will be a nursery and Sunday School for kids (infant through 5th grade); and a youth group for 6-12th. Check us out at www.fumcprairie.org. Find us on Facebook at FUMC Prairie Campus.

LIKE THE PRAIRIE CAMPUS ON FACEBOOK FUMC Prairie Campus has officially launched their Facebook page! Find out the latest information and show your support to the new church, connected to FUMC downtown. LIKE US TODAY! Help us build momentum and reach out to people out east. Share it with your friends too! facebook.com/FUMCPrairie/ 4 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

How do churches grow? Do billboards, direct mail postcards, newspaper articles, Facebook, etc., cause a church to grow? Well, a bit, and we are doing all that publicity for the Prairie Campus, but study after study shows that the simple act of a person inviting another person to church blows all that paid publicity out of the water. The Institute for American Church Growth asked over 10,000 church-goers this question: What was responsible for your coming to the church you attend? Six percent said, “I liked the minister.” But 79% said, “a friend or relative invited me.” I’ve been out there in the community this past year building relationships with new people out east, but that is only going to help the Prairie Campus so much. You are a much more effective evangelist, because the people in your life trust you and value your invitation deeply. Another recent study of church attendance asked 15,000 adults, “What would be effective in getting you to visit a church?” The result? 63% of Americans say a personal invitation from a friend or neighbor would be very effective in getting them to visit a church. So here is the bottom line – if you invite a friend or neighbor to the Prairie Campus, chances are they will come! So, change someone’s life, help draw them to God’s love, and invite them to church!

DOOR HANGING FUN FOR THE PRAIRIE CAMPUS VBS On Saturday, April 6, all interested folks are invited to gather at the Banning Lewis Rec. Center (6885 Vista Del Pico Blvd,) for 90 minutes of putting up doorhangers in the neighborhood. Everyone will be paired with a partner and given a specific route in an area that allows doorhangers. These doorhangers will be an invitation to the community to worship at the Prairie Campus and to the grand Easter celebration (egg hunt, bounce houses, live DJ, Easter snack brunch, etc.) on April 21. To RSVP please contact Rev. Patty Walker at pattyw@fumc-cs.org or 719-471-8522 x204.


“Wonderfully Made” Worship Service — Kingdom City

5:30 p.m.

Wednesdays, April 3 & 10

Wednesday Night Dinners — Fellowship Hall

5:00 p.m.

Wednesdays, April 3 & 10

Contemplative Worship Gatherings — Prayer Room

5:40 p.m.

Wednesdays, April 3 & 10

Faith Academy Classes — Details on page 11

6:30 p.m.

Faith Academy Class — Covenant Bible Study

9:00 a.m.


April 4 & 11

Fri, Sat & Sun, April 5, 6 & 7

First Company Show, Sister Act— Theatre (Details on page 8)


April 4

NOAH Breakfast — First Watch (7816 N Academy Blvd.)

9:00 a.m.


April 6

Family Bangladeshi Dinner — Details on page 6

6:30 p.m.


April 7

Youth Singers Brunch — Fellowship Hall

9:00 a.m.


April 7

Children’s Choirs Spring Concert — Sanctuary

5:00 p.m.


April 6

Door Hangers for VBS — Details on page 4


April 13

T4G Scavenger Egg Hunt — Details on page 6


April 14

FUMC Prairie Campus Grand Opening! — Details on page 4

10:00 a.m.


April 14

Film Showing “Backs Against the Wall” — Details on page 3

4:00 p.m.


April 14

Palm Sunday — (See more details on the front cover)


April 18

Maundy Thursday — Details on the front cover

7:00 p.m.


April 19

Good Friday — Details on the front cover

7:00 p.m.


April 20

Annual Easter Egg Hunt — Details on page 6


April 20

Egg Hunt for Children’s with Special Needs — Details on page 6


April 21

Easter Services — Details on the front cover


April 21

Easter Sunday at the Prairie Campus — Details on the back cover


April 23

NOAH Trip to the Airplane Museum and Lunch — Details on page 10


April 28

Annual Youth Singers Banquet — Fellowship Hall

12:20 p.m.

First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 5

SUNDAY SCHOOL (9:30 AM) Sunday School is divided into age appropriate groups and uses a rotational style of learning to keep things a little different each week. Hope you can join us in Kingdom City!

CHILDREN’S WORSHIP (11:00 AM) Children’s Worship is a place where children begin to understand and experience worship following the liturgical scripture being used in the 11:00 a.m. service. This is a multi-age large group worship service in Kingdom City.

SEDER MEAL - PALM SUNDAY Remember to make plans to be in Sunday School on Palm Sunday (April 14) for our annual Seder meal.

FAMILY BANGLADESHI NIGHT AT FUMC Join our special event, “Family Bangladeshi Night,” from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Saturday, April 6 in Kingdom City. This will be an evening of games, Bangladeshi food, a hands-on museum, and information about the ABC School. We are encouraging parents to participate with their children. We are also planning a short slide presentation as well as a SKYPE connection with children at the ABC School. We will have a Bangla raffle and all who attend will get a ticket to win the prize – an extra ticket will be given to those who RSVP to: davidf@fumc-cs.org. We guarantee FUN!

CHILDREN’S CHOIRS SPRING CONCERT Sunday, April 7, you are invited to join us for the Children’s Spring Concert “Tune My Heart.” The concert is in the Sanctuary at 5:00 p.m. Our children will be ringing and singing their praises to God, our Creator.

T4G – SCAVENGER EGG HUNT 5th and 6th graders only! Saturday, April 13. Time TBD. Our Tweens will be enjoying an Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt. You will not want to miss this T4G egg hunt with a twist of mystery and fun!

ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT Saturday, April 20 This event is for children from birth through 4th grade (Our Tweens are invited to volunteer to be egg hiders). We will meet in the Hospitality Center at 10:00 a.m. and then go to Palmer High School for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Don’t miss our pilgrimage to the Palmer courtyard. Watch the weather and dress accordingly. There will be a bunny and tons of eggs to be found! To volunteer or for information, email David at davidf@fumc-cs.org.

EGG HUNT FAMILY EVENT! Join us Saturday, April 20, at 11:00 a.m. for a special egg hunt for children of all ages with physical and cognitive disabilities and their families. Bring your basket for the egg hunt and dress appropriately for the outdoors.


June 24-28 – VBS God’s Story! (Preschool through 5th Grade) July 9 & 10 – DAY CAMP at John Wesley Ranch God’s Big Backyard! (KG – 3rd Grade) July 11-13 – Camp T4G at JWR Shine Your Light! (5th and 6th Grade) July 22-26 – First Act Music, Art and Drama Camp

6 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

WORK WEEK AT THE RANCH Sunday - Thursday, July 14-18. John Wesley Ranch EARLY BIRD Sign Up by May 22nd: $100! SIGN UP by June 30th: $125! LATE SIGN UP in July: $150! Register NOW and plan for an awesome summer by turning in your Trip Forms (download from www.fumc- cs.org) and $100 (checks made out to FUMC). On this week, we will spend time giving back to the Ranch! We will be working on trails, fire-mitigation, clean up and whatever else we can do to help make the Ranch a special place for all.

WEDNESDAY NIGHTS BIBLE 101—SUNDAYS AT 9:30 AM Who wrote it? How many books? Where do I start? The Bible can be a daunting book, but we should become more aware of God’s Word. So let’s break it down together. Join us on Sundays!

UPCOMING EVENTS HOPE IN AN ENVELOPE FUNDRAISER Sundays, May 5, 12 and 19 “Hope in An Envelope” is a fundraiser to support youth activities throughout the year. All youth are urged to participate in manning the table between one of the services on one of these three days. To sign up, please contact Zach at zachw@fumc-cs.org or 719-884-2488. Thank you for your help!

SR. HIGH MISSION TRIP June 15-22, Bozeman, MT. Cost: $250 This year, we will be heading north to help our fellow UMC in Bozeman for a week of VBS along with some side projects for local non-profits. VBS registration goes live on March 1st! Your FUMC and VBS registration is needed and a down payment to secure your spot. There is limited availability. Please contact Zach with any questions.

AMAZING GRACE Wednesday, April 3, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. The Zone Welcome Back! We are halfway through Lent. Let us remind ourselves of who we are, the reckless love, and the amazing grace that is given to us. With dinner, games, and music, we will be digging into Grace with our small groups.

HERE HE COMES Wednesday, April 10, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. The Zone Palm Sunday is just around the corner. How much do you really know about Easter? Do you have an Easter song? With dinner, games, and music, we will be digging into Palm Sunday with our small groups.

REV. DR. SPENCER ON EASTER Wednesday, April 17, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. The Zone We welcome Rev. Dr. Todd Spencer, leader of contemplative worship, and Minister of Spiritual Formation with a heart for Youth Ministry. Todd will come share a timely message with us in Hibbard Hall.

PICKING AND PLOGGING Wednesday, April 24, 6:30-8:30 pm (BRING $). Downtown Earth Day Celebration. We will be doing our part for God’s creation by enjoying the outdoors, picking up trash and being stewards of the Good Earth. Bring some money for eating out. First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 7

FINAL WEEKEND OF SISTER ACT! Don’t miss out on the final weekend of First Company’s spring show, Sister Act, April 5-7. Daniel Robbins loves the message of “Sister Act,” and that’s why he is directing this musical comedy “On the surface, Sister Act seems like a silly, adventurous romp with singing nuns, gangsters and Las Vegas showgirls,” Robbins said. “But the message about sisterhood, supporting each other and finding a place for your faith and humanity in today’s society is compelling.” Newcomer Mahalia Hilts stars as Deloris in Sister Act, her first role on any stage. Meggan O’Mahony, a veteran Fine Arts Center Theatre Company actor, co-stars as Mother Superior. The 21-member cast includes several First Company veterans and other newcomers and features a 12-voice nun choir. Tickets are available at firstcompanytheatre.org. See more details on the Sister Act ad on this page!

YOUTH SINGERS BRUNCH Come join the Youth Singers for brunch on Sunday, April 7, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This will be a delicious brunch with several traditional breakfast favorites served by our very own Youth Singers! All proceeds go directly to help pay for this year’s tour.

ANNUAL YOUTH SINGERS BANQUET This year, the Youth Singers Banquet is on Sunday, April 28 at 12:20 p.m. (following the 11:00 a.m. service). Please join us in the Fellowship Hall. The Youth Singers will be singing at 11:00 a.m. on the 28th and the Chancel Choir will be singing at 8:00 a.m. The banquet is a time to celebrate Youth Singers/Chorale/Celebration Ringers and Chapel Ringers accomplishments this past year.

ATTENTION 6TH GRADERS Attention parents of students who are currently in the 6th grade (will be 7th grade in the fall). You and your entire family are invited to the Youth Singers Banquet on April 28 at 12:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall! This banquet will help potential new 7th grade (or older) students get a little glimpse of what it is like to be a Youth Singer. Please call the Music and Arts Ministry office (4718522, ext. 221) and let us know how many in your family will be attending so we can be prepared!

8 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

UMW MISSION During the 35 day federal government shut down and for a time afterwards, many Montana tribes including the Chippewa and Cree Tribes of the Rocky Boy Reservation faced dire food shortages. The A'aninin and Nakoda Tribes on the Fort Belknap reservation were also affected. Most of the tribal families had no resources to use during the shut down, and paychecks were held while negotiations were being made even after the shut down. Rev. Calvin Hill, a United Methodist minister at the Methodist Blackfeet Parish, was a key individual in organizing emergency relief during the humanitarian crisis. He was assisted by community groups and First Presbyterian Church of Kalispell, Montana. The collection of food and other needed items was completed with the cooperation of the Fort Belknap Tribal Business Council. Three hundred fifty-nine families were deeply affected because SNAP benefits were not available due to the shut down. On January 31, 10,000 pounds of potatoes and 1,000 pounds of other food products were delivered to the Fort Belknap Food Pantry under Rev. Hill's supervision. In February 38,000 ounces of baby formula and 5,000 diapers were delivered to the tribal families. Rev. Calvin is a trusted contact with the local Presbyterian Church and our United Methodist Parish among the tribes in northern Montana.

BEREAVEMENT MINISTRIES We as a church family experience a number of deaths during the year, and we want the family members to know that they are not alone as they deal with the grief and difficulties of losing a loved one. We need some people with compassionate and caring hearts to reach out to these family members and walk with them through their time of grief. We provide literature and pastoral support for you; you give the one-on-one care. If you believe you might have a calling to this special ministry, please contact Rev. Ann McClellan, Minister of Caring Ministries, at 471-8522 ext. 241, or Laura Whitmore, Minister of Visitation at 471-8522 ext. 206.

FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN COMES TO COLORADO SPRINGS Our FROM HUNGER TO HOPE MOBILEPACK is scheduled for August 16 and 17 this summer! Informational tables will be set up monthly and a fundraising drive is on its way now. We need to raise $24,000 and will need over 500 volunteers the weekend of the MobilePack. Children’s Ministry is also doing a fundraiser for our newest mission this Lenten season. M&M tubes are being handed out filled with candy starting Ash Wednesday. Enjoy the candy and return the tubes filled with quarters by Easter. One quarter purchases one meal for a child! Despite the snow, 15 brave people drove the I-25 up to Littleton on February 23! We joined approximately 65 other people at Deer Creek Church in Littleton for two hours. In that time, we packed 195 boxes of food for a total of 42,120 meals, which will feed 115 children for an entire year! It’s amazing what two hours and one quarter can do to make a difference in a child’s life! You can make donations online at http://give.fmsc.org/ cosprings or write a check to the church with “Feed My Starving Children” in the memo line. You can also sign up to volunteer for our mobile pack in August at http://give.fmsc.org/cosprings.

HOMEBOUND VISITORS NEEDED We have a number of people who love the church and are here “in spirit” every Sunday (by TV, streaming, etc.). But it is difficult or impossible for them to come and worship with us. Would you consider being a Homebound Visitor to one or two of these folks? The one-on-one contact means so much to our folks – it helps them feel connected and to know that they are part of our First United Methodist Church family. If you are interested in being part of this vital ministry, or have questions, please contact Rev. Ann McClellan, Minister of Caring Ministries at 471-8522 ext. 241, or Laura Whitmore, Minister of Visitation at 471-8522 ext. 206.

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NOAH BREAKFAST Join us for breakfast Thursday, April 4, at First Watch. This is what used to be The Egg and I. We will meet at 9:00 a.m. at the 7816 N. Academy location. No reservations are needed. See you there!


We are now accepting registration for 2019-20 school year. FUMC preschool is committed to providing a high-quality, play-based, nurturing, secure and affordable, state-licensed early childhood experience. Classes are open to all families in the community. We partner with parents to develop a relationship with each child which promotes cooperation, critical thinking, literacy skills and creativity. Children experience stillness, wonder and prayer during sacred times. MMO/Young Toddlers: 18 months by October 1, 2019 Jr. Preschool: 2½ years by October 1, 2019

This month, we are meeting after Holy Week! We are going on a tour to the Airplane Museum and then we will have lunch at the Airplane Restaurant! Tuesday, April 23, the tour of the museum starts at 10:00 a.m. so you will need to be there at 9:45 a.m. The cost is $12 per person and you will pay at the door. The Museum is located at 755 Aviation Way, just around the corner from the Airplane Restaurant. We will have lunch, after the tour, at The Airplane Restaurant located at 1665 N. Newport Rd. at 12:30 pm. You can join us for lunch even if you don’t to the museum with the group go in the morning. If you plan on attending the tour, contact Rev. Jerry Hurst at 719-648-1571 or jerryh@fumc-cs.org, so that he can reserve spots.

Preschool: 3 years by October 1, 2019 (Must be toilet trained) Pre-K: 4 years by October 1, 2019 (Must be toilet trained)

PRESCHOOL SUMMER PROGRAM The preschool is offering 2 three-week summer sessions for children 2 ½ to 5 years old. Classes are Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Session 1 – June 3 – 21: cost $325.00 Session 2 – July 8 – 26: cost $325.00


Contact Dianna Flaherty, Preschool Director: 719-884-2500 or diannaf@fumc-cs.org. Registration forms are also online at fumc-cs.org.

10 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

UNITED METHODIST WOMEN’S READING GROUP Each year, the Women’s Division of Global Ministries provides members with a list of books that are approved to educate, encourage, expose and broaden the many concepts that affect our lives in this fast moving world. These books are chosen to help and enlighten readers about the changing viewpoints in a society and world that may seriously affect our lives. The UMW has received a group of these latest publications that are now available in the church library. You are invited to start the new year by checking out these informative, interesting and enjoyable books that are available to you. For more information please call 719-596-3778 or 719-632-5965, or the church librarians can help answer questions that you may have in regard to this UMW sponsored program.



Once a week you are invited to join the Centering Praying group to pray and meditate. We meet every Sunday in the prayer room, from 8:30 to 9:15 a.m. Do not hesitate to join us even if this form of meditation and prayer is new to you. We will have experienced people guiding us. For more information, please contact Bruce Sage at brucesage715@gmail.com., or 719-460-2996.

April 3 & 10 Wednesdays, 5:40-6:25 p.m. Prayer Room Leader: Rev. Dr. Todd Spencer Are you seeking a quiet way to slow down and worship God in the middle of your week? Join us for a meaningful time of song, silence, Scripture and spiritual practices. All are welcome!

Some of us have found Sunday meditation to be a wonderful preparation for our worship experience to follow.


LENTEN VISIO DIVINA WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNER All are welcome to join us for dinner on Wednesdays from 5:00 - 6:15 p.m. Cost is $6 for adults; $3 for children (K-6th) with a family maximum of $20 for family members of the same household. Children 5 and under eat for free. The monthly menu is posted on the information boards throughout the church and online at fumc-cs.org.

THE ORDER OF SAINT LUKE: NEW HEALING MINISTRY In the Chapel at 5:30 p.m. The Colorado Springs-Pikes Peak Chapter of the Order of Saint Luke (OSL) holds a healing service on the last Monday of each month beginning at 5:30 p.m. This OSL chapter is led by Convener Judy Rogers (of FUMC) and the CoConvener from First Presbyterian Church, Steve Hood. Rev. Dr. Todd Spencer serves as chaplain. We especially invite those who are seeking healing on behalf of themselves or others to attend our monthly service. We open our healing service with prayer and praise songs followed by communion. After communion, the members pray over those who seek healing for the body, mind, and spirit with the sacred act of anointing persons with blessing oil and with the laying on of hands.

Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Room 233 Leaders: Spiritual Directors, Tim Latzke and Lori Smith Explore the meditative practice of divine viewing during this four-week Lenten journey. This class will ponder themes and art centered around Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection. Participants will learn to view the artwork contemplatively and listen for God’s voice through the Holy Spirit. These meditations will also include Scripture and prayer as part of the Lenten experience. For more information, contact Tim at timothy.latzke@yahoo.com or 719-235-7182; or Lori at las2735@hotmail.com or 719-232-2735.

CORNERSTONE: OUR FOUNDATIONS An Introduction to Methodism and First UMC Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Room 133 Leader: Rev. Tiffany Keith What did you think the last time someone, new to you, was sitting in your pew? Was your first thought, “A visitor I can make feel welcome!” We would like you to be prepared to answer any questions when you greet a visitor. Or maybe you ARE the visitor and you have questions that the person sitting next to you couldn’t answer. We would like to invite visitors and members alike to attend Cornerstone. This Faith Academy class will be a chance to learn about United Methodist beliefs, about First United Methodist Church, and meet some new people in the process.

COVENANT BIBLE STUDY Wednesdays, 6:30-7:45 p.m. in the Parlor Thursdays, 9:00-10:15 a.m. in the Parlor Rev. Kent Ingram will continue teaching this in-depth study of the entire Bible. Registrations were closed in the Fall. First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 11

2 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

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