Encounter Newsletter - February 2019

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Our Future By Kent Ingram, Senior Pastor

I realize that I have been using my column a lot to talk about the upcoming called session of the General Conference to be held in St. Louis February 23-26. I am really not trying to raise anxieties, quite the opposite, I am trying to keep you informed so there are no surprises.

fight and leave the denomination, perhaps the same groups that will leave under the other option. There is also a possibility that a majority, driven by the folks from the conferences outside of the U.S., will approve plan that makes the rules more strict, the punishments harsher, the litigation more frequent. If this happens, I believe that a large majority of the churches in the U.S. will create a church that is more in keeping with our historic United Methodist culture and practices. This church will be a church of Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors. I was at a meeting in January of pastors from all across Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado, and to a person they said that if the more punitive and harsh plan passes they will choose to be a part of a more generous Methodist Church. My heart is there also.

I hope I’ve been clear that I support a plan from the Way Forward Commission that was supported by an overwhelming number of bishops from the council of bishops. It was supported by a clear majority of the Way Forward Commission. It is supported by a large majority of the delegates from the United So, what does this mean for us at First United Methodist States. The One Church Plan is a plan that allows pastors and Church of Colorado Springs? I want you to hear this clearly. congregations to live out of their context On Sunday, March 3, the Sunday after and conscience. It is a plan that holds the the called session, we will do church in majority of the church together. It is plan the heart of Colorado Springs as we have We will do and be that refuses to draw the circle smaller done for almost 150 years! We will and the make the church narrower and worship, teach, do mission and outreach. more punitive. I am praying that this plan church. Just like before. We will care for our elderly and needy, we passes our general Conference. But there will teach our children and youth, we will are no assurances. There are several offer fellowship and service opportunities. possible outcomes. We will be faithful and a We will move full speed ahead on the new Prairie Campus, and share God’s One is that the One Church Plan passes. love with the folks to our east. We will do If that happens, then a handful of light to the world. and be church. Just like before. We will churches on the far left and the far right be faithful and a light to the world. will leave the denomination. These are

Another option is that nothing gets passed. When the called session was put together, the assumption was that there would be one plan to perfect and vote upon. Instead we have 2 official plans from the Way Forward Commission, another that came from folks on the commission, and at least 4 other plans submitted as petitions. All together there are 99 petitions, an impossible number to deal with in 3 days! There will be attempts to narrow down the petitions that we are going to work on, but it is a large, diverse body and it is possible we will get stuck. If nothing passes, it is likely that some will tire of the

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folks that simply cannot live in community with those with whom they disagree. They believe that they have the “right answer” on the issues that divide us and refuse to bend or to listen to others. I have friends who will be a part of this group, and it saddens me.

My prayer is that all of us will continue to do this together. My prayer is that we can disagree over issues of interpretation, but agree to love and serve together. My prayer is that no matter what plan passes, or doesn’t pass, your commitment to Christ through this congregation does not change. If some on the far edges choose to leave, I will grieve. I am pastor to everyone! But those of us who stay the course, will be doing church as faithfully and lovingly as we have been for almost 150 years! I am available in the coming weeks to answer any questions you might have. I want you to know that I love all of you, no matter your interpretation. Do not hesitate to call me. See you in worship. Kent


JAN CAFFEY, LAY LEADER Our church has the most fantastic volunteers! The way we all connect and form community is amazing. Christmas in the Parking Lot was a big success again for the third year. Around 75 volunteers showed up on Christmas Day at noon from FUMC, The Edge, ESM and also from other churches and some from no churches. Our District Superintendent, Tezenlo Thong, and his family came. They served close to 300 needy neighbors by singing carols, handing out over 80 winter coats and 80 sleeping bags, stuffed animals, food, cookies and much more. The kids in Kingdom City provided 609 hot cocoa packets! This was a great outreach to people who otherwise wouldn’t have much to look forward to on Christmas. Did you see the picture of Janita McGregor and the full-page article in The Gazette about her Wonderfully Made ministry? I heard the kick-off was very successful and drew about 30 people. What a fantastic outreach to our community!

STORIES @ THE EDGE The Power of “Pass the Salt” It is powerful to watch a room full of strangers go from awkward and unsure to laughing and sharing life together over a home-cooked meal. It’s amazing the power of “pass the salt” to start conversations and ease the tension of sharing a meal with a stranger. I love watching the power of a shared meal to break down division, to create community, and invite us into a glimpse of the love of God. Will you come? Experience the power of “pass the salt?” Pull up a chair, we are saving a place for you…

DOWNTOWN Fridays, February 1 and 15 324 N. Nevada Ave., 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.

EAST Tuesday, February 26 1505 E. Monument Street, 6:00 to 8:30 p.m.

Another much older ministry that’s near and dear to my heart is Family Promise (formerly IHN). Host week involves many volunteers in a wide variety of roles. I’m sorry I’ll miss my turn overnight hosting during our week this time because I’ll be in Israel!! We always need more overnight hosts.


These and many other volunteers are doing remarkable things being God’s hands and feet in the world. Thank you!

The Colorado Springs-Pikes Peak Chapter of the Order of Saint Luke (OSL) holds a healing service on the last Monday of each month in the FUMC chapel at 5:30 p.m. This OSL chapter is led by Convener Judy Rogers (of FUMC) and the Co-Convener from First Presbyterian Church, Steve Hood. Rev. Dr. Todd Spencer serves as chaplain.

Monday, February 25 In the Chapel at 5:30 p.m.

We especially invite those who are seeking healing on behalf of themselves or others to attend our monthly service. We open our healing service with prayer and praise songs followed by communion. After communion, the members pray over those who seek healing for their body, mind, and spirit with the sacred act of anointing persons with blessing oil and with the laying on of hands. Everyone is welcome to attend!

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VALENTINE CHOCOLATE ROSE SALES “Valentine’s Day is coming! Help support the Youth Singers by buying your special Valentine a chocolate rose. Sales will be held February 3 and February 10. We will have delicious, milk chocolate, dark chocolate and white chocolate roses!”

NEW ORGAN FOR CHAPEL DEDICATED A new electronic organ has been purchased for the chapel! Our previous Allen organ had been in the chapel for 40 years and had been presenting a number of technical issues which made maintenance and repairs very expensive. Thanks to generous memorial funds (primarily the Harriet Kidd and Jane Merritt memorial accounts), the Memorials Committee, and several individual contributions, we were able to purchase a new “state of the art” Rodgers INSPIRE 233 electronic organ for the Lehmberg Chapel. The new organ was installed by Church Organs of Colorado (Denver) in early December. A dedication service/recital was held on Saturday, January 5. Because the Chapel has limited seating, the dedication/recital was held for regular attendees of the 7:30 a.m. Chapel service, families of the major donors and those who contributed toward the cost of the organ. After the brief service of dedication, Dr. Joseph Galema, Principal Organist of FUMC, presented a 45 minute recital to demonstrate the various capabilities of the new instrument. PICTURE ABOVE: Back row, left to right — Steve and Ann Kidd, Ron and LeeAnn Kidd, Jeff and Janice Kidd Front row, left to right — Charles Merritt (former Director of Music, FUMC), Joseph Galema (Principal Organist, FUMC) and Rick Seaton (Rodgers Organ installer).

Learn more about FUMC programs and events at www.fumc-cs.org 4 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

YOUTH CHORALE TRIP TO CARNEGIE HALL A SUCCESS! On November 23, 2018, a total of 37 people (17 singers and 20 family members) traveled to New York City (the day after Thanksgiving) for five days of exciting fun! The Youth Chorale was invited to perform at the world famous Carnegie Hall in New York in a concert sponsored by Distinguished Concerts International New York featuring the works of Mark Hayes, well-know church musician. The concert was on November 26. The program included the world’s premiere of Mark Hayes’ latest masterpiece Hodie Christus Natus Est. The Chorale spent two days of intense rehearsals plus the day of the dress rehearsal and the concert. While in New York, the Chorale toured the Empire State Building, Macy’s Department Store, the 9-11 Museum and F.A.O. Schwartz. Many thanks go to those of you who supported the Chorale with monetary gifts and encouragement and to the FUMC Foundation for helping make this trip a possibility for these young singers.


“Wonderfully Made” Worship Service — Kingdom City

5:30 p.m.


Prairie Campus Children’s Choirs Rehearsals — (See details on page 6)

3:40 p.m.


“The Word Bible Study” — Large Conference Room

1:00 p.m.


Feb 1 & 15

Stories @ The Edge The Edge Building (324 N Nevada Avenue)

6:00 p.m.


February 3

Centering Prayer — Prayer Room

8:30 a.m.

Wednesdays, February 6-27 Wednesday Night Dinners — Fellowship Hall

5:00 p.m.

Wednesdays, February 6-27 Contemplative Worship Gatherings — Prayer Room

5:40 p.m.

Wednesdays, February 6-27 Faith Academy Classes — (See details on page 11)

6:30 p.m.


February 7

NOAH Breakfast — Mimi’s Café (3005 New Center Point)

9:00 a.m.


February 9

All-Church Valentine’s Day Square Dance — Details on page 6 4:00 p.m.


February 10

Bereavement Ministry Luncheon — Parlor

12:05 p.m.


February 10

Patriotic Celebration Concert — Sanctuary

3:00 p.m.


February 17

Prairie Campus Launch Team Potluck — Fellowship Hall

12:00 p.m.


February 19

NOAH Lunch — Black Bear Diner

11:30 a.m.


February 23

T4G Pizza and Movie! — (See details on page 7)

5:30 p.m.


February 24

ManUp! Planning Meeting — Large Conference Room

8:00 a.m.


February 25

The Order of Saint Luke: healing Ministry — Chapel

5:30 p.m.


February 26

Stories @ The Edge — East, 1505 E Monument St.

6:00 p.m.

First United Methodist Church 420 North Nevada Avenue. Colorado Springs, CO 80903 719-471-8522 • www.fumc-cs.org

Considering Membership at First UMC? If you are interested in membership at First United Methodist Church or have questions, please call 719-471-8522 ext. 270 for more information.

Sunday Worship Service Times 7:30 am Early Riser in the Chapel 8:00 am Traditional in the Sanctuary 9:30 am Contemporary in the Sanctuary 11:00 am Traditional in the Sanctuary Live broadcasts of the 11:00 am service on FOX, channel 21.2 (cable 7) and CW 57. Closed captioning available.

Encounter is printed and published once a month by First United Methodist Church, 420 N. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903. Materials for inclusion are due three weeks before publication date and are subject to approval. Not all submissions are guaranteed to be included. Articles, comments, or suggestions are welcomed by emailing, annaliec@fumc-cs.org or calling, 719-471-8522 ext. 272.

Cover Photo: Patriotic Celebration Concert!

Sunday School Classes are at 9:30 & 10:45 am

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JOIN THE LAUNCH TEAM OF FUMC PRAIRIE CAMPUS The Prairie Campus will remain connected to FUMC as we become a multi-site congregation. Worship services at the East Campus will begin April 14 in the Banning Lewis Preparatory School. Rev. Patty Walker, the campus pastor, would love to invite you to be a part of the launch team (folks who make at least a one-year commitment to worship at the new campus to help get it “launched” and flourishing as a new church). Contact Patty at 884-2513 or pattyw@fumc-cs.org with questions and interest.

FUMC PRAIRIE CAMPUS CHILDREN’S CHOIR! The Prairie Children’s Choir holds weekly rehearsals on Tuesdays, from 3:40 to 4:45 p.m. at the Banning Lewis Ranch Academy, 7094 Cottonwood Tree Drive, 80927. This will be a wonderful outreach to children in our church planting area, and a great way for us to share, with new people the incredible gift of sacred music that we enjoy at FUMC downtown. Kids ages 3rd -5th grade are invited to be a part of this new children’s choir. The Children’s Choir will have the opportunity to share their songs on an occasional basis (once every 6 weeks) at First United Methodist’s Prairie Campus. Children from other churches, or of no church affiliation, are welcome to participate. For more information, please contact Jeanne Stiles at djstiles@comcast.net or Rev. Patty Walker.

FUMC PRAIRIE CAMPUS WELCOMES NEW WORSHIP LEADER The Prairie Campus welcomes new Worship Music Director, Justin Anderson! Justin has had experience in worship leadership at Woodmen Valley Chapel as well as First Presbyterian Church. Most recently, he served a church in the Boulder area. Justin and his wife, Holly, are the parents of beautiful twin girls. We are thrilled to welcome him aboard!

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ALL-CHURCH VALENTINE’S DAY SQUARE DANCE! Saturday, February 9 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Free Family Event! Join us for a square dance in the school where we are planting the FUMC Prairie Campus! This will be fun for the entire family and a wonderful way to meet new people in the area as well as socialize with fellow FUMC church folks. The location is Banning Lewis Preparatory Academy School, 9433 Vista Del Pico Blvd., 80927. A photo booth and professional photographer will be available for individual and family portraits. Please bring a dessert or appetizer to share. Please RSVP by February 6 to Rev. Patty Walker at pattyw@fumc-cs.org or 471-8522.

PRAIRIE CAMPUS LAUNCH TEAM POTLUCK If you are thinking about being on the Prairie Campus launch team, please join us for a potluck Sunday, February 17, noon - 1:30 p.m., in the Fellowship Hall. This will be a time of fellowship, music (with our wonderful new Prairie Campus Music Director, Justin Anderson), planning, and information. Our first preview service at the new campus on March 31 is rapidly approaching! Mark your calendar for future launch team potlucks— March 10 and March 17. Please bring any side dish or entrée. Questions? Contact Rev. Patty Walker at 471-8522 x204 or pattyw@fumc-cs.org.

LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! The FUMC Prairie Campus has officially launched their Facebook page! Now you can keep in contact with us and also find out the latest information about the FUMC Prairie Campus. LIKE US TODAY! LIKE our Facebook page so that your friends can find us and learn about us as well. There are a lot of exciting, new things in the work for the FUMC Prairie Campus. Come grow and worship with us out East and help us get the word out! Visit us here: https://www.facebook.com/FUMCPrairie/

SUNDAY SCHOOL (9:30 AM) Our K-6th children will learn what being a disciple of Christ is all about, while our little ones (birth – age 5) learn “how to talk to God!” Sunday School is divided into age-appropriate groups and uses a rotational style of learning to keep things a little different each week.

CHILDREN’S WORSHIP (11:00 AM) Children’s Worship follows the liturgical scripture being used in the main service. Kingdom City is a place where our multi-age group of children begin to understand and experience worship.

KINGDOM CITY HAS A NEW LOOK! Thanks to a very generous gift from Millie Lacour’s estate, Kingdom City has received a fresh new look! Plan a trip up to the 2nd floor for a quick visit to see what we are so excited about, or maybe stay a while… we always need more loving volunteers!

ABC SCHOOL BANGLADESHI DINNER! The ABC School Bangladeshi dinner has been rescheduled for the spring. More details coming soon.

T4G –PIZZA AND A MOVIE! All tweens (5th and 6th Graders only) are invited to a fun time of pizza making Saturday, February 23, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m., at FUMC. We may also watch a movie or just hang out and play some games.

ASH WEDNESDAY All are welcome to join our family service for Ash Wednesday, March 6 at 6:00 p.m. in Kingdom City. This service will also include leaders from our new special needs worship experience, “Wonderfully Made.” Holy Communion will be offered as well as the Imposition of Ashes.

WEDNESDAY NIGHTS IN THE ZONE ON YOUR WAY Wednesday, February 6, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. (Meal included) Luke 4:21-30. This semester, we will be breaking down the Book of Luke. After dinner, games, and music, we will be digging into “Courage” with our small groups.

PROJECT REASONS Wednesday, February 13, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. (Meal included) Project Reasons is a 501(c)(3) small group effort that is dedicated to saving the lives of students and adults from suicide. We focus primarily on teaching students how to cope with suicidal feelings as well as how to help their friends. We also encourage dialogue between adults and students and encourage people to talk courageously about mental health. Project Reasons believes in order to make a change successfully, it is necessary to unify adults and students in the prevention effort.

I AM… WHAT? Wednesday, February 20, 6:30 - 8:30 pm (Meal Included) Luke 6:17-26. This week in the Gospel, Jesus heals, teaches, and gives out prizes! After dinner, games, and music, we will be digging into being “Chosen” with our small groups.

FIRE AND SMOKE, ASH AND DUST Wednesday, February 27, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. (Meal Included) Join us as we prepare for the Lenten journey and gain a better understanding of why we continue this tradition of ashes. First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 7

UNITED METHODIST WOMENS READING GROUP Each year, the Women’s Division of Global Ministries provides members with a list of books that are approved to educate, encourage, expose and broaden the many concepts affecting our lives in this fast moving world. Our UMW has ordered and received a group of these latest publications which are now available in the church library. You are invited to start the New Year by checking out these informative, interesting and enjoyable books. The librarians can help answer questions you may have in regard to this UMW sponsored program.

UMW MCCURDY MINISTRY McCurdy Ministries in Espanola, New Mexico is deeply involved in their new campus master plan. One-hundred-year -old buildings are being remodeled for new programs. The old gym will become a teen center and Cole High School is being converted in to the Cole Adult Ministries Center. The Methodist mission is still collecting Box Tops for Education and Tyson Project A labels for redemption by the school. The Tyson project is new and each purchase label is worth 24 cents. The Box Tops are worth 10 cents. Please continue to save these items and place them in the slot on the side of the ESM boxes. They will be sent to McCurdy this spring for redemption before summer vacation.

UMW MISSION IN LIBERIA During the fall of 2018, Dr. Chris Hena, who serves the United Methodist mission Healthy Women/Healthy Liberia, visited us and presented her personal story about the medical work she is doing. Mary Elmore, an active Joy Circle member and her daughter, Noelle, attended the event. After the presentation, Noelle expressed her interest to participate “hands-on” with this mission project. The United Methodist Women organization provided part of the airfare cost for Noelle Elmore. She left to Africa on January 20 and is now serving a three month internship at Healthy Women/Healthy Liberia. She will return on May 3. The Healthy Women/Healthy Liberia mission was approved by the Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church a few years ago. It is becoming a vital community health center in the Kakate and Firestone districts of Liberia. The mission promotes the health of women and educates patients through comprehensive, sustainable, community-based, primary healthcare. 8 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

36TH ANNUAL SOUTHERN COLORADO HANDBELL FESTIVAL On Saturday, February 16, our adult handbell choir, the Chancel Ringers, will participate in the 36th annual Southern Colorado Handbell Festival to be held at the City Auditorium. With nearly 300 ringers, this is one of the largest and best festivals in the country! Handbell choirs from across Colorado will rehearse all day and present a free concert that night. There will be a theatre organ concert at 7:00 p.m. followed by the handbell and brass concert at 7:30 p.m. Our director/clinician this year is Julie Turner. We invite and encourage you to come and support our Chancel Ringers! There will be a free-will offering to help defray costs. Come early for the best seats! See you there!

FEED MY STAVING CHILDREN Over the last nine months, the Mission Ministry has introduced you to our new mission, Feed My Starving Children through informational tables, small group presentations and field trips. The next field trip to help pack meals is planned for Saturday, February 23 for Deer Creek Church in Littleton (our packing shift will be from noon to 2 p.m.). We have 20 volunteer spots and they are filling up quickly! This summer, we are also planning to host a packing event here at FUMC. Our committee is looking for a couple of individuals who can help spearhead this event. Here are some ways you can help: •

Be a part of our leadership team. It’s a great team. Remember “many hands make light work.”

Donate to help cover the cost of the meal ingredients and transportation. You can donate by making your check to FUMC with Feed My Staving Children noted on your check.

Volunteer to go on the field trip for a two-hour work shift.

If you are able to help in any way, please email Barb Donnegan at barbdonnegan@icloud.com or Rev. Dr. Chuck Stephens at Chucks@fumc-cs.org.

URBAN PEAK NEWS Many of you have faithfully continued to support our Urban Peak ministry through your prayers, gifts and by volunteering your time. FUMC is represented on the Urban Peak Board and expansion committee. Last summer, a property became available which Urban Peak had high hopes of attaining. FUMC’s seed money would have covered about a fifth of the cost including staffing it for one year. It was an exciting time because of the building’s location as well as its ability to accommodate both a drop-in center as well as a separate area for low-barrier beds during the cold winter months. Unfortunately, without firm financial commitments from donors, lending institutions were not willing to fund a note on the property and it is now under another contract to a different buyer. The expansion committee is diligently working on locating a property and the development committee is actively working with high prospect donors to add to the funding for this venture. In the meantime, Urban Peak lost a grant which supported about a 1/3 of its street outreach. The City stepped up and with others donors, the street outreach is fully funded again. Urban Peak has acquired a large home through Greccio Housing. This facility will provide housing for those leaving the shelter as they work to obtain income for their own private housing. Last year, Urban Peak moved 142 people directly off the street and into either shelter, housing, or back with their family. One hundred eighty-five young people came into the shelter and found not only a warm, safe place, but the hope to rebuild their future. Thirty-four youth either continued with High School or entered post High School programs and 11 young people graduated or obtained their GED. Eighty-six young people started jobs while in Urban Peak programs. On behalf of every young person’s heart represented by these statistics, we thank you! Because of your help, Urban Peak can enter the New Year filled with hope! If you would like more information about our Urban Peak ministry, contact Rev. Dr. Chuck Stephens at chucks@fumc-cs.org.

A LOOK BACK AT THE MISSION SUPPORT IN 2018 This New Year, we look back to celebrate our achievements in 2018! At a recent Mission Council meeting it was brought up how compassionate the FUMC congregation is and how valuable their support is to the many mission projects at FUMC. The UMW graciously supported a member’s daughter with a scholarship to participate, as an intern, in one of our missions in Africa, Healthy Women/Healthy Liberia. We surpassed the giving from previous years for our Christmas program, “First Stars.” New volunteers joint this program last year and were impressed by the number of gifts that were collected and delivered to the various schools we support. Giving to ESM on Food Sunday has steadily risen and new servants have come alongside to make sure all the food is counted, sorted, and delivered each month. We served many through “Family Promise.” It takes more than 40 folks working together to make sure the families have a safe and well-fed week at our church. We also raised over $2,500 for the Family Promise Walk. Our new program, “Feed My Starving Children,” was introduced and a team is already working to organize and host our first pack day in 2019. “Christmas in the Parking Lot” was a huge success, with almost ninety people volunteering to offer a better Christmas for nearly 300 downtown neighbors! Last November, ninety folks slept in our parking lot to raise community awareness and donations during the “Urban Peak Night Out.” FUMC provided a warm dinner for participants and volunteers. Men are being ministered in the Fremont County prison system while learning to forgive others and themselves. We also offered immediate support to those in need who walked in our church seeking help. Missions happen because of you, your class, men’s and women’s ministries, youth and children. Lives are changed when we share the love and gifts we have received. First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 9

BEREAVEMENT MINISTERS LUNCHEON Sunday, February 10 at noon. RSVP by February 4 Location: Parlor Join us for a luncheon to learn about the Bereavement Ministry at First United Methodist Church! For those of you already involved with caring ministries as a Bereavement Minister, please mark your calendar for this lunch. Bereavement ministers are assigned a grieving person with whom they visit one-on-one. Bereavement Ministers bring the love of Christ to grieving people by listening to their stories and giving them some needed attention. Your presence offers love, hope, and peace. As a bereavement minister you will make a difference in the lives of so many folks who may be lonely or hurting. For additional information or to RSVP for the lunch, please contact Rev. Ann McClellan at annm@fumc-cs.org or 471-8522 ext. 214.

NOAH BREAKFAST Please join us for breakfast at Mimi's Café Thursday, February 7 at 9:00 a.m. The restaurant is located at 3005 New Center Point. No reservation is needed.

NOAH & THE SQUARE DANCE AT THE PRAIRIE CAMPUS Join us for the Square Dance event at the new FUMC Prairie Campus Saturday, February 9. We are taking a bus, for our NOAH group to the dance. You can dance, help with the photo booth, greet people, serve refreshments or just watch and chat. Patty would love to have your help. It will be a great time of fellowship! The event will be 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. We will meet at FUMC at 3:15 p.m. You are welcome to meet us there or call Jerry Hurst at 648-1571 to reserve a seat on the bus. See more details about this event on page 6.

NOAH LUNCH WE NEED YOUR HANDS ON THE STEERING WHEEL Many members of our church don’t or can’t drive anymore, or do not own a car. Our Bus Ministry brings members to church on Sunday, and for some, this is their only enjoyable trip away from a care center, assisted living or independent living facility. We are in need of one new driver to allow our group of dedicated drivers extra time between rotations. Our drivers balance church activities, family, jobs and social life. Many of them volunteer in other areas of the church or in the community. The schedule allows for drivers to attend their usual Sunday school and worship service. No CDL is needed, just a regular driver’s license. Needed: experience driving this type of vehicle or the desire to train. Your commitment would be to drive for a few hours on Sunday, about once every 4-5 weeks. Please consider becoming a part of this wonderful ministry. For more information, contact Catherine Marshall, Bus Ministry Coordinator, at 719-210-1167 or catmarshall57@hotmail.com.

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This month, we will gather for lunch at the Black Bear Diner located at 965 N. Academy. Join the NOAH group Tuesday, February 19 at 11:30 a.m. It is a great time of fellowship.

MANUP! TEAM MEETING The ManUp! planning meeting will be Sunday, February 24. We will meet on the 3rd floor, large conference room at 8:00 a.m. to plan and schedule activities and events for the next few months. We will also talk about a couple of mission projects we need to get started. Hope to see you there!

https://www.facebook.com/ FirstUnitedMethodistChurchColoradoSprings/

CENTERING PRAYER Beginning Sunday, February 3, a group will be meeting to pray and meditate in the prayer room, from 8:30 to 9:15 a.m. Do not hesitate to join us even if this form of meditation and prayer is new to you. We will have experienced people guiding us. If you have questions, contact Bruce Sage at 719-460-2996, or brucesage715@gmail.com. Some of us have found Sunday meditation to be a wonderful preparation for our worship experience to follow.

CONTEMPLATIVE WORSHIP GATHERINGS February 6, 13, 20 & 27 5:40-6:25 p.m. Join us on Wednesdays for our Contemplative Worship Gatherings in the Prayer Room. Each gathering weaves together song, silence, Scripture and spiritual practices. To find out about all other contemplative offerings, please visit the “Contemplative Corner” page at fumc-cs.org.

THE FAMOUS HEBREWS Chapter 11 Would you like to jump start your faith? This may be the answer. “The Word Bible Study” meets Thursday afternoons at 1:00 p.m. in the 3rd Floor large conference room. Over the course of eight weeks we are discussing the renowned faith chapter. “By Faith” will present renowned Biblical characters and how they came to “believe” and lead faithful lives. In his psychological study “Stages of Faith,” the renowned James Fowler (Emory divinity scholar) states everyone believes in something. There is an intrinsic need in all of us to believe in something, whether it be success, a religion, or something else. Perhaps you would like to join us to discover where you stand. If you have any questions, please contact Betty Howard at 531-6315 or bghoward @aol.com.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNER All are welcome to join us for dinner on Wednesdays from 5:00 - 6:15 p.m. Cost is $6 for adults; $3 for children (K-6th) with a family maximum of $20 for family members of the same household. Children 5 and under eat for free. The monthly menu is posted on the information boards throughout the church and online at fumc-cs.org.

Learn more about FUMC programs and events at www.fumc-cs.org

FAITH ACADEMY CLASSES COVENANT BIBLE STUDY Leader: Rev. Kent Ingram * Wednesday, February 6, 13, 20 & 27, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. * Thursday, February 7, 14, 21 & 28, 9:00 - 10:15 a.m. Rev. Kent Ingram will continue his in-depth study of the Bible class which began last fall and will run into late spring. Rev. Ingram continues to guide the groups through a time of conversation around the weekly reading assignments in light of the video content. SHORT FILMS WITH SOUL Leader: Rev. Dr. Todd Spencer and Freddie Bogardus Wednesday, February 6, 13, 20 & 27 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Room 235 You are invited to come enjoy the creative art of short films. Each week, we will watch 1 or 2 short films and together reflect on the theological-spiritual themes that arise out of these stories. If you enjoy exploring metaphors and films and respectful conversation, this is just for you! ST. PAUL TO JOHN WESLEY: THE HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN 4 WEEKS Leader: Bruce Phillips Wednesday, February 6, 13, 20 & 27 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Room 234 What happened to the church after the time of the New Testament? How did we go from a small persecuted group of worshippers to a global church? In just 4 classes, we will hit the highlights of Christian history explaining how we got from the New Testament to the present day. Hope you can make it!

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WONDERFULLY MADE SPECIAL NEEDS WORSHIP EXPERIENCE Sundays at 5:30 p.m. in Kingdom City On January 6, we launched a new worship service experience dedicated to the community of Colorado Springs with special needs. Wonderfully Made invites ALL of God’s children who are “WONDERFULLY MADE” to lift their spirits and voices in worship and praise. This service is led by those living with disabilities (both cognitive and physical). People of all ages are invited and encouraged to participate in worship leadership roles that are typically not accessible to those living with disabilities. Perhaps you have a friend or a family member who would benefit from this type 2 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

of experience. Please invite them or better yet come with them! Help us get the word out! We are also looking for a few special volunteers, who would be willing to make the commitment to help build this worship service. Experience in special needs education is not required to help these beloved children of God experience worship in a profoundly meaningful way. For more information, please contact Janita McGregor at 719-884-2466 or janitam@fumc-cs.org. Psalms 139:14: “I praise you, for I am fearfully and WONDERFULLY MADE.”

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