Each year, we travel with Jesus as He makes His way towards Jerusalem and the cross. Along the way He engages in a number of challenges, confrontations, encounters and teaching opportunities. As we journey with Jesus, we remember that each stop along the way, especially in His crucifixion and resurrection, He is doing this for us. Jesus travels this path for a broken and hurting world. He travels this path for a called and sent out church. He travels this path for us, for you and for me. This season, we will look at each stop through the lenses of… For Us! Tempted…For Us! – Luke 4:1-13 March 10 Longing…For Us! – Luke 13:31-35 March 17 Patient…For Us! – Luke 13:1-9 March 24
Humbling Himself…For Us! - Luke 19:28-40 April 14 (Palm Sunday) Risen…For Us! John 20:1-18 April 21 (Easter)
Page 2 •
Join us as we celebrate Jesus’ triumphal arrival in Jerusalem.
Communion will be served commemorating the Last Supper. The Stations of the Cross will be depicted in living tableaux.
GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 19 Service in the Sanctuary: 7:00 p.m.
Candles are gradually extinguished until it is dark, marking the crucifixion and death of Jesus.
Searching…For Us! – Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 March 31
Dying…For Us! – John 12:1-8 April 7
Sanctuary Services: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m.
Chapel Service: 7:30 a.m. Join us to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection.
Music and Arts Page 4
Calendar of Events Page 5
Children’s Ministries Page 6
MAUNDY THURSDAY, APRIL 18 Service in the Sanctuary: 7:00 p.m.
Around the Church & Beyond Page 3
PALM SUNDAY, APRIL 14 Chapel Service: 7:30 a.m. Sanctuary Services: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m.
Around the Church & Beyond
Youth Ministries Page 7
Around the Church & Beyond Page 8
Mission Ministries Page 9
Around the Church & Beyond Page 10
Around the Church & Beyond Page 11
Ash Wednesday Worship Back Cover
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
Prayer By Kent Ingram, Senior Pastor
Rev. Patty Walker, FUMC Prairie Campus Pastor
When you receive this newsletter, I will be in the midst of the called session of the General Conference. I know that many of you have signed up to pray for the conference, and for me. Here is one prayer that you can use in this time of discernment. It is called A Prayer for the Church by Richard Foster.
“What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” I love those words from a poem penned by the late Mary Oliver. I think deep down, we all want to do something great and glorious with our life. To know that it mattered that we walked upon this earth. To know that somehow, we left the world a better place. That we made a difference.
I pray today, Jesus, for your bride, the Church. It must hurt you to see all our sin and rebellion, all our fighting and backbiting. It’s presumptuous, I know, to think I can ever enter the ache of your heart for your children. Even so, as best I can I repent of my sins and the sins of my people. We have scorned you in so many ways:
I suspect – my good people of FUMC – that you ARE making a difference in many ways. But I want to invite you to one more glorious and holy adventure. The launch of worship services at the Prairie Campus is right around the corner – April 14! – and I would love for you to be a part.
by prostituting our integrity for the sake of personal advantage, forgive us O Lord; for loving our structures more than your church, forgive us O Lord; for disregarding those who are precious to you, forgive us O Lord; for working as if we are the ones in charge, forgive us O Lord. Forgive. Heal. Restore. Amen.
PRAIRIE CAMPUS LAUNCH TEAM POTLUCKS Sundays, March 10 & 17 If you are on the Prairie Campus launch team (or wondering about it), come to our potluck on Sundays, March 10 and March 17, from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. This will be a time of fellowship, music (with our wonderful new Prairie Campus Music Director, Justin Anderson), planning, and information. Our first preview service at the new campus on March 31 is rapidly approaching. Even if you haven’t committed to the launch team yet, come and get more information. Please bring a side dish or entrée. Questions? Contact Rev. Patty Walker at 471-8522 x204, or pattyw@fumc-cs.org. 2 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church
I know FUMC downtown is amazing. This is where I chose to raise my kids eleven years ago. I love it here. I know it is a sacrifice to leave the comfort and beauty and community of this downtown church. But would you be willing to come out to the Prairie Campus for some time to help reach new people for God with me? Could you make that sacrifice, for a year, or even just a couple of months? I know, we are also going to have so much fun along the way! We are already creating connections out East, like we did at the Valentine’s Dance on February 9, and now you can be a part of it! Please think and pray about the following two options: • Join the SWAT (Special, Willing, Available and Temporary) team. Be a part of this team that will give around two months to the Prairie Campus by either serving in some capacity (set-up and take-down team, ushering, greeting, coffee hour set up, children’s ministry, etc.) or simply being a friendly presence in the pews – adding energy and momentum just by being there! •
Join the launch team – folks who are willing to worship at the Prairie Campus for a year to help get it started, but who then may come back to the downtown campus in a year’s time.
LIKE THE PRAIRIE CAMPUS ON FACEBOOK FUMC Prairie Campus has officially launched their Facebook page! Find out the latest information and show your support to the new church, connected to FUMC downtown. LIKE US TODAY! Help us build momentum and reach out to people out east. Share it with your friends too! facebook.com/FUMCPrairie/
SHHH… DON’T TELL ANYONE! The Prairie Campus’ preview services begin March 31! FUMC is entering an exciting adventure of planting a new church in the Eastern Colorado Springs/ Falcon area. The Prairie Campus will worship in the Banning Lewis Preparatory School at 9433 Vista Del Pico Blvd. We will have two preview services on March 31 and April 7 at 10:00 a.m. But don’t tell anyone about these preview services! These are just our practice services where we work out all the kinks of our equipment and the set-up/take-down routine. The Sunday sermons at the Prairie Campus will be a video of Kent’s preaching from the downtown service and we want to make sure everything runs smoothly in that transmission. Anyone from FUMC downtown is welcome to come on March 31. The public launch and grand opening will be April 14. For that day, April 14, we would love for you to invite “the world”!
EASTER LILIES ON SALE STARTING MARCH 17! Final Day to order will be Sunday, April 14 Don’t miss the opportunity to purchase lilies “in honor of” or “in memory of” loved ones. The lilies will decorate the chancel area as we celebrate Easter Sunday, April 21. Tributes will be listed in a separate insert in the Easter bulletin. To purchase lilies, please complete the order form on the You Can Count on Me bulletin insert starting on Sunday, March 17. You may turn in your order form and payment in the Small Conference Room, next to The Gate Bookstore. You may also place your order at the Welcome Desk during the week. Please do not put your order in the offering plates. Cost is $20 and payment is due at time of ordering. Final day to order will be Sunday April 14.
JAN CAFFEY, LAY LEADER I’m just back from my Holy Land Pilgrimage. The trip was amazing! Rev. Tiffany Keith, Tom and Barbara Canavan, Larry and Mary Gilland, Janet Burns, her cousin Jo Koertner, Claude the Camel and I went for 10 days. We met up with people from our conference and some others to make a group of 100. It was a wonderful opportunity I can recommend. I had a few “Closest to Christ” moments. We walked where Jesus lived, worshipped, taught, performed miracles and was crucified. It’s hard for me to express what it felt like, but Mary Gilland did a beautiful job with this poem: A Quick Synopsis of My Israel Trip In Bethlehem where Christ was born, We saw where shepherds quaked. Where our Lord Jesus gave his life, And Mary’s heart would ache. The garden where disciples prayed, Where they shared the bread and wine That Jesus blessed and told them To repeat time after time. We walked the steps that Jesus walked While carrying his tree. Where he fell and got back up again To truly set us free.
We saw the steps where Jesus taught... Prayed at the wailing wall. Saw Herod’s thrones and Jesus’ tomb I can’t describe it all. We walked a hundred miles a day, Or it seemed that way at least. Three times a day we fed ourselves cuisine of the Middle East. I’m glad we took this journey, With the new friends that we met. So much to learn about our faith, A trip I’ll not forget.
First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 3
KRISPY KREME DOUGHNUTS Get your fresh, delicious Krispy Kreme doughnuts on Sunday, March 3! This fundraiser helps fund the Youth Singers’ summer tour. As always, thank you for supporting your FUMC Youth Singers!
VISITING COLLEGE CHOIR On March 19, the Adelphian Concert Choir from the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington, will be with us as a part of their spring tour. The choir is under the direction of Dr. Steven Zopfi, Director of Choral Activities at the University. This concert is an opportunity to hear one of the finest college choirs in the Pacific Northwest. The 38 singers will share with us a delightful evening of great music! Additionally, we have the opportunity to house these exceptional students in our homes (just like other churches do for the Youth Singers when they are on tour). Please call the Music Office, 4718522, ext. 221, if you are able to house two or more students in your home overnight.
YOUTH SINGERS BRUNCH FUNDRAISER Back by popular demand! Join us on Sunday, April 7 for the delicious Youth Singers Brunch event! Brunch will be served after each service. All proceeds go towards the 2019 Youth Singers Tour. As always, thank you for your support!
4 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church
“Wonderfully Made” Worship Service — Kingdom City
5:30 p.m.
Fridays, March 1 & 15
Stories @ The Edge The Edge Building (324 N Nevada Avenue)
6:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 3
Worship Support Team Gathering — Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, March 6
Ash Wednesday Family Worship Service — Kingdom City
6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, March 6
Ash Wednesday Worship Service — Sanctuary
7:00 p.m.
NOAH Breakfast — Omelet’s Etc. (2850 S. Academy)
9:00 a.m.
Thursday, March 7 Sundays, March 10 & 17
Prairie Campus Launch Team Potluck — Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, March 13-May 8 Grief Group — Details on page 11
12:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m.
Sunday, March 17
Mountain Sabbath — John Wesley Ranch
Monday, March 18
NOAH “King’s Fool” Lunch — Fellowship Hall
Wednesdays, March 20 & 27, April 3 & 10 Wednesday Night Dinners — Fellowship Hall
9:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
Wednesdays, March 20 & 27, April 3 & 10 Contemplative Worship Gatherings — Prayer Room 5:40 p.m.
Wednesdays, March 20 & 27, April 3 & 10 Faith Academy Classes — Details on page 11
6:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 21 & 28, April 4 & 11 Faith Academy Class — Covenant Bible Study
9:00 a.m.
Tuesday, March 26
Stories @ The Edge — East, 1505 E Monument St.
Sunday, March 31
Prairie Campus Preview Service — Details on page 3
Sunday, April 14
Palm Sunday — (See more details on the front cover)
Thursday, April 18 Friday, April 19 Sunday, April 21
6:00 p.m.
Maundy Thursday — Details on the front cover
7:00 p.m.
Good Friday — Details on the front cover
7:00 p.m.
Easter Services — Details on the front cover
First United Methodist Church 420 North Nevada Avenue. Colorado Springs, CO 80903 719-471-8522 • www.fumc-cs.org
Considering Membership at First UMC? If you are interested in membership at First United Methodist Church or have questions, please call 719-471-8522 ext. 270 for more information.
Sunday Worship Service Times 7:30 am Early Riser in the Chapel 8:00 am Traditional in the Sanctuary 9:30 am Contemporary in the Sanctuary 11:00 am Traditional in the Sanctuary Live broadcasts of the 11:00 am service on FOX, channel 21.2 (cable 7) and CW 57. Closed captioning available.
Encounter is printed and published once a month by First United Methodist Church, 420 N. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903. Materials for inclusion are due three weeks before publication date and are subject to approval. Not all submissions are guaranteed to be included. Articles, comments, or suggestions are welcomed by emailing, annaliec@fumc-cs.org or calling, 719-471-8522 ext. 272.
Cover Photo: Lenten Series… For Us.
Sunday School Classes are at 9:30 & 10:45 am
First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 5
SUNDAY SCHOOL (9:30 AM) This month, our K-6th grade children will be learning about the important people in the life of Jesus, while our birth – age 5 children learn about the 10 Commandments! Sunday School is divided into age appropriate groups and uses a rotational style of learning to keep things a little different each week. Hope you can join us in Kingdom City.
CHILDREN’S WORSHIP (11:00 AM) Children’s Worship is a place where children begin to understand and experience worship following the liturgical scripture being used in the 11:00 a.m. service. This is a multi-age large group worship service in Kingdom City.
ASH WEDNESDAY - MARCH 6 Join us on Ash Wednesday for our family service. Leaders from our new special needs worship experience, Wonderfully Made will be a part of this service as well. Holy Communion will be offered as well as the Imposition of Ashes. The service is at 6:00 p.m. in Kingdom City.
FAMILY WORSHIP Sunday, March 31 On the 5th Sundays, you and your family are invited to worship together at the 9:30 service in the Sanctuary. Kingdom City for K-6th is closed during this service but the nursery for birth to age 5 (Pre-K) is open from 8:00 a.m. – noon. Children’s Worship is offered as usual at 11:00 a.m. for our multi-age group (K – 6th graders).
T4G – SCAVENGER EGG HUNT 5th and 6th graders only! Saturday, April 13. Time TBD. Our Tweens will be enjoying an Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt! You will not want to miss this T4G egg hunt with a twist of mystery and fun!
SEDER MEAL - PALM SUNDAY Remember to make plans to be in Sunday School on Palm Sunday (April 14) for our annual Seder meal.
6 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church
ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT Saturday, April 20 This event is for children from birth through 4th grade (Our Tweens are invited to volunteer to be egg hiders). We will meet here at FUMC in the Hospitality Center at 10:00 a.m. and then go to Palmer High School for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Don’t miss our pilgrimage to the Palmer courtyard. Watch the weather and dress accordingly. There will be a bunny and tons of eggs to be found! To volunteer or for more information, email David Fussell at davidf@fumc-cs.org.
SLED DAY AT THE RANCH PICTURES! It was a day enjoyed by ALL! Here are the memories!
June 24-28 – VBS God’s Story! (Preschool through 5th Grade) July 9 & 10 – DAY CAMP at John Wesley Ranch God’s Big Backyard! (KG – 3rd Grade) July 11-13 – Camp T4G at JWR Shine Your Light! (5th and 6th Grade) July 22-26 – First Act Music, Art and Drama Camp
WEDNESDAY NIGHTS ASH WEDNESDAY Wednesday, March 6, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. (FUMC Provided) The Zone/Sanctuary This night, the youth will be facilitating the Ash Wednesday service in the Sanctuary. Those of you that signed up for Ushering, Communion, Ashes, Liturgy, or Scripture be sure to get here on time (by 6:30 p.m., and dress appropriately!).
LEAD US NOT INTO… Wednesday, March 13, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. (Chavez/Massey Provided). The Zone Luke 4:1-13. “Do not put the Lord your God to the test.” Intense words. Jesus is an example to us all about how to deal with our temptations. With dinner, games, and music, we will be digging into “strength” with our small groups.
BIBLE 101—SUNDAYS AT 9:30 AM Who wrote it? How many books? Where do I start? The Bible can be a daunting book, but we should become more aware of God’s Word. So let’s break it down together. Join us on Sundays!
MARCH EVENTS BOZEMAN VBS REGISTRATION GOES LIVE! DOWN PAYMENT IS DUE FRIDAY, MARCH 1. If you are going on the Mission trip, you need to sign up with Zach BEFORE you sign up for VBS, so we know how many people are going to Bozeman. Please fill out the FUMC registration online, or stop by The Zone.
9 SQUARE TOURNAMENT ($5) Wednesday, March 20, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. (Walker Provided) The Zone Let’s do this! We will have a 9 Square Tournament in Hibbard Hall, with prizes for the top players and a surprise for all. Bring a friend! Be sure to bring $5 for the entry fee, proceeds will go to Missions.
SPRING BREAK NO YOUTH March 25-29 Have fun. Get some sun. Splash around. Use sunscreen!
Youth Winter Retreat Winter 2019
June 15-22. Bozeman, MT Cost: $250 We will be heading North this year, to help our fellow UMC in Bozeman for a week of VBS, along with some side projects for local non-profits. VBS registration goes live on March 1! Remember to fill out the FUMC registration form online and VBS registration. We will need a down payment to secure your spot. Limited availability. Please contact Zach with any questions. First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 7
As a founding member, this church has supported ESM for over thirty years both with gifts and volunteers. ESM is always looking for volunteers. If you are called to this type of service you can contact Rev. Ann Lantz at 719-636-1916 or Rev. Dr. Chuck Stephens at chuck2@fumc-cs.org. Last year, ESM provided more than 6300 showers, approximately, 677,000 pounds of food to 16,926 families, and clean clothes to more than 2,600 people. Over 1,100 bus rides were provided to get people to medical appointments or job interviews. In addition to this, First United Methodist Church contributed nearly $12,000 to the First Fund drive which is used exclusively to help with medical needs including transportation, co-pays and other expenses. As you can see, there is such a need and much to be done. Remember that food donations can be placed in the wooden boxes by the entrances to church anytime, and particularly on the first Sunday of each month for our First Sunday Food Drive. Let’s see if we can match or exceed 900 items each month.
Sunday, March 31
FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN The Feed My Starving Children Committee would like to thank all the small groups that welcome our speakers for a presentation on the newest church mission. To arrange for a speaker, contact Barb Donnegan at barbdonnegan@icloud.com or Rev. Dr. Stephens at chucks@fumc-cs.org. Also, a big thank you to everyone who signed up for our February 23 field trip to the MobilePack at Deer Creek Church in Littleton. We got so many volunteers that we have a waiting list. More details about the MobilePack will be coming soon. We are very excited to announce our goal of bringing the “From Hunger to Hope MobilePack” to Colorado Springs on August 16 and 17. We will be having fundraising activities to cover the cost of the food, transportation and FMSC staff. Please watch for our fundraising activities and volunteer opportunities. You can make a donation by making your check to FUMC and putting “Feed My Starving Children” on the memo line. If you are able to help in any way or have questions, please let us know. We need over 500 volunteers!
8 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church
Together, we reach children, families and communities who have experienced devastation in the wake of disaster. When disaster strikes around the globe— Haiti’s 2010 earthquake or Typhoon Haiyan in 2013 —so many watch the drama unfold on their living room televisions and feel entirely helpless. How could any one person make a difference in the wake of such widespread devastation? As responders around the globe scramble to help survivors, the United Methodist Committee on Relief, UMCOR, is prepared to act. Since 1940, when UMCOR’s forerunner was established to meet the needs of those suffering overseas at the onset of World War II, we’ve continued to respond to those in desperate need — today throughout more than eighty countries around the world.
The response of UMCOR isn’t something “they” do, it’s something “we” do. That’s because your generous giving to UMCOR Sunday is what allows UMCOR to act as the arms and legs of Christ’s church, moving toward the most vulnerable in their darkest days. Convinced that all people have God-given worth and dignity—without regard to race, religion or gender—together we are assisting those impacted by crisis or chronic need. Because you give, the United Methodist Church’s compassionate response to human suffering continues today: •
When tornadoes ripped through Oklahoma, we responded.
When children in Zimbabwe lost parents to AIDS, we responded.
When a massive tsunami devastated lives in Japan, we responded.
And when the next mass crisis occurs, we will be prepared to respond.
All United Methodists have the annual opportunity to come together to make a special offering to benefit UMCOR in support of worldwide humanitarian aid. Please look for the special UMCOR envelopes in the Sunday service bulletins on March 31, and give generously.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! This church has consistently been generous hosting Family Promise (IHN) families. We have a group of dedicated women whose efforts are always grace filled. Some of our most recent grace filled moments were last January, when one of our guests obtained an apartment and left the program on Monday night. Our team stepped up and was able to give her three sets of new sheets and a teapot. She was thrilled! One of our families has a son who is autistic, who decided to go up to Kingdom City and participate in martial arts education. He was thrilled when he returned! Our team of volunteers goes beyond just housing and feeding families. With your help, we are able to buy toys, games, DVD’s, playpens, and decorate each room according to the season. Donations allow the children to get their own blanket while here. If you have a heart for this type of ministry, please stop by the sign-up table on March 24, or contact Rev. Dr. Chuck Stephens at chucks@fumc-cs.org.
UMW CELEBRATE 150 YEARS OF MISSION March 23, 1869 six women met at Tremont Street Methodist Episcopal Church in Boston to discuss the possibility of sending a teacher and doctor to India after learning about desperate conditions. According to reports from the wives of returning missionaries, women could not receive medical care because all the doctors were male. Education for women was very limited and women had no rights. Less than a year later, the women were able to send a doctor and a teacher to India. This was the beginning of a mission program which is now the official women's organization of the denomination. Today, we are the largest women's mission group. Over 200 schools, health centers, and a variety of mission establishments are located in 110 countries including the United States. On March 23, join our celebration at 2:00 p.m. in the Hospitality Center. Everyone is invited! Members who have served 50 years or more will be recognized. If you have served for that length of time, call Priscilla Nelson at 719-210-0761. Women who have achieved special reading status will also receive certificates. The offering will be given to The Legacy Fund which is a permanent endowment to ensure the mission of United Methodist Women for the future.
FAMILY PROMISE OF COLORADO SPRINGS Host Week: April 7 – 14 Family Promise provides a way for local communities to respond to the needs of their homeless “neighbors.” Congregations have found that the Family Promise mission provides an effective way to be involved in a hands-on outreach program that serves the homeless and also fosters congregational unity and interfaith cooperation. Families arrive at their “home” church each day at 5:00 p.m. and leave at 7:00 a.m. the next morning to go to jobs, school, or the Family Promise Day Center (located on Tejon Street). Upon their arrival “home” each day, families have a hot, nutritious meal prepared by meal preparation volunteers and served by evening host volunteers. Overnight host volunteers arrive at bedtime to “sleep on the job” and to be available if something is needed during the night. Other volunteers set-up the family bedrooms with cots and linens on the first Sunday of the host week. We are enormously grateful to our warm and generous volunteers who continue to provide supplies, meals, set-up labor, and host our “families” during evenings and overnights. WE NEED YOUR HELP! We need people who are willing to: Come meet families…Come help a child have a loving encounter…Come eat wonderful food… Come and do mission work…You would be needed for 3 hours, 3 times a year to finish any last minute heating of food, laying out the food (buffet-style), eating with the families, and assisting with clean-up. A whole lot of fun and deep sense of fulfillment just 3 times a year! You can bring a friend or family member as long as we can complete a background check for anyone interacting with the families. And best of all, training is a SNAP! CONGRATULATIONS to you, the wonderful congregation of First United Methodist Church, who have opened your arms and your hearts to house and host homeless families for over 20 years! Our Next Host Week at FUMC is April 7 – April 14, 2019. Please stop by the Family Promise table on Sunday, March 24 to volunteer or to find out more about our Family Promise mission! Please contact Katy Adams at 471-3484 to volunteer or get more information. Hebrews 13:2 “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.”
First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 9
Do you work at Memorial Hospital Central? Or the Olympic Training Center? Maybe you live in the Middle Shooks Run Neighborhood, or you know someone that does. No matter how you are connected to the neighborhood, we would love to take you out for coffee! We are starting a new Stories @ The Edge service at East United Methodist Church and want to get to know our new neighbors. So, if you are connected to the neighborhood, drop us an email; we’re grateful for all the coffee we can get! You can email the service Lay Leader, Lori Smith at LAS2735@hotmail.com or Rev. Tiffany Keith at tiffanyk@fumc-cs.org, or stop by one of our three services this month: Downtown (324 N. Nevada) on March 1 and March 15 and at East UMC (1505 E. Monument) on March 26. Dinner starts at 6:00 p.m.
WORSHIP SUPPORT TEAM GATHERING – BEGINNING OUR LENTEN JOURNEY If you help with a worship service, are related to someone the helps with a worship service, or just felt welcomed by someone that does, you are invited to our Worship Support Team Gathering on March 3 in Fellowship Hall. This will be a time of community building and a time to begin our Lenten journey together. The 8:00 and 11:00 worship support teams will meet at 9:30 a.m., and the 9:30 team will meet at 11:00 a.m. We would love to see you there!
Please join us for breakfast on Thursday, March 7, 9:00 a.m. at Omelets Etc. on 2850 S. Academy. We always have a great time! Reservation is not needed. Just come and have fun!
MOUNTAIN SABBATH Sunday, March 17 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. John Wesley Ranch Suggested Donation: $10 Register by March 14 by email at todds@fumc-cs.org You are invited to join us for a rich and restful day of retreat up at our beautiful John Wesley Ranch in Divide, Colorado (only 40 minutes away). On Mountain Sabbath, we gather at 9:00 a.m. in the dining hall of the lodge at the Ranch for coffee and conversation. At 9:30 a.m., we gather in the Chapel for worship. Then, we have some time for learning around various spiritual formation topics. This is followed by a simple lunch in the lodge. We encourage quiet sabbath practices like journaling, artwork as prayer, hiking, reading, sitting in front of the fire, napping and other restful activities. If you are interested in experiencing one-on-one spiritual direction in the afternoon, we have two trained spiritual directors available to meet with you. To do that, you will need to sign up that morning (firstcome, first-serve basis). We will gather at 4:00 p.m. for our closing devotion time and the Sacrament of Holy Communion. The day concludes by 5:00 p.m. Come and rest with God with others in a day of retreat! For more information contact Rev. Dr. Todd Spencer at todds@fumc-cs.org or 884-2502.
NOAH KING’S FOOL LUNCH This month, we are planning a special lunch for St. Patrick’s Day! The lunch will be on Monday, March 18 at 11:30 a.m in the Fellowship Hall. Lori and Lynn will prepare lunch for us and it will be “different.” The King’s Fool lunch will be a lot of fun and mystery! We’ll also watch an “oldie” movie featuring the king of fools comedian. Can you guess who? Cost for the event is $10 per person and reservations are required. Please email Rev. Jerry at jerryh@fumc-cs.org or call at 719-648-1571.
10 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church
All are welcome to join us for dinner on Wednesdays from 5:00 - 6:15 p.m. Cost is $6 for adults; $3 for children (K-6th) with a family maximum of $20 for family members of the same household. Children 5 and under eat for free. The monthly menu is posted on the information boards throughout the church and online at fumc-cs.org.
March 20 & 27, April 3 & 10 Wednesdays, 5:40-6:25 p.m. Prayer Room Leader: Rev. Dr. Todd Spencer Are you seeking a quiet way to slow down and worship God in the middle of your week? Join us for a meaningful time of song, silence, Scripture and spiritual practices. All are welcome!
There will be no dinner or classes on Wednesday March 6. Please join us for our Ash Wednesday.
In March, we will have a two-week break from Wednesday Night Dinner and Faith Academy Classes. Dinner and classes will resume on March 20.
GRIEF GROUP March 13- May 8 Wednesdays, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Are you sad, hurting, or grieving the death of a loved one? Or maybe you know someone who is having a tough time after a death. Healing from the death of a loved one takes time, energy, and intentionality. Grief Counselor, Kathy Sparnins, will lead the group and Rev. Ann McClellan will be there as chaplain with the group. We will work through the book, Understanding Your Grief, by Dr. Alan Wolfelt. This is a safe place (confidential) for you to talk, cry, pray, laugh, and share with others who are grieving also. Kathy Sparnins is an outstanding leader of these grief groups, and everyone who participates in the groups cherishes the experience. This group is open to the community. You do not have to be a member of FUMC to participate. Contact Rev. Ann McClellan to register or to get more info at annm@fumc-cs.org, or by phone at 471-8522, ext. 214.
DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 10 at 2:00 a.m. Remember to “spring ahead” and set your clocks forward 1 hour.
FAITH ACADEMY CLASSES SESSION 3 March 20 & 27, April 3 & 10
LENTEN VISIO DIVINA Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Room 233 Leaders: Spiritual Directors, Tim Latzke and Lori Smith Explore the meditative practice of divine viewing during this four-week Lenten journey. This class will ponder themes and art centered around Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection. Participants will learn to view the artwork contemplatively and listen for God’s voice through the Holy Spirit. These meditations will also include Scripture and prayer as part of the Lenten experience. For more information, contact Tim at timothy.latzke@yahoo.com or 719-235-7182; or Lori at las2735@hotmail.com or 719-232-2735.
CORNERSTONE: OUR FOUNDATIONS An Introduction to Methodism and First UMC Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Room 133 Leader: Rev. Tiffany Keith What did you think the last time someone, new to you, was sitting in your pew? Was your first thought, “a visitor I can make feel welcome!” We would like you to be prepared to answer any questions when you greet a visitor. Or maybe you ARE the visitor and you have questions that the person sitting next to you couldn’t answer. We would like to invite visitors and members alike to attend Cornerstone. This Faith Academy class will be a chance to learn about United Methodist beliefs, about First United Methodist Church, and meet some new people in the process.
COVENANT BIBLE STUDY Wednesdays, 6:30-7:45 p.m. in the Parlor Thursdays, 9:00-10:15 a.m. in the Parlor Rev. Kent Ingram will continue teaching this in-depth study of the entire Bible. Registrations were closed in the Fall. First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 11
The Lenten season begins with our Ash Wednesday service on March 6 in the sanctuary at 7:00 p.m. The service will be led by Rev. Ann McClellan, with assistance from the youth of FUMC and the performance of the Chancel Choir. Children’s Ministries will offer a family-oriented service led by Janita McGregor at 6:00 p.m., in Kingdom City. Communion will be served and the Imposition of the Ashes will be offered at both services. Join us for worship as we begin our Lenten journey towards the cross.
Ash Wednesday Children’s Ministries Service 6:00 p.m. in Kingdom City Special service for families with children
Traditional Ash Worship Service 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Lent is a season of forty days, not counting Sundays, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday. The forty days represents the time Jesus spent in the wilderness enduring the temptation of Satan and preparing to begin His ministry. Lent is a time of repentance, fasting and preparation for the coming of Easter. It is a time of self-examination and reflection. In the early church, Lent was a time to prepare new converts for baptism. Today, Christians focus on their relationship with God, often choosing to give up something, to take something on, or to volunteer and give of themselves for others. Sundays in Lent are not counted in the forty days because each Sunday represents a "mini-Easter" and the reverent spirit of Lent is tempered with joyful anticipation of the Resurrection. Lent is generally a solemn time of drawing closer to God as we prepare our hearts for Holy Week and Easter!
2 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church