Encounter April 2018

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“WERE YOU THERE…” Lenten Journey 2018

Lent is an invitation to join Jesus on the road to Jerusalem, a journey that offers a number of important stops along the way. At each of these stops we learn something about ourselves, something we need to know to grow closer to God. Invite a friend and join us on this journey as we ask the question of the old hymn:


Signs of Life Page 2

Around the Church & Beyond Page 3

Music and Arts Page 4

“Were You There… At the Empty Tomb?”

Calendar of Events Page 5

Children’s Ministries Page 6

PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 25 Chapel Service: 7:30 a.m. Sanctuary Services: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Join us as we celebrate Jesus’ triumphal arrival in Jerusalem.

MAUNDY THURSDAY, MARCH 29 Service in the Sanctuary: 7:00 p.m. Communion will be served commemorating the Last Supper. The Stations of the Cross will be depicted in living tableaux.

GOOD FRIDAY, MARCH 30 Service in the Sanctuary: 7:00 p.m. Candles are gradually extinguished until it is dark, marking the crucifixion and death of Jesus.

EASTER VIGIL AND CONFIRMATION SERVICE, SATURDAY, MARCH 31 Service in the Sanctuary: 7:00 p.m. Following the early Christian tradition, we will welcome the Christ light into our Sanctuary and participate in a meaningful ceremony marking the discipleship of young persons who have completed the Confirmation process.

EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 1 Chapel Service: 7:30 a.m. Sanctuary Services: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Join us to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection.

Youth Ministries Page 7

Around the Church & Beyond Page 8

Around the Church & Beyond Page 9

Caring Ministries Page 10

Missions Ministries Page 11

Coming to FUMC this April… Requiem by Maurice Duruflé Back Cover

By Kent Ingram, Senior Pastor

Signs of Life

Look for these signs of life all around you, in your life, in your family, in your job, in your church.

I believe with all of my heart that Easter is primarily about something that happened to Jesus. That something, resurrection, is a mystery. Nothing in scripture tries to describe how it happened, only that it happened. Somehow, in the silence and darkness of the tomb, one who was dead, fully completely dead, was brought to life by the power of God’s Spirit. He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!

Where do you see signs of life in the church? New worship teams are energizing the folks who volunteer at our various worship services. More youth are attending our youth programs. We have a growing contemplative community, worshiping and praying in and for the church. So many people feel welcome here and participate in our church activities. There is a new energy around the satellite church in eastern Colorado Springs.

That resurrection, however, is more than just an event that happened to Jesus. It is a promise to us. We are promised that death, as difficult as it is to imagine, does not have the final word about our existence. Our life is held for eternity in God’s hands. Those we love live forever in God’s love. Death has lost its sting, its power over us. As powerful as grief is, we live in hope that is even more powerful.

Look for these signs of life all around you, in your life, in your family, in your job, in your church. God is at work among us, doing new things in a powerful way. With resurrection eyes we can celebrate the signs of life all around!

There is one more promise that Easter offers us, as well. It gives us new eyes to see life all around us. The same spirit that dwells in Christ, dwells in us! We see through God’s resurrection eyes rather than our own limited vision. I suppose it is no coincidence that Easter falls at the beginning of spring. We are surrounded by signs of life, promises of hope that remind us that even in the darkest, coldest moments there is hope. My Easter invitation to you is to look for signs of life in your own life. Where are you growing? What new interests have you found? Where are the challenges that come from pushing aside the soil as you make your way towards sunlight?

I hope you are excited about the worship opportunities during Holy Week! I also hope you are willing to invite others to our special services this week. We do a great job in these sacred services. They are an important part of our spiritual journey. Invite people to as many of these events as you can! In addition to all of our sanctuary services being live streamed on Easter, we will be broadcasting both the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. services live on FOX, channel 21.2 (cable 7) and CW 57. The television station came to us and said we do such a good job on our broadcasts, they wanted to make a great deal on another hour on Easter Sunday morning. So, if you have local folks who can’t come to worship on Easter Sunday morning, make sure to let them know that they can worship with us via TV. See you in worship, Kent

First United Methodist Church 420 North Nevada Avenue. Colorado Springs, CO 80903 719-471-8522 • www.fumc-cs.org

Considering Membership at First UMC? If you are interested in membership at First United Methodist Church or have questions, please call 719-471-8522 ext. 270 for more information.

Sunday Worship Service Times 7:30 am Early Riser in the Chapel 8:00 am Traditional in the Sanctuary 9:30 am Contemporary in the Sanctuary 11:00 am Traditional in the Sanctuary Live broadcasts of the 11:00 am service on FOX, channel 21.2 (cable 7) and CW 57. Closed captioning available.

Encounter is printed and published once a month by First United Methodist Church, 420 N. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903. Materials for inclusion are due three weeks before publication date and are subject to approval. Not all submissions are guaranteed to be included. Articles, comments, or suggestions are welcomed by emailing, annaliec@fumc-cs.org or calling, 719-471-8522 ext. 272.

Sunday School Classes are at 9:30 & 10:45 am

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Cover Photo: Lenten Journey 2018


JAN CAFFEY, LAY LEADER The first really cool thing I got to do as lay leader was select our church’s 2018 Quiet Disciple. Alan Keith is vital to our church’s missions in the community and the world. His biggest and probably favorite endeavor is “Christmas in the Parking Lot.” After seeing Christmas in the Park in Denver three years ago, Alan wanted to bring it to the Springs. For the past two years, he has been the driving force in bringing The Edge and Ecumenical Social Ministries together to provide sleeping bags, coats, food, other items and communion for the needy people of Colorado Springs. They served over 100 people each year. Alan knows a lot of these people from Rides 4 Rubbish. He picks up trash with Marian House clients every month and they get bus passes in return of their work. On the rare occasion that he misses, the clients ask about him because they want to walk and talk with him. Alan is a valued overnight host with Family Promise. He helped build a pavilion for farmers during the April 2017 mission trip to Chacrasecra, Nicaragua. He supports The Edge and, with other Edge participants, gleefully delivers the extra food to the needy after each service. He’s also a liturgist, communion server and usher at the 11:00 a.m. service. He does all of this with enthusiasm, a big heart and love for the people he serves.

FUMC HOSTS CELTIC CHRISTIAN AUTHOR JOHN PHILIP NEWELL RELIGION WITHOUT BORDERS: THE MARRIAGE OF EAST AND WEST April 10, 6:30 p.m. Library 21C (1175 Chapel Hills Drive). Free Event. A spirituality of inter-relatedness. Loving one another across faiths is essential to the way of peace. Religion is at the heart of some of the most conflicted places of hatred and violence in the world. The great spiritual traditions of humanity, both East and West, are given to complete one another, not to compete with one another. John Philip Newell articulates a vision of true relationship between faiths in which we become stronger for the holy work of transformation in the world.

BOUNDLESS: A CELTIC VISION OF THE SACRED IN ALL THINGS April 11, 6:30 p.m. FUMC Sanctuary. Free Event. Celtic Spirituality celebrates the essential sacredness of all things. It remembers John the Beloved as leaning against Jesus at the Last Supper. It was said of him in the Celtic world that he therefore heard the heartbeat of God. He became a symbol of the practice of listening. John Philip Newell articulates this ancient wisdom for today, exploring the implications of listening for the Sacred within ourselves and all people, within the Earth and every life form.

UNITED METHODIST WOMEN SPIRITUAL RETREAT Spiritual Rhythm is the theme for the annual spiritual retreat April 27-29 at Estes Park for United Methodist Women in the Rocky Mountain Conference. Sally Vonner, Assistant General Secretary for Membership and Leadership Development, will be the spiritual leader. There will be time for fellowship, personal reflection and educational opportunities. The social action donation items will be used to support “Days for Girls.” Young women will be able to attend for $25.00. If you are interested in attending, please make reservations at www.rmcumw.org. For questions regarding arrangements with individuals from our United Methodist Women, please call Loeda Westphal at 632-5965.

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KRISPY KREME DONUTS FUNDRAISER On Sunday, April 8, the Youth Singers coordinators will be selling delicious Krispy Kreme donuts in the hospitality center! All proceeds will go toward the 2018 summer tour. Your generosity supporting the Youth Singers fundraisers ensures that all singers who want to go on the summer tour will be able to do so.

CHANCEL CHOIR SPRING CONCERT The Chancel Choir Spring concert is Sunday, April 29 at 5:00 p.m., featuring the work of Maurice Durufle’s Requiem. The musical settings of the text are based on chants that have been used in the Catholic Church (particularly) for many, many years. This magnificent concert will feature soloists are Valerie Nicolosi and Peter Tuff. In addition to the Chancel Choir, our Youth Chorale will sing five selections a cappella to open the concert. In between the Chorale selections and the Requiem, our principal organist, Joe Galema, will play one short selection on our magnificent organ. The concert will proceed without intermission and will last about an hour and a half. Tickets are available online at fumc-cs.org, in the Music Office, after worship on Sunday, or at the door. Don’t miss this wonderful evening of great music!

LUBBOCK, TX. FIRST UMC CHANCEL CHOIR ON TOUR The Chancel Choir of FUMC in Lubbock, Texas takes a tour every four years and this year, they are coming to Colorado on June 10-12. FUMC in Lubbock was the first stop for the Youth Singers tour in 2017. They were very gracious and wonderful host to us! We sang not only an evening concert, but also for worship the following morning. It is now our turn to reciprocate with hospitality! Approximately 40 adults (both married couples and single adults) will be travelling to us in June. We are looking for FUMC Colorado Springs hosts who will open their homes to fellow Methodists! They will be with us on Sunday evening, June 10 (after dinner). They are planning on attending the Youth Singers Homecoming Concert at 7:00 p.m. and can be picked up to go to homes afterwards. They will need breakfast at the hosts’ homes on June 11 and transportation to come to

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the church where they will board their bus for a day of touring. They will return to FUMC for dinner and concert followed by overnight in hosts’ homes. Please call the Music and Arts Office at 471-8522, ext. 221 and let us know how many you can host (number of married couples/single adults you can house).

YOUTH CHORALE TO SING IN CARNEGIE HALL! Our very own Youth Chorale has been invited to sing in the world famous Carnegie Hall in New York City. The agency supporting these concerts (Distinguished Concerts International New York City) discovered the Chorale through the live streaming of the Service of Lessons and Carols! They contacted us and we began a discussion that led to a formal letter of recognition and invitation! This is a once in a life time opportunity for our youth and we are making plans to make this dream come true! The Chorale will join with other choirs from around the country to perform the GLORIA of Mark Hayes (Mark has been to FUMC before as a performer with the Sacred Concert Series) in addition to participating in a world premiere of a new composition that Mark is writing. The dates are November 23-27, 2018. Be sure to congratulate members of the Chorale when you see them! Our very supportive FUMC Foundation has graciously given us $15,000 as matching funds. The expected basic cost will be $30-32,000. Each participant will pay for their meals and sight-seeing on their own. If you would like to help support the Chorale in this great opportunity, please send your contribution to the Music and Arts Ministry office and indicate “Chorale/Carnegie Hall” on your check. Thank you in advance for your support of our youth!

YOUTH CHORALE CD IS COMING! Our very talented Youth Chorale is preparing to record and release a CD! This CD will contain selections from the upcoming concert with the Chancel Choir on April 29, three Christmas selections, two contemporary Christian selections and the Hallelujah chorus. A total of eleven selections! Proceeds from the sale of this CD will go to help finance the Chorale’s trip to Carnegie Hall next November. The expected release date will be May 27, 2018. You can secure your advance copy of this historic CD by calling the Music and Arts Office 884-2504. The cost will be $15 per CD. We will be taking the CDs with us to sell on tour (June 1-10), so you are encouraged to secure your copy prior to tour!

Sunday, March 25

Palm Sunday — (See details on the front cover)

Thursday, March 29

Maundy Thursday — (See details on the front cover)

7:00 p.m.

Friday, March 30

Good Friday — (See details on the front cover)

7:00 p.m.

Saturday, March 31

Easter Vigil and Confirmation — (Front cover)

7:00 p.m.

Sunday, April 1

Easter Services — (See details on the front cover)

Wednesdays, April 4, 18 & 25

Contemplative Worship — (John Philip Newell event on April 11*)

5:40 p.m.

Wednesdays, April 4, 18 & 25

Wednesday Night Dinners & Faith Academy Classes — (Newell event on April 11*)

Thursdays, April 5, 12, 19 & 26 Contemplative Prayer — Prayer Room Thursday, April 5 Tuesday, April 10 Wednesday, April 11

9:30 a.m.

NOAH Breakfast — Perkins (3295 E. Platte Ave.)

9:00 a.m.

John Philip Newell “Religion without Borders”— (Details on page 3)

6:30 p.m.

John Philip Newell Event* - “A Celtic Vision of the Sacred of All Things” 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, April 14

T4G - P3 Event — (See details on page 6)

Tuesday, April 17

NOAH Spring Lunch — Fellowship Hall

11:30 a.m.

Saturday, April 21

Come Bowl with Us!— (See details on page 9)

10:00 a.m.

Saturday, April 21

Spring Cleaning at the Ranch — (See details on page 9)

10:00 a.m.

Sunday, April 22

5:00 p.m.

Mountain Sabbath Retreat Day — (See details on page 9)

9:00 a.m.


PRESCHOOL SUMMER PROGRAM The preschool is offering 4 two-week summer sessions for children 2 1/2 to 5 years old. Classes are Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. For information or registration forms, please contact Dianna Flaherty, Preschool Director at 884-2500, or diannaf@fumc-cs.org.

Ages 18 months to 5 years old We are now accepting registration for 2018-19 school year. FUMC preschool is committed to providing a high- quality, playbased, nurturing, secure and affordable, state-licensed early childhood experience. Classes are open to all families in the community. We partner with parents to develop a relationship with each child which promotes cooperation, critical thinking, literacy skills and creativity. Children experience stillness, wonder and prayer during sacred times. MMO/Young Toddlers: 18 months by October 1, 2018 Jr. Preschool: 2½ years by October 1, 2018

Session 1 – May 29 to June 8 $195 (No class May 28, Memorial Day)

Preschool: 3 years by October 1, 2018 (Must be toilet trained)

Session 2 – June 11 to June 22 $215

Pre-K: 4 years by October 1, 2018 (Must be toilet trained)

Session 3 – July 2 to July 13

$195 (No class - July 4th)

Session 4 – July 16 to July 27


For more information or to schedule a tour, contact Dianna Flaherty, 719-884-2500 or diannaf@fumc-cs.org.

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CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES SUNDAY SCHOOL (9:30 AM) This month, we will talk about the meaning of the Resurrection. We will look at the early ministry of Christ beginning with Jesus getting lost in the temple, his miracles and more! Our Sunday School begins in a large group gathering where we celebrate and pray together. Then, we move into age appropriate groups and follow a rotational format on the weekly lesson. We hope you will come and join us at 9:30 a.m. every Sunday in Kingdom City!

CHILDREN’S WORSHIP (11:00 AM) Children’s Worship is a place for children to begin to understand and experience worship. This is a multi-age large group worship service in Kingdom City which follows the liturgical scripture used at the 11:00 a.m. service.

CHILDREN’S CHOIRS This is the perfect time to join one of our vocal and/or bell choirs as we prepare to lift our voices in worship this Spring. Cherub (ages 4/5, pre-k) – Sunday from 10:15 -11:00 a.m., in Kingdom City music room


Chorister (Vocal) Choir (K–3rd Grade) – Sunday from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m., in room 21

Saturday, April 14, 5:00–7:00 p.m. Our 5th and 6th graders are invited to join us for a unique opportunity. We will gather to make pizzas in the Kingdom City kitchen and while they cook, we will be learning about our amazing pipe organ! Dr. Joe Galema, principal organist here at FUMC, will be on the bench teaching the children how the king of instruments works and more importantly, the children will have the opportunity to play the organ! RSVP is required for this event, so we can be sure to have enough pizza making supplies on hand! Please RSVP no later than Wednesday, April 11 to Janita at janitam@fumc-cs.org or 719-884-2466. See you there!

Chorister Chimes (1st Grade – 3rd Grade) – Sunday from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m., in room 7

FAMILY WORSHIP The 5th Sunday is here again on April 29. Our Kingdom City staff and volunteers will be shutting down for an hour to allow families to worship together during the 9:30 a.m. Crossroads service. We will have Children’s worship at 11:00 a.m. in Kingdom City. The nursery, for birth through age 5, will operate normally beginning at 8:00 a.m.

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Cathedral (Vocal) Choir (4th Grade – 6th Grade) – Sunday from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m., adult choir room Cathedral Ringers (4th Grade – 6th Grade) – Sunday from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m., in room 8

YOUTH ADVISORY TEAM MEETING Sunday, April 15, 12:15 - 1:30 p.m. The Zone

YLM MEETING Wednesday, April 18, 5:45 - 6:30 p.m. Zach’s Office

GIVE IT UP, URBAN PEAK All month long! RED Box in Hibbard Hall Each month, we are selecting items to donate to Urban Peak. This month, we are collecting wipes. Please feel free to drop them off in Hibbard Hall.

HOPE IN AN ENVELOPE FUNDRAISER Starts April 29, May 6, May 13


SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS This Youth Sunday School class focuses on being intentional. Intentionally listening to God, for God, and seeing Him anywhere and everywhere. We take the songs we hear on the radio and we listen for what God can teach us through others, as we share scripture, ideas, and stories, that not only inspire, but remind us that God is not just at church.

Wednesday, April 4, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Meal included. The Zone He is Risen! Now What?!? Jesus left the disciples to continue with God’s plan for us, but couldn’t He just stay a little longer? This night, we’ll talk about why Jesus had to go.

ACTING OUT Wednesday, April 11, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Meal included. The Zone The early church is a spectacle of growth, passion, and miracles. We can learn from the hard lessons of Paul and Luke. After dinner, games, and music, we will be digging into the book of Acts with our small groups.

THE ELEPHANT IN COLORADO Wednesday, April 18, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Meal included. The Zone Teen Suicide. There are 121 suicides a day. This night, we will hear from Project Reasons. A person dies by suicide every 17 minutes. For every ONE suicide, there are 25 attempts. 494,169 people, on average, are taken to the hospital for treatment related to self-harm. Teen suicides have increased at a rapid rate. Some suicides are within a few days of one another. Friends wish there was time to say goodbye, parents wish they could have seen the signs... SOMETHING, ANYTHING. The question circulating in EVERYONE'S mind is: WHY?

EARTH DAY CLEAN UP Wednesday, April 25, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Bring $ for meal “God took the Man and set him down in the Garden of Eden to work the ground and keep it in order.”-Genesis 2:15. We’ll take a little time to go clean up some parks around here and see a bit of what makes downtown amazing! First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 7



Join our special event on April 11 (See details on page 3). No Contemplative Worship on this date.

Join our special event on April 11 (See details on page 3). No Faith Academy classes on this date.



Wednesday, April 4, 5:40 - 6:25 p.m. Prayer Room Are you hungry for a space and time for slowing down with others and quietly noticing God’s presence and love? Rev. Dr. Todd Spencer will be leading our Contemplative Worship with Christian guided meditation exercises that seek to feed that hunger. Our worship time will also continue to weave together song, silence, Scripture and, if you desire, the opportunity to receive a healing prayer with blessing oils before you leave.

Leader: Kent Ingram (Room 133) Wednesdays, April 4, 18 and 25, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. We have been talking about creating a culture of invitation here at First Church. We encourage folks to invite their family and friends to our activities and to help shepherd them along their way. Now we would like to go deeper by inviting people to learn how to tell their stories, to share their faith in a helpful manner. We will be using two books, Tell it Like it Is by Lillian Daniels and Testimony by Tom Long. You don’t need to read these books to come to the class, but we will examine ways to share our faith stories in a non-threatening way.

Note that we will conclude our year together on April 25 before taking our summer break. We will resume next fall when Faith Academy begins again.

BOUNDLESS: A CELTIC VISION OF THE SACRED IN ALL THINGS Wednesday, April 11, 6:30 p.m. Sanctuary Join us in the sanctuary for a special event led by Celtic spiritual writer, John Philip Newell. This is a free event and it is open to the public. No Contemplative Worship or Faith Academy classes will be held on this date. See more details on page 3.

GUIDED MEDITATIONS IN CONTEMPLATIVE WORSHIP, CONTINUED... Wednesday, April 18, 5:40 - 6:25 p.m. Prayer Room

GUIDED MEDITATIONS IN CONTEMPLATIVE WORSHIP, CONTINUED... Wednesday, April 25, 5:40 - 6:25 p.m. Prayer Room

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IMMIGRATION: A BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE Leader: Deb Walker (Room 233) Wednesdays, April 4, 18 and 25, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. This three-week class will discuss what the Bible says about immigration, as well as the human, economic, and legal realities of immigration.

HUMOR AND THE BIBLE Leader: Bruce Phillips (Room 234) Wednesdays, April 4, 18 and 25, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. How sad it would be if life held no moments of humor and laughter. And religion without humor would certainly be chilling as well. This three-week class will highlight some of the more humorous stories from our ancestors found in the Bible.

Sign up to volunteer at fumc-cs.org

NOAH BREAKFAST If you are 50+ years old, you are invited to join the NOAH group for breakfast! We meet on the first Thursday of every month at 9:00 a.m. for great fellowship and food. Every month, we move our location around to enjoy different restaurants. On April 5, we are meeting at Perkins a 3295 E. Platte Ave. You don’t need a reservation, just join us! Our May location will be at the Southgate IHOP.

NOAH SPRING LUNCHEON Tuesday, April 17 is the day for our NOAH Spring Luncheon. Join us in the Fellowship Hall at 11:30 a.m. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Michelle A. Eads, MD, ABIHM, Functional Medicine Practitioner, specializing in Alzheimer’s prevention and reversal. She says, "Yes, Alzheimer's and its precursors can be prevented, halted, and even reversed! Come learn what is actually happening in the brain and the ways, these changes can be effectively addressed. Great information for anyone with a brain!” Dr. Michelle Eads, MD will be discussing Dr. Dale Bredesen's findings and protocol. Cost for this event is $15 per person. Reservations and payment are required by Sunday, April 8. Contact Rev. Jerry Hurst at jerryh@fumc-cs.org or 648-1571 to make your reservation. Our NOAH ministry is for those who are 50+ years of age. Join us for a time of great fellowship, food and helpful information.

COME BOWL WITH US! On Saturday, April 21, ManUp! men’s ministry is sponsoring a morning of Christian fellowship. Everyone is invited to come and enjoy bowling at Peak Bowl, 2816 N. Prospect St, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The cost is $6 per person, which includes two games and shoes. Payments should be made at the Peak Bowl desk upon arrival. Peak Bowl has a nice snack bar for food and drinks if you desire to purchase lunch or snacks. It’s going to be a lot of fun! Grab your family or friends and join us for a great time together. Contact Rev. Jerry Hurst at jerryh@fumc-cs.org or 648-1571 if you plan on joining us so we know how many lanes we need to reserve.

SPRING CLEANING AT THE RANCH! Saturday, April 21 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Please come out and show your support for the Ranch by helping with this endeavor. Many hands make light work! Lunch will be provided. Please contact Chris Thornton at christ@fumc-cs.org or 687-2148 with questions.

MOUNTAIN SABBATH RETREAT DAY Sunday, April 22 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Meet at John Wesley Ranch Suggested Donation: $5 Adults are invited to join us for a rich and restful day of retreat at the John Wesley Ranch. We will begin the day with worship at 9:00 a.m. in the chapel. We will learn various spiritual formation topics and have a simple lunch in the lodge. There will be time for options like napping, hiking, sitting in front of a fire, reading, personal prayer activities and more. To conclude our day, we will gather at 4:30 p.m. to share in the Sacrament of Holy Communion. The day concludes by 5:00 p.m. For more information, contact Rev. Dr. Todd Spencer at todds@fumc-cs.org or 884-2502.

LEFT OVERS! You know how you always have so many leftovers after throwing a dinner party? It is no different with Stories @ The Edge! Every time we gather we have tons of food leftover. For the last couple of years, we have packed up that food and handed it out downtown to any person that wants a meal. It has been a powerful experience for those involved in this outreach to our downtown neighbors. Would you like to help? We could always use “to go” containers to pack the food into, disposable utensils, napkins, bottles of water, hand warmers, or even socks. If you’d like to help, simply drop your supplies off at the welcome desk and mark them ‘The Edge.’ If you have any questions or if you’d like to join us, contact Tiffany at tiffany@theedgedowntown.org.

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RESTING IN GOD: CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER ON THURSDAY MORNINGS Do you hunger for some time to just sit and be with God? In our fast-paced culture we often find ourselves running from one thing to the next. But our souls need time to stop, to simply be, and open ourselves to the presence of God. You are invited to join a contemplative prayer group that meets in the FUMC prayer room on Thursday mornings, from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. This time provides for a period of Centering Prayer (a silent form of Christian meditation), followed by Lectio Divina (meditative reading of Scripture). Familiarity with the spiritual practices of Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina are not necessary as an introduction can be provided at any time to newcomers. This is a drop-in prayer group, meaning that you can come as your schedule allows. For more information contact the group’s facilitator, Rev. Patty Walker, at pattyw@fumc-cs.org or 471-8522, ext. 204. There is also a Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina group, called Holy Listeners, that meets on Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the Campbell Reading room. And so, I find it well to come for deeper rest to this still room, For here the habit of the soul Feels less the outer world's control. The strength of mutual purpose pleads More earnestly our common needs. And from the silence multiplied By these still forms on either side, The world that time and sense have known Falls off and leaves us God alone. ~ John Greenleaf Whittier

ARE YOU GOING THROUGH A HARD TIME? Life can be complicated. Life can be difficult. Stephen Ministers are available to companion you during a struggle in your life. In a loving, compassionate and confidential manner, we are able to share the gifts of prayer, presence, a listening heart, and compassion with you. Please consider asking for a Stephen Minister when you are in need of a Christian friend to walk you through a hard time. To learn more or to request a Stephen Minister, contact Rev. Patty Walker at 471-8522, ext. 204 or pattyw@fumc-cs.org.

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WHEN A HOSPITALIZATION HAPPENS – CALL THE CHURCH! Please contact the church if you or a family member are hospitalized. Illness and hospitalization are normally anxious times for us all. Studies indicate that patients benefit measurably from receiving prayer and visits from their clergy and fellow church members. Hospital visits are part of the daily routine for one of the ministers and a lay hospital visitor from the church. Please notify the church through Jana Brink, Caring Ministries Admin, at 471-8522, so she can add your information to the hospital visitation list.

ARE YOU HOMEBOUND AND WANT TO RECEIVE COMMUNION? There is a home communion team who lovingly provide communion for homebound members and friends. A home communion visitor will come to your place of dwelling and serve you communion as an extension of the communion served in the worship service on the first Sunday of the month. The home communion elements are present and blessed on the altar table during worship. Requests for home communion can be made by contacting Germaine Sarna, Home Communion Coordinator, at 440-0616 or germaineL@juno.com.

ALTAR FLOWERS The beautiful flowers we enjoy each Sunday in the Sanctuary are donated by many individuals who wish to honor the memory of loved ones or recognize loved ones’ anniversaries, birthdays, etc. Placing your order soon will assure your reservation for a Sunday of your choice. The bulletin will include the name(s) of those whom you choose to remember or honor. You have the option of donating one bouquet for $40 or both bouquets for $80. Regardless of which option you choose the bulletin will include the names and event you are commemorating. After these flowers enhance the church’s worship experience, you may choose to take the flowers home, or have them delivered to a homebound or hospitalized FUMC member by a “Flowers of Love” ministry volunteer. Should you desire to participate in this ministry either as a donor or a “Flowers of Love” ministry volunteer, contact Jana Brink at 471-8522, Monday - Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., or at janab@fumc-cs.org.

NATIVE AMERICAN MISSION OPPORTUNITIES The United Methodist Church acknowledges complicity in the disruption of Native American lives and families in the past. By discipline, our conference has an active Native American committee and the members are striving toward better awareness and education of the related ministry. The committee has provided funds for Methodist Native American festivals at several churches in our conference and other educational events. A national Native American caucus was held at the John Wesley Ranch in 2012, and the Committee on Native American Ministries held a retreat at the ranch in 2015. At the Annual Conference in June 2014, Bishop Elaine Stanovsky led the delegates to the site of the l864 Sand Creek Massacre near Eads, Colorado. Our own youth department has led several mission trips to assist Native Americans. First United Methodist Church is now developing a Native American Ministry under the leadership of Loeda Westphal. Look forward to educational opportunities and a variety of activities concerning the ministry. Indian history surrounds us in this geographical area. Pine trees as near as Fox Run Regional Park still alive were probably twisted and marked by the Utes. We are aware of the awe in which the Native Americans regarded the Garden of Gods. There are many books provided by United Methodist Women in our library concerning the life and ministry with Native Americans. We look forward to new relationships as we continue in ministry together. For more information on this forming mission area, please contact Rev. Dr. Chuck Stephens at chucks@fumc-cs.org.

ESM WISH HOUSE TURNS 1 YEAR OLD! On April 17, 2017 Ecumenical Social Ministries launched a new program: WISH (Women In Safety and Hope) House. The program houses up to 16 women, without children or a spouse in their current household. The women in residence learn skills including problem-solving, conflict resolution, budgeting, and cooking. The concept of the program is for unaccompanied females experiencing homelessness to live safely and gain hope while working toward self-sufficiency. Two staff members are available during the hours of 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 a.m. for residents to get feedback, learn skills, assist with medical or mental health emergencies, or just talk about daily worries. The program is unique, not only because it allows for single adult females to stay in a shelter designed for their needs, but it also allows residents to take higher paying 2nd and 3rd shift positions. In order to enter the program, potential residents must agree to certain behavioral expectations, save 75% of all income, test negative for alcohol and drugs, and be willing to work. WISH House staffing also includes two case managers and a director. Since WISH House began, 9 women have graduated from the program moving from homelessness to self-sufficiency. The shortest length of stay in the program to graduate successfully was 28 days. The longest length of stay was 310 days, though 3-9 months is more typical for residents. It is estimated that more than 80% of WISH House residents have experienced sexual assault while living on the street.

Rev. Ann Lantz, ESM Executive Director, stated, “ESM is so very grateful to First United Methodist Church for its legacy of support of ESM and its programs to assist those in need in our community.”

Learn more about FUMC programs and events at fumc-cs.org

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