Encounter july 2016

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On June 8, we welcomed back our Youth Singers from their annual tour that took them to Nashville, Franklin, Brentwood and Hermitage, Tennessee as well as Atlanta, Georgia. It was a very successful and exciting trip where the Youth Singers performed at different locations and visited several landmarks. What a memorable experience for our Youth! A very special THANKS to all the parents, volunteers, staff and members for your invaluable support before and during this trip. You all make this amazing tour experience possible for our youth every year. We could not do this without your help. YOUTH SINGERS TOUR 2016 DAY-BY-DAY REPORT By Janelle Doole Day one of the Youth Singers Down the Road Southern Heritage Tour 2016 was a great success! We arrived in Nashville at 9:30 am and headed over to the historical Lotz Home in Franklin, TN where we had an amazing tour of the house. We then

visited the McGavock Confederate Civil War cemetery. After that, we headed to Christ United Methodist Church where we had an amazing southern fried chicken dinner provided and served by the church members. A great day! Day 2 of Tour was awesome! We visited the Upper Room Chapel and the Parthenon. After that, we headed to Brentwood Methodist Church. Our concert went really well! Day 3 of Tour! We headed out to Atlanta and visited the historical Stone Mountain. We rode the gondola to the top where we viewed the gorgeous horizon. Day 4 of Tour was spent visiting the birth house of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Ebenezer Baptist Church where Dr. King Jr. was an assistant pastor with his father. We had lunch at CNN Towers, visited the Margaret Mitchell House (Steve's favorite) - Gone With The Wind author, and performed at the Atlanta First Methodist Church. Another great tour day!

Day 5, we sang in service at the beautiful Atlanta First United Methodist Church! Then headed to the Coca-Cola Museum and then to sing at the Wesley Village United Methodist Retirement home where the residents just absolutely loved the music! The kids made some new friends there and had a wonderful time visiting with the residents. A busy and great day! Day 6 is winding down! We had a relaxing 4 hour drive from Atlanta back to Nashville and then we sang at the McKendree Village, an assisted living community. The kids really enjoy these visits! Day 7 was spent at the Hermitage, the birth home of Andrew Jackson. It was a beautiful home and we learned so much! After that we headed to Opry Mall where we had dinner and shopped for a bit before heading back to the hotel for the famous senior speeches which were filled with lots of love and tears! What a great week! The Southern Heritage Tour was a huge success!

Helping Homeless Teens By Kent Ingram, Senior Pastor

As you know, I have been talking about partnering with Urban Peak to help get homeless teens off of the streets of Colorado Springs. We have been waiting for the Board of Urban Peak to clarify their most vital goals and now we have a proposal from them. Here is part of that proposal for you to read:

Each of the vital programs at UPCS would have a bigger impact if expanded.

There were 112 youth age 18 to 24 counted among people experiencing homelessness in our community during the January 2016 Point In Time survey. While the numbers in the survey count fluctuate annually, we know that youth are most often under-counted.

With the snapshot captured through Point In Time this year, we saw a significant spike in the number of youth who went unsheltered. That night, 37 youth were on the street, sleeping in cars, abandoned buildings, or in make-shift camps. At the same time, 19 beds out of our total 20 beds at Urban Peak were filled. Last year, 156 youth who otherwise would have been eligible for our shelter program, found Urban Peak Colorado Springs had no available beds when they turned to us. This shortage of shelter beds is true across our entire community, for every population. The Pikes Peak Continuum of Care recognizes that expanding shelters, street outreach, housing and drop-in day centers are all priorities in order to reach people in their diverse situations and most rapidly resource them to exit homelessness.

Urban Peak Colorado Springs’ Strategic Plan 2020 has identified key expansion goals that align with the community’s priorities identified in the Continuum of Care’s strategic plan. Our big goal is to create the bandwidth to support every youth, turning no one away for lack of space or resources. Our capacity to successfully meet this overarching goal depends on people power, purposeful partnerships, and prioritized facility expansion.

Each of the vital programs at UPCS would have a bigger impact if expanded. We are prioritizing one program for expansion now based on leveraging our core competencies, providing more highimpact support in an environment accessible to many youth, stewarding resources wisely and aligning with community plans. We invite First United Methodist Church to partner with Urban Peak Colorado Springs to create a new drop-in center – a place specifically designed for youth experiencing homelessness to find safe haven and meet their basic needs. Rev. Dr. Chuck Stephens is hard at work creating a schedule to bring this proposal to the congregation and solicit your support financially, as well as through volunteering. People are already stepping up to help homeless teens. Soon, you will have your chance as well. Look for more information as we move through the summer. This is an exciting time to be a part of First United Methodist Church! See you in Worship! Kent

First United Methodist Church 420 North Nevada Avenue. Colorado Springs, CO 80903 719-471-8522 • www.fumc-cs.org

Considering Membership at First UMC? If you are interested in membership at First United Methodist Church or have questions, please call 719-471-8522 ext. 270 for more information.

Sunday Worship Service Times 7:30 am Early Riser in the Chapel 8:00 am Traditional in the Sanctuary 9:30 am Contemporary in the Sanctuary 11:00 am Traditional in the Sanctuary Live broadcasts of the 11:00 am service on FOX, channel 21.2 (cable 7) and CW 57. Closed captioning available.

The Encounter is printed and published once a month by First United Methodist Church, 420 N. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903. Materials for inclusion are due three weeks before publication date and are subject to approval. Not all submissions are guaranteed to be included. Articles, comments, or suggestions are welcomed by emailing, annaliec@fumc-cs.org or calling, 719-471-8522 ext. 272.

Sunday School Classes are at 9:30 & 10:45 am

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Cover Photo: Youth Singers Summer Tour 2016

ROCKY MOUNTAIN ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2016 The theme for Rocky Mountain Annual Conference 2016 was “Ministry on the Margins.” The conference opened with the Bishop’s address, in which she summarized the events of the General Conference, spoke about the possibility of a shared future with the Yellowstone Conference; asking if God still has work for us to do and if there is a chance that we might do it better together. She called us to be transformed, to be agents of grace in the world, and to learn to be companions on the road. Most moving was the Bishop washing the feet of Iraqi political refugees in the US, who had served as interpreters during Iraqi Freedom. Much of our legislation was standard, but we considered a petition to the Jurisdictional Conference which would allow us to work with Yellowstone AC to determine the specifics of what would need to be changed, adapted, reorganized, and released in order to form a new annual conference. There was a resolution presented against that petition, and these were conferenced about and voted on as a plenary. The outcome will be announced following the Yellowstone AC. Worship was lovely and powerful. We remembered Rev. Dr. O. Gerald Trigg. The ordination worship was preached by Rev. Dr. Hugo Magallanes calling us all into ministry as servants, and Rev. Dr. Chuck Stephens is now an ordained Deacon! “Ministry on the Margins” included spotlights and workshops on Latino ministries, to young people of color, to the disabled, to those who have no idea of who we are or what we are about (Fresh Expressions), for heart-weary military (Soul Repair), and to those without clean water. The laity address was from Rev. Dr. Stephen Sidorak, General Secretary, Office of Christian Unity and Interreligious Relationships, calling the church to stand against nuclear proliferation and energy. The Conference was rich in the work of the church and the connection! Our pastors were all reappointed, as was our District Superintendent. Many thanks for providing UMCOR kits and the Bridge of Love Offering. ~Article by Susan Wheeler

THE EDGE July marks two years of The Edge. I have experienced some of the most powerful moments of my life during this time. We have had moments where God’s Grace was so real, so close, we could almost touch it. Other times, we have had moments of struggle and uncertainty. In May, we had our lowest attendance thus far. And yet, when the night was over, person after person approached me to tell me how powerful and meaningful the evening was, and how close God seemed. It has been a long and rewarding two years. Thank you for continuing to support us with your gifts, your talents, and your witness. We could not have come this far without you. I look forward to experiencing with you the next chapter of this amazing journey! ~Article by Rev. Tiffany Keith

URBAN PEAK The much anticipated Urban Peak fundraising campaign is getting underway. Urban Peak is our local shelter for youth experiencing homelessness. Urban Peak’s strategic plan envisions a drop-in center for youth in need of shelter. The center will provide key services such as showers, laundry and food. In addition, youth will find crisis intervention counseling and opportunities to exit homelessness. The FUMC fundraiser will provide the necessary funds to support appropriate planning and development of this drop-in center. As a downtown worship community, we can end homelessness through sustained effort, purposeful partnership and the right investment of resources. Stay tuned for more information and opportunities in which to serve as we move forward towards our September Urban Peak Sunday.

HYMN SING MONTH! Summer is here! It may seem a little wet and a little late, but it has arrived. That means it is time for Hymn Sing Month! On July 10, 17, 24 and 31, our worship services take on a different look. We invite you to dress casually and cool as we enjoy singing some of the old hymns many of us grew up with. A little bit of history will be shared about each hymn, including some fun ways of singing them. Our wonderful choirs and Praise Team will lead the music during services as usual. Hope you will join us for worship during this special month of Hymn Sing!

GOLDENWEDS CELEBRATION 2016! Save the Date! One of our most treasured events, the Goldenweds Celebration will take place on Sunday, August 28 following the 11 o’clock service in the Fellowship Hall. If you have been married for 50+ years, or you will celebrate your 50th anniversary in 2016, and you don’t believe you have provided the church with your wedding date, please contact Donna DiMuccio at 471-8522 ext. 203, or at donnad@fumc-cs.org and she will make sure you receive an invitation to this cherished event. This is such a fun event to help plan and host. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Melissa Williams at 471-8522 ext. 237, or at melissaw@fumc-cs.org.

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CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL (9:30 AM) “One Way” to Jesus! Have you ever been on a road trip? There are many signs to watch for while driving a car. These signs guide us and keep us safe as we move forward — STOP, BUMPY ROAD, EXIT, DO NOT ENTER, ONE WAY! We invite you on a journey “off the map” while we look for directions in life’s ultimate map and guidebook, the Bible! Please join us for this exciting Sunday school! We offer age appropriate classes for Birth through Rising 6th Grade. Please Note: If you just completed 6th grade, you are invited to join our Youth Sunday School Class in the Zone on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am.

CHILDREN’S WORSHIP (11:00 AM) Following the lectionary text that is preached on Sunday’s services, Children’s Worship is a wonderful mixture of traditional, contemporary and just plain fun ways to learn about God’s word. We hope that you will join us!

CAMP T4G – “JUMP IN!” July 7-9 at John Wesley Ranch COMPLETED 4th – 6th GRADERS ONLY. There are still a few days left to register for our Camp T4G! This camp is both fun and deeply spiritual as the “Tweens” learn not only about how to “Jump in” to serve God, but also by staying overnight at the John Wesley Ranch, it allows a special time for bonding and growing as a group. Co-led by Youth and Children’s Ministries, this camp is a once a year event you will not want to miss! The cost is $75 per child. Scholarships are available on a case by case bases. Registration and information are available online at www.fumc-cs.org. Registration forms are also available at the Welcome Desk and in Kingdom City/Children’s Ministries.

FAITH OLYMPICS – VBS 2016 We went for the gold! Our Faith Olympics VBS was so much fun for the children and the volunteers. We collected SO MANY pairs of much needed shoes to share with Soles for Souls! We played lots of games, we visited the Olympic Training Facility and we were visited by former Pro and current Olympic Athletes. Most importantly, we learned what the Bible has to say about commitment, courage, focus, strength and endurance while running the race with Jesus! Kent even raced against Janita in our opening ceremony! We could not do these amazing programs like Vacation Bible School without our AWESOME VOLUNTEERS! Thank you for all what you do for our children here at FUMC. You have ALL earned the GOLD MEDAL for EXCELLENCE IN VOLUNTEERING!

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TOP 5 REASONS TO VOLUNTEER IN CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES: 5. Kids say the darndest things! It is always an adventure! 4. A child shall lead (Paraphrased from Isaiah). You may think you are the teacher, but the children often teach you! You may think you do not know enough to be a teacher, but that is not the case, you only have to be willing to learn. 3. Be a role model. This is an opportunity to share your faith journey with a young person. You never know what a difference that can make in the life of a child! 2. Children can reach parents and other adults in their lives. Volunteering in Children’s Ministries can provide an opportunity to reach parents and it also allows children to share the story of Christ on their own. 1. And the number one reason you should volunteer in the Children’s Ministry of your church is…(drumroll please)… It is just plain fun! Where else can you launch water balloons at a pastor without getting in trouble? No seriously… It teaches our children what it means to SERVE one another in Christian love. So as we end another summer, remember that there are many ways you can serve. As John Wesley said: “Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as you can.”

PRESCHOOL SUMMER SESSIONS 3 July 11 – 28 Registration is open for the Preschool Summer Session 3. This class meets Monday – Thursday for three weeks. Children must be toilet trained and between the ages of 3 to 5. Cost for this session is $255. For more information and to get registration forms, please call Dianna Flaherty at 884-2500.

MMO SUMMER SESSIONS 3 July 11 – 28 Registration is now taking place for the MMO Summer Session 3. Class meets Monday – Thursday for three weeks. Children must be 18 months to 2 ½ years of age. Cost is $255. For more information and to get registration forms, please contact Janita McGregor at 471-8522, ext. 246.

PRESCHOOL AND MMO FALL REGISTRATION Registration forms can be found at the Preschool Office. Online registration is also available at www.fumc-cs.org (click on the Ministries tab on the top menu and select Children’s Ministries).

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activities, both in large group and in small group settings Have your parents complete the registration paperwork (FUMC Youth Trip Forms) Be able and equipped to run, hike, rest, smile, listen and speak at the appropriate times

If you fit the above criteria and wish to apply to serve as a CoLeader, contact Todd Spencer at todds@fumc-cs.org, or at 884-2502, or Janita McGregor at janitam@fumc-cs.org, or at 884-2466.

PUTT-PUTT WITH KERYGMA Wednesday, July 13, 6:30 - 8:00 pm Meet at Adventures Miniature Golf (6550 Corporate Drive) Cost: $4 per person The Kerygma adult Sunday School class has been a big supporter of FUMC Youth for years. This night of putt-putt is a fun way for us to get to know each other even better! We’ll divide up into teams made up of youth and Kerygma folks for a little tournament. There will be prizes for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams.

LOVE FEAST WITH RIDES 4 RUBBISH (R4R) Sunday, July 17, 2:30 - 5:00 pm, Fellowship Hall

WILDFIRE SERVICE PROJECT DAY Wednesday, July 6, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm We will meet at and return to the north entrance of FUMC. What to Bring: Pack 2 bottles of water, sack lunch, work gloves, hat, sunscreen, rain poncho. Be sure to wear rugged boots or shoes (no open-toed shoewear). Four years ago, just two days before the big fire, our group hiked 7 miles of the gorgeous Waldo Canyon Trail. Since then, our group has expressed our love and care through work projects to help with areas damaged or potentially threatened by wildfire. We will be working with CUSP (http://uppersouthplatte.org) to do a full day of challenging work in a fragile geographic area nearby.

T4G CAMP CO-LEADERS NEEDED Thursday, July 7 – Saturday, July 9 John Wesley Ranch T4G Camp is for older elementary age children/youth who have completed 4th, 5th and 6th grades. (Rising 7th graders, be sure to come as campers!). Youth who have completed their Freshman year in High School and above are invited to consider serving as Co-Leaders. As a Co-Leader for T4G Camp you would be expected to:     

Have completed Freshman year in High School or older; Attend a pre-camp training with Todd and Janita Be present with the campers for the entirety of the camp Be aware that you are modeling behavior for the campers and make good choices in this leadership role Work with the other Co-Leaders and adult leaders to lead

Parents and Youth We need parents and youth to sign up and bring a dish to share and then help us serve this very special meal for our downtown neighbors. These are the folks who join us in cleaning up our downtown streets each month with R4R. We’ll set up the room and really welcome our guests as our brothers and sisters in God’s common family. We need meats, side dishes and desserts. Email Todds@fumc-cs.org to sign up!

ELITCH GARDENS DAY Wednesday, July 20, 9:00 am – 8:00 pm Meeting place and pick up will be at the FUMC North Entrance Cost: $25 per person. You must reserve a spot by 5:00 pm the night before by emailing Todd at todds@fumc-cs.org. We have to make sure we have enough seats on busses. What to Bring: 1. Your completed FUMC Youth Trip Forms (http://www.fumccs.org/documents--forms) 2. Cash for your own lunch and dinner in the park and locker if you need one 3. Water park clothing and towel if you want to partake in that part of the park


NO YOUTH July 27 Please pray for our mission team serving and learning with the ReImagine Community (www.reimagine.org) in the inner-city of San Francisco this week. First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 7

Monday, July 4

CHURCH IS CLOSED — Happy Independence Day!

Thursday, July 7

NOAH Breakfast — Omelets, Etc. (8th Street)

Thurs-Fri, July 7-9

Camp T4G - “Jump In” — (See details on page 6)

9:00 am

Mon-Thurs July 11-28

Preschool Summer Session 3 — (See details on page 6)

Mon-Thurs July 11-28

My Morning Out (MMO) Summer Session 3 — (See details on page 6)

Tuesday, July 12

AARP Driver Safety Class — Room 135 S

Fri – Sat, July 15-16

ManUp! Work Retreat — John Wesley Ranch

Sunday, July 17

R4R Love Feast — Fellowship Hall

Sun-Mon, July 24-25

Grand & Me — John Wesley Ranch

Friday, August 5 Sunday, August 28

FUMC Night at The Sky Sox Game

1:00 pm

Begins at 6:00 pm

Begins at 3:00 pm

7:05 pm

Goldenweds Celebration 2016 — Fellowship Hall

Saturday, September 17 Soul Care Workshop — Look for more information in the next issue of the Encounter Friday, September 30 Chanticleer in Concert — Sanctuary

ANNUAL “FUMC NIGHT AT THE SKY SOX” Each year, about 100 loyal FUMC/Sky Sox fans show up for the “FUMC Night at the Sky Sox.” This year, the date is Friday, August 5 at 7:05 pm. The reduced cost for a ticket is $8 and the reduced cost for a parking pass is $4. There are only 100 seats reserved for FUMC, so get your order in right away! To reserve your ticket(s), please call Jeanna Wearing in the Music Office at 884-2504. It is always a treat to hear the Chancel Choir sing the Star Spangled Banner at the game as well as to experience the fireworks show at the conclusion of the game!

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SOUL CARE WORKSHOP The Mile High/Pikes Peak District of the Rocky Mountain Conference will be hosting the “Soul Care Workshop” at First United Methodist Church on Saturday, September 17. Faith communities are uniquely positioned to heal the soul and strengthen the spirit of the veterans and their families. Soul Care is designed to develop skills to welcome, reintegrate and journey with our veterans and their families toward wellbeing and wholeness. The workshop will explore specific needs of our returning veterans and their families as well as provide awareness and education of the challenges they face. For more information, please contact Rev. Dr. Chuck Stephens at chucks@fumc-cs.org, or at 719-471-8522, ext. 208. You may also contact Rev. Dr. Melanie Rosa at www.mhpp.rmcumc.org.



This month our breakfast will be on Thursday, July 7 at 9:00 am at Omelets, Etc. on 8th Street. Reservations are not needed. Just join us for the food and fellowship!

Sunday, July 24 through Monday, July 25

AARP DRIVER SAFETY CLASS Tuesday, July 12, is our next AARP Driver Safety Class. The cost is $15 for AARP members and $20 for Non -AARP members. The class will meet from 1:00 to 5:00 pm in Room 135 S. This is a great way to receive a discount on many auto insurance policies. Please contact John Graves at gravesj1@comcast.net to register. You will need to bring your AARP card to the class, if you are a member.

MANUP! WORK RETREAT It’s time for our annual Men’s Ministry Work Retreat at John Wesley Ranch. The dates for the event are Friday-Saturday, July 15 & 16. The retreat will begin with dinner at 6:00 pm on Friday. It will be a fun night of gathering around the campfire and in the Lodge. You’ll need to bring your pillow and sleeping bag or single sheets and blanket. Chris will have projects lined up for us to tackle on Saturday. The retreat will end after dinner Saturday evening. The cost for the whole event is $20 per person. If you can only attend part of the weekend, the cost is pro-rated to $5 per meal. Contact Chris Thornton at christ@fumc-cs.org, or Jerry Hurst at jerryh@fumc-cs.org to register for the event. You can also sign up at the ManUp! table on July 3 and 10 in the Hospitality Center.

R4R LOVE FEAST The Youth Ministry will join Rides 4 Rubbish (R4R) in our biannual love feast Sunday, July 17. R4R clients will meet at the church that day and assist our facilities staff in projects they have selected. Following our work, the youth group has invited us to the Fellowship Hall for a potluck dinner and love feast celebration. This is an opportunity to bring our friends who are experiencing homelessness into the church and invite them to taste the love of Christ through community and the breaking of bread together. The R4R team likes to present our community friends with gift bags at these events. If you or your small group would be interested in donating bags of hygiene products, socks, or food gift cards, please contact Rev. Dr. Chuck Stephens at 719-60-3929, or at chucks@fumc-cs.org.

We would like to invite you and your grandchildren to come and explore John Wesley Ranch at Grand & Me Camp. This FREE event begins at 3:00 pm on Sunday until you are ready to go home on Monday! John Wesley Ranch offers great opportunities for camping and getting away to the mountains! You have the option to camp out (bring your tents and camping gear) or stay in the Lodge or Bunkhouse for a more relaxing sleep. Be sure to bring your sleeping bags, pillows, hiking gear, food and any other necessity you might need. For more information, contact Chris Thornton at 719-687-2148, or at christ@fumc-cs.org.

RANCH BATHROOM FUNDRAISER The Ranch renovation project has reached 61% of its $10,000 goal! Thank you for your generous contributions! We have rescheduled the start of construction to September to give the Ranch Renovation Fund more time to reach its goal. If you would like to support this project, your donation may be sent to the church c/o "Ranch Bathroom Reno," or given to Chris Thornton directly. To make donations online, go to www.fumc-cs.org, click the GIVE tab on the top menu, click on Contributions, select The Ranch (Please, add "Ranch Reno" to the comment box.) Questions regarding this project, may be directed to Chris Thornton at 719-687-2148, or at christ@fumc-cs.org.

REV. DR. CHUCK STEPHENS ORDAINED! At Annual Conference Rev. Dr. Chuck Stephens was ordained as a Deacon and a member in full connection with the Rocky Mountain Annual Conference. Dr. Stephens completed seminary at Iliff and worked through the long process that was directed by the District and Conference Boards of Ministry. This is a lot of work! So we celebrate Chuck’s ordination and are grateful that he has been reappointed to First United Methodist Church as the Minister of Missions! Congratulations Chuck!

Learn more about FUMC programs and events at www.fumc-cs.org

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