Encounter-June 2016

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IN THIS ISSUE... Registration and payment for all children’s summer events are available online at www.fumc-cs.org and in Kingdom City.

Church By Kent Ingram - Page 2

Around the Church & Beyond Page 3 – 4


Children’s Ministries Page 6

Youth Ministries Page 7

Bulletin Board Page 8

NOAH Page 9

Caring Ministries Page 10

Missions Ministries Page 11

Chanticleer Concert Back Cover

Church By Kent Ingram, Senior Pastor

As I write this column, I am seated on the floor of General Conference. There are about 850 delegates on the floor, 50 or more bishops on the podium, hundreds of people in bleachers all around us. It is an impressive setting. I look around and see many old friends and new acquaintances. I feel the weight of the seriousness of the tasks before us.

“The threat of a schism, a church split, is always right underneath

Each day begins with worship. I have heard some powerful sermons this week. Each day, one of the bishops preaches — And some of our bishops can preach! Then we settle into the business of the day. There is a strong contrast between the moving worship and the tedious work of debating legislation. This is often important work, but the implementation of Robert's Rules of Order can be as complicated and confusing as it is helpful.

There is a clear fracture in our church, one that mimics the culture. The threat of a schism, a church split, is always right underneath the service. But I see signs of hope all around! There are people on the far fringes of both sides of the spectrum. The broad middle, however, is what is holding the church together. We seem to walk right on the edge, but some act of grace pulls us back.

I have worked hard to keep “United” as a part of our name. We are United Methodists. We are a church of a big tent! We create space for a wide variety of theological and political views. But this kind of church is messy. It is chaotic. The Spirit works in the midst of the confusion, but I am hopeful!

the service.”

There is a "Groundhog Day" feeling to the conference. I wake up early, have a 7:00 a.m. meeting, and sit on the floor until about 6:30 at night. I attend meetings, eat a late supper, go to bed, and start over again the next day. It is exhausting!

By the time you read this, I'll be home. I miss you. I miss my church. And I believe that when done, we will still be one church, one witness to God's love in the world. So thanks for the prayers and support. And keep praying for the church. We need it! See you in Worship, Kent

First United Methodist Church 420 North Nevada Avenue. Colorado Springs, CO 80903 719-471-8522 • www.fumc-cs.org

Considering Membership at First UMC? If you are interested in membership at First United Methodist Church or have questions, please call 719-471-8522 ext. 270 for more information.

Sunday Worship Service Times 7:30 am Early Riser in the Chapel 8:00 am Traditional in the Sanctuary 9:30 am Contemporary in the Sanctuary 11:00 am Traditional in the Sanctuary Live broadcasts of the 11:00 am service on FOX, channel 21.2 (cable 7) and CW 57. Closed captioning available.

The Encounter is printed and published once a month by First United Methodist Church, 420 N. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903. Materials for inclusion are due three weeks before publication date and are subject to approval. Not all submissions are guaranteed to be included. Articles, comments, or suggestions are welcomed by emailing, annaliec@fumc-cs.org or calling, 719-471-8522 ext. 272.

Sunday School Classes are at 9:30 & 10:45 am

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Cover Photo: Children’s Ministries Summer Events


LELAND REECE, LAY LEADER In the May Encounter, Kent revealed his vision for First United Methodist Church to support the Urban Peak shelter expansion project. After reading Kent’s article, I did a little research of Urban Peak and learn more about their mission and the services they provide. I was very impressed! I would like to state that I am one hundred percent behind Kent’s vision for two reasons. The first is that there is a great need for expansion to their present facility. Too many homeless young people are presently being turned away with no place to go. I believe we should and could do something about it! In fact, I believe we could help support their program on multiple levels. My second reason for supporting Kent’s vision is that I have always felt that our church is stronger, more vibrant and at its best when we are united in a common goal. I hope you feel the same way. Please take some time to look at the Urban Peak website and learn more about this worthy cause. See you at Church, Leland Reece

MANUP! HEADS TO DENVER On Saturday, June 11, Scott United Methodist Men’s Grou p has invited the ManUp! group and the Westminster UMC Men’s Group to join them for breakfast and a short program. Men's Fellowship Breakfast begins at 9:00 a.m. The suggested donation for breakfast is $5. The address to Scott UMC is 2880 Garfield St. We will carpool up to Denver and back. Following the program, we will head to Coors Field to see the Colorado Rockies vs San Diego Padres! The game starts at 2:10 p.m. Tickets are $20 per seat. The deadline to sign up and make your payment is June 5. Online ticket purchase for this game is available through the Scott UMC website at ScottUMC-Denver.org. Click the “Online Giving” tab on the top menu and submit funds to the United Methodist Men. The game will recognize Scouts through out the day. So you will have an “extra special treatment!” For additional information or to sign-up for this event, contact Rev. Jerry Hurst at 471-8522 ext. 209, or at jerryh@fumc-cs.org.

YOU LET YOUR WILL BE KNOWN! Thank you to everyone who participated in the Will Power Seminar on Sunday, May 15 and to all of those hard-working members of church staff involved in making it happen! We were blessed with nearly 80 people in attendance. Following the lovely lunch provided by Sunnyside Catering, we heard from Dale Levy, Director of Planned Giving for the Conference’s Rocky Mountain United Methodist Foundation, and Alan Agee, a local Estate Planning Attorney. Some of the topics covered included: how assets can transfer to beneficiaries without a will; why you need a will no matter what other arrangements you’ve made; how to start making your will, and the various life circumstances to consider when determining whether a will is sufficient or whether your needs are better filled by creating a trust and a will. We also heard from Dale, five ways you can start your legacy by leaving assets to the FUMC’s Foundation now. For those who attended: remember to take the first step by setting a date to accomplish the following phases: 

Finish your entries in the “Planning your Legacy” workbook,

Make an appointment and see an attorney, and then,

Complete and sign your will!

Please know the FUMC Foundation plans on sponsoring a future Will Power seminar for those of you who were not able to attend the one in May. The next seminar will likely be in the fall. More information will be available soon. In the meantime, we have a number of “Planning Your Legacy” workbooks available upon request at the Welcome Desk. You can also go online to the Rocky Mountain Conference’s Foundation at www.ruumf.org to fill out the workbook and get more information about estate planning. You may also contact Mr. Dale Levy at dale@rmumf.org, or at 303-778-6370. If you have any questions about the FUMC Foundation or would like to share your feedback about the Will Power Seminar, please feel free to contact Elizabeth Herdes, Chair of FUMC Foundation, at ElizabethHerdes@comcast.net or 719-531-9341.

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Gathering † Worshiping † Being It always amazes me that people are so willing to step out in vulnerability and courage and share their personal stories with us. Month after month, on the third Friday, we have heard stories from members of this congregation and from the community. After doing Stories @ The Edge for over a year now, I have learned that everyone has a story to tell! What I have also noticed is that many people don’t believe their story is worth sharing. So, we are partnering with a local non-profit organization, Hear Here (http://www.wheretohear.org/), to guide us through writing our stories (even if we never publically share them!). Hear Here will lead us in a writing workshop on the second Friday of every month starting, Friday, June 10 at 6:30 p.m., at the Mission Art Center (MAC), 324 N. Nevada. We would love to have you join us. This ministry is thriving because of your support! Thank you for all you do! Rev. Tiffany Keith

CELEBRATE DEACONS! 2016 marks 20 years of full clergy membership for United Methodist Deacons. Deacons represent a branch of ministry that is ordained to “Word, Service, Compassion and Justice.” They nurture disciples to transform the world. The United Methodist Church describes the ministry of a Deacon as, “Those who interrelate worship in the faith community to ministry with those outside the church walls. Deacons lead the church to meet the emerging needs of the future. They embody and represent a ministry of service to the church and world. Continuing the message of the prophets, Deacons remind the church to advocate for the hungry, homeless, overlooked and oppressed. They teach and nurture disciples to emulate Jesus’ life of compassion and love for God and neighbor.” We are fortunate at First United Methodist Church to have four Deacons on our staff. They are Rev. Steve Harter, Rev. Jerry Hurst, Rev. Dr. Todd Spencer and Rev. Dr. Chuck Stephens. Join with the world-wide United Methodist church in celebrating the ministry of the Order of Deacons during 2016.

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YOUTH SINGERS HOMECOMING CONCERT Don’t miss the Homecoming Concert of the Youth Singers, Chorale and Celebration Ringers on Wednesday, June 8 at 7:00 p.m., in the Sanctuary! The Youth Singers leave on their annual tour June 1. Their travels will take them to Nashville, Franklin, Brentwood and Hermitage, Tennessee and Atlanta, Georgia. Come out and hear our fantastic youth choirs and welcome them home!

CANYON CREEK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH YOUTH CHOIR COMING! The weekend of June 11-12, First United Methodist Church will host the youth choir from Canyon Creek Presbyterian Church in Garland, Texas. We are in need of housing for 32 youth and 8 adults for the night of June 11. If you are able to help with housing, please call the Music Ministry Office at 884-2504 right away or sign-up on the You Can Count on Me yellow insert found in the worship bulletin. The choir will be singing at the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. worship services on Sunday, June 12. If you sign up to be part of the housing group, you will only be responsible for offering breakfast to the people you would be hosting Sunday, June 12. Thanks for your help!

ANNUAL “FUMC NIGHT AT THE SKY SOX” Each year, about 100 loyal FUMC/Sky Sox fans show up for the “FUMC Night at the Sky Sox.” This year, the date is Friday, August 5 at 7:05 p.m. The reduced cost for a ticket is $8 and the reduced cost for a parking pass is $4. There are only 100 seats reserved for FUMC, so get your order in right away! To reserve your ticket(s), please call Jeanna Wearing in the Music Office at 884-2504. It is always a treat to hear the Chancel Choir sing the Star Spangled Banner at the game as well as to experience the fireworks show at the conclusion of the game!


May 30

Thursday, June 2

Church is Closed for Memorial Day

NOAH Breakfast— Black Bear Diner (975 N. Academy)

9:00 a.m.

Youth Singers Homecoming Concert — Sanctuary

7:00 p.m.

Friday, June 10

The Edge Writing Workshop begins — Mission Arts Center (MAC)

6:30 p.m.

Friday, June 10

Melodrama — John Wesley Ranch ONE SHOW: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Wednesday, June 8

Saturday, June 11

Melodrama — John Wesley Ranch TWO SHOWS: Noon - 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Saturday, June 11

ManUp! Heads to Denver — (See details on page 3)

Monday, June 13

NOAH Trip to the Royal Gorge — (See details on page 9)

Mon-Fri, June 13-17

Faith Olympics VBS 2016 — (See details on page 6)

Fri-Sat, June 17-18

Father/Child Campout — John Wesley Ranch

Mon-Thurs June 20-July 7 Preschool Summer Session 2 — (See details on page 6) Sunday, June 26

Invitation to the Homebound Visitor Luncheon — The Parlor

Noon - 1:30 p.m.

Mon-Fri, June 27-July 1 First Act Music/Art/Drama Daycamp — (See details on page 6)

Thurs-Fri, July 7-9 Mon-Thurs July 11-28

Camp T4G - “Jump In” — (See details on page 6) Preschool Summer Session 3 — (See details on page 6)

ONLINE GIVING is an easy way to make contributions to the church. To access the giving page visit our website at www.fumc-cs.org and click on the ‘GIVE’ tab on the top menu. If you are a first-time visitor to the site, you will be prompted to sign-up for an account. You can easily set up your transactions as a one-time gift or a recurring donation. It’s that easy!

THE GIVING KIOSK is also available at the Welcome Desk. This is a convenient way to donate right at church. Just select a fund, enter an amount, and swipe your card!


TEXT GIVING is our newest way to give. Text 719-298-3177 on your phone (a one-time sign-up will be prompted), type the word “Funds” (a list to choose from will pop up on your screen), text the amount and the fund name of your choice (e.g. – $100 TV Ministry). For more information, please contact Annalie Ceballos at 471-8522, ext. 272, or annaliec@fumc-cs.org.

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CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES SUNDAY SCHOOL (9:30 AM) “One Way” to Jesus! Have you ever been on a road vacation trip? There are many signs to watch for while driving a car such as, STOP, BUMPY ROAD, EXIT, DO NOT ENTER, ONE WAY. We invite you on a journey “off the map,” while we look for directions in life’s ultimate map and guidebook, the Bible! Please join us for Sunday school. It’s always an exciting time! We offer age-appropriate classes for birth through 6th grade.

CHILDREN’S WORSHIP (11:00 AM) Following the lectionary text that is preached on Sunday’s services, Children’s Worship is a wonderful mixture of traditional, contemporary and just plain fun ways to learn about God’s word. We hope that you will join us!

FAITH OLYMPICS VBS 2016 June 13-17, 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Hebrews 12:1,2 - “Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.”

Commitment, courage, focus, strength and endurance…These are some of the traits it takes to be an Olympian. Likewise, there are certain traits you need to be strong in your faith! Faith Olympics will be an “intensive training camp” for the children of God, from ages 4 (toilet trained) through 5th grade. Registration is available online at www.fumc-cs.org and in Kingdom City. Cost is $25 per child. Come and run the race with us!

FIRST ACT – MUSIC/ART/ DRAMA DAYCAMP June 27-July 1, 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Our First Act Music/Art/Drama Camp is a unique experience for children who have completed Kindergarten through 6th grade. During this week, our children will receive daily guidance in acting, singing and visual arts projects from our wonderful FUMC volunteers. Please register early to reserve your place! Registration is open through June 10. Registration forms are available in Children’s Ministries, Music Ministries and online at www.fumc-cs.org. Cost is $30 per child. Registration after June 10 will cost $40 per child.

CAMP T4G – “JUMP IN!” July 7-9, John Wesley Ranch Camp T4G is both fun and very deeply spiritual as the Tweens learn about how to “Jump in” to serve God. This camp is open to all children who have completed 4th through 6th grades. The Tweens will stay overnight at the John Wesley Ranch, which allows a special time for bonding and growth as a group. Co-led by Youth and Children’s Ministries, this is a once a year event you will NOT want to miss! The Cost for transportation, food, and special projects/events is $75 per child. Scholarships are available on a case by case basis. Registration is available at www.fumc-cs.org and through Children’s Ministries.

PRESCHOOL SUMMER SESSIONS 2 & 3 June 20 – July 7 and July 11 – 28

FATHER/CHILD CAMPOUT AT JOHN WESLEY RANCH Friday, June 17 through Saturday, June 18 Check in begins at 3:00 p.m. on Friday until you are ready to go home on Saturday!

Registration is now taking place for the Preschool Summer Sessions 2 and 3. Class meets Monday – Thursday for three weeks. Children must be toilet trained and between the ages of 3 to 5. Cost is $235 for Session 2 and $255 for Session 3. For more information and to get registration forms, please call Dianna Flaherty at 884-2500.


Our beautiful John Wesley Ranch in Divide offers some great opportunities for camping and getting away! We would like to invite you to come and explore the Ranch for the Father/Child Campout! Bring tents (or reserve a bed in one of our lodges/ rooms), sleeping bags, pillows, hiking gear, food and a heart ready to make some memories with your children/grandchildren.

June 20 – July 7 and July 11 – 28

For more information on what amenities/activities are available at the John Wesley Ranch and to reserve a spot for this event, please contact Chris Thornton at 719-687-2148 or at christ@fumc-cs.org.

Registration forms can be found at the Preschool Office. Online registration is also available at www.fumc-cs.org, click on the Ministries tab on the top menu and select Children’s Ministries.

6 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

Registration is now taking place for the MMO Summer Sessions 2 & 3. Class meets Monday – Thursday for three weeks. Children must be 18 months to 2 ½ years of age. Cost is $235 for session 2 and $255 for session 3. For more information and to get registration forms, please call Janita McGregor at 471-8522, ext. 246.




Wednesday, June 1 We pray that our Youth Singers have an amazing Choir Tour!

WELCOME HOME CONCERT Wednesday, June 8, 7:00 p.m., FUMC Sanctuary Let’s welcome our Youth Singers home as they return from their Choir Tour!

BOWLING AFTERNOON AT THE SUMMIT Wednesday, June 15, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. $10 per person (covers shoes and two hours of bowling) Meet us at The Summit (1180 Interquest Pkwy.) for a fun couple of hours of bowling together! This would be a great time to bring a friend!


NO YOUTH Wednesday, June 22



Led by John McGee, Todd Spencer and Debi Spencer 9:30 a.m., Room 52 This spring, we will complete two series, one called “Bonehead Bible,” on Bible basics, and “Habits of Godliness,” on spiritual practices that really help us grow with Christ.

YOUTH BIBLE STUDY Led by Bruce Phillips, 11:00 a.m., Room 52

June 29, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., The Zone Snack Dinner provided We are hosting the youth group of FUMC Batesville in The Zone this week, as they complete their mission trip here in the Springs! This night, we will treat them to a snack dinner and then some fun playing ultimate Frisbee in Acacia Park. Join us!

This spring, we will complete a study on the Ten Commandments. Join us and bring a friend!



We are excited to get to know each of you and introduce you to our ministry! First, be sure to register for T4G Camp in July. This will be your summer trip this year. We also invite rising 7th graders to join the youth group in any of the weekly activities and projects (other than mission trips). There is so much ahead for you to look forward to! Don’t hesitate to shoot me a note if you have any questions: todds@fumc-cs.org. With You in Life’s Adventure… In Christ’s Grip… Todd

Coming in JULY


Wednesday, July 6, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. We will meeting at and return to the North Entrance of FUMC. What to Bring: Pack 2 bottles of water, sack lunch, work gloves, hat, sunscreen, rain poncho. And be sure to wear rugged boots or shoes (no open-toed shoe wear). Four years ago, just two days before the big fire, our group hiked 7 miles of the gorgeous Waldo Canyon Trail. Since then, our group has expressed our love and care through work projects to help with areas damaged or potentially threatened by wildfire. We will be working with CUSP (http://uppersouthplatte.org) to do a full day of challenging work in a fragile geographic area near-by.

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Everyone 50 years old and older is welcome to join our fun NOAH group. We get together for Christian fellowship, learning, fun trips, and special events. The NOAH group gets together for breakfast the first Thursday of every month, at 9:00 a.m. at a local restaurant. Reservations are not needed to attend the breakfast gathering. Just show up and join the fun! Breakfast dates are occasionally subject to change if the first Thursday of the month falls on a holiday. NOAH upcoming events are published in the monthly Encounter newsletter. If you would like to be included in the NOAH email list to receive notifications of upcoming events or trips, please send your request to Rev. Jerry Hurst at jerryh@fumc-cs.org. You may also keep informed about NOAH events by checking the weekly First News bulletin insert. All events are posted online on the CALENDAR at www.fumc-cs.org. Click the calendar blue button on the Home Page and view all church events by date and month. Each event can be clicked individually for additional information.

NOAH BREAKFAST Join on for a great breakfast and fantastic fellowship, Thursday, June 2, at the Black Bear Diner on 975 N. Academy. We will meet at the restaurant at 9:00 a.m. Reservations are not needed. Just show up and ask for the First United Methodist group.

NOAH HEADS TO ROYAL GORGE The NOAH trip to the Royal Gorge on Monday, June 13, is full with two busloads going. For those who reserved seats, please make your payment of $25 by Sunday, June 5. We will leave FUMC at 9:00 a.m. and return around 4:00 p.m. You will need money for lunch at the park and for any souvenirs you wish to purchase. On our way home, we plan to stop by the Canon City United Methodist Church to take a short tour and wish them a happy 100th birthday!

NOAH TRIP IN AUGUST The Rocky Mountain National Park trip on August 22 & 23 is full. Please make your payment of $85 by Sunday, August 7. We will leave the church at 8:00 a.m. on that Monday. We have a waiting list for others who are interested.

NOAH TRIP IN SEPTEMBER The trip to Glenwood Springs and Aspen September 26 – 28 is full. Please make your payment of $200 by Sunday, September 4. We will leave the church at 8:00 a.m. on that Monday. We have a waiting list for others who are interested.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES To learn about volunteer opportunities, please visit us online at www.fumc-cs.org. Scroll down to the bottom of the Home Page and look for the VOLUNTEER box (on the right-hand side of the screen). Click on the ministry of your choice to learn more about it and to sign-up online.

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INVITATION TO THE HOMEBOUND VISITOR LUNCHEON Sunday, June 26 Many of our homebound and nursing home resident members attended church all their lives before the circumstance of their health or the health of a loved one made it difficult to attend services. Many miss church fellowship profoundly. Are you willing to help keep their connection with their church family alive? If you are interested in finding out more about being a Homebound Visitor, please come to the luncheon on Sunday, June 26. Those currently serving in this ministry will share their wonderful experience with all attendees. The luncheon will be held in The Parlor, from noon to 1:30 p.m. Please, RSVP to Rev. Patty Walker at 471-8522, ext. 204, or at pattyw@fumc-cs.org.

ARE YOU GOING THROUGH A HARD TIME? Life can be complicated. Life can be difficult. Stephen Ministers are available to companion you during a struggle in your life. In a loving, compassionate and confidential manner, we are able to share the gifts of prayer, presence, a listening heart, and compassion with you. Please consider asking for a Stephen Minister when you are in need of a Christian friend to walk you through a hard time. To learn more or to request a Stephen Minister, contact Rev. Patty Walker at 471-8522, ext. 204 or pattyw@fumc-cs.org. What is Stephen Ministry? Stephen Ministry is a way for congregations to provide high quality care and outreach to hurting people in the congregation and community. Stephen Ministers are congregation members who go through 50 hours of Christian caregiving training. Each Stephen Minister is then matched with a hurting person—men are paired with men, women with women and they meet with that person weekly to listen, care, pray, and encourage. Caring relationships last for as long as the need persists. Stephen Ministers care for those dealing with grief, divorce, job loss, hospitalization, financial struggles, loneliness, convalescence, terminal illness, and other life difficulties.

LIBRARY A variety of books on religious matters are available to be checked out. The library opens on Mondays and Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m., and Sundays at 9:00 a.m. A wonderfully stocked children's library is also available.

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PRAYER MINISTRY Lifting one another up to God is an important way we care for each other. Prayer cards are available in the pews. After they are dropped in the offering plate on Sunday, they are disseminated to FUMC clergy and to concerned prayer servants for prayerful intercession. You can also place your prayer requests online at www.fumc-cs.org, under the Ministries Tab, Caring/Prayer Request.

DO YOU KNIT OR CROCHET? THE PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY NEEDS YOU! The prayer shawl ministry prayerfully knits and crochets shawls that are given to church members who are grieving, hospitalized, or hurting for a variety of reasons. The blessed prayer shawls are tangible reminders of God’s love and our church care. The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets to make the shawls on the first and third Mondays of the month, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the Prayer Room. If you have questions or are interested in joining, please contact Edie Davenport at 238-0056, or at ediesd@msn.com.

ALTAR FLOWER The beautiful flowers that we enjoy each Sunday in the Sanctuary are donated by many individuals who wish to celebrate in memory or in honor of loved ones, or to recognize anniversaries, birthdays, etc. Placing your order soon will assure your reservation for a Sunday of your choice. The bulletin will include the name(s) of those you choose to remember or honor. You have the option of donating one bouquet for $40 or both bouquets for $80. Regardless of which option you choose the bulletin will include the names or event you are celebrating. After these flowers enhance the church’s worship experience, you can choose to take the flowers home, or have them delivered to a homebound or hospitalized FUMC member by a “Flowers of Love” ministry volunteer. Should you desire to participate in this ministry either as a donor or a “Flowers of Love” ministry volunteer, please call Jana Brink at 471-8522 at the Welcome Desk, Monday-Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., or email her at janab@fumc-cs.org.

FUMC/INTERFAITH HOME BUILD It is the mission of Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity (PPHFH) to follow the example of Jesus Christ by providing simple, decent places for families to live who cannot afford a home by conventional means. These homes are built in partnership with the community and prospective homeowners.


Habitat families truly own their homes. Families not only agree to pay back their zero interest, 30 year mortgage, they also save money to contribute a down-payment and invest 350-450 hours of sweat equity into the construction of their home. First United Methodist Church, once again, will be building a Habitat home along with several other churches. Construction will start in September. We will need your help in realizing our goal to provide a decent home for a deserving low-income family. Now is the time to start planning in your small group, class or with friends how you might make this project a reality. More details will be coming soon. For questions, please contact Gordon Kunzman, gordonkco@q.com, or at 548-0150. You may also contact, Rev. Dr. Chuck Stephens, at chucks@fumc-cs.org, or at 471-8522, ext. 208.

RIDES FOR RUBBISH (R4R) Rides 4 Rubbish (R4R) is a local mission that meets 1:45 - 4:00 p.m. on the third Sunday of each month. Church volunteers meet west of Marian House with selected clientvolunteers of the Marian House and honor God’s creation by picking up trash in the downtown area and parks. Then we worship in the park with a devotion and communion. In return for their efforts, the client-volunteers receive two weeks worth of city bus passes or help obtaining identification. We are looking for groups to take turns providing brown bag lunches for the clients. We also accept financial support. For more information, contact Rev. Dr. Chuck Stephens at chucks@fumc-cs.org, or at 884-2470.

Learn more about FUMC programs and events at www.fumc-cs.org

The annual “Off the Street” fundraiser for Urban Peak will be held Wednesday, July 20, under the bridge at 218 West Colorado Ave. with registration beginning at 7:00 a.m. This is a moving and well run event to help raise funds for the day to day operations of Urban Peak. There is no fee to sponsor a table but there will be a meaningful request for donation at the end of the event. For the last two years events, First United Methodist Church has sponsored a table. Our previous involvement with Urban Peak’s fundraiser is the catalyst that drives our desire to promote a large capital improvement fundraiser to help get more displaced teens off of the streets. Let’s show our support to Urban Peak by sponsoring several tables at this event! A table of ten for this event may be sponsored either individually or in your groups at church. For more information, please contact Rev. Dr. Chuck Stephens at chucks@fumc-cs.org or 719-471-8522.

URBAN PEAK VISION CAMPAIGN First United Methodist Church is grateful to announce that the funds offered in memory of Rev. Dr. Jerry Trigg will be used to kick-start the Urban Peak fund-drive to help secure more housing for displaced teens in our community. Rose Trigg has generously agreed to the Mission’s Council request that these funds be used in this manner and is thrilled that this will be a living memorial to Dr. Trigg’s ministry.

FIRST COMPANY TEAMS UP WITH URBAN PEAK During their most recent production of The Boxcar Children, First Company partnered with Urban Peak to run a personal hygiene item collection drive. During the 2-weekends of performances in April, 60 pounds of travel-size personal hygiene items and $260 from Fair-Trade chocolate sales were raised for Urban Peak. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this excellent cause! First Company's purpose extends beyond producing quality theater. They are also faithful contributors to FUMC missions projects!

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