Encounter August 2017

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FIRST COMPANY’S PRODUCTION Don’t Drink the Water Upcoming First Company’s production of Don’t Drink the Water by comedic genius, Woody Allen, is a must see! Opening night will be Friday, August 4 at 7:30 p.m. The show will be playing for two weekends, from Friday through Sunday. In this comedy, Woody Allen pokes fun at the government and the things that give America a bad rap abroad. The two -hour production is set in an unspecific Eastern European country behind the Iron Curtain during the 1960s. “In its story line, we can see political parallels of today. Woody Allen makes light of the “business as usual” farcical running of our country,” said director Tracy Hunziker. Walter Hollander and his family are falsely accused of being American spies when Walter sneaks into a high-security area and takes photos. The family takes refuge in the U.S. embassy. Mix-ups and mayhem ensue while the embassy is being run by the ambassador’s incompetent son, Axel Magee.

Tracy Hunziker is no stranger to First Company. She played M’Lynn in First Company’s production of Steel Magnolias, co-directed Arsenic and Old Lace and coached actors in And Then There Were None. Now, she is making her solo directing debut with Don’t Drink the Water. Tickets are available online. See details below. PERFORMANCES: August 4 and 5 August 6 August 11 and 12 August 13


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LOCATION: FUMC Theatre TICKETS: Adults: $15 Seniors and Military: $10 Students: $5 BUY TICKETS: www.firstcompanytheater.org 1-866-967-8167

Around the Church & Beyond Page 3

Children’s Ministries Page 4

Calendar of Events Page 5

Music & Arts Ministries Page 6

7:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m.

We Hear You…

Youth Ministries Page 7

Caring Ministries Page 8

Around the Church & Beyond Page 9

Chamber Orchestra Concert Back Cover

VISIT US ONLINE AT fumc-cs.org 

We Hear You… By Rev. Tiffany Keith, Associate Minister

Dear Members and Friends of First United Methodist Church, We are a diverse community with a wide range of opinions and beliefs, and our heart for mission is almost as diverse. Knowing that our opinions vary widely, I want to acknowledge the tension that our involvement with the Colorado Springs Sanctuary Coalition has caused within this congregation. Many in this body feel called by Christ to care for and support undocumented immigrants and their families facing desperate situations. Others feel just as strongly that we should not get involved. Most people, however, feel that we need to offer educational opportunities about undocumented immigrants and legal issues surrounding the support of those immigrants. In order to honor our need for conversation, education, and healing, I have decided, with the blessing and full support of the Coalition, to suspend our work with them. The other founding churches of the Coalition fully understand our need to participate in a discernment process, much as they did.

immigration and to love these people like Jesus calls us to love all God’s children. Although our role with the Coalition is on hold, I hope we can continue to be in prayer as one, even if we do not agree as one. Going forward, our mission council will form a team to implement different educational forums to learn more about immigration and deportation before deciding if there is a role for us in the future of this ministry. Suggestions for these educational forums include bringing in a representative from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), local law enforcement, and possibly offering a Faith Academy Class. We hope to make these educational opportunities available to groups, such as Sunday School classes as well as to the congregation at large. You can keep updated on these events by reading your First News or the Encounter newsletter.

“The strength of who we are as a

community rests in our

diverse opinions,

I also would like to clarify that there were never plans to house people in this church or to fund the Coalition. Please know that none of your tithes or offerings would have gone to this mission. Instead, our role was exclusively about accounting for the money other churches of the Coalition raised and to disperse it as needed. This specific role was offered to us due to our strong accounting policies and accountability systems. In addition to this fundamental role, we were also committed to learn more about

The strength of who we are as a community rests in our diverse opinions, thoughts, and beliefs. We are going to move forward honoring our diversity with love, forgiveness, and grace. I believe this is who we are and I believe we will do this well. I have deep faith in our ability to love and support one another and this church. Will you join me as we show the world what it is to love one another?

thoughts, and beliefs.”

Rev. Tiffany Keith

First United Methodist Church 420 North Nevada Avenue. Colorado Springs, CO 80903 719-471-8522 • www.fumc-cs.org

Considering Membership at First UMC? If you are interested in membership at First United Methodist Church or have questions, please call 719-471-8522 ext. 270 for more information.

Sunday Worship Service Times 7:30 am Early Riser in the Chapel 8:00 am Traditional in the Sanctuary 9:30 am Contemporary in the Sanctuary 11:00 am Traditional in the Sanctuary Live broadcasts of the 11:00 am service on FOX, channel 21.2 (cable 7) and CW 57. Closed captioning available.

The Encounter is printed and published once a month by First United Methodist Church, 420 N. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903. Materials for inclusion are due three weeks before publication date and are subject to approval. Not all submissions are guaranteed to be included. Articles, comments, or suggestions are welcomed by emailing, annaliec@fumc-cs.org or calling, 719-471-8522 ext. 272.

Sunday School Classes are at 9:30 & 10:45 am

2 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

Cover Photo: First Company’s Production: “Don’t Drink the Water”


LELAND REECE, LAY LEADER I am hearing impaired! My wife tells me I say “HUH” a whole lot and I know she is right. She has also indicated that, at times, she thinks I have selective hearing (a whole different problem but one I always deny). I have learned that for the best results I cannot be distracted by other things happening around me. I must be in a relatively quiet environment and carefully devote my full attention to each word the person is saying. Even then, it can be difficult to fully catch everything being discussed. I must sometimes rely on context by listening to others who have joined in the conversation. I have found that the same is true for my spiritual life. I try to utilize everything available to fully understand what God wants me to hear. I make an effort to attend church services each Sunday and listen for His word. Before reading the Bible, I find a place where there are no distractions, ask the Lord for guidance and make a deliberate effort to devote my full attention to the scripture. Small Group Bible studies have been a great blessing in my spiritual journey and so has the Contemplative Prayer Group I attend Thursday evenings. I have found that making an intentional effort to clear my mind of routine thoughts and distractions to purposely listen for God to speak, has made a great difference in my life.

Continued from back cover…

For the past two years, the Pikes Peak community has savored some of the most daring music for organ and orchestra, beginning with Saint-Saens’ grand Organ Symphony and Schwantner’s Canticle in Memory of 9/11 in 2015; and following up in 2016 with Handel’s graceful Concerto in F, Barber’s Toccata Festiva with its formidable footwork and Guilmant’s breathtaking Symphony No. 1. This year, Maestro Thomas Wilson has chosen to feature one of the most important and influential composers for the organ of the 19th and 20th centuries, CharlesMarie Widor. Completed in 1893, Widor’s two-movement Symphony No. 3, Op. 69 in E minor for organ and orchestra undoubtedly emulates its general shape from the famous Saint-Saens Organ Concerto. It has a similar two-part structure, with each part being multimovement. Binding together the component parts of the Symphony is a chorale that eventually carries the work to its grandiose finale.

Lastly, I hear the Lord by praying often and openly, just as I would have a conversation with a friend. I found that God had been speaking to me for a long time before I was able to recognize his voice. I now know that as in any conversation, I had to learn to listen and not just talk.

Hope to see you at worship this Sunday, Leland Reece

Learn more about FUMC programs and events at www.fumc-cs.org

Joe Galema, FUMC Principal Organist

Thomas Wilson, Chamber Orchestra Music Director

The middle work on the program, featuring FUMC’s principal organist, Joseph Galema, is American composer Howard Hanson’s Concerto for organ, harp and strings. Unashamedly romantic in most of his compositions, this onemovement fantasia-like work is both lyrical and episodic, as Hanson builds the organ into the orchestral texture and matches it, rather than standing apart from it.

Opening the concert is Respighi’s 1905 Suite for Organ and Strings, a true masterpiece of the 20th century and neobaroque work, modeled on the style of the concerto grosso. It honors Bach to its very core, particularly in the opening Prelude and contains an aria with a melody of such depth that has led some to call it Respighi's own "Air on a G string." Specially priced tickets may be purchased in the Hospitality Center on August 13 and 20, and September 3 and 10. First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 3

CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES SUNDAY SCHOOL (9:30 AM) Summer Sunday School continues with the theme “Our Journey to the Holy Land”! We will take a virtual tour to many places in the Holy Land. Forgot your passport? No worries, we have some in Kingdom City! Your boarding passes are ready! Come and join our journey as we fly the friendly skies, sail the distant seas and explore the places where Jesus walked and talked with kiddos just like you! Our Sunday School program is age based, which creates a sacred space for you to come and experience the power of Christ’s love in the world.

Bible retreat at John Wesley Ranch, Friday evening, September 15 through Saturday, September 16. RSVP is required! See details below.

3RD GRADE BIBLE RETREAT On Friday, September 15 at 6:00 p.m., we will meet for dinner with your family at FUMC. After dinner, the 3rd graders will head up to The Ranch to spend the night and to learn all about our new Bibles! There is no cost for this event but a pre-registration is mandatory. Please pick up a registration form from Kingdom City, or register online at www.fumc-cs.org. For more information, contact Janita at 719-884-2466, or janitam@fumc-cs.org.



Following the liturgy being used in the main service, Children’s Worship is a place for children to begin to understand and experience worship. This is a multi-age large group event held in Kingdom City.

Attention moms! Yes, you mom, aka step-mom, grand-mom, or aunt-mom… Starting September 19, NAP Time will begin meeting through the fall. NAP Time is a place for mothers or mother figures to connect by Nurturing, Accepting, and Praying for one another. Please note the NEW time - 10:30 a.m. - noon, in Kingdom City Parent's Place. We will have some social time, as well as some bible study and discussion. September's topic will be "Be Strong and Courageous." Child care will be available if requested 2 weeks prior to the meeting. For more information, contact Kimberly Walker at walker.kimberly@gmail.com, or 719-352-5707.

COME CARRY THE LIGHT OF CHRIST AS AN ACOLYTE If you are a 3rd grader through 6th grader, we need your help! Every Sunday from September through June, we assist in worship by carrying the cross of Christ and the light of Christ into the 8:00 and 11:00 a.m. worship service. This is a beautiful way that you as a child, can serve your church! Our Acolyte training and pizza party is Saturday, August 26, from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Please contact Janita for more information at 719884-2466, or janitam@fumc-cs.org.

BACKPACK BLESSING SUNDAY Bring your backpacks to church on September 10! We will be blessing your backpacks during all 3 services. We know that during the school year there are days when a little reminder of God’s love is just what you need.

3RD GRADE BIBLE SUNDAY If you are a current 3rd grader, we have a special gift for you! Every year a generous donor purchases bibles for our 3rd grade class. We will present these gifts to the children at the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. services on Sunday, September 17. In anticipation of Bible Sunday, we will host an overnight 4 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

CHILDREN’S CHOIRS NEW SCHEDULE Beginning in September, our children’s choirs (both vocal and bell) are going to be moving to Sundays! Cherub (ages 4/5, Pre-k) – Sundays (time TBD) in Kingdom City Music Room Chorister (Vocal) Choir (K – 3rd Grade) – Sundays (time TBD) in Room 7

Chorister Chimes (1st Grade – 3rd Grade) – Sundays (time TBD), in Room 7 Cathedral (Vocal) Choir (4th Grade – 6th Grade) – Sundays (time TBD), in Room 21 Cathedral Ringers (4th Grade – 6th Grade) – Sundays (time TBD), in Room 8 There will be an option to stay and eat a family dinner from 5:00 - 5:30 p.m. alongside the youth bells/choir participants. More details about this will be available at our first rehearsal on September 10, on the September issue of the Encounter newsletter.


August 3

NOAH Breakfast — King’s Chef Diner (Corner of Nevada and Bijou)

9:00 a.m.


August 5

UMW Day at the Ranch — John Wesley Ranch (See details on page 8)


August 9

Night with the Chancel Choir at the SkySox Game

6:40 p.m.


August 15

NOAH Breakfast — Village Inn (1430 Harrison Rd.)

9:00 a.m.


August 15

AARP Driver Safety Class — (More details in the August Encounter)


August 17

Contemplative Journey II — (See details on page 8)


August 20

R4R/Youth Love Feast — Fellowship Hall


August 21

NOAH Picnic — Fox Run Park (See details on page 9)


August 26

Acolyte Training and Pizza Party — (See details on page 4)


August 26

Habitat for Humanity Home Dedication — (See details on page 9)

10:00 a.m.


August 27

ManUp! Team Meeting — (See details on page 9)

12:15 p.m.

10:00 a.m.

3:15 p.m.

5:00 p.m.

LITURGIST TRAINING STORIES @ THE EDGE What’s your story? We are looking for storytellers! We are currently looking for people that would like to share their stories at our Stories @ The Edge events. We have openings starting August 18 through the fall. Not sure what to share? There are a couple of options. The first Friday of the month, we have a theme to help you decide what to share. September is “New Ordinary,” October is “Possessed,” and November is “My Saint.” The third Friday of the month does not have a theme. Instead we ask: if you can only share one story, what story would you share? If you would like us to consider adding you to the fall storytellers, please send a one paragraph synopsis to Rev. Tiffany Keith at tiffanyk@fumc-cs.org.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a leader in worship on Sunday mornings as the lay liturgist for the 8:00 and 11:00 a.m. services? Or maybe, you aren’t ready for the pressure of leading worship, but you would like to know more about this important role. Either way, we would love to have you join us on Sunday, August 20, immediately following 11:00 a.m. worship in the Sanctuary for a snack lunch, and liturgist training led by Marty Fennewald and Rev. Tiffany Keith. You will have a chance to hear yourself as we practice with “live” microphones. If you feel ready, we will add you to the liturgist schedule. Please RSVP to Rev. Tiffany Keith at tiffanyk@fumc-cs.org.

The Encounter • First United Methodist Church I 5

NIGHT AT THE SKYSOX The annual FUMC Night at the SkySox is Wednesday, August 9 at 6:40 p.m. Many of you have signed up to go and sit together as a group. The Chancel Choir will, once again, be singing the National Anthem for this game. Tickets/ parking passes for those of you who ordered ahead of time are available now in the Music Office. You must get your tickets/parking passes prior to August 9. They will also be available on August 6 before and after worship.

YOUTH SINGERS WORKSHOP Rising 7th graders, new members of the youth group/ church, previous members of the youth group/church not currently in choir are welcome to join returning Youth Singers members on Saturday, August 19, from 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. for our “Back to Choir” workshop. We will have a snack breakfast, time to get to know each other, and rehearsal to prepare for worship before concluding with pizza ‘n’ pop for lunch! Come join this exciting and enthusiastic group. Plans are under way for our 2018 Tour. You won’t want to miss out on the fun!


Have you been wanting to come and sing in our magnificent Chancel Choir but have been afraid of the “audition”? Well, guess what? There is NO audition! We are happy to accept experienced singers into any vocal section of our choir. Summer Choir rehearses every other Thursday (7:30 - 8:45 p.m.) in the Choir Room on the Lower Level of the main building. During the summer, we continue to sing every Sunday morning at the 11:00 a.m. worship service. Here is a list of

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the remaining rehearsal dates for the summer: July 13, July 27, August 10, and August 24. Our annual “Back to Choir” workshop will be Saturday, August 26 at the John Wesley Ranch in Divide from 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. If you are a new member, call the Music Office at 471-8522, ext. 221 to get directions to the Ranch or to inquire about a ride to the Ranch. We return to our regular rehearsal schedule from 7:30 9:30 p.m., on Thursday, September 7. We will begin that night with a potluck in the Fellowship Hall at 6:30 p.m., followed by rehearsal on Messiah (all three parts!). We would love for you to come join us.

MANY THANKS TO GEORGE TRACY! If you have been attending either the 8 a.m. or the 11 a.m. worship service, you would recall George Tracy playing marvelous Mark Hayes arrangements of various hymns for the Offertory. George is now officially “retiring” from playing. However, he and his wife, Holly, will continue to sing in the Chancel Choir. When you see George, be sure to thank him for all the years of playing the Prelude/Offertory at First United Methodist Church. His playing has always been excellent and heartfelt! God Bless you, George!

George, thank you for giving this congregation years of wonderful music!

George Tracy farewell piano performance, at First United Methodist Church on July 9, 2017

own food, drinks and locker, and your swim suit and towel if you will be enjoying the water park. Friends welcome!

YOUTH ADVISORY TEAM MEETING Sunday, August 13, 12:15-1:30 p.m.

FALL KICK OFF SCAVENGER HUNT Wednesday, August 16, 6:30-8:30 p.m., meal included After a snack dinner, we’ll create teams made up of youths and an adult leader and enjoy our annual downtown scavenger hunt! This is a great way to kick off the new year and to get to know each other while having fun. Fun prizes will be awarded to the winning team.

LOVE FEAST WITH R4R – HELP NEEDED Sunday, August 20, 2:30-5:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall Parents and Youth Needed

FUN FIELD DAY Wednesday, August 2, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. We will meet at Monument Valley Park off of Fontanero. Bring a sack lunch, a drink and wear clothing that you don’t mind getting wet! Bring a friend! Directions from downtown: Go north on Cascade, past Uintah, left on W. Fontanero, go 2.5 blocks, park at parking lot where Fontanero takes a hard left curve, go down steps to field below. Thank you, Hannah M., for leading!

NEXT URBAN PEAK STAND Friday, August 4 STAND (Students And Nourishing Dinners) is the youth mission where FUMC youth prepares dinners for the youth at Urban Peak, a shelter for homeless teens. We are looking for youth to volunteer for cooking, from 3:15 to 5:00 p.m. If you would like to help, call/text Sam Brooks at 494-3303, or samwalkerbrooks@gmail.com.

ELITCH GARDENS DAY Wednesday, August 9, 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Cost: $27 RSVP no later than August 6 to Lisa at lisasz@fumc-cs.org. There are limited seats on the buses. Bring: money for your

Please register with Lisa Szumigala by August 18 (lisasz@fumc-cs.org) to let her know which of the following you will bring for our feast: main dish, side dish, dessert or bread. Each year, FUMC Youth host two Love Feasts for our friends in the Rides4Rubbish ministry, one in the summer and one before Christmas. Plan to arrive at 2:00 p.m. to help set up and decorate and welcome our guests. We will eat together sing, pray and hear some stories. We will be finished cleaning up by 5:00 p.m. R4R is a special ministry that partners with our homeless and minimally housed neighbors connected through the Marian House. Help us support these Christ-inspired efforts in partnership!

TEAM BUILDING, PART ONE Wednesday, August 23, 6:30-8:30 p.m., meal included We will create new small groups for the year and complete fun challenges to help us get to know each other better.

TEAM BUILDING, PART TWO Wednesday, August 30, 6:30-8:30 p.m., meal included This will be Part-Two of our fun challenges, helping our small groups get off to a fun start together! Help welcome Zach to our Ministry! Our new Youth Director, Zach Walker, will begin his position with us the week of our JWR Mission Work Week! We are so excited that Zach and his wife, Aspen, are moving here from Waco, Texas to be with us. Over the next few months, Todd Spencer will be helping Zach get his footing at FUMC. And you can help as well! Please take an opportunity to welcome Zach to our team and introduce yourself soon. It’s going to be a wonderful new adventure with God for all of us. First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 7

UMW DAY AT THE RANCH Saturday, August 5 is the UMW annual day at John Wesley Ranch at 10:00 a.m. Brenda Hawley will open the session with the history of The Ranch. A bus will be available, meeting at the north parking lot at church at 8:45 a.m. To reserve a seat, please call 637-3503. You may drive up on your own or carpool with others as well. Please bring a salad to share for lunch.

CONTEMPLATIVE JOURNEY II PROGRAM Are you hungering to go deeper in your intimacy with God? Contemplative practices facilitate and strengthen our relationship with God. The Contemplative Journey Program, offered through FUMC in conjunction with Contemplative Outreach (an ecumenical, international organization whose purpose is to renew the contemplative dimension of life), is an opportunity to explore contemplative prayer and to go deeper in your faith journey. Starting on Thursday, August 17, Contemplative Outreach will offer the second semester of the Contemplative Journey Program. Folks who have completed semester one, or folks who have an established centering prayer practice, are invited to participate. This program will be presented in an 11-week session, which includes facilitated discussions, videos produced by Contemplative Outreach, LTD, readings and reflections and personal soul friending. Classes will be held at First United Methodist Church on Thursdays, from 9:30 a.m. to noon, August 17 through November 30. Cost is $140. Scholarships are available. For more information or to register, contact Rev. Patty Walker at pattyw@fumc-cs.org or 471-8522, ext. 204.

ISAIAH In the Word Bible Study Are you yearning for a closer relationship with God? Do you desire a deeper more enriched spiritual life? This fall the “In the Word Bible Study” will be reading the book of Isaiah. Join us and take a look at our heavenly Father through Isaiah’s eyes? Folks at all levels of faith are welcome. Sessions will begin September 7 through December 7. We meet on Thursdays at 1:00 p.m., in the 3rd floor Conference Room. If you have any questions, please contact Betty Howard at 531-6315, or bghoward@aol.com. 8 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

ARE YOU GRIEVING? Grief Support Group to begin September 13 If you are grieving, please know that we would love to surround you with support and care. Grieving folks are invited to participate in a grief support group that will run for 8 weeks on Wednesday nights, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., beginning on September 13. (In addition, we might be able to offer a day group if there are enough people who prefer that option). The cost for the materials, book, and course is $40. Scholarships are available. This support group will provide a place for people to integrate their loss, educate themselves around grief misconceptions, as well as provide information that helps affirm, honor and normalize what the grief experience brings. For more information and to sign up for the support group, contact Rev. Patty Walker at pattyw@fumc-cs.org, or 471-8522, ext. 204. In order to create a community of trust and cohesion among its members, this group will be a closed group — meaning you need to pre-register. It is not a drop-in class you can join half way through. Also, it is a support group specifically for those grieving a death. If you need help locating a support group for other losses, such as divorce, unemployment, etc., please contact Patty.

UMW 150 YEARS OF LEGACY The United Methodist Women's organization is looking forward to the future. In 2019, we will celebrate 150 years of service and dedication. The celebration began in 2015 by considering our legacy and learning the stories of historical mission dedication. On March 23, 1869, eight women decided to collect money to send a school teacher and nurse to India. The school and hospital established during the first several years are still helping to meet today's needs in India. Today, we manage and support mission establishments around the world. National leaders have created THE LEGACY FUND as part of our celebration. The endowment will be used to assure continuation of world-wide ministries, to meet any new needs and to minimize future financial fluctuations. Donations from individuals and related groups are being collected during the five years to pass on the legacy we have inherited. THE LEGACY FUND is a special anniversary gift to future United Methodist Women for the next 150 years.



Our first NOAH breakfast for this month will be Thursday, August 3. We will gather at King’s Chef Diner at the corner of Nevada and Bijou. Park in the church’s south lot and walk one block south to the diner. Remember, the diner does not accept credit cards, so bring cash! We’ll meet at 9:00 a.m. No reservation needed.

Our NOAH group is going to have a potluck picnic at Fox Run Park on Monday, August 21. The park is up north in the Black Forest area. Access is off Roller Coaster Road. We will meet at the church at 10:00 a.m. and drive up for the picnic. The park is well shaded with level ground. Restrooms are available. If you want to meet us there, we have a pavilion reserved, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Drinks, plates, napkins and plastic utensils will be provided. Bring your favorite salad, pasta, meat or dessert dish to share. No charge for the event but please let Rev. Jerry Hurst know you are coming so he has enough drinks.

Our second NOAH breakfast for this month will be Tuesday, August 15 at 9:00 a.m., at the Village Inn at 1430 Harrison Rd. This is on Lake Ave. just west of I-25. We have the party room reserved. No reservations required. See you there!

DRIVER SAFETY CLASS Do you need to take the AARP driver safety class? Our next class will be Tuesday, August 15. Completion of the class gives you a discount on most automobile insurance policies. The cost is $15 for AARP members and $20 for non-AARP members. The class will meet from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m., in Room 135 S. To register, contact John Graves at gravesj1@comcast.net or 632-6132. If you are an AARP member, you need to bring your card to get the discount.

R4R/YOUTH LOVE FEAST The youth ministry will be hosting our Rides 4 Rubbish friends and volunteers for the biannual Love Feast, Sunday, August 20, in the Fellowship Hall. Instead of picking up trash together in the downtown area, our friends will meet at the church around 1:30 p.m. to help clean areas of the church identified by our facilities staff. Afterwards, the youth will host a potluck dinner for clients and volunteers at 3:15 p.m. In exchange for their efforts each month, our friends receive 14 bus passes which aide them in getting groceries, medical appointments, and job interviews. This ministry is over seven years old and, though small, is a vibrant mission of our church community. We walk together picking up trash downtown, we offer this community Holy Communion and a short devotional along with a sack lunch provided by different groups within the church. This mission is led by a small group of volunteers. We welcome anyone who may be interested in joining us either at the Love Feast in August or at the Marian House parking lot on the third Sunday of each month.

MANUP! There will be a ManUp! leader team meeting on Sunday, August 27, from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. The topics on the agenda will be the depth of the organization and goals of this ministry. If you are on the team, please let Bruce Sage know if you will be attending at 719-373-2700, or brucesage715@gmail.com.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Our FUMC Habitat for Humanity (HFH) Apostle Build volunteers have completed the scheduled workdays and the home will be ready for occupancy at the end of August. Our volunteers built a drainage ditch around the foundation, put in a barrier of plastic sheeting and drywall inside the foundation, hung drywall on the interior of the house, put shingles on the roof, and painted the interior ceilings and walls. We had a total of 23 volunteers sign up who worked along with several other churches and with the family members that will occupy the home. It was a great experience. I want to thank all of you that volunteered to make this project a success.

Everyone is invited to attend the home dedication Saturday, August 26, at 10:00 a.m. The home will be open for you to see it. The home address is 203 Red Finch Lane, Fountain, CO. Directions from I-25: Take exit 132A and turn east on Mesa Ridge Pkwy. Take the US 85 ramp and turn right (south) onto US-85 S. Turn left onto Comanche Village Drive and take the first right onto El Paso Street. Take the first right onto Bunting Avenue. Go around the bend and Red Finch will be on the left. The home is at the end of the cul-de-sac. Gordon Kunzman, FUMC/HFH Coordinator

First United Methodist Church • The Encounter I 9

Thomas Wilson, Music Director Organists Joseph Galema, Deke Polifka and Eric Wicks


2:30 P.M.

On September 10, the Chamber Orchestra of the Springs opens its 34th season with another expansive Organ Spectacular! program at First United Methodist Church. For a third year in a row, the Chamber Orchestra is capitalizing on First United Methodist Church’s formidable organ, the largest in Colorado Springs, the breadth of repertoire, the talents of local organists Joseph Galema, Principal Organist at First United Methodist, Deke Polifka, Organist and Choirmaster at Grace and St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church and Eric Wicks, Organist at First Lutheran Church. Continues on page 2...

2 I The Encounter • First United Methodist Church

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