Institute for Philosophy and the New Humanities
The Institute for Philosophy and the New
Housed within The New School for Social
Humanities convenes graduate students and
Research (NSSR), the Institute for Philosophy
distinguished scholars from The New School,
and the New Humanities was established
the University of Bonn (Germany), and other
with generous assistance from the Udo Keller
institutions for intensive five-day seminars
Foundation, and through the collaboration
on pressing questions in contemporary
of Markus Gabriel, chair for epistemology,
philosophy and the humanities.
modern and contemporary philosophy
Seminars run during the fall semester,
and director of the International Centre for
with additional seminar work in the spring.
Philosophy at the University of Bonn; Zed
The first seminar, Artificial Intelligence and
Adams, associate professor of philosophy
the Human, will take place in fall 2020,
at NSSR; and Paul Kottman, professor of
and the second seminar, Objectivity in the
comparative literature and chair of liberal
Humanities, will follow in fall 2021.
studies at NSSR..