Graduate Institute for Design, Ethnography, and Social Thought
Funded by a grant from the Andrew W.
Housed in The New School’s University
Mellon Foundation and based in The New
Center, the institute was conceived as
School for Social Research, the Graduate
a university-wide hub for collaborative
Institute for Design, Ethnography, and Social
faculty research, interdisciplinary doctoral
Thought (GIDEST) incubates transdisciplinary
dissertations, and innovative scholarly
ethnographic research at the intersection of
practice that draws substantively on
social theory and design and fosters dialogue
ethnographic methodologies and sensibilities.
on related themes across the university.
GIDEST hosts a biweekly seminar to explore
Drawing on the university’s tradition of
works-in-progress presented by scholars
politically engaged, historically grounded,
and practitioners who share the institute’s
and theoretically informed social research,
commitment to innovative, in-depth
as well as its strengths as a center of design
exploration of design, ethnography, and
thinking and practice, the institute annually
social thought.
supports five faculty and five doctoral fellows and provides members of the campus community with a lively and inventive research environment and an interdisciplinary space in which to develop their ideas.