D19n May Newsletter 2018

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Table of Contents 1 table of contents 2 letter from the LTG 3 Introduction to DLT 18 dcon recap 20 club articles 29 motms thank you


Letter From the LTG What’s Waddling Pirate Penguins! My name is Jared Keating and I am honored and exhilarated to serve as Division 19 North’s Lieutenant Governor for the 2018-2019 term. I am the immediate past Service Expo Coordinator for Division 19 North and I have been sharing my passion for service over the past three years. I am 16 years old and I attend the California Academy of Mathematics and Science, located on the campus of California State University Dominguez Hills. The majority of my time is exerted into Key Club, but outside of Key Club, I am involved in the Saint Philomena Youth Ministry and my school’s Associated Student Body and First Robotics Competition Team. I have experienced a rollercoaster of emotions throughout my Key Club journey, but the memories and life-changing events I’ve experienced are irreplaceable. In my second year of Key Club, I lost my motivation for service when I began to feel excluded from the club I loved so deeply. I eventually regained my passion for service and established new bonds in the Key Club Ohana while serving as Service Expo Coordinator. I finally felt happy again, but during my home club’s banquet, I noticed that one of the members was crying outside. I comforted the member and asked her what happened, to learn that she was being excluded. I related to her experience, and from that point on, I promised myself that I would run for Lieutenant Governor. In this term, one of my primary goals is to ensure that no member ever feels excluded. This will prompt the growth of our Key Club Ohana and higher attendance in the Division. The current term has been incredible; however, I wish to elevate our Division to new heights in the next term. The theme I selected for my term is A Term Worth Treasuring. The Division Leadership Team has established fundraising goal of $7,500 for the Pediatric Trauma Program and Project eliminate and service goal of 23,00 hours of service in the community. I am extremely eager for the new opportunities and amazing people I will meet in the upcoming term and I hope that together, we can truly exhibit the exceed the expectations Key Club has established for us.

Waddling with a Smile, Jared Keating


Introduction to

Division 3





Andrew yang Aloha Pirate Penguins!

Andrew Yang

My name is and I humbly serve as one of your Executive Assistants of Division 19 North for the 2018-2019 Key Club Term. If you didn’t know already, I am currently a sophomore at CAMS and served the past term as Club Secretary. Working with a passionate home club and serving alongside many inspirational people, I have finally allowed myself to truly appreciate the spirit of Key Club. In my eyes, I have exponentially grown as a leader, and hopefully I continue to grow as apart of our Division’s Leadership Team. My goal for the term: leave a greater impact on the community, and create even more unforgettable bonds along the way. Aside from Key Club, there is a lot to me you may not know. As previously mentioned, I am a sophomore attending the California Academy of Mathematics and Science, basically a small community of very driven students. I am apart of the Dance Team here at CAMS, although I often say how much I hate dance, I secretly love it very much. Dancing is an incredible way to express myself and relieve any stress, especially when I have a strenuous schedule that I want to momentarily escape from. Performing is on a completely different level of satisfaction, and my personal favorite part of dance.


When I’m not serving the community or dancing, you might catch me at Yami Teahouse sipping on a Brown Sugar Milky Drink with boba, my favorite drink of all time, or simping while playing the ukulele in my room. In addition to my typical Asian-American interests, I played baseball for most of my life, even playing under some of the most prestigious organizations in the country. Baseball taught me about strength in a team, individual requirements in order to achieve success, and the foundation of an effective leader. All of the previously mentioned parts of my life have formed who I am today. However, Key Club has left an endless mark on my life. The people I’ve met all around the CNH District, the lives I’ve touched through service, and the unforgettable memories I’ve made will always be with me, no matter where I end up. I cannot wait for an unBEElievable term with Division 19 North, and I’m thrilled to serve alongside all of you!



rosIe vILLAROSA Rosemarie Villarosa

My name is and I am so very grateful to be serving as Division 19 North’s Executive Assistant for the 2018-2019 term! I am currently a junior at Hawthorne High and previously served as Fundraising Coordinator during the 2016-2017 term and President for my home club during the 2017-2018 term! I decided to apply for the Division Leadership Team because during my term as President, I was able to inspire those in my home club. I realized that being apart of the Division Leadership Team would help me accomplish my dream of inspiring even more people! Before joining Key Club, I knew that this club was the perfect club for me due to my unconditional dedication to service. The members contained an unique passion for service that I have never seen, and that is what I aspired to be like. Key Club has changed me as it taught me to embrace who I am and take advantage of all the opportunities that come my way. This ohana constantly reminds me that we are the future, and as of now I am loving all that we have to offer for the younger generations.


A few things to know about me are that I enjoy helping others and staying active when it comes to benefitting my community! I also like meeting new faces and going on adventures! I try to push myself out of my comfort zone, whether it be trying a new food or activity. I am super excited for this upcoming term and happy to see what it brings!


ALBERT CHEN Hello Division 19 North!

Albert Chen

My name is , and I am a member of CAMS Key Club. I am currently a Sophomore, and am very excited to begin serving as your new Division Secretary for the 2018-2019 term! My Key Club journey started when I was a freshman, though my love for the club began slowly at first. At the beginning of the term, I was still very new to the club, and was not very active. I attended the meetings at school, but didn’t really go to any service events or even FRS. However, after going to my first event, Be the Match, I began to understand why so many people were so obsessed(in a beautiful way) with Key Club, and began to love Key Club more and more myself. This love has continued to flow through me ever since that day. It inspired me to run for CAMS Webmaster last term, and also inspired me to serve on DLT this year. I can’t wait to share this love I have for Key Club with everyone in the division! Outside of Key Club, you can probably find me running on the beach or through the streets in Torrance. Cross-Country and Track are the two sports that I play. I love eating seafood, cooked or not(sushi haha), so I guess I really am a penguin! Overall, I am really excited to be serving you, and I look forward to see the new heights us penguins can take this division to! I know that this term is truly going to be a special one! Waddling for Service, Albert Chen



ANGELA KIM Hey keyclubbers! My name is Angela Kim and I will be serving as your division news editor for the 2018-2019 term! In the past I have served as CAMS Key Club’s historian and fundraising chair. I’m so excited to begin my journey on DLT! I have always had a strong passion for key club. My past experience with key club has definitely shaped me into the person I am today. After serving on board for these past two years, my respect for this division has only grown stronger. Other than key club, some of my other hobbies include dancing, listening to music, and spending time with my friends and family. I value the people in my life very much, which includes division 19 north! I’m very excited to work alongside Jared and the rest of DLT throughout the year. I hope to inspire all of you and commemorate all of the achievements that we will make in the future. Let’s make this term a great one!




Chester Virata and I proud to be serving you as your Member Recognition Coordinator for the 2018-2019 Key Club term. I am currently a sophomore transitioning to a Junior at Gardena High School and had the pleasure of serving as my home club’s Vice President.

For a long time, I have dreamed to serve Division 19 North as part of the Division Leadership Team. Now my dream has been brought into reality, I will put my everything into my position. D19N will have my full and undivided attention. Nothing will get in my way to bring our division to newer and greater heights. Many of you know me as “the boy with heels and fleeky eyebrows,” but there is more to me than what meets the eye. I am fluff ball full of energy and emotions, I am always ready to express my love for Key Club and my duties a MRC to all. Key Club has given me the confidence to be my best self and I am hoping to help you all reach your fullest potential and great love for Key Club. Although sometimes my emotions can get ahead of me, I am always pushing myself to BEE myself: penguin and human. As your Member Recognition Coordinator, I will not let my personal issues conflict my decisions on who will receive the MOTM, OOTM, and COTM. Every key clubber deserves to be chosen as either of these, but I am encouraging YOU ALL to push yourselves for this new term. Yes, we previously have had amazing terms, but I want this term to be the funnest, loudest, loving, and amazing term it can be! I am very excited for the future of our division. So come on BEE-utiful penguins, let WADDLE THEN GET SOME MONEY!



NATALIA ZELEDON Hello Pirate Penguins! My name is

Natalia Zeledon and I am

immensely excited to serve as your Service Projects Coordinator for the 2018-2019 term! At the moment I am a sophomore at Da Vinci Science high school, I joined Key Club last year and had the greatest honor to serve on the Division 19 North Tech Team this past term. I was very shy coming into Key Club, however my life changed after joining Tech Team. Tech Team introduced me to people throughout the division, make friends with some of the most caring people, and helped me develop as a leader. Getting to document the division’s enormous amount of spirit and service warms my heart greatly and makes me proud to be a pirate penguin. In this term I hope to express my love for service and provide service opportunities that YOU are interested in! I personally love service because of the happiness and positive impact it brings to both the giver and recipient, every small action makes a big difference! I also love music; I have been playing violin for the past 5 years and the first violin to join my school’s Jazz Orchestra. I am also part of my school’s choir that started this year! I love to read fiction and non fiction, as well as write my own literature as well in my school’s writers unite club. Please don’t be afraid to waddle to me and say hello!



MAIANGEL TABUJARA WHAT’S WADDLIN’ PIRATE PENGUINS? I am writing this essay to discuss the popular question: what sound does a penguin make? Just kidding. My name is

MaiAngel Tabujara, and I

am proud to announce that I will be serving as your Division Fundraising Coordinator! I am super excited to do all I can to make this term the most icy! As DFC of D19N, I promise to do all I can to make it rain, even on sunny days! My key club journey began when two girls that look nearly the same and a very short girl who wears glasses dragged me to a meeting after our 4th period Biology class. I mumbled the pledge and had no idea what I was doing there. I was pretty much clueless, until they had announced a beach DCM. I thought to myself, “what’s a DCM? Who cares! It’s at the beach.” The day comes, and I am super stoked to find out that I will spend an hour picking up trash in the burning sun! Completely sunburned, I happily cleaned the beach; screamed cheers I barely knew; and ran away from upperclassmen that felt it necessary to dump buckets of sea water onto me! On the way home, I realized I was smiling the whole duration of that DCM, and I knew this club was something I wanted to be apart of for as long as I could.


Aside from key club, I enjoy doodling, freelance photography/film, taking plentiful naps, and giving inanimate objects personalities! Doing these things during my free time had helped me discover more about myself. In addition, I am a strong believer of fate, faith, and not remembering what I ate. (: Along with my hobbies, key club has helped shaped me into who I am today and for that I will be forever thankful. Volunteering at service events has motivated me to always feel the need to help others, leadership positions has helped me become more outspoken, and the environment has inspired me to be more friendly toward everyone rather than antisocial. With that said, I cannot wait to cry, laugh, and waddle with all of you. I hope to get to know EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU better, and I promise to do all I can to assure all of you are proud to be Division 19 North Pirate Penguins. <3



ANGELA MAGAT What’s poppin’ Pirate Penguins! My name is

Angela Magat, and I proudly serve

as your Division Tech Editor for the 2018-2019 key club term. I am currently a Sophomore at at Da Vinci Science High School and last term I served as Da Vinci Key Club’s News Editor. I am so excited to get close to each and everyone of our pirate penguins and get ready for those 1 million subscribers on youtube! My past positions has taught me not only the skills of a leader but of how much I love serving this club! When I was in middle school, I had a handful of high school friends who happened to be in key club as well. When I told them that my high school had key club, they were surprised and encouraged me to sign up and try it out. It does sound like I joined key club just for friends from other divisions which is true, but as time passed, my love for key club grew for more than just other friends from other divisions. I started to see what all the fuss was about! Helping people, organizations, schools, fundraisers brought joy and excitement. When someone would mention Division 19 North I could explain to them how much this division means to me, but that would take years long.


Outside of Key Club and community service, I serve my school and family. At school I am interested in Biomedical Engineering and hope that I can major in, in college as well. I teach Tagalog at our very own Filipino Club where we eat and watch funny filipino video. Since I am into robotics, I am part of the VEX robotics team where we build VEX robots and compete in different matches in California. I am also in a club called “Society of Women Engineers (aka SWE)” This club is where we raise awareness that girl engineers do exist and we can do just as much as guys can do, we also go on different field trips to different colleges and experience different engineering classes. I run in track and cross country after school and it’s fun to see some of my fellow Key Clubbers there. Lastly, for more community service, I work/volunteer at UCLA medical center where I assist patients and exposed to the medical field. Let’s make some videos shall we?



RAMSES DONIS Hello, my name is Ramses

Donis and I’m the HMSA Key

Club Vice President and Spirit Coordinator for D19N. I’m excited to be part of the D19N team and hope the best for this club. Thank you.


DISTRICT CNH DCON 2018 was an unbelievable experience! It was my first time attending a district convention, and am so grateful that I was able to attend such an amazing event. The various spirit sessions we had throughout the convention were so much fun, and I loved seeing all the spirit the other divisions in the district had. Speaking of divisions, I was able to see so many different divisions, many of which I had never even seen or heard of before. My favorite part of the convention was definitely seeing all of the new lieutenant governors being installed. It was really cool to see our own Jared Keating up on the stage, but sad at the same time to see our previous ltg, Hazel, retire. Overall, DCON was such a great experience, and I hope I am able to go again next year!

Albert Chen CAMS Key Club





b u l c 20

r a

s e l c i t 21


By: Sophia Soriano, CAMS Key Club President

The month of April has been filled with exciting events and the newly installed board planning for the term, so CAMS Key Club can reach new heights! District Convention 2018 took place April 13th -15th and we had 13 members attend. Even though it was only three days long, I could say that CAMS Key Club managed to bond, interact, and simply become a closer Ohana during this time. We also held one service event called Walk MS that our Co-Vice President Nikki Catangay chaired. Five members attended and they helped guide traffic for the event. CAMS Key Club members also went to the Division service event Walk of Dimes and the Division Leadership Team training conference. Although this month we did not hold too many events, the CAMS Key Club board has been trying to prepare ourselves to better serve the members since we recently got installed. We have successfully held three board meetings this month discussing what new things we want to execute this term. We created a Remind class to effectively advertise and constantly update the members about events. CAMS Key Club also has a Service Event online form that members can fill out if they are interested to take on a leadership position by chairing an event and a Love/Suggestion online form for the members if they would like to give their anonymous opinions to board. We hope that with these new implementations it will allow us to better reach out to the general members and give them more of a voice in the club. We have established our CoFundraising chairs for the 2018-2019 term! Aaron Isara and Cindy Nguyen have recently been appointed. I BEE-lieve that with their help CAMS Key Club will make a lot of shmoney. With our first meeting of the term and club banquet coming up, the board has been brainstorming some ideas to make both events WADDLE-ful!


Nick Casis guiding and managing oncoming cars early in the morning.

Nick Casis, Angelus Cabanayana, Victor Zuleta, and Matthew Recinos after finishing their work for the Walk MS event.

Victor Zuleta carries volunteer supplies for directing and guiding oncoming cars.

Main event tent at Walk MS.

Oncoming walkers support Multiple Sclerosis with a smile!


(gardena) By: Sandra Kim, Gardena Key Club President Just as the month of April started, several events began to SPRING into action! Volunteers readily served at the Wall That Heals Takedown in Mas Fukai Park. With care and respect, several members helped the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund and our school JROTC detach a wall that contains all the veterans’ names who served in the Vietnam War engraved into the stone walls. Not only did we take down the wall, volunteers also helped in cleaning up any litter left on the park grounds. In the month of April, Gardena Key Clubbers not only did service, we also fundraised! On April 3, our IP treasurer, Melissa Lopez, hosted a Chipotle fundraiser near our school. More than twenty people- both members and non-members- came to support our club by buying a few burritos or bowls. Overall, our club was able to raise $90! Hmmm, April? What big thing happens in almost every April? Oh, of course! How could we forget about DCON?! Eight of our members got to experience the thrill and excitement of attending District Convention 2018 in Reno, Nevada. Through the long bus rides and sleepless nights, the fortunate eight got to interact and bond with each other and with all of the CNH bees! In the new term, members volunteered at yet another service event. At Rowley Park, a handful of volunteers helped monitor stations and registered young athletes to the first round of entering baseball/softball leagues.


Gardena Key Club at DCON 2018

Carl was helping to bring the wall in the Wall That Heals event.

Janey was participating in the Pitch, Hit, Run Event.


(hmsa) By: Jezelle De Leon, HMSA Key Club President At the HMSA club, we have elected the new board for the 2018-19 term! We are very excited to serve our term together. Also, we have been planning for the upcoming club banquet which is very exciting! We also had a few members supporting at the Relay for Life event. Being elected as president was daunting, but I had amazing people around me that have helped the start of the term more smooth. I am starting my term by planning for future events and club bonding ideas for HMSA, and I am excited to make those come to life!


(hawthorne) By: Luke Fernandez, Hawthorne Key Club President For the month of April we hosted one service event, attended DCON, as well as a fundraiser and movie night. On April 12th we hosted a movie night which also was a fundraiser. We sold chips and gatorade during the screening of the movie Coco. We also had seven people attend DCON from April 13th to the 15th. Everyone that went grew as cabinet members as well as improved their devotion and love for the club. In addition, we also had a food and shoe give away on April 21. We gave food to the homeless as well as people in need. The event was sponsored by a local Del Aire Baptist church.


Members of the Month!

Catherine Roman Da Vinci Key Club Since our new term just started we are now saying farewell to our seniors. All of the seniors did an amazing job with their positions but one stood out the most, Catherine Roman! Without her, we wouldn’t have won the spirit stick at fall rally south 2017. Even though we only needed her for fall rally, she still stuck around after and continued to go to service events and every meeting held prior. We appreciate everything that she’s done for the club and us as individuals.


Janey Bonilla Gardena Key Club Hey pirate penguins! To start off the new term in the month of April, Janey Bonilla has conveyed an attitude of openness and caring spirit to members around her. Throughout the meetings and events she has attended, she never fails to be welcoming to others and support her fellow penguins by cheering them on in every obstacle they face. In addition, her icy spirit is seen as she helped during events such as; the Hit, Pitch, and Run in Rowley Park, when she had a key-ute smile on her face as she assisted parents and children with pitching baseballs/softballs. We hope to see her more in upcoming events in the new term because she has a lot of potential!


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