D19N June Newsletter 2017-18

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California-Nevada-Hawaii DISTRICT | Region 8 | Division 19 NORTH


Letter from the LTG

Ahoy Division 19 North,

It has officially been two and a half months since the beginning of our adventure, and we have already progressed beyond what I imagined. Thank you for those who attended and supported our EleMoNaTe DCM on May 20th. Together we broke our goal and raised $214.25 for the Eliminate Project. I am ecstatic to see more new goals we can all accomplish together. Our June Officer Training CAMPference has just passed and I hope you all had a fantastic experience and were able to gain knowledge that you could share with your home club. Our Cali-Nev-Ha District has released applications for Key Leader and SAA Coordinators. I encourage all of you motivated and spirited Pirate Penguins to tackle this PossibiliBee and apply to “Bee” a part of something bigger. More information is found in the Cyberkey. If you are an artistic Penguin, now is also your chance submit a design for the DCON 2018 Shirt Design Contest. Check Pages [ ] for more information. I am so proud of everyone striving to learn more about Key Club. Our individuality and leadership are the key to changing this world, and I am extremely happy that you have taken this step to become a part of it. Remember to motivate and inspire others, bee inclusive and for the month of June, “Bee Clean CNH!” We still have plenty of opportunities ahead of us. Make this term memorable for yourself and your best friends.

Waddling with love and service,

Hazel Cartagena Division 19 North Lieutenant Governor 2017-2018

July Calendar

July Calendar S M T W T F S - July DCM (More Information will be announced later) - District Convention 2018 Theme Design Due by 6pm (More Info on Pg. 7)

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DCON 2018 Design Guidelines



DCON 2018 Design Guidelines

DCON 2018 Design Guidelines



May DCM Recap

The May DCM was so much fun! Not only were the ice breakers very entertaining, I met so many new people! Hazel, our LTG, announced the Division Leadership Team which is made up of the most passionate and wonderful people in key club! We also hosted the eleMoNaTe challenge where members participated in eating sour lemons in order to raise money for the eliminate project! This was an amazing DCM to kick off the new term, I'm glad to be apart of D19N!

-Sarah Le Hoang

Lawndale President

I had a great time at May DCM! Not only because I got to bond with other people from the division, but also because we got to raise some money for our preferred charities! The lemonade mason jars and everything else that was sold were all so cool! Not only that but I was super happy when I found out that my home club was being recognized as club of the month! It was also really exciting to find out who the new DLT was and I know that they'll do a great job helping out Hazel for the rest of this term. Even though this was just our first DCM of the term, it was definitely one to remember. I couldn't think of a better way to start things off!

-Leo Tafoya

CAMS President


Congratulations to the

CAMS Key Club

Matthew Ujemov 10

Sarah Le Hoang Recognition


SUBMISSIONS CHART Reminder: All Club Recap Articles, Member of the Month Articles, Monthly Report Forms, Visuals are all due on the 5th of every month by 6:00 P.M.

Submissions Chart

Club_Month _MOTM

President Historian Secretary

To whom it may concern, I have attached the (# of visuals) for _Key Club for the month of _. Please let me know if there are any issues.

Vice President

Club_Month# _Recap

To whom it may concern, I have attached the Monthly Report Form for _Key Club for the month of _. Please let me know if there are any issues.

Club_Month _Recap

Club_Month# _MOTM

News Lt. Editor: Governor: d19n.cnh d19n.cnh kc.dne@ kc.ltg@ gmail gmail

Region Advisors: Mr. Ross(mkrossre d11@aol.com & Mr. Quon(alan@a lnquon.com

To whom it may concern, I have attached the Member of the Month Article for _Key Club for the month of _. Please let me know if there are any issues.

Club_Month# _MRF

Lt. Governor: d19n.cnh kc.ltg@ gmail

To whom it may concern, I have attached the Club Recap Article for _Key Club for the month of _. Please let me know if there are any issues.

Club_Month# _#(for eahc visual)

Monthly Report

Lt. News Governor: Editor: d19n.cnh d19n.cnh kc.ltg@ kc.dne@ gmail gmail

Sent By:

Club_Month _MRF

Lt. News Editor: Governor: d19n.cnh d19n.cnh kc.ltg@ kc.dne@ gmail gmail

Body Message

Club_Month _Visuals

CC: Subject Line: File Name:


3 Visuals

Member of The Month

Club Recap Article













Have a key club photo that you want to share with the pirate penguin division? Post your Key Club picture and use the hashtag “#BestofD19N” and wait for next month’s Newsletter for a chance to have your photo featured! Rules: Every month, 2 pictures (maybe more) will BEE featured along with the owner’s Instagram username, and have your Instagram account be promoted within the division.


Articles 16


By : Leo Tafoya

The Pirate Penguins of CAMS Key Club really waddled into service during the month of May with members in attendance of 5 events and 2 more fundraisers! First we attended Sharefest workday at Magruder middle school where we helped beautify the campus with new flowers and freshly painted walls. Then we went to the Tour of Long Beach event where we had 11 members in attendance who were all there at 6:00 am to help with event setup. After that, we had a whole 17 members in attendance at the division 19 north EleMoNaTe DCM. We not only had the most members in attendance, but we also won club of the month! That was also our first opportunity to sell our club merchandise to the division (which we still have more of! Our penguin fidget spinners are $7 and our buttons are only $1 each! Message me for more info ;)) and we raised a total of $173.41 for our preferred charities! Following that, we had another fundraiser at our school open house where we sold Arizona tea to the students and families, and we raised a total of $96 for our club! We also had a member attend two events from another club in our division! Our very own Sophia Soriano attended Gardena Key Club’s Health fair setup and Health fair events! Finally, we closed off the month with the Wrigley River Run where volunteers cheered on the runners and passed out water. As CAMS Key Club continues to grow it’s evident that we will continue to prosper through summer as we already have plenty of events lined up for June! We are definitely ready to take on summer with service.

Jazmin and Hazel help raise awareness for eliMiNaTe during the May DCM!

Pirate penguins help beautify Madrona Middle School in Torrance! CAMS recognizes key clubbers for their achievements at the annual CAMS Key Club banquet at the Nakaoka Center in Gardena.

Tiffany, Rency, and Isaiah help hand out medals for the Tour of Long Beach event.

Da Vinci

By : Lexi Buhr

The month of May was a fantastic end of the school year for Da Vinci Key Club. We began with a beach cleanup which included fun beach themed ice breakers to bond with our members. We also had two other service events: The Village Runner and Tour de Pier. For both events, members set up, helped run the events, as well as met Key Club members from many different schools such as Mira Costa! We also attended the May DCM where we were introduced to the new DLT! DaVinci was very proud to have our own Catherine Roman and Mark Andal as a part of this board, and are excited to see all they accomplish! Lastly, we finalized the design for our DVS Key Club sweatshirts and are in the process of ordering them for summer and the new school year! Overall it has been a fabulous school year and we are truly going to miss our beloved seniors but are excited to see all the amazing things they do in their future!

Karina Roman, Belen Blanco, Lexi Buhr, Erik Lopez, Angela Magat, and Mahaley Mahe pose under the Manhattan Beach Pier right before collecting trash to clean the beach.

Elina Luong shows off her brand new D19N fidget spinner that she bought from CAMS at the May DCM.

Catherine Roman, William Henriquez, Lexi Buhr, and Mark Andal write notes for the love box at the May DCM.

By: Tonia Le

May.. money.. MNT.. m&m's? YES, m&m's. To raise money for project eliMiNaTe, Gardena Key Club created candy bags filled with chocolate treats, including CUSTOM D19N m&m's, to give to those who donate a certain amount. We will continue to collect funds while supplies last. All of the profit will be going towards MNT. Along with raising money for MNT, we also held a fundraiser at Aloha Pizza and Shaved Ice Co. to raise money for the club. In total, we raised $100 for our club! In the month of May, we had 3 service events. It started with a "concert in the park" at 186th St. Elementary School on May 5th, where members wrapped hot dogs and worked at the concession stand, while the students and parents of the school enjoyed a waddle-ful performance by Gardena High School's band! The following day members were up early at 7A.M to help at the annual South Bay Fishing Derby. At the fishing derby, we worked at the registration tables, passed out raffle tickets, wrapped hot dogs, and prepared lunch bags for the event goers. The last event of May happened to be at the same location as our first event, 186th St. Elementary School. This time, we helped at their Owl's Awards Night event, where we sold at the concession stand and passed out candy to the owls soaring high. Overall, Gardena Key Club had a month filled with candy, hot dogs, and fish? May the month of June be filled with many more opporJUNEties (opportunities) to serve our communities. (wow, really bad and cringeworthy puns) At our last meeting before finals week and summer break, we had our first raffle drawing for the candy bag fundraiser, where three numbers were pulled. However, there has only been one person to claim their prize. The other two winning numbers are posted on our Instagram, follow us @gardenakeyclub! We also gave our amazing faculty advisor, Ms. Yen, a PLANTastic thank you (if you don't get it, which you probably won't unless you were present at our meeting, but we gave her a succulent plant!), as she is retiring after this school year. We truly and greatly appreciate all that she has done for the club in her 20+ years with GHS KC. Thank you Ms. Yen!

Gardena Key Clubbers enjoy doing service at the fishing derby!

Cedrick Virata & Michael Valderama setting up candy leis to sell at Owls Award Night.

Icy Key Clubbers making hot dogs to give at 186th Elementary.

By: Rosie Villarosa

In the month of May our members and officers helped our community and made some new friends. They have made dog toys using old t-shirts. Our members stayed after school to learn how to tie them together and in total made 20 dog toys. A few days later we donated them to our local animal shelter. We had six members go to our division council meeting. It was Alex Reyes's, our new vice president, first time going and he had a great time! He plans to attend future division events and encourage more members! Our members also attended the K9 dinner at Hawthorne Memorial Center. They helped serve food to the people in our community, including police officers and firemen. Hawthorne's interact club, HMSA key club, and Leuzinger key club also contributed in helping place food in the plates and serve food to the people.

We had the May A Dog Toy Event. Members were asked to stay after school and donate their time to make toys for dogs in need of a home.

We had a K9 Dinner event. Members helped out the community of Hawthorne by providing them dinner, as well as their special guest, the K9 animals.

We had members of Hawthorne Hi gh attend the Division Council Meeting.


By: Rami Abuquo

In May, HMSA Key Club events included LAX Run, Tour De Pier and the K9 Community Dinner. Each one of these events had its highlights but in essence, each event was extremely fun. HMSA Key Club has mainly been preparing for the summer and for the start of the next year. We are currently planning our Key Club freshman orientation and a multitude of fundraisers for our club. We recently held our first major board election to discuss the future of the club and the general actions that our board will take over the next year. Additionally, the board is working very hard to set up various fundraisers: club merchandise and restaurant fundraisers.The board is working around the clock to make sure we are prepared for the following school year as this one comes to a close end. The club held its final meeting as of 6/1/2017 and the board is excited for a new school year and the incoming freshmen. Additionally, the club has inducted new members for the positions of Treasurer and Historian and the board could not be any happier. Orlando Gonzalez will be our new treasurer and Russell Aquinde will serve as our new Historian. We have done everything we can to get the two new board members adjusted to their position and we look forward to waddling with them over the next year of our term.

We gave cups of water to the runners of the race. We volunteered at the LAFD Fire Station in Los Angeles to help LAXPD and other law enforcement angencies raise proceeds for the Tommy Scott Memorial Scholarship Fund.

By: Sarah Hoang

For the month of May, Lawndale Key Club attended the DCM and is planning to buy pop sockets for the PTP Fundraiser. Each pop socket will cost $4 and have a pirate penguin on the base. All mandatory donations will be donated to PTP and the Eliminate project. Our club will also have a fireworks booth for the month of July. Lastly, the board is still planning a PTP yard sale and bake sale fundraiser for the month of June.

Members of our club board are posing for a picture with the EleMoNaTe instagram cutout at this past DCM.

Members of our board holding Lawndale's club of the month award and our president, Sarah Hoang, with her officer of the month award.

Our president, Sarah Hoang, receiving her officer of the month award.

CAMS Submitted By: Joshua Fajardo

This month has been great for CAMS Key Club, especially with our member of

the month, Isaiah

Pagdanganan! Isaiah may only be

in his first year of key club, but his constant dedication and excitement for service has made it seem like he has been apart of the club for years! for years! He has been showing a lot of passion for his community and for Key Club by attending and bringing friends to service events, and to the CAMS Key Club banquet! Isaiah is not afraid to meet new people, and can often be seen bringing the life to events by making others laugh. Recently, he showed his eagerness to

serve at Submitted the Tour of Long Beach when he handed out medals By: Joshua Fajardo

to the bike riders! At our club banquet in May, Isaiah made his fellow key clubbers laugh as he performed dares and answered questions from the love box! CAMS Key Club can’t wait to see where Isaiah’s passion for service will take him. Congratulations toI saiah for being CAMS Key Club’s member of the month!


of t


Da Vinci Submitted By: Elina Luong We're very proud to announce that our Member of the Month is

Matthew Ujemov!

With 40+ service hours already completed for the new term with our club, he never ceases to dedicate his time towards Key Club. He shows so much support by attending every event he can and hardly ever misses a meeting. He demonstrates many of Key Club’s core values and even communicates with the board! Matthew thrives in Key Club and is a great example of good member and we can't thank himenough for his support. Go Matthew!

Gardena Submitted By: Chester Virata HEY HEY KEY CLUBBERS!! For the month of May, one member really stood out. He always attends every event/meeting with lots of enthusiasm and big smiles. Always mentioning Key Club and achieving great tasks, I see a lot of potential in him! Key Club has made him come out of his “cocoon”

and blossom into a majestic Pirate Penguin. He is the type of person to come up to you and brighten your day. No matter how many times you ask him how he feels, he always says his cheers with the same amount of spirit as the first. With his amazing spirit, he significantly created a difference not only within our club, but the division. He is known to highly motivate and assist members in any situation. With his kind personality, he can create strong bonds and

friendships with anyone he meets. I am proud to say that Member of the Month for the month of May.


Cory Suzuki

is our

Member of the Month



This is , who has been an amazing member for both last term and this new term. He has stuck with us to till the end of the year and has participated in almost all of the events open to him. Sean has always tried to take advantage of the opportunities and is very responsible, shown by his high attendance at events. He strives to work hard at events in order to help better the community. However, there are other aspects of him outside of his work ethics that brought him to our attention. For one, he has an excellent personality and attitude, always being positive while at our regular meetings. While he may be quiet and shy, he can open up when he desires to, 1 becoming very comedic and lively. Often, he can help to liven the mood and raise morale during events. Overall, it is quite a pleasure to have him as member, contributing so much to the club and being a great person. Thus, he is very fitting to be Member of the Month and has displayed the kinds of attributes that others should strive to imitate.



Sean Le

Submitted By: Katherine Gonzalez

Submitted By: Jeremy Lopez


HMSA Key Club is proud to present Brian Cifuentes as our May member of the month. Brian is currently a Freshman and has been involved in Key Club throughout the whole school year. Brian has attended almost all the weekly meetings in the month of May as well as the May DCM and with these actions we are very appreciative of what he has been able to accomplish in our club. Not only does he serve as a perfect example of a club member, but motivates the current board member as well as his fellow club members. Brian makes the time to be involved in all the amazing activities that we have and we hope he can continue his consistent dedication to Key Club. With his constant participation, we can expect greater accomplishments on his behalf in his remaining years in Key Club.

Submitted By: Nicole Cruz


Steven Soto

For this month’s member of the month it is . Not only does he attend every meeting he always make sure to make every event. He has always been a dedicated member from the start. Always there to be updated at every meeting and he is the first to sign up. He always brings a smile to everyone in the club with his jokes. Outside of Key Club he is a very kind and outgoing person. He is truly an amazing member that I’m glad to have in our club. J

Member of the Month


June Features

June F

�Why did did you yo �Why

To be honest, I first joined Key Club because our past president, Aileen, asked all of the freshmen to go to the Key Club meeting. To me, Key Club seemed like every other volunteering/service club for me to be a part in. Having nothing better to do, I gave Key Club a shot. The first club was interesting. It took some time to blend into the spirit when we first did the "We feel good" cheers.The August DCM was the event that truly sparked my interest in the club. The people, chants, games, and the overall Key Club spirit was remarkable. I still remember the great moments I had on that day. Yes, my answer to why I joined Key Club might not be the best. However, something that I want everyone to know is why I stayed in this club. During the 2016-2017 term, I learned what service meant for the community, as well as self growth. The events I attended, the people I met, and the memories I made during the past year cannot be described with words. To some people, Key Club can be their passion. To some it may be just a volunteering club. To me , Key Club is a family, where each member has a place in the puzzle and makes the world a safer and happier place.

Min Jung

In all honesty, I first joined Key Club because I thought that it was something nice to put on my college apps. But after going to a few service events & Fall Rally, I realized that there's so much more to Key Club. I discovered a whole world of amazing, inspiring people in Key Club, and they honestly drive my passion to keep coming back to it. Though I joined Key Club for the college apps, I decided to stay and dedicate myself to it for the people, and it's been one of the best decisions I've ever made.

Joshua Fajardo



ou join key key club?� club?� u join

I joined Key Club for a very good reason, to give back to the community. Ive failed at many things in life, but I believe Key Club relieves those past pains and lets me serve and actually atone for things Ive done I in the past. I applaud those who take up the courage to join Key Club for the values of fellowship and service

Cory Suzuki

I joined Key Club because I have always found joy in helping others and this was a way to pursue my passion for volunteering as well as hang out with friends and meet new people. I also right away knew that this club was filled with extremely compassionate, dedicated, people whom I wanted to surround myself with and become myself. .

Lexi Buhr









Mary Ramirez

Sandy Navarro




Katie Chow




Sangeetha Ramachandran

FUNDRAISING COORDINATOR d19n.cnhkc.dfc@gmail.com

Catherine Roman

HEAD SPIRIT COORDINATOR d19n.cnhkc.spiritteam @gmail.com


Mark Andal

Hazel Cartagena

Jared Keating

SERVICE EXPO COORDINATOR d19n.cnhkc.sxp@gmail.com

Sophia Soriano TECH EDITOR





Lexi Buhr



Shekinah Crouch



Tonia Le

GARDENA PRESIDENT toniamtle@yahoo.com








Sarah Hoang

LAWNDALE PRESIDENT sarahhoang7@gmail.com

Weston Gray



Rosie Villarosa



Message from the Editor Hey, Hey, Pirate Penguins!

I hope everyone is having a fantastic summer so far! Congratulations to everyone for completing another school year! I am thrilled to start off summer having a break from stress, homework, and responsibilities. However, though we are all in summer break, please be reminded that SERVICE IS KEY! Now is the best opportunity to serve and attend as many events as you can. Surely, we all can find ourselves getting some ice cream after a hot day at a service event (at least, you can find me getting some HAHA). Thank you for taking time in reading June’s Treasure Tribune! Special thank you to all the Presidents, Vice Presidents and Historians for taking your time in submitting Club Articles, Motm’s and Visuals. This newsletter would not be possible without all your hard work! As many of you already know, the term’s newsletter will provide a month’s spotlight that features any member who answer the question of the month! This month’s question is:

Oneword word totodescribe describe Key Key Club. Club. And AndWhy? Why? One

Send in a picture of yourself attached with your submission to:

d19n.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com Thank you again everyone for checking out this month’s newsletter! My heart expresses so much joy to all of you taking the time to read the most spectacular “Treasure Tribune”! Hope to see you all very soon!

Waddlin’ with love,

Mary Ramirez Ramirez Mary

Catch us here! Key Club Division 19 North @Division19North @Division19North Division19North. Weebly.com CNHKeyClub.org

Thank you for reading!

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