D19N June Newsletter 2019-20

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the icy times The Official Division 19 North Newsletter June | Issue One

California-Nevada-Hawaii District | Region 8 | Division 19 North

In th is Issu e! 02 03 16 17

Letter from LTG Introducing.. DLT

a word from the DIVISION NEWS EDITOR Ahoy, pirate penguins! My name is Alisa Nagashima and I am honored to serve as your 2019-20 Division News Editor! Just as a quick introduction, I am a current junior at CAMS, and

Club Articles

have been involved in Key Club since freshman year. When I’m not at a service event, I can be found


jamming out to songs, going on endless boba runs with friends, or relaxing by the window with my dog



and a good book.



With the school year quickly coming to an end, this means one thing: summer. I am sure you all have



many exciting things planned for the next few months, but I hope serving your communities is one



of them. Whether you have joined the Kiwanis Family just a few hours ago or have ended your final term


Da Vinci

here with us, I encourage each and every one of you to continue your Key Club journey with passion and


Contact Information

dedication. Thank you for reading the first issue of The Icy Times! If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions (especially another name for the newsletters haha),

feel free to let me know :) As always, keep servin’

Alisa Nagashima Alisa Nagashima Division News Editor d19n.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com


letter from LT G

Andrew Yang

What’s Waddlin’ Division 19 North! My name is Andrew Yang, and I am honored to serve Division 19 North as Lieutenant Governor for the 2019-2020 term! To begin, I would like to thank each and every Pirate Penguin for entrusting me with the opportunity to serve all of you as Lieutenant Governor. Additionally, I would also like to thank everyone for an amazing start to the 2019-2020 Key Club term! A widespread division of 10 clubs is difficult to manage, but the members make it worth the effort. For those that do not know who I am, I am currently a junior at the California Academy of Mathematics and Science, and joined Key Club at the beginning of my freshman year. Since then, I have gone to serve CAMS Key Club as Club Secretary, and, most recently, Executive Assistant for Division 19 North Key Club. My past club and Division positions have effectively prepared me for my role today. I will try my absolute best to ensure that Division 19 North soars among the clouds in the sky. As said in my Conclave speech, I want to CREATE opportunities for members to contribute towards the collective success of the Division. Although it is only the beginning of the term, I highly recommend any and every member to seize their opportunity to improve their home, school, and community, and I hope I played some part in the process as well. Thank you Division 19 North for allowing me to serve a group of likeminded individuals that dedicate themselves to helping others. Waddling for ServICE, Andrew Yang Division 19 North Lieutenant Governor 19’-20’


Introducing your.. 2019-20 Division Leadership Team


Executive Assistant

Sandra Kim

No wait stop, penguins !! Turn it UuuuUuUUuUUP !!! My name is Sandra Kim and I am happy to serve you as Division 19 North’s Executive Assistant for the 2019-2020 term! I am currently a junior at Gardena HS and was able to proudly serve my home club as their club secretary (2017-18) and president (2018-19) in previous terms. Just to start things off, I began my Key Club journey in my freshman year. As I fell down hard into the rabbit hole of service and spirit throughout the years, the impact of Key Club has practically taken over my life in the best ways possible and I hope to be able to show you all how immense and amazing this organization truly is! From experiencing the fun of volunteering and the thrill of the spirit battles, I aim to help you all get the best out of Key Club during YOUR Key Club journey! When I’m not at a Key Club event, you can catch me on the tennis courts or on a minecraft server for 10 hours straight (as you can see, i’m a dedicated individual). Or maybe at a local cafe, doing a boatload of homework. Or maybe in my room, jamming to songs that are meant for simping. Or maybe at home, painting whatever odd thing my friends tell me to paint while watching anime. Who knows? But in all situations, I’m constantly pushing myself further than what I’m used to and I hope to do the same throughout the term alongside my fellow DLT members and YOU! Don’t be afraid to come up to me to ask a question about anything you’re confused or want to know more about !!


Executive Assistant

Ryan Son Hello Pirate Penguins! My name is Ryan Son and I am super excited to serve Division 19 North as your new Executive Assistant. I also serve as a Vice-President for my home club. I am currently a sophomore and I attend the California Academy of Mathematics and Science. I have been in Key Club with a passion to serve and change lives. It is has been an incredible journey to make it this far and serve at such an important position for our division. Key Club has taught me so much throughout the years. I’ve learned to donate to charities to help make the world a better place. It is honestly wonderful to experience every member and officer to grow as one big ohana and I wish to keep that chain. I will try my everlasting best to make this term the most successful term in Key Club history. Other than Key Club, I am active in numerous activities. I am involved in volleyball and baseball. I started off late to volleyball in the 9th grade. Before joining the school volleyball team, I had never played a professional game of volleyball except prison break. I was able to build my confidence level by overcoming opposing teams and competition. I also played baseball which helped me realize to be a good person and never argue with something as simple as a ball. Once again, it is a tremendous honor to serve division 19 north as executive assistant. I can’t wait to see the beautiful spirit of our division grow and prosper. I will see you all very soon!


Division Secretary

Travis Salud

Ahoy Pirate Penguins! My name is Travis Salud, and I am excited to return as your Division Secretary for the 2019-2020 term! Currently, I am a junior at the California Academy of Mathematics and Science. I will also be proudly serving as one of CAMS Key Club’s vice-presidents for this term. For those who don’t know me, I am a short Filipino (but can’t speak tagalog haha) who loves serving the community, but is also interested in computer science. Outside of Key Club, I like to play ICE hockey, drink boba, listen to music, and nap instead of doing my homework! I am also a proud owner of a Nintendo Switch so let me know if you want to play me in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Joining the Key Club organization has allowed me to serve my home, school, and community while helping me meet many inspirational people and gain unforgettable experiences that have shaped me into a better person. More importantly, it has also introduced me to the best division in CNH! One of the highlights of my Key Club Journey has definitely been serving on the Division Leadership Team last term. And as you can see, I’m back to serve the division that I am proud to be a part of. I can’t wait to make this term icy with you, Division 19 North!


Division News Editor

Alisa Nagashima

What’s icy pirate penguins?! My name is Alisa Nagashima and I am incredibly honored to be serving as YOUR 2019-20 Division News Editor. I am currently a junior at CAMS and have thoroughly enjoyed this past term serving as the Bulletin Editor for my home club. Through my experiences of spending hours choosing the right fonts for my bulletins to making sure that the content was relevant and accurate, I hope that I can provide you with newsletters that are informational, engaging, and reliable. Aside from my goals as DNE, I hope to inspire you to take initiative and break the ICE in whatever you do, whether it pertains to Key Club or not. I embarked on this Key Club journey as a freshman with a pretty closed mind. If you asked me if I would attempt to run for a position, I would most likely say no. But after getting a little more involved with service events as well as the people in this organization, I realized that I wanted to do something more. Looking back, I am truly amazed at how much Key Club has impacted my life and encouraged me to step outside of my comfort zone, even if at first it was a tiny step. When I am not at a service event, you can find me jamming out to songs by my favorite artists including Khalid, Vince Staples, Jeremy Zucker, and Jhene Aiko (just to name a few), sipping on MILK TEA (and only milk tea) boba with my friends, or relaxing by the window with my adorable dog, Choco, and a good book. Also, I have strange obsessions with tomatoes and aesthetic coffee shops, respectively :)) I’m thrilled to see what this upcoming term has in store for us! As always, keep servin’

Division Tech Editor

Angel Cabanayan

My name is Angelus Cabanayan and I have the honor of serving as your new Division Tech Editor for the 2019-2020 term! I’m currently a junior at CAMS struggling to make it past AP exams (rip apush). Last year, I served as one of our clubs Co-Historians. Needless to say, it was a big pengWIN (see what I did there). My Key Club journey started off pretty rough. Being the timid person I am, a club filled with loud teenagers screaming was a little intimidating. I went to a couple service events with friends here and there but I wouldn’t really say I was a dedicated member. Then, something big happened; I was invited to attend FRS! Many of my cousins had told me about how great of an experience Fall Rally South was so, naturally, I took on that offer. WOW. Everything changed for me at that point. At FRS, I became one of those aforementioned noisy teenagers myself! In addition to being EXTREMELY fun, Fall Rally South taught me what it truly means to be in Key Club. It’s not just about having fun and hanging out with friends, but it’s also about meeting new people and serving the community and those in need (spirit is pretty important too)! This realization inspired me to go for a club position last year, and here I am being a part of DLT this year! Key Club has definitely played a big part in shaping me into the person I am today. Outside of Key Club, you’ll often find me cramming for school, working out, making origami, or playing tennis (I’m super rusty heh). Origami is super relaxing and it’s so satisfying to see the end result. It’s definitely one of my favorite methods of relaxation. As far as food goes, In-N-Out hands down makes the best burgers and seafood is always a good option. Anyways, I’m really excited to be serving alongside all of you this year! Let’s make this term a great one shall we?


Membership, Development, and Education Coordinator


Casis What's Waddlin' Pirate Penguins! I'm Nick Casis, a current junior at the California Academy of Mathematics and Science, proud to be serving you all as your Member Development and Education Coordinator for the 2019-2020 term! Despite only really being active for a year, the numerous people I've met in this organization have changed me and my life drastically. I've slowly but surely been able to come further out of my shell to develop my social and mental intelligence, and, for that reason, I've made it my goal in my final term to enhance the Key Club experience in Division 19 North beyond just service, creating an environment that allows members to grow individually and collectively just as I was able to in the previous term alongside a couple others. I highly value interaction and cooperation, so please don't feel discouraged to just go up and talk to me anytime, even though I know how awkward things can get sometimes. After all, my job revolves around all of you now, so it's best if I get to know you to the best of my abilities. Apart from Key Club, I'm a "professional" boba and coffee connoisseur and enthusiast in technology, cooking, graphic design, film, photography, and much more. Catch me on Subtle Asian Traits looking at memes or simping to music. Other than that, I'm exciting to serve alongside all of you this term!


Fundraising Coordinator

Cindy Nguyen HEYO PIRATE PENGUINS! My name is Cindy Nguyen and I’m proud to say that I will be serving as your Division Fundraising Coordinator for the 2019-2020 term. As a current junior and past Co-Fundraising Chair for CAMS Key Club, I’m beyond excited to make enough money for us to all waddle around in (and then some). Since freshman year, Key Club has turned from a few Saturdays here and there to a family that I can come to anytime-- during meetings, DCMS, events, or in the dead of night. I’ve always been that short Asian girl (and I still am, haha) that looks like an egg and runs like a penguin, but Key Club has taken such a huge place in my heart and allowed me to grow into the person I am today, ready to waddle out into a big, wide world. Outside of Key Club, I love spending time with my friends and family, wasting days reading novels, and catching up on much needed sleep. A few random facts: Jeremy Zucker is amazing, spiders are very scary, and my answer to ‘favorite color and how’ is blue and its ability to look very noice. Let’s make this term the iciest yet!


Service Projects Coordinator

Lydia Neguse

Ahoy, Pirate Penguins! My name is Lydia Neguse, and I’m proud to serve as Division 19 North’s Service Expo Coordinator for the 2019-2020 term. I am currently a CAMS sophomore, and was a part of the Service Committee for the previous term. Naturally, being a part of such a committee, and dedicating my time towards helping our IP Service Expo Coordinator go about their tasks with as much ease as possible, whether it was through finding, chairing, or promoting events, has given me a deep appreciation for the core of Key Club: service. To me, Key Club is about giving back to the community; it is about giving your thanks, your appreciation for those that have done so much to get you to the place that you are at, and about doing your share in maintaining the wellbeing of those around you. It’s about helping others, for the sake of seeing them grow and flourish. Whether it is through handing out cups of water to make running 5Ks a little bit easier, or providing food for the homeless directly, each and every service event has a purpose of helping, of lifting one another up and away from unfortunate conditions, that it fulfills - and I hope to convey this importance the best I can this term. Outside of Key Club, I enjoy making sketches (which can never make the leap from cartoonish to realistic, unfortunately), and playing tennis (which I am also not very good at), in addition to being a member of my school’s FIRST Robotics Competition and Science Olympiad teams. My life can get hectic, but rest assured that I’ll make sure this term is as successful as it can be. I can’t wait to see what each and every one of you Penguins has to offer!


Co-Head Spirit Coordinator

Carl Joseph Arceo

What’s Poppin’ 19 North! Serving with passion and pride, my name is Carl Joseph Arceo and I will be serving as one of Division 19 North’s Head Spirit Coordinators for the 2019 through 2020 term! As of May, I am currently a Junior attending Gardena High School. Previously, I have served on the Division’s spirit team for the past two years and had worked hard as my home club’s secretary for the 2018 through 2019 term. Becoming Spirit Coordinator, I wish to inspire and motivate everyone in the club to be driven and passionate about service too! I want to continue pushing my love for service to the max and provide my division with all the help I can deliver. Being my Division’s Spirit Coordinator was a dream of mine ever since my fresh year of high school. Seeing people screaming and chanting about penguins seemed pretty odd at first, but giving in, I joined in on the nonsense and felt a sense of family and community. Yelling out how I felt was the truth, I felt good representing my home club and division. Catch me at a service event or division meeting and ask me how I feel! I almost guarantee you that I’ll give you 100% of my energy. Key Club has been a big part of my life and really influenced me throughout my high school career. Through Key Club, I met amazing new people and I’d like to know many more! Don’t be afraid to go up to me and crack a joke. Outside of Key Club, prepare to find me at the mall throwing away my savings, hear me struggle and complain about school, sleeping after hours of tennis practice, or glued to my computer playing games for hours. I swear TF2 and Minecraft is not dead yet. Anyways, I'm a friendly and relaxed person, so please don’t be afraid to come up to me. I'm here to help you and give you the best possible term of your Key Club career. Let’s all show spirit for 19 North!


Co-Head Spirit Coordinator

Isaiah Pagdanganan

Whiggity waddlin what’s up pirate penguins?! My name is Isaiah Pagdanganan and I am your Co-Head Spirit Coordinator for the 2019-2020 term! I love ramen, sushi, sudoku, and dancing. I joined key club in freshmen year and I could honestly say I don’t know how my life would be without it. Key club really let me open up and see the potential I have in serving my community. It made me realize my love for making cheers and spreading division spirit! I would like to consider myself one of the iciest members around and I love my division with all my heart, mind, and soul. With my counterpart, CJ, we plan to fill this term with nothing but fun, amazing icebreakers, and some bomb cheers. And maybe even a spirit stick?? I’m excited to see what this term will bring!!!


Publicity Coordinator

Cathleen Uy AHOYY PIRATE PENGUINS!! My name is Cathleen Uy and I am proudly serving as your division publicity coordinator. I am currently a sophomore at the California Academy of Mathematics and Science. I decided to apply for the division leadership team because I wanted to proudly represent the division I am so passionate about. I am excited to make this term EXTRA ICY for our division and get to know every single one of the pirate penguins personally. Even though I started my key club journey rather recently, only really starting to become active this year, I discovered my passion for this amazing organization very quickly. I’ve been a girl scout since I was six years old, so I was introduced to volunteering ever since I could remember. I don’t volunteer just to get free shirts or for the service hours. I genuinely LOVE volunteering because of the rush of happiness I get from serving. The only thing that makes me as happy as I am when I volunteer is getting boba. I believe claiming that I LOVE boba is such a great understatement. People who bring me boba have my heart. My all time favorite boba is a mango green tea with light ice, light boba, and pudding ;). I LOOOVE cha for tea, tastea, and gong cha. On another note, I LOVE SOUP, BURRITOS, AND SUSHI. I also LOOOOOOVE slime, please send me some videos lol. You can catch me constantly bugging you guys about upcoming division events on the division instagram and facebook. If you have any questions about ANYTHING, feel free to message me! I hope to get to know so many pirate penguins and I BEElieve that this term will be a fun one. Stay icy ;)).


Merchandise Coordinator

Sarah Blosser

Hey Key Clubbers!! My name is Sarah Blosser and I am excited to serve you as your Merchandise Coordinator for the 2019-2020 term. I am currently a sophomore at CAMS and even though I haven’t served in a position before, I am eager to start this journey of serving on DLT. I just started getting more involved in Key Club this past term and my first thought after I went to FRS was, “Why didn’t I do this last year?” It made me realize the amazing feeling I felt after serving my community and this feeling was what motivated me to become more active in this amazing club. My experience in Key Club has been nothing but positivity and support from the upperclassmen that have been involved for years. This support was what originally encouraged me to go to my first meeting and event. Key Club was something that, during freshman year, I saw as a very close knit organization that I thought was too late to fully experience. I realized that this wasn’t true and that the people in Key Club are the most accepting and supportive group. Aside from serving at events, you might find me dancing or doing what I love almost as much as those two, sleeping. You might also catch me at Cha for Tea getting boba or at home watching Netflix. I enjoy spending time with friends and family and, as always, getting good food. Overall, I am very excited to serve all you icy penguins by getting some icy merch. See you waddling around!


club articles



By Travis Salud, CAMS Key Club Co-Vice President  

For the month of April, selected CAMS Key Club members attended District Convention 2019. There, they attended many workshops, and witnessed the retirement of the old board and official start of the new term! This includes three retiring District board members: Rita Nguyen (Pie Chair), Jared Keating (MDE Chair) and Leo Tafoya (DVME Chair). We also had a selected SAA Captain from our school: Ryan Son. CAMS Key Club won awards, such as Club of the Year, Distinguished Club, and various members were recognized for service. Also, the newly installed board held the first board meeting of the term (April 15) where we discussed our club goals for the term. Officers also organized the first club meeting of the term where we introduced the new board, talked about division business, and presented upcoming service events. A second board meeting was held to plan fundraisers and organize the next general meeting where we will have a lemon fundraiser for eliMiNaTe week. Finally, the officers are also in the process of planning a CAMS Key Club Banquet at Nakaoka Center.


LTG Andrew Yang delivers a speech at the District Convention.

In order to get to know each other, Pirate Penguins participate in fun icebreakers at the DCM!

CAMS Key Club members at District Convention!



By Debbie Garcia, Gardena Key Club President  

Ahoy, pirate penguins! For the month of April, Gardena Key Club had the opportunity to send eight of our members to District Convention 2019 from April 12th-14th. Here they learned more about officer positions, spirit, problem solving, and more through various workshops they attended. Moreover, they witnessed the retirement of the old District Board as well as the installation of the new board. We also sold CNH four core values themed stickers during the District Convention. We made over $200! In April we had two service events. In the beginning of the month there was Spring Craft Fair on April 6th, where members help set up and clean up the Craft Fair. Another event we had was the Breakfast with the Easter Bunny on April 20th where members helped assist Nakaoka Staff by helping to serve people or helping in the craft rooms. We also had our first DCM of the term on April 20th where members got to meet the new Lieutenant Governor, Andrew Yang, and members participated in making dog toys. Afterwards, we had the Board Training Conference on April 26th where the old Gardena Board trained our new Gardena Board.


Gardena Key Club members with the new LTG Andrew Yang at our first DCM.

Division 19 North at District Convention 2019! All members that attended district convention are seen in this photo.

Gardena Key Club's 2018-2019 Board and Gardena Key Club's 2019-2020 Board at Board Training Conference.



By Ruth Moreno, HMSA Key Club Co-Vice President

Greetings! During the Month if April HMSA Key Club has had 2 events. First we had District Convention, where only 1 officer from the board went. We also had a joint marathon event with Da Vinci called Run for Education where we had 8 members go. Her we helped the Kiwanis set up and work their booth throughout the whole event. Currently we plan on making HMSA more active once again with more events and meetings. Thank you!



By Eduardo Barajas, Hawthorne Key Club President  

For the Month of April Hawthorne High School Key Club Attended The Bunny Breakfast at Hawthorne Memorial on the 13th. Members in attendance helped pass out and put together breakfast for the community in Hawthorne. Then they would help with other events like the egg hunt and dyeing eggs with the children. During the same weekend we had eight members from HHS attend district convention

where they attended workshops and bonded with others from different divisions or got closer with people from our own. We had some members recognized for bronze membership having 50 or more hours in the term as well as other recognitions. While we enjoyed district we had said goodbye to our old board but we looked forward to welcoming our new board. At our first board meeting the day after district convention (April 15 ) we discussed long term

goals for our club and for

ourselves to improve as

people and board

officers. Finally we attended

the divisions monthly dcm

where we all recapped on

our clubs and what we

did during the month of

march and helped

make dog toys out of old

unused shirts for dogs

and cats in local animal




By Shannon Sukantri, Lawndale Key Club President

For the month of April, we had one board meeting and attended the first of the term and made dog toys. We

DCM have a total

of 5 service hours for this month. Unfortunately, we didn’t have any community service events. However, we bought graduation medals for our seniors and will soon sell them during the month of May.


da vinci

By Natalia Zeledon, Da Vinci Key Club President  

For the month of April, Da

send the immediate past

Vinci Key Club was able to President, Angela Magat,

to District Convention

2019 where she served

as a Sergeant at Arms

Captain. She witnessed

the retirement of the old district board and the official start of the new term. That weekend on April 13th, Natalia Zeledon attended our Kiwanis Tree Planting event at Recreation Park in El Segundo. On Tuesday, April 16th two of our officers Emely Torres and Natalia Zeledon attended our local Kiwanis meeting where they got the chance to share goals for the term and receive feedback on how to achieve them. On April 20th three of our officers, Andrew Carias, Andrew Garcia, and Natalia Zeledon attended the April Division Council Meeting where they made dog toys for a local shelter, met other newly installed officers, and sold ribbon leis to gain funds towards our club. On April 27th Natalia Zeledon attended the El Segundo Run for Education where she and the Kiwanis ran a booth with games that promoted Kiwanis and raise funds for local schools. Finally, on April 29th Da Vinci Key Club had their first ever joint schools meeting with members from Da Vinci Science, Communications, and Design.


Da Vinci Key Club Vice President, Natalia Zeledon, gardening at the El Segundo Kiwanis Tree Planting event with our Kiwanis Advisor, Mr. Reeves.

Our Vice President and Treasurer being mummified at our first meeting of the term.

Da Vinci Key Club Vice President, Andrew Carias and Treasurer Andrew Garcia selling leis for club funding at the April Division Council Meeting. 25


Sandra Kim Executive Assistant d19n.cnhkc.ea@gmail.com

Andrew Yang Lieutenant Governor d19n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Ryan Son Executive Assistant d19n.cnhkc.ea@gmail.com


Travis Salud Division Secretary

Alisa Nagashima

Angel Cabanayan

Division News Editor

Division Tech Editor





Nick Casis

Membership, Development, Education Coord.


Cindy Nguyen Fundraising Coord. d19n.cnhkc.dfc@gmail.com

Isaiah Pagdanganan Co-Head Spirit Coord.

Lydia Neguse Service Expo Coord. d19n.cnhkc.sxp@gmail.com

Carl Joseph Arceo Co-Head Spirit Coord.



Cathleen Uy

Sarah Blosser

Publicity Coord.

Merchandise Coord.




Thank you for reading CyberKey - cnhkeyclub.org Key Club website - keyclub.org

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