D19N July Newsletter 2018-19

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California-Nevada-Hawaii District | Region 8 | Division 19 North

f o e l b s a t T n e t n o C 1

In this issue‌ Letter from the LTG 3 #BestofD19N Winners 5 Social Media 6 Upcoming Events Calendar 7 Past Events 9 Club Articles 11 Members of the Month 29 Contacts 31


Letter from the LTG

Jared Keating Shiver Me Timbers Division 19 North, It may be hard to believe but we are already a quarter through the 2018 - 2019 term! In four months, Division 19 North has accumulated 877.5 hours of community service and has fundraised $872.14 for the Pediatric Trauma Program and Project eliMiNaTe. I am incredibly proud of each of you for contributing to the impact Key Club International has on the community and the world. If we continue to serve with passion and motivation, I am confident that we can reach our Division goals. Last month, I attended International Convention in The Windy City, Chicago, thanks to a generous donation from the Kiwanis Club of Gardena Valley. I learned how to better serve each of you and I helped elect our new International Board.


Furthermore, I participated in the CNH District Tour, where I adventured around the city with other attendees from our District. This experience was truly unfathomable and I highly encouraged each of you to begin fundraising for District events like Fall Rally South and District Convention. Thank you for attending our first Region event of the term, Region 8 Olympics: “The Gr8 Race.” I hope you all created new friendships with Key Clubbers from around the Region and experienced the wonderful spirit and service aspects of Key Club. In the upcoming month, come ride the waves of service at our annual Division 19 Beach Clean Up Division Council Meeting on Saturday, August 18th. Beautify Hermosa Beach, cool off in the water, vibe to relaxing music, and participate in beach games with our sister Division! Make sure to look out for more details on our Facebook page. Keep up the amazing work and feel free to contact me anytime if you have any questions, comments, or concerns!

Keep waddlin’ and stay poppin’ -Jared



congrats to all the winners!


gio r e itss p ssu a w

Have a photo that you want to share with the Division? Post your picture using the hashtag “#BestofD19N” and wait for next month’s newsletter for a chance to be featured!


KEEP IN TOUCH WITH US! Key Club Division 19 North @division19north @division19north Division19north.weebly.com








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OTC was a very informational yet entertaining event! We were able to learn about the many important tasks that various officers had to perform in order for the year to run smoothly! In addition to that, there were many icebreakers and skits played throughout the day to ensure that the event was still an opportunity to bond with other pirate penguins and beastie bunnies.

- Alisa Nagashima CAMS Key Club


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By: Nikki Catangay, CAMS Key Club Co-Vice President

For the month of June CAMS key clubbers kicked off their summers surfing the waves of service! We managed to chair a school supply drive, the Wrigley River Run, Arts Alive Recital, Color Run, Gardena Wet Willows Preserve restoration, Abalone Cove cleanup, fireworks stand vending, and Torrance Madrona marsh, all of which add up to a total of 8 service events. However, two of these events spanned over the course of more than a week. CAMS Key Club also held a joint summer social with Gardena Key Club where we sold milk tea and pizza. It was great to see members interacting with one another during ice breakers and a very intense water balloon fight. Even with the constant flow of events, many CAMS Key Club members attended Officer Training Conference as well as June DCM. We are so proud to have Lydia Neguse and Christina Kim on the Service Committee, Skylar Babinski on Tech Team, Travis Salud on the Fundraising Team, and Isaiah Pagdanganan on Spirit Team. These pirate penguins have shown so much potential and I cannot wait to see what they do for Division 19 North on their respective committees!


Cindy Nguyen, Nikki Catangay, and Skylar Babinski protect plant foliage by plucking invasive species.

Isaiah Pagdanganan, Elvie Hu, Albert Chen, and Andrew Yang assist with cleanup after a long day of work.

Andrey Salviejo and Lydia Neguse work together to take out a tough plant root.

Emily Tanaka helps setup and organize concessions for patrons.

Sean Yamaguchi, Aaron Isara, Nikki Catangay, Min Jung, and Skylar Babinski work together to restore and maintain plant life.


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Hello! In the month of June, we could not gain any new members however we did promote the Beauty & a Beach cleanup including an art contest where key clubbers such as Koby Wu (also secretary of the 2018-2019) board volunteered and a few more. Our Key club also advertised the Rascals Terriyaki Grill in our DaVinci Key Club Instagram page. In addition, one of our members Russsel Wong attended the color run, and another member Sophia Gutierrez volunteered at a homeless shelter. Hopefully we are able to acquire more community service events in July and the upcoming school year, thank you!


El segundo By: Anjelica Ayalde, El Segundo Key Club President

What’s poppin D19N! For the month of June, overall, we had two service events and unfortunately no fundraisers due to a problem with our school for the summer. Our members volunteered at the Beauty and Beach Clean-up at El Segundo on June 2nd where we basically cleaned up trash at the beach. Plus eating some free bbq’s. And on June 30th, we had another service event where we helped put together goodie bags for a future run called, “Conquer Our Run” for about an hour. And that’s all we basically did for the month of June. Hopefully we can attend more service events in July!


Beauty and the Beach Before Group Photo

Beauty and the Beach After Group Photo with a guy named Matt


gardena By: Sandra Kim, Gardena Key Club President

For the month of June, Gardena Key Club had six service events, two fundraisers, and a joint summer social! On June 16, we had a service event and had five people attend the June DCM/OTC. The service event took place at the Nakaoka Center’s Concert on the Lawn, where members helped set up the concert, scooped ice cream, and served coffee to the concert attendees. On June 22, five Gardena Key clubbers helped at the Feed SoCal Hunger Initiative at Vons by sorting the food donations and cheering for people who donated throughout the food drive. On June 23, we had two service events. First, there was the MLK Hatt-a-tude at the Nakaoka Center where members set up the food and also served it. Then, members signed up for shifts to work at the game booths at the JCI Fuji Matsuri. Gardena Key Club members also signed up to volunteer at the Fuji Matsuri on the 24th! First off (for fundraisers), our treasurer, Galilea Ramirez, hosted our Aloha Pizza Fundraiser on June 7 where we raised $26. Gardena Key Club had our second fundraiser at the CAMS x Gardena Summer Social on June 29. At the Summer Social, members from different clubs bonded, made cards for veterans (and service hours!), and had lots of fun with the water balloons! Gardena Key Club sold strawberry lemonade bars and we raised $33 for club funds. In addition, both Gardena and CAMS KC sold water balloons to social attendees, in which we raised $25.50! The money raised from the water balloons will go towards MNT!


Gardena Key Club at June DCM/ OTC

Sandra and Clarissa are unpacking dessert at Martin Luther King Organization Fundraiser.

Huyen is helping unpack dessert at Martin Luther King Organization Fundraiser event.


w a h 21

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By: Luke Fernandez, Hawthorne Key Club President

Hello Key Club, for the month of June we hosted one service event and attended a fundraiser for both Hawthorne and HMSA. On June ninth we attended the Conquer our run 5K where we handed out water, shirts, and cheered on the runners. We also scheduled a fundraising event on June fifteenth with HMSA.



By: Jezelle De Leon, HMSA Key Club President

Ahoy there! In the month of June, HMSA has volunteered at a total of 6 events! We volunteered the Hawthorne Memorial firefighter luncheon, Gardena Willows Wetlands Preserve, Midnight Mission, Color Run, and the Beauty and the Beach cleanup at El Segundo beach. At the firefighter luncheon we served the Hawthorne police and firefighter force in gratitude for their hard work and passion for their community. At the Gardena Willows Wetlands Preserve, we helped preserve the beautiful gardens and we were not afraid to get our hands dirty! At Midnight Mission, our members served food to the homeless, picked up dirty dishes, and we cleaned and swept the tables and floors. At the Color Run, we threw colored powder on people and we gave them medals and colored powder at the finish line. At the joint club event with Da Vinci and El Segundo at El Segundo beach, our members picked up trash and helped to clean up the beach. We had several members show up at the Officer Training Conference and HMSA was able to raise money for our club. The HMSA board is currently focusing on planning for fundraisers, having board bonding sessions, and we have started to plan for club rush so we can increase our membership count.


Key club members bonding over jokes at the Color Run.

Key Club members cleaning up after a couple hours of fun volunteering.

DLT Service Project Coordinator, Natalia Zeledon happy and ready to serve water to some thirsty runners!

Treasurer Christian Alexander happy about another successful service project!

Key Club member Guillermo happy about serving.


LAWNDALE By: Sally Hoang, Lawndale Key Club President

Aloha Division 19 North, for the month of June Lawndale key club attended and did a boba fundraiser at OTC. We also brainstormed some ideas for fundraising for MNT such as boba sales, Yogurtland fundraisers, etc. With the help of the DLT we set some goals for service hours and Funds raised for MNT. We also attended the midnight mission, which was a very pleasant experience.


Lawndale joining the division for the midnight mission service event!




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Kiwanis/SAMO Key Club group photo.

SAMO Key Club group photo.

SAMO Key Club members working together to decorate a truck for the parade.



Skylar Babinski

CAMS Key Club is proud to have Skylar Babinski

as the June member of the month. By attending 7 events this month, Skylar could be seen in most if not all events in June. His service passion is one that is growing and already inspires many others to serve the community. With his addition to the division tech team, we look forward to see how Skylar will impact the division and community.


Huyen HoĂ ng Hey pirate penguins! For the month of June we would like to recognize Huyen HoĂ ng. She is a new member to our club and has demonstrated dedication to our club. Throughout the month of June, she has attended events such as the Feed SoCal Initiative and Martin Luther King Hat-itude. Although it is summer break for Gardena High School students, we are glad to see that her and other members are putting their efforts towards attending events. In addition, Huyen is very sweet but also somewhat shy so, it is inspiring that she is getting out of her own comfort zone to go to our events and help the community. Her future plans are to attend more events during the summer and next school year. We are grateful to have a new addition to our club and hope to see her at more upcoming events.






CAMS d19n.cams.pres @gmail.com


d19n.davinci.pres @gmail.com


aayalde_20 @esusdstudents.org




sandrak92402 @gmail.com

l.fernande511 @cvuhsd.org






jezelleanne_de19 @hsdstudent.org

sallyhoang123 @gmail.com

LEUZINGER A.diaz442 @cvuhsd.org



d19n.samo.pres @gmail.com

DLT Andrew Yang Executive Assistant d19n.cnhkc.ea @gmail.com

Jared keating

Rosie villarosa

Lieutenant Governor d19n.cnhkc.ltg @gmail.com

Executive Assistant d19n.cnhkc.ea @gmail.com

Albert chen

Angela Kim

Division Secretary d19n.cnhkc.sec @gmail.com

Division News Editor d19n.cnhkc.dne @gmail.com

Chester virata Mem. Recognition Coord.

d19n.cnhkc.mrc @gmail.com

Natalia zeledon Service Expo Coord.

d19n.cnhkc.sxp @gmail.com

Angela magat Division Tech Editor d19n.cnhkc.tech @gmail.com

Maiangel tabujara Fundraising Coord.

d19n.cnhkc.dfc @gmail.com

Ramses donis Head Spirit Coord.

d19n.cnhkc.spirtitteam @gmail.com


Thank you for reading! What another great month of service, let’s keep up the hard work! I’ll catch you in next month’s newsletter! Waddling for Service,

Angela Kim

Division News Editor


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