Net News July August 2020

Page 60


Sport Nutrition/Hydration Update for Upcoming Georgia Summer Heat BY PAGE LOVE, MS, RDN, CSSD, USPTA


s you return to play this summer, make sure to practice appropriate hydration tactics to be ready for the increased heat your body may not be ready for! Georgia is expecting to have one of the hottest summers on record, and some of your ALTA matches will be in the highest temperature of the day. So, start working on your hydration regimen now. Most of us will need a range of 3 to 4 liters per day of hydrating fluids, which can include fluids from food sources (such as citrus fruits, melon, and tomatoes) as well as decaffeinated fluids. Here are some simple reminders to keep your hydration on track this summer:


Drink up to 2 cups (16 oz) of fluid per meals and snacks and aim for the same between meals. These beverages can include water, milk, juice, sport beverages, smoothies, and decaffeinated coffee or tea.




Pre-hydrate before your match, starting after lunch for evening Senior matches and the night before for Thursday and weekend morning matches. Add at least another cup (8 oz.) to your last meal before match time, and also plan on sipping a 24-32 oz water or sport beverage for 2-3 hours before match time.


Learn about your personal sweat rate. A simplified approach to this is to weigh yourself before practice or match play in the heat, then weigh yourself after play. The difference will tell you the sweat losses. For example, if you weigh 150 lbs the morning before you play and you weigh 148 when you return home after you play, you will need to replace 2 lbs worth of sweat losses — ideally by your next mealtime. One pound of sweat is equal to 2 cups or .5 L of hydrating fluids. Salty beverages such as sport beverages are your best choices at this time.

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