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21 Data Journalism

Data Journalism

EuropEan nEwspapEr award


KAteGorie 17.0.

Der tagespiegel, D what streets do Berliners want?

Over 21,000 people told the Tagesspiegel Innovation Lab what scares them on the streets – and what Berlin‘s cycle paths should look like in the future. The most important results have been turned into graphics. It is primarily a combination of photos and bar charts. Since it is particularly about the design of cycle paths, the alternatives are presented in 3-D graphics. Link: htt ps://tinyurl.com/mtr8as2e

tamedia Verbund, Ch eff ects of climate change on switzerland

The Tamedia team has used animated graphics to show weather data in colour and graphically. One graph, for example, shows how temperatures have been increasing from 1950 to the present. Maps of Switzerland can be used to show the change in average monthly temperature from 1961 to the present. Link to the project: htt ps://tinyurl.com/599htvv2

helsingin sanomat, fin 24 hours in a legendary petrol station

“Eltsu 24” – 24 hours in Helsinki‘s most legendary petrol station is a visual report that shows what happens in a petrol station in one day. You scroll and then see how many cups of coff ee and how many donuts are sold, how many customers and how much money comes in. These details are on coloured boxes at the top. At one point during the day, the employees of the petrol station are introduced. In addition to everyday scenes of a petrol station, there are photo sequences and close-ups, for example of the Schnitzel knocking or the donut frying. At the very end, there are the statistics: on that day, the petrol station had 1,474 guests, 720 cups of coff ee were drunk, 93 donuts were sold and the revenue amounted to 13,107 euros. Link: htt ps://dynamic.hs.fi /2020/eltsu24h/

tamedia Verbund, Ch Danger areas in switzerland

The Tamedia team has compiled the existing data of the cantons with regard to danger areas. You can distinguish between fl oods, avalanches, landslides and rockfalls. You can zoom into the map and also fi nd your own district or building. You can see directly whether you live in a danger zone. This information is of course also important if you want to buy a property or building. Link to the project: htt ps://interaktiv.tagesanzeiger.ch/2020/schweizer-gefahrenkarte/

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