3 minute read

09 Het Parool

Het Parool

EuropEan nEwspapEr oF THE YEar


CAteGorY reGionAL newsPAPer

focus on local topics

The newspaper is focussed on the Amsterdam region, which explains the presentation of local topics on the front page like the collapse of a quay wall.

emphasis on culture

The cover story on the right deals with a movie changing between fable and documentary on nature. In “Sidik and the Panther” director Reber Dosky returns to his home country to concern himself with the traumatic history of the Kurds.

 Jury statement

Het Parool is focussed on the Amsterdam region. This is why strictly local topics are dealt with, such as the collapse of a quay wall, and form the cover story. Infographics explain how damages like that could be prevented and what is done in cities with comparable problems. It is a cover-all reportage bringing a problem into focus and off ering a solution. “Het Parool” also emphasizes cultural topics. On Saturdays the following sections are presented: news, Amsterdam, sports, art, music, media, books, history, science. On other weekdays the supplement PS is a playing fi eld for creative topics. Beside a relaxed layout, each article shows details chosen with loving care: small infographics, service boxes, quotes and, last but not least, portraits of the authors. On the whole: an exemplary newspaper, perfectly aimed at their target group.  About the newspaper

Het Parool is issued in Amsterdam in tabloid format with a circulation of ca 59,000 copies. 60 journalists and six layout designers work on the editorial staff .

Corona on the front pages

“Hou vol” – “Stick it out!” is the mott o. On the occasion of the Corona crisis the editors have designed a series of front pages meant to support the readers‘ stamina in times of the lockdown.

food made from insects

“Other mammals eat insects, too,” is the headline of this cover story. A factory breeds regrowing raw material from the larvae of the black soldier fl y for catt le feed and surrogate meat. In the interview the head of the company pointed out that “Eating habits always need a lead time. Just remember what people thought about sushi when it was fi rst off ered.”

Male hormone problems

“Man, het zijn je hormonen” – “Buddy, it‘s your hormones,” reads the headline. The plastic muscle man illustrates hormone problems with men. On the inside page the ‘he-man’ has become green and is imbedded in green things – dumb-bells, apples and broccoli – clues as to the style of living and the nutrition that are also responsible for the hormone balance.

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