3 minute read
19 Movies · Animated Films
EuropEan nEwspapEr award
ConCePt, innoVAtion onLine · CAteGorY 15.1.
financial times, GB is QAnon a game run awry?
The Financial Times examines the backgrounds of QAnon in a ca 15-minute fi lm. The authoress Izabella Kaminska explains the existence of QAnon within the world of online games and the anonymous Web. “It is not a conspiracy, but a way of how to hack reality.“ Link: htt ps://htt ps://tinyurl.com/yyv9ejxu
neue Zürcher Zeitung, Ch reconstruction of the explosion in Beirut
Aft er the explosion eyewitnesses uploaded hundreds of videos in social networks. Neue Zürcher Zeitung analysed three of those videos and established the precise place from where they had been made. The footage delivered material about the extent of the destruction and what exactly happened during the fi rst seconds of the fatal explosion. This visual examination enables the readers to get a fi rst impression and a deeper understanding of the event. Link: htt ps://tinyurl.com/y5rb9lm5
Animated Films
EuropEan nEwspapEr award
ConCePt, innoVAtion onLine · CAteGorY 15.2.
trouw, nL Corona story intro
What you can see in all four pictures is the keyboard of an old-fashioned type-writer, each with four shadowy fi gures above it. With each punching of the space-bar the space between the fi gures – from left to right – becomes wider until all four are wellseparated from each other. A visualization of the process of social distancing as one of the major rules during the pandemic. The heading runs, “How does Rutt e care for discipline?”
neue Zürcher Zeitung, Ch how the Us election system works
Every four years the world is occupied with the US election system and wonders why it is so intricate. In this educational video NZZ takes the readers on a travel through time and helps them understand the US election regulations and procedures. Link: htt ps://tinyurl.com/yyz6se9s
financial times, GB “the songbird‘s silence” by Ben okri
The newspaper commissioned the author Ben Okri to write a short story for children. “The songbird‘s silence” is based on the problem of deforestation and endangered species. The animated fi lm aft er the short story is part of the FT donation appeal for the nature conservancy association of the Zoological Society of London. Link: htt ps://tinyurl.com/y2br6ugc