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03 The Jury · Trends 2021

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26 Photography

The Jury

EuropEan nEwspapEr award


the 22 nD CoMPetition

The 18 jury members came from eleven countries: Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Ireland, Great Britain and Germany. They are journalists, scientists and designers.

The jury of the 22nd European Newspaper Award:

 Silvia Brenes Pietro, EINA Barcelona, ES  Prof. Jordi Catalá, Barcelona, ES  Walter Jensen, Art-Director, Bergens Tidende, N  Sónia Matos, Art Director, Público, P  Marco Grieco, Art-Director, Expresso, P  Theo Dersjant, Fontys School of Journalism, NL  Martin Huisman, Art-Director, Het Nieuwsblad, B  Marianne Bahl, Art-Director, DK  Søren Nyeland, Art-Director, Politiken, DK  Kevin Wilson, Art Director, FT Weekend, GB  Alie Veenhuizen, Art Director, Leeuwarder Courant, NL  Gaudenz Bock, Art Director, Südwest-Presse, D  Sven Gallinelli, Art Director, NZZ Regionalmedien, CH  Prof. Dr. Martin Zimper, ZHdK/Cast, CH  Kevin Loft us, Art Director, The Mayo News IRL  Björn Heselius, Principal Designer, Nitor, S  Marianne Hartz, Art-Director, Lebensmitt el Zeitung, D  Prof. Joachim Blum, Media-Consultant, D

newspaper Design 22 the results of the 22nd european newspaper Award

ISBN 978-3-9820790-3-5 USB stick € 38,50

BooKs on newsPAPer DesiGn

newspaper Design 22

The yearbook has 20 chapters and more than 1,400 illustrations. The fi rst chapter gives an overview of the main award winners. It also documents all the winning pages from the 20 categories of the competition. This year, the focus is on the categories Cover and Cover Story, News Pages and Concept/Innovation Print and Online. Overall: The yearbook provides an overview of the current trends in newspaper design and concept in Europe.

newspaper Design and reading research

200 pages thread sewing, hardcover ISBN 978-3-00-048574-9 € 49,50

newspaper Design and reading research

The aim of the book is to show the expanded possibilities that the printed newspaper has to assert itself with readers and to stand out from other media. The basis of the book is research into reader behaviour. For this purpose, a modern eye-tracking camera is used, which documents the behaviour during newspaper reading. From the results, one can deduce what the reader-friendly newspaper must look like.

The easiest way to order the books is via www.editorial-design.com

Trends 2021

EuropEan nEwspapEr award

the 22 nD CoMPetition

newspapers: in Demand in Print and online

The European Newspaper Award aims to improve the exchange on the concept and design of newspapers in print and online. The competition is very well established, with 164 newspapers from 25 countries taking part. More than 4,000 entries were received in the print categories and 312 in the online categories. These are the trends: news fl ow and sett ing their own thematic priorities. This raises their own profi le and readers fi nd distinctive content.

4. Long-term trend 2: in-depth reporting

Newspaper articles tend to get longer. Large topics are divided into individual pieces. A topic can then be carried over two to three pages. They do not have to be daily topics, they can be longer prepared service topics or regional focus topics.

5. Long-term trend 3: visual journalism

In many newspapers, visual journalism is used rather selectively. Keywords are visual storytelling, alternative storytelling, infographics and photo reports. This content is then embedded in the overall layout. The Fuldaer Zeitung is one of the few newspapers in the German-speaking world that goes even further: the front page and up to four topics per day are prepared in a particularly visual way. This makes it easier to absorb information. Contents are presented in a clear and reader-friendly way.

6. Cover and cover story are used more often

In connection with the switch to the tabloid format, newspapers have also started to visually present the most important story of the day on the front page and continue it inside. Examples are the Handelsblatt , the weekly VDI nachrichten and the nationwide newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza from Warsaw.

7. Podcasts well established

The Hamburger Abendblatt in particular has podcasts on a wide variety of topics. Others, such as the Kurier in Vienna, and Die Zeit have successfully launched podcasts on individual topics such as true crime.

Overall: There is no decline in the creativity of newspaper makers. The path taken towards visual journalism in print and online will be continued.

Many thanks to all participants! Great projects have been awarded again! Many thanks to the jury! Congratulations to all award winners!

Norbert Küpper Organizer of the European Newspaper Award nkuepper@newspaperaward.org telephone +49 21 59 91 16 15

1. Classical media: in demand in the crisis as seldom before

The Corona crisis created a great need for serious and reliable information. The classic media like television and newspapers have profi ted from this.

 More users for tV news programmes: The TV news programme Tagesschau had 11.78 million viewers at the end of 2020. A year before, it was only 9.8 million.

 Circulation increase in print and online: The weekly newspaper Die Zeit has a circulation of 532,453 copies (IVW 3/2020). The number of subscribers increased by 13.2 per cent within one year. Die Zeit now has the highest circulation since it was founded in 1946.

 rising e-paper circulation: The e-paper circulation of German newspapers is currently more than 2.14 million copies. This means that every eighth newspaper is used as an e-paper. 65.8 per cent of e-paper readers are under 50 years of age and thus younger on average than print readers. Regional newspapers: E-paper accounts for 77 per cent of total digital sales, while website paywalls only account for 8 per cent. Nationwide newspapers: They already generate 32 per cent of total revenues with their paywalls. (Source: ZMG).

2. Continued engagement in print and online

The current usage trends mentioned above show that the newspaper model is by no means at an end. The digital transformation is in full swing and editorial teams are still equally committ ed to print and online. This means that print is by no means neglected by most newspaper publishers. In the online sector, new formats such as videos and podcasts are being used successfully.

3. Long-term trend 1: newspaper as a daily magazine

It has oft en been mentioned here as a trend: Newspapers are becoming the daily magazine. Years ago, Scandinavian newspapers were pioneers in this fi eld. Currently, it is newspapers from the Netherlands that publish their current topics in print and online with a high level of creative eff ort. Examples are the main prize winners de Volkskrant and Het Parool. The normal news fl ow is being shift ed more and more to the news websites. In print, a smaller number of topics are presented. This means that newspapers are increasingly detaching themselves from the big

newspaper Design 22

Only a few selected projects can be presented here. The best overview of the trends can be gained from the yearbook. It has 20 chapters and more than 1,400 illustrations. The best way to order is via the bookshop at www.editorial-design.com

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